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内蒙古乌梁素海~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对乌梁素海沉积物柱心样品进行210Pb、137Cs测年分析表明,柱心剖面上有明显的1963年蓄积峰,这个蓄积峰对乌梁素海的现代沉积有明显的时标意义。根据210Pb的CRS模式,可以计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,在该沉积柱心中与137Cs时标吻合较好。乌梁素海的沉积速率并不稳定,变化比较大,表明乌梁素海近113 a来沉积环境不稳定。210Pb、137Cs两种计年方法的结合有助于认识沉积速率变化较大的沼泽的沉积状况,也有助于对核素计年方法的理解。  相似文献   

松花湖沉积物~(137)Cs和~(210)Pb分布及沉积速率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
松花湖沉积物柱心中存在3个明显的137Cs蓄积峰,分别是37 cm处的1964年蓄积峰、27 cm处的1971年蓄积峰和23 cm处的1975年蓄积峰.利用137Cs核素1964年和1975年对应蓄积峰计算的沉积速率分别为0.86 cm/a和0.71 cm/a.采用210Pb计年的常量初始浓度模式(CIC)计算的平均沉积速率为0.71 cm/a,两者估算的沉积速率吻合.松花湖1964-1975年间的沉积速率明显高于1975-2006年间的沉积速率.137Cs和210Pb计年方法的结合有助于提高沉积速率估算的准确性.  相似文献   

通过对乌伦古湖2个沉积柱样的210Pb和137Cs剖面的观测,运用210Pb过剩法和137Cs时标法估算了近几十年来的平均沉积速率。研究结果表明:210Pb过剩法的CRS模式测定的沉积速率的变化范围为0.018~0.071 g/(cm2·a),137Cs时标法测定沉积速率的变化范围为0.034~0060 g/(cm2·a),两者具有较高的一致性。20世纪60年代以前,人类活动对本区影响相对较小,湖泊的沉积速率主要受自然因素的影响;20世纪60年代以后,随着乌伦古河中、下游农业的发展和调水工程的实现,人类活动逐渐成为主导湖泊演化的因素,从而影响乌伦古湖沉积速率。  相似文献   

渤海地区^210Pb、^137Cs同位素测年的研究现状   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近百年来环渤海地区的沉积作用是影响该区近现代地质环境变化的重要因素。本文收集了该区迄今公开发表的用于确定现代沉积速率的84组^210Pb、^137Cs柱状剖面(包括210Pb样柱52组,^210Pb、^137Cs样柱32组),其中海区39组,潮间带及沿海低地地区45组。环渤海地区的^210Pb放射性活度的深度分布曲线主要表现为3种形式:理想指数衰变型、近等幅摆动型和海洋特殊动力事件影响型。根据由陆向海方向沉积速率的变化,可初步划分为沿岸低沉积速率带、开放潮坪高沉积速率带及海区低沉积速率区;区域性差异则表现为渤海湾开放潮坪区上部由北(蓟运河口)向南(老狼坨子)沉积速率表现为高-低-高,辽东湾从其西侧的锦州湾向东至辽河河口的开放潮坪地区,沉积速率递减,黄河三角洲地区及其附近海域属于间歇式快速沉积区,莱州湾西部为高速沉积区。  相似文献   

海岸带地处陆地和海洋交界地区,是物质和能量交换的中心地带,沉积环境复杂。而对其沉积记录古环境信息的正确理解和解释在很大程度上依赖于年代框架的建立。210Pb和137Cs年代学的问世,解决了高速沉积环境中时间量程为百年或更短的沉积物的定年,近年来得到广泛的应用。在实际应用中,我们应该根据研究目的、范围等因素,选择合适的测年手段测年。此外,由于每种方法还存在不足,且可能同时会有几种方法适用,所以为了增加测年数据的准确性和可靠性,我们应尽量选择多种适当方法进行对比测年。  相似文献   

通过对东北二龙湾玛珥湖顶部无扰动岩心显微研究,证明此岩心发育有良好的年纹层。据精确统计,0~5.5 cm间为36个年纹层,纹层计年的误差为4%~7%,年纹层厚度为1.1~2 mm不等,平均沉积速率为1.53 mm/a,5.5 cm处对应于1965年。而二龙湾沉积物(从6.5 cm到5.5 cm)岩心的137Cs比活度值急剧增加,从(4.67±0.29) dpm/g增加到(12.06±0.47) dpm/g,在5.5 cm处有一个较为明显的蓄积峰值,这一峰值被确认对应为1963年全球137Cs散落的高峰期。另外据210Pbex比活度CIC模式,5.5 cm处约为1962年,这和137Cs比活度曲线的1963年时标相一致。印证了纹层计年的精确性,完全可以建立高分辨率时间序列。  相似文献   

为建立山东省临沂市沂蒙山区特殊地质背景土壤质量评价方法,在沂南县西南部研究区采集各类土壤样品1 029件,均分析了N、P、K、Mn、B、Mo、Cu、Zn、Co、V、Ni、Sr、Tl、Ti、As、Cd、Hg、Pb、Cr、Se、F、I、Ge、有机质、Na2O、SiO2、MgO、CaO质量分数及pH等29项指标。根据分析测试结果,建立了由土壤养分指标和环境指标组成的评价体系,并对该区土壤质量地球化学评价及其空间分布进行了研究。结果表明:研究区大部分土壤质量以良好、中等为主(土壤环境清洁,土壤养分丰富或中等);研究区中部地区土壤肥力较好(w(N)>0.10%,w(P)>0.06%,w(K)>2.50%),西南部、东北部山区土壤肥力较差(w(N)<0.075%),土壤质量等级偏低。全区80%左右土壤的N元素、B元素、有机质均不足以满足常规农业生产需要,对常规作物生长不利。区内土壤环境质量水平总体较好,重金属元素分布受地质背景控制。  相似文献   

位于永定新河、潮白新河与蓟运河汇流处的三河岛是天津市列入国家海岛名录的唯一岛屿,其独特的地理位置记录了现代海、陆交互作用的变化过程。取自该岛南、北两侧泥质潮间带的2组现代沉积物样柱,揭示137Cs和210Pbexc的最大检出深度分别达到90~123cm和140~210cm,属于渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带现代沉积最为活跃的“面向开放海湾亚带”。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The radionuclides 210Pb and 137Cs are of particularimportance for estimating the dates of recentsediments. It was Goldberg (1963) who firstlysuggested that the disequilibrium between 210Pb and226Ra could serve as a geochronometer applicable…  相似文献   

The representative 210Pb and 137Cs age-depth profiles were selected from more than 100 sites in the Circum Bohai Sea (CBS) coastal region to examine the sedimentation rates and associated environmental changes. There are three unique 210Pbexc distribution patterns: 1) ideal-decaying type, representing relatively constant sediment supply and quieter environmental setting; 2) wiggling type, but with approximately equivalent amplitude, representing coarser sediments and associated stronger flow current environment; and 3) episodic-eventinfluencing type, each representing typhoon storm-influenced depositional environment. Our results also show that there is a lower sedimentation rate (ca. 0.1 cm/a) in the coastal lowlands, a higher sedimentation rate (ca. 0.5–3 cm/a) in the intertidal flat and an intermediate rate of ca. 0.58 cm/a in the subtidal zone near the Huanghua Harbor. The interbedded silt layer occurring in the core sediment reveals lower 210Pb activities, indicating a discontinuous sedimentation mostly due to typhoon events which dwarfs against 210Pb and 137Cs applicability. Overall, the 210Pb and 137Cs measurements of the present study provide physical insight into the evaluation of the coastal-marine ecological environment and associated management.  相似文献   

以代表性暗棕壤垂直剖面土壤地球化学数据为依据,研究了长白山区特定的森林景观条件下成土过程中元素的分异与富集特征。研究结果表明,在岩石风化过程中主要以CaO、Na2O、Sr淋溶为主,有机酸淋溶过程中SiO2、Al2O3、K2O部分被淋溶,部分游离铁下渗到土体中下部氧化成铁锰胶膜;微量元素在风化过程中被次生黏土矿物吸附,不同程度地富集,在腐殖质积累过程中Cd、Zn、Pb、Mo、Hg、Co、Mn、Cr等亲生物元素进一步富集于表层土壤,Ce、Ni、Sb、Ti、V、Y、Zr在表生环境中地球化学性质稳定,残留富集于土壤表层。母质层继承和保留了基岩元素地球化学分布的基本特征。  相似文献   

王福  王宏 《地质通报》2011,30(7):1099-1110
作为一种人工核素,<'137>Cs年代学方法已在海岸地区得到广泛应用,并成为重建现代地质过程的重要方法.搜集了海岸带地区报道的200余组<'137>Cs沉积剖面数据(其中中国海岸带地区121个站住,其它地区100余站位),通过对<'137>Cs沉积剖面形态的分析.并与理想<'137>Cs沉积剖面对比研究,结果显示,海岸...  相似文献   

王福  王宏 《地质通报》2011,30(07):1099-1110
作为一种人工核素,137Cs年代学方法已在海岸地区得到广泛应用,并成为重建现代地质过程的重要方法。搜集了海岸带地区报道的200余组137Cs沉积剖面数据(其中中国海岸带地区121个站位,其它地区100余站位),通过对137Cs沉积剖面形态的分析,并与理想137Cs沉积剖面对比研究,结果显示,海岸带地区137Cs沉积剖面表现为以下6种主要类型:①不连续137Cs曲线、②无特征峰型的连续137Cs曲线、③特征峰型偏下的连续137Cs曲线、④特征峰型偏上的连续137Cs曲线、⑤比活度向下增大的137Cs曲线和⑥比活度向下减小的137Cs曲线。各种类型的沉积剖面反映的沉积环境是多样的;侵蚀作用、混合作用和沉积物供给变化是控制137Cs沉积剖面的主要因素;同时,137Cs定年的取样要尽量做到无扰动,数据解释要考虑到取样分辨率的影响;在没有大气沉降监测的海岸带地区,其附近沉积环境相对稳定地区的137Cs沉积剖面可作为潮间带、浅海区的背景参考值。  相似文献   

刘斯文  储国强  赖忠平 《地质学报》2016,90(8):2013-2022
巴丹吉林沙漠发育了世界上独一无二的丘间湖泊群,100多个永久性的丘间湖泊分布于沙漠的东南部。沙漠湖泊岩芯是干旱地区重要的气候、环境档案,然而受沙漠湖泊发育极端环境的影响,岩芯测年面临很大挑战。本文选择巴丹吉林的沙漠南缘的阿尔吉林和敦德吉林进行钻探,获取无扰动岩芯,利用核素(210Pb、137Cs)进行测年,并计算其沉积速率。结果表明:(1)核素(210Pb和137Cs)测年能够获取巴丹吉林沙漠丘间现代湖泊岩芯的可靠年代。(2)岩芯Ar-1的CRS测年结果为102±8a,沉积速率分布范围为0.13 ~ 0.33cma-1,岩芯Dd-1的CRS测年结果为123±2a,沉积速率分布范围为0.18 ~ 0.70cma-1。(3)沙漠岩心沉积速率空间分布具有自沙漠腹地向边缘递增的趋势,210Pbuns-CRS平均沉积速率分布范围为 0.16 ~ 0.57cma-1 ,137Cs沉积速率分布范围为0.05 ~ 0.6 cm a-1。未来对于沉积速率空间变化的可能影响因素,如高大沙山的围限阻挡效应、137Cs的分子扩散效应以及古地震等,应进行更深入研究。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西岸L剖面中同一关键层的碳酸钙和原生腹足类壳债权的^14C测年对比研究,确定了晚全新世的2800cal BP的层位及沉积速率0.045cm/a;8个样柱的^137Cs和^210Pbex强度、蓄积量揭示了距今约120年来堤后盐沼的平均沉积速率约为0.35cm/a,而面向开放海湾的潮坪上部则达到约2-3cm/a。研究区近1个世纪以来沉积速率的加速趋势,是渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带的特征之一。  相似文献   

A massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale that occurred on March 11, 2011, on Honshu Island, Japan, caused radioactivity leakage from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which led to the leakage of artificial nuclides (131I, 137Cs, and 134Cs) and their global transportation by atmospheric circulation. This paper re- ports a systematic comparative observation on radioactive concentrations of natural nuclides (7Be and 210Pb) and artificial nuclides (131I, 137Cs, and 134Cs) at the surface level, measured in weekly continuous aerosol sampling at Mount Guanfeng, Guiyang, China, from March 17, 2011 to April 28, 2011. During this period, the variations in the nuclide concentrations associated with their transport paths were analyzed with 315 hour back-trajectories of air mass initialized 500 m above the surface level at Guiyang. The results show that the pollutants of nuclear leakage from the Fukushima accident were transported to the Guiyang region of China via two significant pathways. In the first pathway the first wave of nuclear pollutants were transported from west to east in air masses at higher altitudes via global atmospheric circulation. The nuclear pollutants encircled the Earth almost once and after about 10 days to two weeks, between March 24 and March 31,2011, intruded Guiyang from the northwestern region of China. In the second pathway, the nuclear pollutants from the Fukushima region arrived at Guiyang between April 7 and April 14, 201 l, via air masses at lower altitudes that moved southwards because of the squeezing of the northeast Asian weather system and then by the influence, in succession, of the northeastern and southeastern air currents in the low-latitude region. The first transport pathway for atmospheric pollutants is on a global scale and based on air masses at higher altitudes, and the second transport pathway is on an eastern Asia regional scale and based on the air masses at lower altitude.  相似文献   

运用γ谱仪,对采自福建省兴化湾外近海海域的D37和FJ3-12孔进行了 210Pb 、226Ra和 137Cs 活度的测试,得到这3种核素活度随深度变化特征。分别运用 210Pb 法的CFCS模式(恒定通量恒定沉积模式,Constant Flux and Constant Sedimentation)和CRS模式(恒定供给速率模式,Constant Rate of Supply)以及 137Cs 时标法计算平均沉积速率,发现3种方式的计算结果存在一定差异。在排除粒度变化对核素剖面的影响后,对比不同取样深度的结果发现,指数衰减剖面不完整度(取样深度未达 210Pb 的本底值区)对运用CFCS和CRS模式计算平均沉积速率均有不利影响,其中对CRS模式的影响随剖面不完整性愈强而愈显著。为此提出了相关校正方法作为参考,即先根据CFCS模式估算平均沉积速率和相应的210Pbex累积量,再通过CRS法建立钻孔年龄框架,由此可计算得出D37和FJ3-12孔的平均沉积速率分别为2.76cm/yr和4.53cm/yr。  相似文献   

Reliable dating is an essential element of palaeoseismological studies, yet whilst a suite of geochronological methods can now provide late Quaternary age control it remains very difficult to date modern events (i.e., those occurring within the last 150 years). This is significant because the starting point for many palaeoseismological investigations is a modern surface-rupturing event, whose geological effects need to be disentangled in trench stratigraphies from palaeoseismic ruptures. Two dating methods which, in combination, can provide robust dating control in recently deposited sediments are the 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods. Here, we test the applicability of using 210Pb and 137Cs to date colluvial sediments exposed in three trenches excavated across an earthquake fault—the Eliki fault, Gulf of Corinth, Greece—which ruptured in an earthquake in 1861. The 210Pb and 137Cs profiles observed in these colluvial sequences are relatively erratic due to the mixed nature of the sediments, i.e., their deposition in an environment where the supply of slope sediments is driven by seasonal rainfall, causing non-uniform sediment accretion and sediment reworking. In one trench, however, 210Pb dating, corroborated by 137Cs dating, indicates that a proposed post-1861 surface colluvial unit has been deposited over the period 1950 AD–present (at a rate of ca. 9 mm/year), and overlies a significantly older unit (>120 years old). The dating control provided here by 210Pb and 137Cs dating corroborates the published interpretation of the trench stratigraphy, and refines the 14C-based estimated dates for the upper unit. At two other trenches 210Pb and 137Cs dating only provided minimum ages (based on the presence or absence of 210Pbexcess and 137Cs). Such approximate ages, however, may still useful in corroborating interpretations made using the trench stratigraphy, or, at sites which have long earthquake recurrence intervals, determining which earthquake event was responsible for a particular bed offset.  相似文献   

正Inter-dune lake sediment cores are ideal and unavailable materials for study climate and environmental changes of arid region.The precious dating of lake sediment cores is required for carrying out high resolution climate and environmental changes with these cores.The Badain Jaran inter-dune lake group embedding in the sand sea is the  相似文献   

The 137Cs tracer technique was used to study soil erosion of alpine meadow grassland in two small river basins in the headwater region of the Yellow River. The results show that the levels of 137Cs in soil samples from this alpine meadow vegetation zone exhibit an exponential distribution, generally within a depth of approximately 20 cm. Due to strong winds, freeze-thaw cycles and water, soil erosion was found to be stronger on the upper slope than on the lower slope, and except for the slope crest, the intensity of soil erosion at other sites was as follows: upslope < midslope < downslope. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of soil erosion and the extent of alpine meadow vegetation cover (P < 0.01). The mean soil erosion modulus exhibited a linear reduction trend with an increase in vegetation cover, and the correlation coefficient R 2 was ≥ 0.997. The higher the degradation degree of the alpine meadow grassland, the greater is the soil erosion. The mean erosion modulus in the severely degraded meadow zone was 2.23 times greater than the one in the slightly degraded zone, and the maximum erosion modulus reached 2.96 × 106 kg/km2/a.  相似文献   

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