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Recent emphasis on the growth in overseas arrivals has overshadowed domestic tourism which, nevertheless, remains a very significant social and economic activity in New Zealand. This paper analyses the geographical dimensions of tourist travel using data from the Domestic Travel Study. Once broad national trends are identified, inter-regional travel patterns are examined using dominant flow analysis and regional profiles are established by means of ternary graphs. This analysis shows the dominance of the major metropolitan markets, the regionalized nature of much domestic tourism and regional variations in visitor profiles. Regional population size plays a major role in determining overall flows but what appears to make the difference between a net loss or gain in total bednights is a region's ability to attract holiday visitors. This underscores the value which the promotion of domestic tourism may have in regional development.  相似文献   

The desire to spend leisure time in natural settings represents a key factor behind the recent and rapid growth of ecotourism. A search by ecotourists for remote landscapes and locations has shaped the way in which geographers have defined ecotourism, but few scholars have explored, in detail, the mechanics of the spatial relationship between ecotourism and mass tourism, two forms of travel usually considered mutually exclusive in spatial terms. Using the island of Phuket — southern Thailands premier resort destination — as a case study, this paper investigates the spatial overlaps and connections between ecotourism and mass tourism and tests the assumption that ecotourism and mass tourism must exist spatially apart in order for the former to succeed. Despite Phukets association with mass tourism, and the small physical distances between built-up mass tourist areas and natural ecotourism settings, the communicative staging of natural authenticity allows ecotourism companies to convey geographical remoteness to tourists. Although ecotourism in Phuket must struggle constantly to overcome the perceptual impact of spatial proximity to resort locations, the tourist markets and business networks of the existing mass tourism industry remain crucial to the survival of ecotourism in this region. Thus, contrary to conventional notions that ecotourism and mass tourism must exist as separate entities, this paper argues that an interconnected, symbiotic, and spatially-contiguous relationship between the two is necessary in the case of Phuket.  相似文献   

An important component of recreation in mountain areas is the experience of risk. Visitors to such places may be seeking the challenge provided by risk, but they may also experience the negative side of risk — accident and injury. International and domestic visitors to mountain lands may have differing experiences of risk. Indeed, it has been suggested frequently in New Zealand that international visitors face considerably more danger than do New Zealanders in mountain recreation. This view is pursued in an examination of one of the negative outcomes of risk — fatal accidents.Coroners' reports form the basis of a comparative study of such negative outcomes for the two groups. Patterns and trends are elaborated in an exploration of the number, location and cause of fatalities, and the activity of the deceased. Differences between two groups are discussed, as are some reasons why the impression that international visitors face more danger exists.  相似文献   

London is an international tourist destination and one of the world's most well known tourist capitals. Over 23 million overseas and domestic visitors contributed £ 4700 million to the city's economy in 1987. In this paper, the implications of a continued growth in international and domestic tourism are considered in the light of recent predictions which envisage that London's overseas and domestic visitors will rise from 23 million in 1987 to 27 million in 1990. One of the most pressing issues which tourist agencies such as the London Tourist Board face, is directing some tourists to new areas and attractions away from the existing concentration in the West End of London. In this paper, the existing and proposed development of tourism in the East End of London (London Docklands) will beexamined as a new area with the potential to attract visitors from the West End. London Docklands has attracted international attention due to the prestigious and controversial regeneration of the area where commercial and residential development has been stimulated by a government funded Urban Development Corporation. Tourist and leisure developments seem set to bring a lasting economic benefit to the area though they have attracted very little attention to date.  相似文献   

The desire to spend leisure time in natural settings represents a key factor behind the recent and rapid growth of ecotourism. A search by ecotourists for remote landscapes and locations has shaped the way in which geographers have defined ecotourism, but few scholars have explored, in detail, the mechanics of the spatial relationship between ecotourism and mass tourism, two forms of travel usually considered mutually exclusive in spatial terms. Using the island of Phuket — southern Thailands premier resort destination — as a case study, this paper investigates the spatial overlaps and connections between ecotourism and mass tourism and tests the assumption that ecotourism and mass tourism must exist spatially apart in order for the former to succeed. Despite Phukets association with mass tourism, and the small physical distances between built-up mass tourist areas and natural ecotourism settings, the communicative staging of natural authenticity allows ecotourism companies to convey geographical remoteness to tourists. Although ecotourism in Phuket must struggle constantly to overcome the perceptual impact of spatial proximity to resort locations, the tourist markets and business networks of the existing mass tourism industry remain crucial to the survival of ecotourism in this region. Thus, contrary to conventional notions that ecotourism and mass tourism must exist as separate entities, this paper argues that an interconnected, symbiotic, and spatially-contiguous relationship between the two is necessary in the case of Phuket.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Region of North America is attractive to tourists because of its vast areas of water, thousands of kilometers of shorelines, huge public forests, numerous parks, extensive commercial tourist facilities, interesting cities, and good highways. Most of the region's 65 million residents live in the southern industrial and agricultural portion so summer recreational travel is largely in a northerly direction to the lakes, shorelines, forests, and privately owned seasonal homes known as cottages. This travel involves international border crossings as Americans travel to rural and urban tourism destinations in Ontario, Canadians visit cities in the United States, and residents of both nations take circular tours around the Great Lakes. Each year, Ontario and neighboring American states spend a total of more than 20 million on tourism publicity trying to capture a larger share of the 40 billion spent in the region annually by tourists. However, the amount, nature, and patterns of tourist travel across the border are not well documented because of the lack of exit surveys.  相似文献   

Ivars Gutmanis 《GeoJournal》1995,37(2):257-266
In the post-Soviet era, the United States (US) is expected to contribute its military forces and defense resources in the event of need for Regional Conflicts and Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Such contributions may not be forthcoming. The principal reasons for the possible absence to the US contributions to maintain the New World Order is the paucity in the articulation of the US foreign and defense policies. The US public's well known preference for domestic policies, rather than foreign military and related operations, has been reinforced by the absence of the comprehensive explanation by the US political leaders of the US foreign and defense policies to the American people. The US military are preparing military doctrine for the possible engagements in the Regional Conflicts and OOTW, but these efforts are affected by the US well established past military doctrine to fight wars to a clear victory on the battlefield as well as by the absence of clear national military policy. American particulation in the future military operations — Regional Conflicts or OOTW — remains very much in doubt.  相似文献   

何小芊  谢珈  张艳蓉 《中国岩溶》2019,38(6):957-966
洞穴旅游是最具特色的旅游活动之一,游客对洞穴景区旅游形象的认知直接影响游客满意度和忠诚度,对景区的营销和发展起到重要作用。以旅游网站上的点评、游记等网络文本为基础,采用ROST CM内容挖掘软件及内容分析法,对贵州织金洞旅游形象进行了分析,主要研究结论如下:①40篇游记样本与2591条点评样本中提取出232条高频词汇,频次排在前60位的词汇表明游客的主要关注点集中于织金洞自然景观;高频词汇的语义网络矩阵以“织金洞”、“溶洞”为核心,其他特征词向周围发散状,关联词汇的关系强度表明织金洞中规模宏伟、造型奇特的岩溶景观给游客留下了深刻的印象。②旅游形象属性主类目中涉及旅游景观的高频特征词最多,其次是旅游服务与管理、旅游设施;形态各异、独具特色的岩溶景观是织金洞最大的特点,洞穴内灯光效果对游客游览有最为直接的影响。③游客积极情绪的词汇出现的频次所占比例达81.85%,消极情绪的词汇出现的频次不到10%。   相似文献   

Dr. B. Barbier 《GeoJournal》1989,19(3):251-255
This paper presents a global overview of international tourism, concentrating on three major themes: generating regions, destination zones and the creation of resorts and regions. The world's major markets for international tourism are to be found in Europe and North America, regions which also constitute the world's major destination zones. Distinct groupings can be identified in each with changes in both markets and destinations being slow and limited. The development of international tourism has also created new resorts and tourist regions, the relative importance of international and domestic tourism being a key distinguishing feature.Translated by Douglas Pearce  相似文献   

以中国最具代表性的旅游洞穴景区——贵州织金洞为例,运用内容分析法和社会网络分析法,以网络文本为数据来源,对比研究其投射形象和感知形象。结果表明:(1)官方的高频词核心关注点涉及自然景观、形象宣传、外部交通、门票、住宿等方面,而游客的核心关注点主要集中在自然景观和导游解说上;(2)在属性类目方面,官方和游客关注的侧重点大致相同,主要集中在旅游资源、旅游活动上,但在自然资源、游览活动内容等方面的形象仍存在诸多差异;(3)从社会网络分析来看,官方重视游客体验,关注游客服务与管理,而游客对灯光、导游服务的感知更为显著;(4)总体上游客的积极情绪占主导地位,而消极情绪的主要来源为官方在建设管理等方面的不足,如长时间排队买票或取票、导游服务态度散漫、景观单调、体验项目单一等。   相似文献   

地质学在旅游资源调查评价与开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源范畴随着旅游产业的发展而在不断扩大,生态旅游和地质科学考察旅游成为旅游的重要发展方向。从分析旅游资源的形成和演化与地质学关系出发,探讨目前旅游资源调查评价与开发中对地质学的应用及其不足,提出以地质遗迹保护为基础建设地质公园是旅游资源开发的一个新发展方向,强调了地质学理论与地质资料在旅游资源保护及可持续利用中的作用。这是提高旅游资源调查与评价水平,开拓旅游新领域,为旅游经济发展服务的最佳切入点。  相似文献   

The favela and its touristic transits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bianca Freire-Medeiros   《Geoforum》2009,40(4):580-588
The article discusses the development of the favela into a tourist attraction. Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, is the paradigmatic “tourist favela”, with tours taking place regularly since the early 1990s and with three thousand tourists visiting the site each month. The development of the favela into a tourist destination is seen as part of the so-called reality tours phenomenon and of the global circulation of the favela as a trademark. The methodology included different strategies: long interviews with qualified informants, field observation, and participant observation in different tours. The article concludes with some thoughts on tourism activities in impoverished areas.  相似文献   

The impact of tourism on coastal areas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The manifold influences of tourism on coastal areas are analysed from three different angles: (1) The development of seaside tourism including the changes of socio-economic and settlement patterns; (2) its cultural impact on the local population; (3) its environmental aspects. Point 1 is described with the help of a model showing four peripheries in space and time: (I) the North Sea and Baltic coasts since the 18th century; (II) Southern Europe during the 19th century; (III) the North African shores around 1950; (IV) the tropical oceans after 1965. Within every periphery, several phases (pioneer, domestic, international) can be distinguished according to the origin of tourists, the investment, the know-how etc. While the beginning of every phase is dominated from abroad, later-on national actors play an increasing role. This applies also to point 2, which refers mainly to developing countries. As for point 3, mass tourism may result detrimentally on water supply, sensitive coastal landscapes, socio-cultural identity etc. Among the questions to be raised are: How far are industrial societies responsible for any negative impacts of tourism, and what are the chances for, and a general consciousness on, a sustainable tourism development?  相似文献   

申希兵 《中国岩溶》2018,37(2):254-264
基于数字高程模型(DEM)和3S技术,以广西壮族自治区1981-2010年74个气象观测点的气象常规观测数据为基础,对广西各地区地形下温度、相对湿度、风速、温湿指数、风寒指数、着衣指数和综合旅游舒适度指数等时空分布特征进行分析研究,并结合2015年广西307个2A级旅游景区时空分布进行评价,结果表明:在时间差异上,广西大部分地区最佳旅游时间为1月、2月、3月、10月和11月,此时全区大部分地区气温保持在15~25 ℃之间,处于非雨季期;4月、12月在气候舒适上为较适合旅游的季节;由于广西地处南疆,雨热同期,高温多雨的6、7、8月在气候舒适度上为最不适合旅游月份;就季节而言,旅游气候舒适度排序为冬季>秋季>春节>夏季。在空间差异上,6个月旅游舒适期地区仅占广西面积的0.12%,仅在桂西西林县西面和桂北资源县北面零星分布,没有2A级以上旅游景区分布其中;7个月旅游舒适期地区主要分布在桂西、桂西南和桂西北地区,桂北资源县、桂南博白县和合浦县、桂南贺州市、梧州市均有分布,占广西面积的36.78%,共有72个2A级旅游景区分布其中,占23.5%的景区数量比例;舒适期为8个月的地区分布最广,占广西区面积的63.1%,共有235个2A级以上旅游景区,占2015年2A级以上景区数量的76.5%,主要分布在桂中、桂南和桂北地区。   相似文献   

Northcote TG 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):127-133
Perhaps nowhere in Canada, if indeed in North America, could two adjacent watershed basins be selected which show such remarkable differences in their historical and recent response to human population growth effects. One — the Fraser — covers some 234,000 km2 (about one quarter of the province of British Columbia) and houses nearly two-thirds of its total population. The other — the Okanagan — forms a small part (some 14,000 km2) of the upper Columbia River drainage in Canada. Native Indian populations at maximum before European contact in the late 1700s were about 50,000 in the Fraser basin and probably less than a fifth of that in the Okanagan. Present total resident populations of the Fraser and Okanagan basins, about 2 million and 1\4 million respectively, have greatly different distributions and thereby effects within the watersheds they occupy. In addition seasonal tourist populations have important and differential impacts within the two watersheds. Expression of these effects on water, fisheries and other aquatic resources of the two basins are explored along with possibilities and suggestions for their sustainable development. The latter, despite some glimmers of hope, will not be tenable without major changes in public attitude, in government policy at all levels, and in other measures which to many may seem impossible.  相似文献   

The development of information and communications technologies (ICT) has facilitated the emergence of a complex global urban system in which many formerly lower-order cities have been carving out “niche” specialist functions serving urban fields of transnational dimension. This is illustrated in the case of Dublin, which in recent years has been transcending its traditional role as Ireland’s national metropolis through the development of a range of functions servicing mainly European markets. One such function comprises pan-European telephone call centre operations. The development and characteristics of this newly-emerging sector are described. It is argued that the growth of the sector confirms Dublin’s — and Ireland’s — dependent position in the international division of labour, and that its long-term sustainability is open to question.  相似文献   

游客满意度是衡量旅游地竞争力的关键因素之一,已受到众多旅游研究者的关注。在其热点研究中,有关冰川旅游游客满意度及不同游客属性间满意度差异的研究鲜见。选取达古冰川与海螺沟冰川为研究区,通过对游客属性细分,运用模糊多准则决策法(F-MCDM)及引入需求弹性理论对冰川旅游游客满意度进行了综合评价和敏感性分析,探讨了提升冰川旅游游客满意度的对策建议。结果表明:达古冰川游客实际满意度总体高于海螺沟冰川,两地均以管理与服务的满意度最高,消费状况与交通的满意度最低。就游客属性的相对满意度而言,两地均呈现男性满意度高于女性,高消费游客满意度高于低消费游客,高忠诚度游客满意度高于低忠诚度游客;两地相对满意度的差异表现在年龄、受教育程度、客源地和到访次数方面。相较于达古冰川,海螺沟冰川满意度敏感性更高,同等改进力度下游客满意度的提高更为明显高效,就两地满意度敏感性最高的景观特色而言,达古冰川1%的改善将提升游客满意度0.30%,而海螺沟冰川可提升0.45%;对于不同游客属性的满意度敏感性,两地均以不愿推荐、不愿重游和未达到期望的游客最高。最后依据满意度敏感性分析结果,为两地冰川旅游发展提出了关键属性改进、营销策略创新和旅游产品开发等针对性建议。  相似文献   

冰芯与寒区环境开放研究实验室的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
秦大河  姚檀栋 《冰川冻土》2000,22(3):262-269
History and current situations of ice core research in China are reviewed following the establishment of the Laboratory of Ice Core and Cold Regions Environment, CAS. At present, three research foci are mainly carried out in the laboratory, namely: (1) Interaction between glacier and atmosphere; (2) Ice core records; (3) The physics of snow and ice. Within the passing several years. over forty projects have been finished or are being carried out. and about 300 papers were published in various international or domestic scientific journals and 9 monographs were published too. The research results have been awarded two first-class prizes by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one third-class national prize. and one fourth-class national prize. Intensive cooperation with authoritative research institutions has contributed much to the laboratory. which will be continuously emphasized in the future.  相似文献   

Tourism research in the United States: a geographic perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nature of tourism geography research in the United States is characterized by seven factors. First, research is not concentrated on a few topics of interest but rather is very diverse. Second, there is no research paradigm to influence the direction of investigations. Third, examination of tourism tends to stress the unique case rather than the general situation. Fourth, studies that replicate and/or verify original findings are not common. Fifth, the complexity of the tourism experience and the lack of data bases partially explain ideographic tendencies. Sixth, efforts to produce an understanding of the spatial aspects of tourism are primarily conducted by individuals and small groups. Seventh, emphasis is placed on domestic rather than international tourism. In conclusion, four future trends are noted. One, research that has been expanding rapidly will continue to increase but at a slower rate. Two, improved technology and methods of collecting information will make available large data sets for the assessment of tourism trends at international, national, regional, and state levels. Three, increased needs for useful research findings will result in more theoretical and applied investigations. Four, tourism geographers will engage in increased amounts of interdisciplinary research and begin to associate more and more with other social scientists in the examination of tourism.  相似文献   

Following a brief examination of the role of ports as foci for industrial and urban development, this paper discusses four major changes—the scale of international trade, structural changes in port activities, port industrialization, and traffic origin and destination—which are acting to alter the relationship between ports and their urban areas. Attention is then focused on the redevelopment of docklands and the need to inform public and political opinion of the importance of port activities to the development of local, regional and national economies. The use of economic impact studies to highlight the multiplier effects of port activities is discussed.  相似文献   

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