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2000年1月30日至2月4日在新西兰奥克兰市举行的第二十届世界地震工程大会是一次世界地震界科学家盛大聚会。大会收到论文2700余篇,内容主要涉及地震工程方面,也探讨了对若干次大震进行总结的经验教训及震前准备、大众行为、减灾措施、对社会经济影响和信息管理等我们十分关注的问题。它反映了当今世界地震工程界科技成果的最新进展。这次大会所讨论的问题及其提供的新思路、新方法、新成果对我省防震减灾事业无疑具有很好的启迪和借鉴价值。在福建省地震局科学技术委员会和闽南综合防震减灾示范工程办公室领导的支持下,我们…  相似文献   

一、概 况 第十二届世界地震工程大会(WCEE)于2000年1月30日至2月4日在新西兰的臭克兰举行。中国地震局派出以中国工程院谢礼立院士为团长的代表团前往参加这次大会,代表团共有10名成员,其中中国地震局工程力学研究所4名;兰州地震研究所2名;武汉地震研究所、中国地震局工程地震研究中心、福建省地震局以及沈阳建筑工程学院各一名。本届大会的正式代表1524人。 大会收到论文2700余篇,内容主要围绕地震工程方面,可以归纳为十个主要议题(后面简要介绍)。这些论文通过多种形式在会上进行交流。每天都安排2…  相似文献   

20 0 2年初泉州市活断层探测技术方案经专家论证后 ,泉州市地震局随即向泉州市政府作了汇报。泉州市政府对这项防震减灾基础研究项目给予了高度重视 ,安排了 2 2 0万元城市活断层探测项目配套经费 ,并下发了《关于协助省地震局科研队伍在泉州开展探测和实验工作的通知》 ,为泉州市活动断层探测项目的顺利实施奠定了良好基础。经过项目负责技术人员 4个月的工作 ,该项目目前已取得以下阶段性成果 :1 开展了控制性地球化学探测与地震危险性评价 ,目的是要查明目标区北西向清源山断裂、寺角断裂和乌石山断裂以及北东向惠安—晋江断裂的大致位…  相似文献   

福建省地震局认真贯彻落实黄小晶副省长批示   2月 1 9日中共福建省委常委、常务副省长黄小晶在福建省地震重点监视防御区城市防震减灾体系工程《工作简报 (第 7期 )》上批示 :“这件事一定要办好 ,有什么难办的事情请即通知我”。黄副省长的批示充分体现了省委、省政府领导对防震减灾体系工程这一为民办实事项目的高度重视 ,对工程建设提出了殷切的希望和要求 ,同时也是对项目承建单位的鞭策和鼓励。为贯彻落实黄副省长的指示精神 ,切实抓紧抓好防震减灾体系工程建设 ,省地震局对有关工作做了认真部署 :一是明确防震减灾体系工程2 0 0 2…  相似文献   

福建数字地震台网扩建工程于二一年年底完成了五个数字遥测台站的土建和建筑装修工程 ,接着进行了太阳能电池和避雷接地的施工架设 ,通信线路的申请、开通及地震仪器安装、调试。二二年元月五个台开始并网试运行 ,2月 1日至 4月 30日进入考核运行 ,之后又正常运行了三个月 ,7月30日省地震局科技监测处组织有关专家 ,对地震台网扩建工程进行测试尔后召开了验收会。福建省数字地震台网扩建工程是福建省地震重点监视防御区城市防震减灾体系工程的重要组成部分 ,是针对我省目前部分地区地震台站密度较稀的现状 ,为提高地震监测能力 ,进…  相似文献   

海峡两岸防震减灾学术研讨会于2004年12月24日至26日在泉州召开。中国地震局副局长、海峡两岸地震科技交流中心主任刘玉辰,中国地震局原局长、全国政协委员陈章立,省地震局局长金星,省政府办公厅副主任彭照杉,泉州市副市长洪泽生等领导同志,中国科学院和中国工程院院士陈运泰、  相似文献   

地震应急反应能力和灾害救援组织的效能是评价一个地区防震减灾水平的重要尺度。为了提高地震应急救援工作的能力 ,福建省地震局震害预测项目组采用多层次、多空间尺度的城乡震害预测技术途径和系统研究原则 ,以适应不同层次的地震应急、救援决策、组织指挥工作的需要。  相似文献   

200年6月1日至6月2日,由海峡两岸地震科技交流中心和台湾中大地球科学院共同主办、福建省地震局和福建省科学技术协会承办的“海峡两岸城市防震减灾研讨会”在福州举行。以中大地球科学学院院长蔡义本教授为团长的来自台湾地区的16位代表参加了会议,他们是代表台湾地区最高学术和管理水平的地震专家及地震灾害管理人员。两位香港特别行政区学者及包括4位中国科学院、中国工程院院士在内的近30位祖国大陆代表参加了研讨会。双方交流的重点从过去主要着眼于地震科学学术研究拓展为关注如何把有关的科学技术应用于防震减灾实践中,注重减轻地震…  相似文献   

经省计委、省财政厅同意 ,福建省地震局 1月 1 5日在福州主持召开防震减灾中心大楼设计方案审查会。参加会议的有省政府办公厅和省计委、财政厅、建设厅、国土资源厅、人防办、武警消防总队及福州市建委、规划局等有关部门的领导和专家。与会专家认真审查了大楼抗震的性能、布局的合理性和防震减灾各系统功能的需求 ,针对设计方案中的一些不足 ,提出修改意见。根据此次评审会的意见 ,设计部门对设计方案作了修改完善。目前 ,大楼初步设计概算已报省计委审批福建省防震减灾中心大楼设计方案通过审查@陈少敏  相似文献   

本文简要介绍泉州市地震局依靠各级政府、有关部门和全社会的共同努力 ,以落实地震应急预案为楔机促进“预、防、救”三大体系工全面发展的工作经验 :一、以落实《地震应急预案》为抓手 ,争取项目 ,以项目带动一切 ;二、结合社会转型全面加大防震减灾知识宣传力度 ;三、不以经费的来源划分你我 ,动员全社会的力量建立健全预警应急机制。  相似文献   

以产自新西兰的碧玉样品作为研究对象,采用常规的宝石学测试、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、环境扫描电子显微镜、等离子体质谱仪、X射线粉晶衍射仪,对其表面微观形貌、矿物组成、化学成分特征进行了较全面的研究。研究表明,新西兰碧玉的显微结构致密程度不高,矿物结晶颗粒粗细不一,局部具有定向性,其主要的矿物组成为角闪石,内含黑色的铬铁矿杂质。将新西兰碧玉的化学成分特征与新疆一带所产的碧玉相比较,主量元素和微量元素的含量均有所差别。  相似文献   

A comparison of the geochemical features of loesses of New Zealand and China indicates that the distributions of the elements and their variations reflect the fluctuations of climate which can be compared with the oxygen isotope stages and glacial periods.New Zialand loess is different in source from Chinese loess.Therefore ,some differences are also noticed in their chemical compositions .Loess accumulation in New Zealand is later than that in China.Because of more rainfall in New Zealand and different distributions of loess the elements in loess have suffered stronger leaching than in China.  相似文献   

New fossils of dinosaurs and pterosaurs have been found in the conglomeratic facies of the Maungataniwha Member of the Tahora Formation (Campanian) of New Zealand. These derive from a large theropod, a sauropod, an ankylosaur and a pterosaur. Together with previously described material they indicate at least five, maybe seven, taxa from the Late Cretaceous terrestrial fauna of New Zealand. At that time New Zealand was an island near Antarctica, so this represents an insular, polar fauna.We assume a vicariance model for the origin of this fauna, which probably samples that present in Antarctica at the time New Zealand rifted away from it. The fauna differs from other well known Cretaceous Gondwana faunas in including an ankylosaur, but is similar to that from the Late Early Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia. The inclusion of both an ankylosaur and sauropod lend a relict, Early Cretaceous aspect to the fauna. There seems to be no particular similarity to known polar faunas from the Early Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, or the Late Cretaceous of Alaska and Antarctica.Dinosaurs, both large and small, were capable of surviving in the cool to cold-temperate, seasonal climate of New Zealand at this time.  相似文献   

Gibbs  G. W. 《GeoJournal》1983,7(6):505-510

The distribution and possible evolutionary history of two major lineages of Micropterigidae in Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand are presented. In Australia a simple vicariant evolutionary model is applied to the data and it is noted that the development of micropterigids is paralleled by the evolutionary history of eastern Australian rainforests. In New Zealand there appear to be distinct patterns of evolution in the different micropterigid lineages, a situation which is interpreted in terms of separate evolutionary histories, possibly on different land masses. In New Caledonia a species swarm exists which is also interpreted in terms of a former more complex geography. It is concluded that micropterigid evolution in the SW Pacific supports the idea of a composite origin for both New Zealand and New Caledonia.


Summary The oceanic highs and deeps around New Zealand exhibit a marked linearity and fall into three groups whose features trend NW-SE, E-W and NNESSW. These groups are recognized as structural provinces — the Northwestern, Chatham and Kermadec Provinces respectively, with both age and geographic differences.The New Zealand land mass occupies a position at the meeting of the three structural trends and the relief is taken to be a function of this conjunction of trends.No signs of late structural activity along trends referable to the Northwestern and Chatham provinces have been observed in New Zealand, and the submarine relief could be of pre-Tertiary age.Active movement on the Kermadec province trend has taken place up to Recent time and the submarine features of this region are considerably younger.New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Contribution No. 24.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the interaction of a New Zealand greywacke and hot water at temperatures up to 500°C. Comparisons are drawn between the trace element content of the reaction solutions and the composition of New Zealand thermal waters with particular reference to the Broad-lands geothermal field.The experiments have demonstrated that hot water can extract significant quantities of As, Sb, Se and S at temperatures below the maximum temperatures recorded for the major geothermal fields in New Zealand.The amount of Tl and Co leached up to 500°C was below the limits of detection and data could not be obtained for Au, Ag, Te and Bi.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987110000356   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We have analyzed the July 15,2009,Fiordland earthquake(M_w 7.8),which occurred in the southwestern part of the South Island of New Zealand.This thrust-related earthquake in the southern Fiordland subduction zone is the largest New Zealand earthquake in the past 80 years.We have constrained a rupture model for this earthquake using coseismic offsets derived from the continuous geodetic network(Global Positioning System) of the New Zealand Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS Science).Our anal...  相似文献   

Land-use planners have a critical role to play in building vibrant, sustainable and hazard resilient communities in New Zealand. The policy and legal setting for natural hazards planning provides a solid foundation for good practice. But there are many examples of ‘bad practice’ that result in unnecessary risks and, in some cases, exposure to repeat events and potentially devastating impacts. Much, therefore, remains to be done to improve hazards planning policy and practice in New Zealand. This article explores the questions: What role does land-use planning play in managing hazard risks in New Zealand; and what needs to be done to reduce hazard risks and build community resilience? The article starts by describing the milieu within which natural hazards planning takes place. It goes onto outline the stakeholders and institutional and legal setting for natural hazards planning in New Zealand, including barriers to realising the potential of natural hazards planning. This synthesis reveals a number of ‘burning issues’, including the need to: (a) Improve understanding about the nature of hazards; (b) Prioritise risk avoidance (reduction) measures; (c) Provide national guidance for communities exposed to repeat events and address the relocation issue and (d) Mainstream climate change adaptation. Each ‘burning issue’ is discussed, and priority actions are recommended to realise the potential of land-use planning to reduce natural hazard risks and build community resilience in New Zealand. Ultimately, the challenge is to develop a cooperative hazards governance approach that is founded on coordinated policies, laws and institutions, cooperative professional practice and collaborative communities.  相似文献   

Study on the suitability of New Zealand coals for hydrogen production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Internationally there is considerable interest in utilizing hydrogen as an energy carrier. The use of hydrogen offers considerable potential benefits such as reducing greenhouse emissions, reducing urban pollution, increased energy security and increased efficiencies from the use of advanced energy conversion technologies.One of the most important questions when considering the development of a hydrogen economy is “where will the hydrogen come from?” Possible answers include electrolysis of water, steam reforming of methane and the gasification of coal. Given the high costs associated with electrolysis of water, and the increase in the cost of methane predicted over time, the gasification of coal is viewed by many as being the cheapest method of hydrogen production in the foreseeable future. These considerations are particularly relevant to New Zealand where gas supplies are dwindling but where there is sufficient coal to last for many centuries at present utilization rates. This, along with the current high international interest in hydrogen energy, has been recognized by the New Zealand Government in the form of a six-year [2002–2008] research project “Hydrogen Energy for the Future of New Zealand”.One important coal property that, in particular, determines the suitability of a particular coal for use in a fluidised bed gasifier is its reactivity towards the gasification reaction. It was found that a high percentage of New Zealand's coal resource is particularly well-suited towards fluidised bed gasification, reacting at anywhere between 0.9 to 1.75 times the rate of Australian brown coals. It was found the New Zealand lignites contained significant levels of organically bound calcium, which was shown to be responsible for not only the high reactivity of the New Zealand lignites, but also a product gas composition with higher than expected hydrogen concentrations. These findings are discussed along with their implications for the gasifier and gas clean-up design.  相似文献   

Agriculture was the primary target of moves to deregulate the New Zealand economy in 1984. Within twelve-months all production subsidies had been removed, including those for fertiliser and other inputs, as well as funding for drought relief, floods and other natural weather disasters. Whereas at the start of 1984, subsidies were estimated to represent as much as 33% of farm income, by 2003 this had fallen to less than 2% with most of this spent on agricultural research. The anticipated shift of thousands of people off the land did not appear to occur, and by conventional measures at least New Zealand agriculture in 2003 is a major success story. At the core of the changes imposed on agriculture was a commitment to remove all state or government distortions from the system and to fully expose the agricultural sector to market forces. This included wide-ranging and fundamental changes in the broad institutional context within which agriculture must operate. All this was achieved at great social cost and with a significant impact on the environment. In many respects New Zealand agriculture is now very different from that in 1984. Some sectors, such as dairying, have grown and become increasingly industrialised. On the other hand, sheep farming, particularly for wool has struggled to maintain its market share, while other enterprises have emerged as significant sources of income, including horticulture, viticulture and fruit. It is argued here that the trends evident in New Zealand agriculture since 1984 pre-existed the reform period and that the apparent success of the reforms evident at a national scale have not addressed or removed the fundamental problems which face New Zealand agriculture, just as they do modern agricultural systems elsewhere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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