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双通道高光谱地物波谱仪测量水体的遥感反射率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遥感反射率是描述水体光谱特征的重要参数之一,是海洋水色遥感的基础物理量。高光谱地物波谱仪具有通道多、覆盖波长广、通道带宽窄等优点,在水体水色特性研究方面具有独特的优势,文章在简要介绍水体遥感反射率测量原理基础上,对几个关键技术问题进行讨论,最后给出一些应用效果。  相似文献   

随着海洋探测的不断发展,海水透明度作为海水光学性质的一个重要参量,也越来越受到人们的关注。文章对比分析了4种海水透明度现场测量方法:透明度盘法~([1])、光纤式高光谱剖面测量法~([2])、激光衰减测量法~([3])和基于双光路原理的海水IOPs高光谱测量法~([4]),主要分析了4种方法的测量原理,对比各自的优缺点,并提出了海水透明度测量未来发展设想。  相似文献   

水体主要成分对表观光学量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遥感反射率是水色遥感中很重要的表观光学量,它和水中色素物质含量有很密切的关系,尤其是在二类水体中,对研究和反演水色3要素:浮游植物色素、总悬浮物、可溶性有机物的浓度起着很重要的作用。通过对分析模型进行模拟分析,同时利用2003年春季黄东海试验的实测数据,对3要素不同含量和相应的遥感反射率之间的关系进行初步探讨,得出一些结果。  相似文献   

黄河河流水体二氧化碳分压及其影响因素分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
根据2003年秋季黄河河流水体二氧化碳分压(p(CO2))的实测数据,结合水文、化学和生物等要素的同步观测资料,对河流水体p(CO2)的影响因素进行了探讨。研究结果表明:生物好氧呼吸作用不是影响河流水体p(CO2)的主要因素,黄河河流p(CO2)的高低主要受水体碳酸盐系统的控制。  相似文献   

本文以黄河口湿地为研究区,应用覆盖该区域的CHRIS高光谱遥感影像,提出了一种基于地物光谱可分性的滨海湿地高光谱影像波段选择方法。该方法利用研究区的7种典型地物的110余条现场实测地物光谱曲线,通过分析比对地物两两之间的光谱可分度,确定地物类型之间的光谱可分区间,基于此选取CHRIS高光谱影像的地物分类特征波段,应用三种经典的监督分类方法(支持向量机法SVM、人工神经网络法ANN和光谱角制图法SAM)开展利用全波段的和利用本文方法选择特征波段的分类对比实验。结果表明:(1)基于光谱可分性特征波段的方法较全波段分类精度有所提高,其中ANN分类精度最高,为82.52%,较全波段分类精度提高了约为5.1%;(2)芦苇、水体、黄河水和裸滩4种地物的识别能力高,生产者精度都在80%以上;(3)碱蓬的用户精度提升最为明显,约在7%。  相似文献   

孙凌  张杰 《海洋科学进展》2004,22(Z1):101-108
应用一种基于遗传算法的二类水体水色反演算法,评估了HY-1A CCD反演水体组分浓度的能力.算法采用了三组分(叶绿素、悬浮物质和黄色物质)海水光学模型作为前向模型,以二进制编码遗传算法作为优化方法.通过多次反演试验,讨论了遗传算法参数对反演结果的影响;通过构造不同目标函数,讨论了目标函数对反演结果的影响;通过波段平均前后的数据模拟反演,分析了HY-1A CCD的波段平均对水色反演的影响;分析了该水色优化反演算法的浓度范围适用性;最后分析了该算法对输入数据误差的敏感性.模拟反演表明,HY-1A CCD可以用于进行二类水体水色反演,特别是在悬浮物质反演方面,该传感器优势明显.  相似文献   

光纤传感器和水声学及其换能器在海洋技术上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
光纤传感器和水声学及其换能器在海洋技术上的应用孙德兴邵道远朱厚卿邱嵩(中国科学院声学研究所)廖延彪(清华大学电子工程系)光纤传感器和水声换能器在海洋技术上具有极大的应用价值和潜在的应用价值。本文将分别介绍光纤传感器的发展现状及其能够探测物理量的范围以...  相似文献   

光纤化学传感器及其在海水有机物监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光纤化学传感器以其优良的抗电磁干扰性、耐久性以及多功能性而倍受重视。本文在简单介绍光纤化学传感器的原理和应用的基础上,重点介绍了中红外光纤化学传感器在2~20μm这一光谱范围内使用的若干成就。论述了基于该传感器的测量系统对海洋有机污染物实现实时、现场连续监测的重要意义  相似文献   

基于EOF分析对南海西北海域水体光谱特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance(R_(rs)) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018.R_(rs)was initially divided into four classes,classes A to D,using the max-classification algorithm,and the spectral properties of whole R_(rs) were characterized using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.Subsequently,the dominant factors in each EOF mode were determined.The results indicated that more than 95% of the variances of R_(rs) are partly driven by the back-scattering characteristics of the suspended matter.The initial two EOF modes were well correlated with the total suspended matter and back-scattering coefficient.Furthermore,the first EOF modes of the four classes of R_(rs)(A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1) significantly contributed to the total variances of each R_(rs) class.In addition,the correlation coefficients between the amplitude factors of class A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1 and the variances of the relevant water quality and optical parameters were better than those of the unclassified ones.The spectral shape of class AR_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of chlorophyll a and colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM).The spectral shape of class B R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of CDOM since it exhibited a high correlation with the absorption coefficient of CDOM(a_g(λ)),whereas the spectral shape of class C R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the back-scattering characteristics but not affected by the suspended matter.The spectral shape of class D R_(rs)-EOF_1 exhibited a relatively good correlation with all the water quality parameters,which played a significant role in deciding its spectral shape.  相似文献   

基于交叉非对称的czerny-Turner结构, 研制了一种微型光纤光谱仪, 采用光栅分光、线阵CCD探测光, 基于复杂可编程逻辑器件及PC104设计CCD数据采集电路, 采样结果通过PC104总线上传至PC104工控机, 光谱仪及数据采集电路集成为一光谱仪模块, 约为96mm(宽)×104mm(长)×18mm(高), 该模块与PC104工控机之间通过PC104总线以“针”和“孔”形式层叠连接, 在具有体积小、功耗低、采样速度快等优点的同时还具有极好的抗震性, 非常适合于野外恶劣工作环境下的在线使用。将其应用于海水中铁等痕量元素及营养盐在线检测仪, 试验结果良好。  相似文献   

端元提取是混合像元分解的基础,也是高光谱遥感的研究热点。对于特定区域的高光谱图像应该使用哪种端元提取算法,需要对各种端元提取算法进行客观地评价。作者针对黄河口湿地CHRIS高光谱图像,使用了重建图像与原图像的均方根误差、有效端元数量两个指数对PPI、N-FINDR、VCA、OSP、IEA和SISAL六种典型的端元提取算法进行了评价。结果表明,SISAL算法重建误差最小,仅有其他算法误差的10%~28%;OSP算法识别了具有物理意义的6种有效端元,多于其他算法识别的地物类型,而SISAL算法识别的端元缺乏物理意义。  相似文献   


The high-frequency acoustic properties of seafloor sediments are very significant in seafloor study and underwater acoustic study field. In order to measure the sound speed and the attenuation for the small-scale sediment cores more accurately, this study developed a water coupled acoustic laboratory measurement system based on Richardson-Briggs technique. This method used the correlation comparison of waveforms received in sediment core and in identical reference tubes filled with water to measure sound speed and attenuation. The sound speed and attenuation of a clayey silt sediment sample were measured using the water coupled acoustic laboratory measurement system. This frequency dependence of the sound speed and attenuation showed that the clayey silt sediment has a weak positive sound speed dispersion, while the attenuation increases with a strong positive gradient within the measurement frequency range. This study also noted that the measured sound speed ratio match well with the empirical equations from literature. The measured attenuation factor data can fall in the Hamilton’s empirical prediction range.  相似文献   

Model output from a Pacific basin-wide three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model during the period of 1991 to 2008 was used to investigate the impact of Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait. Based on the characteristic salinities of both Kuroshio water and the South China Sea water, a Kuroshio impact index (KII) was designed to measure the degree of impact. The KII correlates significantly with the northeast-southwest component of wind stress, but the former lags the latter by approximately two months. The correlation coefficient between them increases from 0.267 4 to 0.852 9, with a lag time increasing from 0 to 63 days. The impact of Kuroshio Water is greater in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. At the interannual time scale, El Niño and La Niña events play an important role in impacting the KII. During El Niño events, more Kuroshio water contributes to the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait. Conversely, during La Niña events, less Kuroshio water contributes to the source water.  相似文献   

利用SeaWiFS反演海水透明度的模式研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
海水透明度是描述海水光学特性的一个基本参数.根据水下光辐射传输理论及对比度传输理论,建立了海水透明度的半分析定量遥感模式.利用大量实测透明度资料对模式进行了验证,结果表明遥感反演透明度与实测透明度的相关系数为0.84,绝对平均误差为4.17m,相对平均误差为22.6%.最后利用建立的模式和Sea WiFS卫星资料制作了我国海域1999年的月平均透明度遥感产品.  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感的渤海海冰厚度半经验模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sea ice thickness is one of the most important input parameters for the prevention and mitigation of sea ice disasters and the prediction of local sea environments and climates. Estimating the sea ice thickness is currently the most important issue in the study of sea ice remote sensing. With the Bohai Sea as the study area, a semiempirical model of the sea ice thickness(SEMSIT) that can be used to estimate the thickness of first-year ice based on existing water depth estimation models and hyperspectral remote sensing data according to an optical radiative transfer process in sea ice is proposed. In the model, the absorption and scattering properties of sea ice in different bands(spectral dimension information) are utilized. An integrated attenuation coefficient at the pixel level is estimated using the height of the reflectance peak at 1 088 nm. In addition, the surface reflectance of sea ice at the pixel level is estimated using the 1 550–1 750 nm band reflectance. The model is used to estimate the sea ice thickness with Hyperion images. The first validation results suggest that the proposed model and parameterization scheme can effectively reduce the estimation error associated with the sea ice thickness that is caused by temporal and spatial heterogeneities in the integrated attenuation coefficient and sea ice surface. A practical semi-empirical model and parameterization scheme that may be feasible for the sea ice thickness estimation using hyperspectral remote sensing data are potentially provided.  相似文献   

以琼东南深海三维地震资料为例,全面分析深海地震资料特点,深入分析深海干扰波的类型和特点。针对不同类型的干扰波,采用不同的处理方法,开展针对深海地震资料叠前去噪处理技术研究。通过研究深海地震多次波压制、水鸟干扰压制、涌浪干扰和异常振幅压制等处理方法,总结出针对深海地震资料的叠前去噪技术,为今后的深海地震资料处理工作奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

采用国际通用的方法研究了东海近海水质活性磷测定中的不确定度,分析了现场特定环境、测量标准、取样体积、摩尔质量等因素对测量不确定度的影响,评估了各参数的标准不确定度、合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度.结果表明,现场特定环境是影响东海近海水质活性磷测定中不确定度的主要因素;东海近海水质活性磷测定中的相对合成标准不确定度约为0.067.  相似文献   

周在明  陈本清  徐冉  方维 《海洋学报》2021,43(9):137-145
红树林种群的组成和分布对于红树林生态系统的保护和恢复至关重要。本研究以漳江口红树林保护区为研究对象,通过获取无人机高光谱影像,进行光谱特征分析、光谱微分变换和包络线去除,提取了911组17个光谱特征参数,通过逐步判别分析筛选出13个用于决策树构建的特征参数,最终通过C5.0决策树模型获得了研究区红树林种群的分布状况。结果表明,漳江口红树林保护区植被种群呈现自上到下不同类型的分布情况,研究区上部以桐花树和秋茄混合类型为主,中间区域呈现白骨壤、桐花树和秋茄三者共生的现状,研究区下部则以白骨壤分布为主,伴生有少量的秋茄。通过混淆矩阵计算,得到研究区总体分类精度为 87.95%,Kappa系数为 83.81%,具有较好的精度。研究结果可为区域红树林湿地保护提供数据支撑,为红树林种群识别研究提供方法参考。  相似文献   

Frequency-selective attenuation of sound propagaion and reverberation in shallow waterTXFrequency-selectiveattenuationofsoundp...  相似文献   

For the study of the cross-shore wave-induced hydrodynamics in the swash zone, a numerical model is developed based on the one-dimensional non-linear shallow water (NSW) equations for prediction of hydrodynamic parameters in the swash zone. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the outputs of the numerical model, the model's predictions in terms of water surface elevations and cross-shore velocities, are compared to field data from full-scale experiments conducted on three sites with different beach slope; mild and steep, several bed particle sizes and under various incident wave conditions. The quantitative and qualitative comparison of the results of the numerical model and the full-scale data reveals that the model can generally predict many aspects of the flow in the surf and swash zone on both types of beach. The accuracy is adequate for application in a sediment transport study. Considering the time-history and probability distribution of water surface elevation, the model is generally more accurate on steep beaches than on the mild beach. The model can adequately simulate the dominant frequency across the beach and saturation of higher frequencies on both mild and steep beaches for various incident wave energy characteristics. With regard to the horizontal (cross-shore) velocity, the sawtooth shape of time-history and negative acceleration of water are well predicted by the model for both mild and steep beaches. Due to the uncertainties in maximum and minimum values of velocity data, clear judgement about the accuracy of the numerical model in this matter was not possible. However, the comparison of the minimum velocities (offshore direction) revealed that the application of friction factors below the range which is suggested by literature best match the data.  相似文献   

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