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Simulations of a regional (approx. 50 km resolution) circulation model REMOiso with embedded stable water isotope module covering the period 1958‐2001 are compared with the two instrumental climate and four isotope series (δ18O) from western Svalbard. We examine the data from ice cores drilled on Svalbard ice caps in 1997 (Lomonosovfonna, 1250 m asl) and 2005 (Holtedahlfonna, 1150 m asl) and the GNIP series from Ny‐Ålesund and Isfjord Radio. The surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation data from Longyearbyen and Ny‐Ålesund are used to assess the skill of the model in reproducing the local climate. The model successfully captures the climate variations on the daily to multidecadal times scales although it tends to systematically underestimate the winter SAT. Analysis suggests that REMOiso performs better at simulating isotope compositions of precipitation in the winter than summer. The simulated and measured Holtedahlfonna δ18O series agree reasonably well, whereas no significant correlation has been observed between the modelled and measured Lomonosovfonna ice core isotopic series. It is shown that sporadic nature as well as variability in the amount inherent in precipitation process potentially limits the accuracy of the past SAT reconstruction from the ice core data. This effect in the study area is, however, diminished by the role of other factors controlling δ18O in precipitation, most likely sea ice extent, which is directly related with the SAT anomalies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

反照率是控制地表能量收支的关键地球物理参数之一,海冰作为南北极地区重要的组成部分,海冰反照率的时空变化会对极地地区和全球范围的气候变化、物质平衡以及能量平衡等产生重要的影响.本文系统的总结了海冰反照率的影响因素、海冰反照率的参数化方法和遥感反演方法及产品的研究进展,阐明了各方法的基本原理、特点以及存在的问题等.海冰反照率的影响因素众多,主要受地表冰雪反射特性、太阳天顶角以及大气属性的影响;参数化方法提供了一种模拟海冰反照率的途径,主要通过取经验定值或建立温度、冰雪厚度以及光谱反照率等参数与海冰反照率的经验关系来进行,但是这种基于特定位置、特定时间以及特定的大气状态下的观测数据运用统计或经验方法建立的参数化方法,适用范围通常有限.遥感反演方法是高时空分辨率获取大范围及长时序海冰反照率的有力手段,主要分为传统的反演方法、直接反演方法以及基于非光学传感器的反演方法;但是遥感反演很容易受到云层的影响,仅能反演晴空下的海冰反照率,而且现有的方法基本都是针对单一传感器设计的,还没有能够联合多源传感器数据反演海冰反照率的方法.基于此,本文展望了未来海冰反照率的研究重点,即开展能够适用于云天空下的、高...  相似文献   

A genetic and evolutionary model is established for saline depressions in continental areas. These depressions are located in arid or subarid areas, and are developed on low permeability geological mediums (K<10 mm/day) with a lack of streams reaching the small lakes. The phenomenon of evaporation is fundamental, since it is the basic requirement for the presence or absence of a free water surface in the lake, and also for depression of the phreatic surface, which causes inflow of groundwater towards the lake. With these conditions, the proposed model includes the following stages: (i) initiation of the close depression; (ii) deepening of the depression; (iii) formation of the lake basin and the end of the deepening; and (iv) levelling and lateral extension of the lake basin. The combined effects of groundwater flows and aeolian action offer a coherent explanation for the origin and evolution both of the closed depressions found in the Ebro Valley, and of the salt lakes that subsequently form. The processes described form morphologies of oval shape with the main axis parallel to the direction of the wind, flat floors and evaporitic sedimentation, although they act on geological materials with different lithologies. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debris-covered glaciers are prone to the formation of a number of supraglacial geomorphological features, and generally speaking, their upper surfaces are far from level surfaces. Some of these features are due to radiation screening or enhancing properties of the debris cover, but theoretical explanations of the consequent surface forms are in their infancy. In this paper we consider a theoretical model for the formation of “ice sails”, which are regularly spaced bare ice features which are found on debris-covered glaciers in the Karakoram.  相似文献   

Sediment export from glaciated basins involves complex interactions between ice flow, basal erosion and sediment transfer in subglacial and proglacial streams. In particular, we know very little about the processes associated with sediment transfer by subglacial streams. The Haut Glacier d'Arolla (VS, Switzerland) was investigated during the summer melt season of 2015. LiDAR survey revealed positive surface changes in the ablation zone, indicating glacier uplift, at the end of the morning during the period of peak ablation. Instream measures of sediment transport showed that suspended load and bedload responded differently to diurnal flow variability. Suspended load depended on the availability of fine material whereas bedload depended mainly on the competence of the flow. Interpretation of these results allowed development of a conceptual model of subglacial sediment transport dynamics. It is based upon the mechanisms of clogging (deposition) and flushing (transport/erosion) in sub-glacial channels as forced by diurnal flow variability. Through the melt season, the glacier hydrological response evolves from being buffered by glacier snow cover with a poorly developed subglacial drainage system to being dominated by more rapid ice melt with a more hydraulically efficient subglacial channel system. The resultant changes in the shape of diurnal discharge hydrographs, and notably higher peak flows and lower base flows, causes sediment transport to become discontinuous, with overnight clogging and late morning flushing of subglacial channels. Overnight clogging may be sufficient to reduce subglacial channel size, creating temporarily pressurized flow and lateral transfer of water away from the subglacial channels, leading to the late morning glacier surface uplift. However, without further data, we cannot exclude other hypotheses for the uplift. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The runoff regime of glacierized headwater catchments in the Alps is essentially characterized by snow and ice melt. High Alpine drainage basins influence distant downstream catchments of the Rhine River basin. In particular, during the summer months, low-flow conditions are probable with strongly reduced snow and ice melt under climate change conditions. This study attempts to quantify present and future contributions from snow and ice melt to summer runoff at different spatial scales. For the small Silvretta catchment (103 km2) in the Swiss Alps, with a glacierization of 7%, the HBV model and the glacio-hydrological model GERM are applied for calculating future runoff based on different regional climate scenarios. We evaluate the importance of snow and ice melt in the runoff regime. Comparison of the models indicates that the HBV model strongly overestimates the future contribution of glacier melt to runoff, as glaciers are considered as static components. Furthermore, we provide estimates of the current meltwater contribution of glaciers for several catchments downstream on the River Rhine during the month of August. Snow and ice melt processes have a significant direct impact on summer runoff, not only for high mountain catchments, but also for large transboundary basins. A future shift in the hydrological regime and the disappearance of glaciers might favour low-flow conditions during summer along the Rhine.

Citation Junghans, N., Cullmann, J. & Huss, M. (2011) Evaluating the effect of snow and ice melt in an Alpine headwater catchment and further downstream in the River Rhine. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 981–993.  相似文献   

Snow and glacial melt processes are an important part of the Himalayan water balance. Correct quantification of melt runoff processes is necessary to understand the region's vulnerability to climate change. This paper describes in detail an application of conceptual GR4J hydrological model in the Tamor catchment in Eastern Nepal using typical elevation band and degree‐day factor approaches to model Himalayan snow and glacial melt processes. The model aims to provide a simple model that meets most water planning applications. The paper contributes a model conceptualization (GR4JSG) that enables coarse evaluation of modelled snow extents against remotely sensed Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow extent. Novel aspects include the glacial store in GR4JSG and examination of how the parameters controlling snow and glacial stores correlate with existing parameters of GR4J. The model is calibrated using a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain method against observed streamflow for one glaciated catchment with reliable data. Evaluation of the modelled streamflow with observed streamflow gave Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.88 and Percent Bias of <4%. Comparison of the modelled snow extents with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer gave R2 of 0.46, with calibration against streamflow only. The contribution of melt runoff to total discharge from the catchment is 14–16% across different experiments. The model is highly sensitive to rainfall and temperature data, which suffer from known problems and biases, for example because of stations being located predominantly in valleys and at lower elevations. Testing of the model in other Himalayan catchments may reveal additional limitations. © 2016 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Diffusive mass exchange into immobile water regions within heterogeneous porous aquifers influences the fate of solutes. The percentage of immobile water is often unidentified in natural aquifers though. Hence, the mathematical prediction of solute transport in such heterogeneous aquifers remains challenging. The objective of this study was to find a simple analytical model approach that allows quantifying properties of mobile and immobile water regions and the portion of immobile water in a porous system. Therefore, the Single Fissure Dispersion Model (SFDM), which takes into account diffusive mass exchange between mobile and immobile water zones, was applied to model transport in well‐defined saturated dual‐porosity column experiments. Direct and indirect model validation was performed by running experiments at different flow velocities and using conservative tracer with different molecular diffusion coefficients. In another column setup, immobile water regions were randomly distributed to test the model applicability and to determine the portion of immobile water. In all setups, the tracer concentration curves showed differences in normalized maximum peak concentration, tailing and mass recovery according to their diffusion coefficients. These findings were more pronounced at lower flow rates (larger flow times) indicating the dependency of diffusive mass exchange into immobile water regions on tracers' molecular diffusion coefficients. The SFDM simulated all data with high model efficiency. Successful model validation supported the physical meaning of fitted model parameters. This study showed that the SFDM, developed for fissured aquifers, is applicable in porous media and can be used to determine porosity and volume of regions with immobile water. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics of debris obtained from the basal ice in a borehole in the Agassiz ice cap, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories by the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project in 1979. The debris appears to have been incorporated by basal freezing at a time when the base of the glacier upstream was near the pressure melting point and some 19°C warmer than at the present site. Such an occurrence may be explained by a different flow regime, by a thicker ice sheet, by the influence of irregular bedrock topography on basal ice conditions at some stage in the past, or by a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Field investigations suggest that postglacial unloading and rebound led to the formation or re-activation of reverse faults even in continental shields like Scandinavia. Here we use finite-element models including a thrust fault embedded in a rheologically layered lithosphere to investigate its slip evolution during glacial loading and subsequent postglacial unloading. The model results show that the rate of thrusting decreases during the presence of an ice sheet and strongly increases during deglaciation. The magnitude of the slip acceleration is primarily controlled by the thickness of the ice sheet, the viscosity of the lithospheric layers and the long-term shortening rate. In contrast, the width of the ice sheet, the rate of deglaciation or the fault dip have an only minor influence on the slip evolution. In all experiments, the slip rate variations are caused by changes in the differential stress. The modelled deglaciation-induced slip acceleration agrees well with the occurrence of large earthquakes soon after the melting of the Fennoscandian ice sheet, which led to the formation of spectacular fault scarps in particular in the Lapland Fault Province. Furthermore, our model results support the idea that the low level of seismicity in currently glaciated regions like Greenland and Antarctica is caused by the presence of the ice sheets. Based on our models we expect that the decay of the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets in the course of global warming will ultimately lead to an increase in earthquake frequency in these regions.  相似文献   

A simple field‐based method for directly parameterizing root water uptake models is proposed. Stem psychrometers and sap flow meters are used to measure stem water potential and plant transpiration rate continuously and simultaneously. Predawn stem water potential is selected as a surrogate for root zone soil water potential to examine and parameterize the root water uptake–water stress response functions. The method is applied to two drooping sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) trees for a period of 80 days, covering both a dry season and a wet season. The results indicate that the S‐shape function is more appropriate than the Feddes piecewise linear function for drooping sheoak to represent the effect of soil moisture stress on its root water uptake performance. Besides, the water stress function is found to be not only a function of soil moisture but also dependent of the atmospheric demand. As a result, the water stress function is corrected for the effect of atmospheric conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to effect storm runoff and erosion processes in Mediterranean watersheds at multiple spatial scales. Models are typically applied to estimate these impacts; however, the scarcity of spatially distributed data for parameterization, calibration and validation often prevents application of these models, particularly for larger catchments. This report, the first part of a two‐part article, presents an application and evaluation of the MEFIDIS model for two Mediterranean meso‐scale watersheds (115 and 290 km2) in a data‐scarce environment. A multi‐scale assessment method was used that combines quantitative validation and qualitative evaluation, consisting of three steps: (1) calibration at the small (field) scale using results from rainfall simulation experiments; (2) calibration and validation for catchment‐scale results while changing catchment‐scale parameters only (channel roughness and a parameter controlling the distribution of saturated areas); and (3) qualitative evaluation of within‐watershed erosion processes using empirical estimates of sediment delivery ratio and gully location. The results indicate that calibrating MEFIDIS at the field scale can provide reasonable results for catchment runoff and sediment export and for within‐watershed erosion processes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The parameter n in the well-known expression for hydraulic conductivity K=K0Sen (where K0 is its value at satiation and Se the effective saturation) is determined as a function of the exponent in the power form of the soil–water retention relationship. The result is validated with an extensive experimental database comprising some 43 soils, collected by Mualem.  相似文献   

The problems of parametric representation of the initial formation and the subsequent evolution of fast ice in freezing seas are discussed within the framework of the model of marine ice cover evolution. The mathematical form of this representation takes into account the processes of transformation of sea ice formations in open water areas in coastal regions into fast ice during its formation and inverse processes at the stage of its destruction. The parametric identification of the model was based on samples of long-term distributions of ice cover characteristics in the Sea of Japan, as well as the distributions of air temperature and wind speeds over sea water area. The model can be used to predict the state of fast ice in the ice cover of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Observations of dense water formation on the shelf of the Gulf of Thermaikos (North Aegean) are presented, based mainly on continuous monitoring of temperature and currents, during the winter of 2001–2002, at an instrumented mooring and a CTD survey carried out in early February 2002. A 2.5-month realistic simulation, corresponding to the period of observation, was performed to investigate the processes of dense water formation and cascading. The simulation is first compared to the main characteristics of the dense water, time variation of bottom temperature and spatial distribution of the dense water on the shelf. Subsequently, the simulation is used (a) to show that the formation of dense water takes place within the semi-enclosed Thessaloniki Bay and (b) to explain the intermittence of cascading out of the bay in relation to wind variations. The pathways of the dense water through the shelf are investigated with an emphasis on the role of the bottom slope and friction in the Ekman layer. The export of dense water towards the open sea occurs primarily along the slope bounding the western coast.  相似文献   

A stochastic model for synthetic data generation is not available in the literature for daily flows of intermittent streams. Such a model is required in the planning and operation of structures on an intermittent stream for purposes where short time flow fluctuations are important. In this study a model is developed for such a case. The model consists of four steps: determination of the days on which flow occurs, determination of the days on which a flow increment occurs, determination of the magnitude of the flow increment, and calculation of the flow decrement on days when the flow is reduced. The first two steps are modelled by a three‐state Markov chain. In the third step, flow increments on the rising limb of the hydrograph are assumed to be gamma distributed. In the last step an exponential recession is used with two different coefficients. Parameters of the model are estimated from the observed daily stream flow data for each month of the year. The model is applied to a daily flow series of 35 years' length. It is seen that the model can preserve the short‐term characteristics (the ascension and recession curves and peaks) of the hydrograph in addition to the long‐term characteristics (mean, variance, skewness, lag‐one and higher lag autocorrelation coefficients, and zero flow percentage). The number of parameters of the model can be decreased by fitting Fourier series to their annual variation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variability of dense water formation in the Ross Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents results from a model study of the interannual variability of high salinity shelf water (HSSW) properties in the Ross Sea. Salinity and potential temperature of HSSW formed in the western Ross Sea show oscillatory behaviour at periods of 5–6 and 9 years superimposed on long-term fluctuations. While the shorter oscillations are induced by wind variability, variability on the scale of decades appears to be related to air temperature fluctuations. At least part of the strong decrease of HSSW salinities deduced from observations for the period 1963–2000 is shown to be an aliasing artefact due to an undersampling of the periodic signal. While sea ice formation is responsible for the yearly salinity increase that triggers the formation of HSSW, interannual variability of net freezing rates hardly affects changes in the properties of the resulting water mass. Instead, results from model experiments indicate that the interannual variability of dense water characteristics is predominantly controlled by variations in the shelf inflow through a sub-surface salinity and a deep temperature signal. The origin of the variability of inflow characteristics to the Ross Sea continental shelf can be traced into the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. The temperature anomalies are induced at the continental shelf break in the western Bellingshausen Sea by fluctuations of the meridional transport of circumpolar deep water with the eastern cell of the Ross Gyre. In the Amundsen Sea, upwelling due to a persistently cyclonic wind field carries the signal into the surface mixed layer, leading to fluctuations of the vertical heat flux, anomalies of brine release near the sea ice edge, and consequently to a sub-surface salinity anomaly. With the westward flowing coastal current, both the sub-surface salinity and deep temperature signals are advected onto the Ross Sea continental shelf. Convection carries the signal of salinity variability into the deep ocean, where it interacts with modified circumpolar deep water upwelled onto the continental shelf as the second source water mass of HSSW. Sea ice formation on the Ross Sea continental shelf thus drives the vertical propagation of the signal rather than determining the signal itself.  相似文献   

In order to understand the processes of land surface-atmosphere interaction over de-sertification area, it is indispensable to utilize of satellite remote sensing. Two scenes of LandsatTM were used to produce a set of maps of surface reflectance, MSAVI, vegetation coverage, sur-face temperature, net radiation, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. Statisticalanalysis based on these maps revealed some quantitative significant land surface characteristics.Future developments of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

Seismogenicmodelofearthquakesingroups intectonicblockandanalysisforsomefeaturesofearthquakeprecursoryfieldGuo-MinZHANG;Lu-Min...  相似文献   

The processes of hillslope runoff and erosion are typically represented at coarse spatial resolution in catchment‐scale models due to computational limitations. Such representation typically fails to incorporate the important effects of topographic heterogeneity on runoff generation, overland flow, and soil erosion. These limitations currently undermine the application of distributed catchment models to understand the importance of thresholds and connectivity on hillslope and catchment‐scale runoff and erosion, particularly in semi‐arid environments. This paper presents a method for incorporating high‐resolution topographic data to improve sub‐grid scale parameterization of hillslope overland flow and erosion models. Results derived from simulations conducted using a kinematic wave overland flow model at 0.5 m spatial resolution are used to parameterize the depth–discharge relationship in the overland flow model when applied at 16 m resolution. The high‐resolution simulations are also used to derive a more realistic parameterization of excess flow shear stress for use in the 16 m resolution erosion model. Incorporating the sub‐grid scale parameterization in the coarse‐resolution model (16 m) leads to improved predictions of overland flow and erosion when evaluated using results derived from high‐resolution (0.5 m) model simulations. The improvement in performance is observed for a range of event magnitudes and is most notable for erosion estimates due to the non‐linear dependency between the rates of erosion and overland flow. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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