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South Korea's seven governmental ministries and agency jointly announced a “Master Plan for Arctic Policy” on December 10, 2013. This represents the state's first comprehensive Arctic policy document. This paper aims to analyze the Korean government's Master Plan from both the legal and policy perspectives, as well as to make constructive comments for its improvement. Environmental changes, the need for scientific research, growing economic optimism about the Arctic region, and political leadership have led South Korea to head north. These four factors form the basis for the Master Plan. This document outlines Korea's vision (to be a reliable and responsible partner in this polar region), three policy goals, four strategies, and thirty-one projects connected to the Arctic region. The formation of the Master Plan has been an opportunity for South Korea to organize and compile all the various Arctic activities independently conducted by governmental ministries and agency. In order to improve South Korea's Arctic policy since the Master Plan, the author recommends that the nation prioritize its projects according to its needs and the feasibility of each project. Prudence is required in the drafting and implementation of Arctic policy to respect Arctic states' sovereignties and sovereign rights over the Arctic areas. Finally, strengthening cooperation with the Arctic states and at Arctic forums is indispensable. In particular, bilateral cooperation is essential for South Korea to perform economic activities such as the exploration for oil and gas.  相似文献   

The question this article wishes to raise, albeit in a preliminary and exploratory manner, is whether or not the Arctic, due to its special ecological circumstances, should be regulated in some special ways within the context of the new BBNJ agreement. Taking as the starting point some of the existing special rules adopted under UNCLOS and the IMO to account for special ecological circumstances, this article explores some of the ways in which the vulnerabilities of the arctic ecosystem could be taken into account in a new BBNJ agreement.  相似文献   

A large-scale contourite drift complex has been recognised on multi-channel 2D reflection seismic data acquired in the south-eastern Davis Strait and adjacent Labrador Sea slope offshore West Greenland between 63°?C66°N. Based on well-tie data, the drift complex developed from the Middle Miocene to the Recent. It has been mapped in a wide variety of water depths ranging from about 700?m, at a NNW-ESE-elongated crest located above structural highs in the Davis Strait, to more than 2,000?m beyond the slope to the Labrador Sea. The overall drift geometry has been described by subdivision into two first-order seismic units, enabling the generation of time-isochore maps. The reflection patterns demonstrating current-related deposition are illustrated by seismic examples. The time-isochores of the two first-order seismic units show lateral changes in their depocentres: the lower unit is absent in a zone slightly displaced south-westwards of the present-day crest, indicating changes in the prevailing deepwater current system during the Early Pliocene. The observations can be explained by two alternative palaeoceanographic scenarios: (1) either the present-day oceanographic setting with Arctic?CAtlantic water exchange across the Davis Strait was largely established by the mid-Miocene, with only minor adjustments during the Early Pliocene caused by tectonic movements, or (2) it became established during the Early Pliocene as a consequence of enhanced northward flow across the Davis Strait due to lowering of the sill depth.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1986,10(2):132-154
This article examines the extent to which arrangements between adjacent states in the European part of the Arctic will create precedents for the stipulation of the boundary in the Barents Sea. The delimitation arrangements discussed are the grey zone between Norway and the USSR in the Barents Sea, and the Norwegian-Icelandic joint area between Jan Mayen and Iceland in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(1):35-52
Measurements were obtained from the swash-zone of a high-energy macrotidal dissipative beach of pore-pressure at four levels below the bed, and cross-shore velocity at a single height above the bed. Time-series from relatively high (Hs≈2.0 m) energy conditions were chosen for analysis from the mid-swash-zone at high tide. Calculation of upwards-directed pore-pressure gradients shows that, in this case, fluidisation of the upper layer of sediment, leading to enhanced backwash transport, is unlikely. An apparent conflict exists in the literature regarding the net effect of infiltration–exfiltration on the sediment transport, through the combined effects of stabilisation–destabilisation and boundary layer modification. This is examined for the data collected using a modified Shields parameter. Inferred instantaneous transport rates integrated over a single swash cycle show a decrease in uprush transport of 10.5% and an increase in backwash transport of 4.5%. Sensitivity tests suggest that there is a critical grain size at which the influence of infiltration–exfiltration changes from offshore to onshore. The exact value of this grain size is highly sensitive to the method used to estimate the friction factor.  相似文献   

Michael Faure  Hui Wang   《Marine Policy》2008,32(4):592-606
The limitation of liability (known as financial caps) of the ship owner has a long tradition in maritime law in general and in the marine oil pollution compensation regime in particular. This paper uses the economic instrument to critically analyze such a mechanism, in order to answer the question if the financial caps are indeed a historical mistake.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, neurotoxicants are chemicals whose primary toxic effect is on the nervous system, either the central nervous system (CNS {brain and spinal cord}) or the peripheral nervous system (PNS {spinal roots, sensory ganglia, peripheral nerves}). Pathological aspects of neurotoxicity are well documented in experimental mammals. We illustrate the neurotoxicity of two chemicals, which both produce lesions in selective regions of the rat brain, a thiocarbamate herbicide (cycloate) and an industrial chemical, chloropropionic acid (L-CPA). Cycloate exposure results in neuronal cell death by apoptosis in specific areas of the forebrain, whereas L-CPA produces granule cell necrosis in the cerebellum. Our studies in rodents demonstrate the discriminative power of neuropathological tools for neurotoxicity. Many agrochemicals/industrial chemical products enter the aquatic environment, some with the potential for neurotoxicity. The teleost CNS is the most primitive among the vertebrates but has features in common with the CNS of more advanced forms. Even allowing for differences in phylogenetic organisation, neuropathological tools should have the potential to identify neurotoxicants that affect teleosts.  相似文献   

Small pelagic fish like sardine, anchovy and herring feed on zooplankton and are in turn prey for fish higher up in the food chain. They are therefore expected to play a vital role in transfer of energy between levels in the food chain. Some stocks of small pelagics are extremely large and subject to very substantial fluctuations caused by environmental factors. They are also very vulnerable to exploitation due to schooling behavior and highly efficient fishing technology. Several such stocks crashed in the 20th century as a result of heavy exploitation and/or adverse environmental changes. The effect of four such stock crashes on other fisheries are reviewed and found to be limited or nonexistent. This puts into perspective a recent report from the Lenfest Foundation, which examines small pelagics and their role in the ecosystem and finds that certain sea bird populations have been severely affected by exploitation of small pelagics. The report recommends more conservative management of small pelagics to limit the effects on predators, but makes no effort to weigh this against the contribution of forage fish to food production.  相似文献   

Multiple proxy studies on sediment core SK 200/22a from the sub-Antarctic sector of the Indian Ocean revealed millennial-scale fluctuations in terrigenous input during the last 63,000?years. The marine isotope stages 1 (MIS 1) and MIS 3 are characterized by generally low concentrations of magnetic minerals, being dominated by fine-grained magnetite and titano-magnetite. Within the chronological constraints, periods of enhanced terrigenous input and calcite productivity over the last 63,000?years are nearly synchronous with the warming events recorded in Antarctic ice cores. An equatorward shift of the westerly wind system in association with a strengthening of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) system may have promoted wind-induced shallow-water erosion around oceanic islands, leading to enhanced terrigenous input to the core site. Major ice-rafted debris events at 13?C23, 25?C30, 45?C48 and 55?C58?ka BP are asynchronous with ??18O and carbonate productivity records. This out-of-phase relation suggests that ice-sheet dynamics and ACC intensity were the primary factors influencing ice rafting and terrigenous input to the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, with only limited support from sea-surface warming.  相似文献   

Based on published estimates of areal extent, thickness and dating of igneous rocks related to formation of the North Atlantic Volcanic Province, we calculate the magmatic production since the first reported magmatism at 70 Ma until present. We relate the magmatism to the Icelandic Plume and estimate the total volumetric production to 22.1 × 106 km3. The magmatic production varied significantly with time, with a clear maximum of 55.5 m3/s around continental break-up at ca. 54 Ma. The lowest production is estimated at 4 m3/s, increasing to 7 m3/s at ca. 23 Ma. Two other pulses with increased activity are found around 40 Ma and in the late Miocene (10–5 Ma). The variations in productivity are consistent with a plume pulsing with a periodicity of ca. 15 million years. The same periodicity and relative timing is found for the Hawaiian Plume. If confirmed, these observations suggest that both plumes originate within the thin boundary layer near the Core-Mantle Boundary. This hypothesis may imply periodic heating of the earth’s core with subsequent heat-release to the mantle and increased global plume activity.  相似文献   

Resilience: What is it and what does it mean for marine policymakers?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine policymakers are facing increasing calls to consider the resilience of communities that rely on coastal and marine ecosystem goods and services, and the resilience of natural systems themselves. These calls are in response to increasing threats to coastal communities from external factors such as coastal hazards, possibly associated with climate change, reductions in natural capital often caused by over-fishing and invasive species, and drivers that act to change local and regional economic conditions leading to changes in employment and inequality. However, most communities have had little experience in explicitly managing for resilience. Similarly, our understanding of the factors that make a natural or social system resilient is also somewhat limited. Furthermore, there is a lack of consensus-based definitions and performance measures for assessing resilience. These factors, along with other barriers, will need to be overcome before effective resilience-based management can be implemented.  相似文献   

Regional multilateral arrangements potentially have a strong role to play in supporting coastal management, particularly in developing countries. This article examines how well such multilateral arrangements have performed in sub-Saharan Africa. It, firstly, develops a conceptual framework which identifies key elements of regional multilateral arrangements and the functions they could potentially fulfil. Secondly, the article describes and evaluates the performance of five multilateral arrangements currently operating in sub-Saharan Africa. It finds that these arrangements have resulted in the development of a constituency of skilled and committed people and the building up of considerable practical experience in coastal management. In addition, the region appears to have a somewhat out-dated but adequate legal framework for joint action on coastal management. A key issue to be addressed is the establishment of a financially viable and effective regional institutional base, as well as an effective programme, to support the implementation of the Nairobi and Abidjan Conventions and Protocols. In addition, substantial external resources need to be mobilised to support regional coastal management efforts in the short-to-medium term. Long-term sustainability will require building further capacity in coastal management as well as developing a much closer involvement of the private sector than has occurred to date.  相似文献   

Recently, a human rights approach has been center-staged within fisheries governance as a response to the limits of private property rights in reducing insecurity and vulnerability among fishers and fishing communities. Despite its growing adoption in international legal frameworks and among civil society organizations, the conceptual pitfalls of the human rights approach to fisheries (i.e., its neoliberal tendencies and the neglect of collective rights and social duties) raised by critical scholarship remain largely unsettled, leading to practical concerns about whether such a framework will ultimately benefit fishers on the ground. To further contribute to the debate, this article presents a nuanced discussion of the human rights perspective by introducing the concept of human dignity. Specifically, it argues that human dignity, with its greater conceptual scope and depth, could act as a foundational value with which to mitigate some of the shortcomings of the human rights approach. The purpose here is suggestive rather than definitive and is aimed at highlighting the link that has not been clearly made between human rights and human dignity. I argue that heightened attention to human dignity has the potential to create wider support for the human rights approach and ultimately help facilitate its efficacy in fisheries.  相似文献   

 A classical bottom simulating reflector (BSR) and a presently unknown double BSR pattern are detectable in reflection seismic profiles from the Storegga Slide area west of Norway. Pressure and temperature modeling schemes lead to the assumption that the strong BSR marks the base of a hydrate stability zone with a typical methane gas composition of 99%. The upper double BSR may mark the top of gas hydrates and the lower double BSR may represent a relict of former changes of the hydrate stability field from glacial to interglacial times or the base of gas hydrates with a gas composition including heavier hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (pgp), an efflux transporter localized in a variety of tissues including the intestinal mucosa, renal tubules and bile canaliculi, is known to participate in the disposition of a variety of chemicals, including steroid hormones. This study examined the relationship of pgp to the movement into the bile of the hormone estradiol (E2), and the potential for transport interactions between the environmental pollutant nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) and E2. Biliary-cannulated in situ-prepared isolated perfused livers were used to assess pgp transport function. E2, in competitive transport preparations with Rhodamine 123 (Rho123), a pgp substrate, demonstrated significant decreases in Rho123 transport into bile, as did the prototypic inhibitor and substrate verapamil. [3H]E2 (0.28 nM) transport into bile was significantly reduced with either 20 M NPE or verapamil. These results suggest that E2 is a substrate and/or modulator for the catfish biliary pgp transporter, and that NPE potentially influences biliary transport and excretion of E2.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship of the proposed new UNCLOS Implementing Agreement concerning the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction with the current legal framework concerning fisheries. It elaborates on selected elements that are under negotiations, namely: marine genetic resources, area-based management tools, including marine protected areas, as well as environmental impact assessments. Each of those elements is analyzed with particular emphasis being laid on the following issues. Firstly, how the current legal status quo in the relevant area looks like. Secondly, how the question of fisheries could be included in a future treaty and, thirdly, what bearing it could have on the current framework of the management of fisheries.The article concludes with the identification of possible fields where the new treaty could bring added value. However, some possible challenges are mentioned as well. They relate in particular to the fact that the mandate of negotiations underscores that they shall not ‘undermine existing legal instruments and frameworks and relevant global, regional and sectoral bodies’.  相似文献   

Environmental Prognostics is proposed as an integrated explanatory framework for adverse changes in whole systems, from cells to animals to ecosystems. The aim is to develop such frameworks for the evaluation of "health of the environment" and prediction of consequences resulting from future environmental events based on integrating the reactions of biomarkers for cellular and physiological processes, through conceptual, statistical and computational modelling. These are urgently needed to synthesise complex information on environmental chemistry and injurious effects of pollutants into predicted harmful impact on health of sentinel animals.  相似文献   

Various species of sharks, skates, and rays continue to decline globally, demonstrating a greater need for effective conservation measures. In 1999 the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) developed comprehensive guidelines in its International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-sharks), which was followed by corresponding national plans in some nations. A case study of national implementation is presented here. Specifically, progress under Canada's National Plan of Action for Sharks (NPOA-sharks) is reviewed, against its stated goals, against Australia's NPOA, and against the original FAO guidelines. For comprehensiveness, additional management and conservation measures for sharks, as well as stakeholder input from the first Atlantic Shark Forum is provided. Although Canada is recognized as a leader in shark management, as it was one of the first countries to develop an NPOA, it has not effectively adopted the FAO's principles and guidelines. The plan lacks set timelines, priorities, and action plans to mitigate threats to sharks, and contains no performance indicators. Additionally, the plan neglects to identify priority species and engage stakeholders, and cannot be directly linked to management measures. To advance the revision of this plan (as well as other NPOAs), a stepwise process is recommended that includes (i) stakeholder engagement and development of a shark assessment report (SAR) (ii) addressing all IPOA objectives, while prioritizing issues arising from the SAR, and (iii) implementations of actions, targets, and timelines that are reviewed every four years. Key policy items to advance Canada's role in shark conservation and management are also presented. These include actions to improve data collection and research, management, and education, as well as coordination with stakeholders. In conclusion,major changes are needed to the existing NPOA to be fully effective and accountable. Likewise, the abovementioned measures may help guide more proactive plans in nations that have not yet established an NPOA.  相似文献   

Coastal environments are susceptible to a range of impacts arising from medium and long-term climate change. However, as Ireland's population and industrial centres are concentrated in coastal locations, Ireland's coastal communities will be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, making the best use of existing knowledge to inform the establishment of governance structures capable of facilitating the measures and actions which may soon be required is a national imperative. Coastal communities worldwide have turned to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as a process to deliver sustainable development. This paper explores how experience gained from ICZM implementation can be harnessed to inform the development and implementation of climate adaptation policies, with a particular focus on the coastal zone. Using the principles and conceptual basis of Earth System Governance – an emerging approach to analyse complexity of governance under global environmental change – the paper maps the architecture of ICZM and climate governance in Ireland. The research identifies the main barriers to, and opportunities for, integrated application of the two policy domains. Barriers include the fragmentation of governance structures and responsibilities of key stakeholders, a lack of coordinated support for ICZM implementation at the national level, and a relatively weak awareness of the specifics of adaptation at the local level. Opportunities include the availability of expertise gathered from phases of ICZM implementation in Ireland, which encompasses mechanisms for science-policy integration, and invaluable experience of stakeholder participation and interaction. Current political and scientific support at national and EU levels give an additional impetus to climate research and actions which may bring additional opportunities and resources to coastal governance in Ireland.  相似文献   

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