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Piecewise 1D laterally constrained inversion of resistivity data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a sedimentary environment, layered models are often capable of representing the actual geology more accurately than smooth minimum structure models. Furthermore, interval thicknesses and resistivities are often the parameters to which non‐geophysicist experts can relate and base decisions on when using them in waste site remediation, groundwater modelling and physical planning. We present a laterally constrained inversion scheme for continuous resistivity data based on a layered earth model (1D). All 1D data sets and models are inverted as one system, producing layered sections with lateral smooth transitions. The models are regularized through laterally equal constraints that tie interface depths and resistivities of adjacent layers. Prior information, e.g. originating from electric logs, migrates through the lateral constraints to the adjacent models, making resolution of equivalences possible to some extent. Information from areas with well‐resolved parameters will migrate through the constraints in a similar way to help resolve the poorly constrained parameters. The estimated model is complemented by a full sensitivity analysis of the model parameters, supporting quantitative evaluation of the inversion result. Examples from synthetic 2D models show that the model recognition of a sublayered 2D wedge model is improved using the laterally constrained inversion approach when compared with a section of combined 1D models and when compared with a 2D minimum structure inversion. Case histories with data from two different continuous DC systems support the conclusions drawn from the synthetic example.  相似文献   

Dense profile-oriented resistivity data allows for 2D and 3D inversions. However, huge amounts of data make it practically impossible to do full 2D or 3D inversions on a routine basis. Therefore, a number of approximations have been suggested over the years to speed up computations. We suggest using a combination of Broyden's update on the Jacobian matrix with derivatives calculated using a 1D formulation on a parameterized 2D model of locally 1D layered models. The approximations bring down the effective number of 2D forward responses to a minimum, which again gives us the ability to invert very large sections. Broyden's update is not as useful with a parameterized problem as is the case with a smooth minimum structure problem that has been the usual application. 1D derivatives, however, seem to be very effective when initiating a full 2D solution with Broyden's update. We compare the different methods using two different kinds of data on two synthetic models and on two field examples. The most effective and reliable optimization combines 1D derivatives with a full 2D solution and Broyden's update. When using Broyden's update the Jacobian matrix needs to be reset every once in a while. We do this whenever the difference in data residual from the previous iteration is less than 5%. This combined inversion method reduces the computation time approximately a factor of 3 without losing model resolution.  相似文献   

3D resistivity inversion using 2D measurements of the electric field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field and 'noisy' synthetic measurements of electric-field components have been inverted into 3D resistivities by smoothness-constrained inversion. Values of electrical field can incorporate changes in polarity of the measured potential differences seen when 2D electrode arrays are used with heterogeneous 'geology', without utilizing negative apparent resistivities or singular geometrical factors. Using both the X - and Y -components of the electric field as measurements resulted in faster convergence of the smoothness-constrained inversion compared with using one component alone. Geological structure and resistivity were reconstructed as well as, or better than, comparable published examples based on traditional measurement types. A 2D electrode grid (20 × 10), incorporating 12 current-source electrodes, was used for both the practical and numerical experiments; this resulted in 366 measurements being made for each current-electrode configuration. Consequently, when using this array for practical field surveys, 366 measurements could be acquired simultaneously, making the upper limit on the speed of acquisition an order of magnitude faster than a comparable conventional pole–dipole survey. Other practical advantages accrue from the closely spaced potential dipoles being insensitive to common-mode noise (e.g. telluric) and only 7% of the electrodes (i.e. those used as current sources) being susceptible to recently reported electrode charge-up effects.  相似文献   




基于非结构网格的电阻率三维带地形反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
吴小平  刘洋  王威 《地球物理学报》2015,58(8):2706-2717
地表起伏地形在野外矿产资源勘察中不可避免, 其对直流电阻率法勘探影响巨大.近年来, 电阻率三维正演取得诸多进展, 特别是应用非结构网格我们能够进行任意复杂地形和几何模型的电阻率三维数值模拟, 但面向实际应用的起伏地形下电阻率三维反演依然困难.本文基于非结构化四面体网格, 并考虑到应用GPS/GNSS时, 区域地球物理调查中可非规则布设测网的实际特点, 实现了任意地形(平坦或起伏)条件下、任意布设的偶极-偶极视电阻率数据的不完全Gauss-Newton三维反演.合成数据的反演结果表明了方法的有效性, 可应用于复杂野外环境下的三维电法勘探.  相似文献   

To minimize the number of solutions in 3D resistivity inversion, an inherent problem in inversion, the amount of data considered have to be large and prior constraints need to be applied. Geological and geophysical data regarding the extent of a geological anomaly are important prior information. We propose the use of shape constraints in 3D electrical resistivity inversion, Three weighted orthogonal vectors (a normal and two tangent vectors) were used to control the resistivity differences at the boundaries of the anomaly. The spatial shape of the anomaly and the constraints on the boundaries of the anomaly are thus established. We incorporated the spatial shape constraints in the objective function of the 3D resistivity inversion and constructed the 3D resistivity inversion equation with spatial shape constraints. Subsequently, we used numerical modeling based on prior spatial shape data to constrain the direction vectors and weights of the 3D resistivity inversion. We established a reasonable range between the direction vectors and weights, and verified the feasibility and effectiveness of using spatial shape prior constraints in reducing excessive structures and the number of solutions. We applied the prior spatially shape-constrained inversion method to locate the aquifer at the Guangzhou subway. The spatial shape constraints were taken from ground penetrating radar data. The inversion results for the location and shape of the aquifer agree well with drilling data, and the number of inversion solutions is significantly reduced.  相似文献   




Techniques to reduce the time needed to carry out 3D resistivity surveys with a moderate number (25 to 100) of electrodes and the computing time required to interpret the data have been developed. The electrodes in a 3D survey are normally arranged in a square grid and the pole-pole array is used to make the potential measurements. The number of measurements required can be reduced to about one-third of the maximum possible number without seriously degrading the resolution of the resulting inversion model by making measurements along the horizontal, vertical and 45° diagonal rows of electrodes passing through the current electrode. The smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion method is used for the data interpretation. The computing time required by this technique can be greatly reduced by using a homogeneous half-space as the starting model so that the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives can be calculated analytically. A quasi-Newton updating method is then used to estimate the partial derivatives for subsequent iterations. This inversion technique has been tested on synthetic and field data where a satisfactory model is obtained using a modest amount of computer time. On an 80486DX2/66 microcomputer, it takes about 20 minutes to invert the data from a 7 by 7 electrode survey grid. using the techniques described below, 3D resistivity surveys and data inversion can be carried out using commercially available field equipment and an inexpensive microcomputer.  相似文献   

冯杰  欧洋  赵勇  贾定宇  李洋  高文利 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3686-3698



The reliability of inversion of apparent resistivity pseudosection data to determine accurately the true resistivity distribution over 2D structures has been investigated, using a common inversion scheme based on a smoothness‐constrained non‐linear least‐squares optimization, for the Wenner array. This involved calculation of synthetic apparent resistivity pseudosection data, which were then inverted and the model estimated from the inversion was compared with the original 2D model. The models examined include (i) horizontal layering, (ii) a vertical fault, (iii) a low‐resistivity fill within a high‐resistivity basement, and (iv) an upfaulted basement block beneath a conductive overburden. Over vertical structures, the resistivity models obtained from inversion are usually much sharper than the measured data. However, the inverted resistivities can be smaller than the lowest, or greater than the highest, true model resistivity. The substantial reduction generally recorded in the data misfit during the least‐squares inversion of 2D apparent resistivity data is not always accompanied by any noticeable reduction in the model misfit. Conversely, the model misfit may, for all practical purposes, remain invariant for successive iterations. It can also increase with the iteration number, especially where the resistivity contrast at the bedrock interface exceeds a factor of about 10; in such instances, the optimum model estimated from inversion is attained at a very low iteration number. The largest model misfit is encountered in the zone adjacent to a contact where there is a large change in the resistivity contrast. It is concluded that smooth inversion can provide only an approximate guide to the true geometry and true formation resistivity.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法和统计学的电阻率测深二维反演研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了一种以遗传算法和统计学为基础的反演方法,该方法利用一维反演结果的统计学特征确定地层电性结构并设计初始模型,使用遗传算法修改模型,经过二维有限单元法正演达到拟合误差最小,从而完成电阻率测深数据的二维反演.这个方法的优点在于不需要解大型线性方程组,降低计算量,先判断地层电性结构,反演后给出用地电断面表示的直观的解释结果.理论模型试算和模型实验证明该方法效果较好.  相似文献   

1D inversion of DC resistivity data using a quality-based truncated SVD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many DC resistivity inversion schemes use a combination of standard iterative least-squares and truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) to optimize the solution to the inverse problem. However, until quite recently, the truncation was done arbitrarily or by a trial-and-error procedure, due to the lack of workable guidance criteria for discarding small singular values. In this paper we present an inversion scheme which adopts a truncation criterion based on the optimization of the total model variance. This consists of two terms: (i) the term associated with the variance of statistically significant principal components, i.e. the standard model estimate variance, and (ii) the term associated with statistically insignificant principal components of the solution, i.e. the variance of the bias term. As an initial model for the start of iterations, we use a multilayered homogeneous half-space whose layer thicknesses increase logarithmically with depth to take into account the decrease of the resolution of the DC resistivity technique with depth. The present inversion scheme has been tested on synthetic and field data. The results of the tests show that the procedure works well and the convergence process is stable even in the most complicated cases. The fact that the truncation level in the SVD is determined intrinsically in the course of inversion proves to be a major advantage over other inversion schemes where it is set by the user.  相似文献   

井地三维电阻率反演研究.   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先讨论了垂直有限线源三维电阻率反演方法并利用阻尼最小二乘法技术实现了垂直有限线源三维电阻率反演,然后研究了反演中的几个相关问题.模型试验结果表明:初值选择越合理,反演结果越接近真值;地表的观测范围越大,包含深部电阻率的信息越丰富,反演效果越好.  相似文献   

Time-lapse monitoring is a powerful tool for observing dynamic changes in the subsurface. In particular it offers the potential for achieving inversion results with increased fidelity through the inclusion of complementary information from multiple time-steps. This inclusion of complementary information can reduce the need for spatial smoothing, without adding inversion artifacts to the resulting images. Commonly used time-lapse inversion methods include the ratio method, cascaded time-lapse inversion, difference inversion and differencing independent inversions. We introduce two additional methods in which both time-lapse data sets are inverted simultaneously. In the first, called temporally constrained time-lapse inversion, inversion of both datasets is done under a single optimization procedure and constraints are added to the regularization to ensure that the changes from one time to another are smooth. In the second method, called simultaneous time-lapse inversion, the inversions at time 1 and time 2 are performed simultaneously and constraints of smoothness and closeness to a reference model are applied to the difference image produced at each iteration, and subsequently, the constraints are updated at each iteration. Through both a numerical and a field example we compare the results of common time-lapse inversion methods as well as the introduced approaches. We found that of the commonly used time-lapse inversion methods the difference inversion method produced the best resolution of time-lapse changes and was the most robust in the presence of noise. However, we found that the alternative approach of simultaneous time-lapse inversion produced the best reconstruction of modeled EC changes in the numerical example and easily interpretable high resolution difference images in the field example. Moreover, there was less tailoring of regularization parameters with our simultaneous time-lapse approach, suggesting that it will lend itself well to an automated inversion code.  相似文献   

Resistivity monitoring surveys are used to detect temporal changes in the subsurface using repeated measurements over the same site. The positions of the electrodes are typically measured at the start of the survey program and possibly at occasional later times. In areas with unstable ground, such as landslide‐prone slopes, the positions of the electrodes can be displaced by ground movements. If this occurs at times when the positions of the electrodes are not directly measured, they have to be estimated. This can be done by interpolation or, as in recent developments, from the resistivity data using new inverse methods. The smoothness‐constrained least squares optimisation method can be modified to include the electrode positions as additional unknown parameters. The Jacobian matrices with the sensitivity of the apparent resistivity measurements to changes in the electrode positions are then required by the optimisation method. In this paper, a fast adjoint‐equation method is used to calculate the Jacobian matrices required by the least squares method to reduce the calculation time. In areas with large near‐surface resistivity contrasts, the inversion routine sometimes cannot accurately distinguish between electrode displacements and subsurface resistivity variations. To overcome this problem, the model for the initial time‐lapse dataset (with accurately known electrode positions) is used as the starting model for the inversion of the later‐time dataset. This greatly improves the accuracy of the estimated electrode positions compared to the use of a homogeneous half‐space starting model. In areas where the movement of the electrodes is expected to occur in a fixed direction, the method of transformations can be used to include this information as an additional constraint in the optimisation routine.  相似文献   




魏亚杰  张盼  许卓 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):4000-4009



航空电磁拟三维模型空间约束反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了克服时间域航空电磁数据单点反演结果中常见的电阻率或层厚度横向突变造成数据难以解释的问题,通过引入双向约束实现航空电磁拟三维空间约束反演.除考虑沿测线方向相邻测点之间的横向约束外,同时还考虑了垂直测线方向测点在空间上的相互约束.为此,首先设计拟三维模型中固定层厚和可变层厚两种空间约束反演方案,然后通过在目标函数中引入沿测线和垂直测线方向上的模型参数约束矩阵,并使用L-BFGS算法使目标函数最小化,获得最优拟三维模型空间反演解.基于理论模型和实测数据反演,对单点反演与两种空间约束反演方案的有效性进行比较,证明本文空间约束反演算法对于噪声的压制效果好,反演的界面连续光滑,同时内存需求和反演时间少,是一种快速有效的反演策略.  相似文献   




电阻率层析成像非线性反演   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过概率成像法、α中心法、遗传算法的有机结合, 实现了2-D电阻率层析成像非线性反演.首先,根据概率成像结果指示出的2-D地质异常体的相对电性和大致分布范围,合理地确定出α中心的位置与强度系数的变化范围.其次,以α中心法作为2-D地电结构的正演手段,采用遗传算法反演出各α中心的强度系数.在此基础上, 应用α中心法重新构建出地下介质电阻率的分布.通过对均匀半空间中赋存2-D地质异常体模型的反演试验, 获得了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

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