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转换波共转换点(Common Conversion Point简称CCP)叠加的关键在于CCP抽道集和非双曲线正常时差校正NMO(Normal MoveOut). 目前方法的精度限制了其在中-浅层或大炮检距情况下的应用. 我们对CCP叠加技术进行了系统研究,导出了新的CCP位置计算公式和非双曲线时距关系式,并给出了具体的CCP抽道集方法. 理论模型试验和实验资料处理表明本文方法精度高、简便易行,特别是对于中-浅层和大炮检距情况也能得到良好的叠加效果. 相似文献
转换波共转换点(Common Conversion Point简称CCP)叠加的关键在于CCP抽道集和非双曲线正常时差校正NMO(Normal MoveOut). 目前方法的精度限制了其在中-浅层或大炮检距情况下的应用. 我们对CCP叠加技术进行了系统研究,导出了新的CCP位置计算公式和非双曲线时距关系式,并给出了具体的CCP抽道集方法. 理论模型试验和实验资料处理表明本文方法精度高、简便易行,特别是对于中-浅层和大炮检距情况也能得到良好的叠加效果. 相似文献
转换波转换点的位置对转换波道集的抽取和叠加都非常重要.目前对于单一倾斜反射界面或水平层状介质模型,已经能较好地计算转换波转换点的位置.本文针对多层倾斜层状介质,提出最佳角度搜索法求取P-SV转换波转换点的位置,此方法是通过搜索最符合Snell定律的入射角和反射角来确定最佳的P-SV转换波转换点的位置.在搜索最佳转换点位置的同时,该方法也能给出最佳的P-SV波的传播路径.本文在单层和双层倾斜层状介质模型中测试了该方法,获得了精确的P-SV转换波转换点的位置和P-SV波的传播路径. 相似文献
在反射地震转换波资料处理中,准确求取共转换点一直是一个难题,采用叠前时间偏移技术能避免共转换点道集的抽取,而且能够使转换波归位到真正的反射点上,实现准确成像.本文针对火山岩地震屏蔽层的转换波成像问题,通过对转换波共近似转换点道集进行速度分析,建立了转换波叠前时间偏移的初始速度场,通过速度扫描和纵、横波速度比值扫描确定最佳的偏移速度场和纵、横波速度比值,实现了在火山岩高速层覆盖区域的转换波偏移成像.实际资料的成像结果表明,本文采用的近似转换点计算以及转换波叠前时间偏移方法是有效的. 相似文献
由于转换波记录静校正量大、信噪比一般较低,利用反射波进行静校正往往不易取得满意的结果.由于转换波自身特点,转换波初至的识别和拾取一直是一个难题.论文通过推导共检波点道集中初至的时距曲线公式得到了共检波点道集中P-P-P波初至和P-P-SV波初至在一定偏移据范围内平行的结论.根据这一结论,提出了共检波点域初至波叠加法确定转换波初至的算法.利用这种算法对宣汉地区的转换波资料进行了转换波初至识别,并拾取了纵波和转换波初至时差,使用延迟时时差法计算静校正量取得了令人满意的效果. 相似文献
转换波四参数速度分析方法在k71地区的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
3-D converted-wave data were acquired using digital MEMS (micro-electromechanical system) three component (3C) sensors in the alternating sand and shale sequence in the overburden of the Shengli Ken-71 area. This gives rise to serious non-hyperbolic moveout effects in the converted-wave data due to both the asymmetrical ray path and anisotropic effects. Conventional velocity analysis and moveout correction based on isotropic methods do not flatten reflections events. Here, we use a four-parameter theory to evaluate these effects and process the data. These four parameters include the PS converted wave stacking velocity (Vc2), the vertical velocity ratio (Y0), the effective velocity ratio (Yeff), and the anisotropy parameter (xoff), The method utilizes the moveout information at different offsets to estimate the different parameters and ensures that the events are properly aligned for stacking, As a result, this four-parameter theory leads to an improvement in imaging quality and correlation between the P-waves and converted-waves. 相似文献
P波质点运动已经成为研究地震台站下方浅部地壳S波速度结构的一种重要手段.然而,现有研究主要基于水平层状各向同性介质的假设,对于各向异性和倾斜界面对P波质点运动的影响仍缺乏系统研究.本文通过理论模拟初步研究了各向异性和倾斜界面情况下的P波质点运动特征.模拟结果表明,各向异性和倾斜界面会使P波质点运动随反方位发生周期性变化,而且这种变化具有频率依赖性,反映了结构的垂向变化.四川盆地是研究青藏高原生长与物质外向逃逸的重要场所.本研究以盆地内部的宽频带流动地震台站S124为例,探讨利用P波质点运动研究浅部地壳各向异性和界面几何结构的可行性.研究结果显示,台站下方~4-5 km以浅的地壳具有明显各向异性(~20%),且其快轴方向(近东西向)与川中走滑断裂带走向一致.这表明研究区浅部地壳的变形模式可能主要受到断裂构造的控制.本研究的理论模拟和初步应用均表明,利用不同频率P波质点运动的反方位变化能够有效约束浅部地壳的各向异性和/或界面几何结构.
The Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) is used to determine the variation with depth of the shear (and longitudinal) wave velocity at various sites in Belgium. The cross correlation technique together with a posteriori increase of the sampling frequency proves to be a reliable method to determine wave velocities by the SCPT. Additionally, the Spectral Ratio Slope (SRS) method is applied to Fourier transforms of the measured response to determine the variation of the material damping ratio with depth. This method is applied to synthetic signals computed for three different soil profiles with known characteristics and to the horizontal acceleration time histories that have been measured during SCPT on two sites. The influence of some signal processing techniques commonly applied in the SRS method is studied. A remarkable influence of the window length, applied on the predicted signals, on the computed material damping ratio is found, especially its scattering. It is therefore concluded that the use of a window function should be avoided wherever possible. On one of the two test sites, results of Resonant Column Tests and Free Torsion Pendulum Tests on undisturbed soil samples have been used to evaluate the values of the shear wave velocity and the material damping ratio as obtained in the in situ test. 相似文献
北京地区地震波速比异常变化与首都圈中等地震的关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用首都圈数字地震台网记录到的P波和S波到时资料,选取北京地区有5个以上记录台站共76个地震事件,计算北京地区地震波速比的平均值及其随时间的变化,发现首都圈地区中等地震前北京地区地震波速比出现了较明显的低值异常。因此,依据北京地区地震的波速比变化特征,可以为首都圈地区发生的中等地震提供一定程度的跟踪预测意见。 相似文献
The western part of Anatolia is one of the most seismically and tectonically active continental regions in the world, and
much of it has been undergoing NS-directed extensional deformation since the Early Miocene. In this study, we determine 3-D
tomographic images of the crust under the southwestern part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone by inverting a large number
of arrival time data of P and S waves. From the obtained P- and S-wave velocity models, we estimated the Poisson’s ratio structures for a more reliable interpretation of the obtained anomalies.
Our tomographic results confirmed the major tectonic features detected by previous studies and revealed new structural heterogeneities
related to the active seismotectonics of the studied area. High P-wave velocity anomalies are recognized near the surface, while at deeper crustal layers, low P-wave velocities are widely distributed. The crustal S-wave velocity and Poisson’s ratio exhibit more structural heterogeneities compared to the P-wave velocity structure. Microearthquake activity is intense along highly heterogeneous zones in the southwestern part, which
is characterized by low to high P-wave velocity, low S-wave velocity, and high Poisson’s ratio anomalies. Large earthquakes are also concentrated in zones dominated by low velocities
and low to high Poisson’s ratios. Results of the checkerboard and synthetic tests indicate that the imaged anomalies are reliable
features down to a depth of 25 km. Moreover, they are consistent with many geological and geophysical results obtained by
other researchers along the southwestern part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
An instrumental validation is attempted of an innovative approach devoted to the quick individuation, from macroseismic data, of site amplification phenomena able to significantly modify seismic hazard levels expected on the basis of average propagation effects only. According to this methodology, two evaluations of hazard are performed at each investigated locality: the former, obtained by epicentral intensity data ‘reduced’ at the site through a probabilistic attenuation function and, the latter, computed by integrating such data with seismic effects actually observed at the site during past earthquakes. The comparison, for each locality, between these two hazard estimates allow to orientate the identification of those sites where local amplifications of earthquake ground motion could be significant. In order to check such methodology, indications obtained in this way from macroseismic data are compared with the estimates of transfer functions performed through the HVSR technique applied to microtremors. Results concerning municipalities located in a seismic area of Northern Italy indicate a good agreement between macroseismic and instrumental estimates. 相似文献