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林晓能  宋萍 《海洋预报》1992,9(1):41-46
本文通过对南海台风的结构分析,得到如下几点结果: 1.在低压、台风时期,对流层中上层均具有明显的暖心结构,温度距平值发展期达最大,暖心核高度,后者高于前者。湿度中心位于700hPa。 2.台风范围内对流层的高层和低层分别存在东北风和西南风大值区,东风和南风气流对台风的发生发展起重要作用。 3.南海台风各物理量的水平分布不对称,散度具有10~(-5)S~(-1)的相同量级。涡度随气旋的发展而增强,扰动阶段比强盛阶段中心附近的涡度值约小一个量级。 4.垂直运动随着台风的加深,量级逐渐增大,极值高度升高,在强盛期达到最大值,而且它位于300hPa,垂直运动极值及其所在高度的这种变化在很大程度上反映了积云对流活动的强弱。 5.通过与西太平洋台风的比较,认为对流层高、低层的涡度差和散度差与南海台风发生发展的关系密切。  相似文献   

基于2011年4月至2012年3月南海北部陆坡区潜标观测的高分辨率流速数据,本文研究了海洋上层细尺度流速剪切的时间变化特征及其演变规律。流速剪切的功率谱分析结果显示,南海北部上层的细尺度流速剪切主要受亚惯性运动、近惯性内波、全日内潮和半日内潮四种过程控制。其中,风生近惯性内波和中尺度涡旋所对应的亚惯性运动是造成上层流速剪切时间变化的主要原因,以往研究强调的全日和半日內潮的贡献则相对较弱。进一步分析发现,冬季中尺度暖涡能够极大地增强海洋上层的亚惯性剪切;夏、秋季南海活跃的台风所激发的近惯性内波能够造成近惯性剪切增强。另外,研究还发现,背景涡度对近惯性剪切具有重要的调制作用,即负涡度相较于正涡度更有利于近惯性剪切增强。该研究所揭示的流速剪切的时间变化规律及调控机制对改进海洋混合的参数化方案具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

采用三维自由表面正压环流数值模式,数值求解南海北部对8007号台风的响应。结果表明:广泛阳江闸坡港以西的卧V形岸楔部出现最大增水,因受窄管效应的影响,琼州海峡的流速很大。  相似文献   

南海上层对台风响应的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中尺度海气耦合模式对2006年第1号台风Chanchu海气相互作用的模拟结果.分析了南海上层海洋对台风的热力和动力响应特征.研究发现:模拟的chanchu影响下南海SST分布与观测较为符合;与SST降低相对应的是混合层深度普遍增加,较大的海面冷却对应了较大的混合层加深;在台风作用下,海面上产生了一个气旋式环流,随着台风中心的移动而移动.流场呈现明显的不对称结构;模拟结果表明南海对台风的响应具有很明显的近惯性振荡特征.  相似文献   

南海北部中深层细结构混合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2007年8月获得的ADCP(声学多普勒流速剖面仪)海流资料和CTD(温盐深剖面仪)水文资料,应用Gregg模型对南海中深层内波尺度的混合进行估计,同时应用Thorpe尺度对中深层存在的垂向翻转及由此引起的混合进一步分析。两种方法均显示,吕宋海峡附近上层400m的耗散率及混合率均强于18°N断面,中深层两个区域的混合率并没有显著区别。这表明吕宋海峡上层400m,可能存在更活跃的内波活动,从而产生更强的内波混合和垂向水团翻转。Gregg模型估计的耗散率和混合率量级分别为10^-9W·kg^-1和10^-6m^2·s^-1。大部分CTD站位在中深层均存在垂向翻转,而且保持较高的发生率,翻转所对应的混合率并不随深度增加而减小。以上南海北部的细结构混合特征增强对南海中深层混合的认识。  相似文献   

The correlation of ambient noise with wind speed, and the depth dependence of ambient noise are both investigated, where the ocean noise data were recorded by a vertical line array in the northern South China Sea. It is shown that the correlation coefficients increase with increasing hydrophone depth during typhoon periods when the frequency ≥ 250 Hz, which opposes the generally accepted knowledge that the correlation coefficients of noise level and wind speed decrease with increasing depth during non-typhoon periods. Particularly at frequencies of 250 Hz, 315 Hz and 400 Hz, the correlation coefficients increase by more than 0.05 at depths ranging from 155 m to 875 m. At the three frequencies, the average noise levels also increase with increasing depth during typhoon periods. It is suggested that these differences are attributed to the wind-generated noise in shallow waters and the effect of "downslope enhancement" to sound propagation. During typhoon periods, the surf breaking and surf beat upon the shores and reefs are strengthened, and the source levels are increased. The wind-generated noise in shallow waters interacts with the downslope sea floor, with the noise-depth distribution changed by a "downslope enhancement" effect promoting noise propagation.  相似文献   

基于水下滑翔机观测资料,对南海北部一个反气旋涡旋的温度细结构进行了特征分析.温度细结构强度由温度的脉动值确定,并随着尺度的增加呈指数衰减.在垂直方向上,细结构强度随着深度的加深而减弱,细结构特征在海洋表层(0~100m)和表层以下(>100 m)存在显著区别.表层内,垂向混合和水平混合对细结构强度均有贡献,细结构强度大...  相似文献   

基于锚碇观测资料,本文分析了南海西北部陆坡区上层海洋对台风“杜苏芮”的动力学和热力学响应特征。在动力学响应方面,台风“杜苏芮”期间上层流速显著增强,混合层纬向流速可达1.20 m/s;“杜苏芮”经过后上层海水运动以近惯性振荡为主(流向顺时针旋转周期在36~40 h之间)。近惯性能量在垂向分布上存在两个高值中心,分别位于混合层和温跃层深度上。近惯性能量耗散过程的e折时间尺度约为3.7 d,我们认为能量的向下传播在局地近惯性能量衰减过程中起主要作用。对能量谱的分析表明,“杜苏芮”作用期间近惯性频率能量相对于其作用前增大了约29.4倍,而全日和半日频率(K1和M2)能量有所减弱。此外,能量谱显示近惯性频率存在明显的“蓝移”现象,即对于纬向和经向流速分量在400 m以浅平均的近惯性振荡频率分别为1.167 f0和1.170 f0(f0为局地惯性频率)。蓝移与近惯性内波的向下传播及正的相对涡度的输入有关。在热力学响应方面,上层海洋在台风的搅拌作用下,40~250 m深度均出现较小增温,最大增温幅度接近1°C;此外70 m以浅盐度的降低可能与台风过境时的降水相关,而Ekman抽吸引起的上升流则可能对70~100 m深度盐度的升高具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本文用台风年活动时数场作为表征台风年活动量的指数。这个指数除了能表示一年中台风活动程度之外,还能表示台风活动的地理分布。以南海为例,本文用此指数研究了南海台风年活动量的特征。  相似文献   

通过2008年8月南海北部浮游有孔虫拖网调查,对12号台风“鹦鹉”过境前后南海北部水体中的活体浮游有孔虫群落进行了对比分析,结合海洋环境参数,初步探讨了台风对水体浮游有孔虫群落分布的影响,以增加对浮游有孔虫群落的环境生态的了解,为古环境重建积累基础资料.结果显示,台风过境后的浮游有孔虫丰度较台风来临前有明显降低,优势属种Globigerinoides sacculifer的相对百分含量在台风过境后有明显的降低,而生活在次表层水体中的Globigerina calida和Globigerinella aequilateralis的相对百分含量则在台风过境后明显上升.研究认为台风过境造成的水体垂直混合增强可能是导致浮游有孔虫群落变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

During the South China Sea monsoon experiment (SCSMEX),three autonomous temperature line acquisition system (ATLAS) buoys with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) were moored in the South China Sea to measure temperature,salinity and current velocity.Typhoon Faith passed through about 250 km south to one of the mooring buoys located at 12 58.5 N,114 24.5 E from December 11 to 14,1998.The data analysis indicates that the typhoon winds induce a great increase in the kinetic energy at near-inertial frequencies with two maxima in the mixed layer and thermocline.The near-inertial oscillations were observed at the upper 270 m in the wake of Typhoon Faith.The oscillations were originally excited in the sea surface layer and propagated downward.The amplitudes of the oscillations decrease with depth except in the thermocline.The near-inertial oscillation signals are also remarkable in temperature and salinity fields.  相似文献   

南海北部上层海洋变化的定点观测分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对南海季风试验(CSMEX)加密观测期(IOP)“实验3”号船在南海北部获得的CTD温盐和声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)海流等观测资料进行分析,给出东沙群岛西南部大陆坡附近IOP两个阶段定点观测的海洋分量部分结果,通过分析海水的动力、热力学结构,描述夏季风暴发、维持期间该测站上层海洋的变化,讨论近表面水的温度、盐度和海流对海面风场的响应.  相似文献   

台风过境会引起所经海域海洋环境要素场剧烈响应。本文通过分析南海东北部上层海域各要素对2015年第10号台风"莲花"的响应过程,发现以下规律:台风过境期间,海表温度(SST)影响台风的移动路径和强度,两次显著的台风移动方向偏转均发生在台风下垫面温度发生显著改变的条件下。台风吸收海表热量引起SST降低0~1.5℃,而这种热量(以短波辐射和潜热通量为主的海表净热通量)吸收引起的海表失热每秒可达60 W/m2,对台风移动过程产生影响。同时,台风过境时(7月6—9日)的SST降低与失热变化都存在一定的"左偏性"。台风引起的Ekman抽吸速率最高可达1.6×10-3m/s,引起台风过后(7月9日之后) SST的降低。通过对海面10 m风场、海表温度、降雨量进行EOF分析发现:风场在南海东北部海域呈东西反位相分布,风场增强持续时间约5天,具有显著"右偏性"且近岸的局部风场特征明显;降雨量在台风期间呈全域一致性的增加,持续时长约4天,具有显著"左偏性"且在吕宋岛北部局部降雨特征明显;SST在南海东北部绝大部分海域呈降温态势,时长超过8天,降温时间滞后风场约2~3天。整个降温过程(7月5—15日)受Ekman抽吸作用较海表失热作用更大,表现为在台风右侧降温更为显著。同时,台风移动速度越慢,降温效果越明显。台风过境时,粤东离岸流显著增强,上升流区的垂直温度降幅可达2.5℃且滞后流场响应约1~2天;垂直盐度降幅可达1.3 psu且滞后流场响应约2~3天。总体上看,温度在台风响应过程中起着重要的联结作用。  相似文献   

NumericalsimulationoftheupperoceancurrentsinSouthChinaSea¥LiRongfeng;HuangQizhouandWangWenzhi(InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,C...  相似文献   

Heat oscillation in the upper ocean of the southern South China Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Data used in this study are temperature/depth profiles taken over the upper 400 m of the ocean in the southern South China Sea (4°-14° N, 106°-120° E) for the period 1961-1973. The data are analyzed on the grid 2 (latitude) by 2 (longitude) in space and bimonthly in time. The vertically averaged temperature (TAV) over the upper 100 m of the ocean is calculated as the estimate of the heat content in the upper ocean.The TAV is cooler in the northwest region of the study area and warmer in the southeast in the annual and seasonal mean figures. The first EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) of anomalous TAV accounts for 41 % of the total variance for the period 1961-1973. The time function associated with it displays a significant interannual changes in the heat content, with 2-4 a oscillation period and associated with the ENSO events. During ENSO event TAV increases with the tendency of increasing towards equator along the basin. This anomalous states also exist in the water layers below 100 m depth. T  相似文献   

In September 2011, Typhoon Nesat passed over a moored array of instruments recording current and temperature in the northern South China Sea(SCS). A wake of baroclinic near-inertial waves(NIWs) commenced after Nesat passed the array. The associated near-inertial currents are surface-intensified and clockwise-polarized. The vertical range of NIWs reached 300 m, where the vertical range is defined as the maximum depth of the horizontal near-inertial velocity 5 cm/s. The current oscillations have a frequency of 0.709 9 cycles per day(cpd), which is 0.025 f higher than the local inertial frequency. The NIWs have an e-folding time-scale of 10 d based on the evolution of the near-inertial kinetic energy. The depth-leading phase of near-inertial currents indicates downward group velocity and energy flux. The estimated vertical phase velocity and group velocity are 0.27 and 0.08 cm/s respectively, corresponding to a vertical wavelength of 329 m. A spectral analysis reveals that NIWs act as a crucial process to redistribute the energy injected by Typhoon Nesat. A normal mode and an empirical orthogonal function analysis indicate that the second mode has a dominant variance contribution of 81%, and the corresponding horizontal phase velocity and wavelength are 3.50 m/s and 420 km respectively. The remarkable large horizontal phase velocity is relevant to the rotation of the earth, and a quantitative analysis suggests that the phase velocity of the NIWs with a blue-shift of 0.025 f overwhelms that of internal gravity waves by a factor of 4.6.  相似文献   

Effect of Langmuir circulation on upper ocean mixing in the South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effect of Langmuir circulation (LC) on upper ocean mixing is investigated by a two-way wave-current coupled model. Themodel is coupled of the ocean circulationmodel ROMS (regional ocean modeling system) to the surface wave model SWAN (simulating waves nearshore) via the model-coupling toolkit. The LC already certified its importance by many one-dimensional (1D) research andmechanismanalysis work. This work focuses on inducing LC’s effect in a three-dimensional (3-D) model and applying it to real field modeling. In ROMS, theMellor-Yamada turbulence closuremixing scheme is modified by including LC’s effect. The SWAN imports bathymetry, free surface and current information fromthe ROMS while exports significant wave parameters to the ROMS for Stokes wave computing every 6 s. This coupled model is applied to the South China Sea (SCS) during September 2008 cruise. The results show that LC increasing turbulence and deepening mixed layer depth (MLD) at order of O (10 m) in most of the areas, especially in the north part of SCS where most of our measurements operated. The coupled model further includes wave breaking which will bringsmore energy into water. When LC works together with wave breaking,more energy is transferred into deep layer and accelerates the MLD deepening. In the north part of the SCS, their effects aremore obvious. This is consistent with big wind event in the area of the Zhujiang River Delta. The shallow water depth as another reasonmakes themeasy to influence the oceanmixing as well.  相似文献   

This study deals with a unusual cooling event after Typhoon Mujigea passed over the northern South China Sea(SCS) in October 2015. We analyze the satellite sea surface temperature(SST) time series from October 3 to 18,2015 and find that the cooling process in the coastal ocean had two different stages. The first stage occurred immediately after typhoon passage on October 3, and reached a maximum SST drop of –2℃ on October 7 as the usual cold wake after typhoon. The second stage or the unusual extended cooling event occurred after 7d of the typhoon passage, and lasted for 5d from October 10 to 15. The maximum SST cooling was –4℃ and occurred after 12d of typhoon passage. The mechanism analysis results indicate that after landing and moving northwestward to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(YGP), Typhoon Mujigea(2015) met the westerly wind front on October 5. The lowpressure and positive-vorticity disturbances to the front triggered meridional air flow and low-pressure trough,thus induced a katabatic cold jet downward from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP) passing through the YGP to the northwestern SCS. The second cooling reached the maximum SST drop 4d later after the maximum air temperature drop of –9℃ on October 11. The simultaneous air temperature and SST observations at three coastal stations reveal that it is this katabatic cold jet intrusion to lead the unusual SST cooling event.  相似文献   

南海北部海区上层水体平均声速场的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对所收集到的南海北部海区的温度、盐度和深度历史资料进行了声速的计算、统计与分析,结果表明该海区上层水体的平均声速场有较明显的年际变化:表层声速的平面分布显示出沿岸水与外海水强弱交替变化的特征,声速等值线的走向几乎与岸线平行,等声速线的值自近岸向外海增加,大陆架外缘海区声速的水平梯度较大;下层声速的分布以环流和水体共同作用的形式出现,50m层声速平面分布的趋势除冬季与表层稍为相似外,其余季节与表层有明显的差别,春、夏季节50m层声速自西向东增加,而秋季与其表层分布相反,自近岸向外海减小;声速的垂直分布受海水升温与降温的影响显著,春、夏季表层海水升温,海表声速最大,声速自海表随深度的增加而减小;秋、冬季表层附近水层降温,声速稍偏低,普遍出现正梯度现象,最大声速移至表层以下的水层,这个深度随季节的改变而改变,随海区的不同而不同.该海区的平均声速有年波动现象,表层波幅最大,随深度的增加波幅变小,至100m水层其波动的位相几乎与表层相反.  相似文献   

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