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铁镍合金是陨石中重要的磁性物质,其中铁纹石、镍纹石和四方镍纹石是球粒陨石中的主要铁镍合金.然而,迄今针对陨石中铁镍合金的磁学性质研究仍非常缺乏.本文研究了吉林陨石中的铁纹石、四方镍纹石、以及陨硫铁的磁学特征.实验表明,镍含量为6%~7%的铁纹石是该陨石中最主要的铁镍合金物质,它具有低矫顽力和高的热稳定性,居里温度~750 ℃.镍含量为~48%的四方镍纹石具有高矫顽力和高的热稳定性,居里温度~565 ℃,它是剩磁的主要载体.陨硫铁在室温为反铁磁性,不具有载剩磁能力,在60 K左右存在一个低温转换,在氩气中加热较稳定而在空气中加热被氧化转化为磁铁矿.这些研究结果为鉴定球粒陨石中的磁性物质提供了依据.  相似文献   

杭州城区土壤的磁性与磁性矿物学及其环境意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对杭州城区四个不同功能区块土壤进行了系统的环境磁学测定,结果表明城市土壤的磁化率平均值为128×10-8m3·kg-1,频率磁化率平均值3.6%(样品数=182),城市土壤呈现明显的磁性增强. 城市土壤的磁化率与频率磁化率呈极显著指数负相关,表明城市土壤磁性增强明显区别于自然成土过程引起的以超顺磁性(SP)颗粒为主的表土磁性增强机理. 统计分析表明,城市土壤磁化率与软剩磁和饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)呈显著直线正相关,说明亚铁磁性矿物是城市土壤剩余磁性的主要载体. 综合等温剩磁获得曲线、热磁曲线、磁滞回线等岩石磁学测定和SEM/EDX分析,城市土壤的磁性矿物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿为主,磁性矿物以假单畴-多畴(PSD-MD)颗粒存在,粒度明显大于成土过程形成的磁性颗粒,这些磁性颗粒主要来自燃料燃烧、汽车尾气等环境污染物. 因此,城市土壤磁测可作为城市土壤污染监测、污染空间分布和污染物来源判断的新手段.  相似文献   

本文对发育在澳大利亚悉尼附近的Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学研究,测量了磁化率、饱和磁化强度、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁等常温磁学参数和磁滞回线,并对所有样品进行了热磁分析.实验结果表明:全新世软土层主要磁性矿物为MD颗粒磁铁矿,磁性矿物含量与黄土高原黄土层相当.中新世老成土层随地层深度增加主要磁性矿物由磁铁矿转变为磁赤铁矿,随着磁铁矿向磁赤铁矿的转化,开始出现赤铁矿;磁性矿物粒径分布较广,以PSD颗粒为主,其次为SD颗粒,同时含有少量MD颗粒;磁性矿物含量高于黄土高原强发育古土壤层.中新世红土矿层主要磁性矿物为赤铁矿,同时含有少量磁赤铁矿和针铁矿,属于铁的富集层,赤铁矿以SD颗粒为主,含少量PSD和MD颗粒.Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤形成时期,对应着一种全球性高温多雨气候,地表化学风化作用十分强烈.丰富的降水,导致中新世老成土层发生淋溶作用,磁铁矿在向下淋溶迁移过程中逐渐氧化为磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,铁氧化物最终在红土矿层淀积,磁赤铁矿经高温压实作用再结晶转化为赤铁矿.磁性矿物转化过程可概括为磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿化的磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿—赤铁矿,其中部分磁赤铁矿具有热稳定性,在空气(氩气)环境中加热到700℃未发生转化.  相似文献   


磁性地层学是界定沉积物地质年代的一种重要方法,该方法的应用建立在沉积物记录了可靠的特征剩磁基础上.红层的磁性地层年代学研究对于我国华南地区晚中生代以来古环境、古气候的演化具有极为重要的意义.但是,目前对于红层古地磁可靠性的解释存在广泛的争议,为更好地理解并尝试解决具体红层剖面的古地磁可靠性问题,迫切需要综合岩石磁学和其他非磁学手段对沉积物中的载磁矿物性质进行系统厘定.本文通过对赣南地区两个典型晚白垩纪红层剖面(信丰XF剖面和留车LC剖面)进行详细的岩石磁学分析,并结合扫描电镜和沉积相特征,判定出磁性矿物以赤铁矿为主,含有少量针铁矿、磁赤铁矿和磁铁矿.其中,赤铁矿是最主要的剩磁载体,且与钛铁矿共存,综合磁学与非磁学结果判定其记录了原生的沉积剩磁.在获得了可靠的古地磁信息基础上,结合前人对该区域生物地层学和年代学研究并与邻区地层比对,初步判断出LC剖面与XF剖面地质年代分别为晚白垩纪早期Cenomian期和晚白垩纪晚期Maastrichtian期.XF剖面依据ESR测年、南雄盆地地层比对和沉积相的判断,地层极性时段初步界定为C30n,即68.196~66.398 Ma,这为进一步探讨该地区的古环境和古气候演化提供了可参考的年龄标尺.


Inter-laboratory and absolute calibrations of rock magnetic parameters are fundamental for grounding a rock magnetic database and for semi-quantitative estimates about the magnetic mineral assemblage of a natural sample. Even a dimensionless ratio, such as anhysteretic susceptibility normalized by magnetic susceptibility (Ka/K) may be biased by improper calibration of one or both of the two instruments used to measure Ka and K. In addition, the intensity of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of a given sample depends on the experimental process by which the remanence is imparted. We report an inter-laboratory calibration of these two key parameters, using two sets of artificial reference samples: a paramagnetic rare earth salt, Gd2O3 and a commercial “pozzolanico” cement containing oxidized magnetite with grain size of less than 0.1 μm according to hysteresis properties. Using Gd2O3 the 10 Kappabridges magnetic susceptibility meters (AGICO KLY-2 or KLY-3 models) tested prove to be cross-calibrated to within 1%. On the other hand, Kappabridges provide a low-field susceptibility value that is ca. 6% lower than the tabulated value for Gd2O3, while average high-field susceptibility values measured on a range of instruments are indistinguishable from the tabulated value. Therefore, we suggest that Kappabridge values should be multiplied by 1.06 to achieve absolute calibration. Bartington Instruments magnetic susceptibility meters with MS2B sensors produce values that are 2-13% lower than Kappabridge values, with a strong dependence on sample centering within the sensor. The Ka/K ratio of ca. 11, originally obtained on discrete cement samples with a 2G Enterprises superconducting rock magnetometer and a KLY-2, is consistent with reference parameters for magnetites of grain size <0.1 μm. On the other hand, Ka values from a 2G Enterprises magnetometer and K values from a Bartington Instruments MS2C loop sensor for u-channel and discrete cement samples, will produce average Ka/K values that are unrealistically high if not properly corrected for the nominal volume detected by the sensors for these instruments. Inter-laboratory measurements of K and Ka for standard paleomagnetic plastic cubes filled with cement indicate remarkable differences in the intensity of the newly produced ARMs (with a standard deviation of ca. 21%), that are significantly larger than the differences observed from the calibration of the different magnetometers employed in each laboratory. Differences in the alternating field decay rate are likely the major source of these variations, but cannot account for all the observed variability. With such large variations in experimental conditions, classical interpretation of a “King plot” of Ka versus K would imply significant differences in the determination of grain size of magnetite particles on the same material.  相似文献   

我国西北地区出露大量富含哺乳动物化石的"第三纪红层", 探明这些地层的岩石磁学特征对进一步开展磁性地层、环境磁学和古气候学研究具有重要意义. 本文对青藏高原东北缘兰州盆地渐新世地层进行了详细的岩石磁学研究, 分别确定了咸水河组下部砂岩和泥岩中磁性矿物含量、种类及其在加热过程中的转变; 并结合X射线衍射, 漫反射光谱和粒度分析等非磁学手段, 揭示了磁性矿物种类与沉积环境的关系. 结果表明, 剖面底部和顶部的砂岩为河道沉积, 磁性矿物含量较低, 主要为高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿; 中部泥岩为湖相沉积, 指示了一个相对稳定的静水沉积环境, 其磁性矿物含量比砂岩要高, 不仅含有高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿,也含有低矫顽力的磁铁矿. 在岩石磁学和环境磁学结果的基础上,结合野外考察和古生物证据, 我们推测兰州盆地在晚渐新世为半湿润半干旱的气候条件, 这为赤铁矿的生成提供了有利条件, 导致盆地中富含赤铁矿的红色泥岩广泛发育.  相似文献   

The inclination (I), declination (D) and total intensity (F) of the geomagnetic field were measured on Mount Etna in 1989-1991 at a dozen sites previously sampled for archeomagnetic studies. The purpose of the work was to determine the variations of these parameters at 30 cm above ground level, and how the distortion from the main field can affect the archeomagnetic record of volcanic rocks. Ten measurements were usually performed at each site with a three-component flux-gate magnetometer, whose estimated precision is ±0.2° on direction and ±50 nT on intensity. This was considered sufficient on volcanic areas with highly magnetized rocks and where the geomagnetic gradient may be in excess of 1000 nT/m. Results averaged for each site generally show small variations in intensity (±3% of the total field) and direction (±1.5°). The averaged values of the 12 sites (I=52.6°, D=0.3°, F=44010 nT) are very close to those measured in sedimentary terrain away from the volcano (I=52.9°, D=0.35°, F=44110 nT), themselves consistent with the interpolated IGRF in eastern Sicily. The largest deviations of the geomagnetic direction have been observed on four sites, three of them located on the South flank between 1900 and 700 m elevation. It is suggested that these anomalies are mainly related to dyke swarms which are common within the South Rift Zone of Mount Etna. Our findings show that reliable archeomagnetic results can be obtained from volcanic rocks, provided that lavas of the same eruption are sampled on several sites distributed over the largest possible area.  相似文献   

亚洲大陆边缘海和陆表海在区域的物质和能量交换以及区域气候与环境演化过程中扮演了关键角色.磁性地层学和环境磁学方法是建立年代框架和环境演变序列的有效手段,但是,由于该地区边缘海和陆表海沉积物中磁性矿物来源十分复杂,磁性地层学和环境磁学研究的重要基础是要精细地解译沉积物的岩石磁学性质.为此,本文利用渤海南部莱州湾Lz908孔与钻孔附近的现代沉积物样品进行了详细的岩石磁学对比研究.结果显示,渤海南部沉积物中的磁性矿物主要是较粗颗粒(较大的准单畴至多畴)磁铁矿,还有少量磁赤铁矿,部分沉积物还含有赤铁矿和针铁矿,其中磁铁矿是特征剩磁的主要载体;莱州湾现代河流-海洋沉积物和钻孔样品之间的磁性特征无显著差异,说明莱州湾沉积物堆积之后尚未经历明显的沉积后期改造.  相似文献   

典型沙漠绿洲城市表土磁性特征及环境指示意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
选取典型沙漠绿洲城市(乌海、石嘴山、银川)表土为研究对象,对其环境磁学性质、土壤质地与重金属含量分布进行系统研究.结果表明,乌海市和石嘴山市表土为典型砂土,银川市为砂壤土.三个城市表土样品均以较粗的MD-PSD颗粒的亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿)为主导,磁化率均值分别为152×10-8、104×10-8和117×10-8 m3·kg-1.乌海市表土磁性矿物含量和磁性颗粒大小都显著高于石嘴山和银川市.重金属(Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Fe)的污染负荷指数(PLI)均显示,三个城市表土均存在轻度污染特征.同时磁化率和污染负荷指数在非工业区表现出点状高值分布,在工业区表现为面状高值分布特征.乌海市表土磁参数与重金属的相关系数显著高于石嘴山和银川,表明磁参数对于污染来源单一地区的污染程度评估更具优势.尽管三个城市表土磁学性质存在较大差异,但其磁化率均随污染负荷指数的增加呈现相同程度的递增.磁化率可以作为宁夏平原地区表土重金属污染程度评估的统一有效的代用指标.  相似文献   

西安市道路灰尘磁学特征及其对环境的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
西安市道路表面灰尘样品的环境磁学研究显示磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)以及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)均比较高,表明样品中磁性矿物含量较高.其中磁化率(χ)主要受人类活动强度影响,而非磁滞磁化率(χARM)及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)则由人为活动强度和磁性矿物种类共同决定.κ-T曲线以及等温剩磁(IRM)获得曲线显示样品中磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿等亚铁磁性矿物占主导,并可能含有少量的单质铁,其相对含量与人类活动种类有关:与单纯的交通排放及冶金活动相比,密集的人群流动可带来更多的单质铁矿物.磁畴图谱显示磁性矿物粒径变化不大,以准单畴及多畴颗粒等粗颗粒为主,明显大于成土作用形成的磁性颗粒.综合磁性矿物含量种类以及粒径可辨别污染及污染来源,提供污染监测的磁学手段,并初步进行污染来源划分.  相似文献   

敖红 《地球物理学报》2008,51(4):1029-1039
以热磁分析为主,对中国北方泥河湾盆地更新世河湖相地层中灰绿色粉砂和灰黄色粉砂/细砂两种典型沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,有效确定了这两类沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、粒度特征以及加热过程中磁性矿物的变化过程和产物,并对其包含的古环境意义进行了初步探讨.灰绿色粉砂样品主要含有磁铁矿和赤铁矿两种磁性矿物,磁性相对较弱,颗粒相对较细;灰黄色粉砂/细砂主要含有磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,磁性相对较强,颗粒相对较粗.在氩气环境中经700℃加热处理后,这两种沉积物中的绿泥石都分解,并生成超细粒(处于超顺磁和单畴颗粒区间)的磁铁矿,导致磁化率大幅升高.因此泥河湾盆地沉积物的热磁特征可以用来检测样品中绿泥石的相对含量,进而反映该地区化学风化作用强度的变化.此外,灰绿色粉砂样品中绿泥石含量比灰黄色粉砂/细砂样品的含量高,在氩气中加热后,磁化率升高幅度也较高,可能反映了化学风化相对较弱的沉积环境.  相似文献   

When re-heated to temperatures below the Curie temperature and subsequently cooled in a constant magnetic field (H T), rock samples which contain magnetic minerals can acquire an induced magnetic anisotropy (IMA). As the result of acquiring the IMA, a constriction develops in the hysteresis loop of the magnetization of these rocks at the values of the magnetizing field close or equal to the HT. Thus the IMA is capable of retaining the information on the palaeointensity of the geomagnetic field, i.e., if IMA was created in a rock in the geomagnetic field in a past geological epoch, it preserves the information on the intensity of that field. Investigations have shown, that when IMA is created in a rock under external stress, the stress has an impact on the magnetic memory. Here we also deal with the issue of how stress affects the magnetic memory of IMA. A mathematical model for the effect of stress on magnetic memory phenomena related to induced magnetic anisotropy in rocks containing multidomain magnetite and titanomagnetite grains is proposed herewith. The effect of temperature on the magnetic memory of rocks is discussed also.  相似文献   

Helium, neon and argon were analysed in matrix samples and in different clasts of the polymict-brecciated LL-chondrite St. Mesmin. All clasts have high K-Ar ages with a mean value of4.40 ± 0.26Ga. One exotic H-group xenolith, however, has a K-Ar age of only1.36 ± 0.05Ga. The low age indicates that the St. Mesmin breccia was compacted to its present structure relatively late in its history and that the St. Mesmin meteorite developed from regolith material on the meteorite's parent body. This is further demonstrated by the high concentrations of solar noble gases in the matrix and the cosmic ray pre-exposure of one individual clast.  相似文献   

磁铁矿(Fe3O4)是自然界沉积物和岩石天然剩磁的最主要载磁矿物.本文主要评述低温条件下(2\|300K)磁铁矿的晶体结构特征、Verwey相变以及磁晶各向异性等,重点介绍了两种重要的剩磁随温度变化曲线.最后简单地介绍磁铁矿的低温磁学研究在地学中的应用以及氧化和超顺磁效应对低温磁学性质的影响.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data from lithic clasts collected at 46 sites within layers 1 and 2 of the 1.8-ka Taupo ignimbrite, New Zealand, have been used to determine the palaeotemperatures and thermal structure of the deposit on its emplacement. Equilibrium temperatures from sites less than 30–40 km from vent are 150–300 °C, whereas at greater distances site equilibrium temperatures increase up to 400–500 °C. This variation is seen in both layer 1 and 2 deposits, with values for layer 1 being somewhat cooler, and with its increase in temperature occurring at a greater distance from vent. A temperature maximum at ~50 km from vent coincides with a zone of pink thermal-oxidation colouration of pumices previously inferred to reflect higher emplacement temperatures. Additional palaeomagnetic data collected by us and others from pumice clasts show comparable temperature variations, but these temperature estimates are shown here to be due to a chemical remanence and unreliable for accurate temperature estimates. Cooler temperatures in proximal parts of the ignimbrite are consistent with admixture of >20% cold lithic clasts at source and interaction with the pre-eruption Lake Taupo. The similar, but offset, increases in equilibrium temperatures for medial and distal layers 1 and 2 are consistent with both layers being deposited from the same flow. However, any proximal deposits left by the later, hotter material must have been subsequently eroded, or be so thin that our collection failed to sample them. Radial asymmetries in equilibrium temperatures as well as other physical parameters suggest that the deposit emplacement temperature is primarily determined at source, rather than by interaction with air during transport. These data support previous interpretations that a concentrated basal flow played a dominant role in emplacement and deposition of the Taupo ignimbrite.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

福州盆地位于海陆过渡地带,在海陆变迁过程中,沉积物记录了高分辨率的环境信息,是揭示沉积特征对环境变化响应过程及模式的理想区域.本文选择位于福州盆地的FZ5钻孔进行岩石磁学、环境磁学和古地磁学方面的研究,以期阐明该区域沉积物磁学性质对陆源碎屑输入、海平面变化和成岩作用的响应.岩石磁学结果表明钻孔沉积物以低矫顽力的亚铁磁性矿物为主体,但是在不同的环境变化阶段,磁性矿物的类型有较大变化.在9~3 cal. ka BP的海侵过程中,沉积物中以磁铁矿为主体,存在菱铁矿和铁硫化物等还原性矿物.硫化作用使细粒磁铁矿溶解形成胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿,其峰面随碎屑磁性矿物的浓度变化而迁移.但硫化作用没有完全消除磁铁矿携带的特征剩磁和陆源碎屑输入量以及海平面升降对该阶段沉积物磁性的控制.在~3 cal. ka BP以来随着海平面下降、沉积环境向陆相氧化环境转化,虽然早期还原作用仍然存在,但后期氧化作用使磁性矿物向高矫顽力的赤铁矿等矿物转变,氧化作用基本扰乱了磁铁矿携带的剩磁.沉积及其后期成岩作用过程中,发生在约~8.2、~7.7、~7.5、~2.7、~1.5、~0.5 cal. ka BP六次强烈的古氧化界面反映了福州盆地当时异常干旱或湿热的气候事件.  相似文献   

黄土岩石磁学参数是古气候研究中的重要指标,其中磁化率应用最为广泛,并在黄土高原地区取得重大进展,其受控于成壤作用的变化机制也被普遍接受.然而在黄土高原外缘的新疆地区,磁化率的变化机制仍不明确,导致磁化率的古气候意义在该区存在较大争议.本文选取塔里木盆地南缘具有精确年代控制的典型黄土剖面(羊场剖面)开展岩石磁学和高分辨率磁化率研究,利用交叉小波分析方法并结合剖面粒度、矿物及元素特征对该地区磁化率变化机制进行初步探讨.结果显示,羊场剖面的岩石磁学性质主要由粗颗粒软磁性矿物所控制,同时也表现出一定的顺磁性特征.根据载磁矿物和磁化率变化特征可将剖面进一步划分为两个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(8.5~2.5 ka),载磁矿物以亚铁磁性的磁铁矿为主,磁化率值整体较高;阶段Ⅱ(2.5~0.2 ka),亚铁磁性矿物依然占据主导地位,但硬磁性矿物和以黄铁矿为代表的顺磁性矿物相对增多,磁化率值显著降低.相关性研究和交叉小波分析表明:阶段Ⅰ磁化率与粗颗粒组分的变化具有一致性,符合"风速论"模式;阶段Ⅱ磁化率不仅与粗颗粒组分具有明显的正相关关系,而且与指示成壤作用强度的频率磁化率百分含量呈现出显著的负相关关系,暗示了阶段Ⅱ的磁化率变化可能受到"风速论"和"还原性成壤"模式的共同影响.本文拓宽了对新疆地区黄土岩石磁学特征及其磁化率变化机制的深入理解,也为利用磁化率恢复新疆及中亚地区全新世以来的古气候变化历史提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

福建三明地区被污染土壤的磁学性质及其环境意义   总被引:36,自引:8,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
对福建三明某钢铁厂和火电厂附近的污染表土样品进行了多参数的岩石磁学测试分析,包括χ T曲线、磁滞回线、等温剩磁获得曲线等. 三明地区污染表土中的磁性矿物有磁铁矿、赤铁矿和磁黄铁矿. 样品中磁性矿物的平均粒度较粗,为较大的准单畴,甚至多畴,粒度明显大于成土作用所产生的磁性颗粒. 粗粒的磁铁矿颗粒是污染物的主要磁性组分. 虽然磁化率测量可以作为一种简单、快速而且廉价的检测污染土壤的方法,但同时辅以必要的岩石磁学测量将有利于提取更多的污染信息. 对于低磁化率的污染土壤,亚铁磁性硫化物的存在可以作为土壤可能被污染的证据之一.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, environmental magnetism has found extensive applications in diverse research areas of geoscience[1]. In China, a lot of environmental magnetic studies have been carried out on loess, lake and marine sediments for the purpose of paleoclima…  相似文献   

太湖平原WJ孔矿物磁学特征以及晚第四纪海侵事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于古地磁和AMS14C定年结果,对长江三角洲太湖平原的WJ孔进行岩性特征、矿物磁学、粒度分析及有孔虫化石研究,拟重建WJ孔记录的晚第四纪以来沉积环境演变过程与海侵事件,并探讨环境磁学参数对河口三角洲地区沉积环境演化的指示意义.研究结果表明,WJ孔可以划分为中更新世阶段I、中更新世阶段II、晚更新世、全新世四个阶段,沉积地貌环境分别为:河湖、滨海—阶地、河口坝—河口湾—潮滩与阶地、湖沼平原.WJ孔揭示了三次海侵事件,分别为中更新世晚期海侵,晚更新世MIS5海侵和晚更新世MIS3海侵.其中记录的MIS5e海侵最为强盛,MIS3后期也存在一次海侵加强事件.另外,滨海潮滩—河口坝环境的沉积物磁性特征明显,χlf、SIRM、HIRM等为显著高值.  相似文献   

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