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The Scandinavian Caledonides have been viewed as resulting from either a single Silurian (i.e. Scandian) event or from polycyclic orogenies involving several collisions on the margin of Baltica. Early studies of the Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) in Finnmark, Arctic Norway, led to the hypothesis of an Early Cambrian-Early Ordovician (520-480 Ma) Finnmarkian Orogeny, though the nature of this tectonic event remains enigmatic. In this contribution we have employed in situ UV laser ablation Ar-Ar dating of fine-grained phyllite and schist from the eastern Caledonides of Arctic Norway to investigate the presence of pre-Scandian tectonometamorphic events. U-Th-Pb detrital zircon and whole rock Sm-Nd analyses have been used to test the regional stratigraphic correlations of these metasedimentary rocks. These results indicate that the Berlevåg Formation within the Tanafjord Nappe, previously assumed to be part of the KNC, was deposited after 1872 Ma and prior to a low temperature hydrothermal event at 555 ± 15 Ma. It has a likely provenance on the Baltica continent, lacks any Grenville-Sveconorwegian detrital zircons, and thus cannot be part of the KNC which contains abundant detritus in this age range. Instead the Berlevåg Formation is interpreted as part of the Laksefjord Nappe Complex, which structurally underlies the KNC. Laser-ablation argon-argon dating also shows that late Caledonian (i.e. Scandian) tectonometamorphism affected both the KNC and its immediate footwall at c. 425 ± 15 Ma. This is corroborated by a step-heating argon-argon muscovite age of 424 ± 3 Ma which is interpreted as dating cooling. However, within two samples from the KNC, an earlier (Middle-Late Cambrian) metamorphic event is also recorded. A biotite-grade schist yielded an Ar-Ar inverse isochron age of 506 ± 17 Ma from whole rock surfaces, in which the mineral domains are too fine-grained to date individually. An early generation of muscovite from a coarser-grained amphibolite-facies sample yielded an inverse isochron of 498 ± 13 Ma. Both isochron ages have atmospheric argon intercept values. Previous studies have documented similar Cambrian ages in the Caledonian nappes below the KNC. These results suggest correlative tectonometamorphic events in the eastern KNC and its footwall at c. 500 Ma. This Cambrian event may reflect the arrival of the Kalak Nappe Complex as a previously constructed exotic mobile belt onto the margin of Baltica. Combined with recent studies from the western Kalak Nappe Complex, the results do not support the traditional constraint on the Finnmarkian Orogeny sensu stricto. However they vindicate classic tectonic models involving a Cambrian accretion event.  相似文献   

The Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) has been regarded as Baltica passive margin metasediments telescoped eastwards onto the Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield during the Caledonian Orogeny. Recent studies have questioned this interpretation, instead pointing to a Neoproterozoic exotic origin. In an effort to resolve this controversy we present a Sm–Nd and U–Th–Pb study of gnessic units, traditionally considered as the depositional basement, along with cover rock sediments and intrusives. Late Palaeoproterozoic gneisses now beneath the KNC were deposited after 1948 ± 33 Ma, before intrusion of the Tjukkfjellet Granite at 1796 ± 3 Ma, and were affected by later melting events at 1765 ± 9 and 1727 ± 9 Ma. These gneisses are interpreted as part of the Baltic Shield and underlie the KNC across a tectonic contact. An unconformity between psammites of the KNC and other paragneisses previously considered as its Precambrian basement is reinterpreted as a modified sedimentary contact between Neoproterozoic metasediments. These metasediments have statistically very similar detrital zircon populations with grains as young as 1034 ± 22, 1025 ± 32 and 1014 ± 14 Ma. The results indicate that the KNC sediments were deposited during the Neoproterozoic in basins along the Laurentian margin of eastern Rodinia and were not connected to Baltica via a depositional basement. Dating of the 851 ± 5 Ma Eidvågvatnet and 853 ± 4 Ma Nordneset granites shows that intrusive material associated with the Porsanger Orogeny (c. 850 Ma) affected a considerable region of the upper KNC terrane. Later Neoproterozoic events at 711 ± 6, 687 ± 12 and 617 ± 6 Ma are also recognised the latest of which may be an expression of rifting. Since early Neoproterozoic magmatism (c. 840–690 Ma) is unknown in Baltica, these results support an exotic origin for the KNC terranes.  相似文献   

The Lower Ordovician Løkken ophiolite fragment shows a tripartite subdivision of its thick volcanic sequence into: (1) an Upper Volcanic Member (UVM) of transitional MORB/IAT character, comprising basalts or, in a related, thrust-bounded sequence, a bimodal basalt-rhyolite assemblage; (2) a Middle Volcanic Member (MVM) derived from widely variable, generally MORB-related magmas; and (3) a Lower Volcanic Member (LVM) of N-type MORB basalts which locally passes into an underlying sheeted dyke complex. The UVM and LVM were fed from relatively deep-seated magma chambers, and lavas were erupted at moderate flow rates to form predominantly pillow lavas. The whole sequence is interpreted as having formed in a marginal basin setting. The MVM is characterized by abundant voluminous sheet basalts thought to have been erupted at high flow rates. The volcanites had their source, through extensive dyke swarms, in high-level magmas which intruded the sheeted dyke complex and parts of the LVM, possibly in a near-axial seamount setting. The magmas differentiated to form plagiogranitic melts, with a wide range of conjunctive, mafic to intermediate cumulates. This plutonic assemblage, possibly in crystal mush form, was subsequently intruded by new, mafic magma, leading partly to large-scale remelting or assimilation of cumulus phases. These processes are reflected in the MVM by common hybrid flows, as well as local intermediate lavas having the geochemical characteristics of cumulates, erupted during a period of intense faulting. Major tapping of the primary, mafic magma occurred toward the end of the period of MVM volcanism. A predominance of voluminous, apparently fluid, massive flows in the MVM is mainly ascribed to the shallow depth of magma reservoirs.  相似文献   

横穿南极大陆中部的横贯南极山脉是早古生代时期古太平洋向东冈瓦纳活动大陆边缘俯冲形成的罗斯造山带,该阶段的地层沉积、变形变质以及花岗质岩浆侵入代表了罗斯运动的演化过程。由于岩浆活动与沉积地层和变形变质在时代上存在明显差异,罗斯运动的时代仍缺乏精确的限定。通过采集北维多利亚地难言岛地区冰碛物和海岸沉积物中的松散砂砾石样品,并进行碎屑锆石U-Pb测年得出:4件不同粒径的冰碛物和海岸沉积样品中的碎屑锆石年龄峰谱具有单一峰谱的特征,年龄区间为2443~323 Ma,主要集中于530~450 Ma之间,峰值年龄约为485 Ma;锆石Th/U比值均大于0.1,而且以>0.4为主,其CL图像也具有明显的振荡环带,稀土元素特征主体具有岩浆锆石的特征,反映了样品物源区岩浆活动的时代特征。碎屑锆石年龄组成与周缘地区岩浆活动和陆内变形以及沉积地层时代基本一致,表明北维多利亚地及其周缘地区在罗斯运动晚期陆内变形阶段的岩浆活动应持续至450 Ma,这可能代表了罗斯运动结束的时代,该结果为冈瓦纳大陆边缘罗斯运动的构造演化过程提供了新的约束。   相似文献   

The large tonnage Maoling gold deposit (25 t @ 3.2 g/t) is located in the southwest Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton. The deposit is hosted in the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks. Four stages of mineralization were identified in the deposit: (stage I) quartz-arsenopyrite ± pyrite, (stage II) quartz-gold- arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite, (stage III) quartz-gold- polymetallic sulfide, and (stage IV) quartz-calcite-pyrrhotite. In this paper, we present fluid inclusion, C-H-O-S-Pb-He-Ar isotope data, zircon U-Pb, and gold-bearing sulfide (i.e. arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite) Rb-Sr age of the Maoling gold deposit to constrain its genesis and ore-forming mechanism. Three types of fluid inclusions were distinguished in quartz-bearing veins, including liquid-rich two-phase (WL type), gas-rich two-phase (GL type), and daughter mineral-bearing fluid inclusions (S type). Fluid inclusions data show that the homogenization at temperatures 197 to 372 °C for stage I, 126 to 319 °C for stage II, 119 to 189 °C for stage III, and 115 to 183 °C for stage IV, with corresponding salinities of 3.7 to 22.6 wt.%, 4.7 to 23.2 wt.%, 5.3 to 23.2 wt.%, and 1.7 to 14.9 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. Fluid boiling was the critical factor controlling the gold and associated sulfide precipitation at Maoling. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic analyses for quartz yielded δ18O = ?5.0‰ to 9.8‰ and δ D = ?133.5‰ to ?77.0‰. Carbon stable isotopic analyses for calcite and ankerite yielded δ13C = ?2.3‰ to ?1.2‰ and O = 7.9‰ to 14.1‰. The C-H-O isotope data show that the ore-forming fluids were originated from magmatic water with meteoric water input during mineralization. Hydrothermal inclusions in arsenopyrite have 3He/4He ratios of 0.002 Ra to 0.054 Ra, and 40Ar/36Ar rations of 1225 to 3930, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were dominantly derived from crustal sources almost no mantle input. Sulfur isotopic values of Maoling fine-grained granite range from 6.‰1 to 9.8‰, with a mean of 7.7‰, δ34S values of arsenopyrite from the mineralized phyllite (host rock) range from 8.9‰ to 10.6‰, with a mean of 10.0‰, by contrast, δ34S values of sulfides from ore vary between 4.3‰ and 10.6‰, with a mean of 6.8‰, suggesting that sulfur was mainly originated from both the host rock and magma. Lead radioactive isotopic analyses for sulfides yielded 206Pb/204Pb = 15.830–17.103, 207Pb/204Pb = 13.397–15.548, 208Pb/204Pb = 35.478–36.683, and for Maoling fine-grained granite yielded 206Pb/204Pb = 18.757–19.053, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.596–15.612, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.184–39.309, also suggesting that the ore-forming materials were mainly originated from the host rocks and magma. Zircon U-Pb dating demonstrates that the Maoling fine-grained granite was emplaced at 192.7 ± 1.8 Ma, and the host rock (mineralized phyllite) was emplaced at some time after 2065.0 ± 27.0 Ma. Arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite give Rb–Sr isochron age of 188.7 ± 4.5 Ma, indicating that both magmatism and mineralization occurred during the Early Jurassic. Geochronological and geochemical data, together with the regional geological history, indicate that Early Jurassic magmatism and mineralization of the Maoling gold deposit occurred during the subducting Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath Eurasia, and the Maoling gold deposit is of the intrusion-related gold deposit type.  相似文献   

The Snowdon caldera of North Wales is host to base metal sulfide-bearing veins and stockworks, mineralized breccias, disseminated sulfides, and localized zones of semi-massive to massive sulfide, with subordinate magnetite-rich veins. The late Ordovician host volcanic sequence accumulated in a shallow marine, back-arc environment in the Welsh Basin, which forms part of the Avalon Zone of the British and Irish Caledonides. New field evidence, sulfur isotopes, and U-Pb dating indicate that the Snowdon mineralization is genetically and temporally related to Late Ordovician magmatism and caldera formation. It is interpreted to represent volcanogenic pipe-style sulfide mineralization, resulting from focused hydrothermal fluids moving along caldera-related faults and simultaneous dispersal of fluids through the volcaniclastic pile. Sulfur isotope data suggest that, whilst a limited contribution of magmatic S cannot be ruled out, thermochemical reduction of contemporaneous Ordovician seawater sulfate was the dominant mechanism for sulfide production in the Snowdon system, resulting in a mean value of about 12‰ in both the host volcanic strata and the mineralized veins. Despite the tectonic setting being prospective for VMS deposits, strata-bound sulfide accumulations are absent in the caldera. This is attributed to the shallow water depths, which promoted boiling and the formation of sub-seafloor vein-type mineralization. Furthermore, the tectonic instability of the caldera and the high energy, shallow marine environment would have limited preservation of any seafloor deposits. The new U-Pb dates for the base (454.26 ± 0.35 Ma) and top (454.42 ± 0.45 Ma) of the host volcanic rocks, indicate that the Snowdon magmatic activity was short lived, which is likely to have limited the duration and areal extent of the ore-forming system. The absence of massive sulfide mineralization is consistent with the general paucity of economic VMS deposits in the Avalon Zone. Despite the highly prospective geological setting this study further illustrates the importance of volcanic facies mapping and associated paleo-environmental interpretations in VMS exploration.  相似文献   

New structural, microstructural and geochronological (U-Pb LA-ICP-MS, Ar/Ar, K-Ar, Rb-Sr) data were obtained for the Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay. The main phase of crustal shortening, metamorphism and associated exhumation is recorded between 630 and 600 Ma. This stage is related to the collision of the Río de la Plata and Congo cratons at ca. 630 Ma, which also involved crustal reworking of minor crustal blocks such as the Nico Pérez Terrane and voluminous post-collisional magmatism. Subsequent orogen-parallel sinistral shearing gave rise to further deformation up to ca. 584 Ma and resulted from the onset of the convergence of the Kalahari Craton and the Río de la Plata-Congo cratons. Sinistral shear zones underwent progressive strain localization and retrograde conditions of deformation during crustal exhumation. Dextral ENE-striking shear zones were subsequently active at ca. 550 Ma, coeval with further sinistral shearing along N- to NNE-striking shear zones. The tectonothermal evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt thus recorded the collision of the Río de la Plata and Congo cratons, which comprised one of the first amalgamated nuclei of Gondwana, and the subsequent incorporation of the Kalahari Craton into Western Gondwana.  相似文献   


The magmatic generation for the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic (~215–200 Ma) and Early Cretaceous–Late Cretaceous (~108–79 Ma) post-collisional granites in the Sanjiang Tethys orogeny remain enigmatic. The Xiuwacu complex, located in the southern Yidun Terrane, consists of biotite granite with a weight mean 206Pb/238U age of 199.8 ± 2.5 Ma, aplite granite of 108.2 ± 2.3 Ma, monzogranite porphyry of 80.8 ± 1.0 Ma, and diorite enclaves of 79.2 ± 0.9 Ma and 77.9 ± 0.8 Ma. The Late Triassic biotite granites show I-type granite affinities, with high SiO2 contents, high Mg# values, high zircon δ18O values, and negative whole-rock ?Nd(t) values, indicating a predominant ancient crustal source with the input of juvenile materials. Their fractionated REE patterns and concave-upward middle-to-heavy REE patterns require garnet-bearing amphibolite as the melt source. The Cretaceous highly fractionated aplite granites and monzogranite porphyries have relatively high SiO2 contents, high (Na2O + K2O)/CaO ratios, high zircon δ18O values, and enriched whole-rock Sr–Nd isotopic signatures, suggesting that their parent magmas were likely originated from the ancient middle- to lower crust. Their significant negative Eu anomalies and obvious depletions in Nb, Sr, and Ti demonstrate that the Cretaceous granitic magmas had experienced more fractionation than the Late Triassic felsic magmas. The Late Cretaceous diorite enclaves show low SiO2 contents, high Mg# values, and high zircon δ18O values, suggesting that they were probably derived from the partial melting of subcontinental lithospheric mantle enriched by the Late Triassic subduction. The Late Triassic–Early Jurassic and Early Cretaceous–Late Cretaceous magmatism witnessed the post-collisional setting and intraplate extensional setting in response to the slab break-off and lithospheric-scale transtensional faulting, respectively. The partial melting of subduction-modified lithospheric mantle or/and residual sulphide cumulates within the lower crust during the origination of Late Cretaceous magmas could have provided metals for the formation of Xiuwacu deposit.  相似文献   

Prolonged deformation for ca 150 Ma along the Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier, differentially partitioned into three distinct Mesoproterozoic tectonic domains. NW–SE-trending structures dominate the northern domain, whereas E–W- and N–S-trending structures dominate the central and southern domains, respectively.

Changing the direction of bulk horizontal shortening from NE–SW to N–S to E–W shifted the locus of maximum tectono-metamorphic effect. This accounts for the different generations of structures preserved in these three domains. Overprinting relationships and geochronological data reveal a component of deformation partitioning in time as well as space.

Rheological contrasts in the Soldiers Cap Group between a thick interlayered pelitic, psammitic and volcanic units on the one hand, and ca 1686 Ma, competent mafic intrusives and genetically related metasomatic albitite bodies present in its lower part, on the other, enhanced strain localisation during the long-lived Isan Orogeny (ca 1670–1500 Ma).  相似文献   

Ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism (UHPM) has recently been discovered in far‐travelled allochthons of the Scandinavian Caledonides, including finding of diamond in the Seve Nappe Complex. This UHPM of Late Ordovician age is older and less recognized than that in the Western Gneiss Region of southwestern Norway, which was related to terminal collision between Baltica and Laurentia. Here we report new evidence of UHPM in the Lower Seve Nappe, recorded by eclogite and garnet pyroxenite from the area of Stor Jougdan in northern Jämtland, central Sweden. Peak‐metamorphic assemblage of eclogite, garnet + omphacite + phengite + rutile + coesite? yields P–T conditions of 2.8–4.0 GPa and 750–900 °C, constrained by conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling in the NCKFMTASH system. The prograde metamorphic evolution of the eclogite is inferred from inclusions of zoisite and amphibole in garnet, which are stable at lower pressure, whereas the retrograde evolution is recorded by formation of diopsidic clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites after omphacite, growth of amphibole replacing these symplectites, and of titanite around rutile. In garnet pyroxenite the peak‐metamorphic assemblage consists of garnet + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine. P–T conditions of 2.3–3.8 GPa and 810–960 °C have been derived based on the conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling in the CFMASH and CFMAS systems. Retrograde evolution has been recognized from replacement of pyroxene and garnet by amphibole. The results show that eclogite was metamorphosed during deep subduction of continental crust, most probably derived from the continental margin of Baltica, whereas the origin and tectonic setting of the garnet pyroxenite is ambiguous. The studied pyroxenite/peridotite of Baltican subcontinental affinity could have been metamorphosed as a part of the subducting plate and exhumed due to the downward extraction of a forearc lithospheric block.  相似文献   

Within the southern part of the Sierra Pampeanas (the Sierra de San Luis, Argentina), a series of extensive intrusive bodies are regarded to post-date the Famatinian cycle but were emplaced during the Achalian, a period of heterogeneous deformation along crustal scale fault zones. The largest of those is the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith that is situated at the northern end of the transpressive, sinistral Guzmán shear zone. This composite pluton exhibits three sub-domains that comprise two granitoid sub-units each: The southern Potrerillos stock (muscovite-bearing red granite and biotite-bearing red granite) and the central (biotite porphyritic granite and giant porphyritic granite) and northern domain (equigranular granite and porphyritic granite) of the Las Chacras stock. The crystallisation ages of the biotite porphyritic granite is around 381 Ma (U/Pb on zircons and Pb/Pb on sphene), while the host rock was already cooled below 350 °C at 420 Ma. Thermal modelling approaches favour a pulsed intrusion with a duration of 1.5 Ma. The emplacement was followed by rapid cooling below the muscovite cooling temperature. Biotite cooling ages in different sub-units reflect either a long-lasting cooling history of approximately 30 Ma (which is supported by the modelling) or a reheating effect at around 350 Ma. Devonian-age determinations on the fault rocks and granitoids point to a syn-tectonic emplacement of the batholith. The pluton is interpreted to be positioned at the crossover of sinistral shear zones. The origin of this NNE directed extensional setting in a transpressive regime seems to be related to the transfer of displacement along a secondary set of NNW-trending sinistral faults. The final emplacement is due to a subsequent ballooning of the batholith following the direction of space creation. This model is based on the relative timing of the emplacement sequence and macroscopically visible planar fabrics in the field as well as magnetic fabric data. Our results indicate that the emplacement is syn-kinematic with respect to the Achalian deformation event.  相似文献   

Strain energy concept has been employed by the researchers for the assessment of liquefaction phenomenon which is a disastrous type of earthquake-induced failure in saturated soils. The efficiency and predictability conditions of strain energy concept for liquefaction potential assessment are investigated herein using effective stress numerical analyses. Several earthquake ground motions were introduced to the base of a calibrated numerical model using an advanced fully coupled constitutive model. Results of the numerical analyses indicate that earthquake-induced excess pore pressure is more rigorously proportional to strain energy compared with the other examined intensity measures. Subsequently, a simple relationship was derived using the results of dynamic analyses to predict cumulative strain energy density in terms of magnitude, source to site distance, and effective overburden pressure. This relationship, which tries to guarantee the predictability condition of strain energy demand, has demonstrated a successful capability in discrimination between the liquefied and non-liquefied case histories recorded after several well-known earthquakes. This study has provided a practical linkage between numerical analysis and field observations. Finally, it is concluded that although strain energy approach possesses a great conceptual efficiency in liquefaction potential assessment, its precise prediction in actual field conditions involves some difficulties.  相似文献   

In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism was superimposed on an earlier Archaean orogenic history. Previously determined ages of  2030–2020 Ma obtained from high-temperature chronometers (zircon, garnet, monazite) are generally thought to provide the best estimate of the peak of Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone, whereas ages as young as  2006 Ma from late melt patches suggest that temperatures remained above the wet solidus for an extended period. We present a new MC-ICP-MS 207Pb–206Pb age of 2030.9 ± 1.5 Ma for titanite found in amphibolite- to greenschist-facies alteration zones developed adjacent to quartz vein systems and related pegmatites that cut a strongly deformed Central Zone metabasite. This age could potentially date cooling of rocks at this locality to temperatures below the wet solidus. Alternatively, the titanite could be inherited from the metabasite host, and the age determined from it date the peak of metamorphism. Integration of the geochronology with LA-ICP-MS trace element data for minerals from the metabasite, the hydrothermal vein systems and comparable rocks elsewhere shows that the titanite formed during the amphibolite-facies hydrothermal alteration, not at the metamorphic peak or during the greenschist-facies phase of veining. This suggests that high-grade rocks in the Central Zone have cooled differentially through the wet solidus, and provides timing constraints on when Palaeoproterozoic reworking in the Central Zone began. This study illustrates the potential of combined geochronological and high-resolution geochemical studies to accurately match mineral ages to distinct crustal processes.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic reflection profiles (3·5 kHz) have revealed the presence of extensive interstitial gas accumulation within the sedimentary sequences of Loch Tay, Scotland, as identified by acoustic turbidity masking the seismic stratigraphy. Within the central section of the loch, in the deepest water area directly above the zone of the seismically active Loch Tay Fault, focused flows of gas through the sediment pile to the loch bed via chimneys and pockmarks, together with gas seeps within the water column, have been identified. Microbiological observations indicate that the gas is biogenic CH4, produced by both chemoautotrophic (which use CO2 as a source of carbon and H2 as a source of energy) and aceticlastic species (which use acetate as a source of carbon and energy) of methanogens in the fine-grained, organic rich deposits that have been focused into the zone of accumulation in the deep central part of the loch. The spatial distribution of the gas escape features suggests that earthquake movements along the Loch Tay Fault are responsible for facilitating focused gas escape in this part of the loch, by the creation of new pathways and conduits through the sediment pile, along which gas can migrate upwards and exit into the water column. Relict pockmarks and associated chimneys identified in the seismic records indicate that gas escape has been taking place since Pleistocene times though the precise timings cannot be ascertained. This is the first time that such features have been reported from a lake in the UK.  相似文献   

The Cadomian basement and the Cambro-Ordovician overstep sequence in Saxo-Thuringia is characterized by clastic sedimentation from the Late Neoproterozoic to the Ordovician. Magmatism in the Avalonian–Cadomian Arc preserved in Saxo-Thuringia occurred between ca. 570 and 540 Ma. Peri-Gondwanan basin remnants with Cadomian to Early Palaeozoic rocks are exposed as very low-grade metamorphosed rocks in six areas (Schwarzburg Anticline, Berga Anticline, Doberlug Syncline, North Saxon Anticline, Lausitz Anticline, and Elbe Zone). A hiatus in sedimentation between 540 and 530 Ma (Cadomian unconformity) is related to the Cadomian Orogeny. A second gap in sedimentation occurred during the Upper Cambrian (500 to 490 Ma) and is documented by a disconformity between Lower to Middle Cambrian rocks and overlying Tremadocian sediments. Major and trace-element signatures of the Cadomian sediments reflect an active margin (“continental arc”), those of the Ordovician sediments a passive margin. The Cambrian sediments have inherited the arc signature through the input of relatively unaltered Cadomian detritus. Initial Nd and Pb isotope data from the six Saxo-Thuringian areas demonstrate that there is no change in source area with time for each location, but that there are minor contrasts among the locations. (1) Cadomian sediments from the Lausitz Anticline, the Doberlug Syncline and the Elbe Zone have lower 207Pb/204Pb than all other areas. (2) The core of the Schwarzburg Anticline, which is overprinted by greenschist facies conditions and detached, is isotopically heterogeneous. One part of its metasedimentary units has less radiogenic Nd than sediments from other low-grade units of similar age in the same area. (3) Cadomian sediments from the Schwarzburg Anticline show an input of younger felsic crust. (4) The Rothstein Group shows distinct input of young volcanic material. Also, (5) Cadomian sediments from the Lausitz Anticline, the Elbe Zone and parts of the North Saxon Anticline are characterized by input from an old mafic crust. Nd isotope data of the remaining areas yield average crustal residence ages of the sediment source of 1.5–1.9 Ga, which suggests derivation from an old craton as found for other parts of the Iberian–Armorican Terrane Collage. Similarly, the Pb isotope data of all areas indicate sediment provenance from an old craton.The rapid change of lithologies from greywacke to quartzite from the Late Neoproterozoic (Cadomian basement) to the Ordovician does not reflect changes in sediment provenance, but is essentially due to increased reworking of older sediments and old weathering crusts that formed during various hiatus of sedimentation. This change in sediment maturity takes its chemical expression in lower overall trace-element contents in the quartzite (dilution effect by quartz) and relative enrichment of some trace-elements (Zr, MREE, HREE due to detrital zircon and garnet). The Rb–Sr systematics of the quartzites and one Ordovician tuffite was disturbed (most likely during the Variscan Orogeny), which suggests a lithology-controlled mobility of alkali and calc-alkali elements. By comparison with available data, it seems unlikely that only Nd TDM model ages are useful to distinguish between West African and Amazonian provenance. Nd TDM model ages of 1.5 to 1.9 Ga in combination with paleobiogeographic aspects, age data from detrital zircon, and palaeogeographic constraints, especially through tillites of the Saharan glaciation in the Hirnantian, strongly indicate a provenance of Saxo-Thuringia from the West African Craton.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic Alice Springs Orogeny was a major intraplate tectonic event in central and northern Australia. The sedimentological, structural and isotopic effects of the Alice Springs Orogeny have been well documented in the northern Amadeus Basin and adjacent exhumed Arunta Inlier, although the full regional extent of the event, as well as lateral variations in timing and intensity are less well known. Because of the lack of regional isotopic data, we take a sedimentological approach towards constraining these parameters, compiling the location and age constraints of inferred synorogenic sedimentation across a number of central and northern Australian basins. Such deposits are recorded from the Amadeus, Ngalia, Georgina, Wiso, eastern Officer and, possibly, Warburton Basins. Deposits are commonly located adjacent to areas of significant basement uplift related to north‐south shortening. In addition, similar aged orogenic deposits occur in association with strike‐slip tectonism in the Ord and southern Bonaparte Basins of northwest Australia. From a combination of sedimentological and isotopic evidence it appears that localised convergent deformation started in the Late Ordovician in the eastern Arunta Inlier and adjacent Amadeus Basin. Synorogenic style sedimentation becomes synchronously widespread in the late Early Devonian and in most areas the record terminates abruptly close to the end of the Devonian. A notable exception is the Ngalia Basin in which such sedimentation continued until the mid‐Carboniferous. In the Ord and Bonaparte Basins there is evidence of two discrete pulses of transcurrent activity in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous. The sedimentological story contrasts with the isotopic record from the southern Arunta Inlier, which has generally been interpreted in terms of continuous convergent orogenic activity spanning most of the Devonian and Carboniferous, with a suggestion that rates of deformation increased in the mid‐Carboniferous. Either Carboniferous sediments have been stripped off by subsequent erosion, or sedimentation outpaced accommodation space and detritus was transported elsewhere.  相似文献   

本文对孙吴地区白云母花岗岩行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学和岩石地球化学研究,确定其形成时代、岩石成因,从而揭示区域构造背景。孙吴地区白云母花岗岩中的锆石均呈半自形-自形,振荡生长环带明显,暗示其岩浆成因。测年结果显示,白云母花岗岩形成于168Ma,为中侏罗世岩浆事件的产物。岩体具有高硅(Si O2=74.61%~80.16%)、富铝(Al2O3=10.59%~13.90%)、贫铁(Fe2O3=0.11%~0.3%)等特征,在化学上属于准铝质-过铝质(A/CNK=0.97~1.13)系列。孙吴地区白云母花岗相对富集轻稀土元素(LREEs)和大离子亲石元素(LILEs),亏损重稀土元素(HREEs)和高场强元素(HFSEs)。锆石的εHf(168Ma)=+7.53~+11.66,二阶段的模式年龄(tDM2)变化于595~966Ma之间。上述特征表明,孙吴地区中侏罗世白云母花岗岩的岩浆起源于新增生加厚陆壳物质的部分熔融。结合在大兴安岭与小兴安岭衔接地区变质杂岩和冀北-辽西地区区域性地层不整合面的存在,表明大兴安岭西坡-冀北-辽西地区中侏罗世经历了一次与蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合有关的陆壳加厚过程。因此,研究区内中侏罗世白云母花岗岩的形成应与蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合过程中的陆-陆碰撞作用有关,而与古环太平洋向欧亚大陆的俯冲作用无关,其形成时代也限定额尔古纳地块西北部蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋的闭合时间应为中侏罗世。  相似文献   

We present a structural, AMS, microstructural and kinematic study of the Aston gneiss dome (French Pyrenees), which consists of a core made up of orthogneiss and paragneiss intruded by numerous sills of Carboniferous peraluminous granite. The orthogneiss corresponds to a former Ordovician granitic laccolith. Four Variscan events have been evidenced in this gneiss dome: (i) D1 deformation observed only as relics in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks located above the sillimanite isograd, and characterized by a NS to NE–SW non coaxial stretch associated to top to the south motions (NS convergence); (ii) D2-a deformation observed in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks, mainly migmatitic paragneisses, located below the sillimanite isograd and in the peraluminous granites whatever their structural level, and characterized by an EW to N120°E stretch associated to a top to the east flat shearing (lateral flow in the hot middle crust in a transpressive regime); (iii) D2-b deformation characterized by EW-trending megafolds corresponding to the domes in the middle crust and by EW-trending tight folds with subvertical axial planes in the metasedimentary upper crust; (iv) subvertical medium-temperature mylonitic bands developed by the end of the transpression.The Aston massif is a good example of decoupling between a cold upper crust and a hotter middle crust overheated by a thermal event originated in the upper mantle. This decoupling allowed the lateral flow of the migmatitic middle crust along a direction at high angle with respect to the more or less NS-trending direction of convergence. We suggest that the HT-LP metamorphism developed before the formation of the domes during D2-a, coevally with the emplacement of numerous sills of peraluminous granite, whereas the emplacement of the large calc-alkaline plutons in the upper crust occurred by the end of D2-b. Our data invalidate the previous geodynamical models based on either early or late extensional regime to explain the development of the HT-LP metamorphism. This new interpretation of the dynamics of the Variscan crust of the Pyrenees is consistent with recent studies conducted in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic hot continental crusts having undergone oblique convergence, and characterized by a competition between vertical thickening and lateral flow induced by the important rheological contrast between two thermally different levels.  相似文献   

Upper crustal strike-slip duplexes provide an excellent opportunity to address the fundamental question of fault zone development and strain partitioning in an evolving system. Detailed field mapping of the Mesozoic Atacama fault system in the Coastal Cordillera of Northern Chile documents the progressive development of second- and third-order faults forming a duplex at a dilational jog between two overstepping master faults: the sinistral strike-slip, NNW-striking, Jorgillo and Bolfin faults. These are constituted by a meter-wide core of foliated S-C ultracataclasite and cataclasite, flanked by a damage zone of protocataclasite, splay faults and veins. Lateral separation of markers along master faults is on the order of a few kilometers. Second-order, NW-striking, oblique-slip subsidiary fault zones do not show foliated ultracataclasite; lateral sinistral separations are in the range of  10 to 200 m with a relatively minor normal dip-slip component. In turn, third-order, east–west striking normal faults exhibit centimetric displacement. Oblique-slip (sinistral–normal) fault zones located at the southern termination of the Bolfin fault form a well-developed imbricate fan structure. They exhibit a relatively simple architecture of extensional and extensional-shear fractures bound by low displacement shear fractures. Kinematic analysis of fault slip data from mesoscopic faults within the duplex area, document that the NW-striking and the EW-striking faults accommodate transtension and extension, respectively. Examination of master and subsidiary faults of the duplex indicates a strong correlation between total displacement and internal fault structure. Faults started from arrays of en echelon extensional/extensional-shear fractures that then coalesced into throughgoing strike-slip faults. Further displacement leads to the formation of discrete bands of cataclasite and ultracataclasite that take up a significant part of the total displacement. We interpret that the duplex formed by progressive linkage of horsetail-like structures at the southern tip of the Bolfin fault that joined splay faults coming from the Jorgillo and Coloso faults. The geometry and kinematics of faults is compared with that observed in analog models to gain an insight into the kinematic processes leading to complex strike-slip fault zones in the upper crust.  相似文献   

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