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Dano E.B. Lyzenga D.R. Meadows G. Meadows L. Van Sumeren H. Onstott R. 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2001,26(2):201-215
For Pt. I see ibid. vol. 26, pp. 181-200 (2001). This paper describes the results of experimental investigations into the microwave backscatter from mechanically generated transient breaking waves. The investigations were carried out in a 110 m×7.6 m×4 m deep model basin, utilizing chirped wave packets spanning 0.75-1.75 Hz. Backscatter measurements were taken by a K-band continuous wave radar (24.125 GHz) at 40° angle of incidence, and at azimuth angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180° relative to the direction of wave propagation. Grazing measurements were conducted using an X-band (10.525 GHz) FMCW radar at 85° angle of incidence, and azimuth angles of 0° and 180°. Results show that the maximum radar backscatter was obtained in the upwave direction prior to wave breaking and was caused by the specular or near specular presentation of the wave to the radar. After breaking, the backscatter transitioned from a specular or near-specular dominated scattering, primarily seen in the upwave direction, to a small scale roughness dominated scattering, observed at all azimuths. Physical optics solutions were found to correctly predict the backscatter for the specular or near-specular dominated scattering and the small perturbation method was found to accurately model the VV polarization post-break radar backscatter 相似文献
In this paper, the lowest order small-slope approximation (SSA) scattering cross section for Biot theory is derived. Numerical results are obtained for both backscattering and bistatic scattering using a modified power law spectrum, and these results are compared with those of lowest order perturbation theory (PT). Frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to 3 kHz are used for surfaces with RMS heights h of 0.1 and 1 m and a correlation length l of 10 m. The angle of incidence for the bistatic results is limited to 45/spl deg/. It is found that for the smaller surface height roughness (h = 0.1 m), the SSA and PT give the same results for frequencies up to almost 1 kHz for both backscattering and bistatic scattering. For h = 1 m, the SSA and PT backscatter results are in good agreement at all frequencies for incident grazing angles up to approximately 45/spl deg/. For the bistatic results, the SSA and PT results agree only at low grazing angles of scatter. In the specular region, the results differ significantly. 相似文献
Current models used to predict the backscattering strength of the ocean floor are either very involved, requiring geoacoustic parameters usually unavailable for the site in practical applications, or overly simplistic, relying mainly on empirical terms such as Lambert's law. In any case, solutions are very approximate and the problem is still far from being solved. In this paper, a model is presented that avoids empirical functional forms yet requires only a few physical parameters to describe the surficial sediments, often tabulated for typical sediments. The aim of this paper is to develop a simple algorithm for operational prediction of bottom reverberation with only one free parameter, i.e., the volume scattering coefficient. The algorithm combines a two scale surface scattering model with scattered contributions originating from inhomogeneities within the sediments, talking into consideration the rough interface. No specific mechanism is assumed for scattering at the volume inhomogeneities; however, the inhomogeneities are assumed to be uniform and isotropic. The volume scattering coefficient, combined with the bottom attenuation and density and referenced to the surface, plays a role similar to the Lambert's constant in empirical models. The model is exercised on a variety of published datasets for low and moderately high frequency. In general, the model performs very well for both fast and slow sediments, showing a definite improvement over Lambert's law 相似文献
V. N. Kudryavtsev 《Physical Oceanography》1996,7(2):99-125
This paper discusses a simplified model for the evolution of the atmospheric planetary boundary layer overlying a thermal
front in the sea. The model provides local values of the friction/heat transfer geostrophic coefficients and the direction
of surface wind stress, as well as the wind/temperature profiles at any point on the front. With the running over a warm front,
the baroclinicity of the internal boundary layer leads to the generation of a near-surface current of air directed down the
front. The model can be used to interpret radar imagery of the sea surface with the purpose of determining its mesoscale variability.
Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin. 相似文献
Hiroki Uehara Andrey A. Kruts Yuriy N. Volkov Tomohiro Nakamura Tsuneo Ono Humio Mitsudera 《Journal of Oceanography》2012,68(6):869-886
This paper introduces a new hydrographic climatology of the Okhotsk Sea; this climatology was constructed from the Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute (FERHRI) database. The FERHRI database has a volume of data three to five times larger than the data used in previous studies because unpublished Russian observation data have been included in the FERHRI database. After removing erroneous data from the database by pertinent quality control methods, the climatology for 1/4°?×?1/4° grids is produced by applying objective analysis procedures. Features similar to those in previous studies are seen in the intermediate layers in the Okhotsk Sea, whereas our climatology provides values that fill in gaps in previous climatologies. It is obvious from the monthly climatologies that temperature and salinity distributions evolve in accordance with seasonal variations in the Eastern Sakhalin Current and inflow from the North Pacific. We also reconstructed climatologies for the winter mixed layer and dense shelf water from data obtained from the temperature minimum waters identified as the remnants of these two layers. Free access to the 1°?×?1° versions of all climatologies constructed in this study is available through the website. 相似文献
利用GOCE重力场模型确定全球稳态海面地形及表层地转流 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
稳态海面地形(MDT)是大地测量学家和海洋学家共同关心的一个重要物理量.该文基于WHU2009全球平均海面高模型和GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3纯GOCE重力场模型,采用几何法经高斯滤波处理后确定了全球稳态海面地形,与CLS09及DTU10 MDTs相比,其差值均方根RMS均小于8 cm,表明该文结果具有较高的精度;根据地转流方程计算了相应的表层地转流,与GRACE重力场模型GGM03S结果相比,GOCE重力场模型所确定的表层地转流在墨西哥湾流、黑潮及厄加勒斯海流等海域均体现了更强的流速和更多的细部特征,验证了GOCE在洋流探测中的优势. 相似文献
A statistical method using empirical orthonormal functions (EOF's) is presented for efficiently representing large data banks of archived nondirectional wave power spectral densities (PSD's). This reduced data set is used to obtain a displacement output probability density function of an offshore structure in response to a wave field. An example is presented thai utilizes five months of NOAA estimated wave spectra taken at 4-h intervals in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Structural Applications Software was developed to provide the output probability density function for any frequency band of interest without requiring the many tapes of original data. For nonlinear problems, a method of generating typical random wave data is discussed that will allow for Monte Carlo simulation. 相似文献
海洋沉积物粒度参数3种计算方法的对比研究 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
海洋沉积物粒度参数是反映沉积物物质来源及水动力条件的敏感性指标。目前国内对海洋沉积物粒度参数计算方法并不完全统一,制约了粒度数据的整合和使用。利用长江口外近海348个表层沉积物粒度数据,分别使用Folk和Ward的图解法公式、Collias等的矩法公式和McManus的矩法公式进行了粒度参数的计算。运用相关分析和基本统计分析等方法,讨论了不同方法计算结果间的差异和影响因素。结果显示:图解法与矩法计算的平均粒径和分选系数分别呈显著线性相关,且不受沉积物物质来源的影响。对于偏态和峰态,3种不同方法计算结果的相关性较低,甚至表现为不相关。不同方法计算的沉积物粒度参数的差异性均与沉积物类型和频率曲线分布形态有关。当物质组成均匀、频率曲线近正态分布时,不同方法计算的粒度参数的相关性显著提高。当沉积物较粗或较细时,粒度分布偏离正态且具有明显尾部特征,用不同方法计算结果的差异会随之增大。对3种不同公式综合对比认为Collias等的矩法公式反映沉积物粒度分布特征更加灵敏、可靠,建议在进行资料整合时采用。 相似文献
A general theoretical model is developed to investigate the sound radiation from an infinite orthogonally stiffened plate under point excitation force. The plate can be metallic or composite, and fluid loading is also considered in the research. The first order shear deformation theory is used to account for the transverse shear deformation. The motion of the equally spaced stiffeners is examined by considering their bending vibrations and torsional movements. Based on the periodic structure theory and the concepts of the equivalent dynamic flexibility of the plate, the generalized vibro-acoustic equation of the model is obtained by applying the Fourier transform method. The generalized model that can be solved numerically is validated by comparing model predictions with the existing results. Numerical calculations are performed to investigate the effects of the location of the excitation, the spacing of the stiffeners, the plate thickness, the strengthening form and the fiber orientation on the sound radiation characteristic of the orthogonaUy stiffened plate, and some practical conclusions are drawn from these parameter studies. 相似文献
基于潮汐表数据同化的天文潮数值预报模型及其模拟预报效果 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
潮汐表是利用长期潮汐观测结果经调和分析实现的主要港湾潮汐预报结果,具有较高的预报精度,而通常的天文潮数值预报目前还难以达到潮汐表的预报精度.本研究在建立常规天文潮数值预报模型的基础上,建立了基于潮汐表数据同化的天文潮数值预报模型,并分别采用这2种模型预报福建沿岸海域的天文潮.其结果表明同化模型的预报结果无论是在潮时还是在潮高均明显优于常规模型;同化模型能显著地改善所研究的沿岸海域90个水位点中至少45个水位点的潮汐预报结果,而其他水位点的预报结果也有不同程度地改善. 相似文献
Jesper Bartholdy 《Geo-Marine Letters》2006,26(3):133-140
A simple zero-dimensional model relating water-level measurements inside a tidal basin to current velocity in the inlet has been formulated and calibrated for the tidal inlet Grådyb in the Danish Wadden Sea. The model combines a dynamical and a continuity-based approach, and predicts velocity in the inlet with a high correlation between measured and calculated current velocities (R 2=0.94), when tested on the basis of an independent dataset. Once calibrated, the model requires only a minimum of input data (water level and water-level variation in time). It is therefore well suited to bridge the gap between discrete velocity observations (e.g. ADCP profiles used to evaluate the dynamics of an inlet prior to other observations of, amongst others, bedform behaviour) and longer time series of inlet dynamics, and this with a minimum of cpu-time. 相似文献
A global barotropic ocean model forced by atmospheric disturbances is developed for the detection of seafloor vertical displacements from in situ ocean bottom pressure (OBP) data. The model accuracy is validated by deep-sea OBP data at more than 100 sites obtained over the global ocean. Parameters and boundary conditions including the horizontal resolution incorporated in the ocean model are tested in order to accurately simulate the nontidal (>2 days) OBP variations. The horizontal resolution is found to the factor that most significantly affects the simulated result. The finer the horizontal resolution applied, the smaller the model variability is. The model accuracy is highest when the horizontal resolution is 1/12°, but deteriorates when the horizontal resolution is finer than 1/12°. This may indicate a failure of the energy dissipation parameterization in the barotropic ocean model. Using the developed 1/12° model, the root-mean-square of the observed nontidal OBP component can be reduced by 18 % as an average of all the OBP data used. It is found that the 1/12° model is useful for the detection of a slow seafloor vertical displacement of centimeters related to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from in situ OBP records near the hypocenter of the earthquake. 相似文献
Magnetic fabric (anisotropy) measurements have been made on samples of Quaternary sediments from DSDP Hole 380A (Black Sea) and Tertiary and Cretaceous nannofossil oozes, marls and volcanoclastic sandstones from the Southeast flank of the Walvis Ridge at Hole 524, recovered during Legs 42B and 73 of the International Program of Ocean Drilling (IPOD). The fabric was determined by means of both a low field and a high field torque magnetometer.The overall results from the low field measurements are similar to those from the high field measurements. The results from both sets of measurements indicate the existence of a NE-SW lineation at Hole 380A and a NW-SE lineation at Hole 524. For Hole 380A some of the individual parameters show slight differences in values for the low field and high field torque measurements while for Hole 524 these individual parameters compare favourably and indicate an approximately one-to-one correspondence. In general the fabric is better defined at Hole 524 than at Hole 380A. Anisotropy measurements sometimes were found to be greatly affected by the shape of the sample. This apparent shape-effect appears to be more prevalent in the high field than in the low field measurements. In addition, for Holes 380A and 524 some samples show deformational-style fabric characteristics on one instrument and depositional-style characteristics on the other. The reasons for these differences and how the effects on the anisotropy data can be removed or minimised are described in this paper. 相似文献