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The sediment record from the Piànico palaeolake in the southern Alps is continuously varved, spans more than 15 500 years, and represents a key archive for interglacial climate variability at seasonal resolution. The stratigraphic position of the Piànico Interglacial has been controversial in the past. The identification of two volcanic ash layers and their microscopic analysis provides distinct marker layers for tephrochronological dating of these interglacial deposits. In addition to micro‐facies analyses reconstructing depositional processes of both tephra layers within the lake environment, their mineralogical and geochemical composition has been determined through major‐element electron probe micro‐analysis on glass shards. Comparison with published tephra data traced the volcanic source regions of the Piànico tephras to the Campanian volcanic complex of Roccamonfina (Italy) and probably the Puy de Sancy volcano in the French Massif Central. Available dating of near‐vent deposits from the Roccamonfina volcano provides a robust tephrochronological anchor point at around 400 ka for the Piànico Interglacial. These deposits correlate with marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 11 and thus are younger than Early to Middle Pleistocene previously suggested by K/Ar dating and older than the last interglacial as inferred from macrofloral remains and the geological setting. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Contamination with detrital matter is a well‐known bias in δ18O records from lake carbonates but quantitative information of this effect is yet lacking. Therefore, we developed a new methodological approach combining isotope analyses with microfacies, X‐ray diffraction and micro‐X‐ray fluorescence data and applied this in a case study for the Piànico interglacial lake record in order to provide a quantitative estimate of the effect of detrital carbonate on stable δ18O and δ13C data. The Piànico record contains a long series of distinct and well‐preserved calcite varves and is correlated to Marine Isotope Stage 11. Intercalated in the varve sequence are detrital layers triggered by surface erosion events. These detrital layers are mainly composed of dolomite, thus reflecting the mineralogical signature of the catchment. Microfacies analyses of a 9350 varve year interval allows the identification of detrital layers down to sub‐millimetre scale and a precise selection of three different types of samples for isotope analyses: (1) pure endogenic calcite varves (five varves per sample) without detrital contamination; (2) individual detrital layers; and (3) ‘mixed’ samples including five calcite varves and up to four thin detrital layers. Detrital samples show the isotopic signature of the catchment dolomite and are up to 5.7‰ enriched in δ18O values with respect to endogenic calcite samples. In mixed samples, the degree of isotopic enrichment is directly related to the amount of detrital contamination; δ18O of bulk carbonates is significantly biased when the detrital component amounts to more than 5% of the sample. It is also shown that samples containing detrital material have an influence on the calculation of the covariance between δ13C and δ18O. Covariance is high (r = 0.76) when the correlation coefficient is calculated on the base of all samples, but absent (r = ?0.43) when samples containing detrital dolomite are excluded. It has been demonstrated that microfacies analysis is a quick tool to avoid or reduce detrital contamination in bulk carbonate samples during sample selection. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Quaternary interglacial lake sediment record from the Piànico-Sèllere Basin (northern Italy) consists of biochemical calcite varves with intercalated detrital layers. At the end of the Piànico Interglacial, continuous varve formation was replaced by predominantly detrital sedimentation. However, 427 varve-years before this shift, an abrupt increase in the frequency and thickness of detrital layers occurred. Microfacies analyses reveal a total of 152 detrital layers, ranging from 0·2 to 20·15 mm in thickness, deposited during the last 896 years of the Piànico Interglacial. Three microfacies types are distinguished: (i) graded layers, (ii) non-graded silt layers, and (iii) matrix-supported layers. The position of detrital layers within an individual varve provides additional information on the season in which they have been deposited. Microfacies analyses in combination with varve counting further enabled precise varve-to-varve correlation of the detrital layers for two sediment sections cropping out ca 130 m apart. The detailed intra-basin correlation allows the source regions of detrital layers to be inferred. Moreover, micro-erosion at sub-millimetre scale has been established. Of the described facies types, only the accumulation of summer and spring graded and non-graded silt layers abruptly increased before the end of interglacial varve formation whereas non-graded winter silt and matrix-supported layers are randomly distributed over the entire study period. Heavy rainfalls are assumed to have triggered spring and summer graded layers, so that the occurrence of these layers is thought to be a proxy for extreme precipitation events in the past.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the freshwater genus Tanousia Servain 1881 (Hydrobiidae) in the Middle Pleistocene lacustrine succession of the Piànico-Sèllere Basin (Bergamo, Northern Italy) represents a significant biostratigraphical discovery. The Tanousia were recovered from the basal part of the carbonate varved bed (BVC), in siltysandy slump sediments, and from the lower and middle parts of the La Palazzina Member (MLP) of the Piànico formation. The BVC unit, in which a dated tephra layer occurs, accumulated during an interglacial phase, as shown by pollen analyses. The MLP Tanousia-bearing layers have been laid down during cool–temperate climate oscillation. The Piànico population of Tanousia displays great morphological variability but is similar to T. runtoniana (Sandberger, 1880), T. stenostoma (Nordmann, 1901) and T. cf. T. stenostoma (Nordmann, 1901), from the Bavelian and Cromerian interglacial deposits of late Early and early Middle Pleistocene age in Northern Europe. As for these species, the Tanousia population from Piànico appears to indicate fluvial conditions under a fully temperate climate.  相似文献   

High‐precision correlation of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental records is crucial for testing hypotheses of synchronous change. Although radiocarbon is the traditional method for dating late Quaternary sedimentary sequences, particularly during the last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT; 15–9 ka), there are inherent problems with the method, particularly during periods of climate change which are often accompanied by major perturbations in atmospheric radiocarbon content. An alternative method is the use of tephras that act as time‐parallel marker horizons. Within Europe, numerous volcanic centres are known to have erupted during the LGIT, providing considerable potential for high‐precision correlation independent of past radiocarbon fluctuations. Here we report the first identification of the Vedde Ash and Askja Tephra in Ireland, significantly extending the known provenance of these events. We have also identified two new horizons (the Roddans Port Tephras A and B) and tentatively recognise an additional horizon from Vallensgård Mose (Denmark) that provide crucial additional chronological control for the LGIT. Two phases of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) are reported, the lower Laacher See Tephra (LLST) and probably the C2 phase of the Middle Laacher See Tephra (MLST‐C2) indicating a more northeasterly distribution of this fan than reported previously. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structure and properties of the Adriatic crust were determined from local earthquake tomography around the Giudicarie fault zone (central‐eastern Southern Alps, Italy). Tomographic results, based on well‐suited 436 revised earthquakes (period 1994–2007), have a resolution comparable to the scale of regional geological domains and tectonic structures. The observed strong velocity anomalies correlate well with lithological variations corresponding to different geological domains (particularly magmatic complexes at depth) and with high fracturing and/or presence of fluids along active fault systems (South Giudicarie and Valsugana–Bassano del Grappa–Montello thrusts).  相似文献   

This work presents the first reconstruction of late Pleistocene glacier fluctuations on Uturuncu volcano, in the Southern Tropical Andes. Cosmogenic 3He dating of glacial landforms provides constraints on ancient glacier position between 65 and 14 ka. Despite important scatter in the exposure ages on the oldest moraines, probably resulting from pre-exposure, these 3He data constrain the timing of the moraine deposits and subsequent glacier recessions: the Uturuncu glacier may have reached its maximum extent much before the global LGM, maybe as early as 65 ka, with an equilibrium line altitude (ELA) at 5280 m. Then, the glacier remained close to its maximum position, with a main stillstand identified around 40 ka, and another one between 35 and 17 ka, followed by a limited recession at 17 ka. Then, another glacial stillstand is identified upstream during the late glacial period, probably between 16 and 14 ka, with an ELA standing at 5350 m. This stillstand is synchronous with the paleolake Tauca highstand. This result indicates that this regionally wet and cold episode, during the Heinrich 1 event, also impacted the Southern Altiplano. The ELA rose above 5450 m after 14 ka, synchronously with the Bolling–Allerod.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study, conducted over the carbonate platform deposits of the Liassic Calcari Grigi Group (Southern Alps), highlighted how the use of outcrop analogues can contribute to better define the distribution of dolomitic bodies related to fault networks, to characterize the petrophysical properties of the dolomitic sequence and unravel a complex diagenetic history. This study was carried out in the Asiago Plateau (southernmost part of the eastern Southern Alps, northern Italy) which provides excellent outcrops of the Jurassic Calcari Grigi Group. The dolomitization of the Jurassic sequence is variable in terms of stratigraphic extension and geographic distribution. In the studied localities the dolomitization is generally limited to the Mount Zugna Formation and is characterized by an undulatory front, with ‘sub‐vertical dolomitic chimneys’ along the major faults. Within this unit, and often associated with faults, stacked high‐porosity and permeability bed‐parallel dolomitic bodies are developed that show excellent petrophysical properties. The dolomitic intervals are characterized by pervasive unimodal and patchy polymodal dolomite crystals. Thin section, cathodoluminescence, isotopic and fluid inclusion analyses were used to constrain the paragenetic evolution of the sequence which is similar in all the studied localities. The first dolomitization stage is marked by zoned dolomite crystals with a dull luminescent core. The porosity is thought to have increased after this stage, with dark blue luminescent dolomite accompanied by the corrosion of older crystals. The appearance of saddle dolomite marks the onset of the porosity reduction stage, ending with the infilling of vugs and the remaining open pores with calcite cement. The diagenetic evolution locally stopped at the saddle dolomite stage with the complete occlusion of the remaining pores. Paragenetic and fluid‐inclusion data suggest an evolutionary trend of increasing temperatures and decreasing salinity toward brackish fluids responsible for dolomite and calcite precipitation. The integration of the available data seem to indicate that the diagenetic evolution of the study area is related to: (i) the interplay between evolving fluids (from marine to brackish); (ii) the burial of the sequence (increasing temperature); and (iii) the evolution of the hydrogeological system (fault and fracture network, fluid mixing). This complex paragenetic evolution is strongly linked to the evolution of the porosity framework that evolved from a good, widespread network in the early stages of the burial history to a confined system in the later stages due to reduction of porosity by the deposition of late calcite and dolomite cements.  相似文献   

The mountain belts of the Dzungarian Alatau (SE Kazakhstan) and the Tien Shan are part of the actively deforming India–Asia collision zone but how the strain is partitioned on individual faults remains poorly known. Here we use terrace mapping, topographic profiling, and 10Be exposure dating to constrain the slip rate of the 160-km-long Usek thrust fault, which defines the southern front of the Dzungarian Alatau. In the eastern part of the fault, where the Usek River has formed five terraces (T1–T5), the Usek thrust fault has vertically displaced terrace T4 by 132 ± 10 m. At two sites on T4, exposure dating of boulders, amalgamated quartz pebbles, and sand from a depth profile yielded 10Be ages of 366 ± 60 ka and 360 + 77/− 48 ka (both calculated for an erosion rate of 0.5 mm/ka). Combined with the vertical offset and a 45–70° dip of the Usek fault, these age constraints result in vertical and horizontal slip rates of ~ 0.4 and ~ 0.25 mm/a, respectively. These rates are below the current resolution of GPS measurements and highlight the importance of determining slip rates for individual faults by dating deformed landforms to resolve the pattern of strain distribution across intracontinental mountain belts.  相似文献   

Early Jurassic syn‐sedimentary extensional tectonics in the central Southern Alps controlled patterns of deposition within the Calcari Grigi carbonate platform. We used variogram maps to gather model‐independent information on the spatial distribution of thicknesses of selected platform units and investigated whether major syn‐sedimentary faults outlined subsiding domains during platform growth. Thicknesses display a spatial organization that suggests that large fault belts, often coincident with exposed Jurassic extensional structures, transected large parts of the platform. The network of four fault systems (trending NNW–SSE and NE–SW) displays orthorhombic symmetry, suggesting non‐Andersonian faulting and a true triaxial strain field with N100°E maximum extension or transfer shear zones connecting major NNW–SSE‐trending extensional faults. In both cases, inherited structures of Permian to Triassic age may have played a primary role in Jurassic faulting. If confirmed throughout the South‐Alpine domain, this arrangement could shed new light on Early Jurassic rifting mechanisms in the Southern Alps.  相似文献   

In the Clusone Basin (a large intermontane basin filled by thick late Neogene–Quaternary sediments in the Middle Val Seriana, Southern Alps), two high‐resolution seismic profiles have been acquired in order to reconstruct the geometries of the sediments that fill the depression, with a maximum thickness of more than 200 m as documented by available well data, and to define their relationships with the bedrock, consisting of Late Triassic carbonates. In addition to standard seismic reflection processing, a seismic refraction inversion technique has been applied. The integration of geological (both surface and well data) and seismic data indicates a complex history of the drainage patterns of the Clusone Basin, documenting a shift of the Serio River from a palaeodrainage toward the southeast (Val Borlezza) to the present situation, toward the south (Val Seriana): between the older and the present‐day drainages an important depositional stage occurred, as documented by the thick sediments that fill the Clusone Basin, controlling the capture of the Serio River along the Val Seriana. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3):117-137
In the Ligurian Alps (South-Western Italian Alps), Zn-Pb deposits occur within late Palaeozoic meta-sedimentary units belonging to the Briançonnais Zone near Casario (Tanaro valley). Different types of sulphide-rich, lens-shaped mineralizations are recognized: sphalerite-galena massive sulphide bodies, pyrite-rich lenses and sulphide-rich quartz–carbonate-chloritoid granofels. Sulphide lenses and host rocks are affected by at least three ductile deformation phases and by a polyphase alpine metamorphism, whose climax conditions are estimated, based on P-T pseudosection calculations, at T = 300-325 °C and P = 0.55-0.60 GPa. In all the mineralized lenses the ore minerals are represented, in variable amount, by Fe-poor sphalerite, galena, pyrite and arsenopyrite (± tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite); the gangue consists of quartz, carbonate (sideritemagnesite ± rhodochrosite s.s.), Fe-chloritoid, muscovite-phengite and chlorite. The mineralizations are associated with chloritoid – carbonate micaschists displaying a finely bedded texture, with sharp between-bed compositional contrast, which suggests their exhalative origin.

In spite of the tectono-metamorphic overprint, some pre-metamorphic features of the hydrothermal system are still recognized, like relics of the hydrothermal feeding system, primary growth textures and sulphide-rich microbreccias. These massive sulphide lenses, which share many characters with the SEDEX deposits, testify to the occurrence of an exhalative event of Upper Carboniferous age previously unrecognized in the Ligurian Briançonnais Unit.  相似文献   

The Ledo‐Paniselian Aquifer in Belgium offers unique opportunities to study periglacial groundwater recharge during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), as it was located close to the southern boundary of the ice sheets at that time. Groundwater residence times determined by 14C and 4He reveal a sequence of Holocene and Pleistocene groundwaters and a gap between about 14 and 21 ka, indicating permafrost conditions which inhibited groundwater recharge. In this paper, a dataset of noble gas measurements is used to study the climatic evolution of the region. The derived recharge temperatures indicate that soil temperatures in the periods just before and after the recharge gap were only slightly above freezing, supporting the hypothesis that permafrost caused the recharge gap. The inferred glacial cooling of 9.5°C is the largest found so far by the noble gas method. Yet, compared to other palaeoclimate reconstructions for the region, recharge temperatures deduced from noble gases for the cold periods tend to be rather high. Most likely, this is due to soil temperatures being several degrees higher than air temperatures during periods with extended snow cover. Thus the noble‐gas‐derived glacial cooling of 9.5°C is only a lower limit of the maximum cooling during the LGM. Some samples younger than the recharge gap are affected by degassing, possibly related to gas production during recharge in part of the recharge area, especially during times of melting permafrost. The findings of this study, such as the occurrence of a recharge gap and degassing related to permafrost and its melting, are significant for groundwater dynamics and geochemistry in periglacial areas. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on six consistent radiocarbon dates from the isolation basins Grødheimsvatnet and Kringlemyr, we estimate a minimum deglaciation age for southern Karmøy, an island in outer Boknafjorden (south‐west Norway), of around 18 000 calibrated years before present (18k cal a bp ). We use microscopic phytoplankton, macrofossils, lithostratigraphic evidence and X‐ray fluorescence data to identify the isolation contacts in the basins, and date them to 17.52–17.18k cal a bp in Grødheimsvatnet [15.57 m above present mean sea level (MSL)] and 16.19–15.80k cal a bp in Kringlemyr (11.99 m above MSL). Combining these data with previous studies, we construct a relative sea‐level (RSL) curve from 18k cal a bp until the present, which is ~3 ka longer than any previous RSL reconstruction from southern Norway. Following deglaciation, southern Karmøy has experienced a net emergence of around 16–19 m, although with significant RSL fluctuations. This includes two RSL minima well below present MSL around ~13.8 and ~10k cal a bp , and two maxima that culminated around 5–7 m above MSL during the Younger Dryas and early to mid‐Holocene, respectively. Considering eustatic sea level and modelled gravitational deformation of the geoid, we estimate a net postglacial isostatic uplift of ~120 m. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

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