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To investigate long-term, time-dependent tunnel deformations, this study employs a non-linear rheological model capable of considering the tertiary creep behaviour of the rock mass (Okubo and Fukui, 2006). A model parametric study is undertaken with a 3D numerical model encompassing a tunnel. The results show that the tunnel walls start to deform at an accelerating rate after a lapse of ten years. The results offer an explanation to previously reported tunnel instability cases. A 3D numerical model encompassing weak rock formation obliquely intersecting with the tunnel is then constructed. The analysis yields asymmetric wall deformation pattern, suggesting the need for optimizing rock supports.  相似文献   

Tunnel excavation produces stress changes to the ground and strain to the support lining, leading to the closure (convergence) or instability of the excavated area. Convergence recorded after section excavation is assigned to: (i) strain resulting from the progressive tunnel front advance (face advance effect) and (ii) the time-dependent properties of the soil material (ground creep effect). In the present study, based on the geodetic monitoring records of two recent road tunnels in Greece, a simple methodology to estimate the contribution of each of the two effects is presented. Our analysis reveals that at least half of the total deformation of the examined tunnel sections is due to ground creep, indicating that the major portion of tunnel deformation is due to the time-dependent properties of the ground; a result supported by previous studies from other tunnels as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analytical solutions for nonlinear consolidation of soft soil around a shield tunnel with idealized sealing linings. By introducing the empirical relation between permeability and compressibility, along with the conformal transformation, the governing equations of nonlinear consolidation are established, and the corresponding analytical solutions are derived. Then, the Terzaghi consolidation solutions are derived from the degenerate governing equation of nonlinear consolidation. Through the predictions of different consolidation theories in both completely permeable and impermeable lining conditions, the influences of a tunnel acting as a drain and impacting the dissipation of pore pressure, degree of consolidation, long-term ground settlements and ground settlement rates are investigated. During the early stages of consolidation, the case studies reveal that the predictions made by this study strongly agree with the field data when a completely permeable lining is applied. This study confirms that a tunnel acting as a drain can accelerate the consolidation of soil and enlarge soil deformation due to consolidation. During long term consolidation, a notable nonlinearity of the soil consolidation is exhibited by a small and gradually decreasing settlement rate, showing agreement with the tendency of field data from the impermeable conditions.  相似文献   

引红(红岩河)济石(石头河)引水隧洞围岩断层带破碎松软,岩石强度低,自稳能力差,易产生大变形。以上不良地质条件使其隧洞施工过程中经常会遇到TBM卡机等一系列特殊问题。针对引红济石引水隧洞施工中存在的软岩隧洞大变形问题,首先开展了X射线衍射、崩解试验,分析了试样的组成成分、黏土矿物含量对崩解性影响;再通过一系列单轴压缩试验、三轴压缩试验和蠕变试验研究了该类岩石不同应力条件下的变形破坏特征及蠕变特性。试验结果表明,该类岩石含有大量的黏土矿物(33.49%),对水比较敏感,遇水膨胀易崩解,导致岩体软化;试样具有较大塑性压缩变形,其应力-应变曲线为应变强化型,且没有明显的峰值。基于试验研究成果和现场监测数据,对该软岩隧洞大变形机制进行了分析,并提出了在围岩与管片之间安装聚氨酯缓冲层的新型支护方案,通过数值计算对支护方案的合理性进行了验证。分析结果表明:聚氨酯缓冲层可以很好地吸收围岩形变压力,避免应力集中带来的管片错台,从而大大减小管片上破坏区的产生。研究成果对该类岩体中隧洞的设计施工以及长期稳定性分析具有重要的参考作用。  相似文献   

Summary A project to construct a tunnel with a 36 m span at a soffitt depth of about 8 m in strongly jointed layers of sandstones and claystones is described in detail. Each stage of the project is covered from exploration and testing; design; stability analysis and construction through to post-construction monitoring.This paper was presented at the 28th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 29 June–1 July, Tucson, Arizona.  相似文献   

Surface movements were measured in the Gotthard massif as the Gotthard Base Tunnel was excavated. These movements might damage concrete dams constructed on the surface valleys. The leading assumption of this work is that deformation is induced by the dissipation of pore pressures in the massif caused by tunnel drainage. Deformations induce both horizontal and vertical surface displacements. Horizontal displacements, may lead to valley closures if they are in opposite direction, which would induce negative effects on arch dams. An analytical solution is derived using the method of images and an approximated integration of deformations to calculate the movements and the flow rate collected in the tunnel. Numerical calculations were carried out in 2D (vertical cross section) and 3D to investigate the problem under different conditions and to study the effect of parameters. The 3D models permit to incorporate the presence of a vertical fracture perpendicular to the tunnel that increases the drainage and pressure drop as it is hit by the tunnel. It was also possible to simulate the impermeabilization works in the tunnel to reduce drainage and consequently, movements. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fractures developed around high pressurized gas or air storage tunnels can progressively extend to the ground surface, eventually leading to an uplift failure. A tool reasonably reproducing the failure patterns is necessary for stability assessment. In this study, a numerical method based on the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method with a cohesive crack model is developed to simulate fracture propagation patterns in the rock mass around a tunnel under high internal pressure. A series of physical model tests was also conducted to validate the reliability of the developed method. A qualitative agreement between physical model tests and numerical results can be obtained. The in situ stress ratio, k, has a strong influence on both the position of crack initiation and the propagation direction. The numerical analyses were extended to full-scale problems. Numerical tests were performed to investigate the prime influencing factors on the failure patterns of a high pressurized gas circular tunnel with varying parameters. The results suggest that initial in situ stress conditions with a high k (larger than 1) is favorable for construction of pressurized gas or air storage tunnels.  相似文献   

高地应力软岩隧道围岩流变效应明显,形变压力导致的仰拱和边墙连接处的应力集中是导致隧道底鼓破坏的重要原因,合理的隧道断面形态有利于减小应力集中,保证隧道长期安全运营。在考虑软岩流变效应的情况下,以有限元软件ABAQUS为平台,通过Python编程实现隧道断面参数化设计和有限元计算,基于结合罚函数的Nelder-Mead函数建立隧道断面优化算法,并以隧道开挖面积,隧道最大仰拱隆起,围岩蠕变损伤区面积,衬砌最大轴力和衬砌最大弯矩为优化目标,对宜-巴(宜昌至巴东)高速峡口隧道断面形态进行优化,为高地应力软岩隧道断面设计提供科学指导。  相似文献   

深部坑道围岩压力与变形分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着地下空间开发不断向深部发展,出现了用连续介质理论无法解释的现象。以普氏理论为突破口,通过实例分析,从定量的角度出发,找出了普氏压力计算存在的不足,而采用强度理论得出的结果符合实际的物理力学理论。同时也指出,在连续介质理论框架内该强度理论也有其不足,主要在于没有考虑“隐形”区域,暗示为了更精确地描述岩石压力,必须采用新途径。  相似文献   

刘成禹  何满潮 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1101-1109
以龙厦铁路象山特长隧道地质构造发育、埋深大于500 m段围岩压力及围岩变形的现场测试资料为依据,对大埋深隧道地质构造发育段围岩压力的特点、变形压力的形成机制等进行了研究。研究表明:大埋深隧道,结构面或褶曲、逆断层发育,但地下水不发育的地段,即使围岩强度较高,隧道开挖后仍可能出现较大的变形;围岩较大变形主要是由于在自重应力和残余构造应力作用下被挤密的结构面在隧道开挖后因侧向限制消除而张开、扩容引起的,受其影响,初期支护将受到较大的围岩变形压力。上述地段围岩压力具有下列特点:(1)地下水不发育区段的围岩压力比地下水发育区段的大;(2)隧道纵向发育向斜的区段,拱顶至拱腰段围岩压力最大,越趋向于向斜核部,拱顶围岩压力越大;(3)发育褶曲的断面,与褶曲轴线垂直方向的围岩压力较大;(4)发育逆断层的断面,与断层倾向相反侧的围岩压力较大,该侧断层面附近的围岩压力最大,对侧断层面附近的围岩压力最小;(5)下台阶的围岩压力比上台阶的小,两者的相对差随上、下台阶施工间隔时间的延长而增大。  相似文献   

基于物理和常规变形特性分析,认为某水电站坝基碎屑岩力学特性异常复杂,故采用岩石三轴伺服仪开展了系列的蠕变力学特性试验研究。首先,探讨了轴向、侧向及体积蠕变特性和速率变化规律;其次,分析了蠕变对偏应力-应变特性影响并开展了破坏岩样微细观电镜扫描试验;最后,在采用等时曲线簇法确定长期强度的基础上,以实际延性扩容为依据,认为岩石侧向体积扩容速率大于轴向压缩速率的临界点为快速蠕变破坏的标志,提出确定长期强度的新方法。结果表明,碎屑岩表现出显著的蠕变特性,蠕变曲线主要分为初始衰减和稳态蠕变两阶段,且最后一级应力施加后呈现加速蠕变现象;应力增加导致蠕变变形加剧,最终破坏表现出轴向压缩变形过大、体积延性扩容明显、稳态蠕变速率较大等特点,且蠕变速率与应力符合指数函数关系。岩样长期强度与三向稳态蠕变速率交点和侧向体积扩容应力阀值基本一致,为常规强度的54%~80%。试验结果旨在为相关岩石工程长期稳定分析及蠕变模型构建提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

刘文剑  吴湘滨  张慧 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):3011-3016
运用黏弹性断裂、蠕变理论,对裂隙围岩在开挖时的蠕变现象进行分析,建立了隧道开挖的双场耦合蠕变模型。运用Laplace转换,推导出围岩的径向位移函数表达式,分析了应力卸荷、渗流力的作用以及节理裂隙分布对径向位移的影响。同时,利用FLAC中的FISH语言编写了FISH函数,将计算隧道模型的数值及解析结果与实测数据进行了比较。计算结果表明,径向最大位移变化量并不在主应力最大方向,也不在隧道顶端,而是受地应力分布、渗透水压和节理分布综合作用形成偏压位移,其结果可为隧道支护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

考虑到天然岩石存在不同程度初始损伤以及蠕变过程中岩石受载后裂隙扩展而导致的新损伤,对具有初始损伤的岩石蠕变特性进行全面描述。根据不闭合结构面应力与法向变形之间的关系,提出裂隙岩石塑性变形体元件,描述岩石蠕变过程中的瞬时塑性变形。引入初始损伤影响因子,建立具有初始损伤的岩石损伤变量演化方程,构建模拟岩石加速蠕变的蠕变损伤体元件。将裂隙岩石塑性变形体和蠕变损伤体与描述瞬时弹性变形和黏弹性变形的广义开尔文模型进行串联组合,形成能够反映具有初始损伤的岩石瞬时弹-塑性变形、稳定蠕变和加速蠕变的蠕变全过程本构模型,提出了进行少量蠕变试验既能解析模型参数的方法,在不同应力水平下模型理论曲线与蠕变试验曲线吻合。  相似文献   

赵春艳  郝哲  朱浮声 《世界地质》2009,28(3):361-366
通过建立一套比较完整的大跨度隧道监测数据时间序列分析方法, 对现场隧道部分断面量测数据进行了时间序列分析, 预测了隧道变形的整体动态规律及隧道系统的长期稳定性, 并提出相关设想和建议。  相似文献   

石膏矿开采多采用房柱法,其蠕变特性对采空区稳定性有重要影响。以荆花石膏矿为背景,利用RC-2000微机控制岩石三轴蠕变试验机,结合具体工程情况,对荆花石膏矿岩进行围压分别为0、2.5、5.0、7.5 MPa的蠕变试验。分析了所得的蠕变试验数据,选取合适的模型对试验曲线进行拟合,利用等时应力-应变曲线簇法求得在不同围压下的长期强度。分析可知,荆花石膏矿蠕变包含衰减蠕变和等速蠕变2个阶段,轴向应力较小时只出现衰减蠕变,轴向应变增大到一定程度时将出现衰减蠕变和等速蠕变2个阶段。选择西原模型对试验曲线进行拟合结果表明,西原模型能较好地描述石膏矿的蠕变力学特性,拟合相关系数R均大于0.9;在不同围压情况下长期强度与蠕变强度的比值为0.89~0.95,即围压对长期强度的影响不大。研究结论能为石膏矿采空区的稳定性分析提供依据。  相似文献   

考虑岩体扩容和塑性软化的软岩巷道变形解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑岩体的扩容和塑性软化特性,引进扩容梯度和软化模量的概念,推导出均匀介质中软岩巷道应力和变形的理论解答。与其他理论模型进行比较,验证了理论模型的正确性。通过算例分析了岩体的扩容梯度和软化模量对围岩塑性区、破裂区半径以及围岩变形和压力的影响。分析结果表明,考虑岩体的扩容和塑性软化特性使得分析更加准确,研究成果对软岩巷道支护设计与施工具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

软弱破碎围岩隧道炭质页岩蠕变特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘钦  李术才  李利平  原小帅  赵勇 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z2):21-0029
采集贵广铁路天平山隧道典型软弱破碎围岩岩样,在室内开展三轴常规压缩和三轴压缩蠕变试验。基于岩石试验成果,分析炭质页岩的蠕变力学特性,低应力水平条件下岩石仅出现减速蠕变和等速蠕变阶段,在更高的应力水平条件下,岩石并未出现加速蠕变的现象,但围压在一定程度上提高岩石的屈服强度,弹性模量亦有随着围压增加而增大的趋势。据此,建立依托工程炭质页岩蠕变全过程的黏弹塑性应变软化蠕变力学模型,推导该蠕变力学模型在三维应力状态下的本构方程,并确定模型的参数,运用最小二乘法对模型的参数进行辨识。通过与试验曲线对比显示,所建蠕变模型能够描述依托工程炭质页岩的蠕变力学特征,可以用来研究该隧道软弱破碎围岩的蠕变性质和稳定性。  相似文献   

This study aims at the probabilistic assessment of tunnel convergence considering the spatial variability in rock mass properties. The method of interpolated autocorrelation combined with finite difference analysis is adopted to model the spatial variability of rock mass properties. An iterative procedure using the first-order reliability method(FORM) and response surface method(RSM) is employed to compute the reliability index and its corresponding design point. The results indicate that the spatial variability considerably affects the computed reliability index. The probability of failure could be noticeably overestimated in the case where the spatial variability is neglected. The vertical scale of fluctuation has a much higher effect on the probabilistic result with respect to the tunnel convergence than the horizontal scale of fluctuation. And the influence of different spacing of control points on the computational accuracy is investigated.  相似文献   

Within the last 10 years Slovenia has been constructing its highway network. The Golovec tunnel, as a part of Slovenia's capital ring is thus one of the most important connections of Ljubljana to the east and to the north. It is a double tube three-lane tunnel in soft rock with small to medium overburden. Its construction, following NATM, caused huge problems to all parties involved. The tunnel support was well monitored during its construction, which gave the authors a good opportunity to analyse the results.The Golovec tunnel is constructed through one of few hills surrounding Ljubljana, of Carboniferous age, consisting of clastic rock: siltstone, claystone and sandstone. Golovec hill belongs to the first of two overthrusting zones from this area, so the rock is strongly faulted.Tunnel monitoring consisted of daily 3-D tunnel tube displacement measurements in 97 measuring sections, and of two measuring sections within the tunnel with more complex measuring equipment, to monitor stress changes and rock deformations around both tunnel tubes. Monitoring of the surface 3-D movements gave us the opportunity to study the influence of the tunnel construction on the surface above it. The tunnel, its geology, construction procedure and monitoring results are described in the first part of the paper.The second part consists of the interpretation of monitored results, with an emphasis on results concerning development and evolution of the excavation-damaged zone in the rock around the tunnel. Back-calculations, performed as a basis for the interpretation procedure, are also presented in this part. Calculations of the propagation of the tunnel destressed zone and stress-field around the tunnel, up to the surface, were performed by means of numerical model with the finite difference method. The evolution of tunnel displacements and their prediction was based on the use of Back Propagation Neural Networks, whose principles are presented in one chapter of this paper. Results showed that the most important, for the final settlement at the surface above the tunnel, was the time of installation and rigidity of the primary support. On the basis of the calculated final displacements, this support could easily be strengthened in a short time, when necessary.  相似文献   

采矿巷道围岩变形机制数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了大冶铁矿龙洞-62 m、-74 m水平采矿巷道开挖后的二次应力分布及巷道变形机制。首先根据现场工程地质勘查和室内岩石力学试验对巷道围岩进行了工程地质分组和岩石力学参数确定;在此基础上运用FLAC3D数值模拟软件研究了巷道开挖后的应力应变状态,分析了围岩变形机制;并根据-74 m水平采矿巷道的收敛监测数据对比验证了数值模拟结果。研究结果表明,围岩条件不同的采矿巷道其二次应力分布影响范围有所差异,但围岩主应力总体上表现为由巷道边墙中下部位的压应力集中带逐步过渡到拱顶、底板一定范围内的拉应力集中带。  相似文献   

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