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峨眉山大火成岩省位于扬子板块西缘,紧邻三江构造带,其复杂的地质背景使得该火成岩省的内带受到强烈改造和变形.由于缺少高精度的地球物理探测,导致对该地区地壳的精细结构了解不够,很大程度上影响了对大火成岩省形成机制的认识.我们在大姚—元谋段实施了一条深地震反射剖面,试验了一种基于节点地震仪的深地震反射数据采集方法,得到了峨眉山大火成岩省内带的高分辨率结构图像.从两种仪器采集的深地震反射资料显示,节点地震仪采集的资料能够达到目前常用的有缆式地震仪428XL采集的深反射资料效果,甚至在局部特征上表现更好,从而有利于这种低成本、高效率、多种数据的采集方式的发展.叠加剖面结果显示,沿剖面下地壳自西向东呈现逐渐隆升特征,在剖面西部双程走时13 s(约40 km深度)处,出现一段约17.5 km厚的密集反射带,至剖面东部,密集反射带顶端双层走时为11 s,底部为16 s.结合早期地质和地球物理研究结果,本文推测这种密集反射特征是由峨眉山大火成岩省形成时内带侵入地壳的铁镁质物质造成的结果,对应于二叠纪地幔柱活动遗迹.



峨眉山大火成岩省是我国境内最早获得国际学术界广泛认可的大火成岩省,对于认识地幔柱形成与作用机理、生物与环境演化、资源富集与成矿机制等具有重要意义.本文利用峨眉山大火成岩省宽频带地震台阵(COMPASS-ELIP)以及云南、四川区域地震台网的部分台站资料,基于分格加权叠加策略实现接收函数和面波频散在信息来源和分辨尺度方面的协同;进而开展联合反演,重建了峨眉山大火成岩省关键剖面下方的地壳横波速度结构.研究结果显示:研究区地壳平均S波速度,沿剖面呈现自西向东先增大后减小的分带性,内带中、下地壳速度较高,尤其是下地壳存在明显的高速异常(VS约3.8~4.2 km·s-1);丽江-小金河断裂带和水城-紫云断裂带的东西两侧,中上地壳存在低速层(VS约3.3 km·s-1),尤其是水城-紫云断裂带东西两侧的中地壳低速层尤为明显.结合本文以及现有的系列研究结果,进一步确认内带中、下地壳高速对应二叠纪古地幔柱作用的遗迹,大规模岩浆的底侵和内侵,不仅改造了滇中块体的地壳结构和组分,而且也改变了地壳的流变强度,进而对现今青藏高原东南缘的深部过程产生了深远影响.


数据空间磁异常模量三维反演   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
强剩磁的存在通常导致了总磁化强度方向未知,进而影响了磁异常的反演和解释.磁异常模量是一种受磁化方向影响小的转换量,可以在强剩磁条件下通过反演三维磁化强度大小分布来推测场源分布状态.我们提出了一种数据空间磁异常模量反演算法来减少剩磁的影响.与标准的模型空间L2范数正则化反演方法相比,我们的方法有两个优点:一是无需搜索正则化参数(需要反复求解非线性反演问题),因而可以减少计算时间;二是反演结果更加聚焦,深度分辨率更高,我们对此进行了原因分析.通过模型和实测数据测试证明了该算法的有效性和更好的反演效果.  相似文献   

塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省是继峨眉山大火成岩省之后在中国境内确认的又一个大火成岩省,是当前研究的热点和前沿问题.论文系统总结了塔里木大火成岩省近20年研究取得的成果,指出了下一步重点研究领域.塔里木大火成岩省火山岩的残余分布面积大于25万平方公里,最大残余厚度达780 m,大规模玄武岩的喷出发生在290~288 Ma期间,属于快速喷发的大火成岩省岩浆事件.塔里木大火成岩省中最为发育的玄武岩和辉绿岩岩墙的微量元素特征与OIB的特征相似,且以高钛型为主体;但在同位素特征上明显的可以分为两类,柯坪地区玄武岩具有负的εNd值,重稀土值相对较高,来自富集型地幔;塔北玄武岩和辉绿岩具有正的εNd值和相对低的重稀土值,来自亏损型地幔.早二叠世大规模地壳抬升、苦橄岩与大规模岩墙群发育和瓦基里塔格大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床都支持塔里木大火成岩省与地幔柱活动有关.塔里木大火成岩省与中亚地区广泛发育的二叠纪基性和超基性岩浆作用存在着时空联系,它们是代表了一次具有重要地球动力学意义的构造岩浆事件.论文指出了塔里木大火成岩省的深部地质过程、成矿作用、与地幔柱关系、与盆地环境变化和生命演化的关系及其大火成岩省的地球动力学意义等方面研究将是下一阶段的重点研究领域.  相似文献   




本文利用1:20万高精度航磁资料,通过向上延拓、求取剩余异常等手段,分析了塔里木盆地航磁异常与盆地岩性体的对应关系.通过盆地基底断裂的识别,认为盆地二叠纪火成岩岩体的发育与基底断裂密切相关,在航磁异常图上表现为基底断裂附近的串珠状、似圆锥型航磁异常;结合盆地地震及钻井资料,将塔里木盆地二叠纪火成岩分为北部中酸性侵入岩、中西部基性火山岩、南部中酸性火山岩及东北部中酸性火山岩四个区带,火成岩的形成受控于板块构造运动.  相似文献   

地球物理反演问题具有病态性、不适定性,传统的线性反演方法面临着次优逼近和初始模型选择等挑战,为了提高磁场数据反演的精度,受深度学习卓越的非线性映射能力的启发,本文提出了一种基于全卷积神经网络的磁异常及磁梯度异常反演方法.文中首先提出了一种基于网格点几何格架的磁异常及磁梯度异常的空间域快速正演算法,这为本文全卷积神经网络...  相似文献   

经度的确定是板块重建的难点. 塔里木盆地下二叠统大规模溢流玄武岩已被确定为大火成岩省, 提供了一次根据大火成岩省来定量确定塔里木陆块早二叠世经度的机遇. 核幔边界约2800 km深处地震波低速带与全球300 Ma以来喷发的大火成岩省之间的关系已得到建立: 恢复喷发位置后, 大火成岩省全部分布在核幔边界低速带的边缘之上, 其中大部分在非洲LLSVP和太平洋LLSVP边缘, 个别在规模较小的LSVPs边缘. 在使用塔里木陆块早二叠世古地磁数据来限定其纬度的基础上, 本文利用上述理论方法, 并联系前人的地质结论, 发现塔里木大火成岩省约290 Ma喷发时的位置最可能为20°N, 60°E. 本文提出, 塔里木大火成岩省与西伯利亚大火成岩省相似, 其喷发时并不在两大LLSVPs的边缘带上, 而最可能与非洲LLSVP东侧附近一个单独的、范围较小的LSVP(20°N, 60°E)相关联, 暗示重建之前的假设"塔里木大火成岩省源自核幔边界"是合理的. 如果塔里木、峨眉山和西伯利亚大火成岩省都源自核幔边界, 上述(20°N, 60°E)位置的获得说明三者都不是同一幔源.  相似文献   

熔积岩是岩浆与未固结的松软沉积物混合而生的一种特殊火山碎屑岩.它代表着岩浆活动与沉积作用的同期性,因此可以对岩浆喷发期内的沉积环境做出精确限定.在二叠纪塔里木大火成岩省西北缘印干-柯坪地区的早期喷发层序中首次发现熔积岩.其中,印干附近第二喷发期次层序中以淬冷开裂而形成的块状熔积岩为主,柯坪一带第二、第四喷发层序中则同时拥有块状熔积岩和流态熔积岩.上述熔积岩的宿主沉积物均为海相灰质,证明当时当地的岩浆喷发事件发生于陆表海相环境中.在距印干以东不远处的开派兹雷克剖面,同期层序中却只发育稳定的陆相溢流玄武岩而未见熔积岩,证明海陆环境在此发生了交互.在利用熔积岩确定三个剖面喷发环境的基础上,精确了塔里木大火成岩省西北缘喷发早期沉积环境的分布范围,及其随时间而发生变迁的详细过程.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘对于青藏高原的隆升、增厚和物质逃逸等问题有着重要的研究价值.本文对研究区内布设的大型流动地震台阵的观测记录进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了地壳厚度、沉积层厚度分布情况以及地壳上地幔高精度S波速度结构.联合反演的结果表明:(1)研究区域内地壳厚度变化很大,从西北往东南方向地壳厚度逐渐变薄;(2)沉积层厚度与研究区内沉积盆地的分布情况较为一致;(3)在研究区中下地壳内由北向南呈条带状分布有两条主要的壳内低速体,其中一条从川西北次级块体向南延伸,穿过丽江断裂到达滇中次级块体下方,另一条低速体沿小江断裂分布,向南延伸到24°N左右,两条低速体在中地壳范围被四川盆地及峨眉山大火成岩省内带下方的高速异常所隔开.  相似文献   

磁异常的反演是地球物理勘探的重要手段,三维磁化率反演是磁异常定量解释中的一种重要方法.由于剩磁的存在使得磁化方向与地磁场方向产生偏差,从而影响了磁异常反演与解释的精度.本文基于磁异常模量反演和磁化强度矢量反演方法得到了一种新的磁化强度矢量反演方法.与以往的磁化强度矢量反演方法相比,该方法以磁异常模量反演得到的磁化率模型为约束,采用Lp范数正则化方法求解,提高了磁化强度矢量反演的精度和效率.本文通过模拟试验的反演计算,验证了这种磁化强度矢量反演方法的有效性.最后,将本文方法应用于新疆东天山卡拉塔格地区航磁数据的解释,获得了地下空间不同磁性差异的磁性体的空间分布特征,为进一步分析研究区隐伏矿床提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

Peperites are special kinds of volcaniclastic materials generated by mingling of magma and unconsolidated sediments.They directly demonstrate the contemporaneity of volcanism and sedimentation,and hence they can be used to constrain the local paleoenvironments during volcanic eruptions.We identified peperites in the lower sequence of the northwest outcrops(Inggan-Kalpin area)of Permian Tarim large igneous province(TLIP),Northwest China.In Inggan,blocky peperites were observed at the base of lava flows generated in the second eruption phase.This kind of peperites is generated by quenching of magma in a brittle fragmentation mechanism.While in Kalpin,both the second and the fourth eruption phases preserved peperites in the base of lava flows.Not only blocky but also fluidal peperites can be observed in Kalpin.The fluidal peperites were generated in vapor films,which insulated the magmas from cold sediments and avoided direct thermal shock,and therefore kept the fluidal forms of magma.All of these peperites are hosted by submarine carbonates.In lava sequences generated in the same eruption phases but located in Kaipaizileike,~15 km east to Inggan,terrestrial flood basalts developed while peperites are absent,implying a paleoenvironmental transition between Kaipaizileike and Inggan-Kalpin area.Gathering information from observed peperites,TLIP lava flows,and the Lower Permian sedimentary strata,we precisely constrained the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of sedimentary facies of the early stage of TLIP.As a result,two marine transgressions were identified.The first transgression occurred contemporaneous with the second eruption phase.The transition from submarine to subaerial is located between Kaipaizileike and Inggan.The second transgression occurred contemporaneous with the forth eruption phase,and the transition from submarine to subaerial occurred between Inggan and Kalpin.  相似文献   

Based on the former workers study results such as numerical simulation of fluid mechanics,seismic tomography of the whole earth and igneous rocks,the basic characteristics of mantle plumes are summarized in detail,namely the mantle plume,from the D″layer near the core-mantle bouundary(CMB)of 2900 km deep,is characterized by the spape of large head and thin narrow conduit,by the physical property of high temperature and low viscosity.The LIP(large igneous province)is the best exhibition when the mantle plume ascends to the surface.According to the basic characteristics of the mantle plumes and the LIP,as well as the temporal-spatial relationships between the mantle plume and continental breakup,the detailed research on petrology,geochemistry,temporal-spatial distribution,tectonic background of the Cenozoic-Mesozoic igneous rocks and gravity anomaly distribution in East China has been done.As a result,the Mesozoic igneous rocks in Southeast China should not be regarded as an example of typical LIP related to mantle plumes.for their related characteristics are not consitent with those of the typical LIPs related to mantle plumes.The Cenozoic igneous rocks in Northeast China have no the typical characteristics of mantle plumes and hotspots,so the Cenozoic volcanism in Northeast China might have no the direct relationships with the activity of mantle plumes.  相似文献   

Contrary to general belief, not all large igneous provinces (LIPs) are characterised by rocks of basaltic composition. Silicic-dominated LIPs, such as the Whitsunday Volcanic Province of NE Australia, are being increasingly recognised in the rock record. These silicic LIPs are consistent in being: (1) volumetrically dominated by ignimbrite; (2) active over prolonged periods (40–50 m.y.), based on available age data; and (3) spatially and temporally associated with plate break-up. This silicic-dominated LIP, related to the break-up of eastern continental Gondwana, is also significant for being the source of >1.4×106 km3 of coeval volcanogenic sediment preserved in adjacent sedimentary basins of eastern Australia.The Whitsunday Volcanic Province is volumetrically dominated by medium- to high-grade, dacitic to rhyolitic lithic ignimbrites. Individual ignimbrite units are commonly between 10 and 100 m thick, and the ignimbrite-dominated sequences exceed 1 km in thickness. Coarse lithic lag breccias containing clasts up to 6 m diameter are associated with the ignimbrites in proximal sections. Pyroclastic surge and fallout deposits, subordinate basaltic to rhyolitic lavas, phreatomagmatic deposits, and locally significant thicknesses of coarse-grained volcanogenic conglomerate and sandstone are interbedded with the ignimbrites. The volcanic sequences are intruded by gabbro/dolerite to rhyolite dykes (up to 50 m in width), sills and comagmatic granite. Dyke orientations are primarily from NW to NNE.The volcanic sequences are characterised by the interstratification of proximal/near-vent lithofacies such as rhyolite domes and lavas, and basaltic agglomerate, with medial to distal facies of ignimbrite. The burial of these near-vent lithofacies by ignimbrites, coupled with the paucity of mass wastage products such as debris-flow deposits indicates a low-relief depositional environment. Furthermore, the volcanic succession records a temporal change in: (1) eruptive styles; (2) the nature of source vents; and (3) erupted compositions. An early explosive dacitic pyroclastic phase was succeeded by a later mixed pyroclastic-effusive phase producing an essentially bimodal suite of lavas and rhyolitic ignimbrite. From the nature and distribution of volcanic lithofacies, the volcanic sequences are interpreted to record the evolution of a multiple vent, low-relief volcanic region, dominated by several large caldera centres.  相似文献   

Organic reefs, the targets of deep-water petroleum exploration, developed widely in Xisha area. However, there are concealed igneous rocks undersea, to which organic rocks have nearly equal wave impedance. So the igneous rocks have become interference for future exploration by having similar seismic reflection characteristics. Yet, the density and magnetism of organic reefs are very different from igneous rocks. It has obvious advantages to identify organic reefs and igneous rocks by gravity and magnetic data. At first, frequency decomposition was applied to the free-air gravity anomaly in Xisha area to obtain the 2D subdivision of the gravity anomaly and magnetic anomaly in the vertical direction. Thus, the distribution of igneous rocks in the horizontal direction can be acquired according to high-frequency field, low-frequency field, and its physical properties. Then, 3D forward modeling of gravitational field was carried out to establish the density model of this area by reference to physical properties of rocks based on former researches. Furthermore, 3D inversion of gravity anomaly by genetic algorithm method of the graphic processing unit (GPU) parallel processing in Xisha target area was applied, and 3D density structure of this area was obtained. By this way, we can confine the igneous rocks to the certain depth according to the density of the igneous rocks. The frequency decomposition and 3D inversion of gravity anomaly by genetic algorithm method of the GPU parallel processing proved to be a useful method for recognizing igneous rocks to its 3D geological position. So organic reefs and igneous rocks can be identified, which provide a prescient information for further exploration.  相似文献   

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