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Effects of ice content on the transport of water in frozen soil are studied experimentally and theoretically under isothermal conditions. A physical law, that the flux of water in unsaturated frozen soil is proportional to the gradient of total water content is proposed. Theoretical justification is made by the use of the two-phase flow theory. The experimental results are shown to support the proposed physical law. The results of this study are presented in two parts and this is the second paper describing the theoretical aspects of the study.  相似文献   

A new experimental method for measuring the soil-water diffusivity of frozen soil under isothermal conditions is introduced. The theoretical justification of the method is presented and the feasibility of the method is demonstrated by experiments conducted using marine deposited clay. The measured values of the soil-water diffusivity are found comparable to reported experimental data.  相似文献   

Infiltration into frozen soil plays an important role in soil freeze–thaw and snowmelt-driven hydrological processes. To better understand the complex thermal energy and water transport mechanisms involved, the influence of antecedent moisture content and macroporosity on infiltration into frozen soil was investigated. Ponded infiltration experiments on frozen macroporous and non-macroporous soil columns revealed that dry macroporous soil produced infiltration rates reaching 103 to 104 mm day−1, two to three orders of magnitude larger than dry non-macroporous soil. Results suggest that rapid infiltration and drainage were a result of preferential flow through initially air-filled macropores. Using recorded flow rates and measured macropore characteristics, calculations indicated that a combination of both saturated flow and unsaturated film flow likely occurred within macropores. Under wet conditions, regardless of the presence of macropores, infiltration was restricted by the slow thawing rate of pore ice, producing infiltration rates of 2.8 to 5.0 mm day−1. Reduced preferential flow under wet conditions was attributed to a combination of soil swelling, due to smectite-rich clay (that reduced macropore volume), and pore ice blockage within macropores. In comparison, dry soil column experiments demonstrated that macropores provided conduits for water and thermal energy to bypass the frozen matrix during infiltration, reducing thaw rates compared with non-macroporous soils. Overall, results showed the dominant control of antecedent moisture content on the initiation, timing, and magnitude of infiltration and flow in frozen macroporous soils, as well as the important role of macropore connectivity. The study provides an important data set that can aid the development of hydrological models that consider the interacting effects of soil freeze–thaw and preferential flow on snowmelt partitioning in cold regions.  相似文献   

Effects of ice on the transport of water in frozen soil were investigated under isothermal conditions. Based on the experimental results obtained using a marine-deposited clay at −1.0°C, the presence of ice is shown to significantly affect the transport of water under certain circumstances. A theoretical analysis of the experimental results and a discussion of a possible mechanism for water transport in frozen soil are presented.  相似文献   

Despite the potential impact of winter soil water movements in cold regions, relatively few field studies have investigated cold‐season hydrological processes that occur before spring‐onset of snowmelt infiltration. The contribution of soil water fluxes in winter to the annual water balance was evaluated over 5 years of field observations at an agricultural field in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan. In two of the winters, soil frost reached a maximum depth of 0·2 m (‘frozen’ winters), whereas soil frost was mostly absent during the remaining three winters (‘unfrozen’ winters). Significant infiltration of winter snowmelt water, to a depth exceeding 1·0 m, occurred during both frozen and unfrozen winters. Such infiltration ranged between 126 and 255 mm, representing 28–51% of total annual soil water fluxes. During frozen winters, a substantial quantity of water (ca 40 mm) was drawn from deeper layers into the 0–0·2 m topsoil layer when this froze. Under such conditions, the progression and regression of the freezing front, regulated by the thickness of snow cover, controlled the quantity of soil water flux below the frozen layer. During unfrozen winters, 13–62 mm of water infiltrated to a depth of 0·2 m, before the spring snowmelt. These results indicate the importance of correctly evaluating winter soil water movement in cold regions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究不同冻结温度及含水率对冻结粉土中锚杆抗拔性能的影响,根据冻土与混凝土接触面的力学特性和变形规律,采用双曲线模型描述锚杆-冻土接触面的剪切特性.基于荷载传递法,建立考虑温度和含水率影响的锚杆荷载传递方程,采用有限差分法进行求解,得到锚固段的剪应力、轴力及承载力计算式;通过ABAQUS数值模拟验证荷载传递方程的合理性...  相似文献   

李琼林    胡进军  王琼 《世界地震工程》2019,35(2):209-216
总结了当前场地地震反应分析的计算方法与发展现状,得到寒区场地中由于冻土层结构的存在会对地震动的传播和场地的地震反应产生影响的结论。土体在冻结过程中其强度与刚度会显著增强,在地震过程中冻融土层界面的容易发生滑移破坏,并对场地地震反应和地震波的传递特征具有较大影响,是冻土场地地震反应分析中应当考虑的关键问题。鉴于当前场地地震反应计算方法不能模拟该界面的滑移特征的局限性,建议构建冻土场地地震反应计算新方法,并阐述了构建该方法所需要开展的基础性研究工作。  相似文献   

It is very important to develop a universal soil model with higher simplicity and more accuracy, which can be widely applied to very general cases such as wet or dry soil, frozen or unfrozen soil and homogeneous or heterogeneous soil. Firstly in this study, based on analysis of both magnitude order and the numerical simulation results, the universal and simplified soil model (USSM) coupling heat and mass transport processes is developed. Secondly, in order to avoid the greater uncertainty caused by the phase change term in numerical iteration process for the model solution obtaining, new version of the universal simplified soil model (NUSSM) is further derived through variables transformation, and accordingly a more efficient numerical scheme for the new version is designed well. The simulation results from the NUSSM agree with the results from more complicated and accurate soil model very well, also reasonably reproduce the observed data under widely real conditions. The new version model, because of its simplicity, will match for the development of land surface model.  相似文献   

以黑龙江干流堤防工程实际环境为研究基础,依托水分迁移试验装置,测试了干流堤防典型砂性土试样在冻融循环下的温度场、水分场、应力场的分布情况.结果表明:堤顶混凝土公路破坏与堤身不均匀沉降有关,温度变化引起堤基含水率出现梯度变化,从而出现应力场变化,且温度梯度含水率梯度呈线性关系.地基稳定冻结深度达到1.12 m.结合实测数...  相似文献   

Dry saline soils are common in the arid and hyper‐arid basins located in the Chilean Altiplano, where evaporation from shallow groundwater is typically the major component of the water balance. Thus, a good understanding of evaporation processes is necessary for improving water resource planning and management in these regions. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments with a natural saline soil column to estimate evaporation rates and assess the liquid and water vapor fluxes under different water table levels. Water content, electrical conductivity and temperature at different depths were utilized to assess the liquid and water vapor fluxes in the soil column. We observed movement of water that dissolves salts from the soil and transports them to areas in the column where they accumulate. Isothermal liquid flux was predominant, while thermal and isothermal liquid and thermal water vapor fluxes were negligible, except for deep water table levels where isothermal and thermal water vapor fluxes had similar magnitude but opposite directions. Differences observed in total fluxes for all water table levels were due to different upward and downward fluxes, which depend on changes in water content and temperature within the soil profile. Both the vapor flux magnitude and direction were found to be very sensitive to the choice of empirical parameters used in flux quantification, such as tortuosity and the enhancement factor for local temperature gradients in the air phase within the column. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

有冻土层场地上多层砖房的震害预测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以一个6层砖结构和四种场地共同组建成四个结构-地基一体化计算模型,输入唐山地震基岩地表的余震记录,计算融土场地、有冻层场地和刚性地基三种情况下结构的地震反应,通过结构基底等效输入和结构地震反应内力的比较,作者认为,对绝大多数中软场地,用现行的刚性地基假设,作多层砖房震害预测是偏于安全的。  相似文献   

青藏高原为亚洲季风区的典型代表区域,研究其水汽进入平流层的过程和机理对认识全球气候和大气环境变化具有一定的现实意义. 本文基于中尺度气象模式(WRF)的模拟输出结果(2006年8月20日至8月26)驱动拉格朗日大气输送模式FLEXPART,通过追踪并解析气块的三维轨迹以及温度、湿度等相关物理量的相关变化特征,初步分析了夏季青藏高原地区近地层-对流层-平流层的水汽输送特征. 研究结果表明,源于高原地区近地层的水汽在进入平流层的过程中受南亚高压影响下的大尺度环流和中小尺度对流的共同影响.首先,在对流抬升作用下,气块在短时间内(24 h)可抬升到9~12 km的高度,然后在南亚高压闭合环流影响下,相当部分气块在反气旋的东南侧穿越对流层顶进入平流层中,并继续向低纬热带平流层输送,进而参与全球对流层-平流层的水汽循环过程. 在对流抬升高度上气块位置位于高原的西北侧,然而气块拉格朗日温度最小值主要分布于高原南侧,两个位置上气块的平均位温差值可达15~35 K,这种显著的温度差异将导致气块进入平流层时"脱水". 比较而言,夏季青藏高原地区近地层水汽进入平流层的多寡主要和大尺度汽流的垂直输送有关,而深对流的作用相对较弱.  相似文献   

Tuolumne Meadows is a groundwater dependent ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada of California, USA, that is threatened by hydrologic impacts that may lead to a substantial loss of organic matter in the soil. In order to provide a scientific basis for management of this type of ecosystem, this paper quantifies the effect of soil organic content on soil water retention and water use by plants. First, we show a substantial dependence of soil water retention on soil organic content by correlating Van Genuchten soil water retention parameters with soil organic content, independent of soil texture. Then, we demonstrate the impact of organic content on plants by simulating the degree to which root water uptake is affected by soil water retention with the use of a physically based numerical model of variably saturated groundwater flow. Our results indicate that the increased water retention by soil organic matter contributes as much as 8.8 cm to transpiration, or 35 additional water‐stress free days, during the dry summer when plants experience increased water stress.  相似文献   

高速铁路路基动土压力测试信号的小波分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了小波分析的基本原理与方法,选用Daubechies小波对某高速铁路路基土压力的现场振动测试信号进行分析处理。由此对高速列车荷载作用下,路基动土压力产生的机理及其土压力的构成进行较深入的研究。  相似文献   

Marek Lang  Jiří Faimon 《水文研究》2020,34(22):4334-4349
The effect of the water excess in soil on soil gaseous carbon dioxide concentrations (cCO2) was studied based on field experiments. The gradual water addition of 15 and 30 L m−2 to leptosols and anthrosols, simulating 15 and 30 mm precipitation, respectively, caused the overall cCO2 increase of 1.53 × 10−1 mol m−3 (increase by 60%) and 1.61 × 10−1 mol m−3 (increase by 112%) in the soil airs. The effect of the cCO2 increment on seepage water, cave dripwater chemistry, and calcite speleothem overgrowths was deduced from geochemical modelling. It showed that the cCO2 increments may lead to the increments in total dissolved carbon, aqueous calcium, and dissolved solids of 1.10 × 10−3 mol L−1 (increase by 35%), 4.45 × 10−4 mol L−1 (increase by 30%), and 1.55 × 10−3 mol L−1 (increase by 34%), respectively. After the total degassing of CO2 in the cave, the increment in the saturation index of dripwater, SI, could reach up to ΔSI = 0.31, which means an increase by hundreds of percent. The water excess of 5 L m−2 following a dry period would cause the increment in saturation index ΔSI = 0.17. The modelling further showed that the cCO2 increase associated with the 30 L m−2 water excess could induce the calcite overgrowth up to 1 μm thick per 1 m2 surface area. The effect of water excess with additional water supplies gradually weakens, probably due to reduced CO2 diffusivity and soil microorganism activity. It can be assumed that the most contrasting peaks in dripwater chemistry are associated with the individual precipitation events after short dry periods. The increased supersaturation of dripwater is expected to lead to faster growth of speleothem and changes in calcite textures.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were used to investigate the influence of simulated cracks and roots on soil water repellency (SWR) dynamics with and without basal drainage impedance in wetting–drying cycles. Observations and measurements were taken following water application equivalent to 9.2‐mm rainfall and then periodically during 80 h of drying. In total, 180 experiments were carried out using 60 samples of three homogeneous, reconstituted soils with different organic matter contents and textures, but of similar initial severity of SWR [18% molarity of an ethanol droplet (MED)]. Water flowing down the cracks and roots left the soil matrix largely dry and water repellent except for vertical zones adjacent to them and a shallow surface layer. A hydrophilic shallow basal layer was produced in experiments where basal drainage was impeded. During drying, changes in SWR were largely confined to the zones that had been wetted. Soil that had remained dry retained the initial severity of SWR, while wetted soil re‐established either the same or slightly lower severity of SWR. In organic‐rich soil, the scale of recovery to pre‐wetting MED levels was much higher, perhaps associated with temporarily raised levels (up to 36% MED) of SWR recorded during drying of these soils. With all three soils, the re‐establishment of the original SWR level was less widespread for surface than subsurface soil and with impeded than unimpeded basal drainage. Key findings are that as follows: (1) with unimpeded basal drainage, the soils remained at pre‐wetting repellency levels except for a wettable thin surface layer and zones close to roots and cracks, (2) basal drainage impedance produced hydrophilic basal and surface layers, (3) thorough wetting delayed a return to water‐repellent conditions on drying, and (4) temporarily enhanced SWR occurred in organic‐rich soils at intermediate moisture levels during drying. Hydrological implications are discussed, and the roles of cracks and roots are placed into context with other influences on preferential flow and SWR under field conditions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying soil water storage, mixing, and release via recharge, transpiration, and evaporation is essential for a better understanding of critical zone processes. Here, we integrate stable isotope (2H and 18O of soil water, precipitation, and groundwater) and hydrometric (soil moisture) data from 5 long‐term experimental catchments along a hydroclimatic gradient across northern latitudes: Dry Creek (USA), Bruntland Burn (Scotland), Dorset (Canada), Krycklan (Sweden), and Wolf Creek (Canada). Within each catchment, 6 to 11 isotope sampling campaigns occurred at 2 to 4 sampling locations over at least 1 year. Analysis for 2H and 18O in the bulk pore water was done for >2,500 soil samples either by cryogenic extraction (Dry Creek) or by direct equilibration (other sites). The results showed a similar general pattern that soil water isotope variability reflected the seasonality of the precipitation input signal. However, pronounced differences among sampling locations occurred regarding the isotopic fractionation due to evaporation. We found that antecedent precipitation volumes mainly governed the fractionation signal, temperature and evaporation rates were of secondary importance, and soil moisture played only a minor role in the variability of soil water evaporation fractionation across the hydroclimatic gradient. We further observed that soil waters beneath conifer trees were more fractionated than beneath heather shrubs or red oak trees, indicating higher soil evaporation rates in coniferous forests. Sampling locations closer to streams were more damped and depleted in their stable isotopic composition than hillslope sites, revealing increased subsurface mixing towards the saturated zone and a preferential recharge of winter precipitation. Bulk soil waters generally comprised a high share of waters older than 14 days, which indicates that the water in soil pores are usually not fully replaced by recent infiltration events. The presented stable isotope data of soil water were, thus, a useful tool to track the spatial variability of water fluxes within and from the critical zone. Such data provide invaluable information to improve the representation of critical zone processes in spatially distributed hydrological models.  相似文献   

Long-term field assessments of soil erosion on the landscape scale are very scarce. Such monitoring programmes create sound data regarding severity, extent, frequency and types of soil erosion and the vulnerability of particular crops. In a 20-year monitoring programme between 1997 and 2017, accurate erosion damage mapping was carried out on 203 fields on arable land in the Canton of Berne (Switzerland). During 115 field inspections, 4060 field years and 2165 mapped erosion systems were recorded. Because several soil conservation programmes were implemented during this period, two 10-year time periods (1st October 1997 to 30th September 2007 [P1] and 1st October 2007 to 30th September 2017 [P2]) were established and compared. The soil erosion rate was already low in P1 (mean: 0.74 t ha−1 year−1), but decreased significantly in P2 (mean: 0.20 t ha−1 year−1). During P1 and P2, respectively, 12 and 42% of the fields were without any visible erosion. Within 10 years, erosion occurred on each field on average 3.2 times in P1 and only 1.3 times in P2. Soil losses are spatially concentrated and linked to topographically defined pathways (thalwegs, slope depressions) or human-made flow pathways (wheel tracks, tramlines, headlands). Financial incentives, rising awareness among farmers, innovative contractor farmers and good extension service of cantonal agencies helped conserve 85% of the arable land in the study area with conservation tillage methods by 2015. As a result, soil erosion was significantly reduced. The field-based measurements show that a significant decrease in soil erosion is possible by changes in soil tillage practices and that erosion control is feasible almost everywhere under real-life conditions on farmers’ fields. In this respect, the Frienisberg region is a case example of successful erosion control. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the shallow groundwater areas of the North China Plain (NCP), precipitation infiltration and evapotranspiration in the vertical direction are the main processes of the water cycle, in which the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the transformation process between precipitation and groundwater. In this paper, two typical sites in Cangzhou (CZ) and Hengshui (HS) of Hebei province with shallow water tables were selected to analyse the relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater. At each site, precipitation, soil water at depths 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 cm, and groundwater were sampled to analyse the stable isotope compositions of hydrogen and oxygen. The soil water potentials at the corresponding depths were observed. Although the climates at the two sites are similar, there are some differences in the infiltration process, soil water movement and groundwater recharge sources. Evaporation occurred at the upper depths, which led to the decrease of soil potential and the enrichment of heavy isotopes. At the CZ site, precipitation infiltrated with piston mode, and an obvious mixture effect existed during the infiltration process. Preferential flow may exist in the soil above 100 cm depth. However, at the HS site soil water moved in piston mode, and groundwater was mainly recharged by precipitation. When precipitation recharged the groundwater it experienced a strong evaporation effect. The results of the soil water movement mechanism provides the transformation relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater in the middle and eastern NCP. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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