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Aerosol observational data at 8 ground-based observation sites in the Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network(CSHNET)were analyzed to characterize the optical properties of aerosol particles during the strong dust storm of 16-21 April 2005.The observational aerosol optical depth(AOD)increased significantly during this dust storm at sites in Beijing city(86%),Beijing forest(84%),Xianghe(13%),Shapotou(27%),Shenyang(47%),Shanghai(23%),and Jiaozhou Bay(24%).The API(air pollution index)in Beijing and Tianjin also had a similar rise during the dust storm,while the Angstrm exponent(α)declined evidently at sites in Beijing city(21%),Beijing forest(39%),Xianghe(19%),Ordos(77%),Shapotou(50%),Shanghai(12%),and Jiaozhou Bay(21%),respectively.Furthermore,The observational AOD andαdemonstrated contrary trends during all storm stages(pre-dust storm,dust storm,and post-dust storm),with the AOD indicating an obvious"Valley-Peak-Valley"pattern of variation,whileαdemonstrated a"Peak-Valley-Peak"pattern. In addition,the dust module in a regional climate model(RegCM3)simulated the dust storm occurrence and track accurately and RegCM3 was able to basically simulate the trends in AOD.The simulation results for the North China stations were the best,and the simulation for dust-source stations was on the high side,while the simulation was on the low side for coastal sites.  相似文献   

In order to detect the scope and the intensity quanti cationally, the spectrum characteristic of sand and dust storm was analyzed in detail by using several MODIS data; bands that can distinguish sand and dust from cloud and surface were detected; two indices for determining the scope and intensity of sand and dust storm were found out, and were tested in several storms. Our study result shows: 1) The spectral characteristic of sand and dust in solar wavelengths is that the reflectance increases with the increasing of the wavelength. This is similar to the characteristic of the spectrum of soil. Also, the reflectance of large size dusts increases faster than small size dusts. 2) Small size dusts show typical characteristic of aerosol, being sensitive to blue band of 0.46 μm and insensitive to short wave infrared bands of 1.6 and 2.1 μm. 3) Large size dusts do not have aerosol characteristic, not sensitive to blue band but sensitive to short wave infrared bands. 4) Bands of 3.7 and 8.5 μm are sensitive to dusts. The difference of two bands can be used to identify sands and dusts and reflect the intensity to a certain extent. And 5) the two indices are very effective to monitor sands and dusts by testing a lot of sand and dust storm cases during the period of 2002-2005. Also, the method is simple and easy for operational use.  相似文献   

Recent vigorous industrialization and urbanization in Shandong Peninsula,China,have resulted in the emission of heavy anthropogenic aerosols over the region.The annual means of aerosol optical depth(AOD),Angstrom exponent(α),single-scattering albedo(SSA),aerosol direct radiative forcing(ARF),surface radiative forcing(SRF),and top-of-the atmospheric radiative forcing(TOA) recorded during 2004–2011 were respectively 0.67±0.19,1.25±0.24,0.93±0.03,47±9 W m^-2,-61±9 W m^-2,and-14±8 W m^-2.The aerosol optical properties and ARF characteristics showed remarkable seasonal variations due to cycle changes in the aerosol components and dominance type.The atmosphere-surface system was cooled by ARF in all years of the study due to anthropogenic sulfate and nitrate emission and sea salt aerosols.The magnitude of TOA cooling was larger in summer(-15±17 W m^-2) and autumn(-12±7 W m^-2) than that in spring(-8±4 W m^-2) and winter(-9±10 W m^-2).  相似文献   

利用MODIS资料反演兰州地区气溶胶光学厚度   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
赵秀娟  陈长和  张武  郭铌 《高原气象》2005,24(1):97-103
借助6S模式对MODIS的蓝光(0.46μm)、红光(0.66μm)和中红外(2.1μm)通道进行了行星反照率对地表反射率和气溶胶光学厚度的敏感性试验, 并对蓝光和红光通道的路径辐射对行星反照率的贡献做了数值试验; 计算了MODIS的蓝光、红光和中红外通道在兰州市及其周围地区的地表反射率, 检验了Kaufman给出的三个通道地表反射率之间的关系。检验结果表明, 在兰州周围地区蓝光通道与中红外通道地表反射率之间的关系与Kaufman给出的关系比较符合, 对于兰州周围大范围区域都是适用的。利用此关系通过6S模式进一步反演了兰州城市及其附近地区 1×104 km2 范围内的气溶胶光学厚度, 反演结果较为合理。  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), as a unified approach to both data assimilation and ensemble forecasting problems, is used to investigate the performance of dust storm ensemble forecasting targeting a dust episode in the East Asia during 23–30 May 2007. The errors in the input wind field, dust emission intensity, and dry deposition velocity are among important model uncertainties and are considered in the model error perturbations. These model errors are not assumed to have zero-means. The model error me...  相似文献   

利用MODIS资料定量判识沙尘暴方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
郭铌  梁芸 《干旱气象》2006,24(1):1-6
为了利用MOD IS资料对沙尘暴的范围和强度进行定量判识,应用多时次MOD IS多波段资料,在对沙尘暴、云、雪和沙漠光谱特征进行较为细致分析的基础上,寻找出能区分沙尘、云和地表的波段,构建了2个定量判别沙尘暴范围和强度的沙尘指数,并利用沙尘指数对2002~2005年多次MOD IS沙尘暴的范围和强度进行判识。研究结果表明:1)沙尘在反射光谱段的光谱特征为反射率随着波长的增加而增大,与土壤光谱特征相近;大粒径沙尘反射率增长速率大于小粒径沙尘。2)小粒径沙尘具有较典型的气溶胶特征,对0.46μm蓝光波段敏感,对1.6和2.1μm短红外波段不敏感。3)大粒径沙尘不具有气溶胶特性,对蓝光波段不敏感,对短波红外敏感。4)3.7μm和8.5μm是对沙尘敏感波段,2波段的差可以作为判别沙尘的指标,并在一定程度上反映沙尘强度。5)设计的2个沙尘指数对监测沙尘十分有效,且方法简单,适于业务应用。  相似文献   

The high observation efficiency, scanning speed and observation frequency of the Fengyun-4A(FY-4A) satellite indicates the progress of Chinese geostationary meteorological satellites. The characteristics of FY-4A atmospheric motion vectors(AMVs) derived from the high-level water vapor(WV-High) channel, mid-level water vapor(WV-Mid) channel,and infrared(IR) channel of FY-4A are analyzed, and their corresponding observation errors estimated. Then, the impacts of single-channel and multi-channel FY...  相似文献   

利用2010—2012年间中国西北地区敦煌、民勤和塔中3个站点的CE-318太阳光度计观测资料,反演获得了气溶胶440 nm波段的大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)及440—870 nm波长指数(Alpha),同时结合Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)卫星L1B产品及环境颗粒物监测仪Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance(TEOM)观测的PM10数据,挑选出2010—2012年间沙尘天气特征明显的6个日期,并对这6天的气溶胶光学特性、PM10浓度变化特征及沙尘气溶胶来源进行了分析。研究结果表明:MODIS卫星图有明显沙尘天气过境时,当天的AOD值较高,Alpha值则较低,且AOD和Alpha表现出相反的变化趋势。这表明在这3个站点沙尘气溶胶占主导,PM10浓度变化与AOD变化趋势有较好的正相关性。Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory(HYSPLIT)后向轨迹分析表明,气团大多起源于塔克拉玛干沙漠或干旱、半干旱区。  相似文献   

邓玉娇  胡猛  林楚勇  曹静 《气象》2016,42(1):61-66
利用国产极轨气象卫星FY3A的MERSI AOD产品分析2010—2013年广东省气溶胶光学厚度的分布规律。结果表明:MERSI AOD产品与地面太阳光度计实测数据的相关系数为0.72,其平均绝对值误差为0.12,均方根误差为0.15,数据精度可满足研究需要;从AOD的空间分布看,珠三角西翼东翼山区五市,其中佛山市、东莞市、中山市为广东省AOD均值最高的地区,梅州市、河源市为广东省AOD均值最低的地区;从AOD的时间分布看,2010—2013年间,AOD呈现先升高后降低的趋势,2011年为拐点,与此同时,AOD还表现出明显的季节变化特征,春季为AOD高值期,夏季、秋季次之,冬季最低。  相似文献   

NOAA卫星沙尘暴光谱特征分析及信息提取研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
郭铌  倾继祖 《高原气象》2004,23(5):643-647,i001,i002
通过对2000—2002年多次沙尘暴过程NOAA卫星AVHRR资料的分析,研究了沙尘、云、沙漠、戈壁、积雪、裸地、植被等不同目标物的光谱特性,发现沙尘暴在AVHRR-2中各通道均有不同程度的反映。1,2通道中沙尘的反射率较高(介于云和沙漠之间);4,5通道的亮温低于晴空地表高于云;在3通道中沙尘表现的很独特,其亮度温度为所有研究目标物中最高的,表明通道3包含较多的沙尘信息,AVHRR-3取代AVHRR-2后对监测沙尘有不利影响。在此基础上提出定量提取沙尘信息的两种沙尘判识指数,并利用沙尘判识指数成功地提取多次沙尘暴过程的沙尘信息。结果表明:利用多通道组合沙尘判识指数能够对沙尘信息进行有效提取。  相似文献   

The spatial distributions and interannual variations of aerosol concentrations,aerosol optical depth(AOD) ,aerosol direct radiative forcings,and their responses to heterogeneous reactions on dust surfaces over East Asia in March 2006-10 were investigated by utilizing a regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model. Anthropogenic aerosol concentrations(inorganic+carbonaceous) were higher in March 2006 and 2008,whereas soil dust reached its highest levels in March 2006 and 2010,resulting in stronger aerosol radiative forcings in these periods.The domain and five-year(2006-10) monthly mean concentrations of anthropogenic and dust aerosols,AOD,and radiative forcings at the surface(SURF) and at the top of the atmosphere(TOA) in March were 2.4μg m-3,13.1μg m-3,0.18,-19.0 W m-2,and-7.4 W m-2,respectively.Heterogeneous reactions led to an increase of total inorganic aerosol concentration;however,the ambient inorganic aerosol concentration decreased,resulting in a smaller AOD and weaker aerosol radiative forcings.In March 2006 and 2010,the changes in ambient inorganic aerosols,AOD,and aerosol radiative forcings were more evident.In terms of the domain and five-year averages,the total inorganic aerosol concentrations increased by 13.7%(0.17μg m-3) due to heterogeneous reactions,but the ambient inorganic aerosol concentrations were reduced by 10.5%(0.13μg m-3) .As a result,the changes in AOD,SURF and TOA radiative forcings were estimated to be-3.9%(-0.007) ,-1.7%(0.34 W m-2) ,and-4.3%(0.34 W m-2) ,respectively,in March over East Asia.  相似文献   

This study compares the aerosol optical depth (AOD) Level 2 Collection 5 products from the Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) with ground-based measurements from a Microtops II sun photometer over Sanya (18.23°N, 109.52°E), a tropical coastal site in China, from July 2005 to June 2006. The results indicate that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals at 550 nm have good correlations with the measurements from the Microtops II sun photometer. The correlation coefficients for the linear regression fits (R²) are 0.83 for Terra and 0.78 for Aqua, and the regressed intercepts are near zero (0.005 for Terra, 0.009 for Aqua). However, the Terra and Aqua MODIS are found to consistently underestimate AOD with respect to the Microtops II sun photometer, with slope values of 0.805 (Terra) and 0.767 (Aqua). The comparison of the monthly mean AOD indicates that for each month, the Terra and Aqua MODIS retrievals are matched with corresponding Microtops measurements but are systematically less than those of the Microtops. This validation study indicates that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals can adequately characterize the AOD distributions over the tropical coastal region of China, but further efforts to eliminate systematic errors are needed.  相似文献   

西北地区MODIS气溶胶产品的对比应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡蝶  张镭  沙莎  王宏斌 《干旱气象》2013,(4):677-683
利用气溶胶自动监测网(AERONET)的太阳光度计(CE-318)资料,对2003-2010年西北干旱半干旱区MODIS暗像元算法和深蓝算法2种气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品进行对比验证,在此基础上进一步研究了该区域AOD的空间分布特征及变化趋势。结果表明,MODIS暗像元算法AOD产品在半干旱区原生植被覆盖地表精度优于深蓝算法,而西北干旱区荒漠地表深蓝算法产品精度较高。Aqua—MODIS深蓝算法AOD产品能够较好地给出我国西北荒漠亮地表地区AOD的分布及季节变化情况,AOD高值区多分布在沙尘源区,且春季AOD最大。2003~2010年,塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地和柴达木盆地年均AOD分别在0.5、0.4和0.3附近波动;沙尘区各区域年均AOD大多呈现增加趋势。其中,塔里木盆地AOD增加趋势较大,而内蒙古西部和准噶尔盆地呈现微弱减少趋势。  相似文献   

Validated satellite-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are widely used for climate monitoring and ocean data assimilation systems. In this study, the Fengyun-3A (FY-3A) SST experimental product is evaluated using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)-merged and in situ SSTs. A comparison of AVHRR-merged SSTs reveals a negative bias of more than 2K in FY-3A SSTs in most of the tropical Pacific and low-latitude Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The error variance of FY-3A SSTs is estimated using three-way error analysis. FY-3A SSTs show regional error variance in global oceans with a maximum error variance of 2.2 K in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a significant seasonal variation of error variance is present in FY-3A SSTs, which indicates that the quality of FY-3A SST could be improved by adjusting the parameters in the SST retrieval algorithm and by applying regional and seasonal algorithms, particularly in key areas such as the tropical Pacific Ocean. An objective analysis method is used to merge FY-3A SSTs with the drifter buoy data. The errors of FY-3A SSTs are decreased to-0.45K comparing with SST observations from GTSPP.  相似文献   

The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B(FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder(MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014. It is more difficult, however, to assimilate microwave observations over land and sea ice than over the open ocean due to higher uncertainties in land surface temperature, surface emissivity and less effective cloud screening. We compare approaches in which the emissivity is retrieved dynamically from MWHS channel 1 [150 GHz(vertical polarization)] with the use of an evolving emissivity atlas from 89 GHz observations from the MWHS onboard NOAA and EUMETSAT satellites. The assimilation of the additional data over land improves the fit of short-range forecasts to other observations, notably ATMS(Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) humidity channels, and the forecast impacts are mainly neutral to slightly positive over the first five days. The forecast impacts are better in boreal summer and the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the techniques tested allow for effective assimilation of MWHS/FY-3B data over land.  相似文献   

为检验区域气候模式与沙尘模式耦合模式RegCM Dust的性能,以2006年东亚地区一次沙尘暴过程为例,将模拟结果与观测资料进行对比,以检验模式对沙尘天气过程的模拟能力。结果表明:模式对沙尘暴过程的地面风场特征模拟效果较好,总体上重现了大风区的分布;地面沙尘浓度和沙尘光学厚度模拟结果与观测分布总体吻合。模式虽然是区域气候模式与沙尘模式耦合模式,但由于其内核是建立在中尺度数值模式MM4基础上,因此对天气过程尤其是沙尘天气过程具备较好的把握能力,对于沙尘天气过程预测具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) and its accompanying shortwave radiative forcing (RF) are usually simulated by numerical models. Here, by using 9 months of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol product data in combination with Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Single Scanner Footprint (CERES/SSF) data, dust AOD and its shortwave RF were estimated over the cloud-free northwest (NW) Pacific Ocean in the springs of 2004, 2005, and 2006. The results showed that in this region, the mean dust AOD and its shortwave RF were 0.10 and -5.51 W m^-2, respectively. In order to validate the dust AOD derived by MODIS, results from the Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model were also used here. The correlation coefficient between the monthly averaged dust AOD derived by MODIS measurements and the model simulation results was approximately 0.53. Since the estimates of the dust AOD and its shortwave RF obtained in this study are based mainly on satellite data, they offer a good reference for numerical models.  相似文献   

Although radar observations capture storm structures with high spatiotemporal resolutions, they are limited within the storm region after the precipitation formed. Geostationary satellites data cover the gaps in the radar network prior to the formation of the precipitation for the storms and their environment. The study explores the effects of assimilating the water vapor channel radiances from Himawari-8 data with Weather Research and Forecasting model data assimilation system(WRFDA) for a severe storm case over north China. A fast cloud detection scheme for Advanced Himawari imager(AHI)radiance is enhanced in the framework of the WRFDA system initially in this study. The bias corrections, the cloud detection for the clear-sky AHI radiance, and the observation error modeling for cloudy radiance are conducted before the data assimilation. All AHI radiance observations are fully applied without any quality control for all-sky AHI radiance data assimilation. Results show that the simulated all-sky AHI radiance fits the observations better by using the cloud dependent observation error model, further improving the cloud heights. The all-sky AHI radiance assimilation adjusts all types of hydrometeor variables, especially cloud water and precipitation snow. It is proven that assimilating all-sky AHI data improves hydrometeor specifications when verified against the radar reflectivity. Consequently, the assimilation of AHI observations under the all-sky condition has an overall improved impact on both the precipitation locations and intensity compared to the experiment with only conventional and AHI clear-sky radiance data.  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星微波资料的集合变分混合同化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2012年"北京7.21暴雨"为例,实现了集合变分混合同化方法对FY-3A的微波温度仪和微波湿度仪资料的直接同化,并与三维变分方法进行了比较。结果表明:虽然两种同化方法同化FY-3A微波资料都能改进降水模拟效果,但是与实况相比,集合变分混合同化方法改进效果更为明显,其能有效减少虚假强降水的模拟,改进强降水中心位置的模拟,SAL评分定量检验也同样表明,集合变分混合同化方法对暴雨的模拟效果要优于三维变分同化方法;无论是热力学变量还是动力学变量,集合变分同化得到的初始场均方根误差均显著小于三维变分同化的结果;两种方法同化FY-3A微波资料均能改变初始场中的各种物理量信息,但不同方法得到的同化增量大小和分布却有明显的差异:三维变分同化方法对初始场的调整区域和强度都要大于混合同化方法,且其同化增量表现出均匀和各向同性的分布特点;而利用集合信息的混合同化方法得到的同化增量分布表现为非均匀性和各向异性,具有"流依赖性"的特征,这使得初始场的分布更合理,有利于改善降水的模拟效果。  相似文献   

近10年东亚沙尘气溶胶辐射强迫与温度响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
宿兴涛  王汉杰  宋帅  张志标 《高原气象》2011,30(5):1300-1307
利用一个耦合了在线沙尘模型的区域气候模式RegCM3,对2000-2009年东亚沙尘气溶胶辐射强迫及温度响应进行了数值模拟。结果表明:(1)东亚沙尘气溶胶分布具有明显的地理差异和季节差异,柱含量高值区主要位于塔克拉玛干沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠,最大值均在1 000mg.m-2以上;从季节分布来看,春季最大,冬季次之,秋季最小...  相似文献   

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