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The processing of a small-scale, very high resolution (VHR) shallow marine 3D data volume is described. The data were acquired over a small clay diapir, on the river Schelde, in 1990. Using an array of 12 dual-channel microstreamers towed from a catamaran, a network of 1 m × 1 m bins could be produced over an area of 50 m × 180 m (< 100 m penetration). Positioning was performed with an auto-tracking laser ranging system, assuring an absolute accuracy of a few decimetres.
Preliminary processing steps included tidal correction and multiple removal. An important step concerned the application of 3D prestack Kirchhoff depth migration. Indeed this processing allows easy handling of the exact positions of both source and receivers as the latter were not set out on a conventional regular grid due to navigation difficulties. Because of the restricted data volume and the more-or-less stratified medium, a 1D velocity model could be used. This allowed a considerable simplification of the migration algorithm, based on summation. Traveltimes were calculated only once, using a 2D time grid with 0.1 m intervals.
This migration method proved very efficient, greatly improving the seismic image, and involved only limited CPU time on a small computer (Sparc 10 workstation). It clearly demonstrates that advanced seismic processing can form a valuable and economically feasible tool for VHR shallow subsurface 3D seismics, as long as the velocity field is not too complex. This method should therefore no longer be restricted to large computers and hydrocarbon exploration, but should also become a routine for VHR 3D shallow seismic work.  相似文献   

井间地震数据的波动方程偏移成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对井间地震数据成像技术的一些缺陷并根据井间地震数据的特点,利用井间上、下行反射波信息,提出了一种基于波动方程的井间地震反射波偏移成像技术,该技术既考虑了井间地震数据的运动学特征(时间信息),又考虑了动力学特征(振幅信息).以PC机集群为计算平台,Linux为操作系统,设计了井间地震炮域波动方程偏移成像并行计算流程,并且在64位联想机群上用井间模型数据和某油田的实际数据对该技术和计算流程进行了测试和试处理,试验结果表明成像方法和并行算法正确、实用且计算效率高.  相似文献   

高分辨折射地震资料处理方法及其应用   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
高分辨折射探测剖面近几年在我国的一些重要地学基础研究项目,特别是在中国地震局“十五” 期间开展的城市活断层探测及复杂上部地壳精细结构研究中得到了越来越广泛的应用.本文对在用传统有限差分方法处理高分辨折射地震资料时的缺陷及其改进算法的研究进展进行了较全面的讨论,对一些缺陷我们已给出了解决的方案,并已成功地应用于实际人工地震高分辨折射测量资料的分析处理,取得了较好的效果,还给出了将改进方法应用于深反射剖面初至波处理解释的一个应用实例,对于另一些缺陷我们在对国内外该领域研究现状调研的基础上,给出了目前我们正在进行中的解决方案.  相似文献   

郭锐  林鹤  余刚  张宇生 《地球物理学报》2017,60(9):3587-3600



对于测震观测,大动态和宽频带是当代最主要的技术特征,其关键设备是反馈地震计和24位数据采集器.通过引入调制解调技术来克服由于半导体器件低频噪声和环境温度变化引起的长周期漂移,提高长周期频段数据采集的技术水平.  相似文献   

介绍了用于海底地震监测的数字波形记录仪的设计、实施及其特征。该套系统能够同时采集4个高分辨率信号,并且能够登录闪存库。由于非常精细的体系结构的设计和利用强大的数字信号处理技术,两个相互冲突的主要问题已经得到解决:通过使用转换器获得高能量,同时获得优于120dB的高动态范围和低至250mW的功耗,因此可以很轻松地将海底地震仪在海底监测时间提高到3个月。  相似文献   




在近海工程多道浅地层地震勘探中,高分辨率地震数据处理技术是一个重要的组成部分,也是提高资料分辨率和信噪比的有效途径.由于为工程服务的近海地震勘探对分辨率的要求很高,因此地层速度的拾取和衰减多次反射干扰波成为影响分辨率的主要因素.本文针对我国某海域工程地震资料,运用了高分辨率速度分析技术和K—L变换多次波压制方法,极大地提高了资料的信噪比和分辨率,有效地解决了该地区的工程地质问题.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection data were acquired across volcanic hosted massive sulfides (VHMS) of Vihanti in order to improve the understanding of the regional geological setting. Commercially processed seismic data from Vihanti are of good quality, but reprocessing can be used to extract additional information about geological structures. Especially, careful velocity analysis influences the quality of seismic images. Differentiating reflections caused by fractures from those caused by lithological contacts is very important for exploration and geological modeling. Reflections from fracture zones known from drilling stack with lower velocity (~ 5100 m/s) compared to typical stacking velocities of the Vihanti area (> 5500 m/s). The reprocessing also indicated that fracture zones are better imaged with low frequencies due to the better overall continuity of the fault zones at scales of hundreds of meters rather than at shorter seismic wavelengths.In full stacks, long offset data can mask structure close to the surface. More detailed seismic images of the shallow subsurface emerged by preferentially stacking short offset data wherever acquisition and processing lines lay close together and were nearly straight. Long offset data remains valuable for imaging deeper structures as well as dipping reflectors. Cross-dip-analysis revealed a bright diffractor located near the base of the Vihanti volcanic basin at 1.5 km depth. The seismic data allow a geological interpretation in which the Vihanti structure has developed through significant thrust faulting and displacement of the lithological contacts. Gentle folds that were formed prior to faulting are visible as undulating reflectivity in seismic sections. The reprocessed seismic section indicates a potential deep extension of the ore-hosting altered volcanic and calc-silicate rocks previously unexplored.  相似文献   

对于隐蔽性油气藏和复杂构造油气藏,地震反射资料难以满足精度要求,需要开展地震资料提高分辨率处理.为此,使用反Q滤波、广义S变换、谱整形技术及谱白化技术等方法处理了涠西南地区叠前地震资料,并且分析了四种提高分辨率方法的应用效果.结果表明,四种方法都能提高主频、拓宽频带,其中反Q滤波的效果最好,广义S变换效果次之.反Q滤波结果中波组的低频和中高频能量分配合理,并且在中高频段反Q滤波结果的信噪比明显高于其它三种方法.此外,使用不同Q值对反Q滤波结果影响比较大.随着Q值增加,主频和带宽都稍有降低的趋势,但是信噪比提高了.当Q值大于200.0时信噪比改善的空间已经很小,这时再提高Q值,换来的只是主频降低和带宽缩小.  相似文献   

Most seismic processing algorithms generally consider the sea surface as a flat reflector. However, acquisition of marine seismic data often takes place in weather conditions where this approximation is inaccurate. The distortion in the seismic wavelet introduced by the rough sea may influence (for example) deghosting results, as deghosting operators are typically recursive and sensitive to the changes in the seismic signal. In this paper, we study the effect of sea surface roughness on conventional (5–160 Hz) and ultra‐high‐resolution (200–3500 Hz) single‐component towed‐streamer data. To this end, we numerically simulate reflections from a rough sea surface using the Kirchhoff approximation. Our modelling demonstrates that for conventional seismic frequency band sea roughness can distort results of standard one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional deterministic deghosting. To mitigate this effect, we introduce regularisation and optimisation based on the minimum‐energy criterion and show that this improves the processing output significantly. Analysis of ultra‐high‐resolution field data in conjunction with modelling shows that even relatively calm sea state (i.e., 15 cm wave height) introduces significant changes in the seismic signal for ultra‐high‐frequency band. These changes in amplitude and arrival time may degrade the results of deghosting. Using the field dataset, we show how the minimum‐energy optimisation of deghosting parameters improves the processing result.  相似文献   

联合高分辨率地震和精细测井资料的剩余油气分析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
寻找和开发剩余油气藏是提高采收率的关键.以往主要是通过测井、试井资料建立中高层渗透砂岩油藏的井间剩余油分布模型,并采用数学分析方法建立井间剩余油的预测模型.本文介绍了基于高分辨率地震和精细测井分析建立剩余油模型并结合数模分析的剩余油分析技术.利用该技术对辽河油田某断块进行了实际剩余油气分析,在开发方案设计和提高采收率方面取得了明显的效果.  相似文献   

提高地震资料的分辨率是获得高分辨率地震剖面的基础,常规的处理方法对于提高地震资料分辨率虽有一定的效果,但却十分有限,难以达到资料解释的要求.对此本文将广义S变换理论与压缩感知理论相结合,提出了一种新的叠后地震资料处理方法.实现步骤为:将叠后地震数据进行广义S变换;利用压缩感知理论构建L1/2范数最优化模型;半阈值迭代法求得最优稀疏解得到更精确的时频域信息;能量重新分配补偿时频域弱信号能量;广义S反变换得到处理后的地震信号.理论模型和实际资料处理表明,与常规广义S变换提高分辨率处理相比,本文方法处理结果具有更好的效果,地震资料分辨率有了明显提高.  相似文献   

We introduce a method to detect and compensate for inconsistent coupling conditions that arise during onshore seismic data acquisitions. The reflected seismic signals, the surface waves, or the ambient-noise records can be used for the evaluation of the different coupling conditions of closely spaced geophones. We derive frequency-dependent correction operators using a parametric approach based upon a simple model of the interaction between geophone and soil. The redundancy of the measurements available permits verification of the assumptions made on the input signals in order to derive the method and to assess the validity of the model used. The method requires point-receiver data in which the signals recorded by the individual geophones are digitized. We have verified the accuracy of the method by applying it to multicomponent ambient-noise records acquired during a field experiment in which the coupling conditions were controlled and modified during different phases of the experiment. We also applied the method to field data, which were acquired without the coupling conditions being controlled, and found that only a few geophones showed an anomalous behaviour. It was also found that the length of the noise records routinely acquired during commercial surveys is too short to provide enough statistics for the application of our method.  相似文献   

The effects of incoherency and wave-passage on the nonlinear responses of concrete arch dams are investigated in this study. A double curvature arch dam is selected as a numerical example. The reservoir is modeled as a compressible material and the foundation is modeled as a massless medium. Ground motion time-histories are artificially generated using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. Four different finite element models (FEM) are considered: uniform excitation; incoherence effect; wave passage effect; and both incoherence and wave passage effects. It was revealed that modeling multiple-supports excitation could have a significant impact on the structural response of the dam by inducing a pseudo-static effect. Also, it was concluded that the coherency effect overshadows the wave passage effect and the results obtained from non-uniform excitation of FEM, including the wave passage effect, is close to the results of the FEM when it is uniformly excited.  相似文献   

The Hyuganada region, a forearc region of Southwest Japan, is characterized by several interesting geological and geophysical features, i.e., significant aseismic crustal uplift of 120 m during the past 120 thousand years at the Miyazaki Plain, negative free-air gravity anomalies with the maximum magnitude of −130 mgal, and relatively less cohesive interplate coupling compared with that for off the Shikoku and Kii Peninsula. In order to examine the causes of these observations, we determined a detailed three-dimensional seismic velocity structure based on the seismic data observed by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and land stations. P- and S-wave tomographic velocity structures clearly indicate the subducting slab and also the zones of high Poisson's ratio at 25–35 km depth along the coastline of the northeastern part of the Hyuganada. The region with high Poisson's ratio may correspond to the serpentinized mantle wedge as suggested for other mantle wedges, and appears to be coincident with the zone for observed aseismic slips such as the slow-slip and after-slip events. Also, the detection may be related to a relatively weak interplate coupling in the Hyuganada region. The tomographic structures also indicate low velocity zones with a horizontal scale comparable to the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in and around the subducting slab. If we assume that the low velocity zones correspond to the subducted Kyushu-Palau Ridge, then the predicted gravity anomaly due to the density contrast between the low velocity zones and the surrounding region can explain about 60% of the gravity anomaly in the Hyuganada region. The buoyancy is probably an important factor for the crustal uplift observed in the Miyazaki Plain, the steep bending of the subducting slab and the normal fault-type earthquakes around the Hyuganada region.  相似文献   

近年来,"两宽一高"——宽频带、宽方位和高密度——三维地震采集技术极大地提升了地震勘探的能力和精度,在岩性油气藏地区取得了明显的应用效果,也对地震采集观测系统设计提出了更高的要求.如何在现有的成本限制和装备条件下,根据具体工区的地质地球物理条件来选择合适的"两宽一高"采集观测参数以实现最佳的勘探效益,已成为当前地震勘探中迫切需要解决的瓶颈问题之一.基于此,本文首先回顾了点绕射聚焦分析的基本原理,随后给出一种新的复杂介质多频率快速聚焦分辨率定量分析方法.基于该理论,我们以一个典型的陆上三维地震勘探采集方案和速度模型为例,系统地研究了"两宽一高"地震资料偏移成像分辨率随着关键采集参数的变化规律,给出了不同条件下分辨率的理论极限值及其所对应的采集参数的临界点值.此外,我们也提出了一种新的采集参数和子波频谱的交汇定量分析方法,进一步阐明了采集参数和子波频谱参数之间的定量关系,为复杂接收激发条件下采集观测系统设计提供了新的理论依据.  相似文献   

近年来,"两宽一高"——宽频带、宽方位和高密度——三维地震采集技术极大地提升了地震勘探的能力和精度,在岩性油气藏地区取得了明显的应用效果,也对地震采集观测系统设计提出了更高的要求.如何在现有的成本限制和装备条件下,根据具体工区的地质地球物理条件来选择合适的"两宽一高"采集观测参数以实现最佳的勘探效益,已成为当前地震勘探中迫切需要解决的瓶颈问题之一.基于此,本文首先回顾了点绕射聚焦分析的基本原理,随后给出一种新的复杂介质多频率快速聚焦分辨率定量分析方法.基于该理论,我们以一个典型的陆上三维地震勘探采集方案和速度模型为例,系统地研究了"两宽一高"地震资料偏移成像分辨率随着关键采集参数的变化规律,给出了不同条件下分辨率的理论极限值及其所对应的采集参数的临界点值.此外,我们也提出了一种新的采集参数和子波频谱的交汇定量分析方法,进一步阐明了采集参数和子波频谱参数之间的定量关系,为复杂接收激发条件下采集观测系统设计提供了新的理论依据.  相似文献   

The success of any application of high-resolution seismic profiling, whether done on land or water, depends on a sequence of activities that starts with preplanning and extends through processing and presenting the data. If optimum results are to be achieved, each element of the sequence must be performed carefully. This paper discusses technical elements associated with acquiring the analogue signal in as good a form as possible.The introductory remarks concern marine seismic profiling in general but further discussion concentrates on single-channel high-resolution methods. Basic types of marine energy sources are reviewed. Receivers are discussed and the design of hydrophone arrays relative to water depth is explained. Optimum source-receiver geometry and techniques for improving signal-to-noise ratio in the field are discussed in detail. The use of frequency filtering and electronic amplification are also discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction Jiashi-Artux area in southwest Xinjiang is one of the most active earthquake provinces at pre-sent in Chinese mainland. In the last century, about 3/4 strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland hit this area, and especially from January 21 to April 16 in 1997, 7 earthquakes with the magnituderanging from 6.0 to 6.9 occurred in a very small area of 9 km×18 km near Jiashi (ZHU et al, 1998). It has never taken place before in Chinese mainland that a series of strong earthquakes shoo…  相似文献   

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