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四川旺苍志留系鲕粒灰岩特征及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦松  张涛  苏文博  王巍  马超 《地球科学》2011,36(1):43-52
近期在川西北旺苍地区早志留世南江组中首次发现了鲕粒灰岩.它们多以10 cm左右的薄层夹持在页岩或粉砂质泥岩中, 沉积相分析显示该段地层总体应属于均斜缓坡沉积体系.说明这些鲕粒是由异地搬运而来, 在旺苍附近可能会存在相当规模的鲕粒滩.在显微镜下可观察到, 其中的鲕粒类别单一, 鲕粒紧密排列, 并呈现一定程度的压缩变形, 局部壳层呈锯齿状, 也指示这些鲕粒曾经历过高能分选和搬运, 以及压实成岩作用等.氧碳同位素测试显示, 这些鲕粒灰岩沉积时的古温度大体为25~31 ℃, 表明早志留世的上扬子地台应处于中低纬度干热或温暖的古气候带.除去古气候及古地理学方面的意义, 当前鲕粒灰岩的发现还为该区油气勘探提供了重要的储层信息.   相似文献   

志留系滔河口组是一套发育于北大巴山地区的火山岩-火山碎屑岩-沉积岩组合。在1:10000地质填图和大比例地质剖面实测基础上,通过详细的火山碎屑岩相序和组构分析,本文在滔河口组火山-地层中共识别和划分出22个岩相,5个相组合类型。区域岩相测量与对比揭示,滔河口组火山-沉积宏观序列自下而上由玄武岩相(一般下部为块状粗粒/细粒玄武岩相、上部为枕状玄武岩相)、凝灰角砾岩相、再沉积富辉石火山碎屑砾岩相、无结构或叠瓦状凝灰质粗砾岩相、凝灰质砂岩相、生物灰岩相或泥岩相构成。岩相组合横向变化显示滔河口组古火山活动西强东弱,火山活动类型为斯托柏林型(Strombolian-type eruption)喷发。相对地,研究区西部火山-沉积序列发育较为完整。滔河口组的地层序列与岩石组合与板内火山活动产物相似,本文认为北大巴山地区志留系滔河口组火山岩-火山碎屑岩-沉积岩组合形成于洋岛或海山构造环境,是板内拉伸作用的产物。  相似文献   

The Ediacara mineral field is situated 30 km W of Beltana on the western margins of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, and consists of silver‐lead and copper deposits in lower Cambrian carbonate rocks that contain anomalous base‐metal contents throughout the Adelaide Geosyncline. The lower Cambrian rocks, which consist of the basal Parachilna Formation and overlying Ajax Limestone, rest disconformably on the Precambrian, and at Ediacara occupy a shallow N‐S elongate syncline near the hinge zone of the Adelaide Geosyncline. The main primary ore minerals of the silver‐lead mineralization are galena and pyrite, with very minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite, and rare tetrahedrite and pearceite. The gangue consists mainly of silica (both chalcedony and quartz), with minor dolomite and rare barite. The mineralization is stratabound and occurs in conformable zones, the lowest of which commences about 30–50 m above the base of the Cambrian sequence. The host to the silver‐lead mineralization, the Ajax Limestone, can be subdivided into three units which represent a set of lithologies, structures and organic traces indicative of a shallow near‐shore carbonate environment. The silver‐lead mineralization is mainly present in sandy and laminated dolomites which were deposited in an environment ranging from sub‐tidal to bar and channel and tidal flat, respectively. Four types of mineralization have been recognized; disseminated sulphides of syngenetic and/or diagenetic origin and epigenetic concentrations along stylolites, in veins and as breccia fillings. Post‐depositional solution activity has affected a large proportion of the carbonate sequence. The effects of this activity range from stylolites through stylobreccias to solution collapse breccias. The epigenetic concentrations of mineralizations have apparently been formed by the remobilization of the disseminated sulphides during solution activity. The ore and gangue minerals of the epigenetic mineralization display both euhedral forms and distinct colloform banding, and framboidal textures have also been observed in both pyrite and galena. There is evidence of repeated episodic precipitation and no simple paragenetic sequence can be recognized. Fluid inclusions in silica and dolomite associated with the epigenetic mineralization have homogenization temperatures of 159 to 199°C and freezing temperatures that indicate the fluids to be saline brines containing NaCl with CaCl2 and/or MgCl2. Sulphur isotope analyses show a range of 834S values from ‐12.5 to +8.6 per mil, with no evidence of significant differences between the four types of mineralization. The data suggest deposition of the disseminated sulphides as a result of biological reduction of seawater sulphate in a system partially open with respect to sulphate supply. Subsequent remobilization of sulphides apparently involved little or no sulphur isotope fractionation. The Ediacara silver‐lead deposits have many features in common with Mississippi Valley‐type lead‐zinc deposits and appear to have similarities in terms of genesis, in that the epigenetic mineralization has been formed as a result of post‐depositional solution activity during diagenesis in a sedimentary basin. The scale of transport of the metals deposited as the epigenetic mineralization at Ediacara appears, however, to have been very much less than that of the metals in other Mississippi Valley‐type deposits.  相似文献   

奥陶纪和志留纪钾质斑脱岩研究评述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
与欧洲与北美相比,国内对钾质斑脱岩的研究较少。为了更好的认识这类岩石,本文从其定义、判别、研究进展等方面,对已发表的钾质斑脱岩资料特别是奥陶纪和志留纪钾质斑脱岩资料进行了研究评述,并在此基础上对华南奥陶纪钾质斑脱岩研究进行了介绍,并提出了华南钾质斑脱岩研究中三个可能的突破方向,即钾质斑脱岩所代表的火山喷发活动与晚奥陶世生物大绝灭的关系、斑脱岩内斑晶矿物熔体包裹体与世界其他地区对比研究、奥陶纪不同层位斑脱岩高精度同位素年代学研究是华南奥陶纪钾质斑脱岩三个有前途的研究方向。钾质斑脱岩作为一类特殊的事件标志层,在年代地层、事件地层、古大陆再造、地层对比研究中具有重要的价值,并将在古环境、古构造和古地理研究等方面发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

西秦岭的志留系   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
<正> 西秦岭西段的志留系,最早由叶连俊、关士聪(1944)报道,白龙江群代表古道岭灰岩以下的一套浅变质岩系。通过近年来工作的结果,白龙江群包括下泥盆统,志留系下、中、上三统,及上奥陶统和更老的地层,如下表所示:  相似文献   

论国际奥陶—志留系的分界   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
<正> 有关地质历史时期中各大时代(如代与纪)的界线问题已经成为地质研究领域里的重大课题。地层与古生物学者采用多种手段(如化石分带、绝对年龄数值和磁性反向等)来确定系级界线的精确位置。自从国际地层委员会所属志留—泥盆纪界线工作组首先于1972年向第23届国际地质大会提交确定志留—泥盆纪分界的报告以来,其它多数系间的界线工作组亦在不同程度上大致如同他们的做法,来解决各自的界线问题。其方法是:先择  相似文献   

中国志留纪年代地层学述评   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
198 4年国际地层委员会志留系分会提出的分统建阶新方案使各国地质学家得以在相同的时间界面上探讨具有全球意义的地质和生物事件。数十年来我国志留纪地层研究进展不小 ,但与国际水平相比 ,研究现状还不能令人满意 ;特别是系内绝大部分的统、阶的界线尚未在全国范围内划定 ,成为当前我国志留系研究最迫切需要解决的问题。本文赞成我国志留纪年代地层框架宜采用“四分统”的方案 ,论述国内志留系顶底界、温洛克统顶底界、罗德洛统顶界的确定并讨论扬子区大部分地区是否发育比兰多维列统更高的志留纪地层的问题。  相似文献   

During the Silurian Period, tectonism was fairly marked in the Chinese region, and extensive shallow‐water marine transgressions occurred, with the accompanying development of eugeosynclinal and miogeosynclinal regimes. In the Late Silurian, a Caledonian (Kwangsian) orogenic movement affected several regions of China and regression was marked.

The Lower Silurian of China is principally a graptolitic facies, with 12 zones, giving place in the Middle Silurian to a predominantly shelly facies. The Upper Silurian is similar to the Middle Silurian but is usually more clastic and less fossiliferous, especially in the higher parts.  相似文献   

正 With 1 Plate. The material dealt with in this paper was collected by the late Mr. W. Y.Lin' from Takuan, Northern Yunnan~2 and by Professor P. Misch from near the Lufengtsun Station~(?) of the Yunnan-Indo-China Railway in 1939; and also by various xcursions of the Department of Geology of the National University of Peking to  相似文献   

The Silurian rocks and fossils of the Midland Valley of Scotland, and its extension across the northern parts of Ireland, have fascinated and challenged geologists for over 150 years. The spectacular diversity of facies and faunas, displayed in a series of inliers, is matched by contrasts in scenery from the rugged Atlantic coast of western Ireland to the undulating hills and heather moors on the northern margin of the Southern Uplands. Here, tectonic events near the climax of the Caledonian orogenic cycle served to fashion a mosaic of dynamic sedimentary environments on the Laurentian margin, at an exciting time in Earth history, as life established its foothold on the land.  相似文献   

Tabulate corals, including new species of Cyrtophyllum (C. elegantum, C. altaicum, C. vulgaris), Propora (P. proheliolitoides), and Plasmoporella (P. altaica) aid in defining Upper Ordovician strata of Gornyy Altay region; in addition, new species of Heliolites (H. pachycanaliculoides), Favosites (F. karagemensis), Pachyfavosites (P. bazhenovae), Squameofavosites (S. karagemensis, S. altaicum), and Hexismia (H. asiatica) form part of a rich Late Silurian fauna within the same region.—T. E. Bolton  相似文献   

Gotland is an island in the central Baltic, long recognized as the most outstanding outcrop of Silurian shallow-water marine sediments in the world. These represent deposition in tropical environments in an epeiric sea on the small continent of Baltica. The sediments are interbedded limestones and shales with subordinate sandstones and are developed as a carbonate platform on the underlying Precambrian, Cambrian and Ordovician. Particularly spectacular are reef deposits, rich in stromatoporoid sponges, which occur throughout the Gotland sequence. The sequence is almost undisturbed and provides an excellent field laboratoy to study a variety of Silurian facies.  相似文献   

广西钦州、玉林地区的志留系和泥盆系   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
<正> 广西钦州、玉林地区是研究中国南方志留系、泥盆系,特别是含笔石、竹节石地层的重要地区。这个地区的志留、泥盆系是由广西区测队、广西第三地质队等单位最先研究的。汪啸风(1977,1978a)曾著文发表了钦州的志留纪地层和笔石动物群。玉林地区的泥盆纪  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Little work has so far been done on Chinese stromatoporoids, thoughthey occur abundantly in the Silurian and Devonian strata of China, especiallyin the south-western provinces. Field work reveals the fact that the Silurian and  相似文献   

H. DILL  H. NIELSEN 《Sedimentology》1986,33(5):745-755
ABSTRACT Black shale horizons (Graptolithenschiefer) in Silurian and Lower Devonian strata of the Franconian-Thuringian Highlands (Frankenwald-Thüringer Wald) of Germany have high metal concentrations (e.g. U,V,Mo). Organic carbon, sulphur and iron contents, degree of pyritization (DOP) and sulphur isotope ratios from the Lower Graptolite Shales, along with faunal and sedimentological evidence show that the depositional environment was anoxic. Although some data (e.g. C/S plots) do not suggest completely euxinic conditions, the DOP versus C plot indicates a Black Sea-type environment. From the sulphur isotope data the environment fluctuated between'open'and'closed'with respect to sulphate supply, with higher carbon contents reflecting an increased bacterial reduction of the available sulphate. Diagenetic effects were responsible for somewhat unusual plots of C/S ratios, though iron availability may have been influential.  相似文献   

T.H.YIN 《地质学报》1949,(Z1):1-61
PROLEGOMENA The presence of Silurian rocks in China was first made known by Richthofen [106] more than sixty years ago. Since then no further discovery has been added for a long time. It was in 1920 that Yabe and Hayasaka [150] described the second collection of Silurian fossils from China. After that date Silurian stratigraphy and paleontology have made rapid progress.  相似文献   

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