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The surface sediment diatom and chrysophyte assemblages from 33 Sudbury lakes were added to our published 72 lake data set to expand and refine the diatom and chrysophyte-based inference models that we had earlier developed for this region. Our calibration data set now includes 105 lakes, representing gradients for multiple environmental variables (e.g., lakewater pH, metals, and transparency). The revised models are based on the weighted averaging calibration and regression approach and include bootstrap error estimates. The pH model was the strongest (r2 boot = 0.75, RMSE boot = 0.50). The chrysophyte-inferred pH model (r2 boot = 0.79, RMSE boot = 0.48) that we developed was as robust as the diatom pH model. Diatom and chrysophyte inferred pH models were then applied to top (surface sediments representing current conditions) and bottom (generally from > 30 cm deep representing pre-industrial conditions) sediment diatom and chrysophyte assemblages of 19 Killarney area lakes near Sudbury. The top and bottom inferred pH results were compared to early-1970s measured pH data. These data suggest that, although many of the poorly buffered Killarney lakes had experienced acidification, marked pH recovery has occurred in many lakes within the last 25 years. Despite the stunning pH recovery, the present-day diatom and chrysophyte assemblages are significantly different from assemblages present during pre-industrial times. Our results suggest that biological recovery may require more time than chemical recovery. It is also likely that these lakes may never recover biologically because other anthropogenic stressors (e.g., climate warming and increased exposure to UV-B radiation) may now have greater influence on biological communities in Killarney/Sudbury area lakes than acidification.  相似文献   

Eighteen lakes were added to a published training set of 46 British Columbia (BC) lakes in order to expand the original range of total phosphorus (TP) concentrations. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to analyze the relationship between diatom assemblages and environmental variables. Specific conductivity and [TP] each explained significant (P0.05) directions of variance in the distribution of the diatoms. The relationship between diatom assemblages and [TP] was sufficiently strong to warrant the development of a weighted-averaging (WA) regression and calibration model that can be used to infer past trophic status from fossil diatom assemblages.The relationship between observed and inferred [TP] was not improved by the addition of more eutrophic lakes, however the [TP] range and the number of taxa used in the transfer function are now superior to the original model. Diatom species assemblages changed very little in lakes with TP concentrations greater than 85 µg 1–1, so we document the development of a model containing lakes with TP85 µg 1–1. The updated model uses 59 training lakes and covers a range of species optima from 6 to 41.9 µg 1–1 TP, and a total of 150 diatom taxa.The updated inference model provided a more realistic reconstruction of the anthropogenic history of a highly eutrophic BC lake. The model can now be used to infer past nutrient conditions in other BC lakes in order to assess changes in trophic status.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from 68 small lakes in the Alps and 9 well-dated sediment core samples that cover a gradient of total phosphorus (TP) concentrations of 6 to 520 g TP l-1 were studied for diatom, chrysophyte cyst, cladocera, and chironomid assemblages. Inference models for mean circulation log10 TP were developed for diatoms, chironomids, and benthic cladocera using weighted-averaging partial least squares. After screening for outliers, the final transfer functions have coefficients of determination (r2, as assessed by cross-validation, of 0.79 (diatoms), 0.68 (chironomids), and 0.49 (benthic cladocera). Planktonic cladocera and chrysophytes show very weak relationships to TP and no TP inference models were developed for these biota. Diatoms showed the best relationship with TP, whereas the other biota all have large secondary gradients, suggesting that variables other than TP have a strong influence on their composition and abundance. Comparison with other diatom – TP inference models shows that our model has high predictive power and a low root mean squared error of prediction, as assessed by cross-validation.  相似文献   

The return of hundreds to millions of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), which have returned from the ocean to their natal nursery lake environment to spawn, can result in significant nutrient loading. By analyzing sedimentary diatom assemblages from nursery lakes, we demonstrated that a salmon-derived nutrient signal could be traced over time and be used to infer past sockeye salmon population dynamics. We conducted a 2,200 year paleolimnological study of two Alaskan sockeye salmon nursery lakes, Karluk and Frazer lakes. The two lakes are very similar, except that sockeye salmon were only introduced into Frazer Lake in 1951 (first spawners returned in 1956). In both lakes we found a strong correspondence between diatom assemblages and the number of adult salmon spawners recorded in the historical data (40 and 70 years for Frazer and Karluk lakes, respectively). Given this robust relationship, we then used our analyses of diatoms from Karluk Lake over the past 2,200 years to gain insight into salmon-derived nutrient loading changes (which are directly related to the number of sockeye salmon spawners). The diatom record from Karluk Lake recorded dramatic species changes on both decadal and century timescales, and was strongly correlated with an independent indicator of sockeye salmon abundances, 15N. Together, these data suggest pronounced variability in sockeye salmon abundances at Karluk Lake over the past 2,200 years. The direct impacts of regional environmental variability were not likely responsible for the patterns apparent in Karluk Lake, as the diatom and 15N profiles from Frazer Lake were relatively stable prior to the introduction of sockeye salmon. Application of total phosphorus transfer functions to the Karluk and Frazer lakes' diatom records revealed that sockeye salmon carcasses substantially increased the trophic status in these lakes, which has important implications for the health of juvenile salmon that rear in nursery lakes. Overall, this paper illustrates the potential use of diatoms in reconstructing past sockeye salmon population dynamics, which in turn can lead to a greater understanding of the mechanisms influencing abundances of sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological analyses were used to infer limnological changes during the past ~ 300 yrs in the west basin of Peninsula Lake, a small (853 ha) Precambrian Shield lake in Ontario, Canada, that has been subjected to moderate cultural disturbances (forest clearance, cottage and resort development). This study represents a pioneering attempt to use sedimentary chironomid assemblages and weighted-averaging models to quantify past hypolimnetic anoxia (expressed as the anoxic factor, AF). Impacts of forest clearance and human land-use on deepwater oxygen availability and surface water quality were assessed by comparing chironomid-inferred AF and diatom-inferred total phosphorus concentration ([TP]) to changes in terrestrial pollen and historical data. This study also discusses the ability of chironomids to quantitatively infer changes in AF.Pre-disturbance chironomid assemblages were stable and dominated by taxa indicative of oxygen-rich hypolimnetic conditions (e.g., Protanypus, Heterotrissocladius, Micropsectra type), while diatoms indicated oligotrophic lake status (diatom inferred [TP] = 5-7 g·l-1). Chironomids characteristic of lower oxygen availability (e.g., Chironomus, Procladius) increased following land-clearance, road construction, establishment of a grist mill and lakeshore development beginning ca. 1870. Increased abundances of Tanytarsus s. lat., a multigeneric group of mainly littoral chironomids, since 1900, indicated that littoral chironomids may have comprised a greater proportion of fossil assemblages during periods of eutrophication and prolonged anoxia. Abundances of meso-eutrophic diatom taxa (e.g., Fragilaria crotonensis, Asterionella formosa, Aulacoseira ambigua, A. subarctica) increased concurrent with European settlement (ca. 1870) and diatom-inferred [TP] doubled (~ 6-12 g·l-1), further indicating that naturally-oligotrophic Precambrian Shield lakes were extremely sensitive to initial land-clearance activities.Recent increases in oligotrophic diatom taxa (e.g., Cyclotella stelligera) indicate a shift to more oligotrophic conditions since ca. mid-1960s, with greatest changes since ca. 1980. The chironomids Heterotrissocladius and Micropsectra type also increased at this time suggesting greater deepwater oxygen availability. These recent water-quality improvements, possibly in response to enhanced nutrient removal from detergents and sewage, climate-related reductions in external phosphorus loads, and catchment (but not lake) acidification and reforestation, suggest that habitat for commercially-valuable cold-water fishes has improved in recent decades despite greater recreational lake-use.Paleolimnological assessment of trophic status changes in Peninsula Lake using fossil diatom and chironomid assemblages were in good agreement. Diatom inferences of [TP] and chironomid inferences of AF both suggest that Peninsula Lake was historically oligotrophic, became oligo-mesotrophic after European settlement, and returned to oligotrophy in recent yrs. Chironomid inferences of [TP] consistently underestimated the trophic status of Peninsula Lake, possibly due to its relatively large hypolimnion. These results suggest that AF represents a useful tool for quantitatively reconstructing the past trophic status of deeper, stratified lakes.  相似文献   

A diatom transfer function to infer epilimnetic total phosphorus (TP) concentration was derived using surface sediment diatom data from 68 medium-sized (10–1000 ha) lakes in Southern Finland. Publicly available monitoring records were used in lake selection to avoid gradients caused by pH and humic substances. Constrained and partially constrained ordinations indicated that TP was an important variable influencing diatom assemblages. A long floristic gradient in relation to TP was also apparent and therefore an inference model was developed for TP using unimodal-based regression and calibration methods. The final model included 61 lakes with epilimnetic TP concentrations between 3 and 89 g P l–1, measured during the autumnal circulation period. It has a jackknifed-estimated root mean squared error of prediction of 0.16 log g P l–1, a maximum bias of 0.28 log g P l–1, and an r2 jack of 0.76.The model was tested in the presently eutrophic Lake Valkjärvi (epilimnetic [TP] 60–85 g P l–1), located in Southern Finland. It successfully predicted the measured autumnal epilimnetic TP concentration for the past twenty years and the changes in inferred [TP] reflected disturbances known to have occurred before that time. The diatom-based inferences show that Lake Valkjärvi was oligo-mesotrophic as late as the 1930's and has become eutrophic because of nutrient inputs from agriculture and, especially, municipalities. However, epilimnetic TP concentration has not increased further.  相似文献   

Subfossil chironomid assemblages were used to infer long-term water quality changes in south-central Ontario shield lakes, which are currently being impacted by anthropogenic eutrophication, acid rain, and recent climate change. Using a transfer function developed to infer average end-of-summer volume-weighted hypolimnetic oxygen (avg VWHO), a top-bottom paleolimnological approach was used to reconstruct pre-industrial (pre-1850) deepwater oxygen conditions. Comparison with present-day (top surface sediments) chironomid-based inferences of avgVWHO results suggest that hypolimnetic oxygen levels are presently similar to natural, pre-industrial (bottom sediments) levels in most lakes. Approximately half of the study lakes recorded an increase in hypolimnetic oxygen since the 19th century. Inferred changes in avgVWHO correlate well with our results from another chironomid-based oxygen model which reconstructs the Anoxic Factor (AF). When study lakes are separated according to their hydrological status (i.e., natural versus managed), lakes with a dam at their outlet and seasonally managed lake levels had significantly different changes in avgVWHO compared to lakes with natural hydrology. Lakes with a dam at their outlet generally recorded increases in avgVWHO, while natural hydrology lakes mostly recorded declines. There was no relationship between inferred changes in avgVWHO and the density of cottage and resort development along the shorelines of lakes. Changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) possibly related to recent climate changes may also be affecting deepwater oxygen, however patterns of change are very subtle.  相似文献   

Paleoecological analysis of the sediment record of 12 Adirondack lakes reveals that the 8 clearwater lakes with current pH < 5.5 and alkalinity < 10 eq l-1 have acidified recently. The onset of this acidification occurred between 1920 and 1970. Loss of alkalinity, based on quanitative analysis of diatom assemblages, ranged from 2 to 35 eq l-1. The acidification trends are substantiated by several lines of evidence including stratigraphies of diatom, chrysophyte, chironomid, and cladoceran remains, Ca:Ti and Mn:Ti ratios, sequentially extracted forms of Al, and historical fish data. Acidification trends appear to be continuing in some lakes, despite reductions in atmospheric sulfur loading that began in the early 1970s. The primary cause of the acidification trend is clearly increased atmospheric deposition of strong acids derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. Natural processes and watershed disturbances cannot account for the changes in water chemistry that have occurred, but they may play a role. Sediment core profiles of Pb, Cu, V, Zn, S, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, magnetic particles, and coal and oil soot provide a clear record of increased atmospheric input of materials associated with the combustion of fossil fuels beginning in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The primary evidence for acidification occurs after that period, and the pattern of water chemistry response to increased acid inputs is consistent with current understanding of lake-watershed acidification processes.This is the second of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D.F. Charles and D.R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and measured limnological variables in fifty eight lake samples from the south Bolivian Altiplano was examined by constructing a diatom-water chemistry dataset. Analysis of this dataset by canonical correspondence analysis revealed that salinity and ionic concentration accounted for a significant amount of the variation in the distribution of the diatom assemblages. Two methods weighted-averaging regression and calibration, and by-class mean percentage table were used to established a transfer function for future reconstruction of past lake water salinity and ionic concentration in the southern Bolivian Altiplano. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration with inverse deshrinking provided a better model for the water chemistry reconstructions in this region.  相似文献   

The relationship between surficial sediment diatom species and measured environmental variables was explored in lakes from the Abitibi region of western Quebec. Diatom assemblages in 42 lakes were identified and their relationship with measured environmental variables was examined using multivariate statistical methods. Canonical correspondence analysis with forward selection and Monte Carlo permutation tests revealed that the three environmental variables pH, TP and DOC each accounted for statistically significant fractions of the variation in diatom taxa. A training set with 164 modern diatom taxa was used to derive transfer functions for lake-water pH, TP and DOC using weighted-averaging-partial-least-squares (WA-PLS) techniques. The models were developed to infer lake water pH, TP and DOC within the ranges 4–8 for pH, 2.75–30.0 g l–1 for TP, and 2.9–18.5 mg l–1 for DOC. These quantitative inference models may now be used to help identify and estimate the effects of natural disturbances on the biogeochemistry of Abitibi lakes during their historical development.  相似文献   

The relationship between diatom taxa preserved in surface soils and environmental variables at 31 sites in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA-2A) of the Florida Everglades was explored using multivariate analyses. Surface soils were collected along a phosphorus (P) gradient and analyzed for diatoms, total P, % nitrogen (N), %carbon (C), calcium (Ca), and biogenic silica (BSi). Phosphorus varied from 315-1781 g g-1, and was not found to be correlated with the other geochemical variables. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to examine which environmental variables correlated most closely with the distributions in diatom taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis with forward selection, constrained and partial CCA, and Monte Carlo permutation tests of significance show the most significant changes in diatom assemblages along the P gradient (p < 0.01), with additional species differences correlated with soil C, N, Ca, and BSi.Weighted-averaging (WA) regression and calibration models of diatom assemblages to P and BSi were developed. The diatom-based inference model for soil [P] had a high apparent r2 (0.86) with RMSEboot = 218 g g-1. Indicator diatom species identified by assessing species WA optima and WA tolerance to [P], such as Nitzschia amphibia and N. palea for high [P] (~1300-1400 g-1) and Achnanthes minutissima var. scotica and Mastogloia smithii for low [P] (~400-600 g g-1), may be useful as monitoring tools for eutrophication in WCA-2A as well as other areas of the Everglades. Diatom assemblages analyzed by cluster analysis were related to location within WCA-2A, and dominant taxa within clusters are discussed in relation to the geochemical variables measured as well as hydrology and pH. Diversity of diatom assemblages and a Disturbance Index based on diatom data are discussed in relation to the historically P-limited Everglades ecosystem. Diatom assemblages should be very useful for reconstructions of [P] through time in the Florida Everglades, provided diatoms are well preserved in soil cores.  相似文献   

The recent sediments from two deep arctic lakes, Mitrofanovskoe and Vanuk-ty, situated in the permafrost belt within the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra in the northern Ural region, were studied for diatoms, chironomids, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and stable lead isotopes. The magnitudes and rates-of-change in diatom and chironomid assemblages were numerically estimated. Instrumental climate records were used to assess statistically the amount of variance in diatom and chironomid data explained by temperature. August and September air temperatures have a statistically significant effect on diatom composition at both lakes. At Mitrofanovskoe Lake, major compositional changes in diatom and chironomid assemblages occurred at the turn of the 20th century and might be related to the regional increase in temperature. Chironomid-inferred air temperature also increased by approximately 1 °C since the early 1900s. At both lakes diatom compositional changes, coincident with the increase in June and September temperatures, also occurred in the late 1960s. These compositional changes are correlated with the increase in diatom production, sediment organic content and diatom species richness, and are likely to be a diatom response to the lengthening of the growing season. These changes are also correlated with the circum-Arctic temperature increase from the 1960s. A chironomid response to the late 1960s temperature increase was less pronounced at both lakes. Pollution levels are relatively low and pollution history is unrelated to ecological changes. Both lead isotopes and spheroidal carbonaceous particles show a clear atmospheric pollution signal, peaking in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Reconnaissance 18O,, D, and 87Sr data for fifteen lakes in the Western Lakes Region of the Sand Hills of Nebraska indicate dynamic hydrologic systems. The rather narrow range of 87Sr from lake water (1.1 to 2.1) and groundwater (0.9 to 1.7) indicates that the groundwater is generally unradiogenic. Groundwater residence times and relatively unradiogenic volcanic ash within the dune sediments control the 87Sr values. Based on the mutual variations of 18O and D, the lakes can be divided into three groups. In Group 1, both 18O and D values increase from spring to fall. The 18O and D values in Group 2 decreased from spring to fall. Group 3 are ephemeral lakes that went dry some time during 1992. The data and isotopic modeling show that variations in the ratio of evaporation relative to groundwater inflow, local humidity conditions, and the a has substantial influence on the isotopic composition. In addition, isotopic behavior in ephemeral lakes can be rather unusual because of the changing activities of water and mineral precipitation and redissolution. The annual and interannual isotopic variability of these lakes which is reflected in the paleonvironmental indicators may be the rule rather than the exception in these types of systems.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological data are presented relating trophic development to sea level variation in Lake Blanca, a small (0.6 km2), coastal fresh waterbody in southern Uruguay. Using a sediment core that extended to 7300 years BP, analyses of grain size, thin sections, organic matter, carbonate, total carbon, nutrients, diatoms and palynomorphs, allowed us to infer changes in trophic state and paleosalinities, which were closely related to Holocene sea level variation. Higher trophic states were observed during regressive events, most probably due to increases in runoff and erosion as regression progressed. Four diatom association zones (DAZ) were identified in the sediment core. The basal core section pre-dated the first Holocene marine transgression, contained no diatoms, chrysophyte cysts or non-siliceous microalgae, and showed C/N ratios values higher than 20. Thus, it is likely that the system exhibited terrestrial characteristics. In the second section (6500–2200 years BP, following the first Holocene transgression), there was dominance of marine/brackish diatom species. The lowest trophic states of the core were observed in this section. The third section (2200–1100 years BP), represented the system as it became separate from the Atlantic Ocean, and showed a dominance of brackish/freshwater species and increases in trophic state were observed. In the last section (after 1100 years BP), the system became fully freshwater as no marine or brackish diatom species were found, but a trend to oligotrophication was observed, probably due to nutrient depletion. However, after 1967 AD, eutrophication intensified because of forestry and soil fertilization in the catchment. Pollen association zones (PAZ) allowed us to identify four sections. Below 250 cm (2200 years BP), the core contained no pollen grains as redox potential and pH values were not conducive for pollen preservation. After 2200 years BP (when the system started to separate from the ocean), xerophilic taxa typical of coastal dunes colonized the catchment. Only after 1100 years BP (after fully freshwater conditions established) pollen grains of trees were observed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in paleolimnology have enabled reconstructions of past sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) dynamics using a number of proxy-indicators, including diatoms and stable isotopes. Thus far, studies have focused on nursery lakes with high escapement densities and low flushing rates, ensuring that levels of salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) are high and are incorporated into the food chain. This study examines three oligotrophic sockeye salmon nursery lakes in Alaska (Afognak and Saltery lakes) and British Columbia (Hobiton Lake) to determine if sockeye salmon populations can be tracked in nursery systems with lower salmon escapement densities, higher flushing rates and/or higher terrestrial input. We adopted a multi-proxy approach using diatoms, stable isotopes (15N), organic carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios and pollen to draw inferences from 210Pb-dated sediment cores. 15N showed little response to historic variation in sockeye salmon populations, even in Saltery Lake, which has a very high escapement density, and in Afognak Lake, in which average escapement is known to have increased. Dilution effects due to high flushing rates were likely partly responsible for the low 15N and minimal variation throughout the cores, although very high terrestrial input in Hobiton Lake also dampened the salmon signal. Small changes in diatom species assemblages, however, were evident in all three lakes and may be in response to fluctuating loads of salmon-derived nutrients. Most notably, increases of mesotrophic diatom taxa, such as Asterionella formosa and Aulacoseira subarctica, corresponded to increased salmon production in Alaskan lakes as a result of enhancement (fertilization) activities and climatic changes. Changes in the relative abundance of Cyclotella pseudostelligera in Hobiton Lake may also be in response to a significant decline in sockeye salmon populations off the west coast of Vancouver Island in the 1970s. Other factors, however, such as logging and lake fertilization may also have influenced diatom species composition. These results confirm that, while salmon-derived nutrients may be of key importance in juvenile salmonid development in some lakes, this may not be the case in all systems, especially those in which flushing rates are high. Further, in these systems, diatom communities appear to respond more sensitively to fluctuations in salmon populations (and therefore nutrients) than stable isotope methods, provided that other changes in trophic status are minor.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken as part of a wider palaeoecological investigation of Late glacial and Holocene lake sediments from a site on the exposed Atlantic coast of the Shetland Islands. The diatom data presented here define a sequence of assemblages, commencing at c. 15.8 cal ka BP, which reflects lithological variation in the section, in particular the Late glacial alternation of minerogenic and more organic horizons. Cliff retreat caused drainage of the lake sometime after c. 4.0 cal ka BP. Almost all taxa recorded are small benthic and tychoplanktonic diatoms: Fragilaria (sensu lato), Achnanthes (s.l.) and some Navicula spp. predominate in the Late glacial. Different benthos become dominant in the Holocene, but no plankton developed. Stauroforma was the commonest genus present, and results indicate a relationship between the occurrence of two types, Stauroforma A and Stauroforma B, and the severity of prevailing environmental conditions. The lithology and associated assemblages suggest a sequence including the classic north European Bølling and Allerød' warmer periods, followed by the Loch Lomond Stadial. Subsequently, the temporal diatom succession resembles the pattern described in modern linear transects across the circumpolar treeline in north America and Asia, both in type of assemblage and some dominant species.  相似文献   

The utility of classifying chrysophyte stomatocysts by their characteristic honeycomb and ridge patterns is questioned, because a strikingly similar expanding pattern appears on the surface of ionized polymer gels during osmotical swelling as a result of simple physical forces. The rapid accumulation of silicate into a spherical cyst inside a chrysophyte cell appears to be as a physical process sufficiently similar to result in an analogous pattern in microscopic scale. Chrysophyte stomatocysts that possess honeycomb or ridge patterns could be regarded as frozen moments of the pattern evolution during the silicate gel phase. As a consequence, such structures should have little taxonomical value.  相似文献   

The diatom stratigraphy of Holocene sediment cores from two Antarctic lakes (Mondsee, Tiefersee; 62° 10 S/58° 50 W) of King George Island was investigated. The diatom assemblages were dominated by cosmopolitan species. The flora was composed of three main components: 1) taxa of submersed bryophytic habitats, which also occur in the bryophilic diatom flora of southern South America; 2) species of various terrestrial habitats, including some specific subantarctic taxa; 3) species distributed in coastal inland waters influenced by sea-spray.Changes in sediment pattern and diatom species composition seemed to reflect climatic changes. At least three different core sections were distinguished in both lakes: Two sections rich in mosses occur between approx. 7000–4700 B.P. and from 3200 B.P. to present, in general resembling present day conditions. In between is a section of high allochthonous content with generally low diatom concentrations and rising percentages of aerophilic, halophilic and alkaliphilic diatoms. An increase of melt water discharge, possible sea-spray influence, and lake- level fluctuations are discussed.Three new taxa are described: Achnanthes metakryophila nov. spec., Achnanthes renei nov. spec., Navicula australomediocris nov. spec. The taxonomy of selected taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

The chrysophycean stomatocyst flora from the sediments of Upper Wallface Pond, a recently acidified Adirondack lake, was described according to the guidelines of the International Statospore Working Group. Sixty-six morphotypes were distinguished, using scanning electron microscopy. Twenty-eight of these cysts were distinguishable using the light microscope (LM), whereas 30 required grouping into 11 collective categories from LM identification, and 7 could not be identified using LM. None of our morphotypes could be linked definitively to the living chrysophyte species that produced them. Stratigraphic analysis showed that a marked change in the cyst assemblage occurred in the 1930's. Previous paleoecological studies inferred a pronouced pH decline at this time. Redundancy analysis of our data showed that diatom-inferred pH explained a significant amount of variation (Monte Carlo permutation test; p=0.01). This suggests that pH influences chrysophyte populations, and that stomatocysts could eventually be used to reconstruct pH and other variables.This is the fourth in a series of four papers published in this dedicated issue entitled Application of Chrysophyte Stomatocysts in Paleolimnology. Dr. C. D. Sandgren served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

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