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Effects of temperatures and salinities on oxygen consumption and ammonia-N excretion rate of clam Meretrix meretrix were studied in laboratory from Oct. 2003 to Jan. 2004. Two schemes were designed in incremented temperature at 10, 15, 20, 25℃ at 31.5 salinity and in incremented salinity at16.0, 21.0, 26.0, 31.5, 36.0, and 41.0 at 20℃, all for 8-10 days. From 10 to 25℃, both respiration and excretion rate were increased. One-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated significant difference (P〈0.01) in physiological parameters in this temperature range except between 15 and 20℃. The highest Q10 thermal coefficient value (12.27) was acquired between 10 and 15℃, and about 1 between 15 and 20℃, indicating M. meretrix could well acclimate to temperature changes in this range. Salinity also had significant effects on respiration and excretion rate (P〈0.05). The highest values of respiration and excretion rate of M. meretrix were recorded at 16.0 salinity (20℃). These two physiological parameters decreased as salinity increased until reached the minimum Q10 value at 31.5 (20℃), then again, these parameters increased with increasing salinity from 31.5 to 41.0. M. meretrix can catabolize body protein to cope with osmotic pressure stress when environmental salinity is away from its optimal range. No significant difference was observed between 26.0 and 36.0 in salinity (P〉0.05), suggesting that a best metabolic salinity range for this species is between 26.0 and 36.0.  相似文献   

Effects of temperatures and salinities on oxygen consumption and ammonia-N excretion rate of clamMeretrix meretrix were studied in laboratory from Oct. 2003 to Jan. 2004. Two schemes were designed in incremented temperature at 10, 15, 20, 25°C at 31.5 salinity and in incremented salinity at 16.0, 21.0, 26.0, 31.5, 36.0, and 41.0 at 20°C, all for 8–10 days. From 10 to 25°C, both respiration and excretion rate were increased. One-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated significant difference (P<0.01) in physiological parameters in this temperature range except between 15 and 20°C. The highestQ 10 thermal coefficient value (12.27) was acquired between 10 and 15°C, and about 1 between 15 and 20°C, indicatingM. meretrix could well acclimate to temperature changes in this range. Salinity also had significant effects on respiration and excretion rate (P<0.05). The highest values of respiration and excretion rate ofM. meretrix were recorded at 16.0 salinity (20°C). These two physiological parameters decreased as salinity increased until reached the minimumQ 10 value at 31.5 (20°C), then again, these parameters increased with increasing salinity from 31.5 to 41.0.M. meretrix can catabolize body protein to cope with osmotic pressure stress when environmental salinity is away from its optimal range. No significant difference was observed between 26.0 and 36.0 in salinity (P>0.05), suggesting that a best metabolic salinity range for this species is between 26.0 and 36.0. This work is supported by National High-Tech R & D Program of China. (863 Program) (2002AA603014).  相似文献   

ImODUonONRespirationandexereionareimPortantaspeCtSofbioenergCties.TheaspthetionInetabolismandexcretionofscallopswerestudiedbydifferentmwherspeayne,l97l,BayneandNewell,l983,Bricelj,l987,MackayandShumway,l98O,Mdriky,l973,FujiandHashizume,l974,Madrinald,l988,ShumwayCtal.,l988,Vahl,l972,l978).Themetabolicrateofbivalvesisinfluentalbyanumberofvariables,indudingternperature,bodysize,oxygenimsion,foodconantfation,reproductvestate,aCtivity1ev-elandphySiologicalcondition.Themetabolicrateofscal…  相似文献   

There are more than 2000 species of brittle stars in the world. For most of them, many scientific questions including basic characteristics of eco-physiology are still unknown. In the present study, Ophiopholis sarsii vadicola acclimated at 15℃, salinity 31, were assessed for temperature and salinity tolerance. Its oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were studied at different temperatures(5, 10, 15, 20, 25℃) and salinities(25, 30, 35). O. sarsii vadicola could tolerate 0–24℃ and no brittle star was dead in the salinity range of 19–48 in the experimental situation. Two-way ANOVA showed that the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion normalized with both dry mass and wet mass, Q10, which is used to describe the temperature sensitivity of respiration, and moisture content were significantly affected by temperature and salinity, and the combined effects of the two factors were significant. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that logarithmic oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion showed a significant positive relationship with logarithmic temperature and salinity. The logarithmic moisture content of the brittle stars showed an inverse relationship with logarithmic salinity, but a positive relationship with logarithmic temperature. This suggests that the tolerance of temperature and salinity of brittle stars is closely related to their living environment, and that the effects of temperature on oxygen consumption are more significant at higher salinity, and that the ammonia excretion is less affected by salinity at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRespirationandexcretionaretwoimportantaspectsofbioenergetics.Themetabolicrateofbi valvesisinfluencedbyanumberofvariables,includingtemperature ,bodysize,oxygentension ,foodconcentration ,reproductivestate ,activitylevelandphysiologicalcondition .Theimpactsoftemperatureontherespirationandexcretionofscallopshadalreadybeenreportedindetail (BayneandNewell,1 983 ;MacDonald ,1 988;MackayandShumway,1 980 ;Shumway ,1 991 ;Yangetal.,1 998) ,whiletheeffectsofsalinityontherespirationan…  相似文献   

采用室内实验生态学方法对马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率进行了研究。结果表明:在温度13~33℃范围内,马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率均与体重呈负相关,可用Y=aW表示;在13~28℃温度范围内,马氏珠母贝-b的耗氧率随温度的升高而增加,28℃时,耗氧率达最大值,温度升高至33℃时,耗氧率反而下降,而排氨率在此温度范围内则呈持续升高趋势;在13~28℃温度范围内,马氏珠母贝呼吸和排泄Q10值分别为1.51~2.71和1.03~2.73,且在该温度范围内,马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率的比值范围为7.29~13.14。方差分析表明,体重、温度及二者的交互作用对马氏珠母贝的耗氧率和排氨率均有极显著影响(P<0.01)。马氏珠母贝的日常代谢高于标准代谢,耗氧率和排氨率平均值分别提高40.8%和59.1%。  相似文献   

利用室内实验生态学方法研究不同盐度和体质量对波纹龙虾的呼吸和排泄的影响.结果表明:不同盐度和体质量对波纹龙虾耗氧率和排氨率有显著影响(p <0.05).盐度为18~34时,波纹龙虾的耗氧率和排氨率先下降再升高,盐度26和30时较小,耗氧率分别为0.1305±0.0105 mg/(g·h)和0.1314±0.0052 mg/(g·h),排氨率分别为0.1733±0.0039 mg/(g·h)和0.1724±0.0044 mg/(g·h).波纹龙虾耗氧量(MO)和排氨量(MN)与体质量(m)呈正相关,而耗氧率(RO)和排氨率(RN)与体质量呈负相关,其关系式可表示为:MO =1.4921 m 0.4190和MN=1.1295 m 0.6988;RO=2.9333 m -0.7343和RN=1.1291 m -0.3011.  相似文献   

INTRODUCnON-WatertemperatheanddissolvedoxygenareimportantenvironmentalfactorsinthegmwthanddevelOPmntofaqUaticorgAnsms.ThereareInanPublishedstUdiesontheox-.ygenconsUInPtionrate(OCR)oftheprawn')(WangJim,l986;WangDanghenetal-,199l;ZangWeilingetal-,l992,l993),buttheydidnotcontalndetailedinfonnaionabouttheeffectoftemPerabeontheOCR-ThePresentstudydetendnedtheOCRofju-venilesofChineseprawn,gianttiserprawnandgiantfreshwaterprawnthatwererearedatdifferenttemperatllresforaboutaweekattheCaoj…  相似文献   

The effects of 60-day starvation on survival rate. condition index (CI) , changes ofnutrient composition of different tissues, respiration and excretion of scallop ChlartnCs farreri were studiedin laboratory from Oct. 17 to Dec. 15 ,1997. Two groups (control and starvation with 200 individualseach) were cultured in two 2 m3 tanks, with 31 to 32 salinity water at 1 7 “C . Starvation effects were mea-sured alter 1 0, 20, 40 and 60 days. There was no mass mortality of scallops cf the two tanks and survivalrates of the control and starvation groups were 93 .5 % and 92.0 %, respectively. Starvation had strongeffect on the meat condition of the scallops, especially after 10 days; when relative lipid percentagedropped sharply while relative protein percentage increased. The impact of starvation on the oxygen consumption mtc (OCR) and the ammonia-N cxcretion mtc (AER) was obvious.  相似文献   

温度对橄榄蛏蚌耗氧率和排氨率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内实验条件下研究了温度对不同规格橄榄蛏蚌耗氧率和排氨率的影响。实验结果表明, 15~30℃下,橄榄蛏蚌耗氧率和排氨率为大规格组均小于小规格组。耗氧率和排氨率与橄榄蛏蚌软体部干重(W)呈现明显的幂函数关系。在实验温度(15~30℃)范围内,随温度的上升,橄榄蛏蚌的耗氧率和排氨率均先逐渐增加,后随之下降,两者的高峰值分别出现在25℃和20℃。耗氧率(O)、排氨率(N)与温度(T)和橄榄蛏蚌软体部干重(W)的二元线性回归方程分别为:O=-0 .651 3+0. 053 2T+0. 107 3W,N=32. 162 6-1. 056 6T+1 .322 2W。二方程复相关系数r分别为0 .964 2和0 .892 1;F检验分别为极显著和显著。  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia—N excretion rate of scallopChlamys farreri (1.7–6.2 cm in shell height) were studied in laboratory from Dec. 30,1996 to Jan. 28,1997. Under the controlled conditions of ambient water temperature 10–31°C and salinity 32, the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and ammonia—N were determined by the Winkle method and the hypobromite method, respectively. Results showed that the OCR ranged from 1.20 mg/g (DW) · h to 5.76 mg/g (DW) · h. The OCR increased with temperature from 10°C to 23°C, but at 28°C the OCR of mature individuals decreased, and that of different size scallops reduced at 31°C. The ammonia—N excretion rate ranged from 113.03 μg NH4-N/g (DW) · h to 486.63 μg NH4-N/g (DW) · h, and increased with temperature from 10°C to 31°C. Contribution No.3180 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work was supported by the National Commission of Science and Technology of China, Grant No.96-922-02-04.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of salinity andbody mass on the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris under laboratory conditions.Salinity and body mass had highly significant effects on the oxygen consumption rate(R_O) and ammonia excretion rate(R_N)(P0.01).The interactive effects between salinity and body mass onR_O and R_N were insignificant(P0.05)and highly significant(P0.01),respectively.R_O and R_N of B.pectinirostris decreased significantly as the individual body mass increased.The relationship between R_O and body mass was represented by R_O=aW~b(R~2=0.956,P0.01).The relationship between R_N and the body mass of B.pectinirostris was represented by R_N=cW~d(R~2=0.966,P0.01).The R_O/R_N(O:N) ratios increased significantly as the salinity increased from 12 to 27,but decreased as salinity increased from 27 to 32.The atomic O:N ratios were significantly higher at27 than at other salinity levels.The average O:N ratio was 25.25.Lipid and carbohydrate were the primary energy sources and protein was the secondary energy source within the salinity range 12-32.R_O and R_N were significantly higher at 27 than at other salinity levels.Our results suggest that the optimum salinity level for B.pectinirostris is 27.  相似文献   

温度对管角螺Hemifusus tuba(Gelin)耗氧率和排氨率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设置5个温度梯度(14、19、24、29、34℃),海水盐度为32,研究温度和规格对管角螺Hemifusustuba(Gelin)耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明:14~29℃范围内,管角螺耗氧率随温度的升高,29℃时达到最大值;14~34℃范围内,排氨率随温度的升高而增加。在相同温度下,耗氧率和排氨率随单位软体部干重的增加而下降,管角螺软体部干重(W)与单位体重耗氧率(OR)、排氨率(NR)之间的关系分别符合幂函数方程OR=aW-b、NR=cW-d,W与OR、NR呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

采用实验生态学方法,比较了温度和体质量对光裸星虫排氨率和耗氧率的影响,按光裸星虫湿体质量设立了大规格(L组)、中规格(M组)和小规格(S组)3组,设立10℃、15℃、20℃、25℃和30℃共5个温度梯度。结果表明:(1)在15℃~25℃,3种规格的星虫的耗氧率都随温度的升高而增加,当温度升至30℃时,S组的耗氧率继续随温度的升高而增加,而L组和M组的耗氧率则出现下降的趋势。在相同温度条件下(10℃除外),3种规格的星虫耗氧率比较为:S组>L组>M组,在10℃条件下各组间的耗氧率无显著性差异(p>0.05),在温度15℃~30℃各组间的耗氧率存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。(2)在温度10℃~30℃,三种规格的星虫的排氨率都随着温度的升高而增加。在相同的温度条件下,3种规格的星虫排氨率比较为:S组>L组>M组,在10℃条件下,各组间的排氨率无显著性差异(p>0.05),在15℃~30℃时,各组间的排氨率存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。(3)方差分析结果表明,温度,体质量以及相互作用均对耗氧率和排氨率存在显著性影响(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

在水温18℃±1℃和盐度27.0±0.5条件下,研究了饥饿对褐菖鮋耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明:对照组的平均耗氧率为1.082 mg.g-1.h-1;饥饿组耗氧率随着饥饿时间的延长而下降,饥饿期间,褐菖鲉的平均耗氧率为0.893 mg.g-1.h-1,总体上低于对照组。排氨率随着饥饿时间的延长下降趋势呈阶段性变化:饥饿1 d、3 d后的排氨率略低于对照组但差异不显著(P>0.05);饥饿3~7 d,排氨率下降幅度变大,饥饿7d较饥饿3 d的排氨率下降了185.075%;饥饿14 d、21 d后排氨率分别为0.053 mg.g-1.h-1和0.028 mg.g-1.h-1,呈继续下降趋势,但下降幅度减缓。褐菖鮋的nO∶nN比值始小幅度上升,7 d时开始迅速上升,21 d后升高至27.754,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

To investigate sulfide detoxification in Urechis unicinctus,oxygen consumption rate and sulfide detoxification productswere analyzed during sulfide exposure under controlled laboratory conditions.The results showed that oxygen consumption rateswere elevated significantly during 3 h sulfide exposure compared to the control(P0.05).The concentration of sulfite in body walland hindgut of experimental worms increased significantly(P0.05)when exposed to 50μmolL-1sulfide,reached a maximum at24 h and then decreased.Similar result was observed in worms exposed to 150μmolL-1sulfide except that sulfite concentrationreached a maximum at 12 h.Contents of thiosulfate in body wall and hindgut of U.unicinctus exposed to sulfide were also significantly higher than that of the control without sulfide exposure.In conclusion,during short-time sulfide exposure U.unicinctus mayraise oxygen consumption to detoxify toxic sulfide into sulfite and thiosulfate.Sulfide detoxification was restrained when the expo-sure time was prolonged or sulfide concentration was increased,which was indicated by decrease of sulfite,the intermediate productof sulfide detoxification.  相似文献   

Polychaete Neanthesjaponica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Threedifferent groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24℃ decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18℃ to 30℃, the oxygen consumption increased before 27℃ and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes.  相似文献   

The impact of water temperature(24, 27, 30 and 33℃) and salinity(15, 20, 25, 30 and 33) on oxygen consumption(OCR) and ammonium excretion rate(AER) of ♀ Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ×♂ E. lanceolatus hybrid grouper juveniles(9.39 ± 0.07 g) were investigated under the fed and un-fed conditions. The results showed that the OCR and AER were significantly(P < 0.05) affected by temperature and salinity under both fed and un-fed conditions. When temperature was 24–33℃, the OCR and AER of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 85.68%–129.52% and 125.78%–287.63%, respectively, higher than those of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles. The O/N ratio, protein use(P_u), Q10(respiration) and Q10(excretion) of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 14.43–24.01, 28.35% – 48.48%, 1.69 and 3.01, respectively. The O/N ratio, P_u, Q10(respiration), Q10(excretion) of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 20.39 – 31.79, 22.16% – 34.34%, 1.23 and 1.17, respectively. When salinity was 15–33, the OCR and AER of fed hybrid grouper juveniles increased by 87.42% – 116.85% and 215.38% – 353.57%, respectively, over those of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles. The O/N ratio and P_u of fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 14.48 – 17.78, 39.36% – 49.43%, respectively. The O/N ratio and Pu of un-fed hybrid grouper juveniles were 20.39 – 31.79 and 22.16% – 34.34%, respectively. The specific dynamic action(SDA) of hybrid grouper juveniles was mainly related to protein metabolism. The results had a guiding significance to the large-scale intensive aquaculture of hybrid grouper juveniles.  相似文献   

xiODUonONThemaoreleInent(oxygen)ofldeinthemarineeresySteInisCycledalongapartho-larrouteinWhwhthethetcanbedrawnfromtheexternlenvirDnmentintoorgan-isim,andthenberetumedtotheenvbonmentfromtheorganisrns.TheDocontentinseawatCfisinIlUentalbyorganisms,imtS,temPeratureandoxidation.So,studyonDoisoftoortanceinoasnographyastheDofluxisofgreatsignfonceinmarinebiogeochdricalcydes.'MareRIAnooMEmOorlnthisstudy,datafroml98O~l992multi-disdplinaryinvestigationsinthecenthel,northeastem,andsouthernSrswe…  相似文献   

After being degreased with acetone, the female gonad ofChlamys (Azumapecten) farreri was extracted with water, and then subjected to DEAE—cellulose column chromatography and purified by Sephadex G-100 chromatography to obtain a pure female gonad glycoprotein (FGGP). The IR spectra, electrophoresis and chemical analysis of FGGP indicated that it was a kind of acid glycoprotein and that the content of total protein and sugar were 54.8% and 40%, respectively. Pharmacological tests showed that FGGP could inhibit (inhibition rate of 40.87%) the growth of Sarcoma 180 of mice.  相似文献   

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