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环境污染主要是大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染、固体废弃物污染、放射性污染和电磁污染等,环境污染严重影响了人类的生存环境。环境地球物理学是环境科学与地球物理学相融合而发展起来的一门交叉性边缘学科,其在环境污染的监测和治理方面应用广泛。随着环境地球物理技术的不断提高以及环境恶化程度的不断加剧,环境地球物理方法在环境污染监测和治理中的应用前景更加广阔,已成为解决环境污染不可缺少的重要手段。  相似文献   

A new procedure is proposed for joint strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment using simultaneous characterizations in the protected natural area studied to analyse the importance and extent of the impact of human activities within this area on the various natural resources. GIS techniques were used to define territorial models, including environmental information criteria in thematic layers to facilitate environmental diagnosis in the early planning stages in the areas of concern or of higher quality for conservation at different working levels (municipal, district, provincial or national). Traditional conventional environmental impact assessment methods were improved, using spatial analysis to compare scenarios based on the spatial and temporal variability of the impacts identified and their evaluation. This method was applied to the natural space of Las Batuecas-S. de Francia and Quilamas, where in an initial stage the different anthropogenic activities (landfills, etc.) with the potential to cause direct (sewage waters, etc.) or indirect (leachate, etc.) impacts were identified, using checklists and double-entry matrices to analyse actions likely to cause impacts, developing the cartography and identifying environmental impacts potentially damaging to the natural environment. Next, thematic and interpretive mappings were drawn up (surface water quality, aquifer vulnerability to pollution and vulnerability to municipal solid waste) to assess the effects upon resources (water, soil, air, etc.). Finally, by overlapping the impact identification and vulnerability mappings (municipal solid waste, pollution of aquifers and surface water quality) the impact characterization mapping was obtained, showing the absorption capacity of the different sectors to help the responsible bodies set out preventive and/or corrective measures. The essence of this paper is, in methodological terms, its use of two methods simultaneously (strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment) in a protected natural area, allowing it to be extrapolated to any area where territorial management and planning studies need to be carried out.  相似文献   

城市垃圾的地质处置   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市固体废物(城市垃圾)是国际上现代化城市环境污染的主要污染源之一,发达国家非常注重固体废物地质处置的研究,这一领域是环境工程与水资源工作者研究的热点问题。我国城市垃圾对环境的污染非常严重,目前有三分之二的城市已形成“垃圾包围城市”的严重局面。随着经济的发展,我国城市固体废物的数量增长很快。如何处理庞大的城市垃圾将是关系到经济发展、水资源和环境保护的重大问题。本文介绍了我国城市垃圾的现状和目前国际  相似文献   

季泰 《城市地质》2007,2(3):1-5
城市生活固体废弃物已成为重要环境污染问题之一,地质环境工作应为废弃物的填埋选址,防治污染提供服务。北京地质环境部门受北京市主管部门委托开展了全市生活固体废弃物填埋场地适宜性区划,卫生填埋场地环境地质影响评价,其成果已为市规划、环境行政部门所利用。  相似文献   

随着沭阳县城市经济建设活动的加快和城市资源的开发利用,沭阳主城区环境地质问题如地下水超采漏斗、地面沉降、水质污染、城市生活垃圾等日益突出。在此基础上,针对每个突出的环境地质问题提出了科学的防治对策和建议。为沭阳县国土开发整治和城市规划、建设、管理提供地质科学依据。  相似文献   

Many jurisdictions presently utilize, or are now considering the utilization of, high-volume wells as a municipal water supply source. Withdrawal of groundwater in karst regions implicates rights to use groundwater and possible interference with other rights of nearby landowners. Drought conditions and increased population contribute to an increased incidence of legal disputes over the use of groundwater as a municipal water supply source in karst regions. High-volume pumping of groundwater may cause land subsidence, including sinkholes, drying of springs and/or streams and loss in value of nearby land. This paper examines the legal causes of action available to landowners adversely affected by high-volume groundwater pumping: groundwater rights, "loss of lateral and subjacent support", nuisance, and "takings". The author concludes that the law fails to include environmental and geoscience considerations. State legislatures should consider legislative changes to unify legal and scientific principles.  相似文献   

铀矿山环境污染治理及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国铀矿山环境地质灾害,废水、废气、废渣等污染及其治理,提出了相应的治理对策。  相似文献   

硫磺渣是硫磺矿区主要的矿业固废,其随意堆放可产生一系列的环境地质问题,并对山水林田湖草等自然资源、环境及人的健康构成较大危害。滇东北地区长期以硫铁矿为原料、以煤炭为燃料,土法炼硫生产硫磺,导致巨量硫磺渣堆积,产生了严重的环境地质问题。本文针对该地区镇雄县硫磺矿区,调查了小硫磺生产形成硫磺渣的规模和特征,梳理了该硫磺矿区主要环境地质问题及其对当地生态环境的影响,认为目前镇雄硫磺矿区存在的环境污染、自然资源破坏及可能形成的矿渣性泥石流等环境地质现状与过去40多年的小硫磺生产密切相关。基于以上认识,强调应结合矿业固废无害化、减量化和资源化技术政策,从资源回收利用、生态环境恢复、地质灾害防治和文化遗产保护方面探讨和提出镇雄硫磺矿区矿渣治理和生态修复的新理念和新对策。  相似文献   

边际成本分析能对具有技术可行性的水资源开发利用方案作出经济合理性分析。对区域水资源开发利用中有关节水、治污及挖潜等措施的内涵作了界定,并对其边际成本函数特征进行了分析;依据边际成本均衡原理和多目标水资源系统规划理论,提出了区域水资源开发利用中用于节水、治污及挖潜等措施决策方案优选的边际成本分析比较法以及目标规划模型法。以实例计算验证了所提决策方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Today, waste is an important environmental problem that needs to be solved. The way it is collected and managed should be considered with respect to the negative impact on the environment. Although the Atabey aggregate quarry was operated with natural sand-gravel until 2 years ago, it was closed due to technological renovation in the crushing-screening unit and uneconomic production. This area was later used by the Atabey Municipality as a waste storage area. Thus, uncontrolled storage occurred at the quarry site. As a result, new, more intensive environmental problems have emerged in the area, such as visual pollution and the pollution of groundwater. This paper evaluates the impact of municipal solid waste disposal in an abandoned quarry site on groundwater, land surface temperature, land surface moisture, and vegetation cover using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and remote sensing technologies. According to the obtained results, the solid wastes stored in the area caused groundwater pollution, increased surface temperature, and reduced soil moisture.  相似文献   

Tara A Maddock 《Geoforum》2004,35(2):217-230
Conflicts over water quality regulation are entering local economic development policy and re-shaping political-economic landscapes. Across the United States, decentralizing scales of regulation, scientific uncertainty, and increasing citizen participation are creating new regulatory contexts. Using regime and regulation theory, I address how regulation of the environment is altering economic regimes and creating new alliances among stakeholders. The research shows the dominant regime in the state of Ohio, a pro-growth stakeholder coalition between point source businesses (including electric utilities and municipal sewage treatment plants) and real estate development interests, is fragmenting. At the same time, there is a policy coalition emerging between environmentalists and government staff that is advocating for nonpoint source water pollution regulation. These emergent coalitions exemplify the changing nature of environmental regulation and economic regimes.  相似文献   

就跨区域调水引起的水价问题按照全成本定价的划分项目进行定性分析,通过将跨区域调水和排污权交易中的泡泡法进行类比,为详细考察提供了一个经济分析方面具有一般性的框架。分析表明,跨区域调水对相关区域的每项水资源成本都发生影响,在合适的调水量之下,两地水资源成本互相趋近而总成本减少,与排污权交易导致的污染治理成本变化类似。跨地区调水建立的地区水资源联系打破了原来水资源成本项目的划分,使调出区原来过剩的水因为存在与调入区交易的可能而产生机会成本,并因调水后水供给与两地水需求更一致而提高了水资源的周转率,等同于增加了可用水资源量并因此降低了水成本。在此显示了水资源价值中时间因素的影响。分析证明水资源潜在的产权因为跨地区调水工程而变成可交易更完整的产权之后,提高了水资源配置效率,这与科斯定理完全一致。调入区的获益在短期和长期内有所不同。  相似文献   

俞波 《水科学进展》1996,7(1):66-72
采用概率模型,从污染源的排放,污染物在水体中的扩散、混合,河道径流的随机特性等入手,在充分考虑水体的扩散、稀释、降解的条件下,以满足一定的保证率为前提,使整个河道各控制断面的水质标准达到要求的指标,使用概率模型既可以满足环境保护的要求,又可以对污染的水处理提出合理的要求,从环境上和经济上均可达到最佳效益。模型用于四川省沱江的水质规划,结果合理。  相似文献   

王洪波 《岩矿测试》2007,26(6):505-506
废光谱感光板用自来水浸泡,剥离的乳胶经氢氧化钠和双氧水溶解后,在微酸性溶液中加入锌粉置换出银,银沉淀经过滤和硼砂与碳酸钠的混合熔剂熔炼后得到成品银锭。采用建立的方案提取废光谱感光板中成品银的纯度达到95.4%,工艺操作简便,成本低、环境污染小。  相似文献   

矿物法--环境污染治理的第四类方法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
鲁安怀 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):196-205
总结介绍了近10年开展环境矿物材料研究所取得的较为系统的研究成果。新提出环境矿物材料基本性能,包括矿物表面效应、孔道效应、结构效应、离子交换效应、结晶效应、溶解效应、水合效应、氧化还原效应、半导体效应、纳米效应及矿物生物交互效应等。展示环境矿物材料开发应用方面的崭新成就,包括利用天然铁的硫化物矿物强还原性,发明一步法还原Cr(Ⅵ)与沉淀Cr(Ⅲ)废水处理新工艺;利用天然锰的氧化物矿物强氧化性,发明处理高浓度与强污染的印染和酚类废水新方法;利用天然钛的氧化物矿物日光催化性,发明光催化降解卤代有机污染物新方法;利用天然蛭石高温脱水膨胀热效应,发明能大幅度提高型煤固硫率与除尘新方法;利用天然钙基蒙脱石低成本制备出同时防止水体与无机和有机污染物渗漏的自愈性强的填埋场衬层建造用新型防渗材料,发明生活垃圾尤其是危险废物填埋场衬层建造新工艺;发现凝灰岩与花岗岩中长石类矿物发育有良好的孔道结构,核素进入可发生固定化作用,成为有效阻滞核素迁移的天然屏障;利用天然纳米管状纤蛇纹石成功制备二氧化硅纳米管,接枝有机物可由亲水性变为疏水性;利用黄钾铁矾的胶体特征作为多金属矿山废石堆隔离防渗层,防止金属硫化物矿物氧化分解与矿山酸性废水污染等。着重指出今后环境矿物?  相似文献   

以贵阳三力钎具专用材料配套技改工程为例,阐明在生产过程中产生的主要污染因素为废气,其次为废水、废渣和噪声。根据建设项目的管理厚则,应当对上述技改工程采取防治措施,将环保措施技术经济的先进性、可靠性、实用性与经济发展和技术进步有机地结合起来,使产生的污染影响降低到最小程度。本文采用了可量化,具有可比性、客观性的环境经济损益分析方法。  相似文献   

汪名鹏 《岩土工程技术》2011,25(2):106-108,F0003
正确分析评价垃圾填埋场的地质特征和防渗方案,对垃圾填埋场的选址、设计以及施工运营极为重要。从自然环境、地层结构及岩性特征等方面阐述了淮安市某垃圾填埋场的地质特征,分析了填埋区含水层分布、厚度、赋水性等水文地质条件;结合室内试验和野外试验,综合确定了填埋区岩土层渗透系数大于1×10^-7cm/s,表明填埋区不具备天然防渗的条件,需采用人工防渗系统才能有效的阻滞垃圾渗滤液对周边环境的影响。  相似文献   

废弃矿井再利用已成为资源型城市实现功能转型的主要路径,矿井地面生产区采矿用地的再开发属于城市存量工业用地更新的范畴,是一个伴随产权转移的空间转型过程.通过分析相关产权政策与废弃矿井再开发模式之间的关联性,探讨制度对空间的影响,提出对未来发展的政策建议.通过系统梳理自1990年以来国家、地方层面的产权政策,并以该时段内不...  相似文献   

兖济滕矿区煤矸石长期露天堆放,既造成大量土地资源浪费,又造成矿区水体、土壤、大气等环境污染,是不容忽视的环境污染源地。从矿区煤矸石的化学成份和矿物成份分析可以看出,煤矸石的化学成份以SiO2为主,其次为Al2O3;矿物成份以高岭石为主,其次为石英。选用大量测试数据对煤矸石中有害微量元素对水环境、土壤环境的污染效应进行了研究,认为:煤矸石在酸性条件下淋溶析出的重金属的含量均超过了生活饮用水标准;碱性条件下,除Cu、Zn、As外,其余的也超过了地面水环境质量V类水的标准:煤矸石回填区的As、Cu、Pb、Zn四种重金属对矿区水环境影响不明显;填矸石的汇水区以及矸石山附近的水井水化学类型已由重碳酸型转变为硫酸型,部分区域已经受到了SO4^2-、总硬度、固形物的污染;矿区煤矸石堆放对附近土壤的影响并不显著,但某些有毒有害的重金属元素远远大于背景值,植物在土壤中对其吸收与积累可能形成潜在危害性。最后指出了降低煤矸石污染、提高煤矸石的综合利用才是解决矿区固体废弃物生态环境效应的主要途径。  相似文献   

Stewart Barr 《Geoforum》2004,35(2):231-249
Throughout the western world, public support for environmental protection measures has grown consistently during the past three decades. Endorsement for a wide array of measures to reduce the human impact on nature and conserve resources has been high among individuals in the UK, relating to a variety of environmental issues, such as transport, waste management, water quality and green consumerism. These stated concerns are somewhat in contrast to the behavioural responses which similar research projects have reported. This attitude-behaviour inconsistency, or more colloquially, the ‘value-action gap’, has become a major area of soul searching for policy makers who have used techniques such as contingent valuation and willingness to pay models to construct their policy measures. Accordingly, this paper presents an alternative means of investigating the attitude-behaviour inconsistency, with the use of research by social psychologists, sociologists and geographers. A framework of environmental behaviour is presented, so as to provide environmental researchers with a means of examining which variables modify the relationship between stated intention and action. The results indicate that whilst there is a moderately strong relationship between stated intention and behaviour, the factors influencing these two constructs are significantly different so as to suggest that public rhetoric towards environmental action may be influenced by different antecedents to that of actual behaviour. As such, the paper provides a fresh perspective on the difference between rhetoric and reality in environmental action.  相似文献   

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