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A multi-core, multidisciplinary palaeolimnological study of the partially varved sediment of a deep, meromictic, arctic lake, Kongressvatnet (Svalbard, Western Spitsbergen), provides a record of environmental and climatic changes during last ca. 1800 years. The chronology of sedimentation was established using several dating techniques (137Cs, 210Pb, varve counts, palaeomagnetic correlation). A multiproxy record of palaeolimnological variability was compiled based on sedimentation rates, magnetic properties, varve thickness, organic matter, geochemistry, pigments from algal and photosynthetic bacteria, mineralogy and biological assemblages (diatoms, Cladocera). The major features recognised in our master core K99-3 include a shift in sediment source and supply (magnetic measurements, geochemistry) probably caused by glaciological changes in the catchment around 38–32 cm core depth (AD 700–820). Additional environmental changes are inferred at 20–18, 8–4.5 and 3–2 cm (AD ca. 1160–1255; 1715–1880; 1940–1963, respectively). During the past ca. 120 years a prominent sedimentological change from brownish-grey, partly laminated silt-clay (varves) to black organic-rich deposits was observed. From AD 1350 to AD1880 the sediment is comprised of a continuous sequence of varves, whereas the earlier sediments are mostly homogeneous with only a few short intercalated laminated sections between AD 860 and 1350. Sedimentation and accumulation rates increased during the last 30 years (modern warming). Pigment concentrations are very low in the lower ca. 32 cm of the core (AD 820) probably because of the high turbidity high energy environment. The high sulphur content in the uppermost 32 cm of sediment has given rise to two horizontally stratified populations of sulphur anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria, as inferred from their specific carotenoids. These bacteria populations are much more abundant during the Little Ice Age (LIA) than during warmer periods (e.g., during the Medieval Warm Period and 20th century). Diatoms are lacking from the core base up to 18 cm (ca. AD 1255); at this level, species indicative of mesotrophic water are present, whereas from 17 cm to the top of the core, oligotrophic taxa such as Staurosira construens/S. pinnata complex dominate, indicating extended ice coverage and more oligotrophic waters during the LIA. The concentration of Cladocera subfossil remains (dominated by Chydorus) are relatively high in the deepest sections (54–32 cm), whereas the upper 32 cm are characterized by a very low concentration of remains, possibly because of the strongly anoxic conditions, and in this upper sediment section rotifer resting eggs become prevalent. We interpret these changes as responses to climate forcing through its impact on glacial melt water, lake ice cover duration and mainly redox conditions in deep water. The observed changes suggest that at least some of our recorded changes may parallel the Greenland Ice core, although our study added more details about the inferred climatic changes. Further aspects are discussed, such as catchment processes, glacial activity, duration of the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, local human activity, and limnology.  相似文献   

Three well-developed raised marine shorelines along Nordenskioldkysten have been studied and correlated with the shoreline displacement since the last deglaciation. The marine limit of 64 m in the area is of Late Weichselian age and has been dated to 10, 900- 11, 000 years B.P. An intermediate level at 50 m is estimated to be 10, 600-10, 000 years old and demonstrates a sea level stagnation probably caused by a glacier readvance in eastern Svalbard during the Younger Dryas. A Holocene transgression culminating shortly after 6, 000 years B.P. has been stratigraphically demonstrated, and it probably correlates with the Tapes transgression of Scandinavia. No pre-Late Weichselian marine levels are found, and the large rebound can be attributed only to a Late Weichselian glaciation.  相似文献   

Jian Chen  Fuchu Dai  Xin Yao 《Geomorphology》2008,93(3-4):493-500
Major debris-flow deposits occur along the xerothermic valley of the upper Jinsha River. The debris-flow deposits, ranging in thickness from 1 to 20 m, invariably occupy gently inclined piedmont slopes. The sediments are presently deeply dissected by gullies, and the process of mass movement has almost ceased. Detailed textural, stratigraphical, and geochemical studies reveal the formation processes of the debris flows. Seven debris-flow incidents are noted based on the unit combination characteristics of debris-flow deposits. The age estimates of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) show that the occurrence of debris flows started at around 10.6 kyr BP and weakened until 4.5 kyr BP, corresponding to the obvious strengthened phase of the summer monsoons in the region. The ages of the debris-flow deposits indicate that the occurrence of a mass of debris flows was a response to the intensified summer monsoon in the SE fringe of the Tibetan Plateau since the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study of cores in southwestern Lake Michigan suggest that the materials in these cores can be interpreted in terms of both isostatically and climatically induced changes in lake level. Ostracodes and mollusks are well preserved in the Holocene sediments, and they provide paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic data, as well as biogenic carbonate for stable-isotope studies and radiocarbon dating. Pollen and diatom preservation in the cores is poor, which prevents comparison with regional vegetation records. New accelerator-mass spectrometer 14C ages, from both carbon and carbonate fractions, provide basin-wide correlations and appear to resolve the longstanding problem of anomalously old ages that result from detrital organic matter in Great Lakes sediments.Several cores contain a distinct unconformity associated with the abrupt fall in lake level that occurred about 10.3 ka when the isostatically depressed North Bay outlet was uncovered by the retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet. Below the unconformity, ostracode assemblages imply deep, cold water with very low total dissolved solids (TDS), and bivalves have 18O (PDB) values as light as — 10 per mil. Samples from just above the unconformity contain littoral to sublittoral ostracode species that imply warmer, higher-TDS (though still dilute) water than that inferred below the unconformity. Above this zone, another interval with 18O values more negative than — 10 occurs. The isotopic data suggest that two influxes of cold, isotopically light meltwater from Laurentide ice entered the lake, one shortly before 10.3 ka and the other about 9 ka. These influxes were separated by a period during which the lake was warmer, shallower, but still very low in dissolved solids. One or both of the meltwater influxes may be related to discharge from Lake Agassiz into the Great Lakes.Sedimentation rates appear to have been constant from about 10 ka to 5 ka. Bivalve shells formed between about 8 and 5 ka have 18O values that range from-2.3 to-3.3 per mil and appear to decrease toward the end of the interval. The ostracode assemblages and the stable isotopes suggest changes that are climatically controlled, including fluctuating water levels and increasing dissolved solids, although the water remained relatively dilute (TDS < 300 mg/l).A dramatic decrease in sedimentation rates occurred at about 5 ka, about the time of the peak of the Nippissing high lake stage. This decrease in sedimentation rate may be associated with a large increase in effective wave base as the lake approached its present size and fetch. A dramatic reduction in ostracode and mollusk abundances during the late Holocene is probably due to this decrease in sedimentation rates, which would result in increased carbonate dissolution. Ostracode productivity may also have declined due to a reduction in bottom-water oxygen caused by increased epilimnion algal productivity.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Contribution No. 7492  相似文献   

Finds of pumice on raised beaches in the inner Isfjorden area are reported. Pumice is abundant in two zones, and four levels can be distinguished in some areas. The highest lying level has the greatest concentration of pumice and is dated to a maximum of 6, 500 years B.P. Tentative correlations with pumice levels from other places in Svalbard indicate approximate ages of 6, 000, 4, 100, and 3, 100 years for the lower levels in inner Isfjorden. A shoreline displacement curve based on the pumice levels and on 10, 000 year old driftwood is presented.  相似文献   

The Present foraminiferal distribution (live + dead) in Freemansundet between Barentsøya and Edgeøya, Svalbard, has been compared with assemblages in raised marine Holocene deposits in Guldalen on Edgeeya. Four distinct foraminiferal assemblages were identified in Freemansundet, the Elphidium excavatum-Cassidulina reniforme assemblage, the Elphidium hallandense assemblage, the Cibicides lobatulus assemblage and the Elphidium incertum-Haynesina orbiculare assemblage. Four assemblage zones (Zones A-D) have been established in the glaciomarine to marine sediment sequence in Guldalen. Only two of the recent fauna! types were represented here. The Elphidium excavatum-Cassidulina reniforme assemblage, which reflects a proximal glacier environment, was found in the lowermost Zone A (the Elphidium excavatum Zone) and in Zone C (the Elphidium excavatum-Cassidulina reniforme Zone) in the Guldalen stratigraphy; the Elphidium incertum-Haynesina orbiculare assemblage, which reflects ameliorated shallow water conditions, was found in the uppermost Zone D in Guldalen. The marine sequence in Guldalen represents a relatively short period of time during the Early Holocene (ca 9700 to 8300 BP). The succession of the foraminiferal assemblages suggests that the deglaciation was interrupted by a cold period with glacial stagnation just after 9600 bp (Zone B. the Astrononion gallowayi-Nonionellina labradorica Zone).  相似文献   

The common mussel Mytilus edulis is an indicator of milder marine conditions in the Arctic, with stronger Atlantic Water influx, during the Holocene and earlier interglacials. Twelve Holocene radiocarbon dates of mytilus from eastern Svalbard fall between ca 8800 and 5000 BP and roughly delimit the marine climatic optimum period there. The beginning of this period in the east coincides with the immigration of boreal extralimital molluscs to western Svalbard, indicating the culmination of Holocene Atlantic influence.  相似文献   

Early Holocene, near-shore marine sediments from Visdalen, Edgeøya, eastern Svalbard contain locally abundant allochthonous remains of land plants, notably bryophytes. Wetland species indicative of mineral rich and calcareous soils are frequent, but upland plants are also well represented. The fossil assemblages are indicative of ecological and climatic conditions similar to those on Edgeøya today. The sediments contain one of the first fossil beetles reported from Svalbard. Apparently, the modern flora of Svalbard was already established in the earliest Holocene, probably following immigration from northern Europe. A few Armeria scabra remains are believed to be derived from interglacial deposits.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2014,8(4):357-369
An analysis of remanent magnetism and radiocarbon ages in the dry lacustrine/sediment fills of the Schirmacher Oasis (SO) in East Antarctica was conducted to reconstruct past climatic condition. The statistically run mineral magnetic data on paleontological statistics software package (multivariate cluster analysis) placed on accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon chronology of the three sediment sections, trace 6 phases of climatic fluctuation between 13 and 3 ka, (Phases 1, 3 and 5 represent cold periods while Phases 2, 4, and 6 represent warm periods). One short warm period (Phase 2, ca. 12.5 ka) occurred in the late Pleistocene, and two marked warm periods (Phase 4, 11–8.7 ka; Phase 6, 4.4–3 ka) occurred in the Holocene. High magnetic susceptibility (χ), saturation isothermal remanent magnetism (SIRM), and soft isothermal remanent magnetism (soft IRM) values correspond to colder periods and low values reflect comparatively warmer lacustrine phases. Holocene Optima (Phase 4) and Mid Holocene Hypsithermal (Phase 6) are distinguished by decreased values of concentrations dependent parameters. Remanence is preserved in the low-coercive minerals. Heavy metals in the sediments include, Fe, Rb, Zn, Mo, Co, Pb, Mn, Cu, and As in order of decreasing abundance.  相似文献   

Terrace remnants close to the marine limit as well as two separate moraine ridges are observed in front of the glacier Albrechtbreen. The stacking of marine sediments from an original elevation of ca. 60–80 m a.s.l. into the Little Ice Age Moraine gives evidence for a considerably smaller glacier following the early Holocene deglaciation compared to that of the present. The outer moraine is composed of glacial diamicton. Radiocarbon datings of whale ribs, shell fragments and a log taken from sediment in front of Albrechtbreen indicate that the initial deglaciation occurred before 9, 400 B.P. and that the outer moraine was formed during a younger Holocene glacial advance. Lithological differences between the two moraine ridges suggest that the first ice advance occurred during a period with limited permafrost, whereas permafrost was more extensive during the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Weston Blake  Jr. 《Polar research》2006,25(2):123-137
Fragments of the blue mussel ( Mytilus edulis complex) are present on raised beaches in the vicinity of Langgrunnodden and Kinnvika, northwestern Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Both of these localities are north of 80ø N. New radiocarbon age determinations, together with earlier results, show that Mytilus colonies were present in this area for much of the first half of Holocene time–from approximately 9000 to 5800 14C yr BP. Mytilus has also been recorded farther south in Nordaustlandet, at three localities in Wahlenbergfjorden. Age determinations of shells at two of these sites have yielded results in the range of 7400 to 6900 14C yr BP. The arrival of Mytilus to Nordaustlandet coincided with the early Holocene influx of warm North Atlantic Water off the west coast of Spitsbergen. The drastic warming in early Holocene time, which resulted in the rapid melt-off of glaciers and ice caps in Svalbard, also facilitated the establishment and perserverance of Mytilus colonies at this high latitude.  相似文献   

Aeolian sediments are widely distributed in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). The paleodunes are mainly located at the southeastern, middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin. However, ages of paleodunes in the middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin have not been well studied, although they are close to and might connect to the evolution of salt lakes in the central basin. In this study, we use single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) to date the dune sand in these two regions. The results show that: (1) Sand accumulation in these regions started at ca. 4-3 ka and lasted to ca. 0.5 ka when they were stabilized, due to the arid climate in the late Holocene. (2) The underlying fluvial sand was formed during deglaciation at 12.6±0.8 ka. (3) The stabilization periods of the paleodunes correspond to stages of glacier advance in the northeastern QTP, during which lower temperatures caused the decrease of evaporation and increase of the effective moisture, leading to an increase of vegetation cover and stabilization of the dunes.  相似文献   

A 12.87-m-long sediment core was retrieved from closed-basin Lake Daihai in the monsoon–arid transition zone of north-central China. Oxides of major elements and their ratios normalized to Al in the AMS-14C-dated core were employed to evaluate chemical weathering intensity (CWI) in the lake drainage basin, which reflects hydrothermal conditions in the study area. Lower CWI periods occurred prior to 14.5 ka BP, and during the intervals ca. 11.7–10.3, 3.5–3.2, 2.6–1.7 ka BP, and 1.2–0 ka BP, indicating relatively low temperatures and moisture availability. Greater CWI during the intervening periods ca. 14.5–11.7, 10.3–9.0, 3.2–2.6, and 1.7–1.2 ka BP, with the maximum CWI at ca. 6.7–3.5 ka BP, imply ameliorated hydrothermal conditions in the lake basin, i.e. higher temperatures and precipitation. Exceptionally low CWI, associated with high CaO/MgO ratio during ca. 9.0–6.7 ka BP, suggests higher evaporation rates in the area under warmer temperature. Overall, CWI displays in-phase variations with changes in organic matter (TOC, TN), carbonate (CaCO3) and pollen assemblages, all of which are related to variations in monsoon effective precipitation. High CWI indicates strong monsoon-induced precipitation, whereas low CWI reflects a weak precipitation regime. The optimum hydrothermal status, recorded by the strongest CWI and maximum monsoon effective precipitation during ca. 6.7–3.5 ka BP defines the Holocene climate optimum (HCO) in the Lake Daihai region. These results indicate that the HCO prevails after the early Holocene in the monsoon–arid transition zone of north-central China. Temperature and precipitation variations during most of the Holocene, inferred from the lake sediments, are due largely to insolation forcing. Dry but warm conditions ca. 9.0–6.7 ka BP, however, probably reflect the complex interactions between insolation and geography (e.g. altitude and local topography).  相似文献   

Bjørnøya, a small (178 km2) island situated between the mainland of Norway and southern Spitsbergen, provides the opportunity for the reconstruction of early Holocene terrestrial and limnic palaeoenvironments in the southwestern Barents Sea. The AMS 14C dating technique, geochemical, mineral magnetic, micro and macrofossil analyses were applied to sediments recovered from lake Stevatnet and the results are interpreted in terms of palaeoenvironmental conditions between 9800 and 8300 14C bp. After the disappearance of local glaciers before ca 980014C BP, the lake productivity increased rapidly at the same time as pioneer plant communities developed on soils which gradually became more stable. Insect data indicates that strong seasonal contrasts with mean July temperatures around 9°C and mean January temperatures around −12°C prevailed between 9500 and 8300 14C BP. These high summer temperatures, possibly as much as 4-5°C higher than the present, favoured the development of a flora including Dryas and Angelica cf. archangelica . The enhanced freeze/thaw processes led to an increased erosion of minerogenic and organic material. After 8000 14C BP the temperatures may have gradually declined. The environmental reconstruction derived from our data set supports the conceptual insolation model which proposes maximum Holocene seasonality for the Northern Hemisphere at ca 9000 14C BP.  相似文献   

Age determinations of bivalve shells indicate that Bockfjorden, a fjord in north-western Spitsbergen, Svalbard, was deglaciated shortly before 10 Kya, and that the upper marine limit in this area, with an altitude of about 50 m a.s.l., has the same age. During most of the Holocene, the glaciers in Bockfjorden were less extensive than they are today. Their maximum Holocene extension occurred during the Little Ice Age. The initial shoreline emergence after the deglaciation was rapid, and former shorelines younger than 8.5 Ky are below the present sea level. A mid-Holocene transgression of the sea is traced as well as a transgression during the last thousand years.  相似文献   

Studies of wild and captive Willow and Svalbard Ptarmigan hens have allowed us to estimate the daily energy cost during incubation. It was similar for the two species, varying between 70-85 kcal per day depending on number of eggs, nest insulation, ambient temperature, number of foraging periods and total time spent away from the nest. Daily energy cost during incubation was 15 - 20% above resting metabolic rate in non-incubating hens but only 45 - 55% of that in free-living non-incubating hens. Incubating hens reduced their energy expenditure through high nest attentiveness. A reduction in food intake during incubation led to loss in body weight.  相似文献   

The paper is a study of vegetation exploitation and the effect of food availability on the diet and behaviour in barnacle geese breeding at Storholmen, Svalbard. Detailed vegetation mapping was used to estimate the availability of food to individual pairs of geese. Diet composition was assessed through analysis of plant fragments in droppings. The behaviour of geese in relation to snowmelt patterns was recorded. Most vegetation types were exploited by the geese either for feeding or as nest substrate. Nest density was highest and territories were smallest on early, snow-free ridges, although late breeding individuals also nested in moss tundra vegetation. Most geese pairs exploited a mosaic of vegetation types in their territories, which extended the feeding period when plants were nutritionally most profitable to the geese. Territory size increased with decreasing density of the highest preferred food plants. Female geese preferred plants with high nutrient quality, and the diet during incubation consisted of 41% flowers of forbs, 19% grasses, 6% leaves and buds of forbs, and 34% mosses. When the availability of grasses was <5%, geese switched to a diet dominated by the abundant, but nutrient-poor, mosses. The nutrient-poor diet resulted in more time off the nest and less time being alert or searching for food during feeding bouts. Because nests are exposed to predators when females feed or search for food, a low availability of nutrient-rich food within the territory can affect hatching success.  相似文献   

An aim for conservation in Norway is preserving the Svalbard archipelago as one of the least disturbed areas in the Arctic. Information on local distribution, population sizes and ecology is summarized for 20 thermophilous vascular plant species. The need for conservation of northern, marginal populations in Svalbard is reviewed, using World Conservation Union categories and criteria at a regional scale. Thirteen species reach their northernmost distribution in Svalbard, the remaining seven in the western Arctic. Nine species have 1-8 populations in Svalbard and are assigned to Red List categories endangered or critically endangered: Campanula rotundifolia, Euphrasia frigida, Juncus castaneus, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Rubus chamaemorus, Alchemilla glomerulans, Ranunculus wilanderi, Salix lanata and Vaccinium uliginosum , the last four species needing immediate protective measures. Five species are classified as vulnerable: Betula nana, Carex marina ssp. pseudolagopina, Luzula wahlenbergii, Ranunculus arcticus and Ranunculus pallasii . Six species are considered at lower risk: Calamagrostis stricta, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, Hippuris vulgaris (only occurring on Bjørnøya), Juncus triglumis, Ranunculus lapponicus and Rhodiola rosea . The warmer Inner Arctic Fjord Zone of Spitsbergen supports most of the 20 target species and is of particular importance for conservation. Endangered or vulnerable species were found in a variety of edaphic conditions; thus, several kinds of habitats need protection.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopes and geochemistry from lake sediments are commonly used as proxies of past hydrologic and climatic conditions, but the importance of present-day hydrologic processes in controlling these proxies are sometimes not well established and understood. Here we use present-day hydrochemical data from 13 lakes in a hydrologically connected lake chain in the northern Great Plains (NGP) to investigate isotopic and solute evolution along a hydrologic gradient. The 18O and 2H of water from the chain of lakes, when plotted in 2H - 18O space, form a line with a slope of 5.9, indicating that these waters fall on an evaporation trend. However, 10 of the 13 lakes are isotopically similar (18O = –6 ± 1 VSMOW) and show no correlation with salinity (which ranges from 1 to 65). The lack of correlation implies that the isotopic composition of various source waters rather than in-lake evaporation is the main control of the 18O of the lakes. Groundwater, an important input in the water budget of this chain of lakes, has a lower 18O value (–16.7 in 1998) than that of mean annual precipitation (–11) owing to selective recharge from snow melt. For the lakes in this chain with salinity < 15, the water Mg/Ca ratios are strongly correlated with salinity, whereas Sr/Ca is not. The poor correlation between Sr/Ca and salinity results from uptake of Sr by endogenic aragonite. These new results indicate that 18O records may not be interpreted simply in term of climate in the NGP, and that local hydrology needs to be adequately investigated before a meaningful interpretation of sedimentary records can be reached.  相似文献   

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