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基于采用无结构网格和有限体积方法的FVCOM陆架模式,考虑8个主要的天文分潮,建立胶州湾三维高分辨率数值模型来重现和研究其潮汐潮流变化状况。与实测资料对比验证表明,模拟结果与实测值吻合较好。在此基础上,根据模拟结果计算得到了较以往更为精细的同潮图和潮汐、潮流、余流分布特征。研究结果揭示,最大可能潮流和最大余流都发生在团岛附近,流速分别可达2.14和0.43 m/s;除了湾口附近前人报道过的4个余流系统外,还在中部首次揭示了2个相对较弱的余流系统;潮流能通量在内外湾口呈"左进右出"的结构;胶州湾的平均纳潮量为8.31亿m3;染色试验表明,胶州湾30 d的水交换率为36.8%。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚近海潮汐潮流的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用FVCOM海洋数值模式计算了印尼近海的M2,S2,K1,O1分潮的分布,计算范围从20°S~20°N,90°~150°E,计算网格分辨率在印尼海域岛屿平均为1/12度,在大陆边界平均为1/5度,在开边界平均为1/2度.计算结果与104个TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计交叉点数据和79个验潮站数据进行比较,符合良好;与高度计交叉点比较,M2分潮振幅的均方根差为6 cm,迟角为7°;S2分潮的振幅偏差为3 cm,迟角偏差为8°;K1分潮振幅的偏差为6 cm,迟角偏差为10°;O1分潮振幅偏差为3 cm,迟角偏差为10°.根据计算结果给出了4个分潮的潮汐、潮流、潮余流和潮能通量密度分布图.  相似文献   

Quasi-3D Numerical Simulation of Tidal Hydrodynamic Field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on the 2D horizontal plane numerical model,a quasi-3D numerical model is establishedfor coastal regions of shallow water.The characteristics of this model are that the velocity profiles can be ob-tained at the same time when the equations of the value of difference between the horizontal current velocityand its depth-averaged velocity in the vertical direction are solved and the results obtained are consistent withthe results of the 2D model.The circulating flow in the rectangular area induced by wind is simulated and ap-plied to the tidal flow field of the radial sandbanks in the South Yellow Sea.The computational results fromthis quasi-3D model are in good agreement with analytical results and observed data.The solution of the finitedifference equations has been found to be stable,and the model is simple,effective and practical.  相似文献   

采用有限元三角形网格的分步杂交方法,建立了广西近岸海域的二维潮流数值模型,计算值与实测资料符合较好。采用主要分潮组合输入,模拟了研究海域的平均潮潮流场。模拟结果表明:涨急时,潮流向为东北方向,最大涨潮流速为74cm/s左右;落急时,潮流向为西南方向,最大落潮流速约100cm/s,落潮流速大于涨潮流速。近岸区域潮流为往复流,离岸边越远潮流越接近旋转流。  相似文献   

Fine grids with small spacing in boundary-fitted coordinates are normally used to treat thecomputation of fluid dynamics for estuarine areas and tidal flats.However,the adoption of Cartesian com-ponents of velocity vectors in this kind of non-orthogonal coordinates will definitely result in a diffculty insolving implicitly the transformed momentum equations,and also complicate the wet-dry point judgementused for flood areas.To solve this problem,equations in terms of generalized contravariant velocityvectors in curvilinear coordinates are derived in the present study,by virtue of which,anAlternative-Direction-Implicit numerical scheme in non-orthogonal grids would then be easily obtained,and wet-dry point judgement would as well be largely simplified.A comparison is made between the explic-it scheme and implicit scheme,showing that the present model is accurate and numerically stable for com-putations of fluid dynamics for estuarine areas and tidal flats.  相似文献   

为了研究渤海湾潮致余流,运用Mike21模拟了渤海湾潮流场,揭示出潮波运动的规律,得到渤海湾的潮流场,在涨潮时最大流速为1.4m/s,落潮时最大流速为1.12m/s。根据欧拉余流的定义计算了潮致欧拉余流场,其最大流速为0.2m/s,中值为0.005m/s,在渤海湾北部区域和南部东营附近存在环状结构。在渤海湾不同位置释放自由粒子,通过粒子的运移路径发现渤海湾拉格朗日余流呈现双环结构。运用欧拉方法和拉格朗日方法分析渤海湾潮致余流场,阐明了渤海湾潮致余流的精细结构,可为渤海湾营养盐、沉积物或者污染物质的长期输送以及浮游生物、鱼卵等的迁移和分布规律等提供动力学基础。  相似文献   

辽东湾顶太-葵管道路由区潮流场三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽河油田太-葵管道路由区位于辽东湾顶潮汐水道区,研究利用普林斯顿大学的河口、陆架和海洋模式(ECOM),考虑M2、S2、K1、O1四个主要分潮的影响,对辽东湾顶三维潮流场进行数值模拟,并着重对太-葵管道路由区进行动力分析。潮位和潮流的验证表明,该文建立的模型可以较好地用于辽东湾顶流场的预报模拟,为将来工程建设对海洋生态环境影响、保证海上工程的安全等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

文章基于Delaunay三角化的思想实现了非结构化数值网格生成技术,并LOP(Local Optimization Procedure)算法对网格进行了优化。用有限体积法在非结构三角形网格上对平面二维潮流方程进行了数值求解。实例应用分析表明,文中的数值网格生成技术和有限体积方法相结合用于求解具有复杂几何边界区域内的潮流问题能取得很好的结果。  相似文献   

基于水东湾海域利用现状及水环境综合整治工作的迫切需要,对其海洋水文要素开展野外调查,以清晰理解其潮流特征,并据此进行潮流三维数值模拟.调查结果显示,水东湾观测期间的实测潮差在2.6~2.9 m之间,平均潮差约2.8 m,湾口潮差最大,湾顶海域潮差最小,涨潮历时略长于落潮,属不正规半日潮;各观测站位的最大流速相差较大,最高值出现在湾口深槽,为134 cm/s,最低值出现在湾顶浅海海域,为31 cm/s,最大流速水平分布基本上呈现为从湾口向湾顶递减态势.模拟结果显示,水东湾内潮流基本沿潮汐通道呈往复流动,涨潮流向介于280°~300°之间,流速在0.28~1.36 m/s范围内变化;落潮流向介于128°~180°之间,流速在0.56~1.44 m/s范围内变化,流矢受地形限制显著.  相似文献   

本文利用普林斯顿海洋模式对台湾海峡 M 2 分潮作了分辨率较高的三维数值模拟。在较准确地模拟了潮汐分布的基础上,研究了 M 2 分潮流椭圆分析、最大流同时线分布、潮流场的水平及垂直结构,最后还给出了 M 2 分潮余流、余水位的分布。结果表明, M 2 分潮最大流同时线在海峡中部同时形成密集区和一个圆流点;构成海峡潮波系统的两股潮波中,南支潮波的影响似超出了以往所认为的范围;最大潮流仅在近海底处急剧减小,最大流方向随深度增加右转,到近底层又向左转;潮汐余流和余水位均较弱,仅在澎湖水道、台湾浅滩附近余流较大。  相似文献   

采用不规则三角形网格的分步杂交法,建立罗源湾海域二维变边界全日潮汐和潮流数值模型。将计算值与实测资料比较,结果表明符合程度良好。给出了同潮时线与等振幅线、潮流椭圆、最大潮流及不同时刻潮流场分布。应用该模型可以较系统地了解罗源湾全日潮的潮汐、潮流状况。  相似文献   

Nowadays there are some chronic serious environmental problems, such as eutrophication, blue tide and so on, in a complicated coastal zone or a semi-enclosed bay, because the water exchanges between an inner bay and an outer sea is weak compared with the supply of contaminant. Under this situation, a method to improve the water quality by 3-dimensional small unsymmetrical structures has been proposed by Komatsu et al. In this paper, several numerical simulations of the tidal current and concentration for various arrangements of bottom roughness in a semi-enclosed model bay are carfled out with a depth-averaged 2-D numerical model. The model is solved by the hybrid finite analytic method with nonstaggered grid. And the SIMPLES algorithm with Rhie and Chow' s momentum interpolation technique is used for the simulation. The effect of Komatsu' s method for water purification is examined by numerical simulation. The result of numerical experiment indicates that it is possible to generate a new tidal residual current and to activate a tidal exchange by bottom roughness arrangement only.  相似文献   

By means of a logarithm law for the velocity profile,a corrected formula of bed resistancecoefficient,which involves many factors such as gradient of still water depth,variation of surfaceelevation,flow direction,and so on,is derived from the 3D governing equations of tidal current by aver-aging over the whole water depth.Theoretical analysis and application have shown that the 2D plane tidalcurrent numerical model would be more reasonable and could be applied to steep bottom topographywhen the corrected bed resistance coefficient is used,therefore the results of reproduction simulation andengineering calculation would be more scientific and reasonable.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionWater pollution has a large influence on water environment and our life ;for example ,it some-times induces oxygen depression,blue tide andredtide in a bay.For water purificationin a semi-en-closed sea ,some new methods to activate the tidal exchange between an inner bay and an outer seaarea by control of a tidal residual current have been proposed (Awayaet al .,1995) . Huthnance(1973) ,Zimmerman (1978 ,1981) , Loder (1980) ,and Robinson (1983) considered cases wherethe fricti…  相似文献   

This paper investigates the phenomena of wave refraction and diffraction in the slowly varying topography, as well as the current deflection due to wave actions. A numerical model is developed based on depth integrated mean continuity equation and momentum equations, and a 3rd-order wave equation which governs the wave diffraction, refraction and interaction with current. Examples to examine the above model are given comparing with the laboratory data or the numerical results of other researchers. An example simulating the inlet area shows the interesting velocity field which may be used as a pioneer to further study on the nearshore hydrodynamics and sedimentation.  相似文献   

胶南近岸海域三维潮流数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为胶南海域沿岸污水排海选址,海洋环境管理提供动力条件,基于变边界河口、陆架、海洋(ECOM)模式,模拟了胶南近岸海域三维潮流场。研究海域水平最大流速在斋堂岛水道,量值为1.0m/s。垂直流速表现为底层大,表层小的特点,其最大值分别为25.38×10-4m/s和9.9×10-4m/s。计算结果与实测结果符合良好,较好地刻画了胶南近岸海域M2分潮潮流场的时空分布特点。  相似文献   

北部湾潮汐潮流的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于正交曲线坐标的ECOMSED三维水动力模式,对北部湾的潮汐潮流进行数值模拟。选用不同的海底摩擦系数、海底粗糙度系数以及水平湍流摩擦系数进行数值试验。试验结果表明,当海底摩擦系数取2×10-3~3×10-3,海底粗糙度系数取1×10-3~2×10-3m,而水平湍流摩擦系数取1×102~5×103m2/s时,模拟所得潮汐、潮流结果与实测数据吻合较好;并由此对北部湾的潮汐、潮流和潮余流等特征进行了分析。还给出了垂直湍流黏滞系数呈抛物型的分布特征。对该海域的水动力状况有了进一步的了解,为该海域的环境保护规划提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

基于有限体积法海洋数值模型(FVCOM),构建了温州近海潮汐潮流数值模式,模式模拟区域为(120°24′00″~121°19′12″E,27°21′00″~28°24′00″N),模式水平分辨率由近岸河口区的50m,逐渐增加至开边界附近的2km。模式模拟并分析了温州近海的M2,S2,N2,K1,O1五个主要分潮。利用温州近海实测资料对模拟结果进行了验证,模拟与实测符合良好;其中与4个验潮站资料比较,M2,S2,N2,K1,O1五个主要分潮的振幅绝均差和迟角绝均差分别为4.84cm和5.14°,2.19cm和3.35°,5.18cm和4.38°,0.64cm和3.67°,0.59cm和4.61°;与9个海流连续观测站比较,流速绝均差为11.71cm/s,流向绝均差为9.66°。在模拟结果较好地反映温州近海潮汐、潮流运动状况的基础上,本文给出了各模拟分潮的潮汐同潮图和潮流椭圆分布、潮汐和潮流类型分布以及最大可能潮流分布等。  相似文献   

Based on the filtered Navier-Stokes equations and Smagorinsky turbulence model,a numerical wave flume is developed to investigate the overtopping process of irregular waves over smooth sea dikes.Simulations of fully nonlinear standing wave and regular wave’s run-up on a sea dike are carried out to validate the implementation of the numerical wave flume with wave generation and absorbing modules.To model stationary ergodic stochastic processes,several cases with different random seeds are computed for each specified irregular wave spectrum.It turns out that the statistical mean overtopping discharge shows good agreement with empirical formulas,other numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   

湛江近海M2分潮的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用潮汐模型,在高分辨率的自适应曲线网格下,采用潮汐调和常数作为控制模拟精度的方法,模拟了洪江附近海域M2分潮的运动特征。模拟所得的潮汐调和常数同实测值相比,误差较小。根据模拟结果绘制的M2分潮的同潮图,揭示了湛江附近海域M2分潮振幅和迟角的分布特征以及M2分潮的传播和发展规律。模拟得到的M2分潮分别在涨憩、落憩、涨急和落急几个典型时刻的流场,揭示了湛江附近海域M2分潮潮流的分布特征及其运动规律。  相似文献   

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