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济阳孔店构造转型期沉积盆地的特征及勘探意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
济阳孔店组的归属问题一直是济阳盆地演化研究的焦点.通过大量的构造、沉积的基础性研究,提出孔店组是中生代向新生代转换的构造转型期,孔店期盆地叠置于中生代北西向半地堑之上,恰逢印度板块碰撞冈底斯及太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲,构造应力场具有双重性质,使得孔店组沉积盆地构造特征复杂,由于不同部位构造应力场强度的不同,虽为同期沉积盆地但是构造特征、盆地充填方式具有较大的差异,济阳盆地孔店组主要分布在惠民凹陷和东营凹陷,勘探重点应放在这两个凹陷. 相似文献
济阳坳陷第三系构造层序及其演化 总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10
以构造层序学、层序地层学理论为指导,建立了济阳坳陷第三系构造层序体系,细致分析了每个构造层序的识别标志、层序地层学特征及构造特征,首次提出济阳坳陷下第三系构造层序经历了孔店构造层序转型期、沙河街断陷发展期、东营末期构造反转期三个演化阶段,深化了济阳坳陷构造演化规律研究,为断陷盆地研究的深入提供了新的思路。 相似文献
通过地震剖面、钻井资料和油田开发资料对渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷地层、构造变形和岩石物性进行研究.结果表明,渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷南缘和东北部存在滑脱构造,滑脱构造主要沿古生界/太古宇不整合面、石炭系/奥陶系假整合面发育,在古生界内部和新生界也有显示.滑脱构造面是一个断层破碎带,发育碎裂岩和褶皱.构造破碎带附近古生界(石炭系)底部和太古宇(奥陶系)顶部出现破碎带,表现为高孔隙度、高渗透率带.视滑动构造强度的不同古生界底部地层可能出现缺失或重复,后者在地震剖面中表现为反射时间明显增大,相应发育滑脱褶皱、堆垛背斜.由于与油气形成的时间相匹配,滑脱构造为潜山油气的储集和运移提供了有效的储集空间和运移通道,是潜山性油气藏形成的重要条件. 相似文献
济阳坳陷砂岩透镜体油藏成因机理与模式 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
渤海湾盆地是我国隐蔽油气藏分布的重要地区, 20世纪90年代后期岩性油气藏已成为胜利探区勘探的重点和储量增长、勘探挖潜的主要领域, 但近几年的勘探实践发现, 岩性油藏的含油气性变化大、成因机理还认识不清. 在对济阳坳陷123个典型砂岩透镜体含油性统计分析的基础上, 结合典型透镜体的详细剖析和核磁共振物理模拟实验的结果综合研究后发现: 砂岩透镜体形成时的构造环境和沉积环境、围岩生排烃条件、砂体储集条件是成藏的主控因素. 砂岩透镜体能否成藏, 取决于围岩(源岩)与砂岩体之间的毛细管压力差和烃浓度梯度产生的扩散作用力和膨胀力的动力与流体向外渗滤遇到的阻力的是否达到平衡. 围岩生排烃条件由差到好、砂体储集条件由差到好、砂体的沉积环境从不利到有利, 当三方面均满足一定的条件时, 圈闭内才具有成藏的条件, 三方面条件均较好时, 圈闭含油气性好. 文中对济阳坳陷新近系沙三下亚段砂岩透镜体油藏的分布进行了预测. 相似文献
济阳坳陷大地热流分布特征 总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27
依据13口井的系统测温数据和700口余井的试油测温数据, 以及47块岩样的热导率测试结果, 给出了济阳坳陷及外围的13个大地热流实测数据和101个大地热流估算值. 结果表明: 济阳坳陷具有较高的大地热流背景, 现今热流平均为(65.8±5.4) mW/m2; 盆地区热流的横向变化特征与基底埋深相关, 基底浅的凸起区和新生代火山岩分布区热流高, 而基底埋深大的凹陷区热流相对低; 沾化凹陷平均为(67.4±5.3) mW/m2, 高于全区平均值, 东营凹陷为(66.0±6.1) mW/m2、车镇凹陷为(65.1±3.7) mW/m2, 与全区平均值较接近, 惠民凹陷为(63.6±5.0) mW/m2, 低于全区平均值. 实际上, 盆地区的基底埋深和盆内凸起或凹陷分布是由新生代岩石圈拉张过程控制的, 火山岩分布也与这期岩石圈拉张过程相关. 所以, 济阳坳陷大地热流分布特征是新生代构造—热事件决定的. 相似文献
沉积盆地的热历史是盆地的构造演化研究和油气资源评价及油气成藏的重要参数.本文利用磷灰石裂变径迹和镜质体反射率古温标模拟计算了济阳坳陷70口单井新生代以来的热演化历史,在此基础上分析了济阳坳陷内东营、沾化、惠民和车镇4个凹陷的地温梯度演化特征.研究结果表明,济阳坳陷新生代以来的古地温梯度是逐渐降低的,但在早第三纪时期下降的幅度较大,而在晚第三纪-第四纪则下降的幅度明显较小;济阳坳陷在孔店组沉积时期的地温梯度为54.0~50.0℃/km之间,沙河街沉积时期为50.0~40.0℃/km,东营组沉积时期为40.0~38.5℃/km,晚第三纪时期为38.5~35.5℃/km,第四纪以来基本未变.坳陷内4个凹陷的古地温梯度演化存在差异,特别是在早第三纪末期的东营构造运动以后,各凹陷的地温梯度演化差异更加明显.在晚第三纪时期,济阳坳陷各凹陷的地温梯度变化均较小,地温梯度的高低依次为东营凹陷、沾化凹陷、惠民凹陷和车镇凹陷.车镇凹陷的古地温梯度在整个新生代演化历史中均是济阳坳陷最低的.这种地温演化的差异与各凹陷的构造沉降演化史密切相关,同时地温演化差异也导致了各凹陷的烃源岩在生烃门限深度的差异.济阳坳陷的古地温梯度演化特征反映了济阳坳陷由断陷向坳陷的构造演化特征. 相似文献
在整理和分析了703口钻井测温资料的基础上,编制了济阳坳陷现今地温梯度分布图、4~6km深度的地温分布图和下第三系沙四段顶界面地温分布图. 研究表明:济阳坳陷的现今地温梯度平均为35.5℃/km,其中沾化、东营、车镇和惠民等4个主要凹陷地温梯度平均值分别为36.1℃/km、35.5℃/km、35.4℃/km和34.6℃/km,外围的潍北凹陷为35.0℃/km. 地温和地温梯度分布主要受凸凹相间的构造格局控制,与基底埋深有关,表现为凸起区高、凹陷区低的特征. 另外,济阳坳陷一些地温梯度相对较高的地区与新生代的火山岩分布基本吻合. 盆地基底埋深,即盆内凸起凹陷的分布,受盆地形成过程中岩石圈伸展控制,火山岩的分布也与岩石圈伸展作用有关,所以,济阳坳陷的地温场分布特征是由构造演化决定的. 研究结果还表明,济阳坳陷大部分地区沙四段目前还处在油气液态窗内. 相似文献
简要介绍了南天山山前库车坳陷的主要活动逆断裂-背斜带的分布特征、构造样式、最新活动证据等资料。平面上库车坳陷呈一“眼”状,由南北两大背斜带构成。北部靠近南天山为一套向南逆冲的逆断裂-背斜系统,最新活动的逆断裂-背斜带为喀桑托开逆断裂-背斜带;南部靠近塔里木盆地的是一套向北逆冲的逆断裂-背斜系统,最新活动的主要是秋里塔格逆断层-背斜带及其以南的亚肯背斜等新背斜;南北两大背斜系统夹持着拜城盆地。坳陷区北部的喀桑托开断裂与坳陷区南部的秋里塔格断裂带是区内最主要的活动断裂,前者长逾60km,后者长近200km,沿这两条断裂带均发现了清楚的断裂露头和古地震形变带。此外,在秋里塔格背斜带以南发育了更新的、规模较小的背斜,表明库车坳陷区的褶皱作用继续向盆地方向扩展。石油地震剖面资料显示,库车坳陷南北两侧的褶皱作用均受盖层与基底之间的滑脱断层控制,属于山前的薄皮构造。滑脱面的深度可达10km左右。这是库车坳陷主要的发震层 相似文献
The concept and division method for petroleum accumulation system,based on layer structure,are presented according to characteristics of layer structure and reservoirs. The petroleum accumulation system of Jiyang depression can be divided into four levels,namely petroleum accumulation system combination,petroleum accumulation system,oil-gas reservoir combination and reservoir. The petro-leum accumulation system combination includes three types of genetic pattern: other-source bur-ied-ridge accumulation system combination in pre-Paleogene,medium-deep layer self-source accu-mulation system combination in Paleogene,and shallow layer other-source accumulation system combination in Neogene. This paper also describes the reservoir types and their distribution charac-teristics of different petroleum accumulation system combinations and their interior units. 相似文献
自中新世晚期(大约5.2 Ma B.P.)以来,渤海海域盆地进入裂后构造活动最活跃的新构造运动时期,致使渤海海域沉降沉积中心迁移、玄武岩喷发、地震频繁活动、深大断裂继承性活动和大量晚期断裂的生成.该期构造运动海域强度明显高于相邻陆域,呈现出幕式活动的特征.在新构造运动的影响和控制作用下,渤海海域含油气盆地形成了一批大型浅层背斜圈闭,油气输导体系得到优化,烃源岩晚期快速生烃,油气幕式充注成藏.本文以PL19-3油气藏为例,初步总结了渤海新构造运动控制油气晚期快速动态成藏的模式. 相似文献
Rapid hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism in later period in Kelasu thrust belt in Kuqa depression 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Based on the analyses of generation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in the structures of Kela 1, Kela 2 and Kela 3 in Kasangtuokai anticlinal belt using a series of geological and geochemical evidence, this paper proposes that the rapid rate of hydrocarbon generation, main drain path for over-pressured fluid flow and converging conduit system are indispensable conditions for the rapid, late-stage gas accumulation in the Kelasu thrust belt in the Kuqa depression. Due to structural over-lapping and the resultant rapid burial, the maturity of the source rocks had been increased rapidly from 1.3 to 2.5% Ro within 2.3 Ma, with an average rate of Ro increase up to 0.539% Ro/Ma. The rapid matura-tion of the source rocks had provided sufficient gases for late-stage gas accumulation. The kelasu structural belt has a variety of faults, but only the fault that related with fault propagation fold and cut through the gypsiferous mudstone cap could act as the main path for overpressured fluid release and then for fast gas accumulation in low fluid potential area. All the evidence from surface structure map, seismic profile explanation, authigenic kaolinite and reservoir property demonstrates that the main drain path related with faults for overpressured fluid and the converging conduit system are the key point for the formation of the giant Kela 2 gas field. By contrast, the Kela 1 and Kela 3 structures lo-cated on both sides of Kela 2 structure, are not favourable for gas accumulation due to lacking con-verging conduit system. 相似文献
利用沉积学、层序地层学理论分析和研究沉积相特征,得出探区内发育的储层主要有冲积扇、河流、三角洲、浊积扇和滩坝五大沉积体系,提出了上第三系”水流控砂”、下第三系”坡槽控砂”的沉积模式,得到储层按构造带分布的规律.隐蔽性油气藏以”断导”模式成藏,与储层发育相匹配形成四个大的隐蔽性油气藏群.研究地震储层描述方法的适应性和敏感性,利用正、反演类比方法研究地震反射特征,实现了地震相和沉积相的转换.剖析典型的油气藏类型,分析成功的经验,总结失败的教训,得到了针对河流、冲积扇、三角洲、滩坝和浊积扇的描述流程和配套技术系列. 相似文献
Distribution characteristics of terrestrial heat flow density in Jiyang depression of Shengli Oilfield, East China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
GONG Yuling WANG Liangshu LIU Shaowen LI Cheng HAN Yongbing LI Hua LIU Bo & CAI Jingong . Department of Earth Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing China . Department of Exploration Information Technology of East China Institute of Technology Fuzhou China . Earth Science Institution of Shengli Oilfield Dongying China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,47(9)
Terrestrialheatflowdensityistheamountofheatperunitareatransferringfromtheearthinteriortosurface,whichisanexteriorcharacteristicofthethermalandgeodynamicprocessesoccurringindeepmantle[1].Heatflow,asthemostdirectmannerofthermalprocessindeepearthandembodyingabundantinformationofgeology,geophysicsandgeodynamics,isasyntheticallythermalindexandplaysaveryimportantroleinstudyingnotonlytheactivityofcrust,thermalstructureofcrustanduppermantle,aswellasrheologicalstructureoflithosphere,butalsotheevaluation… 相似文献
潮汕坳陷位于珠江口盆地南部,是珠江口盆地油气勘探的新领域.中生界地层特征和油气勘探潜力是目前工作重点.本文分析了潮汕坳陷区域重力、磁异常特征及地震地质规律,提出潮汕坳陷是衔接东沙群岛和西沙群岛两个构造单元的构造过渡带的观点,同时盆倾断层控制了中生界发育与分布.根据潮汕坳陷地震等地球物理特征及地质规律,结合前人研究结果,分析了该区的油气勘探潜力. 相似文献
Tectonic stress field and its effect on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Kuqa depression, Tarim basin 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Through rock acoustic emission experiments and structural deformation analysis, the tectonic stages in Meso-Cenozoic in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin are firstly divided. Then, combining with rock magnetic fabric analysis and memory information, the distribution characteristics of tectonic stress field of every tectonic stage are quantificationally resumed. At the same time, according to the distribution relation of tectonic stress field of hydrocarbon formation stage by the finite element numerical simulation method and the known hydrocarbon reservoirs, the effects of tectonic stress field on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are further analyzed. The Kuqa depression has mainly experienced six tectonic movements since Mesozoic. Except that the tectonic stress field of the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) showed northeast-southwest extensional stress field where the orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) was northwest-southeast, the others were compressive stress field where the orientations of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) were near north-south. Along with the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean, the Kuqa depression in the Indosinian stage (250-208 Ma) was in strong compressive circumstance with apparently big maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. Due to the equilibrium adjustment of interior Eurasia, the Kuqa depression in the Early Yanshan stage (208-135 Ma) was in weak extensional circumstance with apparently small maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude. From the Late Yanshan stage (135-65 Ma) on, with a series of collision events occurring at the south edge of Eurasia, the Kuqa depression was in compressive circumstance again in which the maximum principal stress (σ1) magnitude was from small to big in turn. The Late Himalayan stage (2.6-0.7 Ma) was the main tectonic deformation stage with the biggest principal compressive stress (σ1) magnitude. Tectonic stress field plays a dominant role in hydrocarbon formation, it not only forms migration channels and trap structures for hydrocarbon accumulation, but also is the main drive power for hydrocarbon migration vertically along faults. 相似文献
Poly-phase salt tectonics and hydrocarbon accumulation in Tarim superimposed basin, northwest China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the poly-phase salt tectonics and its relation to the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Tarim superimposed basin. Several salt sequences are developed in the Tarim basin, they are: (1) the Mid-Early Cambrian salt sequence, mainly distributed in the west part of the north Tarim uplift and Keping uplift; (2) the Early Carboniferous salt sequence, mainly distributed in the south slope of the north Tarim uplift; (3) the Paleogene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the mid-west part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt and north Tarim uplift; and (4) the Miocene salt sequence, mainly distributed in the east part of the Kuqa foreland fold belt. The salt sequences deposited in the tectonically calm scenario, while the salt layers deformed during the period of intense tectonism. Although the salt sequences are characteristic of plastic flow, the differences of salt deformation styles exist in the different salt sequences because of the different deformation mechanism. It is attractive that the distribution of the large oil-gas fields or pools has a bearing upon the salt sequences and salt structures, such as the Tahe oilfield related to the Lower Carboniferous salt sequence and laterally facies changed mudstone, the Kela No.2 gas field to the Paleogene salt structures, and the Dina gas field to the Miocene salt structures. It is indicated that the large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the poly-phase salt sequences and structures. The deep analysis of the poly-phase salt tectonics is helpful to understanding the characteristics of the structural deformation and oil-gas accumulation of the Tarim basin. 相似文献
Formation mechanism and model for sand lens reservoirs in the Jiyang Sub-basin, East China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The Bohai Bay basin comprises some very important and well documented subtle traps known in China, which have been the major exploration focus and have become a major petroleum play since the 1990s. However, recent exploration showed that the oil-bearing properties of some sand lens reservoirs may vary significantly and the accumulation mechanisms for these lithological subtle traps are not well understood. Based on statistical analysis of oil-bearing properties for 123 sand lens reservoirs in the Jiyang Sub-basin and combined with detailed anatomy of typical sand lens reservoirs and NMR experiments, it has been shown that the structural and sedimentary factors, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conditions of the surrounding source rocks, as well as the petrophysical properties of sand lens reservoirs are the main controlling factors for the formation of sand lens reservoirs. The formation of a sand lens reservoir depends on the interaction between the hydrocarbon accumulation driving force and the resistance force. The driving force is made up of the differential capillary pressure between sandstones and sources rocks and the hydrocarbon diffusion force, and as well as the hydrocarbon expansion force. The resistance force is the friction resistance force for hydrocarbons and water to move through the pore throats of the sand lens. The sedimentary environment, source rock condition and sand reservoir properties can change from unfavorable to favorable depending on the combination of these factors. When these three factors all reach certain thresholds, the sand lens reservoirs may begin to be filled by hydrocarbons. When all of these conditions become favorable for the formation of sand lens reservoirs, the reservoir would have high oil saturation. This approach has been applied to evaluating the potential of petroleum accumulation in the sand lens reservoirs in the third member of the Neogene Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Sub-basin. 相似文献