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Profile variations in the Hα and Hβ lines in the spectra of the star 55 Cyg are investigated from observations acquired in 2010 at the Cassegrain focus of the 2-m telescope at the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory after named N.Tusi (Azerbaijan). The spectral resolution is approximately 15000. The emission and absorption components of the Ha profile are found to disappear on some observational days, and one of the spectrograms exhibits an inverse P-Cyg profile of Hα. It is suggested that the observational evidence for the nonstationary atmosphere of 55 Cyg can be associated in part with nonspherical stellar wind.  相似文献   

One of the popular models for the low/hard state of black hole binaries is that the standard accretion disk is truncated and the hot inner region produces, via Comptonization, hard X-ray flux.This is supported by the value of the high energy photon index, which is often found to be small,~ 1.7( 2), implying that the hot medium is starved of seed photons. On the other hand, the suggestive presence of a broad relativistic Fe line during the hard state would suggest that the accretion disk is not truncated but extends all the way to the innermost stable circular orbit. In such a case, it is a puzzle why the hot medium would remain photon starved. The broad Fe line should be accompanied by a broad smeared reflection hump at ~ 30 ke V and it may be that this additional component makes the spectrum hard and the intrinsic photon index is larger, i.e. 2. This would mean that the medium is not photon deficient, reconciling the presence of a broad Fe line in the observed hard state. To test this hypothesis,we have analyzed the RXTE observations of GX 339–4 from the four outbursts during 2002–2011 and identify observations when the system was in the hard state and showed a broad Fe line. We have then attempted to fit these observations with models, which include smeared reflection, to understand whether the intrinsic photon index can indeed be large. We find that, while for some observations the inclusion of reflection does increase the photon index, there are hard state observations with a broad Fe line that have photon indices less than 2.  相似文献   

1E 1207.4–5209 is an X‐ray source located at the centre of the supernova remnant (SNR) PKS 1209–52 (G296.5+10.0) and is thought to be an isolated neutron star (INS) associated with the SNR. Its optical spectrum shows several absorption lines and the X‐ray spectrum exhibits three variable absorption features at what appears to be harmonically related wavelengths, the latter being interpreted as due to cyclotron resonance. However, there are several serious problems, uncertainties and difficulties in the above association (SNR/INS) and in the interpretation of the spectra. In view of these, we suggest an alternative explanation of the observed spectra in terms of blueshifts. This implies that the optical and X‐ray absorption spectra are due to the central object of the SNR in association with two separate absorption clouds ejected at successively increasing speeds. The clouds have their origins in jets resulting from the merger of two very massive compact stars. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the observations of Cygnus X-3 carried out with the GT-48 gamma-ray telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1994–1995. The mean gamma-ray flux at energy E>1012 eV is shown to be approximately equal to 1.3×10?11 cm?2 s?1. The flux in 1994 was much lower than that in 1995, being (6.2±2.6)×10?12 cm?2 s?1; i.e., it was statistically insignificant. The flux in 1995 was (2.7±0.7)×10?11 cm?2 s?1. Thus, the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Cyg X-3 is variable. These measurement results can be used to obtain upper limits on the flux from Cyg X-3 in 1994–1995.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Based on long-term SWIFT, RXTE, and MAXI observations of the X-ray novae H 1743-322 (IGR J17464-3213) and GX 339-4, we have investigated the morphology and classified the light...  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of O-type stars projected onto the Per OB1 association has been investigated. From the limited data available we find evidence to suggest that there are several distinct clusters of early type stars in the association's line of sight. It is found that all those stars identified in the past as being blue stragglers are likely situated in the most distant cluster and consequently they are unlikely to be coevally related to the closer stellar groups. Our argument is that all those stars previously classified as blue stragglers in Per OB1 are normal O and OBN stars.  相似文献   

The spectra of galactic infrared sources over the waveband 2.5–4 m provide clear evidence for an organic composition of interstellar grains.  相似文献   

In clusters of galaxies, the reaction of the intracluster medium (ICM) to the motion of the co-existing galaxies in the cluster triggers the formation of unique features, which trace their position and motion. Galactic wakes, for example, are an apparent result of the ICM/galaxy interactions, and they constitute an important tool for deciphering the motion of the cluster galaxies.
In this paper we investigate whether Bondi–Hoyle accretion can create galactic wakes by focusing the ICM behind moving galaxies. The solution of the equations that describe this physical problem provides us with observable quantities along the wake at any time of its lifetime. We also investigate which are the best environmental conditions for the detectability of such structures in the X-ray images of clusters of galaxies.
We find that significant Bondi–Hoyle wakes can only be formed in low-temperature clusters, and that they are more pronounced behind slow-moving, relatively massive galaxies. The scalelength of these elongated structures is not very large: in the most favourable conditions a Bondi–Hoyle wake in a cluster at the redshift of z =0.05 is 12 arcsec long. However, the X-ray emission of the wake is noticeably strong: the X-ray flux can reach ∼30 times the flux of the surrounding medium. Such features will be easily detectable in the X-ray images of nearby, relatively poor clusters of galaxies by the Chandra and XMM-Newton satellites.  相似文献   

The DEAP-1 low-background liquid argon detector was used to measure scintillation pulse shapes of electron and nuclear recoil events and to demonstrate the feasibility of pulse-shape discrimination down to an electron-equivalent energy of 20 keVee.In the surface dataset using a triple-coincidence tag we found the fraction of β events that are misidentified as nuclear recoils to be <1.4×107 (90% C.L.) for energies between 43–86 keVee and for a nuclear recoil acceptance of at least 90%, with 4% systematic uncertainty on the absolute energy scale. The discrimination measurement on surface was limited by nuclear recoils induced by cosmic-ray generated neutrons. This was improved by moving the detector to the SNOLAB underground laboratory, where the reduced background rate allowed the same measurement to be done with only a double-coincidence tag.The combined data set contains 1.23 × 108 events. One of those, in the underground data set, is in the nuclear-recoil region of interest. Taking into account the expected background of 0.48 events coming from random pileup, the resulting upper limit on the level of electronic recoil contamination is <2.7×108 (90% C.L.) between 44–89 keVee and for a nuclear recoil acceptance of at least 90%, with 6% systematic uncertainty on the absolute energy scale.We developed a general mathematical framework to describe pulse-shape-discrimination parameter distributions and used it to build an analytical model of the distributions observed in DEAP-1. Using this model, we project a misidentification fraction of approximately 1010 for an electron-equivalent energy threshold of 15 keVee for a detector with 8 PE/keVee light yield. This reduction enables a search for spin-independent scattering of WIMPs from 1000 kg of liquid argon with a WIMP-nucleon cross-section sensitivity of 1046 cm2, assuming negligible contribution from nuclear recoil backgrounds.  相似文献   

A theory of gravitation with a flat background metric and a dynamical variable (variable gravitational constant) is investigated. It is shown that such bimetric scalar-tensor theory (BSTT) generalized GR as all the solutions of GR equations and(x) = constant satisfy BSTT equations, firstly, and BSTT equations contain non-Einstein solutions with the variable, secondly. Due to this fact, the problem on the agreement of BSTT with the observational data is reduced to the problem on the agreement of GR with the observational data and to the interpretation of the solutions with the variable. The latter may prove useful for the prediction of new effects. Examples of such effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The X-ray source AXJ0341.4–4453 was described by Boyle et al. as a Type 2 active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z =0.672 based on the absence of broad emission lines in the observed wavelength range 4000–7000 Å. We obtained a new spectrum of AXJ0341.4–4453 extending to 9600 Å which reveals broad Balmer lines and other characteristics of Seyfert 1 galaxies. The FWHM of broad H β is at least 1600 km s−1, while [O  iii ] λ 5007 has FWHM=730 km s−1. The flux ratio [O  iii ] λ 5007/H β =1. Thus, AXJ0341.4–4453 is by definition a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, or perhaps a moderately reddened Seyfert 1 galaxy, but it is not a Type 2 QSO. Although examples of the latter have long been sought, particularly in connection with the problem of the X-ray background, there is still virtually no evidence for the existence of any Type 2 QSO among X-ray selected samples.  相似文献   

Robert A. Craddock 《Icarus》2011,211(2):1150-1161
Despite many efforts an adequate theory describing the origin of Phobos and Deimos has not been realized. In recent years a number of separate observations suggest the possibility that the martian satellites may have been the result of giant impact. Similar to the Earth–Moon system, Mars has too much angular momentum. A planetesimal with 0.02 Mars masses must have collided with that planet early in its history in order for Mars to spin at its current rate (Dones, L., Tremaine, S. [1993]. Science 259, 350–354). Although subject to considerable error, current crater-scaling laws and an analysis of the largest known impact basins on the martian surface suggest that this planetesimal could have formed either the proposed 10,600 by 8500-km-diameter Borealis basin, the 4970-km-diameter Elysium basin, the 4500-km-diameter Daedalia basin or, alternatively, some other basin that is no longer identifiable. It is also probable that this object impacted Mars at a velocity great enough to vaporize rock (>7 km/s), which is necessary to place large amounts of material into orbit. If material vaporized from the collision with the Mars-spinning planetesimal were placed into orbit, an accretion disk would have resulted. It is possible that as material condensed and dissipated beyond the Roche limit forming small, low-mass satellites due to gravity instabilities within the disk. Once the accretion disk dissipated, tidal forces and libration would have pulled these satellites back down toward the martian surface. In this scenario, Phobos and Deimos would have been among the first two satellites to form, and Deimos the only satellite formed—and preserved—beyond synchronous rotation. The low mass of Phobos and Deimos is explained by the possibility that they are composed of loosely aggregated material from the accretion disk, which also implies that they do not contain any volatile elements. Their orbital eccentricity and inclination, which are the most difficult parameters to explain easily with the various capture scenarios, are the natural result of accretion from a circum-planetary disk.  相似文献   

The photometric JHKLM observations of the symbiotic novae V1016 Cyg and HM Sge in 1978–1999 are presented. Parameters of the cool stars themselves and the dust envelopes are estimated. The periods of 470±5 days (for V1016 Cyg) and 535±5 days (for HM Sge) are reliably determined from the entire set of our photometric J data for V1016 Cyg and HM Sge. In addition, monotonic light and color variations are observed on a time scale of several thousand days, with the increase in infrared brightness occurring with the simultaneous decrease in infrared color indices; i.e., the dust envelopes in which both components of the systems were embedded before the outburst of their hot sources in 1964 and 1975, respectively, had continued to disperse until late 1999. The amplitudes of these variations for HM Sge are almost twice those for V1016 Cyg. For HM Sge, the dust envelope reached a maximum density near JD 2447500 and then began to disperse. In the case of V1016 Cyg, a maximum density of the dust envelope was probably reached near JD 2444800, and its dispersal has been continuing for about 20 years. Thus, in both symbiotic novae, their dust envelopes reached a maximum density approximately eight years after the outburst of the hot component and then began to disperse. An analysis of the color-magnitude (J–K, J) diagram reveals that grains in the dust envelopes of V1016 Cyg and HM Sge are similar in their optical properties to impure silicates. The observed [J–K, K–L] color variations for the symbiotic novae under study can be explained in terms of the simple model we chose by variations in the Mira's photospheric temperature from 2400 to 3000 K and in the dust-envelope optical depth from 1 to 3 at a wavelength of 1.25 µm for a constant grain temperature. The observed J–K and K–L color indices for both symbiotic novae, while decreasing, tend to the values typical of Miras. The dust envelopes of both symbiotic novae are optically thick. The dust envelope around HM Sge is, on the average, twice as dense as that around V1016 Cyg; the Mira in V1016 Cyg is slightly cooler (~2800–2900 K) than that in HM Sge (~2600–2700 K). The dust-envelope density decreases as the Mira's temperature increases. The absolute bolometric magnitudes are $ - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 15$ for V 1016 Cyg and $5\mathop .\limits^m 27 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 17$ for HM Sge. Their distances are 2.8±0.6 and 1.8±0.4 kpc, respectively; the luminosities and radii of their cool components (Miras) are 8.6×103 L , 1×104 L , 500R , and 540R . The radii of their dust envelopes are 1400R and 1500R ; the masses are (3?3.3) × 10?5M and (4?8) × 10?5M The dust envelope of V1016 Cyg disperses slower than that of HM Sge by almost a factor of 25.  相似文献   

Ilgin Seker 《Solar physics》2013,286(2):303-314
We study whether the birthplaces of sunspots (defined as the location of first appearance in the photosphere) are related to the planetary tides on the Sun. The heliocentric longitudes of newly emerging sunspots are statistically compared to the longitudes of tidal peaks caused by the tidal planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter. The longitude differences between new sunspots and tidal planets (and their conjugate locations) as well as the magnitudes of the vertical and horizontal tidal forces at the birthplace of new sunspots are calculated. The statistical distributions are compared with simulation results calculated using a random sunspot distribution. The results suggest that the birthplaces of sunspots (in the photosphere) are independent of the positions of tidal planets and the strength of tidal forces caused by them. However, since the sunspots actually originate near the tachocline (well below the photosphere) and it takes considerable time for the disturbances to reach photosphere, we hesitate to conclude that the formation of sunspots are not related to planetary positions.  相似文献   

High dispersion CCD spectra are used to study the profiles of the Hα and Hβ lines of 48 stars in early spectral classes in the young diffuse binary cluster h/χ Per. In addition, moderate resolution spectra of 15 B and Be stars were taken over the interval 4400–4960 Å. One or, possibly, two new Be stars are discovered. The major parameters of the Hα line are measured for the observed B and Be stars. The spectra over 4400–4960 Å are used to estimate Teff, logg, and υsin i. No traces of emission are detected in the Hα line profiles for 28 of the stars and emission is observed in the Hα line for 20. During our observations an absorption profile of the Hα line was observed for some of the stars, such as Oo146, Oo566, Oo922, and Oo1268, although they have previously been identified as Be stars. A significant long-term variability of the Hα line is discovered for the Be stars Oo1161 and Oo2242. Oo2371 manifests a variability in its faint emission spectrum which is typical of close binary systems that include a Be star. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 305–319 (May 2008).  相似文献   

Optical spectra of the NGC 4151 with the TV scanner of the 6-meter telescope in 1986–1991 are presented. Spectra averaged over periods of 2.5 months show changes of asymmetry of the He II 4686 Å broad emission line with a characteristic time scale 2 years (the full cycle of the changes is approximately 4 years). Possible explanations involving a precession-type of movement of cones of ionizing radiation are discussed.  相似文献   

Krucker  Säm  Benz  Arnold O. 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):341-358
Temporary enhancements of the coronal emission measure in a quiet region have been shown to constitute a significant energy input. Here some relatively large events are studied for simultaneous brightenings in transition region lines and in radio emission. Associated emissions are discussed and tested for characteristics known from full-sized impulsive flares in active regions. Heating events and flares are found to have many properties in common, including (i) associated polarized radio emission, which usually precedes the emission measure peak (Neupert effect) and sometimes has a non-thermal spectrum, and (ii) associated and often preceding peaks in Ov and Hei emission. On the other hand, heating events also differ from impulsive flares: (i) In half of the cases, their radio emission at centimeter waves shows a spectrum consistent with thermal radiation, (ii) the ratio of the gyro-synchrotron emission to the estimated thermal soft X-ray emission is smaller than in flares, and (iii) the associated emission in the Ov transition region line shows red shifts and blue shifts, indicating upflows in the rise phase and downflows in the decay phase, respectively. Nevertheless, the differences seem to be mainly quantitative, and the analyzed heating events with thermal energies around 1026 erg may in principle be considered as microflares or large nanoflares, thus small versions of regular flares.  相似文献   

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