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In Korea,trilobites are among the most intensively studied fossil groups in the past century and provide invaluable information about lower Paleozoic stratigraphy,paleogeography,and tectonics of the Korean Peninsula. Trilobites occur in the lower Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup of the Taebaeksan Basin which was part of the Sino-Korean Craton in the Paleozoic. The Joseon Supergroup is divided into the Taebaek,Yeongwol,and Mungyeong groups. The Taebaek and Yeongwol groups are richly fossiliferous,while the Mungyeong Group is poorly fossiliferous. Contrasting trilobite faunal contents of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups resulted in two separate biostratigraphic schemes for the Cambrian–Ordovician of the Taebaeksan Basin. A total of 22 biozones or fossiliferous horizons were recognized in the Taebaek Group; 19 zones were established in the Yeongwol Group; and four biozones were known from the Mungyeong Group. These trilobite biozones of the Taebaeksan Basin indicate the Joseon Supergroup ranges in age from the Cambrian Series 2 to Middle Ordovician and can be correlated well with the formations of North China,South China,and Australia.  相似文献   

Abundant conodont elements have been recovered from the Hwajeol Formation, to allow five zones to be erected: Proconodontus, Eoconodontus notchpeakensis, Cambrooistodus minutus, Cordylodus proavus, and Fryxellodontus inornatus-Monocostodus sevierensis-Semiacontiodus lavadamensis zones, in ascending order. More confident biozones are recognized in the Sesong Slate and lower Hwajeol Formation in the Makgol section, a part of the southern limb of the Baekunsan syncline, Taebaeksan Basin, Korea, especially focusing on the conodont biostratigraphic boundary of two units, and the subdivision potential of the previous "Proconodontus Zone", lowermost biozone of the Hwajeol Formation. Similarly, only a few conodont elements recovered from upper 14.5 m interval, namely the Furongian portion of the Sesong Slate, in the Makgol section did not allow erection of a biozone. Nevertheless, this part of the unit plus the basal 2.5 m interval of the Hwajeol Formation is characterized by the occurrence of Prooneotodus rotundatus(Druce and Jones), Teridontus nakamurai(Nogami), Phakelodus elongatus(An) and Phakelodus tenuis Müller. This interval marks the early Furongian "Prooneotodus rotundatus Zone". The rest of the measured section yielded relatively abundant conodonts, so three conodont biozones are proposed, based on the successive appearance of key species: Proconodontus tenuiserratus, Proconodontus posterocostatus, and Proconodontus muelleri zones, in ascending order, and thus allowing subdivision of the previous "Proconodontus Zone". The four conodont biozones are correlated with the relevant biozones of North and South China, and North America.  相似文献   

Five species, Lipopora lissa Jell and Jell, 1976, Lipopora daseia Jell and Jell, 1976, Tretocylichne perplexa Engelbretsen, 1993 from Australia, Cambroctoconus orientalis Park, Woo, Lee, Lee, Lee, Han and Chough, 2011 from China, and Cambroctoconus kyrgyzstanicus Peel, 2014 from Kyrgyzstan, belonging to the Cambrian stem-group cnidarians have been documented in the fossil record. Cambroctoconus coreaensis sp. nov., interpreted here as a stem-group cnidarian, from the Seokgaejae section in the Daegi Formation, Taebaek Group (Cambrian Series 3), Taebaeksan Basin, central-eastern Korean Peninsula, has a slender cup-shaped skeleton. A cladistic analysis produced 21 most parsimonious trees, which invariably placed the six stem-group cnidarians below the crown-group, but their relationships within the stem-group are unresolved. Nine out of the 21 trees suggest a monophyletic relationship for the Cambrian stem-group cnidarians, whereas in six other trees a monophyly of Cambroctoconus and Tretocylichne appeared as the sister-group to the crown-group cnidarians with Lipopora at the most basal branch. This result may reflect the fact that crown-group cnidarians evolved in the Precambrian, and suggests that the diversity of stem-group cnidarians was a result of an independent radiation in the Cambrian.  相似文献   

The onset of the Cambrian witnessed the diversification of “small shelly fossils (SSF)”, which affected carbonate depositional system. One of the problematic SSF, chancelloriids, are common components of the early to middle Cambrian carbonate and shale, and their contributions toward Cambrian carbonates are not yet fully understood. This study assesses distribution patterns of chancelloriid sclerites in the Cambrian Series 3 Daegi Formation based on microfacies analysis and discusses their sedimentologic implications. In the lower part of the formation, partially articulated chancelloriid sclerites occur mainly in bioclastic packstone and grainstone facies, with isolated sclerite rays in nodular packstone to grainstone facies. In the middle part of the formation, chancelloriid fragments occur only sporadically in bioclastic wackestone to packstone, bioclastic grainstone and oolitic packstone to grainstone facies, whereas boundstone facies are nearly devoid of their fragments. There are no chancelloriid fragments in the upper part of the formation, which consists of oolitic packstone to grainstone facies. Chancelloriids are interpreted to have primarily occupied platform margin shoal environments, shedding their sclerites to surrounding areas, and thus contributed as sediment producers. The distribution of Daegi chancelloriid sclerites is similar to other Cambrian examples, with the exception of common chancelloriids in Cambrian Series 2 reefs and their apparent near absence in the Daegi and other Cambrian Series 3 reefs. This disparity resulted from changes in the ecologic niche of chancelloriids after the end-Cambrian Series 2 reef crisis, coupled with an overall decline of chancelloriids in the middle Cambrian.  相似文献   

The Shinyemi and Gagok deposits, located in the Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea, display Zn–Pb mineralization along a contact between Cretaceous granitoids and Cambrian–Ordovician carbonates of the Joseon Supergroup. The Shinyemi mine is one of the largest polymetallic skarn‐type magnetite deposits in South Korea and comprises Fe and Fe–Mo–Zn skarns, and Zn–Cu–Pb replacement deposits. Both deposits yield similar Cretaceous mineralization ages, and granitoids associated with the two deposits displaying similar mineral textures and compositions, are highly evolved, and were emplaced at a shallow depth. They are classified as calc‐alkaline, I‐type granites (magnetite series) and were formed in a volcanic arc. Compositional variation is less in the Shinyemi granites and aplites (e.g., SiO2 = 74.4–76.6 wt% and 74.4–75.1 wt%, respectively) than in the Gagok granites and aplites (e.g., SiO2 = 65.6–68.0 wt% and 74.9–76.5 wt%, respectively). Furthermore, SiO2 vs K/Rb and SiO2 vs Rb/Sr diagrams indicate that the Shinyemi granitoids are more evolved than the Gagok granitoids. Shinyemi granitoids had been already differentiated highly in deep depth and then intruded into shallow depth, so both granite and aplite show the highly evolved similar chemical compositions. Whereas, less differentiated Gagok granitoids were separated into two phases in the last stage at shallow depth, so granite and aplite show different compositions. The amounts of granites and aplite are similar in the Shinyemi deposit, whereas the aplite appears in an amount less than the granite in the Gagok deposit. For this reason, the Shinyemi granitoids caused not only Fe enrichment during formation of the dolomite‐hosted magnesian skarn but also was associated with Mo mineralization in the Shinyemi deposit. Zn mineralization of the Gagok deposit was mainly caused by granite rather than aplite. Our data suggest that the variation in mineralization displayed by the two deposits resulted from differences in the compositions of their associated igneous intrusions.  相似文献   

吴园玲  陈建平 《江苏地质》2019,43(1):97-102
韩国太白地区位于朝鲜半岛中东部,包含一套古生代地层,发育有下古生界寒武系地层,露头良好,易于观察。北京西山地区与韩国太白地区寒武系地层在岩性、沉积环境演化方面具有一定的可对比性。通过研究北京西山地区与韩国太白盆地上寒武统地层的岩性、沉积环境和古生物群特征,得出两者在构造演化之间的联系。  相似文献   

The Early Ordovician System is composed mainly of a series of carbonate platform deposits interbedded with shale and is especially characterized by a large number of organic reefs or buildups that occur widely in the research area. The reefs have different thicknesses ranging from 0.5 m to 11.5 m and lengths varying from 1 m to 130 m. The reef-building organisms include Archaeoscyphia, Recepthaculitids, Batostoma, Cyanobacteria and Pulchrilamina. Through the research of characteristics of the reef-bearing strata of the Early Ordovician in the Yichang area, four sorts of biofacies are recognized, which are (1) shelly biofacies: containing Tritoechia-Pelmatozans community and Tritoechia-Pomatotrema community; (2) reef biofacies: including the Batostoma, Calathium-Archaeoscyphia, Pelmatozoa-Batostoma, Archeoscyphia and Calathium-Cyanobacteria communities; (3) standing-water biofacies: including the Acanthograptus-Dendrogptus and Yichangopora communities; and (4) allochthonous biofacies: containing Nanorthis-Psilocephlina taphocoense community. The analysis of sea-level changes indicates that there are four cycles of sea-level changes during the period when reef-bearing strata were formed in this area, and the development of reefs is obviously controlled by the velocity of sea-level changes and the growth of accommodation space. The authors hold that reefs were mostly formed in the high sea level periods. Because of the development of several subordinate cycles during the sea-level rising, the reefs are characterized by great quantity, wide distribution, thin thickness and small scale, which are similar to that of Juassic reefs in northern Tibet. The research on the evolution of communities shows that succession and replacement are the main forms. The former is favorable to the development of reefs and the latter indicates the disappearance of reefs.  相似文献   

O. NEHZA  K. S. WOO 《Sedimentology》2006,53(5):1121-1133
Stromatolite morphology is usually controlled by a number of biological and environmental factors. In the south‐eastern part of the Korean Peninsula, three stromatolite units of the Cretaceous Sinyangdong Formation have been studied with regard to the effect of diagenesis on their morphology. Here, it is proposed that subaerial exposure and meteoric diagenesis are the most significant factors in shaping the stromatolites of the Cretaceous Sinyangdong Formation. Most previous palaeontological and sedimentological studies on stromatolites have concentrated on the environmental and biogenic controls on stromatolite morphology. These include extrinsic factors such as sedimentation rates or current velocities. The main controlling factor on the morphology of the stromatolites in the Sinyangdong Formation is apparently transient subaerial exposure and related meteoric diagenesis. Textural examination of stromatolite samples from three stratigraphic horizons shows a characteristic repetitive pattern of cycles with gradual transition from fibrous calcite to micrite layers, reflecting changes in the hydrological cycle of the lake in which the stromatolites grew. Stromatolite growth was terminated by corroded surfaces indicative of subaerial exposure related to a fall in lake level. The growth pattern of the stromatolites was mostly determined by the morphology of the corroded substrates during subaerial exposure. Furthermore, the internal stromatolite structure was strongly modified by the process of leaching. As a result, growth forms mostly changed from stratiform to columnar mesostructure. This study strongly implies that diagenesis could make a very significant influence on the morphogenesis of lacustrine stromatolites in the geological past.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部宣汉县樊哙以东地区晚二叠世-早三叠世飞仙关期碳酸盐岩台地相-海槽相剖面均出露地表。分隔台地相和海槽相的碳酸盐岩斜坡相的鸡唱剖面距台地边缘相剖面不足1km。根据地面露头碳酸盐岩斜坡相带的特征,可在四川盆地北部环开江-梁平海槽的地震反射剖面上有效地识别出碳酸盐岩斜坡相,并划分出浅水、深水碳酸盐沉积区。斜坡相具有明显的倾斜反射,海槽相区大隆组及飞仙关组底部泥岩的强振幅反射在斜坡下部向台地上超并消失。深水相区上二叠统地震波双程反射时间都小于100ms且明显短于飞仙关组,而台地相区上二叠统双程反射时间多大于150ms,且与上覆飞仙关组地震波反射时间相近或略长。碳酸盐岩斜坡相倾斜反射的特征表明环海槽的碳酸盐岩斜坡开始发育于晚二叠世中期,并随海侵向碳酸盐岩台地方向迁移,在晚二叠世末期海侵达到顶峰时形成最陡峭的斜坡。飞仙关期斜坡随海平面缓慢下降而逐渐向海槽方向迁移并变缓。晚二叠世末期海槽南端梁平地区斜坡坡度在3°左右,向北东、北西方向变陡,宣汉地区约20°,苍溪、仪陇地区最高达40°以上,海槽呈向北逐渐加深的箕形。根据晚二叠世末期斜坡倾斜反射高度计算,开江-梁平海槽的水深在350~450m左右。苍溪、仪陇及梁平地区飞仙关组斜坡进积明显,宣汉地区的斜坡以加积为主。目前钻遇的最厚鲕滩储集层位于宣汉加积斜坡附近的台地边缘,单井的鲕粒白云岩储集层厚度超过300m。  相似文献   

塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层成因对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过储层发育层段、储层类型、沉积演化、岩溶作用等方面的对比,发现塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层在发育层位、沉积演化及岩溶期次上既有相似性,也有差异性。在塔中地区的油气勘探中,应注意下奥陶统古风化壳岩溶发育与塔北地区的差异性,加强对上奥陶统礁滩储集体的勘探。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区早古生代岩相古地理*   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鄂尔多斯地区早古生代沉积了一套以海相碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩为主的沉积建造,沉积厚度巨大,沉积类型多样,可以划分为海岸沉积、碳酸盐岩台地沉积、台地边缘沉积和深水斜坡—海槽沉积4大沉积类型以及数个亚相和微相,并对各个沉积相带的沉积特征和时空展布进行了归纳和总结。在此基础上,编制了早古生代岩相古地理图1套。岩相古地理研究表明,早寒武世仅在鄂尔多斯西南缘环陆发育了一套泥砂坪、泥云坪沉积;中寒武世海侵扩大,广大的鄂尔多斯中东部逐渐由砂泥坪发展为局限—开阔台地沉积,在其西缘发展为台地边缘—深水海槽沉积;晚寒武世开始海退,中东部主体演变为局限台地云坪沉积,而西侧的深水斜坡—海槽则继续发育。早奥陶世鄂尔多斯主体为一古陆,仅在东南缘形成环陆泥云坪和云灰坪相沉积;中奥陶世的大规模海侵使鄂尔多斯大部地区形成了广阔的浅水陆表海沉积,在陕北凹陷发育膏盐湖沉积,向外依次发育局限台地和开阔台地沉积,中奥陶世晚期西南侧开始发育台地前缘斜坡—深水海槽沉积;晚奥陶世的加里东运动使鄂尔多斯整体抬升为陆,仅在西南缘的狭窄海域接受沉积,由碳酸盐岩台地很快过渡为深水斜坡—海槽沉积,并在南缘发育生物礁建造,形成陆缘海型镶边台地沉积。  相似文献   

The Maggol Limestone of Ordovician age was deposited in the Taebaeksan (Taebacksan) Basin which occupies the northeastern flank of the Okcheon (Ogcheon) Belt of South Korea. Carbonate facies analysis in conjunction with conodont biostratigraphy suggests that an overall regression toward the top of the Maggol Limestone probably culminated in subaerial exposure of platform carbonates in the early Middle Ordovician (earliest Darriwilian). Elsewhere this subaerial exposure event is manifested as a major paleokarst unconformity at the Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary beneath the Middle Ordovician succession and its equivalents, most in notably North America and North China. Due to its global extent, this paleokarst unconformity has been viewed as a product of second- or third-order eustatic sea level fall during the early Middle Ordovician. The Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary in South Korea, however, appears to be a discrete marine-flooding surface in the upper Maggol Limestone. Strata beneath this surface represent by a thinning-upward stack of exposure-capped tidal flat-dominated cycles that are closely associated with multiple occurrences of paleokarst-related solution-collapse breccias. This marine-flooding surface is onlapped by a thick succession of thin-bedded micritic limestone that is eventually overlain by a Middle Ordovician condensed section. This physical stratigraphic relationship suggest that second- and third-order eustatic sea level fall may have been significantly tempered by regional tectonic subsidence near the end of Maggol deposition. The tectonic subsidence is also evidenced by the occurrence of coeval off-platform lowstand siliciclastic quartzite lenses as well as debris flow carbonate breccias (i.e., the Yemi Breccia) in the basin. With continued tectonic subsidence, a subsequent rise in the eustatic cycle caused drowning and deep flooding of the carbonate platform, forming a discrete marine-flooding surface that may be referred to as a drowning unconformity. This tectonic interpretation contrasts notably with the slowly subsiding carbonate platform model for the basin as has been previously suggested. Thus, it is proposed that the Taebaeksan Basin in the northeastern flank on the Okcheon Belt evolved from a slowly subsiding carbonate platform to a rapidly subsiding intracontinental rift basin during the early Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

Typical reefs in the Paleogene and early Neogene strata of the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, China, reveal their internal structures and sedimentation environments and consist mainly of algal reef, stromatolite reef and thrombolite reef with distinct reef structures, fore-reef, back-reef and reef-plateau. The fore-reef is characterized by a combination of pinnacle reef, thrombolite and algal reef. The back reef is composed of stromatolite reef and algal reef. The pinnacle reefs (micro-atoll), most of which are several tens of centimeters in diameter (whereas some exceptionally big ones are over 200 cm in diameter), and several tens of centimeter to 2 m in height, are situated on the far front-edge of the reef; the pinnacle reef is also often of recumbent form with a gravel-filled circular hole in the center. The algal reef is in the form of dome and irregular beds, and filled with algal detritus, ostracodes, spirorbis fossils, ooid and terrigenous debris, and worm traces; cavities and scour marks are of  相似文献   

The Beishan orogenic zone is a key area to understand evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt that is an accretionary factory well-enough preserved in the Paleozoic. In early Paleozoic, the tectonic mélange zone containing the coherent unit and mélange unit is triggered by the complicated accretionary process of the Beishan area. The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Beishan orogenic zone is investigated in this study using sedimentology and stratigraphic correlations of the lowe Pa...  相似文献   

通过对柴北缘地区的野外地质调查及室内实验分析,根据地质剖面中发育的岩石组合类型、沉积构造等特征,对研究区早奥陶世台地斜坡盆地相沉积体系进行了详细研究。认为研究区早古生代持续的海平面上升、柴北缘洋陆俯冲及陆弧碰撞是控制该时期盆山格局及沉积充填演化的重要因素。柴北缘早奥陶世台地边缘颗粒滩相发育在多泉山组中下部,岩性以生物碎屑灰岩、鲕粒灰岩以及泥晶灰岩为特征。而研究区斜坡相深水物质主要是由重力流搬运的碳酸盐岩再沉积物组成,共识别出包括细粒沉降微晶泥、滑塌角砾岩、颗粒流、瘤状灰岩、碎屑流以及浊积岩等不同类型的斜坡异地沉积物。研究区盆地相处于碳酸盐岩沉积体系岛弧碎屑岩沉积体系两大沉积体系的转换位置。受到柴北缘洋陆俯冲及陆弧碰撞等影响,隆升的陆壳基底及大陆岛弧物质向盆地提供大量碎屑物质,因此在靠近岛弧边缘地区发育了砂质碎屑流、浊流等重力流沉积体系下的弧后盆地沉积产物。  相似文献   

利用正演沉积数值模拟,恢复了塔里木盆地顺南地区中-下奥陶统沉积演化过程。综合分析基础地质条件,以Dionisos软件为平台,建立了塔里木顺南地区中-下奥陶统正演沉积数值模拟的初始模型。通过调整构造沉降、海平面变化、沉积物产率、波浪强度和方向等参数及模型校验,以正演方法再现了该地区三维沉积演化过程,并分析了沉积旋回演化、关键界面特征和内部沉积格局。早中奥陶世,塔里木盆地顺南地区发育四个沉积旋回,四次相对海平面下降形成了中-下奥陶统蓬莱坝组下段、蓬莱坝组上段、鹰山组下段、鹰山组上段等顶面多个局部或区域短期暴露面,形成了非断裂控制的短期暴露岩溶。  相似文献   

The non-marine Cretaceous Kyongsang Supergroup, which is divided into the Sindong, the Hayang and the Yuchon groups, is widely distributed in southeastern Korea. Radiolarian-bearing pebbles are collected from the conglomerates of the Kumidong and the Kisadong formations of the Hayang Group. The age of radiolarian fossils range from Late Permian to Middle Jurassic. In Korea, Permian to Middle Jurassic marine chert beds are not exposed. The directions of paleocurrents of the Kumidong and the Kisadong formations are mainly from the northeast to southwest. During Cretaceous time, the Mino-Tamba Belt, within which Permian to Middle Jurassic chert beds are exposed, is suggested to have been located northeast of the Kyongsang Basin. The radiolarian faunas of the Hayang Group are similar to those of the Mino-Tamba Belt and other associated Mesozoic accretionary belts in Japan (e.g. the Ashio Belt). The provenance of the radiolarian-bearing pebbles collected from the Kumidong and the Kisadong formations is interpreted to be the Mino-Tamba Belt and other associated Mesozoic accretionary belts in Japan.  相似文献   

宜昌地区下奥陶统主要为一套台地相碳酸盐沉积,间夹页岩,其中的特征沉积为发育有较多的生物礁。造礁生物主要有海绵类、瓶筐石类、有柄棘皮类、苔藓虫及蓝细菌和Pulchrilamina等。在下奥陶统含礁层系中识别出四种生物相:(1)壳类生物相:发育有Tritoechia-Pelmatozans群落和Tritoechia-Pomatotrema群落;(2)礁生物相:包括Batostoma群落、Calathium--Archaeoscyphia群落、Pelmatozoans--Batostoma群落、Archeoscyphia群落和Calathium--Cyanobacteria群落;(3)静水生物相:发育有Acanthograptus--Dendrogptus群落和Yichangopora群落;(4)异地生物相:产有异地埋藏群,即Nanorthis--Psilocephlina埋藏群。含礁层系存在四个海平面变化旋回,生物礁的发育明显受海平面的升降速率与容纳空间增长速率的控制。生物礁多形成于高海平面时期。由于本区的海平面在上升过程中存在多个次一级旋回,致使生物礁具有数量多、分布广以及厚度薄和规模小等特点。造礁群落存在着演替和取代两种形式,前者有利于生物礁的发育,后者则表现为礁体的衰亡。  相似文献   

根据海平面升降而对海洋碳酸盐岩沉积划分的不同沉积体系域,和其准同生成岩作用之间存在着相关性,这种相关性可以通过不同体系域所发育的成岩作用类型体现出来。文章以塔里木盆地轮南古隆起下中奥陶统碳酸盐岩为例,把准同生成岩作用放在层序地层学格架范畴内来研究,总结了不同体系域内发育的成岩作用类型和特征,认为海侵体系域主要发育方解石胶结作用和白云石化作用,高位体系域主要发育有方解石胶结作用和大气淡水溶蚀作用等。在层序地层格架下进行成岩作用对比的结果表明,高位期以及海侵期下伏的前期高位期沉积,是有利的成岩作用改造层位,并在物性统计数据中得到了证明,为有利储集体的评价、预测提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

韩国中东部的太白山盆地位于京畿、岭南两个构造单元之间。采用LA-ICP-MS方法,从太白山盆地下寒武统、中-上石炭统(下二叠统?)砂岩碎屑锆石中分别获得27个和47个U-Pb有效年龄,前者记录了1820~1945Ma、2172~2195Ma、2473~2593Ma等3期可信的构造热事件,相对概率峰值分别为1897Ma、2177Ma以及2528Ma;后者记录了288~340Ma、461~474Ma、1780~1892Ma、1941~1959Ma、2012~2050Ma等5期可信的构造热事件,其中相对概率峰值为305Ma和1867Ma的两组年龄比较集中。研究认为,太白山盆地与京畿、岭南两个地块均发育大约1850Ma的构造热事件,缺乏华南比较特征的新元古代构造热事件;进一步依据太白山盆地相应时段沉积古流向和古地理分布,说明太白山盆地至少与岭南地块之间存在密切的碎屑物源和构造属性关系,其构造热事件记录可与华北克拉通对比。另一方面,尽管中-上石炭统(下二叠统?)碎屑锆石记录了峰值为305Ma和468Ma可能发生在华北-朝鲜联合块体南缘的俯冲或构造热事件,但上述两个样品的碎屑锆石均缺乏新元古代构造热事件的年龄记录,所以亲华南的陆块至少在晚石炭世(早二叠世?)以前并未向太白山盆地提供碎屑物源。  相似文献   

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