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The error sources related to the laser rangefinder, GPS and INS are analyzed in details. Several coordinates systems used in airborne laser scanning are set up, and then the basic formula of system is given. This paper emphasizes on discussing the kinematic offset correction between GPS antenna phase center and laser fired point. And kinematic time delay influence on laser footprint position, the ranging errors, positioning errors, attitude errors and integration errors of the system are also explored. Finally, the result shows that the kinematic time delay can be neglected as compared with other error sources. The accuracy of the coordinates is not only influenced by the amplitude of the error, but also controlled by the operation parameters such as flight height, scanning angle amplitude and attitude magnitude of the platform.  相似文献   

影响机载激光扫描测高精度的系统误差分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
简要介绍了机载激光扫描测高技术的系统组成和发展现状。通过坐标转换技术建立起机载激光扫描对地定位的基本几何关系,并从这些几何关系出发,着重分析了动态偏心改正及动态时效误差对机载激光测高精度的影响,对不同的误差源如何影响定位结果的精度进行了讨论,最后给出模拟计算结果,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

Long-range airborne laser altimetry and laser scanning (LIDAR) or airborne gravity surveys in, for example, polar or oceanic areas require airborne kinematic GPS baselines of many hundreds of kilometers in length. In such instances, with the complications of ionospheric biases, it can be a real challenge for traditional differential kinematic GPS software to obtain reasonable solutions. In this paper, we will describe attempts to validate an implementation of the precise point positioning (PPP) technique on an aircraft without the use of a local GPS reference station. We will compare PPP solutions with other conventional GPS solutions, as well as with independent data by comparison of airborne laser data with “ground truth” heights. The comparisons involve two flights: A July 5, 2003, airborne laser flight line across the North Atlantic from Iceland to Scotland, and a May 24, 2004, flight in an area of the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland, near-coincident in time and space with the ICESat satellite laser altimeter. Both of these flights were more than 800 km long. Comparisons between different GPS methods and four different software packages do not suggest a clear preference for any one, with the heights generally showing decimeter-level agreement. For the comparison with the independent ICESat- and LIDAR-derived “ground truth” of ocean or sea-ice heights, the statistics of comparison show a typical fit of around 10 cm RMS in the North Atlantic, and 30 cm in the sea-ice region north of Greenland. Part of the latter 30 cm error is likely due to errors in the airborne LIDAR measurement and calibration, as well as errors in the “ground truth” ocean surfaces due to drifting sea-ice. Nevertheless, the potential of the PPP method for generating 10 cm level kinematic height positioning over long baselines is illustrated.  相似文献   

机载激光扫描测高数据滤波   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
机载激光扫描测高数据的滤波和分类是获取高精度数字高程模型的关键,也是国际上目前研究的重点和难点之一。本文详细研究了机载激光扫描测高数据滤波的方法,对现有各种滤波算法进行了综合评价,指出了现有方法的不足,在此基础上首次将"移动曲面拟合预测"滤波算法用于机载激光扫描测高数据滤波处理。试验结果表明该算法自适应性强,计算速度快,滤波效果好。通过对不同测区的数据进行实验,给出了滤波前后的对比结果。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达单机检校方案研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘凯华  张建霞  左建章 《测绘科学》2010,35(6):62-64,69
针对目前LiDAR的精度标定环节,本文分析了激光雷达的测距原理和影响测距精度的因素后,提出了对测距精度影响较大的激光器二极管电流强度、扫描半角、扫描频率、扫描距离以及灰度值的自身误差检测方法,展示了交通标志的特殊点云图像,并以此组织了完整的检校工作,验证了该检校方法的可行性,提出了可供参考的检测注意事项,为在测量结果中加入误差校正提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

郭金权  李国元  裴亮  么嘉棋  聂胜 《遥感学报》2022,26(8):1674-1684
激光测高仪回波波形饱和现象客观存在,为增加可用激光点数目、提高饱和波形测高精度,本文提出了一种波形饱和识别与测高误差改正方法,首先,利用回波波形峰度系数对饱和波形进行识别,然后,针对饱和现象对波形高斯拟合的影响,计算高斯拟合波形与原始波形相交区域的形心位置,以形心位置差异确定因波形饱和导致的测高误差并改正。最后,采用ICESat/GLAS(Ice,Cloud and land Elevation Satellite/Geo-science Laser Altimeter System)在青海湖、纳木错、色林错采集的波形数据进行实验。结果表明,经本文算法改正后数据误差均值为0.03 m,大型湖泊区域可实现约0.05 m的测高精度,结合峰度的饱和识别方法可以对波形进行有效筛选,可发现GLAS遗漏的饱和波形,饱和改正算法可以有效改正波形饱和引起的测高误差,改正后精度明显优于GLAS提供的饱和改正结果,相关结论对高分七号卫星激光波形处理有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present an automatic approach for olive tree dendrometric parameter estimation from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The proposed method is based on a unique combination of the alpha-shape algorithm applied to normalized point cloud and principal component analysis. A key issue of the alpha-shape algorithm is to define the α parameter, as it directly affects the crown delineation results. We propose to adjust this parameter based on a group of representative trees in an orchard for which the classical field measurements were performed. The best value of the α parameter is one whose correlation coefficient of dendrometric parameters between field measurements and estimated values is the highest. We determined crown diameters as principal components of ALS points representing a delineated crown. The method was applied to a test area of an olive orchard in Spain. The tree dendrometric parameters estimated from ALS data were compared with field measurements to assess the quality of the developed approach. We found the method to be equally good or even superior to previously investigated semi-automatic methods. The average error is 19% for tree height, 53% for crown base height, and 13% and 9% for the length of the longer diameter and perpendicular diameter, respectively.  相似文献   

利用GLAS激光测高数据评估DSM产品质量及精度优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种利用卫星激光测高数据直接优化提升数字表面模型(DSM)产品精度的方法。选取境外中亚地区的资源三号DSM开展试验,通过采用多准则约束方法提取激光高程控制点,分别利用偏度、中值、线性、二次多项式等进行DSM误差修正,发现4种模型均能有效消除DSM系统误差,其中基于二次多项式的方法更适用于平地和丘陵地貌,线性模型更适用于高山地貌。试验验证了采用卫星激光测高数据优化境外DSM技术流程的可行性,最终可提高DSM的绝对高程精度。  相似文献   

基于机载激光扫描数据提取建筑物的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
尤红建  苏林 《测绘科学》2005,30(5):114-116,113
机载激光扫描系统是集成了GPS、惯性导航系统(INS)和扫描激光测距系统并利用飞机作为运行平台,来获取地面的三维位置,进而快速生成数字表面模型(DSM)。随着机载扫描激光测距系统的不断完善和发展,获取城市DSM数据也变得越来越快速,而且方便和经济可靠,地面激光点的密度也大大提高。目前国外激光扫描系统的激光点密度一般都达到了1~20点/m2,因此利用机载激光扫描系统获取的城市DSM提取建筑物也渐渐受到重视。利用激光扫描数据提取建筑物可以分为两大类,第一类是单纯以获取的机载激光测距数据来提取建筑物,第二类是融合激光测距数据和其他相关信息的建筑物提取,如融合航空影像、融合IKONOS高分辨率卫星影像来提取建筑物。本文对国际上利用机载激光扫描测距数据进行建筑物提取的最新研究进展进行了一些分析,同时也给出了应用我国研制的机载激光扫描数据提取建筑物的试验研究和初步结果。  相似文献   

不同激光扫描数据组拼接的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
激光扫描测量技术在三维城市建模领域的应用具有良好的发展前景。但是,不同精度的扫描数据组的拼接是目前需要解决的主要问题之一,本文对不同精度的数据组的拼接进行了实验性研究,并提出了一种新方法。  相似文献   

地面三维激光扫描地形测量数据粗差剔除算法及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于地面三维激光扫描技术用于地形测量时点云数据的特点,得到引起结果存在粗差的障碍物上的点云具有坡度大于实际地形上坡度的特征,并据此提出了一种实用的粗差提取算法。对算法的原理、实现过程和其中重要参数的确定进行了分析,并编程实现了算法。最后,应用实例对粗差提取效果进行了检验,证明了算法的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   

张建涛  刘传立 《测绘科学》2021,46(2):20-24,84
针对多源星载激光测高数据监测湖泊水位变化问题,该文选取2003—2009年ICESat/GLAH14全球地表高程数据、2018年10月—2019年8月的ICESat-2/ATL13全球内陆水体高程数据,提取丹江口水库多期水位变化数据,最后利用水位站实测水位对其准确度进行了验证,并分析了丹江口水库年度水位变化规律。结果表明,丹江口水库水位呈现明显的季节性变化,每年11月达到较高水位,3月降至较低水位;由ICESat/GLAH14数据估算水库水位的精度为16 cm,ICESat-2/ATL13数据集估算水库水位的精度达到10 cm。因此,ICESat-2/ATL13数据用于内陆水体水位变化监测具有很高的可行性。  相似文献   

Airborne laser scanning data contain information about surface features, some of which are of subtle form. These features are usually embedded within the terrain, and rarely form distinct shape-transition to their surroundings. While some efforts have been made in extracting linear elements from laser scanning data, attention was mostly turned to dominant elements that are very clear and distinct. We present in this paper a detection model for gullies of various dimensions using airborne laser scanning data. Gullies are regarded as one of the main landform-reshaping agents, having a pejorative effect on the environment and on regional development. They are commonly observed along receding lakes as a common response to water-level drop. The paper demonstrates how a multi-scale approach enables the extraction of various gully forms, from well developed to subtle. It then proposes an optimization driven model for handling fragmentation in the detection. Results show that using the proposed model, gully networks can be reconstructed and ∼30 cm deep features can be identified and separated from their surroundings using moderate point density data.  相似文献   

本文研究了三维激光扫描测量系统对标靶的重复扫描测量精度,得出其内符合精度优于1mm,精度并没有随着扫描距离的增加而降低;采用一种基于激光空间分布拓扑关系来分别评价高程精度和平面位置精度的方法,从数据统计来看,平面位置内符合精度较高.  相似文献   

针对我国地区观测数据的实验定位结果精度问题,该文提出BDS/GPS非差误差改正数的实时动态定位方法,研究了BDS/GPS单参考站非差实时动态定位算法模型,流动站使用非差误差改正数,不需要进行双差观测值的组合。参考站将非差误差改正数传递给流动站,对流动站的观测值进行误差改正,可以直接固定流动站的模糊度。实验表明:在我国南方地区BDS精度要优于GPS,而在北方地区,BDS/GPS定位精度和GPS定位精度明显优于BDS。并且与单系统相比,组合系统的可视卫星数明显增加,改善了卫星空间几何分布结构,从而提高了导航定位的可用性和精度。  相似文献   

本文针对地铁隧道结构检测的基本内容和要求,基于车载式激光扫描技术研究了地铁隧道结构的检测方法.采用车载激光扫描系统采集地铁隧道的点云数据,采用基于RANSAC算法和大小尺度法线算法的组合滤波方法对点云数据进行预处理,通过对隧道点云数据的切片、拟合、展开等处理,计算并分析了地铁隧道的断面变形、收敛值、错台值及渗漏值等.研...  相似文献   

There are two main challenges when it comes to classifying airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The first challenge is to find suitable attributes to distinguish classes of interest. The second is to define proper entities to calculate the attributes. In most cases, efforts are made to find suitable attributes and less attention is paid to defining an entity. It is our hypothesis that, with the same defined attributes and classifier, accuracy will improve if multiple entities are used for classification. To verify this hypothesis, we propose a multiple-entity based classification method to classify seven classes: ground, water, vegetation, roof, wall, roof element, and undefined object. We also compared the performance of the multiple-entity based method to the single-entity based method.Features have been extracted, in most previous work, from a single entity in ALS data; either from a point or from grouped points. In our method, we extract features from three different entities: points, planar segments, and segments derived by mean shift. Features extracted from these entities are inputted into a four-step classification strategy. After ALS data are filtered into ground and non-ground points. Features generalised from planar segments are used to classify points into the following: water, ground, roof, vegetation, and undefined objects. This is followed by point-wise identification of the walls and roof elements using the contextual information of a building. During the contextual reasoning, the portion of the vegetation extending above the roofs is classified as a roof element. This portion of points is eventually re-segmented by the mean shift method and then reclassified.Five supervised classifiers are applied to classify the features extracted from planar segments and mean shift segments. The experiments demonstrate that a multiple-entity strategy achieves slightly higher overall accuracy and achieves much higher accuracy for vegetation, in comparison to the single-entity strategy (using only point features and planar segment features). Although the multiple-entity method obtains nearly the same overall accuracy as the planar-segment method, the accuracy of vegetation improves by 3.3% with the rule-based classifier. The multiple-entity method obtains much higher overall accuracy and higher accuracy in vegetation in comparison to using only the point-wise classification method for all five classifiers.Meanwhile, we compared the performances of five classifiers. The rule-based method provides the highest overall accuracy at 97.0%. The rule-based method provides over 99.0% accuracy for the ground and roof classes, and a minimum accuracy of 90.0% for the water, vegetation, wall and undefined object classes. Notably, the accuracy of the roof element class is only 70% with the rule-based method, or even lower with other classifiers. Most roof elements have been assigned to the roof class, as shown in the confusion matrix. These erroneous assignments are not fatal errors because both a roof and a roof element are part of a building. In addition, a new feature which indicates the average point space within the planar segment is generalised to distinguish vegetation from other classes. Its performance is compared to the percentage of points with multiple pulse count in planar segments. Using the feature computed with only average point space, the detection rate of vegetation in a rule-based classifier is 85.5%, which is 6% lower than that with pulse count information.  相似文献   

李国元  唐新明 《遥感学报》2022,26(1):138-147
卫星激光测高数据在湖泊水位测量方面具有重要的应用价值和独特优势,本文针对国产高分七号卫星上装备的线性体制全波形激光测高仪,开展在大型湖泊水位测量方面的应用探讨.介绍了高分七号卫星的基本参数,并与其他类卫星做了对比,分析了影响湖泊水位测量精度的卫星侧摆、大气散射、回波波形饱和等因素,研究了湖泊水面激光点的提取方法,结合I...  相似文献   

因具备高速、灵活和高精度的特点,移动式激光扫描被广泛用于地铁隧道的监测系统中.针对现有数据处理方法的里程配准误差大、数据利用率低的问题,本文提出了从扫描到后处理的一体化数据转换方法.在预扫描阶段,对隧道进行预标定,根据速度曲线的概率密度确定噪声界限;在正式扫描阶段,标定小车匀速运动的开始计速点,仅在惯导速度超限的情况下...  相似文献   

从机载激光雷达系统误差的产生机制出发,分别对姿态角误差、DGPS误差、瞬时扫描角误差、激光测距误差对激光脚点定位精度的影响进行定量的分析,从理论上分析了机载激光雷达系统的定位精度。本文的结果对实际应用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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