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The M w 5.4 Roermond earthquake of 1992 April 13 was one of the strongest events during the last 500 years in Central Europe. For the period March–May 1992, we collected records of 194 continuously operating well-level sensors, mostly located within 120  km of the epicentre. Nearly all wells penetrate unconfined or poorly confined Quaternary deposits with high hydraulic conductivities. 81 out of 194 raw data sets show a significant dynamic or step-like response of centimetre amplitude to the passage of seismic waves. Precursory anomalies are not obvious in these records. Coseismic well-level fluctuations could reflect a redistribution of stress and pore pressure in the brittle crust. Systematic analyses of such fluctuations may improve our knowledge of the role of pore fluids in crustal rheology and earthquake mechanics. The rather high number of individual observational records for a single event allows a regional correlation of the signs and amplitudes of the coseismic steps to changes in volume strain caused by the earthquake. The coseismic strain field at the surface was calculated for a homogeneous and a layered half-space. The results show reasonable agreement in the sign of the well-level steps but the amplitudes predicted from the wells' volumetric strain responses are much smaller than those that were recorded. Clearly, the coseismic well-level steps cannot be explained by volume strain changes, as derived from linear elastic models.  相似文献   

We use GPS displacements collected in the 15 months after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake  ( M w 7.6)  to evaluate whether post-seismic deformation is better explained by afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle. We find that all viscoelastic models tested fail to fit the general features in the post-seismic GPS displacements, in contrast to the satisfactory fit obtained with afterslip models. We conclude that afterslip is the dominant mechanism in the 15-month period, and invert for the space–time distribution of afterslip, using the Extended Network Inversion Filter. Our results show high slip rates surrounding the region of greatest coseismic slip. The slip-rate distribution remains roughly stationary over the 15-month period. In contrast to the limited coseismic slip on the décollement, afterslip is prominent there. Maximum afterslip of 0.57 m occurs downdip and to the east of the hypocentral region. Afterslip at hypocentral depths is limited to the southern part of the main shock rupture, with little or no slip on the northern section where coseismic slip was greatest. Whether this results from along strike variations in frictional properties or dynamic conditions that locally favour stable sliding is not clear. In general, afterslip surrounds the area of greatest coseismic slip, consistent with post-seismic slip driven by the main shock stress change. The total accumulated geodetic afterslip moment is  3.8 × 1019 N m  , significantly more than the seismic moment released by aftershocks,  6.6 × 1018 N m  . Afterslip and aftershocks appear to have different temporal evolutions and some spatial correlations, suggesting that aftershock rates may not be completely controlled by the rate of afterslip.  相似文献   

The Jiufengershan rock and soil avalanche is one of the largest landslides triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake Taiwan 1999. The landslide destabilized the western limb of the Taanshan syncline along a weak stratigraphic layer. It involved a flatiron remnant, which was almost entirely mobilized during the earthquake. The avalanche was slowed down by NS trending ridges located downstream along the Jiutsaihu creek. The landslide affected a 60 m thick and 1.5 km long sedimentary pile composed of shales and sandstones, which dip 22°SE toward a transverse valley. The triggering mechanism and the sliding process were analyzed by means of geological and morphological data from aerial photographs and observed in the field. A high-resolution airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) image taken 2.5 years after the landslide allows the identification of morphological structures along the sliding surface and the landslide accumulation. The sliding surface shows several deformation structures such as fault scarps and folds. These structures are interpreted in terms of basal shear stresses created during the avalanche. Three major joint sets were identified at the sliding surface. The isopach map of the landslide was calculated from the comparison between elevation models before and after the earthquake. The coseismic volume of mobilized material and landslide deposit data are 42 × 106 m3 and 50 × 106 m3, respectively. The geometry of the landslide accumulation in the field has an irregular star shape. The morphology of the deposit area shows a sequence of smooth reliefs and depressions that contrast with the neighboring ridges.  相似文献   

In a tectonically active setting large earthquakes are always threats; however, they may also be useful in elucidating the subsurface geology. Instrumentally recorded seismicity is, therefore, widely utilized to extend our knowledge into the deeper crust, especially where basement is involved. It is because the earthquakes are triggered by underground stress changes that usually corresponding to the framework of geological structures. Hidden faults, therefore, can be recognized and their extension as well as orientation can be estimated. Both above are of relevance for assessment on seismic hazard of a region, since the active faults are supposed to be re-activated and cause large earthquakes. In this study, we analysed the 1999 October 22 earthquake sequence that occurred in southwestern Taiwan. Two major seismicity clusters were identified with spatial distribution between depths of 10 and 16 km. One cluster is nearly vertical and striking 032°, corresponding to the strike-slip Meishan fault (MSF) that generated the 1906 surface rupture. Another cluster strikes 190° and dips 64° to the west, which is interpreted as west-vergent reverse fault, in contrast to previous expectation of east vergence. Our analysis of the focal solutions of all the larger earthquakes in the 1999 sequence with the 3-D distribution of all the earthquakes over the period 1990–2004 allows us reinterpret the structural framework and suggest previously unreognized seismogenic sources in this area. We accordingly suggest: (1) multiple detachment faults are present in southwestern Taiwan coastal plain and (2) additional seismogenic sources consist of tear faults and backthrust faults in addition to sources associated with west-vergent fold-and-thrust belt.  相似文献   

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