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为了解决传统地震灾害风险区划中采用风险程度指数表达区划结果造成的指标含义不明确问题,一种基于概率理论的地震灾害风险区划方法被采用。它利用概率理论将在各自领域得到成熟发展的地震安全性评价技术和结构易损性分析技术联系起来,通过计算不同年超越概率地震危险造成的潜在经济损失年度期望来评价地震灾害风险。利用这一方法,以辽宁省老震区的农村农居建筑作为评估对象,展示了对于具有不确定性的地震灾害风险如何采用明确的经济指标进行量化评估。在更多的结构易损性参数支持下,这种方法可以被扩展应用在城市地震灾害风险区划中。  相似文献   

为了评估不同抗震设防烈度区建筑结构震害风险,即场地地震危险性与结构地震易损性的卷积,本文以典型框架结构为例,对其震害风险进行研究。依据抗震设计规范,分别按照6度、7度和8度设计3个3跨10层框架结构模型,采用动力增量分析方法(Incremental Dynamic Analysis,IDA)对其进行地震易损性分析。同时,基于我国地震烈度概率分布特点,应用MATLAB软件生成符合极值Ⅲ型分布的地震烈度,并将其转化为地震加速度峰值,联合地震易损性结果评估模型震害风险。通过划分震害风险等级,为建筑结构抗震防灾对策的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

金江军  潘懋  徐岳仁 《内陆地震》2007,21(2):135-141
从危险性评价、易损性评价以及防灾减灾能力评价3个方面阐述了城市地震灾害风险评价内容.回顾了地震灾害风险评价研究进展,指出了现有评价方法的不足.提出了基于地震小区划的城市地震危险性评价方法、基于城市用地类型的城市地震易损性评价方法以及基于专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法.最后设计了城市地震灾害风险评价流程,并给出了城市地震灾害风险区划算法.  相似文献   

本文从地震灾害、建筑物、人口、经济、抗震救灾等多方面出发,将自然属性与社会属性进行有效结合,对地震危险性、建筑物抗震性能等影响因素进行详细分析,构建城镇地震灾害风险评价指标体系,以张家口地区16个县区为例,采用专家-层次分析法,建立精细化地震灾害风险评估模型。研究结果表明,城镇建筑物抗震性能普遍较差,怀来县地震灾害风险最大,桥东区、蔚县、涿鹿县、桥西区次之,沽源县、康保县地震灾害风险最小,并对各县区地震灾害风险主要影响因素进行讨论,发现地震风险指数与地形结构、建筑物抗震性能具有相关性,评估结果可为城镇制定防震减灾规划提供依据。  相似文献   

甘肃省东南部未来地震危险区的模式识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在综合分析甘肃省东南部地震地质特征的基础上,利用模式识别方法判定未来地震危险区的可能位置.结果表明,本区易发生地震的地点与全新世断裂强烈活动段相吻合,从而提高了对未来地震危险区判定的可信度  相似文献   

城市地震灾害风险评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
风险管理研究已成为防灾减灾工作从“被动救灾”到“主动预防”转化的热门课题。本文回顾了地震灾害风险评价研究进展,指出了现有评价方法的不足。提出了基于地震小区划的城市地震危险性评价方法、基于城市用地类型的城市地震易损性评价方法以及基于专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法。最后设计了城市地震灾害风险评价流程,并给出了城市地震灾害风险区划算法。  相似文献   

在地震危险性分析及建筑物和生命等的易损性分析的基础上,预测未来地震造成自然和人工建筑环境的灾害及其损失,这是地震灾害及其损失研究的基本思路。本文基于宏观经济指标的地震灾害损失预测模型,以2000年全国不变价格计算的人均GDP作为地震宏观易损性的分类指标,以某市(A、B县)为例进行未来15年地震灾害损失预测。其预测结果包括两大部分:县行政区预测结果和网格预测结果,其预测结果可以为确定地震重点监视防御区提供参考依据。  相似文献   

按照"风险=危险性×脆弱性÷防震减灾能力"的研究思路为路线,以MapGIS为实施平台,基于地震区划的城市地震危险性评价方法,综合运用土地利用现状和断层活动分布指数的承载体脆弱性分析方法和专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法,对山东省淄博市的城市地震灾害风险区划进行研究。结果表明:淄博市的地震灾害风险性不高,中等风险区的面积占396%,低风险区的面积占1229%,极低风险区的面积占8375%,无极高风险区和高风险区。  相似文献   

针对目前城市和村镇地区采用统一抗震设防标准的现状,将村镇建筑分为农村、乡镇、县城3个层次,制定基于性态抗震设防标准并开展相应的地震易损性分析,进而计算典型砌体结构的离散化震害矩阵。通过考虑不同地区地震危险性特征的差异来计算地震危险性曲线,并分析不同层次村镇结构在将来地震中的可能经济损失,确定相应地震保险费率。通过对不同层次、不同设防标准的典型砌体结构地震保险费率的对比,验证了将村镇地区分3个层次并考虑不同地区地震危险性差异来研究地震保险费率的合理性。  相似文献   

地震灾害与风险是两个本质不同的概念:地震灾害是指由地震所引起的自然现象,而地震风险是指由地震灾害所导致人类及其环境破坏的可能性。在考虑抗震设防时,地震风险是更为重要的因素。本文首先对地震灾害与风险这两个概念进行探讨,然后利用500年的历史地震烈度资料对大华北地区的地震灾害和风险进行评估。研究结果表明,大华北地区具有较高的地震灾害和地震风险,尤其是鄂尔多斯周缘和京津唐地区;研究区内很多城市现行的抗震设防要求可能偏低。  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China is in the process of rapid demographic, economic and urban change including nationwide engineering and building construction at an unprecedented scale. The mega-city of Shanghai is at the centre of China's modernisation. Rapid urbanisation and building growth have increased the exposure of people and property to natural disasters. The seismic hazard of Shanghai and its vicinity is presented from a seismogenic free-zone methodology. A PGA value of 49 cm s−2 and a maximum intensity value of VII for the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (a scale similar to the Modified Mercalli) for a 99% probability of non-exceedance in 50 years are determined for Shanghai city. The potential building damage for three independent districts of the city centre named Putuo, Nanjing Road and Pudong are calculated using damage vulnerability matrices. It is found that old civil houses of brick and timber are the most vulnerable buildings with potentially a mean probability value of 7.4% of this building structure type exhibiting the highest damage grade at intensity VII.  相似文献   

We developed a seismic hazard model for Taiwan that integrates all available tectonic, seismicity, and seismic hazard information in the region to provide risk managers and engineers with a model they can use to estimate earthquake losses and manage seismic risk in Taiwan. The seismic hazard model is composed of two major components: a seismotectonic model and a ground-shaking model. The seismotectonic model incorporates earthquakes that are expected to occur on the Ryukyu and Manila subduction zones, on the intermediate-depth Wadati-Benioff seismicity zones, on the active crustal faults, and within seismotectonic provinces. The active crustal faults include the Chelungpu fault zone, the source of the damaging MW 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake, and the Huangchi-Hsiaoyukeng fault zone that forms the western boundary of the Taipei Basin. The ground-shaking model uses both US, worldwide, and Taiwanese attenuation relations to provide robust estimates of peak ground acceleration and response spectral acceleration on a reference site condition for shallow crustal and subduction zone earthquakes. The ground shaking for other site conditions is obtained by applying a nonlinear soil-amplification factor defined in terms of the average shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m of the soil profile, consistent with the methodology used in the current US and proposed Taiwan building codes.  相似文献   

A framework for a seismic risk model for Greater Cairo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the adverse effects caused by the moderate Ms 5.4 event of October 1992, the need to model the risk from earthquakes occurring in or near Cairo was shown to be an essential tool to offset this threat in the future. To provide the necessary elements for a risk model, this paper describes a methodology for developing a ground-shaking model as well as an inventory database for the city. In the first part, a scheme is followed to integrate data on geological structures, seismic sources, seismicity and surface soil conditions to build-up an event-based hazard model. In the second part, a brief review of the history of seismic provisions in Egyptian codes is presented, and a detailed assessment of local maps and information is supplemented by results from street surveys to obtain building stock data and geographical resolutions. On the basis of these studies, the city is divided into a number of census-tracts, or geo-codes, of classified building and soil characteristics, representing a fundamental step towards the development of a full loss model.  相似文献   

The European project SERGISAI developed a computational tool where amethodology for seismic risk assessment at different geographical scales hasbeen implemented. Experts of various disciplines, including seismologists,engineers, planners, geologists, and computer scientists, co-operated in anactual multidisciplinary process to develop this tool. Standard proceduralcodes, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Artificial Intelligence(AI) techniques compose the whole system, that will enable the end userto carry out a complete seismic risk assessment at three geographical scales:regional, sub-regional and local. At present, single codes or models thathave been incorporated are not new in general, but the modularity of theprototype, based on a user-friendly front-end, offers potential users thepossibility of updating or replacing any code or model if desired. Theproposed procedure is a first attempt to integrate tools, codes and methodsfor assessing expected earthquake damage, and it was mainly designedto become a useful support for civil defence and land use planning agencies.Risk factors have been treated in the most suitable way for each one, interms of level of detail, kind of parameters and units of measure.Identifying various geographical scales is not a mere question of dimension;since entities to be studied correspond to areas defined by administrativeand geographical borders. The procedure was applied in the following areas:Toscana in Italy, for the regional scale, the Garfagnana area in Toscana, forthe sub-regional scale, and a part of Barcelona city, Spain, for the localscale.  相似文献   

As a result of our ability to acquire large volumes of real-time earthquake observation data, coupled with increased computer performance, near real-time seismic instrument intensity can be obtained by using ground motion data observed by instruments and by using the appropriate spatial interpolation methods. By combining vulnerability study results from earthquake disaster research with earthquake disaster assessment models, we can estimate the losses caused by devastating earthquakes, in an attempt to provide more reliable information for earthquake emergency response and decision support. This paper analyzes the latest progress on the methods of rapid earthquake loss estimation at home and abroad. A new method involving seismic instrument intensity rapid reporting to estimate earthquake loss is proposed and the relevant software is developed. Finally, a case study using the M L4.9 earthquake that occurred in Shun-chang county, Fujian Province on March 13, 2007 is given as an example of the proposed method.  相似文献   

近年来高分辨率遥感技术快速发展,其在灾害研究领域的应用也越来越广。将遥感技术用于建筑群在地震灾害中的脆弱性和损失风险分析,不仅能保证建筑物类型和数量调查更新的时效性,而且有利于进行不同时期损失风险的对比分析,以便揭示震灾损失风险的变化规律。通过分析高分辨率建筑群的遥感影像特征,设计了一套提取建筑物属性信息(高度和面积)的方法,并通过实地调查验证了其可行性;将提取的建筑群属性信息与传统的震灾风险分析模型相结合,即可实现对研究区建筑群在地震灾害中的脆弱性和损失风险分析。以唐山市区和9个乡镇2009年的建筑物为研究对象,提取了它们的属性信息,在设定地震烈度情景下,分析了这些建筑物在地震灾害中的脆弱性和损失风险。  相似文献   

The recent earthquakes in California and Japan have shown the fundamental role that the road infrastructure plays in emergencies. In fact, only the maintenance of a sufficient level of efficiency can help to quickly reach the affected areas and thus avoid further serious consequences. The necessity of guaranteeing the functionality of the transport network during seismic events therefore requires seismic risk planning extended also to the road infrastructures in order to support the management of post-earthquake emergencies. Analogously it is fundamentally important to have analysis instruments of the road system able to preventatively evaluate the effects of earthquakes in order to identify possible emergencies, therefore preparing a program of intervention to reduce seismic risk on road networks. This paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation of seismic risk of road infrastructures according to the following points:Study of seismic hazard of the site for the definition of a seismic scenario using attenuation models in relation to historical seismology and the geological and tectonic characteristics of the territory;Analysis of the direct exposure connected to the probability of the presence of road users on the different parts of the network directly exposed to the seismic event;Analysis of the indirect exposure relative to the distribution of the population and the infrastructures for which post-earthquake accessibility must be guaranteed;Evaluation of the functional vulnerability in relation to the potential replaceability of damaged stretches considering network configuration and geometrical characteristics;Evaluation of structural vulnerability of the stretch correlated to the characteristics (structural, mechanical, technological, etc.) of the different components (bridges, embankments, trenches, tunnels) that make up the stretches obtained by the use of correctly elaborated tables for each component.The determination of global risk indexes of the single stretches and of the network, evaluated by means of a relationship between the ascertained parameters derived from the investigation of the previous points, provides the necessary information for the definition of mitigation measures to reduce the risk and for management planning before and after disaster. The proposed methodology, which has already been applied to a restricted area, is currently being applied to the province of Catania (Sicily, Italy), which is one of the geographical regions of highest seismic risk in Europe, and its future extension to all of eastern Sicily is foreseeable.  相似文献   

高分辨率卫星影像已经在一些国家的民用领域得到应用。利用高分辨率卫星影像来收集地震损失评价所需要的各类城市信息不仅高效和有较好的时间分辨率,而且它可以减少以往所必需的大量的代价高昂且费力的城市调查。基于在印度城市台拉登所做的研究,讨论了如何利用高分辨率卫星影像进行城市特征识别的一些问题,同时也简单论述了利用GIS/RS软件综合所得的数据以便用于地震损失评价的方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates the seismic demands due to the catastrophic 1999 Mw=7.4 Kocaeli and the Mw=7.1 Duzce earthquakes. The inelastic response spectra for the Kocaeli and Duzce earthquakes are investigated for systems with known strength and ductility. An analytical fiber element model is developed for a typical reinforced concrete building in Turkey. The interstory drifts are calculated from nonlinear dynamic analysis using 26 recorded strong-motion data from the 1999 Kocaeli and the Duzce earthquakes. In the dynamic analysis, the structural members are modeled by employing distributed plasticity fiber elements and both geometrical as well as material nonlinearities are taken into account. This study shows that the ductility and interstory drift demands due to the Kocaeli and the Duzce earthquakes were very severe (well above the code prescribed values) even for moderately inelastic structures. It is apparent from the results that the forward directivity effect is the most influential factor on the interstory drift demand. Both the distance to the fault rupture and the site conditions affect seismic demands, but the site conditions and the local topography are more influential than the distance from the fault rupture. This study shows that substantial damage should be expected in a future earthquake at all districts of Istanbul, but especially at Avcilar, Cekmece, Fatih, Bakirkoy and the Zeytinburnu districts. It is also shown that base isolation may substantially improve the performance of a structure in the inelastic domain and base isolated structures may be designed for lower minimum lateral strengths and higher strength reduction factors.  相似文献   

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