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射频大地电磁法(RMT)是以潜艇天线发射的射线源等作为场源的一种地球物理勘探方法,目前被广泛应用于近地表工程和环境地球物理勘探.RMT数据解释常采用基于静态假设的大地电磁法(MT)程序,往往会反演出不真实的浅层目标体.为解决这一长期困扰RMT资料解释的问题,本文实现了考虑位移电流的RMT有限元数值模拟.为了处理任意复杂模型,如起伏地形,非结构的三角形网格被用于离散RMT模型.首先通过算例对比,验证了程序的正确性和可靠性.通过Dike模型讨论了空气层厚度对RMT数值解的影响,结果表明当空气层厚度大于1/4波长即可满足精度要求.以山脊模型为例计算了位移电流对RMT响应的影响,表明位移电流的影响会随着山脊高程的增加而增大. 最后通过舒家店实际模型进一步验证了位移电流在RMT中的重要性.  相似文献   

基于非结构网格的电阻率三维带地形反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
吴小平  刘洋  王威 《地球物理学报》2015,58(8):2706-2717
地表起伏地形在野外矿产资源勘察中不可避免, 其对直流电阻率法勘探影响巨大.近年来, 电阻率三维正演取得诸多进展, 特别是应用非结构网格我们能够进行任意复杂地形和几何模型的电阻率三维数值模拟, 但面向实际应用的起伏地形下电阻率三维反演依然困难.本文基于非结构化四面体网格, 并考虑到应用GPS/GNSS时, 区域地球物理调查中可非规则布设测网的实际特点, 实现了任意地形(平坦或起伏)条件下、任意布设的偶极-偶极视电阻率数据的不完全Gauss-Newton三维反演.合成数据的反演结果表明了方法的有效性, 可应用于复杂野外环境下的三维电法勘探.  相似文献   


射频大地电磁(RMT)是新兴的浅地表勘探法, 其工作频段(10 kHz~1 MHz)处于音频大地电磁(AMT)与探地雷达(GPR)之间, 随频率的增加, 位移电流对RMT观测的影响逐渐增大, 单一电阻率参数反演会影响数据解释的准确性.本文在同时考虑传导电流与位移电流影响的条件下, 开展二维RMT数据电阻率和介电常数联合反演研究.为提高电阻率与介电常数之间的联合约束效果, 在经典最小结构模型正则化约束的基础上, 引入模糊C均值(FCM)聚类算法进行联合约束.模型试算表明, 基于FCM聚类的二维RMT电阻率与介电常数联合反演可以在丰富解释参数的同时提高反演效果.



复杂起伏地形以及剖分方式对重力反演解释具有重要影响. 目前重力密度反演研究主要基于直立长方体模型, 这显著降低了对起伏地形和复杂地质体的拟合程度, 对重力反演解释易产生较大影响.四面体非结构网格能够更加精细地模拟起伏地形及复杂地质体, 为此本文研究了起伏地形条件下基于四面体非结构网格剖分的重力三维密度反演.首先基于Delaunay方法将地下区域剖分为四面体非结构网格, 引入垂向导数和相关系数两种方法进行模型降维技术从而减小解的空间, 通过添加最小长度约束, 深度加权约束, 物性范围约束构建目标函数, 并采用预条件共轭梯度法求解.为了提高反演效率在计算过程引入OpenMP并行算法.并研究了各项约束以及两种模型降维方法在四面体非结构网格正则化反演中的效果.通过不同深度直立长方体模型以及起伏地形下组合模型试验, 基于四面体非结构网格的重力密度反演可以清晰地反映异常体位置.将本文提出的方法应用于美国密苏里州东南部的氧化铁矿床, 反演结果与已知岩体具有较好的一致性, 进一步证明该方法的正确性和有效性.





全波形反演是地震资料处理中速度建模的有力工具,相比层析成像等速度建模方法它能够得到速度场的更高频成分.本文给出了基于声波方程格子法正演的时间域全波形反演方法,该方法用非规则、非结构化的三角网格来离散计算区域及模型参数,能实现网格粒度与反演分辨率在空间上的自动匹配,内存需求少,计算效率高;采用L-BFGS优化方法,以分频段变网格的方式实施多尺度反演.以二维Overthrust模型进行了速度反演数值测试,显示了该方法的高效性和潜力.  相似文献   

基于地质统计先验信息的储层物性参数同步反演   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文提出的储层物性参数同步反演是一种高分辨率的非线性反演方法,该方法综合利用岩石物理和地质统计先验信息,在贝叶斯理论框架下,首先通过变差结构分析得到合理的变差函数,进而利用快速傅里叶滑动平均模拟算法(Fast Fourier TransformMoving Average,FFT-MA)和逐渐变形算法(Gradual Deformation Method,GDM)得到基于地质统计学的储层物性参数先验信息,然后根据统计岩石物理模型建立弹性参数与储层物性参数之间的关系,构建似然函数,最终利用Metropolis算法实现后验概率密度的抽样,得到物性参数反演结果。并将此方法处理了中国陆上探区的一块实际资料,本方法的反演结果具有较高的分辨率,与测井数据吻合度较高;由于可以直接反演储层物性参数,避免了误差的累积,大大减少了不确定性的传递,且计算效率较高。  相似文献   




从观测数据中提取更多的有用的地电信息的反演解释才是地球物理工作的终极目的,而反演的精度是勘探地层物性的关键.对于不论是线性反演还是非线性反演算法,研究的重点始终是围绕着如何构建初始模型和提高计算速度.而众多学者大多只是在算法的精度等方面做了相应改进,而研究区域剖分的差异所带来的误差影响.远大于算法等方面的精度的高低.网格剖分的合适与否,为反演结果的精度提供了先决条件.文中用不同的模型不同的反演方法对比验证粗细两种不同的网格对反演精度的影响.经研究表明,两种不同网格剖分方式,从整体上看.在深部粗网格比细网格模拟精度高,但是近地表开始阶段,粗网格与细网格波动幅度都较大,都脱离正常值.粗网格模拟精度不如细网格;整体变化幅度粗网格比细网格缓和,其中对低阻异常体反演精度较好,但对高阻异常体反演精度较差,与真实值相去甚远,奥克姆反演对异常体效果比较差.结果表明,网格剖分对不同反演的精度影响差异很大,进一步说明非线性反演适应性较强且非线性反演能够获取更合理的真实地电模型.精度较高已被广泛的应用于地球物理的各个领域.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种利用反射波走时曲线计算垂向非均匀介质速度和反射界面深度的方法。当在地球表面没有获得来自地下某一深度范围内介质的任何信息时,可以认为这一深度范围内的地震波速度具有连续性。利用来自其底部反射界面的反射波走时曲线,可以计算出该深度范围的地震波速度结构。对三种模型进行了理论计算,所得反演解与真实值较为一致,其中计算出的反射界面深度最为精确。利用本文提出的方法可以计算两个相邻反射面之间的垂向非均匀速度结构,如低速层等。  相似文献   

We present a 2-D inversion code incorporating a damped least-squares and a minimum-model approach for plane wave electromagnetic (EM) methods using an adaptive unstructured grid finite element forward operator. Unstructured triangular grids permit efficient discretization of arbitrary 2-D model geometries and, hence, allow for modeling arbitrary topography. The inversion model is parameterized on a coarse parameter grid which constitutes a subset of the forward modeling grid. The mapping from parameter to forward modeling grid is obtained by adaptive mesh refinement. Sensitivities are determined by solving a modified sensitivity equation system arising from the derivative of the finite element equations with respect to the model parameters. Firstly, we demonstrate that surface topography may induce significant effects on the EM response and in the inversion result, and that it cannot be ignored when the scale length of topographic variations is in the order of magnitude of the skin depth. Secondly, the dependency of the inversion on the starting model is discussed for VLF and VLF-R data. Thirdly, we demonstrate the inversion of a synthetic data set obtained from a model with topography. Finally, the inversion approach is applied to field data collected in a region with undulating topography.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,大地电磁测深数据的各种反演方法得到空前发展。对于反演过程中的网格剖分问题,前人研究有限。本文就此进行研究,确定影响网格剖分方式的因素,找到一种合适的网格剖分方法。为此,设计一个复杂模型,对正演模拟得到的数据加入随机噪声作为反演的输入数据,选择不同的网格剖分方式,使用DASOCC与NLCG反演方法,以相同参数分别进行反演,对所得结果进行对比分析。结果显示,在设定的模型及参数条件下,针对DASOCC反演方法,纵向及横向网格均不加密,反演效果比较理想,即横向采用一个测点对应一个网格的剖分方式,纵向采用表层加密,100 m以下后一网格为前一网格厚度1.1倍的剖分方式;针对NLCG反演方法,纵向与DASOCC反演方法相同,采用不加密网格的剖分方式得到的结果较好,而横向则建议采用一个测点对应一个网格,并在2个测点之间插入一个网格的剖分方式。  相似文献   

基于对数目标函数的跨孔雷达频域波形反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
波形反演在探地雷达领域的应用已有十余年历史,但绝大部分算例属于时间域波形反演.频率域波形反演由于能够灵活地选择迭代频率并可以使用不同类型的目标函数,因而更加多样化.本文的频率域波形反演基于时间域有限差分(FDTD)法,采用对数目标函数,可在每一次迭代过程中同时或者单独反演介电常数和电导率.文中详细推导了频率域波形反演的理论公式,给出对数目标函数下的梯度表达式,并使用离散傅氏变换(DFT)实现数据的时频变换,能够有效地减少大模型反演的内存需求.在后向残场源的时频域转换过程中,提出仅使用以当前频点为中心的一个窄带数据,可以消除高频无用信号的干扰,获得可靠的反演结果.为加速收敛,采用每迭代十次则反演频率跳跃一定频带宽度的反演策略.实验证明适当的频率跳跃能够在不降低分辨率的基础上有效地提高反演效率.通过两组不同情形下合成数据反演的分析对比,证明基于对数目标函数的波形反演结果准确可靠.最后,将该方法应用到一组实际数据,得到较好的反演结果.  相似文献   

2D磁异常分步反演方法是利用二维(剖面)磁测数据确定场源几何参数以及物性参数的一种反演方法,该方法的优点是构造的形态函数S不受场源磁化特征的影响,因此可以在未知场源物性参数的前提下,通过拟合依次反演得到磁性源形体横截面几何参数、磁化强度以及磁化方向.本文阐述了2D磁异常分步反演方法的原理及步骤,对形态函数S的特征及求取方法进行了讨论,分析了区域背景干扰(正常场)对反演结果的影响并提出了初步解决方案.在方法研究的基础上,进行了单一理论模型及组合理论模型的试算,得到了较好的反演结果.为了验证该方法的效果,对实测剖面进行了试算,得到了场源的边界及场源埋深信息,为进一步反演提供了有用的参考.  相似文献   

Urban flood inundation modeling with a hydrodynamic flow solver is addressed in this paper, focusing on strategies to effectively integrate geospatial data for unstructured mesh generation, building representation and flow resistance parameterization. Data considered include Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) terrain height surveys, aerial imagery and vector datasets such as building footprint polygons. First, a unstructured mesh-generation technique we term the building-hole method (BH) is developed whereby building footprint data define interior domain boundaries or mesh holes. A wall boundary condition depicts the impact of buildings on flood hydrodynamics. BH provides an alternative to the more commonly used method of raising terrain heights where buildings coincide with the mesh. We term this the building-block method (BB). Application of BH and BB to a flooding site in Glasgow, Scotland identifies a number of tradeoffs to consider at resolutions ranging from 1 to 5 m. At fine resolution, BH is shown to be similarly accurate but execute faster than BB. And at coarse resolution, BH is shown to preserve the geometry of buildings and maintain better accuracy than BB, but requires a longer run time. Meshes that ignore buildings completely (no-building method or NB) also support surprisingly good flood inundation predictions at coarse resolution compared to BH and BB. NB also supports faster execution times than BH at coarse resolution because the latter uses localized refinements that mandate a greater number of computational cells. However, with mesh refinement, NB converges to a different (and presumably less-accurate) solution compared to BH and BB. Using the same test conditions, Hunter et al. [Hunter NM, Bates PD, Neelz S, Pender G, Villanueva I, Wright NG, Liang D, et al. Benchmarking 2D hydraulic models for urban flood simulations. ICE J Water Manage 2008;161(1):13–30] compared the performance of dynamic-wave and diffusive-wave models and reported that diffusive-wave models under-predicted the longitudinal penetration of the flood zone due to important inertial effects. Here, we find that a relatively coarse-mesh implementation of a dynamic-wave model suffers from the same drawback because of numerical diffusion. This shows that whether diffusion is achieved through the mathematics or numerics, the effect on flood extent is similar. Finally, several methods of distributing resistance parameters (e.g., Manning n) across the Glasgow site were evaluated including methods that utilize aerial imagery-based landcover classification data, MasterMap® landcover classification data and LiDAR-based feature height data (e.g., height of shrubs or hedges). Results show that landcover data is more important than feature height data in this urban site, that shadows in aerial imagery can cause errors in landcover classification which degrade flood predictions, and that aerial imagery offers a more detailed mapping of trees and bushes than MasterMap® which can locally impact depth predictions but has little impact on flood extent.  相似文献   

We invert three-dimensional seismic data by a multiscale phase inversion scheme, a modified version of full waveform inversion, which applies higher order integrations to the input signal to produce low-boost signals. These low-boost signals are used as the input data for the early iterations, and lower order integrations are computed at the later iterations. The advantages of multiscale phase inversion are that it (1) is less dependent on the initial model compared to full waveform inversion, (2) is less sensitive to incorrectly modelled magnitudes and (3) employs a simple and natural frequency shaping filtering. For a layered model with a three-dimensional velocity anomaly, results with synthetic data show that multiscale phase inversion can sometimes provide a noticeably more accurate velocity profile than full waveform inversion. Results with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists/European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers overthrust model shows that multiscale phase inversion more clearly resolves meandering channels in the depth slices. However, the data and model misfit functions achieve about the same values after 50 iterations. The results with three-dimensional ocean-bottom cable data show that, compared to the full waveform inversion tomogram, the three-dimensional multiscale phase inversion tomogram provides a better match to the well log, and better flattens angle-domain common image gathers. The problem is that the tomograms at the well log provide an incomplete low-wavenumber estimate of the log's velocity profile. Therefore, a good low-wavenumber estimate of the velocity model is still needed for an accurate multiscale phase inversion tomogram.  相似文献   

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