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环境磁学研究现状和进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
环境磁学是八十年代逐步发展起来的具有学科交叉特点的边缘学科。它主要应用岩石和矿磁学研究磁性颗粒的搬运、沉积以及转化受大气圈、水圈和岩石圈环境变化影响的过程。近年来,环境磁学已提供了大量有关全球变化过程以及人类活动对环境影响等重要资料,其研究范畴迅速扩展,已成为当今地学的前沿学科之一。  相似文献   

环境磁学研究的简介   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
本文概述了环境磁学研究方法的基本问题,原理和应用,提出了环境磁学存在的问题和发展的方向。  相似文献   

磁性矿物的磁学鉴别方法回顾   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
磁性矿物的组成和颗粒粒径的分布决定了岩石或沉积物的基本磁学性质及其所携带的天然剩磁在地质时期内的稳定性.由于自然界中磁性矿物的复杂性和多样性,如何有效的确定磁性矿物的成分和粒径分布一直是岩石磁学的基础和难点.本文对确定磁性矿物成分和粒径分布的常见方法进行了较为详细的总结和分析,并对常见磁性矿物在高温和低温下的磁学性质进行了详细的论述.最后对如何应用综合方法判定样品中的磁性矿物种类以及粒度分布进行了探讨.  相似文献   

通过固城湖沉积物中高分辨率的岩石磁学取样及其实验研究,取得了环境磁学参数及各种磁参数的比值随深度的变化曲线,结合其他气候指标和同位素年龄结果,表明湖泊沉积中磁参数及其比值的变化能与末次晚冰期以来的古气候变化很好地相对应,尤其是在4.00m和12.03m的气候转折点上,沉积物中环境磁参数及其比值同样出现明显的变化,有力地说明沉积物中磁参数及其比值能很好地记录湖泊沉积物沉积时的古气候变化,并且可用来认识古环境突变的界线.  相似文献   

杭州城区土壤的磁性与磁性矿物学及其环境意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对杭州城区四个不同功能区块土壤进行了系统的环境磁学测定,结果表明城市土壤的磁化率平均值为128×10-8m3·kg-1,频率磁化率平均值3.6%(样品数=182),城市土壤呈现明显的磁性增强. 城市土壤的磁化率与频率磁化率呈极显著指数负相关,表明城市土壤磁性增强明显区别于自然成土过程引起的以超顺磁性(SP)颗粒为主的表土磁性增强机理. 统计分析表明,城市土壤磁化率与软剩磁和饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)呈显著直线正相关,说明亚铁磁性矿物是城市土壤剩余磁性的主要载体. 综合等温剩磁获得曲线、热磁曲线、磁滞回线等岩石磁学测定和SEM/EDX分析,城市土壤的磁性矿物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿为主,磁性矿物以假单畴-多畴(PSD-MD)颗粒存在,粒度明显大于成土过程形成的磁性颗粒,这些磁性颗粒主要来自燃料燃烧、汽车尾气等环境污染物. 因此,城市土壤磁测可作为城市土壤污染监测、污染空间分布和污染物来源判断的新手段.  相似文献   

现代湖泊沉积物中磁性矿物的研究及其环境意义   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
通过固城湖沉积物中高分辨率的岩石磁学取样及其实验研究,取得了环境磁学参数及各种磁参数的比值随深度的变化曲线,结合其他气候指标和同位素年龄结果,表明湖泊沉积中磁参数及其比值的变化能与末次晚冰期以来的古气候变化很好地相对应,尤其是在4.00m和12.03m的气候转折点上,沉积物中环境磁参数及其比值同样出现明显的变化,有力地说明沉积物中磁参数及其比值能很好地记录湖泊沉积物沉积时的古气候变化,并且可用来认识古环境突变的界线.  相似文献   

祁连山山间盆地内的新生代沉积物是研究新生代以来祁连山构造演化的重要材料.本文以位于祁连山中部祁连盆地内的新生代沉积物为研究对象,利用磁性地层学方法结合碎屑颗粒裂变径迹定年方法获取其沉积时代框架,在此基础上,结合岩性变化与沉积环境变迁分析祁连山构造演化历史.野外实测剖面显示该盆地内的第三系可划分为下部砾岩组和上部砂岩组两大岩性单元.古地磁结果显示砾岩组的沉积时代约为10-14.3 Ma.砾岩组沉积大约在14.3 Ma开始形成,指示祁连山14.3 Ma以来构造活动变强烈.磁组构结果显示砾石组顶部沉积形成时的受力方向与现今祁连盆地周缘断层分布所指示的应力方向一致,表明这些断层大约在10 Ma附近开始活动.我们的结果揭示祁连山中部山脉14.3 Ma以来尤其在10 Ma附近构造活动较强烈.这与过去低温热年代学所获得的祁连山山体的快速冷却年龄及祁连山两端大型盆地内的第三系所记录的构造事件发生的时间基本吻合.而砂岩组的古地磁结果并未通过褶皱检验,其古地磁记录发生了后期重磁化,无法获得地层的准确沉积年龄.  相似文献   

环境磁学在城市环境污染监测中的应用和进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
环境磁学是一门介于地球科学、环境科学和磁学之间的边缘科学,已广泛应用于很多领域.本文在简述了环境磁学参数和不同环境中磁性矿物变迁和演化过程的基础上,介绍了环境磁学在城市环境污染的不同方面所取得的进展,探讨了环境磁学在土壤污染和大气等城市环境污染研究中的不足,提出了环境磁学在城市环境污染研究领域的发展趋势.  相似文献   

呼伦湖湖泊沉积物磁化率变化的环境磁学机制   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:52  
对内蒙古呼伦湖地区的研究表明当湖泊水深较大时 (对应于湿润气候 ) ,所沉积的泥质沉积物的磁性较高 ;反之 ,水位低时 (对应于干旱气候 ) ,所沉积的砂性沉积物的磁化率较低 .深入的岩石磁学研究证实 ,来自湖泊流域火山岩中的碎屑磁铁矿广泛地存在于泥质及砂性样品之中 .当湖泊水位较高时 ,在相对的还原条件下 ,在泥质沉积物中形成次生的铁磁性硫化铁矿物 .该磁性矿物叠加在少量的碎屑成因的磁铁矿上 ,主导了泥质沉积物的磁性 ,导致了磁化率的上升  相似文献   

太湖沉积物的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
本文以太湖沉积物为研究对象,试图在磁性测量的基础上,对太湖湖区四个样芯进行分层,建立芯间层位对应联系,并结合孢粉,粒度,地球化学和有机质含量等分析测定,从沉积物样芯的磁参数曲线变化中提取该地区的环境变化信息,研究结果表明,由于该方法具快速简便,经济易行,无破坏等优点,从而可能对样芯作连续测量,以提取分辨率的环境变化信息,在湖泊沉积物的研究中有着独的作用,可作为地球化学,孢粉,微体古生物,粒度等分析  相似文献   

The equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport refer to the relative balance of sediment transport and the relative stability of river courses formed by the automatic adjustment of riverbeds.This is the theoretical basis for the comprehensive management of sediment in the Yellow River.Based on the theories of sediment carrying capacity and the delayed response of riverbed evolution,in this study,the equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport in the Yellow River are established.These relations include the equilibrium relationships between water and sediment transport and bankfull discharge in the upper and lower Yellow River and between water and sediment transport and the Tongguan elevation in the middle Yellow River.The results reveal that for the Ningmeng reach,the Tongguan reach,and the lower Yellow River,erosion and deposition in the riverbeds are adjusted automatically,and water and sediment transport can form highly constrained equilibrium relationships.These newly established equilibrium relationships can be applied to calculate the optimal spatial allocation scheme for sediment in the Yellow River.  相似文献   

Two gravity cores collected off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta in the southern Bohai Sea were analyzed for grain size, the total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN) ratio, color diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, 14C dating and 137Cs and 210Pb isotope contents to clarify changes in the sedimentary environment during the Holocene. In particular, the effect of natural and artificial river-course shifts of the Huanghe on the Bohai Sea sediment was investigated. A peat layer, scouring surface and sharp changes in the grain size, TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L?, a?) and magnetic susceptibility were identified and are likely to be due to the early-Holocene sea-level rise resulting in environmental changes from coastal to shelf environments in the Bohai Sea. After the sea level reached its maximum at 6-7 ka BP, the lateral shifts in the river course of the Huanghe formed 10 superlobes, and superlobe 7 (11-1048 AD) and superlobe 10 (1855-present) of the Huanghe delta affected the core sites. The northern site of BH-239 has been more affected by the Huanghe since the middle Holocene. Notably, in the superlobe 10 period, the reshaping of the northern Huanghe delta due to an artificial river-course shift from northward to eastward in 1976 (e.g., a∼10 km shoreline retreat due to coastal erosion) was recorded in the core sediments, particularly in terms of the TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L? and a?) and magnetic susceptibility, owing to the huge sediment supply from coastal erosion of the former river mouth area.  相似文献   

Wang C  Du J  Gao X  Duan Y  Sheng Y 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(11):2469-2475
With its close proximity to Shengli Oilfield, China’s second largest oilfield, the Yellow River Delta is at high risk for crude oil contamination. The massive oil discharge in oilfield may offer a chance for a natural experiment to investigate compositional changes of oil residues and study the stability of source- and weathering-dependent molecular parameters in oil residues after spills. The results demonstrate that the conventional diagnostic ratios, such as C2920S/(20S + 20R), C29/C30H, C30βα/αβ, C3122S/(22S + 22R), C2-DBTs/C2-PHENs, C3-DBTs/C3-PHENs, DBT/MCHRY, CHRY/PHENs, are also valid for oil source identification even after extensive weathering of spilled oils in terrestrial environment, although some exceptions were encountered for extensively weathered sample. Moreover, the ratios of selected specific biomarkers (the oleanane index, the gammacerane index) have been developed and assessed as source indicators. Finally, we find that some maturity parameters based on alkyl naphthalenes and methyl phenanthrenes in petroleum geochemistry, such as the methylnaphthalene ratios (TMNr, TeMNr, PMNr), the methylphenanthrene ratios (MPI-1, MPDF), can be applied for the source identification and correlation at their lightly to moderately weathered stage.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates in the bed sediment of the Yellow River   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Extensive agricultural,industrial and urban development in the Yellow River,China,have modified the sediment-water balance,flow and inundation regimes,longitudinal connectivity,integrity of riparian vegetation,and water quality.Macroinvertebrate assemblages in the bed sediment of main channel and major reservoirs of the Yellow River are described in detail for the first time.A total of 74 taxa comprising 17 taxa of oligochaetes,48 taxa of aquatic insects,5 taxa of molluscs,and 4 taxa of other animals were recorded.A range of feeding guilds were represented,including, collector-gatherers(32 taxa),predators(17 taxa),scrapers(16 taxa),shredders(6 taxa)and collector-filterers(2 taxa).Both the mean density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were significantly higher in sites located in the artificial reservoirs compared with the main river channel. Assemblages varied spatially;Oligochaetes dominated assemblages in upper reaches,insects dominated in middle reaches and other animals(e.g.Crustacea)dominated in lower reaches. Collector-gatherers were dominant throughout the entire river.Classification analysis identified five site-groups on the basis of macroinvertebrate presence/absence:downstream of reservoirs;vegetated sites;reservoir sites;polluted sites,and;lower-reach sites.Lower macroinvertebrate richness,density and biomass,compared with other similar large rivers,were attributed to modification of the sediment-water balance and associated disturbance of benthic habitats.Pollution,stability of sediment and sediment concentration combined to influence the distribution of macroinvertebrates.This knowledge will substantially benefit the recent focus on the health and environmental water requirements of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

Based on the measuring data of landforms, high-resolution seismic profiles, drilling cores, etc, a diapir body was found in the north of the modem Yellow River delta. The diapir body with a length of 5 km and a width of 1 km is distributed on the middle to low part of the slope of an abandoned delta lobe. Its formation is related to the deformity of the soft stratum which is deposited in the prodelta and covered by the stratum of the mouth bar sediments. Research results show that its formation is very different from the Mississippi River delta’s diapirs but related to the erosion of the seabed and occurs on the location with a large eroded quantity. The soft stratum and its diapir body can result in a great hazard to marine buildings. Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Z97E0’ 1004) and the Marine Oil Compny, Shengli Oil Bureau.  相似文献   

太湖平原WJ孔矿物磁学特征以及晚第四纪海侵事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于古地磁和AMS14C定年结果,对长江三角洲太湖平原的WJ孔进行岩性特征、矿物磁学、粒度分析及有孔虫化石研究,拟重建WJ孔记录的晚第四纪以来沉积环境演变过程与海侵事件,并探讨环境磁学参数对河口三角洲地区沉积环境演化的指示意义.研究结果表明,WJ孔可以划分为中更新世阶段I、中更新世阶段II、晚更新世、全新世四个阶段,沉积地貌环境分别为:河湖、滨海—阶地、河口坝—河口湾—潮滩与阶地、湖沼平原.WJ孔揭示了三次海侵事件,分别为中更新世晚期海侵,晚更新世MIS5海侵和晚更新世MIS3海侵.其中记录的MIS5e海侵最为强盛,MIS3后期也存在一次海侵加强事件.另外,滨海潮滩—河口坝环境的沉积物磁性特征明显,χlf、SIRM、HIRM等为显著高值.  相似文献   


现代洪水沉积物的沉积学特征研究是开展古洪水重建的一项基础工作.2018年黄河汛期洪水沉积物在兰州体育公园形成了一道天然堤.对该天然堤剖面的岩石磁学研究显示:沉积物中的磁性矿物既有磁铁矿,又有赤铁矿/针铁矿.磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁、S-ratio和L-ratio等参数在剖面上没有明显变化,指示2018年洪水沉积物源区、磁性矿物的种类和含量变化不显著.剖面下部(66~110 cm)沉积物的磁化率各向异性(AMS)椭球最大轴偏角集中分布(K1-Dec=22.8°±10.3°),上部(0~64 cm)沉积物的磁化率最大轴偏角在上半平面内随机分布;下部沉积物的磁性矿物粒度指标(χARM/χχARM/SIRM)和天然剩磁(NRM)强度低于上部;指示洪水沉积物的下部和上部分别形成于2018年黄河二号和三号洪水期间.由于二号洪水流量及水位陡升陡降、持续时间短,三号洪水水位升降相对缓慢、持续时间长;造成了两次洪水沉积物的AMS特征、χARM/χχARM/SIRM以及NRM强度差异.本研究揭示洪水沉积物的磁学参数能够灵敏地响应不同水动力条件和持续时间的洪水期次,从而具有高分辨率区分洪水事件的潜力.


This paper evaluates the applicability of the sediment transport methods developed by Engelund and Hansen, Ackers and White, Yang et al., and van Rijn, together with the Wuhan methods developed in China, to the Yellow River, which has highly concentrated and fine-grained sediment. The sediment data includes over 1000 observations from the Yellow River, 32 sets of data from a canal, and 266 sets of data from laboratory flumes. The best predictions were obtained by the Yang 1996 method, the Wuhan method, and the modified Wuhan method by Wu and Long, while reasonably good predictions were also provided by the van Rijn 2004 method. The Engelund and Hansen, the Ackers and White, and the van Rijn 1984 methods in their original forms are not applicable to the Yellow River. The predicted results for total load concentrations were as good as for bed-material concentrations, even though the total load includes a large portion of wash load.  相似文献   

Delta channels are important landforms at the interface of sediment transfer from terrestrial to oceanic realms and affect large, and often vulnerable, human populations. Understanding these dynamics is pressing because delta processes are sensitive to climate change and human activity via adjustments in, for example, mean sea level and water/sediment regimes. Data collected over a 40-year period along a 110-km distributary channel of the Yellow River Delta offer an ideal opportunity to investigate morphological responses to changing water and sediment regimes and intensive human activity. Complementary data from the delta front provide an opportunity to explore the interaction between delta channel geomorphology and delta-front erosion–accretion patterns. Cross-section dimensions and shape, longitudinal gradation and a sediment budget are used to quantify spatial and temporal morphological change along the Qingshuigou channel. Distinctive periods of channel change are identified, and analysis provides a detailed understanding of the temporal and spatial adjustments of the channel to specific human interventions, including two artificial channel diversions and changes in water and sediment supply driven by river management, and downstream delta-front development. Adjustments to the diversions included a short-lived period of erosion upstream and significant erosion in the newly activated channel, which progressed downstream. Channel geomorphology widened and deepened during periods when management increased water yield and decreased sediment supply, and narrowed and shallowed during periods when management reduced water yield and the sediment load. Changes along the channel are driven by both upstream and downstream forcing. Finally, there is some evidence that changing delta-front erosion–accretion patterns played an important role in the geomorphic evolution of the deltaic channel; an area that requires further investigation. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The flood season is the main period of flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation in the lower Yellow River(LYR).Within the flood season,most of the flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation occurs during flood events.Because of the importance of floods in forming riverbeds in the LYR,the regularity of sediment transport and sedimentation during floods in the LYR was studied.Measured daily discharge and sediment transport rate data for the LYR from 1960 to 2006 were used.A total of 299 floods wer...  相似文献   

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