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During the two mainshocks of September 26, 1997 inthe Umbria-Marche border a strong-motion accelerographrecorded peak ground accelerations as large as 0.6 g,approximately, in the town of Nocera Umbra, atdistances of 10 to 15 km from the epicentres. Thisvalue is significantly larger than expected on thebasis of the usual regressions with magnitude anddistance. A broad-band amplification up to a factor of10 was consistently estimated in previous papers,using both weak and strong motion data recorded at theaccelerograph site during local moderate earthquakes.To study the cause of this amplification we deployedsix seismologic stations across the tectonic contactbetween the Ceno-Mesozoic limestone and the Mesozoicmarly sandstone where the accelerograph is installed.Seismograms of 21 shallow aftershocks in the magnituderange from 2.2 to 4.0 and a subcrustal Mw = 5.3event are analysed. Regardless of epicentre location,waveforms show a large complexity in an approximately200 m wide band adjacent to the tectonic contact. Thisis interpreted as the effect of trapped waves in thehighly fractured, lower velocity materials within thefault zone.  相似文献   

Strong site effects were observed during the two M W 5.7 and M W 6.0 main shocks of the Colfiorito seismic crisis which occured on September 26, 1997 in Umbria-Marche (Central Italy).The most obvious indications of these effects are the dramatic differences in damage shown by buildings of similar construction in neighboring villages.Such observations were specifically made in the Verchiano valley in the fault area, 15 km south of Colfiorito where the Verchiano village and the Colle and Camino hamlets were heavily damaged (MCS intensity IX-X) since the first main shock of 1997/09/26,while in contrast, the Curasci village located 2 km eastwards remains almost intact.In order to study the anomalous ground motion amplifications in this area, an array of 11, 3-components seismo- and accelero-meters was set up during the 1997/10/20-24 period, extending from the western side of the valley, up to the top of Mount San Salvatore, going accross the Colle and Curasci hamlets.During the experiment, 67 aftershocks enlightened the valley from the Colfiorito (10 km north) and the Sellano (6 km south) active swarms.Seismic refraction experiments were conducted at the same time in the 500 m wide, 1500 m long Verchiano valley in order to determine the thickness and main characteristics of the alluvial infilling.The main results are: (i) compared to the valley side ground motion, and for all the events, recordings in the central part of the valley (piana di Verchiano) show relative amplification of 10 with a clear lengthening of the seismogram duration by a factor of 2 – (ii) broad band relative amplification of 6–8 is also clearly identified at the top of the Mount San Salvatore overhanging the valley – (iii) any of the site effect measurements done explains by itself the strongly contrasted damage observed at Colle and Curasci: i.e. the modification of the near-field radiation pattern by interaction with the free heterogeneous surface may have induced local shadow zones that saved Curasci.  相似文献   

The recent 1997 Umbria-Marche, Central Italy, earthquake sequence allowed us to model recorded ground motions using a method developed by Beresnev and Atkinson [Bull Seism Soc Am 87 (1997) 67–84; Seism Res Lett, 69 (1998) 27–32; Bull Seism Soc Am 88 (1998) 1392–1401]. The method generalizes the stochastic ground-motion simulation technique, developed for point sources, to the case of finite faults. It subdivides the fault plane into subfaults and assumes each subfault to be a point source with a ω2 spectrum. Geometric spreading and regional anelastic attenuation are included in the model. The data include horizontal acceleration recordings from the SSN and ENEL databases of the 1997 Umbria-Marche events on 26 September, at 00:33 GMT, with Mw=5.7, and at 09:40 GMT, with Mw=6.0; and on 14 October at 15:23 GMT, with Mw=5.6. The strong motion simulations are performed using model parameters based on the results of previous studies, and adjusting the subfault size to calibrate the simulation model against recorded ground motions. Local site response is considered to account for observed amplification effects at specific recording sites (e.g. Nocera Umbra). A good agreement is found between the simulated response spectra and the recorded data, concluding that this method reproduces the salient ground-motion characteristics at different distances and azimuths.  相似文献   

分析了1997年9月26日意大利中部Umbria与marche交界地区的Umbria-marche地震序列引起的水文体系的变化。为了量化水文体系的变化,从地方当局和矿泉水公司收集了地下水位、泉水的流量以及河水流速等的资料,这些资料可以确定异常的影响面积,并且可以通过与从震前几年资料估算出的年平均体系的对比来量化异常的变化,试图对异常进行判定。分析结果表明,两个含水单元,即Umbria-marche山峰和Val-nerina单元,具有紧密的联系,它们都由于水文系统的改变而受到影响。地震前几个月两条河流测量站记录到了异常变化,认为是地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

Some of the damage to the infrastructure observed in past earthquakes occurred in Alaska could be related to the existence of permafrost. However, only limited research has been carried out so far to investigate the effects of permafrost on the seismic site response. Permafrost with relatively high shear wave velocity (1000–1500 m/s) extensively exists in the interior of Alaska and causes anomaly in the shear wave velocity profile that may alter the site response. In current design practices, permafrost has been treated as bedrock and its potential effects on site response are ignored. A systematic investigation was conducted to understand the effects of permafrost on the ground motion characteristics using one-dimensional equivalent linear analysis for the MCE, AASHTO and IBC Design Earthquake level hazards. The average surface displacement, velocity and acceleration response spectra for a typical permafrost site were obtained and the worst case scenario was identified. The results show that the presence of permafrost can significantly alter the ground motion characteristics and it may not be conservative to ignore the effects of permafrost in the seismic design of civil structures.  相似文献   

We found extensive evidence that the vertical ground accelerations produced during the largest shock (M = 6.0) of the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake sequence exceeded 1g in two areas close to the heavily-damaged villages of Annifo and Colle Croce. This evidence comes from the striking observation of thousands of freshly fractured and broken rocks and stones in these areas. Some of the broken stones lie isolated on soft detritic soil while others had been previously piled up, probably a long time agoto clear the fields for farming. The freshness of the cuts and fractures and the consistency of the observations for thousands of rocks and stones in these areas indicate that these rocks were thrown upwards during the earthquake, with breakage occurring at the time of impact. Ground motion calculations consistent with the static deformation inferred from GPS and interferometry data, show that the broken stones and rocks are found in the zone where the strongest shaking took place during the earthquake and that most of the shaking there was vertical.  相似文献   

In this study we analyse coseismic GPS displacements and DInSAR data to constrain a dislocation model for the three largest earthquakes of the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence. The first two events, which occurred on September 26 at 00:33 GMT (Mw 5.7) and 09:40 GMT (Mw 6.0) respectively, are investigated using both GPS displacements and DInSAR interferograms. We discuss and compare the results of previous studies which separately modeled a smaller subset of geodetic data. We provide a dislocation model for these two earthquakes which fits well both GPS and DInSAR data and agrees with the results of seismological and geological investigations. The first event consists of a unilateral rupture towards the southeast with a uniform dislocation. The strike, rake and dip angles are those resulting from the CMT solution. The second event consists of an unilateral rupture towards the northwest and a variable slip distribution on the fault plane. The strike and the rake are consistent with the CMT solution, but the dip angle has been slightly modified to improve the simultaneous fit of GPS and DInSAR data. While the second rupture (09:40 GMT) arrived very close to the surface, the fit to geodetic data shows that the first rupture (00:33 GMT) is deeper (2 km), despite the more evident surface geological effects. The analysis of new SAR interferograms allows the identification of a 5–6 cm additional displacement caused by the October 3 (Mw 5.2) and 6 (Mw 5.4) seismic events.We use data from a new DInSAR interferogram to model the displacement field of the Sellano earthquake of October 14, 1997. For this event significant GPS measurements were not available. We tested two different fault plane geometries: a blind, planar fault (top depth = 2.4 km), and a curved (listric) fault reaching the surface. The two models provide a generally similar fit to the data, and show that most of the slip was released at depths greater than 2.4 km along a gently dipping (40°–45°) fault surface. They also show that a unilateral rupture does not allow fitting the interferometric fringes since there is evident surface deformation to the northwest of the hypocenter. Moreover, we suggest that the concentration of high residuals in the southern part of our uniform slip model may in fact indicate a certain slip variability in this area.We conclude that, despite the moderate magnitudes and the lack of significant surface faulting, the space geodetic data allowed to constrain dislocation models giving new insights in the rupture process of the three largest events of the sequence.  相似文献   

We present the spatio-temporal distribution of more than 2000 earthquakesthat occurred during the Umbria-Marche seismic crisis, between September 26and November 3, 1997. This distribution was obtained from recordings of atemporary network that was installed after the occurrence of the first two largest shocks (Mw =, 5.7, Mw = 6.0) of September 26. This network wascomposed of 27 digital 3-components stations densely distributed in theepicentral area. The aftershock distribution covers a region of about 40 km long and about2 km wide along the NW-SE central Apennines chain. The activity is shallow,mostly located at less than 9 km depth. We distinguished three main zonesof different seismic activity from NW to SE. The central zone, that containsthe hypocenter of four earthquakes of magnitude larger than 5, was the moreactive and the more complex one. Sections at depth identify 40–50°dipping structures that agree well with the moment tensor focalmechanisms results. The clustering and the migration of seismicity from NW to SE and the generalfeatures are imaged by aftershock distribution both horizontally and at depth.  相似文献   

We classified the most outstanding rupturesof the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence assecondary tectonic effects that occur within the zoneof deformation induced by the deep displacement on theseismogenic structure. The trend of the surfacedeformation is homogeneous within the entire area ofinterest and consistent with NE-oriented extensionevidenced by CMT focal solutions of the three mainshocks. We extrapolate the discontinuous sites ofbreak measurements and suggest that the localdeformation concentrates along four narrow bands.Location and direction of these bands are locallycontrolled by pre-existing structures. The comparisonbetween our data with the seismological data – such asmain rupture planes and spatial aftershockdistribution – highlights that three bands mark partof the boundaries of the NW-SE elongated aftershocksarea and the fourth occurs where this area is widest.Moreover, the analysis of the structural setting ofthe area suggests that N-S shear zones have stronglycontrolled the extension of the main rupture segmentsand the aftershock distribution. The surface rupturesare located within the area of coseismic deformationresulting from DInSAR data; we propose that theyrepresent the localized response to the verticalground deformation of the area. Finally, we discussthe contribution of the pattern of the 1997 surfacebreaks to the characterization of the seismogenicsource.  相似文献   

We present some preliminary images of the 3-D P-wavevelocity model and of the relocated seismicityobtained from the data collected by the GNDT-SSNtemporary network installed in the epicentral area ofthe earthquake sequence that followed the 26September, 1997, Central Italy main shock(Mw = 6.0). This network consisted of a total of 15stations, was deployed in the southern part of thearea affected by the earthquake sequence and operatedfor a total of 17 days starting on 10/18/97.Our results indicate that 1) the P-velocity structuredisplays a pattern of lateral variations consistentwith the general NW-SE trend of the Apennines in thearea; 2) the aftershock foci distribute, in thesouthern part of the sequence, on distinct and welldefined SW dipping planes which surface intersectionsmatch previously recognized active normal faults; 3)a distinct zone of aftershock quiescence is observedin correspondence of the 10/12 (ML = 5.3) and10/14/97 (ML = 5.7) hypocenters near Sellano; 4)the seismicity at the southern end is very shallow andit is unclear the relationship between the 1997 andthe 1979 Norcia sequences.  相似文献   

We present some preliminary results obtained from thejoined analysis of the data collected by the permanentand the temporary networks operating in the area ofthe earthquake sequence that followed (andanticipated) the 26 September, Central Italy, mainshocks. In particular, these earthquake data haveallowed us to determine a well constrainedwave-velocity model (both P and S) with stationcorrections which demonstrated to produce robusthypocentral locations. These velocity modelswith station corrections have been used forre-locating the whole September 1997–July 1998subset of data of the permanent network, and theprevious background seismicity, starting from May1996. The focal mechanisms of the largest events werealso obtained from an analysis of the first-motionpolarities.Our results indicate that 1) the seismic activityaligns on a SE-NW trend for a total length of about50 km of extension; 2) the focal depth of theseevents is restricted to the range 0–9 km; 3) mostevents can be related to sub-parallel SW dipping faultplanes; 4) focal mechanisms of the largest shocks(ML > 4) show a coherent behaviour, withnormal fault solution on SSE-NNW striking, SW dippingplanes; 5) the space-time evolution of the activitydisplays a discontinuous mode of energy release, withdifferent episodes of activation and an apparentclustering of aftershocks at the edges of the areaswhich presumably ruptured in the main shocks.  相似文献   

The estimate of seismic site effects by experimental approaches is based on different assumptions aimed at simplifying the complex actual site conditions and related uncertainties.However,the reliability of the results can increase if the experimental data is focused on quite strong seismic sequences and the on-site acquisition of a large number of signals is deemed strategic for the assessment of the expected phenomena.Based on these considerations,the ground motion at the Red Zone sector of Amatrice hill,violently struck by the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence,was analyzed via an observational approach.A large set of weak motions(moment magnitude Mw 2.5-3.9)was analyzed in this study by means of standard(SSR)and horizontal to vertical(HVSR)spectral ratio techniques.The results from the experimental analysis of the site effects by using weak motion and noise signals show a significant amplification at the top of Amatrice hill with a remarkable polarization of the motion and changes in spectral shapes according to the topographic setting of the relief.  相似文献   

A version of the restricted trigger model is used to analyse the temporal behaviour of some aftershock sequences. The conditional intensity function of the model is similar to that of the Epidemic Type Aftershock-Sequence (ETAS) model with the restriction that only the aftershocks of magnitude bigger than or equal to some threshold Mtr can trigger secondary events. For this reason we have named the model Restricted Epidemic Type Aftershock-Sequence (RETAS) model. Varying the triggering threshold we examine the variants of the RETAS model which range from the Modified Omori Formula (MOF) to the ETAS model, including such models as limit cases. In this way we have a quite large set of models in which to seek the model that fits best an aftershock sequence bringing out the specific features of the seismotectonic region struck by the crisis. We have applied the RETAS model to the analysis of two aftershock sequences: The first is formed by the events which followed the strong earthquake of M=7.8 which occurred in Kresna, SW Bulgaria, in 1904. The second includes three main shocks and a large swarm of minor shocks following the quake of 26 September 1997 in the Umbria-Marche region, central Italy. The MOF provides the best fit to the sequence in Kresna; that leads to the thought that just the stress field changes due to the very strong main shock generate the whole sequence. On the contrary, the complex behaviour of the seismic sequence in Umbria-Marche appears when we make the threshold magnitude vary. Setting the cut-off magnitude M0=2.9 the best fit is provided by the ETAS model, while if we raise the threshold magnitude M0=3.6 and set Mtr=5.0, the RETAS model turns out to be the best model. In fact, observing the time distribution of this reduced data set, it appears more evident that especially the strong secondary events are followed by a cluster of aftershocks.  相似文献   

— The study of surface deformation due to seismic activity is often made using dislocations with uniform slip and simple geometries. A better modeling of coseismic and postseismic surface displacements can be obtained by using dislocations with variable slip and nonregular shapes. This is consistent with the asperity model of fault surfaces, assuming a friction distribution on faults made of locked zones with much higher friction than surrounding zones. In this paper we consider the 1997–1998 Colfiorito seismic sequence. The coseismic surface displacements in the Colfiorito zone are used in order to infer the slip distribution on the fault surface at different stages of the sequence. The displacement field has been modeled varying the slip distribution on the fault, and comparing the deformation observed by SAR and GPS techniques with model results. The slip distribution is calculated by Monte Carlo simulations on a normal fault with the dip angle equal to 40°. A good approximation is obtained by using square asperity units of 1.5×1.5 km2. In the first stage, we employed a simplified model with uniform slip, in which each asperity unit is allowed to slip a constant amount or not to slip at all, and in the second stage, we evaluate the slip distribution in the dislocation area determined by the Monte Carlo inversion: in this case we allow unit cells to undergo different values of slip in order to refine the initial dislocation model. The results show that the 1997 seismic events of the sequence can be modeled by irregular dislocations, obtaining a good fit to the DInSAR and GPS observations. The model also confirms the results of previous studies by a different methodology, defining the distribution of asperities on the fault plane using the fault geometry, the geodetic data and the seismic moment of the 1997–1998 Colfiorito seismic sequence. Furthermore, the analysis of 1997 aftershocks in the seismogenic region shows a strong correlation between most events and the asperity distribution, which can be considered as an independent test of the validity of the model.  相似文献   

The earthquake of 26 September 1997 in Central Italy is one of the largest seismic events of the last 20 years in Italy. Two main events that caused significant damage in a large area of Umbria and Marche regions and site amplification phenomena were recorded even at large distances from the epicenter. After the emergency period, a detailed study of the surface effects was necessary for the post-earthquake reconstruction, but in a way it should be carried out rapidly enough to allow urban planners to give instructions and codes to public administrators. A team of surveyors were trained to collect field information such as geologic and geomorphologic features and, where possible, pre-existing geotechnic or geophysic information. Information was collected and analyzed with the aid of dynamic codes to calculate the possible local site effects. A one-dimensional code, analyzing single soil columns, [Schabel PB, Lysmer J, Seed HB. , a computer program for earthquake response analysis of horizontally layered sites. College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Report PB-220. 1972, p. 207], as well as the two-dimensional codes working with finite or boundary elements, [Idriss IM, Lysmer J, Hwang R, Seed HB. , a computer program for evaluating the seismic response of the soil structure by variable damping finite element procedures. UCB EERC Report No. 73-16. 1973.] and [Sanò T. , un programma per il calcolo della propagazione delle onde sismiche. Technical Report SSN/RT/96/9. 1996, pp. 51.], were used and the results are presented as response spectra or amplification coefficients.  相似文献   

An integrated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure that incorporates nonlinear site effects, PSHA-NL, is developed and used to characterize the influence of thick deposits of the upper Mississippi Embayment (ME) on seismic site coefficients. PSHA-NL follows the methodology of the 2002 USGS hazard maps and generates a compatible set of ground motion records. The motions are propagated using nonlinear and equivalent linear site response analyses and ME properties developed in a companion paper and used to derive surface uniform hazard response spectra. A set of generic site coefficients are derived and summarized in a format similar to NEHRP site coefficients, with an added dimension of ME deposits thickness to the Paleozoic rock, a physically meaningful impedance boundary. These coefficients compare well with NEHRP site coefficients for 30 m profiles. For thicker soil profiles, developed site coefficients are lower at short periods and higher at long periods than NEHRP site coefficients.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced hazards are profoundly affected by site effects related to the amplification of ground motions, which are strongly influenced by local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated geographic information system (GIS)-based system for geotechnical data, called the geotechnical information system (GTIS), was developed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake ground motions in the Seoul metropolitan area. In particular, to reliably predict spatial geotechnical information, a procedural methodology for building the GTIS within a GIS framework was developed and applied to the Seoul area in Korea. To build the GTIS, pre-existing geotechnical data were collected in and around the study area, and then a walk-over site survey was conducted to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. In addition, the representative shear wave velocities for geotechnical layers were derived by statistically analyzing many seismic test data in Korea. The GTIS was used in a practical application to estimate site effects in the study area; seismic zoning maps of geotechnical earthquake parameters, such as the depth to bedrock and the site period, were created and presented as a regional synthetic strategy for earthquake risk assessment. Furthermore, seismic zonation of site classification was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site and administrative sub-unit in the study area. The methodology and results of the case study of seismic zonations in the Seoul area verified that the GIS-based GTIS can be very useful for the regional estimation of seismic risk and also to support decisions regarding seismic hazard mitigation, particularly in the metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Following the increase in seismic activity which occurred near Isernia (Molise, Central Italy) in January 1986, a digital seismic network of four stations with three-component, short-period seismometers, was installed in the area by the Osservatorio Vesuviano. The temporary network had an average station spacing of about 8–10 km and, in combination with permanent local seismic stations, allowed the accurate determination of earthquake locations during an operating period of about one month. Among the 1517 detected earthquakes, 170 events were selected with standard errors on epicentre and depth not greater than respectively 0.5 and 1.5 km. The most frequent focal depths ranged between 4 and 8 km, while the epicentres distribution covered a small area NE of Isernia of about 10 km2. A main rupture zone could not be clearly identified from the spatial distribution of the earthquakes, suggesting a rupture mechanism involving heterogeneous materials. The activity was characterized by low energy levels, the largest earthquake, on January 18, 1986, havingM D =4.0. The time sequence of events and pattern of seismic energy release revealed a strong temporal clustering of events, similar to the behaviour commonly associated with seismic swarms.  相似文献   

In this research a site classification is proposed for the Umbria-Marche area (central Italy), based on geotechnical and geomorphological criteria. Two empirical techniques to evaluate site effects are used, namely the generalised spectral inversion, and the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio. The soil transfer functions obtained by the two techniques are compared in order to capture the features common to each class and verify the accuracy of the classification.We used strong ground motions recorded during the Umbria-Marche seismic sequence (September 1997-May 1998) and we selected 25 sites that were classified into four groups. The results of the empirical techniques have also been tested using theoretical 1-D or 2-D methods that are commonly used to simulate linear soil behaviour. The results, expressed in terms of amplitude transfer functions, are shown according to each soil class and confirm the consistency of the site characterisation. The empirical techniques are efficient in detecting the fundamental frequency of vibration but seldom the higher harmonics. Conversely, the peak amplitude of the transfer functions is not consistently determined, especially for sites located in deep sedimentary basins, where 2-D effects occur and simplified methods, such as the horizontal to vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) or 1-D theoretical models frequently fail. Significant amplifications are also found for 2-D rock structures such as rock crests or cliffs.  相似文献   

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