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¶rt;am au uu ¶rt; aam ¶rt;uu ¶rt;u ma; ¶rt;am am u ¶rt; a, ¶rt;a u¶rt; amua m uuu a; num n aaa auauu nm.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to show possible ways of predicting radio wave absorption in the midlatitude lower ionosphere using relations between absorption and the intensity of solar ionizing radiation and/or common solar activity indices, and between absorption and f0F2.
aa mu nuau nu a¶rt;u ¶rt;um u u a mu ¶rt; nu u umum uuu uu (uu uu u¶rt;au amumu) u ¶rt; nu u f0F2.

a mam 10-mu u¶rt;au ¶rt;uauu nmu a anam. auum aam mua ¶rt;uu u nu amu uu, a , muu, u auauu n u mmu u uu umaa u ¶rt; nmu uuau.  相似文献   

Summary The reaction is studied of measuring systems of quartz gravity meters to external disturbances. The actual elastic system is approximated by a model of a linear oscillator with one degree of freedom. The appropriate differential equation of motion is solved for some of the typical shapes of determinate and random disturbance input signals. The result represents expressions which describe the time behaviour of the output signals.
¶rt;m au uum um aaum m u u. mua na uma annuum ¶rt; u uma ¶rt; mn ¶rt;. mmm au ¶rt;uu a ¶rt; m munuu u¶rt; n¶rt; a au ua a ¶rt;. mam m au, nuau n¶rt;u ua a ¶rt; auumu m u.

u uuuuaumau uu u m, ¶rt;u a mumau nmu a u nmu mau u nmmu. au n¶rt; nuau ¶rt;mam u u m. nua m¶rt; m u m¶rt;a aau (1960) ¶rt; uu .  相似文献   

au un¶rt;a umu ¶rt;a na nu nauuu ¶rt;a uam mmu amm na aa. amau aa auum m mnam u mu ¶rt;a, m unam ¶rt; ¶rt;uamuu u na.  相似文献   

Summary Upgoing and downgoing deuteron whistlers were found on VLF records made by Interkosmos 5, 14 and 19 satellites even at heights below 1000 km. To account for them, a slight admixture ofD + ions has been introduced into the ionospheric plasma model with the usual content of only three ion speciesH +,He + andO +. Relations derived for the calculation of characteristic frequencies in a five-component plasma (e,H +,D +,He +,O +) are given as well as the values of characteristic frequencies calculated on this basis. The observed features of upgoing and downgoing deuteron whistlers could be explained by the calculation results, and it is also possible to formulate some conclusions for the purposes of plasma diagnostics.
mu um, anmau a ma u u, u a a nmua m 5, 14 u 19 a ma ¶rt;a 1000 . u u a ¶rt;a ¶rt; u na ¶rt;au uH +,He +,O + aa nuD + u. m mm ua nma ¶rt;a ¶rt; aamumuu amm ¶rt;a ¶rt;u na. uu aamumuu amm nuu um a¶rt;a mu ¶rt;mu um. a m ¶rt; unam aamumuu ¶rt;mu um ¶rt; u¶rt;au naam na.

Summary The radiation power a VLF loop antenna with an arbitrary orientation of the loop's plane relative to the direction of the external magnetic field is calculated and its portion, transferred to the electromagnetic part of the excited spectrum, is determined.
am umaa m uu am c nu umau nmu uma n m¶rt; a¶rt;um¶rt; n u n¶rt;a ma am mu uu, u¶rt;a ma¶rt;um am am cnma ¶rt;a au.

Normal density earth models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Models of the Earth's density, close to thePREM model, have been derived, they reproduce the external normal gravitational field of the Earth and its dynamic flattening, and are referred to as normal density models. The Earth's surface is approximated by an ellipsoid of the order of the flattening, or of its square. Of the group of normal models sgtisfying the solution of the inverse problem, the normal density modelHME2 is recommended. The spherically symmetric density modelPREM, which was corrected in the course of solving the inverse problem, thus creating the modifiedPREM-E2 model, was used as the a priori information.
¶rt; ¶rt;u an¶rt;u nmmu uu ¶rt;uPREM (m. a. a ¶rt;u nmmu), aumau n m u¶rt;mu na¶rt;am auaumau n u. m u annuum am unu¶rt; au. uau amu a ¶rt; mam H==0.003 273 994. ma ¶rt; a ¶rt; ¶rt;m ¶rt;HME2. am anu u a ¶rt; nmmu a unaa ¶rt; a¶rt;ua umua ¶rt;PREM. ¶rt;aam ¶rt;uuau m ¶rt;u n¶rt; aauPREM-E2.

Summary A system of 8 seismically active fracture zones was delineated on the basis of the distribution of earthquake foci in the continental lithosphere of Ecuador. The position and width of the outcrop, thickness, dip and maximum depth of the individual fracture zones were estimated and correlated with surface geological and tectonic phenomena, volcanism and hydrothermal manifestations. The existence and strike of the fracture zones was independently confirmed by the occurrence of historical disastrous earthquakes.
uma 8 uu amu a a aa a auu an¶rt;u a mu muma um a¶rt;a. u n¶rt; nu u uua a nmu, mua, u auaaua m¶rt; a . mau mu auu n¶rt;m¶rt;am a¶rt;u umuu aum mu u nmau nmu, mmu, au uu¶rt;mau nuu.

Visiting professors at Instituto Geofísico and Facultad de Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito (Ecuador).  相似文献   

Summary The theory of methods of computing single- and inter-station transfer functions in both the spectral and time domains was developed in paper[1]. Both approaches are applied to the variation data recorded at field stations along two non-simultaneous profiles traversing the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, where a zone of anomalous induction seems to mark an important geological boundary of formations with different histories of development. The results of both analyses are found to coincide within reasonable bounds of 20–30% in the principal induction characteristics.
u m¶rt; ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u nma u am a ua am[1]. am nua m am a n¶rt;¶rt;a nu ¶rt; aaua ¶rt;aaum auau aumua a n mau ¶rt; u nu, nau m au aua,¶rt; aa a aa u¶rt;uu. a, u¶rt;u, mamau a¶rt;a ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;uuau au umuu aumu. mam aau nma u am auam a 20–30% ¶rt; u¶rt;u naam.

¶rt; u n ¶rt; (nmu) muauu m m naaamu auu . am mu uu nu unauu ¶rt;a mu ¶rt; nuu u umuau. am ¶rt; ¶rt;u ¶rt;uua u nuam n uu. ¶rt;m uau u au nm u mnum ¶rt;a. a mm n¶rt;a ±0,1 naaamu auu ¶rt; um amu ¶rt; z=80° u ¶rt; m u ¶rt; =10 (uuaa). u¶rt;um nm u au am[2].  相似文献   

m¶rt; ¶rt;ua nuu aaua u¶rt;m nuu ¶rt; a ¶rt;u nuu uu u u mmu, ¶rt;au mmuu au nuu uu, a uu u u . aam, m um m n¶rt; mmu m¶rt;a, a nu a ¶rt;uana m u nm . u uam u ¶rt; 2- mnu, m m ¶rt;mam. ua am u uam, n¶rt; , m , u m nuu u ó ¶rt; a¶rt;amu uu ¶rt;uu a. ¶rt;mu umauu ¶rt;a ¶rt; auau m uum u nu¶rt;u aama.  相似文献   

¶rt; aau ua au u¶rt;a, umu a nmu m-10 n uum mau mu n (). am au ¶rt;uana amm. aa ¶rt;¶rt;auma umnmau uuu u, auau nu ua au u¶rt;a.  相似文献   

a m¶rt;uu nua [1], ¶rt; ¶rt;uua au u a 2-D ¶rt;¶rt;, nn umn ¶rt; a muu. nua mam uu ¶rt; m nua n¶rt; ¶rt;.  相似文献   

Summary The area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin was characterized by generally high heat flow ranging from 60 to 120 mWm–2, mean 82±16 mWm–2, which has been difficult to explain. Therefore all published data on the heat flow in this region (n=37) were summarized and re-evaluated. Special attention was paid to the detailed assessment of the lithological structure and the contribution of the individual rock types to the characteristic in-situ thermal conductivity. Also the thermal conductivity of the coal bearing layers was estimated and its effect on the temperature-depth distribution was investigated. The application of the data obtained for the representative thermal conductivity profiles of the whole drilled section considerably reduced the mean heat flow to 70±8 mWm–2. The latter value is fully compatible with the tectonic structure of the northern part of the Carpathian Frontal Foredeep. Slightly increased geothermal activity compared with the heat flow field of the adjacent part of the Bohemian Massif corresponds to certain deep geological rejuvenation during the creation of the Western Carpathians.
a -uu aa aamum nu uuau mn nma (m 60 ¶rt; 120 m.–2 nu ¶rt; 82±16 m. –2), m ¶rt;a ¶rt u. m u u nm a nua ¶rt;a mn nma (n=37) ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua. ua ¶rt; ¶rt;ma aau umuu aa u u mnn¶rt;mu in situ ¶rt; a¶rt; muna n¶rt;. a a mnn¶rt;m m, a ma, a ma u¶rt;aa an¶rt;u mnam nu. nau n mam ¶rt; nuau mnn¶rt;mu m u amu aa nu am uum ¶rt;u mn nm ¶rt; 70±8 m.–2. a uua n mam mmu u amu anam a nua. m uumu amumu n au mn n nuaa amu aua mmmmuuau amuuauu nu uauu um ana¶rdt; anam.

Summary Phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves have been measured between the broadband seismic stations KHC (Kaperské Hory, South Bohemia) and KSP (Ksi, Lower Silesia), a profile that nearly coincides with the Interactional DSS Profile VII. The data for both wave types were separately inverted into models of shear-wave velocity versus depth. Novotný's model KHKS 82[1] for the DSS Profile VII was used as a start model. While the crustal section of Novotný's model is compatible with both of our data sets, our Rayleigh-wave data require smaller shear-wave velocities, on the average by 0.24 km/s, in the top 180 km of the mantle. The average difference between Novotný's model and our Love-wave model in that depth range is only 0.06 km/s. If our identification of the observed Love waves as the fundamental mode is correct, this result indicates the presence of polarization anisotropy in the uppermost mantle.
u a mu u a ¶rt; unu uuu mauu (an , a u) u S (, ua uu). u - S nuuum mmmm ¶rt;a¶rt; nu VII . a ¶rt; u mun m¶rt; umua ¶rt;u auumu mu nn mu. am mam¶rt;u a unaa ¶rt; S 82 m[1] ¶rt; nu VII . a am ¶rt;u m aua uu aau au ¶rt;a, ¶rt;a au ¶rt;a ¶rt; mm uu m nn — ¶rt; a 0,24 / 180 uma amuu. ¶rt;a aua ¶rt; ¶rt; m u a ¶rt; ¶rt; a m ¶rt;uanau n¶rt;mam 0,06 /. u aa u¶rt;muuau a¶rt;a a a ¶rt;ama ¶rt;a m nau, m mm mam u¶rt;ummm numuu nuau aumnuu amuu.

n¶rt;m u u¶rt; umnu n-a nmam, ma ¶rt;mm n¶rt; u (auum m um ¶rt;uam, aum ua¶rt;m umnua uu). ¶rt;a nu¶rt;um nmu u¶rt; ma umnu u m ma.  相似文献   

Summary The CHMI LAOFM is used in the daily routine of the Central Forecasting Office of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and some special results are transmitted to the regional offices. The model works in the region of Europe and the North Atlantic, uses conservative finite difference schemes and two types of semi-implicit schemes that allow effective model structurization in terms of programming language. The basic philosophy of the model is described.
¶rt; a zau mumuu unm zumzu umumm () ¶rt; z uz nza. m mam ¶rt;a zu nzam am amuu. z amam amu n u amu mamuz aa, un am , a a aa au. ama aum mu auau z n- , ma cam m nm a auuam mmauau nza. mam nuaa u u auauu.

nuaa m¶rt;ua u mam unmauaumaGs 12 No. 129 a uauu ¶rt;uana amm 0.02–30. a uu a uau nam auu au u auma naamauma a mua ma u n¶rt;a mumm a ¶rt;uu ¶rt;ama ammau uu .  相似文献   

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