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We calculate the microphysical characteristics of stratospheric aerosol from lidar-sensing data at wavelengths of 355 and 532 nm using a priori information about the aerosol spectra obtained from balloon and aircraft measurement data. We analyze the mode structure of the spectra and its coupling with the integral microphysical characteristics of aerosol. For most implementations, it was shown that two aerosol modes (of background and volcanic natures) make commensurate contributions to integral aerosol characteristics, which makes it difficult to use the traditional method of model estimates. It is more efficient to use an optical model of a statistical character that is based on approximation dependences between the required integral aerosol characteristics and lidar-measured optical characteristics. We found that the area, volume, and effective size of particles and the lidar ratio at a wavelength of 355 nm correlated with the absolute values of backscattering coefficients at wavelengths of 355 or 532 nm and the lidar ratio at the wavelength of 532 nm correlated with the ratio of backscattering coefficients at these wavelengths. We estimate the error in the determination of integral characteristics of aerosol using the model developed. The model efficiency is demonstrated on real data of stratospheric aerosol lidar sensing.  相似文献   

中法海洋卫星散射计近海岸海面风场反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中法海洋卫星散射计(CSCAT)使用扇形波束旋转扫描体制,能够以多角度测量同一海面的雷达后向散射系数,并具有空间分辨率较高的特点。这为近海岸海面风场反演提供了新的机遇。本文介绍了CSCAT近海岸海面风场处理的主要流程和关键技术。特别地,在风场反演之前,利用一种矩形窗算术平均的方法将L1B级的高分辨率条带数据组合平均到相应的风矢量单元中,从而实现近海岸风场反演的快速预处理。通过对比CSCAT、欧洲先进散射计(ASCAT)以及美国QuikSCAT的近海岸风场,发现CSCAT风场的质量在离岸40 km以外区域具有良好的一致性,而在离岸40 km以内显著恶化。分析表明,CSCAT近海岸区域风场统计特征恶化的原因可能是由潜在的海冰污染引起的。总体而言,CSCAT的近海岸风场与模式背景风场和浮标风场都具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

利用设立于厦门岛西南部沿海的气溶胶地基观测站点2008年1月7日至2009年4月30日的观测资料,对厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度的每日逐时变化、逐日变化、逐月变化进行了分析研究,并利用观测结果对MODIS L2级气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)产品进行检验。结果表明,厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度每日逐时变化和逐月变化有一定的季节规律,而逐日变化随气象条件的不同有很大差异。一年中气溶胶光学厚度月平均值呈现春秋季双峰分布趋势,4月份最大,超过0.9,空气较为混浊;6月份呈现谷值,AOT小于0.3,空气相对清洁。夏季气溶胶主控粒子的粒径较大,而其余各月份的波长指数在平均值1.21附近波动,混浊系数年平均值为0.25。利用该地基观测资料对MODIS L2级AOD产品进行检验,MODIS反演的厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度逐月变化趋势和地基观测结果完全一致,表明MODIS卫星遥感气溶胶光学厚度能比较好地反映厦门海域的气溶胶季节变化特征。  相似文献   

因为星载雷达高度计风速资料有沿轨分辨率高、精度高的特点,对其进行深入研究有重要意义.在中国海洋二号动力环境卫星刚刚升空之际,对星载雷达高度计反演海面风速围内外研究进展作一个综述.首先介绍星载雷达高度计风速反演的理论依据及存在困难;然后以风速反演进展历程为主线,分别针对后向散射系数、波浪状态、降雨、白沫等物理量引入地球物...  相似文献   

Rainfall has two significant effects on the sea surface, including salinity decreasing and surface becoming rougher,which have further influence on L-band sea surface emissivity. Investigations using the Aquarius and TRMM 3B42 matchup dataset indicate that the retrieved sea surface salinity(SSS) is underestimated by the present Aquarius algorithm compared to numerical model outputs, especially in cases of a high rain rate. For example, the bias between satellite-observed SSS and numerical model SSS is approximately 2 when the rain rate is 25 mm/h. The bias can be eliminated by accounting for rain-induced roughness, which is usually modeled by rain-generated ring-wave spectrum. The rain spectrum will be input into the Small Slope Approximation(SSA) model for the simulation of sea surface emissivity influenced by rain. The comparison with theoretical model indicated that the empirical model of rain spectrumis more suitable to be used in the simulation. Further, the coefficients of the rain spectrum are modified by fitting the simulations with the observations of the 2–year Aquarius and TRMM matchup dataset. The calculations confirm that the sea surface emissivity increases with the wind speed and rain rate. The increase induced by the rain rate is rapid in the case of low rain rate and low wind speed. Finally, a modified model of sea surface emissivity including the rain spectrum is proposed and validated by using the matchup dataset in May 2014. Compared with observations, the bias of the rain-induced sea surface emissivity simulated by the modified modelis approximately 1e–4, and the RMSE is slightly larger than 1e–3. With using more matchup data, thebias between model retrieved sea surface salinities and observationsmay be further corrected,and the RMSE may be reduced to less than 1 in the cases of low rain rate and low wind speed.  相似文献   

利用2000~2008年的卫星高度计资料和QuikSCAT风场资料,反演了全球的海表的地转流和Ekman流,将两者合成后生成了0.5°×0.5°的逐周全球表层流产品。在计算Ekman流的时候,引入了权重函数,改进了Lagerloef方法中Ekman流在25°S和25°N上的不连续问题。分析表明:卫星资料反演的流产品能够反映出海表流场的特征,将其分别于TAO观测和SGUD流产品进行定量化的比较显示,所得流产品具有较高的反演精度和可信度,说明改进的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

卫星重力估计陆地水和冰川对全球海平面变化的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重力场恢复与气候试验(GRACE)卫星为高分辨率地监测全球海洋质量变化提供了一种新的手段。利用2003年1月至2014年12月Level-2 RL05的GRACE产品,进行去相关误差滤波、高斯滤波和海洋-陆地信号泄漏改正后,得到了全球陆地和海水质量变化,并分析了陆地水和冰川的质量变化对海平面长期变化的贡献。研究表明,全球陆地水和冰川的质量变化对海平面的贡献约为(2.09±0.54)mm/a,与卫星测高扣除海洋温盐数据比热容变化得到的海水质量长期变化(2.07±0.62)mm/a有着很好的一致性,其中全球陆地水储量对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.15±0.25)mm/a,南极冰盖对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.59±0.10)mm/a,格陵兰岛冰盖对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.72±0.12)mm/a,山地冰川对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.63±0.09)mm/a。并进一步讨论了不同分析中心GRACE重力场系数,一阶项系数和二阶项对质量项海平面变化的影响。结果表明,一阶项对质量项海平面的影响为(0.10±0.08)mm/a,二阶项对质量项海平面的影响为(0.16±0.04)mm/a,美国德克萨斯大学空间研究中心和德国地学研究中心分析结果较为一致,而美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室的结果则稍稍偏小。  相似文献   

Combined measurements of satellite altimeters make it possible to determine anomalies of the sea level of the Black Sea on a regular grid with a high spatial resolution 1/8°. In this work arrays of total geostrophic velocities of currents in the Black Sea basin are retrieved and compared with drifter measurements of current velocities for 1999–2007. The comparison is performed both for the whole array of drifter measurements (~110000 measurements) and individually for each drifter. To retrieve the velocities, two different arrays of mean dynamic topography (MDT) are used: synthetic and climatic mean dynamic topography. The comparison results demonstrate that using synthetic MDT is preferable for calculating geostrophic velocities. Velocities calculated by from satellite altimetry data agree with velocities obtained by in-situ data.  相似文献   

The hygroscopic properties of a model smoke aerosol series including ammonium sulfate, levoglucosan, and oxalic and humic acids were investigated. The condensation growth of particles and the relative humidity of direct and inverse particle-droplet phase transitions were measured with a tandem differential mobility analyzer. The data were obtained in the range of relative humidity from 4 to 95% at 298 K. Experimental growth factors were compared to the results of Koehler theory by using contemporary models of water activity in particles. It was shown that the hygroscopic properties of the aerosols were substantially different from the hygroscopic properties of the corresponding bulk phases. It was found that a complex microstructure of nanoparticles resulted in excess volume absorption of water, in some cases causing their full deliquescence at lower relative humidities than in macrosystems of identical composition. From the measurement data, a parametrization of hygroscopic particle growth was performed. The results of parametrization can be used to construct refined models of a smoke aerosol.  相似文献   

Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) was retrieved from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) on board the Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) for the first time. AOT values were retrieved over the ocean at a spatial scale of 0.5 × 0.5 km2 by using the look-up table (LUT)-based separation technique. The radiative transfer model (RTM) was used for different models of atmosphere-ocean environmental conditions, taking into account the realistic variability of scattering and absorption. Ocean surface properties affected by whitecaps and pigment content were also taken into account. The results show that the radiance observed by the GOCI amounts to only 5% of the radiation that penetrated the ocean and, consequently, 95% of the radiation is scattered in the atmosphere or reflected at the ocean surface in the visible wavelengths longer than 0.6 ìm. Within these wavelengths, radiance variations at the top of atmosphere (TOA) due to pigment variations are within 10%, while the radiance variation due to wind speed is considerably higher. For verification of GOCI-retrieved AOTs, comparison between GOCI and ground-based sunphotometer measurement at Gosan, Korea (126.10°E, 33.23°N)) showed good correlation (r = 0.99). The GOCI observations obtained by using the proposed technique showed promising results for the daily monitoring of atmospheric aerosol loading as well as being useful for environmental supervisory authorities.  相似文献   


Simplified geodetic formulas for very long and medium geodesies used in the sea and air navigation as well as methodology and formulas for investigating errors involved in these simplifictions for any hyperbolic system are presented.  相似文献   

A method for reconstructing the parameters of postvolcanic stratospheric aerosol from the results of joint measurements of the aerosol backscattering coefficient with lidar systems based on the Nd:YAG laser and the aerosol extinction coefficient with the SAGE III satellite instrumentation is developed. The most informative set of optical characteristics is determined for each of the microphysical parameters under consideration (concentration, surface area, volume, and effective size of particles of the fine and coarse aerosol fractions). Multiple polynomial regressions between optical and microphysical characteristics of aerosol are obtained. These regressions make it possible to determine the microphysical characteristics of aerosol within a wide range without solving incorrect inverse problems. The results are compared with independent experimental data. The errors of reconstructing microphysical parameters of aerosol are estimated for different situations in the stratosphere. The influence of the shape of particles of the dust fraction on the results of a reconstruction of the microphysical parameters of aerosol is considered.  相似文献   

Temperature and radiation effects of the 2010 summer fires are estimated on the basis of measurements at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), in the Moscow region. The surface air temperature during the 2010 summer smoke varied in antiphase with the aerosol mass concentration, and the thermal radiation balance in the surface layer of the atmosphere varied in phase. Under extreme smoke of the surface layer in August 2010, the reduction in surface air temperature at ZSS has been found to reach 4 K with an increase in the downward flux of thermal radiation by an average of 20 W/m2 and a decrease in the difference between upward and downward fluxes of thermal radiation by an average of 24 W/m2.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The present work is devoted to the development of a retrieval algorithm for the sea surface temperature from the two-channel measurements of the...  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of the quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO) of the zonal velocity in the equatorial stratosphere are investigated in this work on the basis of data from the NCEP/NCAR and ERA40 reanalyses and numerical experiments with the atmospheric general circulation (GCM) model developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (INM RAS). The problem of synchronizing QBO and semiannual oscillations (SAO) of the zonal velocity in the mesosphere is considered. It is shown that the process of synchronization to multiples of SAO periods is identifiable in the transition region between QBO and SAO. For all heights where QBO exist, their synchronization with SAO is expressed in the calculation of the period in terms of differences between the westerly maxima. The INM RAS GCM model is shown to satisfactorily reproduce the main spectral characteristics of QBO and SAO, as well as specific features of the variability of the QBO period obtained from reanalysis data. The possibility of synchronization with SAO or the annual cycle in the upper layers is shown on the basis of an investigation of QBO models with a small number of parameters, both for the absorption mechanism of planetary waves by the mean flow and for the breaking of short gravity waves. The QBO formation from different wave types, together with SAO and the annual cycle, can be considered a unified system of oscillations in the circulation of the equatorial upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

海洋一号C(HY-1C)卫星是中国首颗海洋水色业务卫星,其搭载的海岸带成像仪(CZI)在近海海洋环境监测中正发挥越来越重要的作用;随着搭载有相同传感器的HY-1D卫星发射,双星组网观测,可形成3天2次的高频次、大范围对海观测能力,在海洋漂浮藻类、海洋溢油等目标探测方面具备优异的效能。高空间分辨率光学数据中包含了丰富的海洋环境信息,给特定目标的识别提取带来一定干扰。本研究面向HY-1C卫星CZI载荷开展中国近海漂浮藻类识别提取的业务化应用需求,发展基于藻类缩放指数与虚拟基线高度融合的海洋漂浮藻类识别提取算法,算法优选适用于无短波红外波段国产数据的虚拟基线高度指数来增强藻类信号,通过藻类缩放指数滑动窗口运算,有效剔除高空间分辨率光学数据中的复杂干扰信息,实现了基于CZI数据的海洋漂浮藻类高精度提取,且具有较好的计算运行效率。此外,结合准同步高分卫星16 m多光谱数据,开展CZI数据含藻像元的不确定性分析,发现CZI数据反演结果对近海小斑块漂浮藻类存在不可忽视的高估现象。研究还指出,光学数据用于漂浮藻类监测,其不确定性不仅来源于传感器的空间分辨率差异,还与海洋漂浮藻类形态特征的空间分异性有关。明晰海洋漂浮藻类的形态学空间分异特征,将有助于提高光学数据反演结果的精度,并阐明不确定性。  相似文献   

The influence that megalopolises have on the atmospheric composition on regional and global scales is the subject of intense investigations; however, data on the emissions of pollutants used for such investigations are often insufficiently reliable. In this work the possibilities for diagnosing long-term changes in nitrogen oxide emissions in megalopolises are investigated based on a combined use of data from satellite measurements and modeling of the tropospheric nitrogen dioxide content. Primary emphasis is placed on analyzing possible situations when emission changes are of a nonlinear character. The proposed methodology includes an original method for the nonlinear approximation of changes in a physical quantity from a noised time series of its measurements. Changes in NO x emissions are investigated in 12 megalopolises of Europe and the Middle East in the period from 1996 to 2008. Statistically significant changes in NO x emissions are detected in five megalopolises (Baghdad, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, and Paris). By using three megalopolises (Madrid, Milan, and Paris) as an example, it is shown that a nonlinear approximation of NO x emission changes agrees better with independent ground-based measurements than an analogous linear approximation.  相似文献   

GPS浮标作为一种新型的海洋测量设备,近年来在海面高度现场测量和星载高度计定标方面取得了重要应用。通过仿真试验对反演海浪谱的方法和流程进行研究,旨在探索从GPS浮标测量的海面高度序列中提取海浪谱的方法。首先,使用Longuest模型生成了海浪波面位移时间序列,并通过Pierson-Moscowitz风浪谱对波面位移的统计特性进行约束,其随机性由相位引入。结合典型潮汐和GPS浮标仪器噪声的仿真时间序列,合成了仿真时间长度1h的1Hz(每秒1次)随机海面高度序列。然后,利用自相关函数法,进行高通滤波和数据压缩,得到了仿真的海浪谱。该仿真结果和理论海浪谱非常接近,可满足海浪谱反演的需求。最后,通过山东石岛外海的GPS浮标现场试验,验证了本文提出的反演方法的适用性。本文的研究解决了GPS浮标反演海浪谱的关键问题,丰富了海浪谱反演的手段,拓展了GPS浮标的应用领域,有望为未来我国的星载波谱仪定标服务。  相似文献   

We considered the procedure of digital processing of IR data on the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea obtained at the automated data reception station (ADRS) operated by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, UkSSR Academy of Sciences during the daily and nightly communication session with the NOAA satellite in the APT regime. Two methods were used: a histogram method (for the daily one-channel measurements) and a spectral-angular one (for the nightly dual-channel measurements). As a result, 117 and 99 digital charts of the sea surface radiation temperatures, respectively, were obtained for these basins, as well as 10-day and monthly combinations of the nightly and partially daily digital images. The compositions derived by these two techniques have been compared with the data set for July, which was statistically most complete.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

逆方法是海洋学研究中一个常用的方法,但是所求解的统计量通常和模式的先验假设不一致。为了解决这一问题,本文尝试将所求解的统计量作为模式的先验统计量,然后进行下一轮求逆运算,并重复这一过程。通过分析一个具体的案例,发现经过数次迭代之后,由于解和模式误差的协方差矩阵的行列式会变为零,从而所求解的统计量和它的先验假设之间的一致性变得很难评估。然而,在迭代过程中,解的后验统计量和先验统计量之间的数值上差异能够逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

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