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This paper presents the studies of the refining of IKONOS-2 RPC, the transform of the datum, the mode of the control point distribution and the method of IKONOS stereo triangulation, so that IKONOS imagery can be used to collect the precise geospatial data and produce the large scale map. The transform between the IKONOS-2 image space and the national coordinate system based on the RPC have been developed, and the results of block adjustment with various control schemes in a practical project near Himalayas have been examined and analysed. The encouraging results of high positioning accuracy have been obtained.  相似文献   

Ikonos-2在西藏的空间定位及其精度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了Ikonos-2卫星图像基于RPC模型的坐标基准转换、控制点布设及图像加密的方法,以便Iko-nos卫星图像能用于高精度地理数据采集和大比例尺地形图生产  相似文献   

多条带WorldView卫星图像几何定位精度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
明洋  陈楚江  余绍淮  张霄 《测绘科学》2013,38(1):160-162
本文针对多个条带WorldView卫星图像,研究了基于有理函数模型的附加参数区域网平差方法,对高分辨率卫星图像定位精度进行了详细分析。青海地区WorldView卫星图像试验结果表明:无地面控制点时,多条带整体区域网定位结果优于各个条带单独平差结果,区域网平差方法结果优于直接前方交会方法;有地面控制点时,多条带区域网平差结果与各个条带单独平差结果相当,且沿路线不大于10km布设一个地面控制点,其精度可满足1∶2000比例尺加密精度要求,可用于公路初步设计。  相似文献   

RASAT Earth Observation Satellite is the second remote sensing satellite of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Space Technologies Search Institute (TUBITAK Space). Generally, the first step to utilize the satellite imagery in GIS applications is the accurate geometric correction of the imagery. But, the geometric correction process of RASAT images is somewhat difficult due to insufficient orbit data and lack of satellite imagery processing software with RASAT model. Although the geolocation of RASAT images is investigated in some recent studies, subpixel accuracies cannot be achieved. In this study, different geometric correction methods and combination of them are tested with a more interactive workflow that uses the results of other approaches. Results show that these approaches can be used for the geometric correction of RASAT like pushbroom satellite images with insufficient orbit data and better geolocation accuracies can be achieved by different geometric correction approaches.  相似文献   

提出了一种从高分辨率卫星影像中检测特定目标的方法。该方法首先用一种双边滤波的方法去除图像中的噪声,然后采用形态学处理的方法对图像进行分割和特征增强,并提取兴趣区域。在目标检测阶段,设计了一种基于双指数函数导数(DODE)模型的检测算子,该算子是面向具体目标设计的,能实现稳健的目标检测。对Google Earth中的影像分别进行了车辆检测实验和船舰检测实验,结果表明,此方法能够有效准确地检测高分辨率卫星影像中的特定目标。  相似文献   

The study aims to simulate the peri-urban growth dynamics in a growing region of India using Weights of Evidence (WOE) based cellular automata model. The growth process was expressed as a function of four causative variables corresponding to which seven data layers were generated in a Geographic Information Systems environment. The model was calibrated for the period 2000–2005 using Kappa indices and fuzzy set theory based two way comparison method. The Kappa value was 0.7, while the value of Klocation and Khisto were 0.81 and 0.93, respectively. The fuzzy similarity values increased for small to large neighbourhood sizes which showed that the model was able to simulate the contiguous and dense growth. However, for dispersed and isolated growth the model showed less accuracy. The model was validated for period 2005–2010 and revealed a Kappa value of 0.88, while value of Klocation and Khisto were 0.91 and 0.96, respectively.  相似文献   

高分辨率卫星立体双介质浅水水深测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于高分辨率卫星多光谱立体像对的浅水水深测量方法。该方法利用多光谱近红波段消除太阳耀斑,以有理函数模型(RFM)构建测区原始DEM,通过水陆边界内插获得水面高程,并采用双介质近似折射改正模型消除目标点垂直坐标偏移。试验表明,本文的模型方法和处理流程在水面平静、底质纹理丰富的浅海岛礁水深反演中能取得优于20%的相对测深精度,可为浅水水深测量提供新手段。  相似文献   

In this study, we tested whether the inclusion of the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improves the predictive accuracy in forest carbon estimation and mapping in savanna dry forests of Zimbabwe. Initially, we tested whether and to what extent vegetation indices (simple ratio SR, soil-adjusted vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index) derived from high spatial resolution satellite imagery (WorldView-2) predict forest carbon stocks. Next, we tested whether inclusion of reflectance in the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improve the model's accuracy in forest carbon prediction. We used simple regression analysis to determine the nature and the strength of the relationship between forest carbon stocks and remotely sensed vegetation indices. We then used multiple regression analysis to determine whether integrating vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band improve forest carbon prediction. Next, we mapped the spatial variation in forest carbon stocks using the best regression model relating forest carbon stocks to remotely sensed vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band. Our results showed that vegetation indices alone as an explanatory variable significantly (p < 0.05) predicted forest carbon stocks with R2 ranging between 45 and 63% and RMSE ranging from 10.3 to 12.9%. However, when the reflectance in the red-edge band was included in the regression models the explained variance increased to between 68 and 70% with the RMSE ranging between 9.56 and 10.1%. A combination of SR and reflectance in the red edge produced the best predictor of forest carbon stocks. We concluded that integrating vegetation indices and reflectance in the red-edge band derived from high spatial resolution can be successfully used to estimate forest carbon in dry forests with minimal error.  相似文献   

Earth observation satellites with 1m resolution, such as Space Imaging's Ikonos system, offer the photogrammetric and remote sensing communities a significant new means for geospatial information collection. These satellites possess the potential for pixel-level geopositioning precision and promise timely, highly automated generation of two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) spatial information products. This paper concentrates on the pursuit of optimal accuracy and considers an essential first step in the evaluation of the Ikonos imaging system, namely the metric integrity of the sensor system. In the absence of sensor calibration information (the camera model), an empirical evaluation approach has been adopted. This involves an assessment of 2D transformations between image and planar object space. It is shown that based on results obtained in the Melbourne Ikonos Testfield, 2D geopositioning to 0.5 m accuracy is possible from the base-level "Geo"product when a modest amount of good quality ground control is available and sub-pixel image mensuration is achieved. These findings are applicable to both near-nadir imagery and oblique stereo images. Moreover, the results obtained suggest that there are no significant geometric perturbations in the sensor system and initial image processing, which augurs well for the successful application of non-collinearity based 3D orientation and triangulation models for Ikonos imagery.  相似文献   

Careful evaluation of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery after a fire event provides vital information useful in land management. The use of remotely sensed data is considered to be especially suitable for monitoring ecosystem dynamics after fire. The aim of this work was to map post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery on the Mediterranean island of Thasos by using a combination of very high spatial (VHS) resolution (QuickBird) and hyperspectral (EO-1 Hyperion) imagery and by employing object-based image analysis. More specifically, the work focused on (1) the separation and mapping of three major post-fire classes (forest regeneration, other vegetation recovery, unburned vegetation) existing within the fire perimeter, and (2) the differentiation and mapping of the two main forest regeneration classes, namely, Pinus brutia regeneration, and Pinus nigra regeneration. The data used in this study consisted of satellite images and field observations of homogeneous regenerated and revegetated areas. The methodology followed two main steps: a three-level image segmentation, and, a classification of the segmented images. The process resulted in the separation of classes related to the aforementioned objectives. The overall accuracy assessment revealed very promising results (approximately 83.7% overall accuracy, with a Kappa Index of Agreement of 0.79). The achieved accuracy was 8% higher when compared to the results reported in a previous work in which only the EO-1 Hyperion image was employed in order to map the same classes. Some classification confusions involving the classes of P. brutia regeneration and P. nigra regeneration were observed. This could be attributed to the absence of large and dense homogeneous areas of regenerated pine trees in the study area.  相似文献   

利用数字模拟方法,进一步探讨了类似MOMS-02参数的卫星三线阵CCD影像单航线、航线首末4角隅设一个控制点(以下简写为单航线4控点)的空中三角测量高程精度低的问题。研究得出,宽高比特别小(1:9)只是原因之一,更主要的因素还在于平差整过程数学关系带有近似性(包括EFP法和定向片法)。提出了改善精度的措施,并拟订了提高卫星三线阵CCD影像空中三角测量精度及摄影测量覆盖效能的系统。模拟计算表明,航线长度可以≥2B,在有外方位元素或无外方位元素少量控制点条件下,不论二线交会区,还是三线交会区均可达到高程精度为6m的摄影测量成果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify an appropriate spatial resolution for discriminating forest vegetation at subspecies level. WorldView-2 imagery was progressively resampled to coarser spatial resolutions. At a compartment level, 30 × 30-m subsets were generated across forest compartments to represent the five forest subspecies investigated in this study. From the centre of each subset, the spatial resolution of the original WorldView-2 image was resampled from 6 to 34-m, with increments of 4-m. The variance was then calculated at every resampled spatial resolution using each of the eight WorldView-2 bands. Based on the sampling theorem, the 3-m spatial resolution provided an appropriate resolution for all subspecies investigated. The WorldView-2 image was subsequently classified using the partial least squares linear discriminant analysis algorithm and the appropriate spatial resolution. An overall classification accuracy of 90% was established with an allocation disagreement of 9 and a quantity disagreement of 1.  相似文献   

李洋  张润宁 《测绘学报》2015,44(4):363-369
应用求解沿轨迹重力异常的垂线偏差法以及求解空间分辨率的交叉谱分析法,建立了高度计测距精度与沿轨迹重力异常反演精度以及空间分辨率的关联性模型。首先依据卫星测高原理,给出了沿轨迹重力异常的误差传播公式,然后以此为基础通过推导交叉谱分析中一致性系数与信噪比的数学表达式,建立了高度计测距精度与空间分辨率的解析关系。数值仿真结果表明:雷达高度计测距精度与沿轨迹重力异常反演精度成正比关系,与空间分辨率成幂函数关系,即高度计测距精度提高m倍,沿轨迹重力异常反演精度提高m倍,全球海域平均空间分辨率提高m0.464 4倍。将数值仿真结果与相关文献中对实际测高数据的处理结果进行比较,验证了理论分析及模型的正确性。  相似文献   

提出一种基于频域滤波的城市河道信息提取方法。首先对高分辨率遥感图像进行傅里叶变换得到频谱图, 并利用径向和角向分布图分析城市河道的频谱特征。其次, 基于城市河道的双线型特点, 将其分为边缘特征和低频信息两个部分, 并根据周期性纹理的频谱模型和地物频谱能量分布规律确定两个部分的频域识别标志。然后设计相应的扇环形带通log Butterworth滤波器和低通Butterworth滤波器分别对城市河道的边缘特征和低频信息进行提取, 并根据该两部分信息实现城市河道信息提取。最后对城市河道信息提取结果进行定量评价, 结果表明, 本文方法可以有效地实现城市河道的信息提取。  相似文献   

周宁平  廖明  匡秀梅 《测绘工程》2012,21(4):74-77,92
近年来,随着我国社会和经济的快速发展,土地利用现状发生了很大变化,原有土地利用资料已难以满足土地管理的需求.为了提高土地管理效率和水平,实现科学化管理,结合地方规划与国土资源管理现状,采用现代“3S”技术,建立集遥感信息以及土地利用信息于一体的土地利用数据库,为地方经济发展提供现势、详实、准确的科学依据,为国土资源规划、保护、管理和合理利用奠定坚实的基础.结合银川市土地利用现状更新调查项目,论述利用高分辨率卫星影像数据——地面分辨率达1 m的IKONOS影像进行土地利用现状更新调查的技术方法.  相似文献   

随着改革开放25年的建设,中国已沿着信息化带动工业发展的道路健康向前发展。在我国已成功实现载人飞船上天,将要开展卫星探月的同时,更加有必要大力发展我国独立自主的卫星对地观测事业,并使之成为国家经济建设、国家安全和社会可持续发展的有力保障,形成推动国民经济发展的强大产业链。文章从抓好地球空间信息的数据源这一角度来分析大力发展我国对地观测卫星及使之产业化的必要性,在分析现在存在的主要问题基础上,对今后我国的卫星对地观测事业提出了若干建设性建议。  相似文献   

高分辨率卫星遥感影像是城市空间地理信息的重要数据源,可通过遥感影像信息提取技术获取以满足城市规划、城市园林、市政公共管理等部门所需的城市专题地理信息数据。本文阐述了长春市利用高分辨率卫星正射影像,采用人机交互目视解译方法批量生产城市专题地理信息的技术实践。  相似文献   

资源三号卫星的成功发射填补了我国立体卫星测绘的空白,且可提供高分辨率的遥感影像。本文基于资源三号卫星影像,简要介绍了数字正射影像(DOM)快速制作流程,并分别对比分析其在无控、有控以及稀少控制条件下的精度。  相似文献   

关于我国似大地水准面的精化及有关问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
着重分析了我国新一代似大地水准面模型CQG2 0 0 0的实际分辨率 ,给出了该模型的精度估计 ,得出总体分辨率为 2 0km ,精度为± 0 .4m ;60 %地区分辨率达到或优于 1 0km ,精度为± 0 .3m。介绍了目前精化大地水准面的国际先进水平 ,指出了进一步精化我国大地水准面的必要性和途径及有关问题。  相似文献   

以滹沱河石家庄市市区段为例,利用高分辨率卫星影像数据,以多尺度影像分割与面向对象object—oriented影像分析方法为主要技术,融入传统分层分类法理论,利用样本多边形对象的成员函数建立训练区,通过监督分类获得滹沱河流域生态要素的空间数据,采用ArcInfo软件对此数据进行分析研究,提出石家庄市区段滹沱河流域不同生态功能区划分方案。  相似文献   

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