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贵州水银洞金矿构造蚀变体稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水银洞金矿构造蚀变体(SBT)为产出于茅口租(P2m)和龙潭组(P3l)之间不整合面上的一套强硅化灰岩、灰岩角砾岩、硅化粘土岩组合.呆用ICP-MS测定钻孔岩芯中构造蚀变体样品稀土元素组成,对比研究SBT围岩、区域岩浆岩及现代海底热水系统流体稀土元素组成.结果显示,SBT的轻重稀土分馏明显[LREE/HREE=4.92~17.51,(La/Yb)N=5.94~38.37],曲线右倾型;轻稀土分异明显,曲线右倾程度大;重稀土分异不明显,曲线平坦;负Eu(0.61~0.94)、Ce(0.52~1.07)异常明显;SBT及围岩均具有明显W型稀土元素四分组效应,而不同于区域岩浆岩和现代海底热水系统流体,表明热液流体来源以壳源为主.  相似文献   

Study of the concentration of major, trace, and rare earth elements (REE) in the Shahindezh karst bauxite deposit, northwestern Iran clarifies the relationship of the tetrad effect with geochemical parameters in the bauxite ores. The existence of irregular curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns as well as non-CHARAC behavior of geochemically isovalent pairs (Y/Ho) are related to the tetrad effect. The meaningful positive correlation between the sizes of the calculated T3 tetrad effect and some geochemical factors such as Y/Ho, ΣREE, La/Y, (La/Yb)N, and (LREE/HREE)N as well as some major oxides-based parameters like Al2O3 + LOI/SiO2 + Fe2O3, Al2O3/Fe2O3, Al2O3 + LOI, IOL, and SiO2 + Fe2O3 indicate that the studied bauxite horizon was likely deposited by different (acidic and/or alkalic) solutions at different stages. The lower part of the studied horizon with a thickness of ~4.7 m displays alkali characteristics whereas the upper parts of the horizon with a thickness of ~5.3 m are characterized by more acidic conditions. These results are fully supported by the co-occurrence of convex-concave tetrad effect curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns. Therefore, the tetrad effect phenomenon used in this study has proved to be a good and reliable geochemical proxy to assess the conditions of the depositional environment in the Shahindezh bauxite ores.  相似文献   

恰嘎次火山岩侵位于特提斯喜马拉雅沉积岩系的东南部,雅拉香波片麻岩穹隆与藏南拆离系之间的地区。通过镜下鉴定和对岩石的主量元素、微量元素组成的测试和分析,确定为流纹质次火山岩。该岩体以富SiO2、Al2O3、K2O、Na2O,贫MgO、CaO、TFeO为特征,里特曼指数σ介于1.07~2.37之间,指示其属于钙碱性系列岩石。微量元素的测试结果表明,稀土元素总量较低,其配分图上产生类似于四分组的“膝折”效应;富集LILE、亏损HFSE,K/Rb和Rb/Cs比值低于一般酸性岩浆侵入岩体,Y/Ho、Nb/Ta和 Zr/Hf 的比值均偏离球粒陨石值。结合前人对稀土元素四分组效应的研究,认为富挥发分的流体作用于高度演化的酸性过铝质岩浆后,其稀土元素配分模式也能形成类似四分组的“膝折” 配分模式,元素Gd显示正异常。  相似文献   

恰嘎次火山岩侵位于特提斯喜马拉雅沉积岩系的东南部,雅拉香波片麻岩穹隆与藏南拆离系之间的地区。通过镜下鉴定和对岩石的主量元素、微量元素组成的测试和分析,确定为流纹质次火山岩。该岩体以富SiO2、Al2O3、K2O、Na2O,贫MgO、CaO、TFeO为特征,里特曼指数σ介于1.07~2.37之间,指示其属于钙碱性系列岩石。微量元素的测试结果表明,稀土元素总量较低,其配分图上产生类似于四分组的“膝折”效应;富集LILE、亏损HFSE,K/Rb和Rb/Cs比值低于一般酸性岩浆侵入岩体,Y/Ho、Nb/Ta和 Zr/Hf 的比值均偏离球粒陨石值。结合前人对稀土元素四分组效应的研究,认为富挥发分的流体作用于高度演化的酸性过铝质岩浆后,其稀土元素配分模式也能形成类似四分组的“膝折” 配分模式,元素Gd显示正异常。  相似文献   

张辉  刘丛强 《地球化学》2001,30(4):323-334
新疆阿尔泰可可托海3号伟晶岩脉磷灰石矿物中稀土元素(REE)和其他微量元素的ICP-MS分析结果表明,Y/Ho,Zr/Hf和Nb/Ta明显偏离球粒陨石中对应的比值,并存在显著的REE“四分组效应”,REE“四分组效应”量化特征参数TE3,4主要与Y/Ho,Nb/Ta分异程度有关,与δEu负异常演化程度相一致,锰铝榴石也呈现REE“四分组效应”和Y/Ho,Nb/Ta显著分异,指示REE“四分组效应”是形成伟晶岩熔体的一个基本特征,并不是由富LREE矿物(如独居石)和富HREE矿物(如四榴子石)结晶引起的残余熔体REE含量的异常变化,其机制可能是富F,B和P的过铝质窝本与含水流体间相互作用,REE在流体相/熔体相的分配受温度,压力和流体相组成复合控制的综合结果。  相似文献   

Chol-qeshlaghi altered area lies in the northwestern part of the post-collisional Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc, NW Iran. Pervasive silicic, argillic, phyllic and propylitic altered zones appears to be intimately affiliated to the fluids derivative of upper Oligocene Khankandi granodiorite. This paper is dedicated to the identification of geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal alterations, focusing on the determination of the mass gains and losses of REEs, to gain significant insights regard...  相似文献   

The Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit(northwest of Varzeghan, East-Azarbaidjan Province, NW Iran) is a product of the alteration of Eocene andesitic rocks. Based on mineralogical examinations, kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite-illite, alunite, calcite, diaspore, goethite and hematite are the most abundant mineral phases in this deposit. The geochemical indicators, such as Y/Ho and Zr/Hf, indicate the non-CHARAC(non-Charge-radius control) behavior of these pairs, which are likely to be due to the occurrence of the tetrad effect phenomenon in this deposit. Simultaneous concave and convex shapes in the chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns are a remarkable feature of the kaolin samples. Bivariate diagrams of the size of the third tetrad effect(T_3) versus geochemical parameters such as Y/Ho, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios display two distinct populations for the kaolin samples. The first population is characterized by high T_3 values(>0.13), which are near or on the fault zone. The second population is characterized by low T_3 values(<0.13), and are farther from the fault zone. The obtained results from the geochemical data have furnished compelling evidence that fluidrock interaction, overprint of hypogene processes by supergene ones, and structural control, are key controlling factors for the occurrence of tetrad effects in REE distribution patterns in the Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit.  相似文献   

刁海 《地质与勘探》2011,47(5):1902-6-21-908
分形的特征是标度不变性,即在一定的尺度范围内表现出统计的自相似性。在地质现象中,自相似性非常普遍,如:构造的形态、矿床的分布、岩石中元素的含量等。蚀变围岩在一定程度上反映或指示着矿床的分布,蚀变岩石与正常围岩在矿物组分、化学成分和岩石组合上都有所不同。在遥感图像上,上述蚀变特征表现为不同的色调和纹理等,即图像像元亮度的...  相似文献   

The Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit is one of several sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits found in the central part of the Sanadaj-Sirjan Zone, known as the Isfahan-Malayer belt, western Iran. Mineralization occurs in Upper Triassic to Jurassic phyllites and meta-sandstones. Sphalerite and galena are the most abundant metallic ores, with minor chalcopyrite. Calcite and quartz are the main gangue minerals. Fissure filling, replacement textures and especially mineralized faults, suggest an epigenetic stage in the Gol-e-Zard deposit formation. Geochemical studies of mineralized rocks show high concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cu, (Zn and Pb > 10000 ppm and Cu average 3000 ppm). LREE enrichment (LREE>HREE, La/Lu average 1.44) and positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*>1 average 1.67) indicate reducing conditions during the deposition of deposit. However, some samples do not display negative Ce anomalies, which indicate that localized oxidizing conditions are also present. This study indicates that the Gol-e-Zard deposit formed due to circulating hydrothermal fluids in a marine environment. A SEDEX-type genesis, which is defined by circulating hydrothermal fluids through sediments in a marine environment, and syngenetic precipitation of Zn and Pb sulphides, is suggested for the Gol-e-Zard deposit. Emplacement of some granitoid intrusions such as the Aligudarz granitoid intrusion remobilized mineralizing fluids and metamorphosed the Gol-e-Zard deposit.  相似文献   

滇西含绿柱石伟晶岩锆石U-Pb年代学及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对腾冲-梁河地区含绿柱石伟晶岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和地球化学分析。结果表明:含绿柱石伟晶岩的形成时代为(48.1±0.8)Ma(MSWD=4.0),锆石形态特征和微量元素特征显示,伟晶岩锆石受到热液的改造。含绿柱石伟晶岩与55~52 Ma的白云母花岗岩在主量元素、微量元素及稀土元素方面表现出极其相似的特征,为钙碱性系列,过铝质花岗岩,表现出强烈的Eu亏损,δEu为0.074~0.083,相对富集HREE,(La/Yb)N=1.61~1.92,总体表现出典型的“M”型稀土元素四分组效应。含绿柱石伟晶岩是白云母花岗岩浆高度演化的结果,伟晶岩结晶温度为581 ℃,代表了印度-欧亚板块碰撞导致地壳加厚的构造背景。  相似文献   

To discriminate the mineral potentiality of the trachybasalt around the Miocene Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper deposit, petrogeochemical characteristics of more than 45 samples of the volcanic rocks were studied. Sarcheshmeh is one of the world's largest Miocene porphyry copper deposits in a continental arc setting and contains about 1200 million tonnes of ores with an average grade of 1.2 percent copper, 0.03 percent molybdenum, 3.9 g/t Ag and 0.11 g/t Au. The biotized and sericitized trachybasalts around the Sarcheshmeh deposit are associated with chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite and and are enriched in Cu (>3108 ppm), K2O (>4.2%), Rb (>155 ppm) and MgO (>2.9%), but depleted in yttrium (<11 ppm), MnO (<0.06%), CaO (<0.6%), Na2O (<0.33%), Sr (<107 ppm), and Ba (<181 ppm). The propylitized trachybasalts are enriched in CaO (>9.1%), Na2O (>3.2%), MnO (>0.24%), Y (>18.2 ppm), and Ba (>323 ppm). The results demonstrate that the diagrams of loss on ignition ? Cu, Cu ? Y, K2O/K2O + Na2O + CaO ? Cu and Y ? MnO may be used as an exploration guide for undiscovered porphyry copper mineralization in the Central Iranian volcano—plutonic copper belt.  相似文献   

Eastern Iran has great potential for the discovery of different types of mineralization. The study area encompasses Tertiary magmatism in the northern Lut block located in northern Khur, South Khorasan, eastern Iran and is mostly covered by volcanic rocks, which are intruded by porphyritic subvolcanic intrusions in some places. Application of the spectral angle mapper (SAM) technique to Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images detected sericitic, argillic, and propylitic alterations, silicification, and secondary iron oxides. The alteration is linear and associated within vein-type mineralization. Twelve prospective areas are selected for detailed exploration and based on our processing results, in addition to NW-SE faults, which are associated with Cu mineralization indications, NE-SW faults are also shown to be important. Based on the presence of subvolcanic rocks and numerous Cu ± Pb-Zn vein-type mineralizations, extensive alteration, high anomaly of Cu and Zn (up to 100 ppm), the age (43.6 to 31.4 Ma) and the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7047 to 0.7065) of the igneous rocks, and the metallogenic epoch of the Lut block (middle Eocene-lower Oligocene) for the formation of porphyry Cu and epithermal deposits, the studied area shows great potential for porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

Since Ramsay and Graham (1970 ) system atically deliv-ered study results of ductile shear zone,the study on shearzone has been put forward rapidly and has obtained greatachievements.After the“gold- bearing shear zone” type ofmetallogenic model proposed by Bonnemaison(1986 ) ,lots ofstudies showed that large gold- bearing shear zone system,which underwent multi- stage and multi- level tectonic- m inerl-ization evolution,is a complex deformational metam orphic ge-ological body with different d…  相似文献   

Orbitolinid foraminifers are reported for the first time from lower Barremian shallow marine carbonate deposits of the Moghan area, NW Iran. According to geologic map of the Razi, these rocks were previously assigned to general age of the Early Cretaceous. The early Barremian age is documented based on stratigraphic range of the marker Valserina turbinata (Foury). Other orbitolinids such as Eopalorbitolina charollaisi Schroeder, Eopalorbitolina pertenuis (Foury), Paleodictyoconus cf. cuvillieri (Foury), Montseciella cf. alguerensis Cherchi and Schroeder, Paracoskinolina cf. maynci (Chevalier), Orbitolinopsis cf. buccifer Arnaud-Vanneau and Thieuloy, and Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis Schroeder also coexist. Obtained biostratigraphic data suggest that the range of Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis, hitherto known from the Aptian, has to be extended into the early Barremian. Most of the orbitolinid taxa are well known in Europe as northern Tethyan margin endemic forms. Therefore, the study area can be considered as part of the northern Tethys margin during the Barremian. This study also extends the palaeobiogeographic distribution of northern Tethyan orbitolinids eastwards as far as northwest Iran.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Onsen acid‐sulphate type of mineralization is located in the Desmos caldera, Manus back‐arc basin. Hydrothermal precipitates, fresh and altered basaltic andesite collected from the Desmos caldera were studied to determine mineralization and mobility of elements under seawater dominated condition of hydrothermal alteration. The mineralization is characterized by three stages of advanced argillic alteration. Alteration stage I is characterized by coarse subhedral pyrophyllite with disseminated anhedral pyrite and enargite which were formed in the temperature range of 260–340°C. Alteration stage II which overprinted alteration stage I was formed in the temperature range of 270–310°C and is characterized by euhedral pyrite, quartz, natroalunite, cristobalite and mixed layer minerals of smectite and mica with 14–15 Å XRD peak. Alteration stage III is characterized by amorphous silica, native sulphur, covellite, marcasite and euhedral pyrite, which has overprinted alteration stages I and II. Relative to the fresh basaltic andesite samples, the rims and cores of the partly altered basaltic andesite samples have very low major, minor and rare earth elements content except for SiO2 which is much higher (58–78 wt%) than SiO2 content of the fresh basaltic andesite (55 wt%). REE patterns of the partly altered basaltic andesite specimens are variably depleted in LREE and have pronounced negative Eu anomalies. Normalization of major, minor and REE content of the partly altered basaltic andesites to the fresh basaltic andesite indicates that all the elements except for SiO2 in the partly altered basaltic andesite are strongly lost (e.g. Al2O3 = ‐8.3 to ‐10.9 g/100cm3, Ba = ‐2.2 to ‐5.6 mg/100cm3, La = ‐130 to ‐200 μg/100cm3) during the alteration process. Abnormal depletion of MgO, total Fe as Fe2O3, LREE especially Eu and enrichment of SiO2 in the altered basaltic andesites from the Desmos caldera seafloor is caused by interaction of hot acidic hydrothermal fluid, which originates from a mixing of magmatic fluid and seawater.  相似文献   

Located in Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf, Foroozan Oilfield has been producing hydrocarbons via seven different reservoirs since the 1970s. However, understanding fluid interactions and horizontal continuity within each reservoir has proved complicated in this field. This study aims to determine the degree of intra-reservoir compartmentalization using gas geochemistry, light hydrocarbon components, and petroleum bulk properties, comparing the results with those obtained from reservoir engineering indicators. For this purpose, a total of 11 samples of oil and associated gas taken from different producing wells in from the Yammama Reservoir were selected. Clear distinctions, in terms of gas isotopic signature and composition, between the wells located in northern and southern parts of the reservoir (i.e. lighter δ13C1, lower methane concentration, and negative sulfur isotope in the southern part) and light hydrocarbon ratios (e.g. nC7/toluene, 2,6-dmC7/1,1,3-tmcyC5 and m-xylene/4-mC8) in different oil samples indicated two separate compartments. Gradual variations in a number of petroleum bulk properties (API gravity, V/Ni ratios and asphaltene concentration) provided additional evidence on the reservoir-filling direction, signifying that a horizontal equilibrium between reservoir fluids across the Yammama Reservoir is yet to be achieved. Finally, differences in water-oil contacts and reservoir types further confirmed the compartmentalization of the reservoir into two separate compartments.  相似文献   

新疆萨尔托海铬铁矿造矿铬尖晶石蚀变特征及指示意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对萨尔托海矿区25矿群矿体边部、接近围岩造矿铬尖晶石的镜下观察发现:造矿铬尖晶石由三部分组成,自核部至边部依次是未蚀变的核部(灰色)、早期蚀变的中间带(灰白色)和晚期蚀变的边部(浅灰色).探针分析上述三部分的成分,得出早期蚀变中Al大量流失,而Fe发生富集,晚期蚀变Al、Cr、Mg相对于早期蚀变发生富集,而Fe大量流失.通过研究区造矿铬尖晶石与国外变质超基性岩副矿物铬尖晶石对比,认为早期蚀变对应的低角闪岩相变质,温度为550℃~600℃,晚期蚀变对应的是绿片岩相变质,温度为350℃~500℃,核部对应蚀变环境介于低角闪岩相和高角闪岩相之间,稳定温度高于600℃,故未发生蚀变.通过分析区域变质特征并结合造矿铬尖晶石所处的空间部位,认为晚期蚀变是达拉布特蛇绿岩定位后期区域构造作用的结果,推测早期蚀变可能与蛇绿岩构造侵位有关.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Bazman granitoids are located in Sistan and Baluchestan province, southeastern Iran. Geology of the study area consists of Carboniferous shale, sandstone, and limestone and Permian siltstone, shale, sandstone, limestone, and dolomite that were intruded by the Bazman granitoids. These granitoids include various phases of granite, granodiorite, quartz‐monzodiorite, monzodiorite, diorite, and gabbro. They are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, reduced, calc‐alkaline and I‐type, and display geochemical characteristics of continental margin (ensialic) granitoids. In this paper, field, petrography, and geochemical data were used to discriminate the Bazman granitoids either as productive or barren granitoids. Although there are a few skarn‐related mineral occurrences adjacent to the Bazman granitoids, most exposed intrusions are not hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Rb/Sr, Zr/Hf, and K/Rb ratios indicate that the granitic magmas that formed most of the Bazman granitoids indicate that they are moderately evolved and have generally not undergone post‐magmatic hydrothermal activity. The Sm/Eu and Rb/Ba ratios and the concentrations of Rb, Ba, and Sr within the aforementioned granitoids show that the rocks are similar to the averages of granitoids devoid of Li, Be, U, Sn, W, and Ta deposits. The I‐type arc characteristics and other geochemical features of the Bazman granitoids show that they are not typical of parental magmas to Sn, W, Mo, and Zn mineralization, but are mainly fertile for Cu and Fe (Au) skarn‐related granitoids.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hydrothermal systems related to magmatic intrusions in the Jozankei-Zenibako district, southwest Hokkaido are examined, based on field observations, K-Ar ages, and alteration mineral assemblages. The study reveals five major magmat–ic–hydrothermal systems of Late Miocene in age, comprising Ogawa (9. 7 Ma), Jozankei (9. 5–9. 0 Ma), Otarunaigawa (8. 7 Ma), Asarigawa (8. 8 and 6. 7 Ma) and Hariusu (6. 7 Ma). The Ogawa system is related to granodiorite, and the Jozankei, Otarunaigawa and Asarigawa systems are related to quartz porphyry.
The Ogawa system includes potassic, sericitic, propylitic and advanced argillic alteration as well as base-metal mineralization, represented by the Toyotomi deposit. The Jozankei and Otarunaigawa systems lack significant potassic alteration, and are accompanied by sericitic and propylitic alteration. The Otarunaigawa system is associated with base-metal mineralization at Toyohiro and Inatoyo. The Asarigawa and Hariusu systems include advanced argillic and argillic alteration, as well as iron sulfide deposits. The presence of potassic alteration only in the Ogawa system is ascribed to deeper emplacement (˜3 km from the surface) of the intrusive magma. These systems formed in terrestrial environments that existed from ca. 11 Ma to 8. 5 Ma and after 7. 5 Ma in the district.
Age–data compilation shows that the major advanced argillic alteration events in southwest Hokkaido, including those in the Jozankei-Zenibako district, formed during the periods from 9. 7–6. 5 Ma and 3. 5–1. 5 Ma. These periods correspond to the timing of normal subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Northeast Japan arc. Normal, in contrast to oblique, plate subduction is characterized by andesitic, polygenetic volcanism and associated advanced argillic alteration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification method for determining the optimum threshold (maximum spectral angle) to unveil the hydrothermal mineral assemblages related to mineral deposits. The study area indicates good potential for Cu-Au porphyry, epithermal gold deposits and hydrothermal alteration well developed in arid and semiarid climates, which makes this region significant for Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) image processing analysis. Given that achieving an acceptable mineral mapping requires knowing the alteration patterns, petrochemistry and petrogenesis of the igneous rocks while considering the effect of weathering, overprinting of supergene alteration, overprinting of hypogene alteration and host rock spectral mixing, SAM classification was implemented for argillic, sericitic, propylitic, alunitization, silicification and iron oxide zones of six previously known mineral deposits: Maherabad, a Cu-Au porphyry system; Sheikhabad, an upper part of Cu-Au porphyry system; Khoonik, an Intrusion related Au system; Barmazid, a low sulfidation epithermal system; Khopik, a Cu-Au porphyry system; and Hanish, an epithermal Au system. Thus, the investigation showed that although the whole alteration zones are affected by mixing, it is also possible to produce a favorable hydrothermal mineral map by such complementary data as petrology, petrochemistry and alteration patterns.  相似文献   

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