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INTRODUCTIONThevalueofthestartdepthDshouldbegivenfirstinthegraVityanoInalinversion.DisthecmstthicknesswherethecorresPondinggraVityanomaliszerooragivenknownvalue.TheburieddepthofthedensityinterfacecalculatedfrOmthegraVityanomalinver-siondependsonthestaItdePthD-Whnthegivenvalue0fthestartdepthissInall(large)lthewholeburieddepthofthecalculateddensityinteifaceissInall(larg),sointhegravityan0Inalyinversion,thedeterminati0nofthestartdepthDisveryimPortant.Usually,Disgivenbasedonseismic,ear…  相似文献   

Focusing inversion is accomplished by the iterative of abnormal source to make the image gradually focused. It can better reflect the underground geological geometry and physical parameters. The model experiments in the study show that gravity focusing inversion allows inversion image stabilization and polymerization, which solves the multiple solutions and instability of inversion and so on. The method is applied to measured gravity data processing of certain region of Changbai Mountain, compared to Euler deconvolution, the results show that the method for determining the horizontal position and depth of underground anomalies has good efforts.  相似文献   

The identification of fractures is of great importance in gravity and magnetic data processing and interpretation.In this study,four fracture identification methods are applied,and widely used in processing and analysis of the gravity anomaly,including vertical second derivative method,tilt derivative method,theta map method and normalized differential method,for gravity data acquired in a given area in Heilongjiang.By comparing the distribution of the zero contour or maximum contour,we summarize the application effects,and both advantages and disadvantages of each method.It is found that tilt derivative method and normalized differential method provide better effects than other two methods:the narrower anomaly gradient belt and higher identification precision of fracture or geological boundary.The inferred fractures and geological boundaries have a great match with the results obtained from geologic map and remote sensing data interpretation.Those study results have definitely provided the theoretical foundation for identifying faults and the geological boundaries.  相似文献   

With the development of gravity gradient full tensor measurement technique , three-dimensional (3D) inversion based on gravity gradient tensor can provide more accurate information .But the forward calcula-tion of 3D full tensor sensitivity matrix is very time-consuming, which restricts its development and application . According to the symmetry of the kernel function , the authors reconstruct the underground source of geological body to avoid repeat computation of the same value , and work out the corresponding relationship between the re-sponse of geological body to the observation point and the response of reconstructed geological body to the obser -vation point .According to the relationship , rapid calculation of full tensor gravity sensitivity matrix can be achieved .The model calculation shows that this method can increase the speed of 30-45 times compared with the traditional calculation method .The sensitivity matrix is applied to the multi-component inversion of gravity gradient .The application of this method on the measured data provides the basis for the promotion of the meth -od.  相似文献   

????EGM2008?????????????????????????CRUST1.0???????-?????????????????????????й????Moho??????????????й????Moho?????????????????о?????????  相似文献   

利用EGM2008重力数据计算的布格重力异常,以CRUST1.0给出的壳-幔密度差为依据,通过重力反演获得中国大陆Moho起伏分布,所得的中国大陆Moho深度基本特征与以往研究基本一致。  相似文献   

The tropopause has a complex structure and some interference information may exist in high-resolution global positioning system (GPS)/low earth-orbiting (LEO) radio occultation (RO) data. The position of the tropopause cannot be accurately determined using traditional cold point tropopause (CPT) and lapse rate tropopause (LRT) algorithms. In this paper, an integrative algorithm is developed to determinate tropopause parameters. The algorithm is applied to GPS/COSMIC RO data to obtain a global distribution of the height and temperature of the tropopause. This algorithm improves the utilization rate of GPS/LEO RO data by 30% compared with that from the traditional CPT method. The rationality and reliability of GPS/LEO RO data in probing the Earth's atmosphere are verified by our study of the tropopause using COSMIC data.  相似文献   

The large-scale convergence of homotopy parametric inversion method on the water quality model parameters calculated was used, with application in parametric inversion calculation of total phosphorus of Beijing Miyun Reservoir. Through calculated and compared the error of sedimentation rate by homotopy parametric inversion method and genetic inversion calculation method, the results indicate that homotopy parametric inversion method has good stability, calculating speed, and even if the initial selection away from the objective function, the solution still has a good convergence.  相似文献   

The large-scale convergence of homotopy parametric inversion method on the water quality model parameters calculated was used, with application in parametric inversion calculation of total phosphorus of Beijing Miyun Reservoir. Through calculated and compared the error of sedimentation rate by homotopy parametric in- version method and genetic inversion calculation method, the results indicate that homotopy parametric inversion method has good stability, calculating speed, and even if the initial selection away from the objective function, the solution still has a good convergence.  相似文献   

To ensure the effectiveness of the operation of artificial precipitation enhancement, a potential region for the operation should be determined in advance.As cloud microphysical measurements needed for the determination of the potential region of cloud seeding are not available before the operation of routine precipitation enhancement, a new method based on the growth process of ice crystal is put forward for determining the potential region using the numerical weather prediction model output.The ice supersaturation, accumulated water vapor within minus temperature layer (≥9 mm), and upward water vapor transportation are adopted as criteria to determine the potential time, height and region of cloud seeding, and the real-time radar images are applied to make decisions on the seeding commanding.The criteria and Doppler radar images are studied in a case of precipitation enhancement characterized by significant water vapor supply from the north part of a tropical cyclone in the northwest Pacific, which shows that the ocean plays a crucial role in the advection transportation of water vapor to the potential region of the coastal area.The study presents a new method to determine the potential region of precipitation enhancement using macro-physical quantities under ice crystal growth environment.The method possesses a clear physical significance and can be readily applied with the required and easily predicted parameters.  相似文献   

As an important geophysical tool,high density electrical technique infers the underground geological structures by processing and inverting the apparent resistivity data.Currently,the false anomalies have been frequently occurred in the graph of apparent resistivity pseudo-section or inverted geoelectrical section obtained from high-density electrical technique,and are difficult to remove.In this study,the authors explain the mechanism of the false anomalies and put forward the horizontal differential field method to identify the false anomalies.Based on the analysis of modeling results,this method is applied in the surveying data in Xinlei Quarry of Jiuquan,and the results confirm the effectiveness of the horizontal differential field method.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONColloidsareabundantinseawater(Koike,1 990 ;WellsandGoldberg,1 991 ;1 992 ) ,andalargefrac tionofdissolvedorganiccarboninseawateriscolloid.Thisfractionofdissolvedorganiccarbonplaysanim portantroleinthebiogeochemicalcyclingoforganiccarbonandtracemetalsin…  相似文献   

分析重力场模型的截断误差及其影响因素,并用多颗不同轨道高度的低轨卫星GPS实测数据进行实时定轨仿真分析,提出实时定轨精度能够达到1.0 m(伪距法实时定轨)和0.5 m(相位法实时定轨)的重力场模型阶次的最优确定方法。使用CHAMP和TerraSAR-X 2颗卫星实测数据,验证了重力场模型阶次的最优确定方法的可行性和有效性。该方法不仅避免了传统经验法确定重力场模型阶次不准确的问题,而且不需要借助精密轨道进行精度评估,便于实时定轨系统的工程应用。  相似文献   

A new species of deep-water barnacle that belongs to the family Scalpellidae is described from the South China Sea. A rcoscalpellum liui sp. nov. is morphologically similar to A rcoscalpellum gryllum Zevina,but differs from the latter by the absence of longitudinal striae on the capitular plates and the presence of caudal appendages with few terminal setae.  相似文献   

Based on the principle of conservative matter removal in estuary,a new method is proposed for estimating the ratio of sediment resuspension in estuaries with fine suspended sediments in the turbidity maximum zone(TMZ) of the Changjiang(Yangtze) estuary during 2005.Results show that there was a range of 18.7%±27.9% to 73.9%±22.5% per annum of total suspended particulate matter(SPM),with an average of 49.2%.Nearly half of the particulate matter in the TMZ originates from sediment resuspension.This indicates that sediment resuspension is one of the major mechanisms involved in formation of the TMZ.Compared with traditional method for calculating these ratios in the estuary,this new method evaluates the dynamic variation of SPM content carried by river runoff from the river mouth to the ocean.The new method produced more reliable results than the traditional one and could produce a better estimation of resuspension flux for particulate matter in estuaries.  相似文献   

第三次国土调查是中国特色社会主义进入新时代后的第一次重大国情国力调查,是摸清我国自然资源基础家底的一次重要行动,具有十分重要的意义.我省为严格把控第三次国土调查质量,创新工作举措.利用不动产1:2000基础数据制作国土调查初始库;引入监理机制,终身责任制等新举措,优化省级核查中技术路线,在第三次国土调查工作中的应用取得...  相似文献   

The method proposed by Stammer (1998) is modified using eddy statistics from altimeter observation to obtain more realistic eddy diffusivity (K) for the North Pacific. Compared with original estimates, the modified K has remarkably reduced values in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) regions, but slightly enhanced values in the Subtropical Counter Current (STCC) region. In strong eastward flow areas like the KE and NECC, owing to a large difference between mean flow velocity and propagation velocity of mesoscale eddies, tracers inside the mesoscale eddies are transported outside rapidly by advection, and mixing length L is hence strongly suppressed. The low eddy probability (P) is also responsible for the reduced K in the NECC area. In the STCC region, however, L is mildly suppressed and P is very high, so K there is enhanced. The zonally-averaged K has two peaks with comparable magnitudes, in the latitude bands of the STCC and KE. In the core of KE, because of the reduced values of P and L, the zonally-averaged K is a minimum. Zonally-integrated eddy heat transport in the KE band, calculated based on the modified K, is much closer to the results of previous independent research, indicating the robustness of our modified K. The map of modified K provides useful informationfor modeling studies in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

The Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) Programme used a mix of T4 (450m) and T7(750 m) XBT's during the pre-TOGA periods. Studies are needed to determine how to use the T4/T7 datatogether, in particular with regard to a reference level for calculation of dynamic height and geostrophiccurrents. Temperature profiles to 750 m collected from 1986 through 1989 on the trackline across theIndonesian throughflow between NW Australia and Java are used to show the relations between dynamicbeight and geostriohic flow using reference levels at 400 db and 750 db. A very high temporalcorrelation between vertically averaged temperture in the upper 400 m and dynamic height at 50 m rela-tive to 750 db was found. The corresponding regression relationships are presented for all one degree lati-tude bins along the section and can be used for dynamical calculation of currents in the upper 400 m rel-ative to 750 db .An attempt is made to estimate volume transport relative to 750 db from 400 m pro-files. Problems which make est  相似文献   

Li  Chao  Yang  Shouye  Lian  Ergang  Bi  Lei  Zhang  Zhaofeng 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2015,14(3):399-406
The East China Sea(ECS) is a river-dominated epicontinental sea, linking the Asian continent to the northwestern Pacific via the large rivers originating from Tibetan Plateau. The relevant huge influx of riverine detritus has developed unique sedimentary systems in the ECS during the Quaternary, offering ideal terrestrial archives for reconstructing Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes and studying land-sea interactions. Overall, two characteristic river systems dominate the sedimentary systems and sediment source to sink transport patterns in the ECS, represented by the Changjiang(Yangtze River) and Huanghe(Yellow River) for the large river system and Taiwan rivers for the small river system. Given this, the sediments derived from both river systems bear distinct features in terms of parent rock lithology, provenance weathering and sediment transport. Previous studies mostly focus on either the ‘source' discrimination or the ‘sink' records of the sedimentary system in the ECS, while the source to sink process linking the land and sea, in particular its time scale, has been poorly understood. Here we introduce a newly-developed dating technique, the ‘comminution age' method, which offers a quantitative constraint on the time scale of sediment transfer from its ultimate source to the final depositional sink. This novel method is of great significance for improving our understanding on the earth surface processes including tectonic-climate driven weathering, and sediment recycling in relation to landscape evolution and marine environmental changes. The application of comminution age method in the ECS will provide important constraints on sediment source-to-sink process and more evidences for the construction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes under these unique sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

The stability of slopes is always of great concern in the field of rock engineering. The geometry and orientation of pre-existing discontinuities show a larger impact on the behavior of slopes that is often used to describe the measurement of the steepness, incline, gradient, or grade of a straight line. One of the structurally controlled modes of failure in jointed rock slopes is plane failure. There are numerous analytical methods for the rock slope stability including limit equilibrium, stress analysis and stereographic methods. The limiting equilibrium methods for slopes under various conditions against plane failure have been previously proposed by several investigators. However, these methods do not involve water pressure on sliding surfaces assessments due to water velocity and have not yet been validated by case study results. This paper has tried to explore the effects of forces due to water pressure on discontinuity surfaces in plane failure through applying the improved equations. It has studied the effect of water flow velocity on sliding surfaces in safety factor, as well. New equations for considering water velocity (fluid dynamics) are presented. To check the validity of the suggested equations, safety factor for a case study has been determined. Results show that velocity of water flow had significant effect on the amount of safety factor. Also, the suggested equations have higher validity rate compared to the current equations.  相似文献   

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