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We conducted a field experiment to assess the response of phytal harpacticoids to nutrient‐driven increases of epiphyte load in Posidonia oceanica meadows. First, we evaluated differences in species richness, diversity and assemblage structure of phytal harpacticoids in P. oceanica meadows with differing epiphyte loads. Secondly, we conducted a field experiment where epiphyte load was increased through an in situ addition of nutrients to the water column and evaluated the responses of the harpacticoid assemblages. We predicted that there would be changes in the harpacticoid assemblages as a result of nutrient‐driven increases of epiphyte load, and that these changes would be of a larger magnitude in meadows of low epiphyte load. Our results show that the harpacticoid fauna (>500 μm) present in P. oceanica meadows in the Bay of Palma comprised taxa which are considered phytal and other less abundant ones previously described as sediment dwellers or commensal on other invertebrate species. Nutrient addition had an overall significant effect on epiphyte biomass and on harpacticoid abundance, diversity and assemblage structure, possibly as a response to the increased resources and habitat complexity provided by epiphytes. The abundance of dominant species at each location was favoured by nutrient addition and in some cases correlated with epiphytic biomass, although never strongly. This may indicate that structural complexity or diversity of the epiphytic cover might be more important than the actual epiphytic biomass for the harpacticoid species investigated. More species‐specific studies are necessary to ascertain this and clarify the relationships between harpacticoids and epiphytes in seagrass meadows. To our knowledge, this is the first account of harpacticoid species associated with P. oceanica leaves and the epiphytic community they harbour in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A microcosm experiment was used to compare the influence of diesel contamination on two benthic salt-marsh communities, one chronically exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons for decades (Louisiana [LA]) and the other relatively uncontaminated (Mississippi [MS]). Initial meiofaunal community composition of the two sites was similar. Higher organic content of MS sediments should have reduced bioavailability, and thus the toxicity of hydrocarbons relative to the LA site. Nevertheless, although responses to diesel contamination at the two sites were generally qualitatively similar, a species-specific and several community-response variables were influenced to a much greater degree in the MS community. In particular, the abundance of total nauplii, ostracods, and copepods were negatively impacted to a greater extent in MS than in LA, as was grazing by ostracods on benthic microalgae. Nematode:copepod ratios in contaminated sediments were much higher in MS than in LA sediments. Pseudostenhelia wellsi (a benthic copepod) nauplii suffered greater adverse effects of diesel in MS than in LA. We conclude that the MS community was more sensitive to diesel contamination than was the LA community. The differential sensitivity is presumably a manifestation of different tolerances to hydrocarbon contaminants, mediated by a higher proportion of more tolerant species and/or increased tolerance among individual species in LA. Although the MS site was more sensitive to diesel contamination, qualitative response of the LA and MS communities were similar, and comparable to previous studies of diesel contamination. The spatial and temporal consistency of diesel impacts on salt-marsh communities suggests that hydrocarbon contamination results in predictable community responses. Specifically, crustacean (e.g. copepods, ostracods, and nauplii) benthos are most sensitive to hydrocarbons. Reductions in abundance and grazing activity of crustaceans leads to enhanced algal biomass, reduced copepod diversity, and alters competitive interactions among meiofauna.  相似文献   

The inner shelf waters off Southeastern Brazil are periodically enriched by bottom intrusions of the cold and nutrient‐rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), which is transported offshore by the Brazil Current. This study examined the temporal contrasts in abundance and structure of pelagic copepod assemblages in a neritic station off Ubatuba, in relation to hydrography and phytoplankton biomass, to investigate the effects of SACW bottom intrusions on copepod population dynamics during three consecutive years. The water‐column characteristics shifted from a well‐mixed, more turbid and phytoplankton‐poor scenario during subsidence conditions to a stratified, less turbid and high Chl‐a concentration scenario during SACW bottom intrusions, leading to increased copepod diversity, abundance, and biomass. The rise in copepod diversity during SACW intrusions was related to the contribution of oceanic species in addition to coastal water species. The copepod community was numerically dominated by small‐sized species, such as Oncaea waldemari, Oithona plumifera, and clausocalanid and paracalanid copepodids, regardless of seasonality and SACW intrusions. Some large calanoid species contributed considerably to the total copepod biomass during intrusions. In addition to confirming that SACW seasonal intrusions play a key role in pelagic processes off Southeast Brazil, this study showed that the multiannual variability of SACW seasonal intrusions is important in regulating the structure and dynamics of copepod communities in this subtropical area.  相似文献   

Disturbance and productivity are often cited as the main factors determining temporal and spatial patterns in species distribution and the diversity of communities. A field experiment was conducted to test the role of these factors in the structuring of early successional fouling communities in a nutrient limited system at the south coast of Madeira Island. Macro‐benthic sessile communities, established on artificial settlement substrata, were manipulated and surveyed over a 9‐week period. We applied mechanical disturbances of four different frequencies crossed with three levels of inorganic nutrient enrichment. Fertilization enhanced community diversity by favouring the establishment and growth of macroalgae. Disturbance reduced diversity by eliminating species – but only at the highest nutrient level. This is explained by a multiple‐stressor model; species most sensitive to nutrient deficiency (only present in the highest enrichment treatment) were simultaneously the most sensitive to disturbance.  相似文献   

The plankton community composition comprising heterotrophic bacteria, pro-/eukaryotes, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton was assessed during the spring bloom and at non-bloom stations in the English Channel and Celtic Sea between 6 and 12 April 2002. Non-bloom sites were characterised by a dominance of pro-/eukaryotic phytoplankton <20 μm, higher abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, microzooplankton standing stocks ranging between 60 and 380 mg C m−2, lower mesozooplankton diversity and copepod abundance of between 760 and 2600 ind m−3. Within the bloom, the phytoplankton community was typically dominated by larger cells with low abundance of pro-/eukaryotes. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate cell bio-volume decreased leading to a reduction in biomass whereas microzooplankton biomass increased (360–1500 mg C m−2) due to an increase in cell bio-volume and copepod abundance ranged between 1400 and 3800 ind m−3. Mesozooplankton diversity increased with an increase in productivity. Relationships between the plankton community and environmental data were examined using multivariate statistics and these highlighted significant differences in the abiotic variables, the pro-/eukaryotic phytoplankton communities, heterotrophic nanoflagellate, microzooplankton and total zooplankton communities between the bloom and non-bloom sites. The variables which best described variation in the microzooplankton community were temperature and silicate. The spatial variation in zooplankton diversity was best explained by temperature. This study provides an insight into the changes that occur between trophic levels within the plankton in response to the spring bloom in this area.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in community structure and reproductive status of phytal harpacticoid copepods in the shallow sublittoral bottom at two sites (Masan-ri and Guryongpo) in Pohang (Korea) are described monthly over a period of 1 year (October 1996 to September 1997). A total of 36 harpacticoid species was identified and the numerically dominant copepods were made up of the families Porcellidiidae and Tisbidae. Although the number of species did not show a seasonal trend, total harpacticoid density revealed a favorable distribution for the warmer season (spring and summer) at both sites. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that univariate indices such as density, evenness and diversity are closely associated with certain environmental parameters. For example, the dominant species fluctuated seasonally in abundance and their maximum densities were found to be temperature- (+ with Porcellidium ofunatense) and nutrient-dependent (+ with Scutellidium longicauda acheloides, + with Zaus unisetosus, and ? with P. wandoensis). In addition, the dominant species appeared to breed year round and their reproductive indices are significantly correlated with some environmental parameters such as temperature (?), pH (+), and phosphate (+). Three species (S. l. acheloides, P. wandoensis, and P. ofunatense) showed maximum density two or three months after their reproductive activity reached a maximum. Overall, the seasonal changes in a phytal harpacticoid community could be explained by combinations of environmental parameters supporting the complexity and biodiversity for this specific group of species in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

根据2013年8月(夏季)和2014年5月(春季)在曹妃甸邻近海域的调查资料,研究了浮游动物群落的种类组成、丰度、生物量、优势种和多样性的时空变化特征,分析了其与环境因子的关系,并结合2004年调查资料对比分析了浮游动物丰度和优势种的变化特征及围填海的影响。结果表明,研究海域浮游动物共鉴定得到31种(类),以桡足类和浮游幼体为主,优势种主要包括双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)、小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)、拟长腹剑水蚤(Oithona similis)和桡足类幼体(Copepodid larva)等。春季的浮游动物丰度和生物量均高于夏季,多样性和均匀度指数均低于夏季。浮游动物丰度的空间分布主要受温度、叶绿素a(Chl-a)等环境因子影响,春季基本为近岸高、远岸低的空间分布规律,夏季则相反,基本为近岸低、远岸高的空间分布规律。与2004年相比,本次调查春季和夏季的浮游动物丰度明显下降,可能与浮游植物丰度及DIP浓度降低有关。春季,西侧、东侧海域的浮游动物丰度分别明显降低、升高,与围填海后营养盐重新分布促进了东侧海域浮游植物增殖有关。夏季则主要受河流输入影响,浮游动物丰度的变化不具有空间差异。  相似文献   

Abstract. Using data from studies on alga-dwelling harpacticoid copepods from New Zealand and Britain and shallow water decapods from a variety of habitats in the Pacific and Caribbean, an analysis is made of the contribution of physical and biotic habitat structures to the generation and maintenance of crustacean species richness. The relation between the number of species and the complexity of the habitat is, in equilibrium communities, positive and essentially linear. Accordingly, Gray's (1979) and Stenseth's (1979) theoretical predictions are endorsed whereby species-abundance curves are, at equilibrium, expected to follow a log-normal distribution, whereas departures from the log-normal are anticipated in disturbed environments. Such departures reflect either increased dominance or inequalities in the species-abundance hierarchy. Because of their adaptable life-history traits, certain opportunist species are identified as those contributing most to departure points. The impact on community equilibrium of natural disturbance processes such as turbidity, exposure, and substratum transience is assessed.  相似文献   

湖泊的浮游动物在种群演替和数量变化方面都有极明显的周期性(Chen et al., 1987)。浮游动物的周期性变化,除受湖泊环境温度、光照的周期性变化等因素外,同时还受到水体的水动力作用影响(陈伟民等,1998)。 王家楫等(1965)对东湖的轮虫数量进行了研究,陈受忠(1965)阐述了东湖近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)、汤匙华指水蚤(Sinoialanub dorrii)、特异荡镖水蚤(Neutrodiaptomus incongreus)等都有显著昼夜垂直移动。Evans(1988)等在有关浮游动物的数量变动与水环境关系方面做了研究。但就水动力作用对浮游动物群落演替的实验研究较少见报道。 为研究水动力作用对浮游动物群落的种类数量变化,利用大型生态模拟槽,探讨不同水动力过程对浮游动物种类组成、数量变化过程和作用途径等,本文作者用模拟水动力的方法对湖泊浮游动物群落演替进行了实验研究,为今后的湖泊生态修复提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Changes in magnitude and frequency of inflow results in subsequent alterations in the delivery of nutrients essential for phytoplankton growth and competition producing variations in community composition and nutritional value of phytoplankton. Zooplankton demographics are likely directly influenced by pulsed inflows due to flushing losses, whereas they are also indirectly affected by changes in prey quality. In this study, we report the potential effect of pulsed inflows on the plankton community of the Guadalupe Estuary. Microcosms were used that allowed control of light intensity and photoperiod, turbulence, temperature, nutrient loading, and flushing magnitude and periodicity. Our microcosm experiments were novel as they utilized natural plankton communities, thereby allowing the simultaneous interaction between hydrology, resource availability and grazing. Results show differences in microcosms according to magnitude and frequency of flushing. For example, copepod population density was greatest at the annual mean inflow magnitude. At half the annual mean inflow a decline in prey quality likely resulted in poorer grazer performance, and at double the annual mean inflow magnitude increased flushing losses prevented the incidence of higher copepod densities. Similarly, pulsed inflows resulted in greater copepod population densities, higher overall phytoplankton biomass, and dominance of centric diatoms (known to be faster growing and more edible). While reduced freshwater inflow associated with increasing anthropogenic demands often strains the needs of estuarine systems, the effects of reduced river input may be alleviated with several management options including manipulation of the timing, frequency, and magnitude of freshwater inflows. Before implications for management can be discerned from these findings, however, larger scale experiments are needed focus on the roles of inflow magnitude and frequency.  相似文献   

Ariake Bay, Kyushu Island, has recently exhibited environmental degradation in the form of red tides and anoxic bottom water. To determine the characteristics and regional classification of the copepod community, zooplankton surveys were made throughout the bay in three cruises each in October 2004, January 2005 and March 2009 by vertical tows of a 0.1-mm-mesh plankton net. Oithona davisae was the most abundant in January and March, and Microsetella norvegica in October. Cluster analysis revealed that the copepod community from each cruise was generally separated into the inner to eastern-middle region and the western-middle to mouth region. A SIMPER analysis revealed that dissimilarity between the groups and similarity within each group were mainly due to the dominant species, but the similarities within the outer-region group in January and March were mostly contributed by Paracalanus parvus s.l. A non-metric multidimensional scaling with bubble plots of environmental variables and a BIOENV analysis showed that transparency was more different between the two groups than temperature and salinity. As compared with two similarly sized, eutrophic bays (Tokyo and Osaka Bays), Ariake Bay differs from Tokyo Bay in the dominance of M. norvegica and from Osaka Bay in the high abundance of O. davisae even in the colder season. The dominant species and the regional classification of the copepod community in the bay were similar to those in the studies in the 1970s, suggesting that the copepod community has not notably changed during the last 3 decades.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionOxygen minimum zone (OMZ) is a midwaterregion in the open ocean where dissolved oxygen con-centrations fall below 0.5 ml/L (0.714 mg/dm3,Kamykowski and Zentara, 1990; Levin et al.,1991). It results from the biological oxygen demandand is wel…  相似文献   

Historically colder regions of the North Atlantic had fisheries dominated by only a few fish species; principally cod and capelin. Possible population dynamic mechanisms that lead to such dominance are investigated by considering how a charmingly simple published multispecies model of the North Sea would react if the system operated at a lower temperature. The existing model equations were modified to describe temperature effects on growth, fecundity and recruitment and the model was rerun based on typical temperatures for the North Sea and a colder system. The results suggest that total fish biomass in the colder system increases but the community is more vulnerable to a given rate of fishing mortality. In the colder system, within species density dependence is reduced but relative predation rates are higher. Consequently, intermediate-sized species are vulnerable to relatively high levels of predation throughout their life history and tend to be excluded, leading to a system dominated by small and large species. The model helps to explain how temperature may govern coexistence and competitive exclusion in fish communities and accounts for the observed dominance of small and large species in Boreal/Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Copepod assemblages in a highly complex hydrographic region   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Community structure and diversity patterns of planktonic copepods were investigated for the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean between 34 and 41°S. Our objectives were (1) to define copepod assemblages, (2) to accurately identify their association to different water masses/hydrodynamic regimes, (3) to characterize the assemblages in terms of their community structure, and (4) to test if frontal boundaries between water masses separate copepod assemblages. Biogeographic patterns were investigated using multivariate analysis (cluster and ANOSIM analyses). Biodiversity patterns were examined using different univariate indexes (point species richness and taxonomic distinctness). Five regions of similar copepod assemblages were defined for our study area each one corresponding to different environments (freshwater, estuarine, continental shelf, Malvinas and Brazil current assemblages). These assemblages have major community structure differences. In spite of the complex oceanographic scenario of our study area, that can lead us to expect a pattern of copepod communities with diffuse boundaries, we found a strong spatial correspondence between these limits and the presence of permanent frontal structures.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first comprehensive analysis of calanoid copepod vertical zonation and community structure at midwater depths (300–1000 m) through the lower oxygen gradient (oxycline) (0.02 to 0.3 ml/L) of an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Feeding ecology was also analyzed. Zooplankton were collected with a double 1 m2 MOCNESS plankton net in day and night vertically-stratified oblique tows from 1000 m to the surface at six stations during four seasons as part of the 1995 US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Arabian Sea project. The geographic comparison between a eutrophic more oxygenated onshore station and an offshore station with a strong OMZ served as a natural experiment to elucidate the influence of depth, oxygen concentration, season, food resources, and predators on the copepod distributions.Copepod species and species assemblages of the Arabian Sea OMZ differed in their spatial and vertical distributions relative to environmental and ecological characteristics of the water column and region. The extent and intensity of the oxycline at the lower boundary of the OMZ, and its spatial and temporal variability over the year of sampling, was an important factor affecting distributional patterns. Calanoid copepod species showed vertical zonation through the lower OMZ oxycline. Clustering analyses defined sample groups with similar copepod assemblages and species groups with similar distributions. No apparent diel vertical migration for either calanoid or non-calanoid copepods at these midwater depths was observed, but some species had age-related differences in vertical distributions. Subzones of the OMZ, termed the OMZ Core, the Lower Oxycline, and the Sub-Oxycline, had different copepod communities and ecological interactions. Major distributional and ecological changes were associated with surprisingly small oxygen gradients at low oxygen concentrations. The calanoid copepod community was most diverse in the most oxygenated environments (oxygen >0.14 ml/L), but the rank order of abundance of species was similar in the Lower Oxycline and Sub-Oxycline. Some species were absent or much scarcer in the OMZ Core. Two copepod species common in the Lower Oxycline were primarily detritivorous but showed dietary differences suggesting feeding specialization. The copepod Spinocalanus antarcticus fed primarily on components of the vertical particulate flux and suspended material, a less versatile diet than the co-occurring copepod Lucicutia grandis. Vertical zonation of copepod species through the lower OMZ oxycline is probably a complex interplay between physiological limitation by low oxygen, potential predator control, and potential food resources. Pelagic OMZ and oxycline communities, and their ecological interactions in the water column and with the benthos, may become even more widespread and significant in the future ocean, if global warming increases the extent and intensity of OMZs as predicted.  相似文献   

人为干扰对岩礁潮间带无脊椎动物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对烟台海域 6个岩礁潮间带生态学统的无脊椎动物群落的研究发现 ,东方小藤壶( Chthamallus challengeri )为第一优势种。其主要优势种——密鳞牡蛎 ( Ostrea denselamellosa )、短滨螺 ( Littorina brevicula)、紫贻贝 ( Mytilus edulis)和常见种——笠贝 ( Patelloida spp.)、红条毛腹石鳖( Acanthochiton rubrolineatus)、沙参 ( Nereisspp.)、海葵 ( Anthopleura midori )在群落中的优势地位和功能有明显的区别 ,尽管 6个岩礁潮间带群落的区系成分相近。对基于 RIV、RB和 RD的优势度曲线研究发现 ,基于 RIV和 RB的优势度曲线更适合于表示和描述受人为干扰和污染的潮间带无脊椎动物群落的结构和多样性变化。研究发现 ,6个潮间带的无脊椎动物群落皆受到不同程度的干扰 ,而养马岛和芝罘岛所受的干扰最轻。 6个岩礁潮间带的群落多样性序列依次为 :芝罘岛、养马岛、石沟屯、烟台山、玉岱山、月老湾。不同岩礁潮间带群落的种类组成和结构差异主要由来自采集和旅游者的干扰 ,养殖和生活污水造成的海水富营养化所致  相似文献   

I~IOWThe area north of Taiwan is a mixing waters with complicate hydrographic features because itis influenced by the pushing and mixing of different water masses such as the Zhejiang -- Fujiancoastal water, the Taiwan Strait water, the Kuroshio surface water, the KurOShio sub-surfacewater and so on. The planktonic copepods in the area are also very complex and various. From research on species compoSition and ~nal variation, diversity and characteristics of copeal community in the area, …  相似文献   

The benthic communities established on soft substrata off the outlet of the main sewer of the city of Marseilles were investigated in June 1980 and January 1981; this was about a year and a half after the permanent diversion of a polluted river into the sewer. Although the quantity of pollutants does not seem to have been appreciably modified within these communities, we note, in comparison with the former state: a decrease in the number of species and individuals of roughly 50 to 25% according to the stations (except for the one nearest the outlet); a perceptible decrease of the diversity and similarity indices; an increase in the dominance of muddy substratum species. All of these observations demonstrate degradation of the communities.  相似文献   

采用PCR扩增、文库构建、限制性片段长度多态性分析、序列分析和系统学分析等方法,初步研究了夏季胶州湾上层海水浮游桡足类核糖体小亚基RNA基因(18S rDNA)约1.5kb片段的序列变异。从浮游生物混合DNA中选择性扩增桡足类18S rDNA,建立桡足类18S rDNA变异类型文库,并从文库中随机挑选的30个克隆进行分析。结果表明,Vsp Ⅰ限制性内切酶能将这些克隆分成频率分别为0.17、0.23和0.6的3种操作分类单元(OTUs),遗传多样性指数达到0.95。3条OTU代表克隆序列与甲壳纲桡足亚纲核苷酸差异数在75.4—97.8之间,而与其他亚纲的差异都高于100。3条OTU代表克隆序列均属于桡足亚纲,其中,AY437861和AY437862属于哲水蚤目。3条OTU代表克隆序列可分为2个高变异区和3个相对保守区,其GC%分别为47.37%、48.16%和48.57%。研究结果表明,混合DNA提取方法简单,设计的引物可选择性地扩增浮游桡足类18S rDNA,根据18S rDNA序列序列变异描述浮游桡足类多样性是可行的。研究结果也为在浮游桡足类分类中引入18S rDNA序列奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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