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Records of past climate changes have been preserved variously on the earth's surface. Sand dunes are one such prominent imprint, and it is suggested that their presence is an indicator of periods of transition from arid to less arid phases. We report inland sand dunes from Andhra Pradesh (SE India) spread over an area of ~ 500 km2, ~ 75 km inland from the east coast. The dune sands are examined to understand their provenance, transportation, timing of sand aggradation and their relationship to past climates. The dune distribution, grain morphology and the grain-size studies on sands suggest an aeolian origin. Physiography of the study area, heavy mineral assemblage, and abundance of quartz in the parent rocks indicate that the dune sands are largely derived from first-order streams emanating from hills in the region and from weathering of the Nellore schist belt. It appears that the geomorphology and wind direction pattern both facilitated and restricted the dune aggradation and preservation to a limited area. OSL dating of 47 dune samples ranged from the present to ~ 50 ka, thereby suggesting a long duration of sand-dune aggradation and/or reworking history.  相似文献   

渭河中游全新世黄土剖面光释光测年及记录的古洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对渭河流域进行广泛的考察,在中游咸阳附近一处阶地发现保存完好的全新世黄土-古土壤剖面里夹有古洪水滞流沉积层,对其进行了年代学和沉积学研究。对于采集的全新世地层样品,进行粒度、磁化率测量分析,证明所夹沉积物是典型的古洪水滞流沉积物,该层记录了古洪水事件发生的气候水文信息。应用红外后蓝光的SAR光释光测年技术,获得该剖面9个OSL年龄值,确定渭河在距今3.2~2.8ka之间为一个洪水多发时期,并建立了渭河古洪水事件的年代序列。这一结果揭示了古洪水的频发与全新世中期向晚期过渡的转折时期,气候由温湿向干旱化发展,大气系统失稳,气候变化剧烈,降水量异常变化,变率增大,是导致渭河流域特大古洪水多发的主要原因。  相似文献   

Cumulative probability functions (CPFs) for large numbers of radiocarbon age determinations are increasingly being used by scientists as a methodology to discern environmental histories. While the recent compilation of regional databases of the radiocarbon dating control for fluvial sediment sequences has been beneficial for identifying gaps in knowledge and stimulating new research, there are a number of problems that critically undermine the use of these CPFs as sensitive hydroclimatic proxies. (i) The CPF method is underpinned by the assumption that each radiocarbon measurement is a true age estimate for a point in time, whereas each measured age in fact forms a scatter around the true age of the sample; (ii) calibration of radiocarbon ages is responsible for much of the structure in CPFs and compounds the problem of scatter and smears the chronological control; (iii) the databases incorporate multiple types of environmental changes differing chronological relationships between the 14C measurements and the dated events, with pre‐dating, dating or post‐dating chronological control each displaying variable length temporal lags all mixed together in the same analysis; and (iv) the radiocarbon ages from individual case studies need to be more robustly tested before being incorporated into regional databases. All these factors negate the value of CPFs as sensitive proxies of environmental change, because peaks in probability for individual radiocarbon measurements are likely to be an incorrect estimate for the age of a geomorphological event and this problem is compounded by combining probabilities for multiple unrelated events. In this paper we present a critical analysis of CPFs and their interpretation before suggesting alternative approaches to analysing radiocarbon geochronologies of geomorphic events, which include: (i) Bayesian age modelling of river terrace development; (ii) developing regional databases that test specific geomorphic hypotheses; (iii) Bayesian age modelling of palaeoflood records; and (iv) analysis of sedimentation rates. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对渭河下游河谷进行深入的考察,在临潼段发现全新世黄土-古土壤层里夹有古洪水滞流沉积层。在剖面系统采样并进行磁化率和粒度成分分析,从沉积学角度证明该地层记录了全新世以来古洪水事件的信息。同时,在剖面采集OSL测年样品,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR)进行红外后蓝光(Post-IROSL)释光测量,获得了7个OSL绝对年龄值,建立了全新世剖面年代深度关系曲线,确定渭河在3200~3000aB.P.之间发生特大洪水事件。综合地层学对比以及剖面磁化率和粒度等气候替代性指标分析,揭示了全新世中期向晚期转折过渡时期,气候向干旱化转折,气候不稳定,频繁波动,降水变率大,是造成渭河流域特大洪水事件发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

渭河咸阳段全新世古洪水事件光释光测年研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
古洪水水文学研究是全球气候变化研究的前沿课题,确定古洪水事件的年代是古洪水研究的重要内容之一。对渭河流域进行深入的野外考察,在中游咸阳段阶地发现全新世黄土-古土壤层里夹有古洪水滞流沉积层,表明该地层记录了古洪水事件发生的信息。在该剖面采集光释光样品,分离提取40~63 μm石英颗粒成分,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR)进行红外后蓝光(Post-IR OSL)释光测量,获得了9个OSL年龄值。结果表明由古洪水滞流沉积层记录的特大古洪水事件发生在3 200~2 800 a B.P.之间。结合沉积样品系列的磁化率和粒度成分等气候替代性指标分析,揭示了在全新世中期向晚期转折过渡时期,渭河流域处于气候向干旱化发展的转型期,气候变化剧烈,大气系统不稳定,降水变率增大等,是导致特大洪水多发的主要原因。这也是渭河流域气候水文系统对于全球性气候恶化响应的结果。  相似文献   

渤海湾西北部CH19孔全新统硅藻组合、年代学与古环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商志文  田立柱  王宏 《地质通报》2010,29(5):675-681
对渤海湾西北部浅海区CH19孔岩心全新世沉积硅藻进行了系统研究,发现硅藻17属36种。与沉积学、年代学(OSL和AMS14C)研究相结合,将该孔自下而上划分为Ⅰ—Ⅶ7个硅藻带,显示研究区全新世以来经历了从陆到海的演化过程:约11kacalBP时,进入全新世潮上带湖沼环境(硅藻Ⅰ带);约10kacalBP时开始了潮间带(硅藻Ⅱ带)至浅海(Ⅲ—Ⅶ带)的长期海水影响。其中,约10~7kacalBP为潮间带环境;6.77~3.47kacalBP的中全新世硅藻Ⅲ带,是受到风暴事件影响的、1.7m厚的贝壳碎屑与泥砂混杂堆积层;硅藻Ⅳ带复归正常浅海环境;Ⅴ带再次动荡;Ⅵ带水体盐度略有降低;Ⅶ带则反映了渤海湾西北部浅海区现代硅藻组合的状况。  相似文献   

Palaeoflood slackwater deposits (SWDs), are the natural record of overbank flooding and are often found within aeolian loess‐soil profiles along the river valleys of the middle Yellow River basin. These pedo‐stratigraphic sequences are studied using a multi‐disciplinarily approach to reconstruct Holocene hydro‐climatic variations. Our field investigations along the lower Jinghe River valley have identified palaeoflood SWDs at several sites along the riverbanks based on sedimentological criteria. Analytical results, including magnetic susceptibility, particle‐size distribution and concentrations of chemical elements, indicate that these well‐sorted palaeoflood SWD beds were deposited from the suspended sediment load in floodwaters. We identify two episodes of extraordinary palaeoflood events along the Jinghe River valley. These hydro‐climatic events were dated to 4200–4000 and 3200–2800 a BP, by using the optically stimulated luminescence method in combination with archaeological dating of retrieved anthropogenic remains, and with pedo‐stratigraphic correlations with the previously studied Holocene pedo‐stratigraphy in the Jinghe River drainage basin. The flooding events are therefore considered to be a regional expression of known climatic events in the northern hemisphere and demonstrate Holocene climate was far from stable. This study provides important data in understanding the interactions between regional hydro‐climatic systems and global change in semi‐arid and sub‐humid regions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

准确界定蒙山峨峪口砾石堆积堤的形成时代,对于探明其成因、澄清山东中低山丘陵第四纪冰川有无之争,是一个需要解决的科学问题。峨峪口堆积垄岗砾石组构、沉积构造、地貌组合等标志,均指向其为山洪泥石流堆积物,且为暴发频率极低、发展周期较长的水石流或稀性泥石流堆积。其下伏第四纪沉积物OSL埋藏年龄和AMS14C年龄可作为砾石堆积堤形成时代的最老约束参考年龄,当地村民迁居此地的历史可作为最小约束参考年代。OSL测年结果为2.1~2.3 ka BP,AMS14C测年结果为951~1522 cal AD,证明砾石堆积堤为数百年前形成的历史泥石流遗迹。  相似文献   

Nearly 6 m of uncompacted muddy sediment was recovered from the floor of the northern Coorong Lagoon in the core Coorong #5. Radiocarbon analyses of molluscan shells indicate that sedimentation at the core site commenced before 6830 ± 90 yr cal BP, and the presence of Pinus pollen confirms a modern age for the uppermost 0.5 m. Microfossils extracted from the core sediment samples, 2 cm slices at 10 cm intervals, included the foraminifera Ammonia sp., Elphidium excavatum and Elphidium gunteri; the ostracods Osticythere baragwanathi and Leptocythere lacustris; and charophyte oogonia. Shell fragments of the estuarine bivalve Spisula (Notospisula) trigonella in the lowermost 0.7 m of the core are evidence that these sediments were subject to some marine influence, but the absence of foraminifera and ostracods from this same interval indicates that at the core site salinity was not sufficient to support populations of these organisms. Thus, prior to 6830 ± 90 yr cal BP the Younghusband Peninsula was in place, in part isolating the northern lagoon from the Southern Ocean. The initial recorded salinity event is signified by abundant Ammonia sp. at a core depth of 5.2 m. The duration of this event was relatively brief; foraminifera were mostly absent in the immediately overlying 2 m, representing ca 700 yr of sedimentation. This observation is attributed to substantial inflow of freshwater from the River Murray. In the upper 3.0 m, Ammonia sp. was present in most core samples indicating that for most of the past 6000 years the Coorong Lagoon has been sufficiently saline to support a continuing population of this species. At a core depth of 1.3 m, the sediment sample yielded >2000 tests of Ammonia sp., and they were accompanied by maximum pre-modern numbers of E. excavatum, O. baragwanathi and oogonia. Taken together, these data signify the maximum pre-modern salinity event recorded in the core sediments, probably correlating in time with regional drought conditions at ca 3500 yr BP. Elphidium gunteri is confined to the modern sediments where it is abundant and accompanied by equally large numbers of Ammonia sp., E. excavatum, O. baragwanathi and L. lacustris. These data collectively indicate water conditions that are significantly changed from those that prevailed in the Coorong Lagoon for most of the Holocene.  相似文献   

王乃昂  孙德浩  隆浩  刘啸  王孝理  陆晨遨  李卓仑  刘江 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022072007-2022072007
准确界定蒙山峨峪口砾石堆积堤的形成时代,对于探明其成因、澄清山东中低山丘陵第四纪冰川有无之争,是一个需要解决的科学问题。峨峪口堆积垄岗砾石组构、沉积构造、地貌组合等标志,均指向其为山洪泥石流堆积物,且为暴发频率极低、发展周期较长的水石流或稀性泥石流堆积。其下伏第四纪沉积物OSL埋藏年龄和AMS14C年龄可作为砾石堆积堤形成时代的最老约束参考年龄,当地村民迁居此地的历史可作为最小约束参考年代。OSL测年结果为2. 1~2. 3 ka BP,AMS14C测年结果为951~1522 cal AD,证明砾石堆积堤为数百年前形成的历史泥石流痕迹。  相似文献   


汉江上游地处亚热带季风气候区北部边缘地带, 对气候变化非常敏感, 该地区发育有多级河流阶地, 其上堆积有厚层黄土, 是研究阶地形成年代及气候演化的良好材料。以往对汉江上游阶地形成年代的研究主要集中于一级阶地, 二级阶地形成年代框架还未系统建立, 其主要原因是受限于测年技术和合适的地质载体。文章通过对汉江上游汉中盆地、安康盆地、郧县盆地二级阶地上覆黄土-古土壤层、河漫滩相砂层样品的光释光测年, 利用常规SAR法、TT-OSL法对石英矿物进行等效剂量的测定。结果表明: 汉江上游二级阶地上覆黄土-古土壤的地层序列自下而上依次为黄土L2→古土壤S1→黄土L1。汉中盆地、安康盆地、郧县盆地二级阶地河漫滩相砂层顶部石英TT-OSL测年得到的年龄分别为206.17±18.04 ka、215.14±9.99 ka和212.04±8.68 ka, 河漫滩相砂层之上的砂黄土层/黄土层底部年龄分别为184.16±12.78 ka、198.09±9.65 ka和178.18±9.48 ka。结合地层的光释光年龄数据及相邻区域同一时期的气候变化和构造活动, 确定汉江上游二级阶地在距今220 ka左右开始出现, 最晚于180 ka左右形成, 在随后的构造稳定时段(180~46 ka), 阶地面上堆积厚层风成黄土, 是构造运动和气候变化共同作用的结果。


The chemical characteristics of surface, groundwater and mine water of the upper catchment of the Damodar River basin were studied to evaluate the major ion chemistry, geochemical processes controlling water composition and suitability of water for domestic, industrial and irrigation uses. Water samples from ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and groundwater were collected and analysed for pH, EC, TDS, F, Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na and K. In general, Ca, Na, Mg, HCO3 and Cl dominate, except in samples from mining areas which have higher concentration of SO4. Water chemistry of the area reflects continental weathering, aided by mining and other anthropogenic impacts. Limiting groundwater use for domestic purposes are contents of TDS, F, Cl, SO4, NO3 and TH that exceed the desirable limits in water collected from mining and urban areas. The calculated values of SAR, RSC and %Na indicate good to permissible use of water for irrigation. High salinity, %Na, Mg-hazard and RSC values at some sites limit use for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

采用祁连山老虎沟12号冰川2009年RTK测量生成的数字高程模型(DEM), 建立现代冰川表面横截面拟合的二次方程, 结合差分GPS测量的冰碛垄形态, 运用于祁连山摆浪河上游14号冰川和16号冰川全新世以来冰量变化的估算. 结果表明: 新冰期以来冰储量减少0.38 km3, 小冰期以来14号冰川和16号冰川的冰储量分别减少0.016 km3和0.047 km3; 根据祁连山全新世各个时期最大冰川范围的时间, 估计了全新世以来14号和16号冰川冰储量的减少速率, 新冰期以来为12.2×10-5~15.0×10-5 km3·a-1, 小冰期以来分别为4.0×10-5~5.3×10-5 km3·a-1, 11.75×10-5~15.7×10-5 km3·a-1.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):89-100
The study presents natural hazards in Slovenia's karst, focusing on flooding in karst poljes. A specific study was done on the flood dynamics of two typical and connected karst poljes (Cerknica and Planina) of the Classical Karst region. In the case of particularly extreme hydrological conditions in the autumn of 2008, detailed analyses of the recharge-discharge regime and the interrelationship of flooding on the two poljes were done. Daily precipitation, discharge, and water level values from several monitoring sites were analyzed and cross-correlated, and additional hydrological analyses were done using a digital elevation model in order to acquire water level increase and decrease intensity, flood water volumes, and the extent of flooding and to understand the conditions controlling karst flooding. The results reveal that the hydrological functioning of the studied karst poljes is influenced by the hydrogeological and temporary hydrological conditions in the catchment area. The response of the binary karst system (i.e., the influence of autogenic and allogenic recharge) is especially distinct. The study shows that during extremely intense recharge, the reactions of karst aquifer systems to precipitation are as rapid as the response of surface waters (the water level of Cerknica Lake increased with an intensity of 38-63 cm/day or 55 m3/s respectively) while retention capacities are negligible. In contrast to flash floods, floods in karst areas may last from several weeks to several months. For the observed period a three-dimensional simulation of the flooding was made. At the maximum recorded water level, the volume of water on the Cerknica polje was 51 million m3, and 26 million m3 on the Planina polje. The maximum extent of flooding on the Cerknica polje was 23 km2 and on the Planina polje 9.5 km2. On the basis of the study, information was provided regarding future hazard mitigation. However, the study demonstrated that a sufficiently dense monitoring network is necessary to predict the occurrence and duration of floods with greater certainty.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Q3 middle terrace alluvial sequence in the lower Tagus river valley, Portugal, were studied near the village of Alpiarça, approximately 40 km upstream from the estuarine area. Two main stratigraphic units were recognized, separated by an important uncomformity. The Lower Gravels unit (LG) consists of intercalations of medium to coarse gravel deposits, mainly quartzitic, with coarse sandy matrix, organized in tabular bodies. The overlying Upper Sands unit (US) consists of tabular sandy channel deposits and overbank fines, the latter containing well-developed paleosols and backswamp deposits, showing a general aggrading trend, apparently with varying rates; available data indicate that deposition of the US took place under temperate climatic conditions. Within US deposits are several paleolithic archaeological sites, the lower ones in the alluvial stratigraphy being Middle Acheulian, whereas those embedded in overlying deposits are, from bottom to top, Upper Acheulian and Micoquian. Some of these sites have been recently excavated. The quartzite artifacts were apparently abandoned by early humans on the flood plain surface during deposition of the US unit and were subjected to limited reworking during their incorporation in the alluvium. TL/OSL dating of sandy-silty sediments, though imprecise, support archaeological evidence pointing to an age of 150,000 to 70,000 yr B.P. for the US unit.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, major and trace element concentrations, carbon and sulphur contents are investigated from a shallow depth profile from Pachapadra paleo-lake, Thar Desert, north-western India, to understand the phases of paleo-hydrology and paleo-limnology. Based on the geochemical proxies (Na/Al, Si/Al, Zr/Al and Ca/Mg) and evaporite mineralogy, the depth profile is divided into three geochemical zones of variable sediment-water interaction, evaporation and aeolian activity. The sub-recent zone (I) enriched in halite (NaCl) indicates low chemical weathering and higher aeolian input. The intermediate relatively humid zone II is enriched in major elements, trace elements and calcite (CaCO3) and reflects higher chemical weathering in the catchments. Zone III is enriched in gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and characterised by lower chemical weathering, higher aeolian activity and evaporation.  相似文献   

The rivers of western India are monsoon dominated and have been so throughout the late Quaternary. Sediment accumulation in these river basins has been controlled by climatic and tectonic changes over a time span from the Late Pleistocene to the recent. The lithofacies assemblages associated with the various sediment archives in the Narmada basin range from the boulders of the alluvial fans to overbank fines on the alluvial plains. Estimates, based on clast size, of stream power and competence, bed shear stress and discharge reveal that hydrological conditions during the Late Pleistocene (∼90 ka) were comparable to the present day. The size of the transported clasts and the thickness of the accumulated sediment indicate the influence of basin subsidence rather than an increase in discharge. Discharge estimates based on sedimentary structures preserved in the alluvial-plain facies suggest that the channel had a persistent flow, with a low width-depth ratio and large meander wavelength. The hydrological changes during the Holocene are more pronounced where the early Holocene is marked by a high-intensity hydrological regime that induced erosion and incision of the earlier sediments. The mid-Holocene stream channel was less sinuous and had a higher width-depth ratio and a higher meander amplitude in comparison with the present-day channel. Palaeo-fluvial reconstructions based on the sediment archives in the alluvial reach of the river basin are important tools in understanding the long-term hydrological changes and the intricate fluvial architecture preserved in the Narmada River basin ensures scope for detailed studies to identify phases of weak and enhanced hydrological regimes.  相似文献   

We study the aggradation and incision of the Alaknanda River Valley during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The morphostratigraphy in the river valley at Deoprayag shows the active riverbed, a cut terrace, and a fill terrace. The sedimentary fabric of the fill terrace comprises four lithofacies representing 1) riverbed accretion, 2) locally derived debris fan, 3) the deposits of waning floods and 4) palaeoflood records. The sedimentation style, coupled with geochemical analysis and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating, indicate that this terrace formed in a drier climate and the river valley aggraded in two phases during 21–18 ka and 13–9 ka. During these periods, sediment supply was relatively higher. Incision began after 10 ka in response to a strengthened monsoon and aided by increase of the tectonic gradient. The cut terrace formed at ~ 5 ka during a phase of stable climate and tectonic quiescence. The palaeoflood records suggest wetter climate 200–300 yr ago when the floods originated in the upper catchment of the Higher Himalaya and in the relatively drier climate ~ 1.2 ka when locally derived sediments from the Lesser Himalaya dominated flood deposits. Maximum and minimum limits of bedrock incision rate at Deoprayag are 2.3 mm/a and 1.4 mm/a.  相似文献   

In the management of water resources, quality of water is just as important as its quantity. In order to know the quality and/or suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation in upper Gunjanaeru River basin, 51 water samples in post-monsoon and 46 in pre-monsoon seasons were collected and analyzed for various parameters. Geological units are alluvium, shale and quartzite. Based on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent sodium, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index (PI) and chloroalkaline indices were calculated. The pre-monsoon waters have low sodium hazard as compared to post-monsoon season. Residual sodium carbonate values revealed that one sample is not suitable in both the seasons for irrigation purposes due the occurrence of alkaline white patches and low permeability of the soil. PI values of both seasons revealed that the ground waters are generally suitable for irrigation. The positive values of Chloroalkaline indices in post-monsoon (80%) and in pre-monsoon (59%) water samples indicate absence of base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline disequilibrium), and remaining samples of negative values of the ratios indicate base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline equilibrium). Chadha rectangular diagram for geochemical classification and hydrochemical processes of groundwater for both seasons indicates that most of waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the water samples in both seasons are suitable for different purposes except at Yanadipalle (sample no. 8) that requires precautionary measures. The overall quality of groundwater in post-monsoon season in all chemical constituents is on the higher side due to dissolution of surface pollutants during the infiltration and percolation of rainwater and at few places due to agricultural and domestic activities.  相似文献   

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