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Paleomagnetic characteristics of several Paleogene sections in Kamchatka (Il’pinskii Peninsula, Bering Island, Chemurnaut Bay, Mametcha Bay) are considered. The sections are correlated with due account for biostratigraphic data, and possible correlation of magnetic polarity zones distinguished in the sections with the international magnetostratigraphic scale is presented.  相似文献   

Analysis of some sedimentary series near Rome and comparison with other series in northern and southern Italy give evidence that Arctica islandica, considered a marker species for the beginning of the Pleistocene, appears during the Re´union paleomagnetic event (about 2 my ago). A period of erosion, called the Aullan erosional phase, is evident in the lower part of the late Villafranchian (= early Pleistocene, Olivola faunal unit).  相似文献   

近 2 0年来 ,在华北 ,扬子和华夏地块上已经获得较丰富的前寒武纪岩石古地磁和磁性地层资料 ,建立起三个地块的视极移轨迹。在此基础上 ,编制出 3个地块的初步年代磁性地层表 ,并尝试性地划分出 8个极性带 (或期 ) ,通过与全球的对比 ,似乎可以确立起 3~ 4个磁性地层的参考对比标志层。同时还利用极移轨迹的特殊现象———极环、拐点和极位分布等做为磁性地层研究的重要内容 ,进行了构造地层和年代地层的比较研究。结果表明古地磁学和磁性地层学对前寒武纪地质仍是重要的研究工具之一  相似文献   

新疆拜城古近系磁性地层划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑民  孟自芳 《沉积学报》2006,24(5):650-656
通过对研究区387个可靠退磁数据的分析,确定其原生剩磁的极性及其变化。在此基础上根据古地磁测试资料,引入小波分析方法,对塔里木盆地拜城古近纪红层进行了磁性地层精确划分,确定了不同层段的地质时代,建立了克拉苏河剖面磁性地层柱。样品测试结果表明,绝大部分样品的磁性较强,退磁曲线质量较高,且分离出两个稳定分量:低温分量和高温分量,由此进行主分量分析并利用菲舍尔统计法求得最终结果,在小波分析方法的帮助下,参照国际标准磁性地层年表和综合地层划分方案,建立克拉苏河磁性地层柱。确定出吉迪克组/苏维依组,苏维依组/库姆格列木组以及库姆格列木组底界年代分别为27.7M a、38M a、60.5M a。其沉积速率在10130mm/m a。   相似文献   

正The study of magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy in the last two decades has provided a great deal of opportunities to improve the geologic time scale.The Cenozoic and Mesozoic geologic timescale have been well calibrated (Gradstein et al..2012;Ogg et al,2012;Cohen et al.,2018).However,for the Paleozoic era the uncertainty over boundary ages are still very large.The reasons include that the geomagnetic polarity  相似文献   

Abstract This paper discusses the Cretaceous-Tertiary magnetic polarity sequence of the the Hengyang Basin on the basis of magnetostratigraphic study. The age of each stratigraphic unit has been determined with the magnetic polarity time scale combined with <sup>39</sup>Ar/<sup>40</sup>Ar dating, thus providing evidence for determining the geological ages of different formations. The authors assign the age of the Dongjing Formation of the Hengyang Basin to Early Cretaceous, the Shenhuangshan Formation to Early-Late Cretaceous, the Daijiaping Formation to Late Cretaceous, and the Dongtang and Xialiushi formations to Palaeocene.  相似文献   

通过云南中部禄丰地区侏罗系磁性地层学研究,建立了滇中侏罗系磁极性地层柱,为国内及该地区侏罗系地层单元的时代划分与对比提供了基础资料。依据磁性地层学研究的结果,修订了滇中侏罗系的顶界和上、中侏罗统的界线,建立了中、下侏罗统和侏罗系—三叠系界线数据。经对比发现,滇中侏罗系古地磁极与扬子地块侏罗系古地磁参考极之间有较大差异,反映滇中地块自侏罗纪以来曾向南发生了明显移动,产生过顺时针旋转。  相似文献   

胡鸿飞  戴霜 《现代地质》2013,27(2):278-287
研究六盘山白垩纪盆地演化对于认识中国大陆白垩纪及现今构造-环境格局形成具有重要意义。通过对六盘山地区火石寨剖面的沉积地层进行古地磁采样测量,初步获得六盘山群的磁性地层年代为100~130 Ma。综合古地磁测年结果、盆地沉积演化和构造事件分析,认为白垩纪六盘山盆地具拉张断陷性质,经历了早期拉张裂陷阶段(125.3 ~ 129.6 Ma)、中期扩张-稳定坳陷阶段(109.6 ~125.3 Ma)和晚期湖盆萎缩阶段(102.0~ 109.6 Ma)。盆地早期拉张裂陷和中期扩张坳陷阶段的时限与目前已确认的中国东部构造伸展转折的高峰期(110 ~ 140 Ma)相对应,是对中国东部岩石圈减薄作用和构造体制转变的响应。  相似文献   

The end-Triassic mass extinction and the transition and explosive diversification of fauna over the Triassic-Jurassic boundary is poorly understood and poorly represented in the rock record of the Southern Hemisphere. This is despite the rich diversity in both body and trace fossils of Triassic-Jurassic age in southern Africa, which is not found in coeval Northern Hemisphere localities. We report here the first palaeomagnetic polarity zonation of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic continental red bed succession (Elliot Formation; Stormberg Group) in southern Africa. The results from 10 partially overlapping sections, with a composite thickness of ~ 280 m, provide a magnetic polarity chronology of the main Karoo Basin in South Africa and Lesotho. Palaeomagnetic analyses reveal that heating samples to between 150 °C and ~ 300 °C removes the secondary, moderately inclined (~ 48°) normal-polarity component of remanent magnetization. This component overlaps with the present-day field and is comparable to the overprint direction expected from Lower Jurassic Karoo dolerite intrusions. In contrast, a likely primary, high unblocking temperature component, of dual polarity, consistently is of steeper inclination (~ 63°). This characteristic remanence passes the reversals test, except where means are based on small sample populations. There are only two resulting polarity zones for the ~ 200 m thick lower Elliot Formation (LEF) with potential for a thin 3rd magnetozone in the uppermost part. The upper Elliot Formation (UEF), in contrast, which was sampled over a thickness of ~ 80 m, has five polarity zones. The failure of the reversal test for the UEF and combined Elliot Formation (LEF + UEF) indicates that the normal polarity samples may be biased by a younger overprint of either the Jurassic normal polarity of the Karoo Large Igneous Province or present day field. The separate poles calculated for the four sites in the LEF and ten sites in the UEF overlap with the Late Triassic and Early to Middle Jurassic Gondwana poles, respectively. The combined Elliot Formation and UEF pole positions are better constrained than the LEF and therefore considered more reliable. Overall the LEF shows considerable overlap with the Late Triassic Apparent Polar Wander Paths (APWP) poles.  相似文献   

谢建磊  张克信  马小林  赵宝成  张平 《地球科学》2017,42(10):1760-1773
长江三角洲地区的磁性地层认识存在很大不确定性.为建立一个可靠的年代标尺,为区内沉积环境和气候演化研究提供约束,在年代地层和磁性地层基础上,以频率磁化率为信号源、ETP为靶曲线,通过轨道调谐方法对区内LZK1孔开展了天文年代标尺研究,建立了年代序列框架.结果显示,M/B界线埋深约为143.0 m、Ga/M界线埋深约为219.0 m、Gi/Ga界线埋深约为296.6 m.受气候和沉积环境控制,沉积旋回特征清楚,沉积速率具有明显的阶段性.调谐后的频率磁化率显示了显著的125 ka、96 ka、41 ka、23 ka、22 ka、18 ka等轨道周期,并在轨道周期上与ETP曲线高度相关,相关性超过了95%检验标准.100 ka、41 ka和23 ka周期的带通滤波曲线与偏心率、斜率和岁差在振幅和相位上吻合较好,但局部时间段有差异,可能与低沉积速率、沉积速率突变或短时间尺度的地层缺失等因素有关.研究表明,在具有短暂沉积缺失的持续沉降区域,只要保证样品分辨率,可以通过轨道调谐方法建立可靠的年代框架.   相似文献   

K1孔位于罗布泊“耳轮”构造的北缘。磁性地层初步研究得知,在孔深61~62m处为界,以上为布容正向极性时(Br),以下为松山反向极性时(Ma)。在孔底97~100m处的正向极性偏移应属Cobb Mountains事件,对照S.C.Cande和D.V.Kenk修定的古地磁极性年表,氏地层的年代为1.2Ma,归属早更新世中期。中更新世地层厚50余米,晚更新世地层厚10m左右,全新世地层厚度小于5m。根  相似文献   

A workshop conference entitled “Late Cenozoic Magnetostratigraphy: Comparisons with Bio-, Climato-, and Lithozones” took place in Tokyo and Otsu, Japan, between October 28 and November 1, 1974. It was organized by G. J. Kukla and H. Nakagawa as an outcome of the PA-70-17 Project of the International Geological Correlation Programme, launched in 1970 by the International Union of Geological Sciences. The workshop was supported by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, by IGCP, and the National Science Foundation (of the United States). Out of 70 participating geophysicists, geologists, and paleontologists, 37 attended in person, while the remaining 33 contributed by mail.1 Prior to the conference a questionnaire was distributed in order to collect opinions on several issues. The workshop's objective was to tackle problems in the recognition of depositional polarity and to review the relationship of magneto-stratigraphic units with radiometric data and with regional bio-, litho-, and climatostratigraphic systems of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The principal conclusions of the conference were summarized as follows:
1. (1) The only practical (though not infallible) way of demonstrating the validity of interpreted depositional polarity and magnetostratigraphic zonation is to reproduce the results in parallel, widely separated sections with different lithology and sedimentation rates.
2. (2) The hazard of unrecognized postdepositional normal overprints must be recognized and considered in all attempted correlations. Multiple sampling of parallel sections and consistency checks of magnetic data are a prerequisite for correct results.
3. (3) Continuous sequences with high sedimentation rates, such as those which originated in subsiding basins, are viewed as prospective candidates for international stratotypes of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The investigation of such deposits should be accelerated.
4. (4) Magnetostratigraphy must follow basic stratigraphic principles. Magnetic zones should be clearly defined and locally labeled, whether or not their correlation with paleomagnetic chronology appears possible.
5. (5) Improved data on absolute age of reversals are needed. For that purpose, multiple K/Ar and fission-track analyses of key volcanic layers should be performed on a continuing basis.

柴达木盆地大浪滩梁ZK05钻孔的磁性地层研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文展示了柴达木盆地西北地区大浪滩盆地梁ZK05钻孔上部330m岩芯的最新磁性地层结果。梁ZK05钻孔的磁极性序列记录了4个正极性亚时,分别对应于布容期、Jaramillo、Cobb Mountain和Olduvai。磁极性序列底部未出现Reunion亚时,其年代应小于2128ka,B/M界限深度位于94m。根据钻孔的平均沉积速率,我们推算出钻孔最顶部的年代为111ka,钻孔在330m深度的年代为2046ka。由此可知,钻孔330m以下的卵砾石层沉积的结束年代为2Ma,代表阿尔金山的这次强烈隆升应早于2Ma,与青藏运动B幕相当,其启始时间为2.6Ma,结束时间大致为2Ma。另外,梁ZK05钻孔记录了3次极性漂移事件,位于51~58m、207.5~212m和249~252m,分别对应于Calabrian Ridge2(515~525ka)、Gardar(1465~1485ka)和Gilsa(1567~1575ka)。我们在沈振枢等人(1993)的8个钻孔磁性柱基础上,加上梁ZK05钻孔和ZK02钻孔的磁极性序列,辅以最新的国际标准磁极性年表,建立了柴达木盆地最新的磁性地层年代框架。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部是研究高原隆升和东亚季风演化的重要地区.通过对青藏高原东北部循化盆地西沟剖面新近纪河湖相沉积的磁性地层学研究, 建立了西沟剖面约14.6~5.0 Ma沉积物的磁极性年代框架.沉积相的分析表明, 循化盆地在约14.6~5.0 Ma期间总体上处于充填萎缩阶段.西沟剖面巨厚层砾岩首次出现的时间约为7.3 Ma前, 应是青藏高原东北部快速隆升的沉积响应.这与青藏高原在约8.0 Ma前快速隆升的时间相近, 进一步说明约8.0 Ma前青藏高原的构造隆升具有准同时性.   相似文献   

孙知明  许坤等 《地质学报》2002,76(3):317-324
本文通过对辽西朝阳地区含鸟化石层附近侏罗-白垩系蓝旗组、土城子组、义县组地层共1252块古地磁样吕的测试与分析,建立了以上沉积地层的磁极性序列,发现蓝旗组、土城子组地层的磁极性序列具有频繁的正、反极性、而义县组则为单一正极性,结合现有古生物和同位素年龄资料,对比国际中生代地磁极性年表,表明土城子组的磁极性序列相当于提塘期、基末里期、牛津期和卡洛期,其主体的地质时代应属晚侏罗世(J3),土城子组底部的地质时代应属中侏罗世(J2);并且根据义县组含鸟化石层以上层位的磁性地层研究结果,认为义县组含鸟化石的正极性带可与M16正极性时相对应,义县组含鸟类化石层的时代应属早白垩世早期,辽西白垩系/侏罗系界线很有可能位于义县组/土城子组之间。  相似文献   

伶仃洋地区年代格架的建立对区域古环境的重建及海陆交互作用的研究具有重要意义.利用磁性地层学和AMS 14C测年对珠江口伶仃洋ZK1钻孔(113°40′E、22°34′N,孔深100.3 m)0~32 m岩心进行了系统的年代学研究.5个样品的AMS 14C测试年龄为(486±120)~(2268±149)a BP.岩心的...  相似文献   

Marine Pliocene and Pleistocene beds of the Boso Peninsula are more than 3 km thick and contain abundant fauna and flora. Almost continuous deposition occurred at a high sedimentation rate from the early part of the last reversed geomagnetic polarity epoch to the middle part of the last normal polarity epoch. Several microbiostratigraphic marker horizons enable correlation with deep-sea sediments fully independent of magnetostratigraphic zonation. Globorotalia truncatulinoides first occurs below the normal polarity event BO-B-2, which is correlated with the Olduvai Event in deep-sea sediments, whereas the disappearance of discoasters and the first occurrence of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica are recognized at the top of BO-B-2, and the first occurrence of Gephyrocapsa oceanica is recognized at the top of BO-B-1. Based on the correlation of the Boso section with Mediterranean stage stratotype sections, the transition from the Pliocene to Pleistocene is estimated to be in the lower part of the Kazusa Group.  相似文献   

对北京大兴凸起南部PGZ05孔(孔深255 m)全孔岩心进行了磁性地层、岩石地层、AMS14C测年研究,在系统性的古地磁样品采集(440块岩样)、处理和测试基础上,分析认为255 m的岩心记录了布容正向极性时(Brunhes)、贾拉米洛(Jaramillo)极性亚时、奥尔都维(Olduvai)极性亚时和高斯正极性时(Gauss)。在此磁性年代框架上,结合AMS14C测年及岩性特征,对PGZ05钻孔剖面进行第四纪地层划分,确定下更新统、中更新统、上更新统和全新统的分布深度及年代,将更新统的底界(Q/N)定位于181. 35 m处,亦为一重要岩性(棕红色半固结黏土)界限,中更新统、上更新统、全新统的底界分别定位于75. 60 m、57. 20 m、17. 35 m处。研究成果为大兴凸起南部第四纪地层划分与对比、古地理环境演变及区域地层研究提供了可靠的地层年代学框架,具有重要地质意义。  相似文献   

The Maoming Basin is one amongst a group of Cretaceous-Tertiary basins in South China-347 samples were collected from drill cores MR and MB and section MS (110° 54′ E. 21° 45′ N). Most of the lithological units are of Tertiary age. The cores include the Laohuling. Shangcun, Huangniuling and Youganwo formations. The MR core (874m in length) has recorded the polarity history from Normal Zone 18 to Normal Zone 11 on the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS). The strata were formed from about 42Ma to 32Ma, that is from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene. A mean sedimentation rate of this stratigraphic column is 8.1 cm/ka.  相似文献   

渭河盆地东南缘蓝田-渭南一带发育较连续完整的新生代地层,其中包含丰富的哺乳动物化石,特别是灞河组中产 出典型的三趾马化石,并曾据此建立了灞河期标准生物地层。鉴于灞河组及灞河期沉积地层在中国北方环境变化及古生物 研究中的重要意义,对陕西蓝田灞河南岸厚约246 m的段家坡灞河组典型剖面进行了详细古地磁年代学研究。磁性地层分 析确定的极性序列可与标准古地磁年表(GPTS) 较好对比,结果表明段家坡剖面灞河组年龄为11~7 Ma,属于晚中新世。 本研究支持灞河期单独作为一个地层年代单位,为哺乳动物化石的区域对比提供了相对准确的年代界定,同时结合与其它 盆地同时期沉积的对比探讨了灞河组的沉积环境和古气候,认为当时为半干旱型草原气候,沉积环境和气候与上覆的蓝田 组有很大不同。  相似文献   

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