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Parallaxes of W UMa stars in the Hipparcos catalogue have been analyzed. 31 W UMa stars, which have the most accurate parallaxes (σπ /π < 0.15) which are neither associated with a photometric tertiary nor with evidence of a visual companion, were selected for re‐calibrating the Period‐Luminosity‐Color (PLC) relation of W UMa stars. Using the Lutz‐Kelker (LK) bias corrected (most probable) parallaxes, periods (0.26 < P < 0.87, P in days), and colors (0.04 < (BV)0 < 1.28) of the 31 selected W UMa, the PLC relation have been revised and re‐calibrated. The difference between the old (revised but not bias corrected) and the new (LK bias corrected) relations are almost negligible in predicting the distances of W UMa stars up to about 100 pc. But, it increases and may become intolerable as distances of stars increase. Additionally, using (JH)0 and (HKs)0 colors from 2MASS (TwoMicron All Sky Survey) data, a PLC relation working with infrared data was derived. It can be used with infrared colors in the range –0.01 < (JH)0 < 0.58, and –0.10 < (HKs)0 < 0.18. Despite of the fact that the 2MASS data refer to single epoch observations which are not guaranteed to be taken at maximum brightness of theWUMa stars, the established relation has been found surprisingly consistent and reliable in predicting LK corrected distances of W UMa stars (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In a previous paper, using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we have discussed the structure and evolution of low-mass W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) type contact binaries with angular momentum loss owing to gravitational radiation or magnetic braking. We find that gravitational radiation is almost insignificant for cyclic evolution of low-mass W UMa type systems, and it is possible for angular momentum to be lost from W UMa systems in a magnetic stellar wind. The weaker magnetic activity shown by observations in W UMa systems is likely caused by the lower mass of the convective envelopes in these systems than in similar but non-contact binaries. The spin angular momentum cannot be neglected at any time for W UMa type systems, especially for those with extreme mass ratios. The spin angular momenta of both components are included in this paper and they are found to have a significant influence on the cyclic evolution of W UMa systems. We investigate the influence of the energy transfer on the common convective envelopes of both components in detail. We find that the mass of the convective envelope of the primary in contact evolution is slightly more than that in poor thermal contact evolution, and that the mass of the convective envelope of the secondary in contact evolution is much less than that in poor thermal contact evolution. Meanwhile, the rate of angular momentum loss of W UMa type systems is much lower than that of poor thermal contact systems. This is indeed caused by the lower masses of the convective envelopes of the components in W UMa type systems. Although the models with angular momentum loss for W UMa systems exhibit cyclic evolution, they seem to show that a W UMa system cannot continue this type of cyclic evolution indefinitely, and it might coalesce into a fast-rotating star after about 1200 cycles of evolution (about  7.0 × 109 yr  ).  相似文献   

Large-scale circulations and energy transport in contact binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hydrodynamic model for the energy transport between the components of a contact binary is presented. Energy is transported by a large-scale, steady circulation carrying high entropy matter from the primary to secondary component. The circulation is driven by the baroclinic structure of the common envelope, which is a direct consequence of the non-uniform heating at the inner critical Roche lobes due to unequal emergent energy fluxes of the components. The mass stream flowing around the secondary is bound to the equatorial region by the Coriolis force and its width is determined primarily by the flow velocity. Its bottom is separated from the underlying secondary's convection zone by a radiative transition layer acting as an insulator. For a typically observed degree of contact the heat capacity of the stream matter is much larger than radiative losses during its flow around the secondary. As a result, its effective temperature and entropy decrease very little before it returns to the primary. The existence of the stream changes insignificantly specific entropies of both convective envelopes and sizes of the components. Substantial oversize of the secondaries, required by the Roche geometry, cannot be explained in this way. The situation can, however, be explained by assuming that the primary is a main-sequence star whereas the secondary is in an advanced evolutionary stage with hydrogen depleted in its core. Such a configuration is reached past mass transfer with mass ratio reversal. Good agreement with observations is demonstrated by model calculations applied to actual W UMa-type binaries. In particular, a presence of the equatorial bulge moving with a relative velocity of  10–30 km s−!  around both components of AW UMa is accounted for.  相似文献   

The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) is a long-term project to monitor bright variable stars over the whole sky. It has discovered 50 099 variables brighter than   V < 14 mag  south of declination +28°, and among them 11 076 eclipsing binaries. We present a preliminary analysis of 5384 contact, 2949 semi-detached, and 2743 detached systems. The statistics of the distribution provides a qualitative confirmation of decades old idea of Flannery and Lucy that the W UMa-type binaries evolve through a series of relaxation oscillations: the ASAS finds comparable number of contact and semi-detached systems.
The most surprising result is a very small number of detached eclipsing binaries with periods   P < 1 d  , the systems believed to be the progenitors of the W UMa stars. As many (perhaps all) contact binaries have companions, there is a possibility that some were formed in a Kozai cycle, as suggested by Eggleton and his associates.  相似文献   

The luminosity function for contact binary stars of the W UMa type is evaluated on the basis of the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) photometric project covering all stars south of  δ=+ 28°  within a magnitude range  8 < V < 13  . Lack of colour indices enforced a limitation to 3374 systems with   P < 0.562 d  (i.e. 73 per cent of all systems with   P < 1 d  ) where a simplified MV (log  P ) calibration could be used. The spatial density relative to the main-sequence FGK stars of 0.2 per cent, as established previously from the Hipparcos sample to   V = 7.5  , is confirmed. While the numbers of contact binaries in the ASAS are large and thus the statistical uncertainties small, derivation of the luminosity function required a correction for missed systems with small amplitudes and with orbital periods longer than 0.562 d; the correction, by a factor of 3, carries an uncertainty of about 30 per cent.  相似文献   

Sixteen new eclipsing binaries have been discovered by the MOST satellite among guide stars used to point its telescope in various fields. Several previously known eclipsing binaries were also observed by MOST with unprecedented quality. Among the objects we discuss in more detail are short‐period eclipsing binaries with eccentric orbits in young open clusters: V578 Mon in NGC 2244 and HD 47934 in NGC 2264. Long nearly‐continuous photometric runs made it possible to discover three long‐period eclipsing binaries with orbits seen almost edge‐on: HD 45972 with P = 28.1 days and two systems (GSC 154 1247 and GSC 2141 526) with P > 25 days. The high precision of the satellite data led to discoveries of binaries with very shallow eclipses (e.g., HD 46180 with A = 0.016 mag, and HD 47934 with A = 0.025 mag). Ground‐based spectroscopy to support the space‐based photometry was used to refine the models of several of the systems (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Well-determined physical parameters of 130 W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) systems were collected from the literature. Based on these data, the evolutionary status and dynamical evolution of W UMa systems are investigated. It is found that there is no evolutionary difference between W- and A-type systems in the   M – J   diagram, which is consistent with the results derived from the analysis of observed spectral type and of   M – R   and   M – L   diagrams of W UMa systems.   M – R   and   M – L   diagrams of W- and A-type systems indicate that a large amount of energy should be transferred from the more massive to the less massive component, so that they are not in thermal equilibrium and undergo thermal relaxation oscillation. Moreover, the distribution of angular momentum, together with the distribution of the mass ratio, suggests that the mass ratio of the observed W UMa systems decreases with decreasing total mass. This could be the result of the dynamical evolution of W UMa systems, which suffer angular momentum loss and mass loss as a result of the magnetic stellar wind. Consequently, the tidal instability forces these systems towards lower q values and finally to rapidly rotating single stars.  相似文献   

We present well-sampled uvby light curves, supplemented by a few β filter measurements, of the Algol binary VV UMa. The light curves are analysed using two different codes to derive the orbital and absolute stellar parameters of this binary. We find reasonably good fits to the light curves and determine the stellar effective temperatures T eff,1≃9000–9600 K , and T eff,2≃5300–5600 K with a mass ratio q ≃0.35 . From the light-curve fits we discard the possibility of an anomalous gravity-darkening exponent for the secondary star of this system, as previously suggested.
We find evidence of short-term, small-amplitude variations in the brightness of the system. Two periodicities of about 1.10 and 0.51 h seem to be present in the data for at least two different nights, even within the secondary eclipse. This suggests that VV UMa may be a new Algol binary with a low-amplitude variable primary star, but new data collected during longer observing runs are necessary to confirm the pulsating nature of the brightness variations.  相似文献   

The secular evolution of the orbital angular momentum (OAM), the systemic mass  ( M = M 1+ M 2)  and the orbital period of 114 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) were investigated after determining the kinematical ages of the subsamples which were set according to OAM bins. OAMs, systemic masses and orbital periods were shown to be decreasing by the kinematical ages. The first-order decreasing rates of OAM, systemic mass and orbital period have been determined as     per systemic OAM,     per systemic mass and     per orbital period, respectively, from the kinematical ages. The ratio of d log  J /d log  M = 2.68, which were derived from the kinematics of the present sample, implies that there must be a mechanism which amplifies the angular momentum loss (AML)     times in comparison to isotropic AML of hypothetical isotropic wind from the components. It has been shown that simple isotropic mass loss from the surface of a component or both components would increase the orbital period.  相似文献   

The multicolor photometric observations of the neglected eclipsing binary FT Ursae Majoris (FT UMa) were obtained in 2010. The 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code was used to analyze the light curves in the B, V and R bands simultaneously. Based on the spectroscopic mass ratio q = 0.984 published by Pribulla et al., it is found that FT UMa is an evolved contact binary with a contact degree of 15.3%. The low amplitude of light variations, ~ 0.15 mag, arises mainly from a moderately low inclination angle...  相似文献   

In this article, a period analysis of the late-type eclipsing binary VV UMa is presented. This work is based on the periodic variation of eclipse timings of the VV UMa binary. We determined the orbital properties and mass of a third orbiting body in the system by analyzing the light-travel time effect. The O−C diagram constructed for all available minima times of VV UMa exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a linear variation. This variation includes three maxima and two minima within approximately 28,240 orbital periods of the system, which can be explained as the light-travel time effect (LITE) because of an unseen third body in a triple system that causes variations of the eclipse arrival times. New parameter values of the light-time travel effect because of the third body were computed with a period of 23.22 ± 0.17 years in the system. The cyclic-variation analysis produces a value of 0.0139 day as the semi-amplitude of the light-travel time effect and 0.35 as the orbital eccentricity of the third body. The mass of the third body that orbits the eclipsing binary stars is 0.787 ± 0.02 M, and the semi-major axis of its orbit is 10.75 AU.  相似文献   

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