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A groundwater recharge process of heterogeneous hard rock aquifer in the Moole Hole experimental watershed, south India, is being studied to understand the groundwater flow behaviour. Significant seasonal variations in groundwater level are observed in boreholes located at the outlet area indicating that the recharge process is probably taking place below intermittent streams. In order to localize groundwater recharge zones and to optimize implementation of boreholes, a geophysical survey was carried out during and after the 2004 monsoon across the outlet zone. Magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) have been performed to characterize the aquifer and measure groundwater level depletion. The results of MRS are consistent with the observation in boreholes, but it suffers from degraded lateral resolution. A better resolution of the regolith/bedrock interface is achieved using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). ERT results are confirmed by resistivity logging in the boreholes. ERT surveys have been carried out twice—before and during the monsoon—across the stream area. The major feature of recharge is revealed below the stream with a decrease by 80% of the calculated resistivity. The time‐lapse ERT also shows unexpected variations at a depth of 20 m below the slopes that could have been interpreted as a consequence of a deep seasonal water flow. However, in this area time‐lapse ERT does not match with borehole data. Numerical modelling shows that in the presence of a shallow water infiltration, an inversion artefact may take place thus limiting the reliability of time‐lapse ERT. A combination of ERT with MRS provides valuable information on structure and aquifer properties respectively, giving a clue for a conceptual model of the recharge process: infiltration takes place in the conductive fractured‐fissured part of the bedrock underlying the stream and clayey material present on both sides slows down its lateral dissipation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers are target formations both for the geological storage of carbon dioxide as well as for geothermal applications. High pressure gradients, resulting from fluid or gas injection processes, provide a potential driving force for the displacement of native formation waters, implicating a potential salinization of shallow freshwater resources. Geoelectrical monitoring techniques are sensitive to compositional changes of groundwater resources, and hence capable to detect salinization processes at an early stage. In this context, numerical simulations and analog modeling can provide a valuable contribution by identifying probable salinization scenarios, and thereby guiding an optimum sensor network layout within the scope of an early warning system. In this study, coupled numerical flow and transport simulations of a laterally uniform salinization scenario were carried out and used to support a subsequent realization in a laboratory sandbox model. During the experiment, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied in a practical surface–borehole setup in order to determine the spatio-temporal variations of electrical properties influenced by saltwater intrusion. Inversion results of different electrode configurations were evaluated and compared to numerical simulations. With regard to surface–borehole measurements, good results were obtained using crossed bipoles, while regular bipole measurements were more susceptible to noise. Within the scope of a single-hole tomography, the underlying resistivity distribution was best reproduced using the Wenner configuration, which was substantiated by synthetic modeling.  相似文献   

Recharge processes of karst aquifers are difficult to assess given their strong heterogeneity and the poorly known effect of vadose zone on infiltration. However, recharge assessment is crucial for the evaluation of groundwater resources. Moreover, the vulnerability of karst aquifers depends on vadose zone behaviour because it is the place where most contamination takes place. In this work, an in situ experimental approach was performed to identify and quantify flow and storage processes occurring in karst vadose zone. Cave percolation monitoring and dye tracing were used to investigate unsaturated zone hydrological processes. Two flow components (diffuse and quick) were identified and, respectively, account for 66% and 34% of the recharge. Quickflow was found to be the result of bypass phenomenon in vadose zone related to water saturation. We identify the role of epikarst as a shunting area, most of the storage in the vadose zone occurring via the diffuse flow component in low permeability zones. Relationship between rainfall intensity and transit velocity was demonstrated, with 5 times higher velocities for the quick recharge mode than the diffuse mode. Modelling approach with KarstMod software allowed to simulate the hybrid recharge through vadose zone and shows promising chances to properly assess the recharge processes in karst aquifer based on simple physical models.  相似文献   

The dynamic monitoring of landslides in engineering geology has focused on the correlation among landslide stability, rainwater infiltration, and subsurface hydrogeology. However, the understanding of this complicated correlation is still poor and inadequate. Thus, in this study, we investigated a typical landslide in southwestern China via time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (TLERT) in November 2013 and August 2014. We studied landslide mechanisms based on the spatiotemporal characteristics of surface water infiltration and flow within the landslide body. Combined with borehole data, inverted resistivity models accurately defined the interface between Quaternary sediments and bedrock. Preferential flow pathways attributed to fracture zones and fissures were also delineated. In addition, we found that surface water permeates through these pathways into the slipping mass and drains away as fissure water in the fractured bedrock, probably causing the weakly weathered layer to gradually soften and erode, eventually leading to a landslide. Clearly, TLERT dynamic monitoring can provide precursory information of critical sliding and can be used in landslide stability analysis and prediction.  相似文献   

A new tool for two‐dimensional apparent‐resistivity data modelling and inversion is presented. The study is developed according to the idea that the best way to deal with ill‐posedness of geoelectrical inverse problems lies in constructing algorithms which allow a flexible control of the physical and mathematical elements involved in the resolution. The forward problem is solved through a finite‐difference algorithm, whose main features are a versatile user‐defined discretization of the domain and a new approach to the solution of the inverse Fourier transform. The inversion procedure is based on an iterative smoothness‐constrained least‐squares algorithm. As mentioned, the code is constructed to ensure flexibility in resolution. This is first achieved by starting the inversion from an arbitrarily defined model. In our approach, a Jacobian matrix is calculated at each iteration, using a generalization of Cohn's network sensitivity theorem. Another versatile feature is the issue of introducing a priori information about the solution. Regions of the domain can be constrained to vary between two limits (the lower and upper bounds) by using inequality constraints. A second possibility is to include the starting model in the objective function used to determine an improved estimate of the unknown parameters and to constrain the solution to the above model. Furthermore, the possibility either of defining a discretization of the domain that exactly fits the underground structures or of refining the mesh of the grid certainly leads to more accurate solutions. Control on the mathematical elements in the inversion algorithm is also allowed. The smoothness matrix can be modified in order to penalize roughness in any one direction. An empirical way of assigning the regularization parameter (damping) is defined, but the user can also decide to assign it manually at each iteration. An appropriate tool was constructed with the purpose of handling the inversion results, for example to correct reconstructed models and to check the effects of such changes on the calculated apparent resistivity. Tests on synthetic and real data, in particular in handling indeterminate cases, show that the flexible approach is a good way to build a detailed picture of the prospected area.  相似文献   

Importance of the vadose zone in analyses of unconfined aquifer tests   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Moench AF 《Ground water》2004,42(2):223-233
Analytical models commonly used to interpret unconfined aquifer tests have been based on upper-boundary (water table) conditions that do not adequately address effects of time-varying drainage from the vadose zone. As a result, measured and simulated drawdown data may not agree and hydraulic parameters may be inaccurately estimated. A 72-hour aquifer test conducted in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in a slightly heterogeneous, coarse-grained, glacial outwash deposit was found to be a good candidate for testing models with different upper-boundary conditions. In general, under the commonly invoked assumption of instantaneous drainage, measured and simulated drawdowns were found to agree with one another only at late time and early time. In the intermediate-time range, because of delayed drainage, measured drawdowns always exceeded simulated values, most noticeably in piezometers located near the water table. To reduce these discrepancies, an analytical model was developed that can fully account for time-varying drainage given that the aquifer is not strongly heterogeneous. The approach is flexible as the model, which makes use of empirical relations, does not constrain drainage to follow any particular functional relation. By this approach, measured and simulated drawdowns agree over the complete time range, and the estimated parameters are consistent with prior studies and with what is known about the aquifer geometry, stratigraphy, and composition. By properly accounting for vadose zone drainage, it was found that realistic estimates of all hydraulic parameters, including specific yield, could be obtained with or without the use of late-time data.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity methods are widely used for environmental applications, and they are particularly useful for the characterization and monitoring of sites where the presence of contamination requires a thorough understanding of the location and movement of water, that can act as a carrier of solutes. One such application is landfill studies, where the strong electrical contrasts between waste, leachate and surrounding formations make electrical methods a nearly ideal tool for investigation. In spite of the advantages, however, electrical investigation of landfills poses also challenges, both logistical and interpretational. This paper presents the results of a study conducted on a dismissed landfill, close to the city of Corigliano d'Otranto, in the Apulia region (Southern Italy). The landfill is located in an abandoned quarry, that was subsequently re-utilized about thirty years ago as a site for urban waste disposal. The waste was thought to be more than 20 m thick, and the landfill bottom was expected to be confined with an HDPE (high-density poli-ethylene) liner. During the digging operations performed to build a nearby new landfill, leachate was found, triggering an in-depth investigation including also non-invasive methods. The principal goal was to verify whether the leachate is indeed confined, and to what extent, by the HDPE liner. We performed both surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and mise-à-la-masse (MALM) surveys, facing the severe challenges posed by the rugged terrain of the abandoned quarry complex. A conductive body, probably associated with leachate, was found as deep as 40 m below the current landfill surface i.e. at a depth much larger than the expected 20 m thickness of waste. Given the logistical difficulties that limit the geometry of acquisition, we utilized synthetic forward modeling in order to confirm/dismiss interpretational hypotheses emerging from the ERT and MALM results. This integration between measurements and modeling helped narrow the alternative interpretations and strengthened the confidence in results, confirming the effectiveness of non-invasive methods in landfill investigation and the importance of modeling in the interpretation of geophysical results.  相似文献   

To assess recharge through floodwater spreading, three wells, approx. 30 m deep, were dug in a 35-year-old basin in southern Iran. Hydraulic parameters of the layers were measured. One well was equipped with pre-calibrated time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors. The soil moisture was measured continuously before and after events. Rainfall, ponding depth and the duration of the flooding events were also measured. Recharge was assessed by the soil water balance method, and by calibrated (inverse solution) HYDRUS-1D. The results show that the 15 wetting front was interrupted at a layer with fine soil accumulation over a coarse layer at the depth of approx. 4 m. This seemed to occur due to fingering flow. Estimation of recharge by the soil water balance and modelling approaches showed a downward water flux of 55 and 57% of impounded floodwater, respectively.  相似文献   

Artificial recharge through a thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zones away from large streams in desert areas have not previously been considered suitable for artificial recharge from ponds. To test the potential for recharge in these settings, 1.3 x 10(6) m(3) of water was infiltrated through a 0.36-ha pond along Oro Grande Wash near Victorville, California, between October 2002 and January 2006. The pond overlies a regional pumping depression 117 m below land surface and is located where thickness and permeability of unsaturated deposits allowed infiltration and saturated alluvial deposits were sufficiently permeable to allow recovery of water. Because large changes in water levels caused by nearby pumping would obscure arrival of water at the water table, downward movement of water was measured using sensors in the unsaturated zone. The downward rate of water movement was initially as high as 6 m/d and decreased with depth to 0.07 m/d; the initial time to reach the water table was 3 years. After the unsaturated zone was wetted, water reached the water table in 1 year. Soluble salts and nitrate moved readily with the infiltrated water, whereas arsenic and chromium were less mobile. Numerical simulations done using the computer program TOUGH2 duplicated the downward rate of water movement, accumulation of water on perched zones, and its arrival at the water table. Assuming 10 x 10(6) m(3) of recharge annually for 20 years, a regional ground water flow model predicted water level rises of 30 m beneath the ponds, and rises exceeding 3 m in most wells serving the nearby urban area.  相似文献   

Geotechnical projects usually rely on traditional sounding and drilling investigations. Drilling only provides point information and the geology needs to be interpolated between these points. Near surface geophysical methods can provide information to fill those gaps. Norwegian case studies are presented to illustrate how two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used to accurately map the extent of quick clay deposits. Quick clay may be described as highly sensitive marine clay that changes from a relatively stiff condition to a liquid mass when disturbed. Quick clay slides present a geo-hazard and therefore layers of sensitive clay need to be mapped in detail. They are usually characterized by higher resistivity than non-sensitive clay and ERT is therefore a suitable approach to identify their occurrence. However, our experience shows that ERT cannot resolve this small resistivity contrast near large anomalies such as a bedrock interface. For this reason, a constrained inversion of ERT data was applied to delineate quick clay extent both vertically and laterally. As compared to the conventional unconstrained inversions, the constrained inversion models exhibit sharper resistivity contrasts and their resistivity values agree better with in situ measurements.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of experiments that tested the ability of the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to locate correctly wet and dry fractures in a meso-scale model. The goal was to develop a method of monitoring the flow of water through a fractured rock matrix. The model was a four by six array of limestone blocks equipped with 28 stainless steel electrodes. Dry fractures were created by placing pieces of vinyl between one or more blocks. Wet fractures were created by injecting tap water into a joint between blocks. In electrical terms, the dry fractures are resistive and the wet fractures are conductive. The quantities measured by the ERT system are current and voltage around the outside edge of the model. The raw ERT data were translated to resistivity values inside the model using a three-dimensional Occam's inversion routine. This routine was one of the key components of ERT being tested. The model presented several challenges. First, the resistivity of both the blocks and the joints was highly variable. Second, the resistive targets introduced extreme changes the software could not precisely quantify. Third, the abrupt changes inherent in a fracture system were contrary to the smoothly varying changes expected by the Occam's inversion routine. Fourth, the response of the conductive fractures was small compared to the background variability. In general, ERT was able to locate correctly resistive fractures. Problems occurred, however, when the resistive fracture was near the edges of the model or when multiple fractures were close together. In particular, ERT tended to position the fracture closer to the model center than its true location. Conductive fractures yielded much smaller responses than the resistive case. A difference-inversion method was able to correctly locate these targets.  相似文献   

从电阻率的角度研究岩石裂隙介质的各向异性特征是一种方便而有效的方法,但多限于空间单个点上的测量数据分析.通过在砂岩岩样上的饱水与排水实验以及同步进行的高密度电阻率成像监测,探讨了应用高密度电阻率成像法获得图像研究岩石各向异性特征的可能性,分析了饱水与排水过程中岩石电阻率在不同方向上的响应特性.结果表明,电阻率成像法在分析岩石裂隙介质的各向异性方面具有多方向成像和动态监测的优点,可以通过对不同方向上获得的电阻率图像的分析,提取出岩石沉积结构的空间分布模式,清晰地反映出岩石在饱水和排水过程中电阻率变化空间分布模式的各向异性特征.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variation of moisture distribution, overall water balance and quantity of infiltrated water in the vadose zone of the Sidi Bouzid Plain (Tunisia) during successive flooding events is quantified in this study. The variation in water content in response to environmental factors such as evaporation and water root uptake is also highlighted. One-dimensional flow simulations in the deep vadose zone were conducted at three spreading perimeters located near Wadi El Fekka. The hydraulic boundary conditions of a time-dependent water blade applied to the soil surface were determined from measured flood hydrographs. For the chosen wet year, the successive flooding events contributed to a significant artificial recharge of the natural groundwater. Although the soil hydraulic parameters did not vary strongly in space, flow simulations showed significant differences in the overall water balance of approximately 9–16% for the various spreading perimeters.  相似文献   

电阻率成像的混合正则化反演算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用混合正则化方法对二维分片常值电阻率进行反演研究,该方法结合了全变差正则化方法(total variation regularization)和经典吉洪诺夫正则化方法(classical Tikhonov regularization)的优点. 全变差正则化能够有效地重构分片常值电阻率和识别边界,而经典吉洪诺夫正则化方法则能有效地重构光滑的电阻率,从数值算例中可以看出,将这两种方法有效地结合到一起能够改进重构效果.  相似文献   

Extensive nitrogen loads at the soil surface exceed plant uptake and soil biochemical capacity, and therefore lead to nitrogen accumulation in the deep vadose zone. Studies have shown that stored nitrogen in the vadose zone can eventually reach the water table and affect the quality of groundwater resources. Recently, global scale models have been implemented to quantify nitrate storage and nitrate travel time in the vadose zone. These global models are simplistic and relatively easy to implement and therefore facilitate analysis of the considered transport processes at a regional scale with no further requirements. However, the suitability of applying these models at a regional scale has not been tested. Here, we evaluate, for the first time, the performance and utility of global scale models at the regional scale. Applied to the Loess Plateau of China, we compare estimates of groundwater recharge and nitrate storage derived from global scale models with results from a regional scale approach utilizing the Richards and advection-dispersion equations. The estimated nitrate storage was compared to nitrate observations collected in the deep vadose zone (>50 m) at five sites across the Loess Plateau. Although both models predict similar spatial patterns of nitrate storage, the recharge fluxes were three times smaller and the nitrate storage was two times higher compared with the regional model. The results suggest that global scale models are a potentially useful screening tool, but require refinement for local scale applications.  相似文献   

The measured drainage fluxes through a layered volcanic vadose zone exhibited high spatial variability as a consequence of heterogeneous flow conditions. The drainage flux variability was quantified using automated equilibrium tension lysimeters, installed in close‐proximity and resulted in high variability in the Br masses recovered from a conservative tracer experiment. The primary cause of the heterogeneous flow was attributed to textural changes occurring at the interface between volcanic layers, resulting in development of funnel‐flow patterns, and further enhanced by the existence of hydrophobic conditions. The Br recoveries in individual automated equilibrium tension lysimeters were used to determine the corresponding variable sizes of the surface areas contributing drainage to the lysimeters. The tracer experiment confirmed the existence of unsaturated lateral transport occurring at the sloping interface of the coarse Taupo Ignimbrite material with the silty Palaeosol layer at approximately 4.2 m depth. This study demonstrates that measurements of both flux and solute concentrations at multiple locations are essential when heterogeneous flow is suspected to be present, to be able to determine reliable estimates of contaminant leaching through the vadose zone at the plot scale. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为探讨高密度电阻率成像法监测多孔介质中轻非水相液体迁移过程的有效性,本文通过三维砂槽进行了非饱和带中轻非水相液体的污染试验,并利用高密度电阻率成像法进行了同步的动态监测.试验之后,将砂槽层层挖开,通过数码成像,获取了污染区域的实际范围与形状.结果表明,由高密度电阻率成像法圈定的污染区域在范围与形状上都与实际的结果比较接近,并可通过三维电阻率相对值的时间变化明显的看出轻非水相液体的污染过程.这说明利用高密度电阻率成像法对非饱和多孔介质中轻非水相液体的空间分布范围进行圈定并监测其迁移过程是完全可行的.  相似文献   

A slowly moving loess landslide along the River Danube in South Hungary was studied using electrical resistivity tomography. Our aim was to determine the fracture system of the study site. Due to the homogeneous composition of the loess, it seems to be the only possibility to get information about the landslide and its further evolution. The applicability of the electrical resistivity tomography technique for such a supposedly dense fracture system was studied by numerical modelling, and the results have been verified in the field. The dip of the fractures could not always been observed, and they could not be explored deeply. However, it was possible to map their surface projection to get the desired information about the structure of the landslide. Fracture zones could have been especially well localized, enabling the prediction of the positions of future rupture surfaces and thus the delineation of the endangered zone. Although the area outside of the already subsided one is not endangered yet, the area which has already started to move is going to break into two. Parts of the about 5 m wide blocks at the front of the landslide may fall or slide down anytime. A large area was assumed to move as one unit. Most of our predictions have been verified by the mass movements that occurred about one and half years after the measurements. The electrical resistivity tomography method proved to be a good tool to characterize the fracture system of such a landslide area, enabling the prediction of future rupture surfaces and also delineation of the endangered area. Its use is therefore highly recommended to monitor landslides to provide early risk warnings to avoid damage to constructions or endangering human life.  相似文献   

In this study, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the soil water dynamics and water percolation through the deep vadose zone. A calibrated HYDRUS‐1D model was used to simulate the process of soil water movement and the water budget. Based on the measured volumetric soil water contents, the model was well calibrated and validated. Then, we conducted scenario analyses to determine the combined effects of irrigation amount (IA), antecedent soil moisture (AM), crop evapotranspiration, and deep percolation (DP) in an irrigation event. Four IAs (5, 10, 15, and 20 cm) and three AM conditions (AM‐1, AM‐2, and AM‐3) were controlled in the scenario analyses. The results indicate that according to the Se's (effective saturation) values status and the observed or simulated depth, there could be different conclusions on the influence of DP. Under different IAs in dry (AM‐1) and medium (AM‐2) AM status, DP changed slightly; it was 0.39 and 2.47 cm in AM‐1 and 0.40 and 2.48 cm in AM‐2 for the summer maize and winter wheat crop, respectively; the AM had a crucial contribution to DP. While under the condition of wet AM (AM‐3) or small observation depth, the water inputs could have a significant effect on DP. According to increasing irrigation intensity, the higher values of Se (>0.6) in the whole profile were only displayed between 70 and 300 cm at AM‐1, 70–500 cm at AM‐2, and 70‐below 600 cm at AM‐3, which were gradually extended and moved down with increasing AM. Hence, the IA significantly affected the water percolation at a depth of 200 cm, whereas there was a weak influence at 600 cm except in AM‐3. Furthermore, in the higher values of the Se (>0.65) domain, the correlation between IA and DP was an exponential function and significantly under P < 0.05. In addition, DP began to occur when the soil water content was equal to or greater than 0.75 times that of the field water capacity or the Se > 0.65. When the coarse silt layer became embedded in the silt clay soil profile, it lagged the process of water transport but did not affect permeability in the end.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the geological setting of pyroclastic covers and their water content distribution represents crucial information for stability analyses of slopes potentially subject to debris-flow phenomena. The study we here present would provide a contribution to this issue by means of an approach based on electrical resistivity measurements. Specifically, we describe the results of high-resolution 2D resistivity surveys carried out in a test area on Sarno Mountains (Campania Region – Southern Italy), where shallow landslides involving pyroclastic soils periodically occur triggered by critical rainfall events. We discuss the results in relation to the geology of the area in order to locate characteristic horizons of pyroclastic soils below the ground surface. Then, on the basis of a laboratory characterization of pyroclastic samples collected from the same test area at representative depths, we provide an estimation of the soil water content distribution in the field. Finally, we analyze temporal variations of the soil water content distribution by comparing the data of two surveys carried out in the autumnal and spring seasons, respectively.  相似文献   

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