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A method to calculate secular terms of the two parts of the planetary disturbing function— when it is expressed in terms of the true anomalies or the eccentric anomalies instead of the mean anomalies - is described. Also an alternative method is outlined.  相似文献   

We calculate in this paper the secular and critical terms arising from the principal part of the classical planetary Hamiltonian. This is the first step to establish a third order canonical planetary theory of Uranus-Neptune through the Hori-Lie technique. We truncate our expansions at the second degree of eccentricity-inclination. Our planetary theory is expressed in terms of the canonical variables of H. Poincaré.  相似文献   

The secular terms of the first-order planetary Hamiltonian is determined, by two methods, in terms of the variables of H. Poincaré, neglecting powers higher than the second in the eccentricity-inclination.  相似文献   

Numerical tests are the basis of a study about the effects caused in the orbits of the planets (1)–(4) by possible errors in the system of planetary masses. The masses of five major and three minor planets are considered. Especially, the effects caused by (1) Ceres in the orbit of (2) Pallas since the time of discovery are found to be large enough for a determination of the mass of Ceres. A first result for this mass is (6.7±0.4)×10–10 solar masses.  相似文献   

We present the secular theory of coplanar N -planet system, in the absence of mean motion resonances between the planets. This theory relies on the averaging of a perturbation to the two-body problem over the mean longitudes. We expand the perturbing Hamiltonian in Taylor series with respect to the ratios of semimajor axes which are considered as small parameters, without direct restrictions on the eccentricities. Next, we average out the resulting series term by term. This is possible thanks to a particular but in fact quite elementary choice of the integration variables. It makes it possible to avoid Fourier expansions of the perturbing Hamiltonian. We derive high-order expansions of the averaged secular Hamiltonian (here, up to the order of 24) with respect to the semimajor axes ratio. The resulting secular theory is a generalization of the octupole theory. The analytical results are compared with the results of numerical (i.e. practically exact) averaging. We estimate the convergence radius of the derived expansions, and we propose a further improvement of the algorithm. As a particular application of the method, we consider the secular dynamics of three-planet coplanar system. We focus on stationary solutions in the HD 37124 planetary system.  相似文献   

We present a second order secular Jupiter-Saturn planetary theory through Poincaré canonical variables, von Zeipel's method and Jacobi-Radau referential. We neglect in our expansions terms of power higher than the fourth with respect to eccentricities and sines of inclinations. We assume that the disturbing function is composed of secular and critical terms only. We shall deriveF 2si and writeF 2s in terms of Poincaré canonical variables in Part II of this problem.  相似文献   

We complete by this part II the establishment of a second order secular Jupiter-Saturn theory. This is achieved by taking into consideration the influence of the indirect part of the planetary disturbing function, and expressing the second order secular Hamiltonian in terms of Poincaré's canonical variables.  相似文献   

We construct a first-order secular general planetary theory, using the Jacobi-Radau set of origins, referring to common fixed plane and in terms of Poincaré canonical variables. We neglect powers higher than the fourth with respect to the eccentricities and sines of inclinations.  相似文献   

All the necessary formulae for constructing a general solution for the motion of a planet, in rectangular coordinates, at the first order of the disturbing masses, in purely literal form in eccentricities and inclinations, are given. The authors present the transformation formulae in the two-body problem which give the correspondence between the constants of integration introduced in the theory and the classical keplerian elements. The practical elaboration of the algorithm and some partial results for the couple of planets Jupiter and Saturn are described.  相似文献   

We compare the classical method and Gauss' method for deriving secular inequalities and find the latter to be more accurate, especially in cases where the orbital eccentricities and inclination are moderate or large. Based on Gauss' method, we derive some practical algorithms and then Investigate numerically the orbital evolution of the nine major planets over the last 2,100,000 years or so, taking into account all their secular perturbations. The main results are shown in TABLE 3, alongside with Stockwell's results for easy comparison. Detailed variations of the elements are plotted in Figs. 1 and 2.  相似文献   

The understanding of quantum mechanical phenomena has come to rely heavily on theory framed in terms of operators and their eigenvalue equations. This paper investigates the utility of that technique as related to the reciprocity principle in diffuse reflection. The reciprocity operator is shown to be unitary and Hermitian; hence, its eigenvectors form a complete orthonormal basis. The relevant eigenvalue is found to be infinitely degenerate. A superposition of the eigenfunctions found from solution by separation of variables is inadequate to form a general solution that can be fitted to a one-dimensional boundary condition, because the difficulty of resolving the reciprocity operator into a superposition of independent one-dimensional operators has yet to be overcome. A particular lunar application in the form of a failed prediction of limb-darkening of the full Moon from brightness versus phase illustrates this problem. A general solution is derived which fully exploits the determinative powers of the reciprocity operator as an unresolved two-dimensional operator. However, a solution based on a sum of one-dimensional operators, if possible, would be much more powerful. A close association is found between the reciprocity operator and the particle-exchange operator of quantum mechanics, which may indicate the direction for further successful exploitation of the approach based on the operational calculus.  相似文献   

Modelling planets is done for two main reasons – the first to further understanding of their internal structure and the second to provide models to explore astrophysical situations in which planets play a role. For the latter reason, the requirements on accuracy are less severe, although the planet must be realistic in its major features. A numerical model of a layered giant planet is developed with an iron core, a silicate mantle, an ice region and a hydrogen–helium atmosphere. The Tillotson equation of state is used and examples of two model planets are given, one reproducing the mass and radius of Jupiter quite closely and the other with two Jupiter masses. Transferring these results into a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model presents two main difficulties. A uniform distribution of SPH points leads to too few points representing the non-atmospheric component. It is shown that using a distorted lattice enables the core + silicate + ice to be represented by several hundred points so that the evolution of these regions can be followed in detail. Another difficulty concerns the density discontinuities attendant on a layered structure. Density estimates of SPH points are either too large or too small near material interfaces leading to unrealistic pressure gradients and, consequently, to large and unphysical local forces. Algorithms are described for avoiding this difficulty both at material interfaces and near the surface of the planet. In some astrophysical situations involving SPH-modelled planets, the main bulk of the planet is so opaque that internal heat transfer can be neglected. However, surface regions should radiate and a convenient way for including radiation from a planetary surface is described.  相似文献   

William R. Ward 《Icarus》1981,47(2):234-264
Secular resonances in the early solar system are studied in an effort to establish constraints on the time scale and/or method of solar nebula dispersal. Simplified nebula models and dispersal routines are employed to approximate changes in an assumed axisymmetric nebula potential. These changes, in turn, drive an evolutionary sequence of Laplace-Lagrange solutions for the secular variations of the solar system. A general feature of these sequences is a sweep of one or more giant planet resonances through the inner solar system. Their effect is rate dependent; in the linearized models considered, characteristic dispersal times ≤O(104?5 years) are required to avoid the generation of terrestrial eccentricities and inclinations in excess of observed values. These times are short compared to typical estimates of the accretion time scales [i.e., ~O(107?9 years)] and may provide an important boundary condition for developing models of nebula dispersal and solar system formation in general.  相似文献   

We study the secular evolution of several exoplanetary systems by extending the Laplace-Lagrange theory to order two in the masses. Using an expansion of the Hamiltonian in the Poincaré canonical variables, we determine the fundamental frequencies of the motion and compute analytically the long-term evolution of the Keplerian elements. Our study clearly shows that, for systems close to a mean-motion resonance, the second order approximation describes their secular evolution more accurately than the usually adopted first order one. Moreover, this approach takes into account the influence of the mean anomalies on the secular dynamics. Finally, we set up a simple criterion that is useful to discriminate between three different categories of planetary systems: (i) secular systems (HD 11964, HD 74156, HD 134987, HD 163607, HD 12661 and HD 147018); (ii) systems near a mean-motion resonance (HD 11506, HD 177830, HD 9446, HD 169830 and $\upsilon $ υ  Andromedae); (iii) systems really close to or in a mean-motion resonance (HD 108874, HD 128311 and HD 183263).  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the likelihood to find habitable Earth-like planets on stable orbits for 86 selected extrasolar planetary systems, where luminosity, effective temperature and stellar age are known. For determining the habitable zone (HZ) an integrated system approach is used taking into account a variety of climatological, biogeochemical, and geodynamical processes. Habitability is linked to the photosynthetic activity on the planetary surface. We find that habitability strongly depends on the age of the stellar system and the characteristics of a virtual Earth-like planet. In particular, the portion of land/ocean coverages plays an important role. We approximated the conditions for orbital stability using a method based on the Hill radius. Almost 60% of the investigated systems could harbour habitable Earth-like planets on stable orbits. In 18 extrasolar systems we find even better prerequisites for dynamic habitability than in our own solar system. In general our results are comparable to those with an HZ determination based only on climatic constraints. However, there are remarkable differences for land worlds and for systems older than about 7 Gyr.  相似文献   

We construct the outline of a third order secular theory for the four major planets. We apply the Hori-Lie technique to solve the problem. We take into consideration both parts of the perturbing function. Our canonical variables are those of H. Poincaré. Our periodic terms are the only 2:5 and 1:2 critical terms of J-S and U-N respectively. Terms of degree higher than the second in the Poincaré canonical variables H, K, P, Q are neglected.  相似文献   

The first and second order generating functions and the first second and third order new J-S-U-N Hamiltonians are calculated by the Hori-Lie procedure.  相似文献   

Gravitational potential energy of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune has been computed on the basis of density models and compared. It has been stated that the specific potential energy per unit mass does not differ significantly.  相似文献   

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