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Hysteresis in the relationship between capillary pressure (Pc), wetting phase saturation (Sw) and nonwetting–wetting interfacial area per volume (anw) is investigated using multiphase lattice-Boltzmann simulations of drainage and imbibition in a glass bead porous system. In order to validate the simulations, the PcSw and anwSw main hysteresis loops were compared to experimental data reported by Culligan et al. [Culligan KA, Wildenschild D, Christensen BS, Gray WG, Rivers ML, Tompson AB. Interfacial area measurements for unsaturated flow through porous media. Water Resour Res 2004;40:W12413]. In general, the comparison shows that the simulations are reliable and capture the important physical processes in the experimental system. PcSw curves, anwSw curves and phase distributions (within the pores) show good agreement during drainage, but less satisfactory agreement during imbibition. Drainage and imbibition scanning curves were simulated in order to construct PcSwanw surfaces. The root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) between drainage and imbibition surfaces was 0.10 mm−1 and 0.03 mm−1, respectively. This small difference indicates that hysteresis is virtually nonexistent in the PcSwanw relationship for the multiphase system studied here. Additionally, a surface was fit to the main loop (excluding scanning curves) of the drainage and imbibition PcSwanw data and compared to the surface fit to all of the data. The differences between these two surfaces were small (RMSE = 0.05 mm−1 and MAE = 0.01 mm−1) indicating that the PcSwanw surface is adequately represented without the need for the scanning curve data, which greatly reduces the amount of data required to construct the non-hysteretic PcSwanw surface for this data.  相似文献   

M TSU : Recovering Seismic Moments from Tsunameter Records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We define a new magnitude scale, MTSU, allowing the quantification of the seismic moment M0 of an earthquake based on recordings of its tsunami in the far field by ocean-bottom pressure sensors (``tsunameters') deployed in ocean basins, far from continental or island shores which are known to affect profoundly and in a nonlinear fashion the amplitude of the tsunami wave. The formula for MTSU, MTSU = log10 M0 − 20 = log10 X (ω) + CDTSU + CSTSU + C0, where X (ω) is the spectral amplitude of the tsunami, CDTSU a distance correction and CSTSU a source correction, is directly adapted from the mantle magnitude Mm introduced for seismic surface waves by Okal and Talandier. Like Mm, its corrections are fully justified theoretically based on the representation of a tsunami wave as a branch of the Earth's normal modes. Even the locking constant C0, which may depend on the nature of the recording (surface amplitude of the tsunami or overpressure at the ocean floor) and its units, is predicted theoretically. MTSU combines the power of a theoretically developed algorithm, with the robustness of a magnitude measurement that does not take into account such parameters as focal geometry and exact depth, which may not be available under operational conditions in the framework of tsunami warning. We verify the performance of the concept on simulations of the great 1946 Aleutian tsunami at two virtual gauges, and then apply the algorithm to 24 records of 7 tsunamis at DART tsunameters during the years 1994–2003. We find that MTSU generally recovers the seismic moment M0 within 0.2 logarithmic units, even under unfavorable conditions such as excessive focal depth and refraction of the tsunami wave around continental masses. Finally, we apply the algorithm to the JASON satellite trace obtained over the Bay of Bengal during the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, after transforming the trace into a time series through a simple ad hoc procedure. Results are surprisingly good, with most estimates of the moment being over 1029 dyn-cm, and thus identifying the source as an exceptionally large earthquake.  相似文献   

Transport of non-ergodic solute plumes by steady-state groundwater flow with a uniform mean velocity, μ, were simulated with Monte Carlo approach in a two-dimensional heterogeneous and statistically isotropic aquifer whose transmissivity, T, is log-normally distributed with an exponential covariance. The ensemble averages of the second spatial moments of the plume about its center of mass, <S i i (t)>, and the plume centroid covariance, R i i (t) (i=1,2), were simulated for the variance of Y=log T, σ Y 2=0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 and line sources normal or parallel to μ of three dimensionless lengths, 1, 5, and 10. For σ Y 2=0.1, all simulated <S i i (t)>−S i i (0) and R i i (t) agree well with the first-order theoretical values, where S i i (0) are the initial values of S i i (t). For σ Y 2=0.5 and 1.0 and the line sources normal to μ, the simulated longitudinal moments, <S 11(t)>−S 11(0) and R 11(t), agree well with the first-order theoretical results but the simulated transverse moments <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) and R 22(t) are significantly larger than the first-order values. For the same two larger values of σ Y 2 but the line sources parallel to μ, the simulated <S 11(t)>−S 11(0) are larger than but the simulated R 11 are smaller than the first-order values, and both simulated <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) and R 22(t) stay larger than the first-order values. For a fixed value of σ Y 2, the summations of <S i i (t)>−S i i (0) and R i i , i.e., X i i (i=1,2), remain almost the same no matter what kind of source simulated. The simulated X 11 are in good agreement with the first-order theory but the simulated X 22 are significantly larger than the first-order values. The simulated X 22, however, are in excellent agreement with a previous modeling result and both of them are very close to the values derived using Corrsin's conjecture. It is found that the transverse moments may be significantly underestimated if less accurate hydraulic head solutions are used and that the decreasing of <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) with time or a negative effective dispersivity, defined as , may happen in the case of a line source parallel to μ where σ Y 2 is small.  相似文献   

The structure of the averaged plasma pressure distribution in the plasma ring around the Earth at geocentric distances of ∼6–10R E has been determined. The distribution function moments measured on the international THEMIS mission satellites have been used. The plasma pressure distribution in the equatorial plane at 15R E > XSM > −15R E and 15R E > YSM > −15R E has been statistically studied. The radial dependence of the plasma pressure at the day-night and morning-evening meridians has been analyzed. It has been indicated that the plasma ring around the Earth has a structure, which is close to being azimuthally symmetric. The achieved results have been compared with the pressure distributions obtained previously. It has been indicated that in the overlapping regions, the achieved results agree with the previously obtained data within the pressure determination errors.  相似文献   

Pressure–volume–temperature relations have been measured to 32 GPa and 2073 K for natural magnesite (Mg0.975Fe0.015Mn0.006Ca0.004CO3) using synchrotron X-ray diffraction with a multianvil apparatus at the SPring-8 facility. A least-squares fit of the room-temperature compression data to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS) yielded K0 = 97.1 ± 0.5 GPa and K′ = 5.44 ± 0.07, with fixed V0 = 279.55 ± 0.02 Å3. Further analysis of the high-temperature compression data yielded the temperature derivative of the bulk modulus (∂KT/∂T)P = −0.013 ± 0.001 GPa/K and zero-pressure thermal expansion α = a0 + a1T with a0 = 4.03 (7) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = 0.49 (10) × 10−8 K−2. The Anderson–Grüneisen parameter is estimated to be δT = 3.3. The analysis of axial compressibility and thermal expansivity indicates that the c-axis is over three times more compressible (KTc = 47 ± 1 GPa) than the a-axis (KTc = 157 ± 1 GPa), whereas the thermal expansion of the c-axis (a0 = 6.8 (2) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = 2.2 (4) × 10−8 K−2) is greater than that of the a-axis (a0 = 2.7 (4) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = −0.2 (2) × 10−8 K−2). The present thermal EOS enables us to accurately calculate the density of magnesite to the deep mantle conditions. Decarbonation of a subducting oceanic crust containing 2 wt.% magnesite would result in a 0.6% density reduction at 30 GPa and 1273 K. Using the new EOS parameters we performed thermodynamic calculations for magnesite decarbonation reactions at pressures to 20 GPa. We also estimated stability of magnesite-bearing assemblages in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Four results of the rupture process of 14 April 2010 Yushu, Qinghai, earthquake, obtained by inverting the broadband seismic data of Global Seismographic Network (GSN) based on the inversion method of earthquake rupture process, were compared and discussed. It is found that the Yushu earthquake has several basic characteristics as follows: ① There exist two principal sub-events which correspond to two slip-concentrated patches being located near the hypocenter and to the southeast of the epicenter. The rupture of the slip-concentrated patch to the southeast of the epicenter broke though the ground surface; ② The peak slip and peak slip-rate are about 2.1 m and 1.1 m/s, respectively, indicating that the Yushu earthquake is an event with large slip-rate on the fault plane; ③ Overall the Yushu earthquake is a unilateral rupture event with the rupture mainly propagating southeastward. The strong focusing of the seismic energy in the southeast of the epicenter due to the &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;seismic Doppler effect&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; reasonably accounts for the tremendous damage in the Yushu city.  相似文献   

Detecting temporal changes in fault zone properties at seismogenic depth have been a long-sought goal in the seismological community for many decades.Recent studies based on waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes have found clear temporal changes in the shallow crust and around active fault zones associated with the occurrences of large nearby and teleseismic earthquakes.However,repeating earthquakes only occur in certain locations and their occurrence times cannot be controlled,which may result in inadequate sampling of the interested regions or time periods.Recent developments in passive imaging via auto-and cross-correlation of ambient seismic wavefields (e.g.,seismic noise,earthquake coda waves) provide an ideal source for continuous monitoring of temporal changes around active fault zones.Here we conduct a systematic search of temporal changes along the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault by cross-correlating relatively high-frequency (0.4-1.3 Hz) ambient noise signals recorded by 10 borehole stations in the High Resolution Seismic Network.After using stretch/compressed method to measure the delay time and the decorrelation-index between the daily noise cross-correlation functions (NCCFs),we find clear temporal changes in the median seismic velocity and decorrelation-index associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake.We also apply the same procedure to the seismic data around five regional/teleseismic events that have triggered non-volcanic tremor in the same region,but failed to find any clear temporal changes in the daily NCCFs.The fact that our current technique can detect temporal changes from the nearby but not regional and teleseismic events,suggests that temporal changes associated with distance sources are very subtle or localized so that they could not be detected within the resolution of the current technique (~0.2%).  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of the lower mantle are determined from the seismic profile, where the primary thermodynamic variables are the bulk modulus K and density ρ. It is shown that the Bullen law (KP) holds in the lower mantle with a high correlation coefficient for the seismic parametric Earth model (PEM). Using this law produces no ambiguity or trade-off between ρ0 and K0, since both K0 and K0 are exactly determined by applying a linear K?ρ relationship to the data. On the other hand, extrapolating the velocity data to zero pressure using a Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (EOS) results in an ambiguous answer because there are three unknown adjustable parameters (ρ0, K0, K0) in the EOS.From the PEM data, K = 232.4 + 3.19 P (GPa). The PEM yields a hot uncompressed density of 3.999 ± 0.0026 g cm?3 for material decompressed from all parts of the lower mantle. Even if the hot uncompressed density were uniform for all depths in the lower mantle, the cold uncompressed mantle would be inhomogeneous because the decompression given by the Bullen law crosses isotherms; for example, the temperature is different at different depths. To calculate the density distribution correctly, an isothermal EOS must be used along an isotherm, and temperature corrections must be placed in the thermal pressure PTH.The thermodynamic parameters of the lower mantle are found by iteration. Values of the three uncompressed anharmonic parameters are first arbitrarily selected: α0 (hot), the coefficient of thermal expansion; γ0, the Grüneisen parameter; and δ, the second Grüneisen parameter. Using γ0 and the measured ρ0 (hot) and K0 (hot), the values of θ0 (Debye temperature) and q = dlnγ/dlnρ are found from the measured seismic velocities. Then from (αKT)0 and q the thermal pressure PTH at all high temperatures is found. Correlating PTH against T to the geotherm for the lower mantle, PTH is found at all depths Z. The isothermal pressure, along the 0 K isotherm, at every Z is found by subtracting PTH from the measured P given by the seismic model. Using the isothermal pressure at depth Z, the solution for the cold uncompressed density ρ0C and the cold uncompressed bulk modulus, KT0 is found as a trace in the KT0?ρ0C plane. A narrow band of solutions is then found for ρ0C and KT0 at all depths.The thermal expansion at all T is found from [ρ0C ? ρ0 (hot)/ρ0C. From Suzuki's formula, the best fit to the thermal expansion determines γ0 and α0 (hot). When the values of these two parameters do not agree with the original assumptions, the calculation is repeated until they do agree. In this way all the important thermodynamic parameters are found as a self-consistent set subject only to the assumptions behind the equations used.  相似文献   

We estimated the net annual air–sea exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) using monitoring data from the East Gotland Sea, Bornholm Sea, and Kattegat for the 1993–2009 period. Wind speed and the sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2w), calculated from pH, total alkalinity, temperature, and salinity, were used for the flux calculations. We demonstrate that regions in the central Baltic Sea and the Kattegat alternate between being sinks (−) and sources (+) of CO2 within the −4.2 to +5.2 mol m−2 yr−1 range. On average, for the 1994–2008 period, the East Gotland Sea was a source of CO2 (1.64 mol m−2 yr−1), the Bornholm Sea was a source (2.34 mol m−2 yr−1), and the Kattegat was a sink (−1.16 mol m−2 yr−1). Large inter-annual and regional variations in the air–sea balance were observed. We used two parameterizations for the gas transfer velocity (k) and the choice varied the air–sea exchange by a factor of two. Inter-annual variations in pCO2w between summers were controlled by the maximum concentration of phosphate in winter. Inter-annual variations in the CO2 flux and gas transfer velocity were larger between winters than between summers. This indicates that the inter-annual variability in the total flux was controlled by winter conditions. The large differences between the central Baltic Sea and Kattegat were considered to depend partly on the differences in the mixed layer depth.  相似文献   

Based on satellite observation data, using dynamics equation, the ionospheric O+ ion’s distribution in the synchronous altitude region for different geomagnetic activity indexK p is studied by theoretical modeling and numerical analyzing, and semi-empirical models for the O+ ion’s density and flux versus longitude in the synchronous altitude region for differentK p are given. The main results show that in the synchronous altitude region: (i) The O+ ion’s density and flux in day-side are larger than those in nightside. (ii) With longitude changing, the higher the geomagnetic activity indexK p is, the higher the O+ ion’s density and flux, and their variation amplitude will be. The O+ ion’s density and flux whenK p 6 will be about ten times as great as that whenK p = 0. (iii) WhenK p = 0 orK p 6, the O+ ion’s density reaches maximum at longitudes 120° and 240° respectively, and minimum in the magnetotail. WhenK p = 3−5, the O+ ion’s density gets to maximum at longitude 0°, and minimum in the magnetotail. However, the O+ ion’s flux reaches maximum at longitude 120° and 240° respectively, and minimum in the magnetotail for anyK p value.  相似文献   

The metabolic balance between production and respiration in plankton communities of the Gulf of Papua was investigated in May 2004. Water samples taken at 19 stations were allocated to groups on the basis of physico-chemical characteristics. Oxygen consumption and production in flasks incubated in the dark and in the light was determined by micro-Winkler titration. Dark bottle respiration in samples influenced by the estuarine plume averaged 3.09±1.92 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and production within surface light bottles averaged 7.63±3.36 (SD)  mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Corresponding values in stations more typical of the central Gulf of Papua were 1.68±1.30 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and 1.08±2.25 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Despite a shallow (<10 m) euphotic zone within the plume stations, phytoplankton production in the surface layers was sufficiently high to subsidise total water column respiration. Integrating production and respiration over the water column resulted in a calculation of net community production (NCP) of 626±504 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1, and community respiration (CR) of 712±492 mg C m−2 d−1 at the plume stations, with an average P:R ratio of 1.97. In the offshore group NCP was 157±450 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1 and CR was 1620±1576 mg C m−2 d−1. The average P:R ratio was 1.27. Three of the 7 stations allocated to the offshore group were net heterotrophic. In contrast to earlier studies in the area indicating that the Gulf of Papua waters is heterotrophic [Robertson, A.I., Dixon, P., Alongi, D.M., 1998. The influence of fluvial discharge on pelagic production in the Gulf of Papua, Northern Coral Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46, 319–331], our data indicate that in May 2004 the Gulf was in positive metabolic balance, but by only ∼120 mg C m−2 d−1. We conclude that waters of the Gulf of Papua under riverine influence are net autotrophic, but that within the central Gulf there is a fine metabolic balance alternating between autotrophy and heterotrophy.  相似文献   

A method was developed to obtain from a signal station the spatial and temporal distribution ofV p /V s ratios before earthquakes of magnitude>6. It was shown thatV p /V s values strongly depend upon the relative positions of the stations, the future large earthquake and the foci of the smaller earthquakes used forV p /V s determination. The appearance of a zone of anomalousV p /V s values with linear dimensions of the order of 100 km was noted at least 4 years before a deep earthquake of magnitude 7. Similar size anomalous zones were detected one year before some magnitude 6 earthquakes. V p /V s values decreased by a small but distinct amount during this time. Additionally, local short term minima inV p /V s ratios were observed some months before the major event. The epicenters of the large earthquakes were located within the 100 km size zone where the gradients of theV p /V s field were largest.  相似文献   

A total number of 46 local earthquakes (2.0≤ML≤4.0) recorded in the period 2000–2011 by the Egyptian seismographic network (ENSN) were used to estimate the total (Qt−1), intrinsic (Qi1) and scattering attenuation (Qsc1) in Cairo metropolitan area, Egypt. The multiple lapse time window analysis (MLTWA) under the assumption of multiple isotropic scattering with uniform distribution of scatters was firstly applied to estimate the pair of Le1, the extinction length inverse, and B0, the seismic albedo, in the frequency range 3–24 Hz. To take into account the effect of a depth-dependent earth model, the obtained values of B0 and Le1 were corrected for an earth structure characterized by a transparent upper mantle and a heterogeneous crust. The estimated values of Qt−1, Qsc1 and Qi1 exhibited frequency dependences. The average frequency-dependent relationships of attenuation characteristics estimated for the region are found to be: Qt1=(0.015±0.008)f (−1.02±0.02), Qsc−1=(0.006±0.001)f (−1.01±0.02), and Qi1=(0.009±0.008)f (−1.03±0.02); showing a predominance of intrinsic absorption over scattering attenuation. This finding implies that the pore-fluid contents may have great effect on the attenuation mechanism in the upper crust where the River Nile is passing through the study area. The obtained results are comparable with those obtained in other tectonic regions.  相似文献   

By using the diamond-anvil pressure cell coupled with laser heating, Ca2GeO4 in the K2NiF4-type structure has been found to decompose into the mixture Ca3Ge2O7 plus CaO at pressures greater than 200 kbar and at about 1000°C, and the same type of structure for Ca2MnO4 has been found to decompose into the mixture CaMnO3 (perovskite) plus CaO at pressures greater than 100 kbar and at about 1400°C. The decomposition product of Ca3Ge2O7 is a new compound which is isostructural with Sr3Ti2O7 and has the lattice parameters of a = 3.72 ± 0.01 and c = 19.32 ± 0.05 A? at room temperature and 1 bar pressure. The results of the study of Ca2GeO4 and Ca2MnO4 (both with the K2NiF4-type structure) strongly support the view that compounds possessing the K2NiF4-type structure are unstable relative to corresponding mixtures possessing the perovskite and rocksalt structures. It is concluded that, in the earth's mantle, the K2NiF4-type Ca2SiO4 would ultimately decompose into the mixture CaSiO3 (perovskite) + CaO or would otherwise transform to other as-yet-unknown phase(s), and that the mixture of MgSiO3 (perovskite) + MgO (the post-spinel phase of Mg2SiO4) would not adopt the K2NiF4-type structure.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the procedures that, on the basis of an earthquake catalogue, yield the magnitude distribution function F M (F M generators). In particular, our attention is focused on the F M generators that are currently used in the frame of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis at a site. From an engineering point of view, the behaviour of F M in the range of strong earthquakes is of crucial importance. On the other hand, in general, the statistical validation of F M in that range is not feasible because of an insufficient number of strong earthquakes in available catalogues.Our investigation is limited to the problem of the comparison between competing F M generators. We show that a simple empirical F M generator (called the CFP generator) can be more reliable than generators based on mathematical models. The numerical experiments that support this statement regards two test-sites and two mathematical models of magnitude distribution, namely the truncated-exponential and the characteristic-type models.The main conclusion is the suggestion of a test (called the CFP-test) that can be summarized as follows. Let X be a site for which, with current criteria, a specific F M X generator based on a mathematical model has been selected. At this point, following the comparison approach described in the paper, the F M X generator is compared with the empirical CFP generator. It can happen (actually it happens in many of our numerical experiments) that this test indicates the CFP generator as more reliable than the selected F M X generator.  相似文献   

Volcanic emission rates of As, Sb, Pb, Hg, Se, Cl, and F were determined at Erebus volcano, Antarctica and White Island, New Zealand, using chemical traps. The trace metal fluxes were determined by combining the species to S ratios in the solutions with SO2 emission rates measured by correlation spectrometry at the two volcanoes. At Erebus volcano, fluxes for the metals Pb and Hg were 2.0 × 10− 4 and 8.1 × 10− 6 kg s− 11, respectively. Fluxes for Cl, F, As, Sb and Se (0.35, 0.15, 2.5 × 10− 4, 1.2 × 10− 5, and 4.5 × 10− 6 kg s− 1, respectively) agreed within error limits for values determined previously by the LiOH impregnated filter method [Zreda-Gostynska, G., Kyle, P., Finnegan, D., Prestbo, K., 1997. Volcanic gas emissions from Mount Erebus and their impact on the Antarctic environment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B7): 15039–15055.], demonstrating the utility of the chemical trap method. A fall in the As/S ratio from 7 × 10− 4 in 1997/1999 to 3 × 10− 4 in 2000 at Erebus coincided with a change in the frequency and style of eruptive activity that may have been due to injection of magma into the system. At White Island, chemical trap data indicated fluxes of Cl = 0.90, F = 0.0079, Pb = 2.7 × 10− 4, Hg = 1.1 × 10− 5, As = 1.3 × 10− 4, Sb = 1.9 × 10− 5 and Se = 1.5 × 10− 5 kg s− 1. Samples collected 600 m downwind of the active crater were comparable to samples collected adjacent to the main gas vent, showing that this method can still be used at some distance from a degassing vent.  相似文献   


Some unique coupled wind–water erosion processes exist in the desert-loess transitional zone in the middle Yellow River basin. Based on data from 40 stations on 29 rivers, a study was made on the influence of such processes on suspended sediment grain-size characteristics of the tributaries of the Yellow River. Results show that the percentage of >0.05-mm grain size decreases with the increased annual mean precipitation, but increases with the increase in the annual mean number of sand-dust storm days. The percentage of <0.01-mm grain size increases with the increase in the annual mean precipitation, but decreases with the increase in the annual number of sand-dust storm days. Based on annual mean data from 40 stations, multiple regression equations were established between the percentages of >0.05-mm grain size (r >0.05) and <0.01-mm grain size (r <0.01), annual mean precipitation (P m) and annual mean number of sand-dust storm days (D ss). On this basis, the relative contributions of the variations in D ss and P m to the variation in r >0.05 and r <0.01 were estimated. The results indicate that the variation in sand-dust storm frequency exerts greater influences on the variation in grain-size characteristics of suspended load than does the variation in annual mean precipitation. With the increase in the coupled wind–water processes index, expressed by P m/D ss, the percentage of >0.05-mm grain size in suspended sediment decreases and the percentage of <0.01-mm grain size increases. With the variation in P m/D ss, different combinations of r >0.05 with r <0.01 appear, which have some influence on the formation of hyperconcentrated flows. There exist some optimal ratios of coarse to fine fractions in suspended sediment that make sediment concentrations of hyperconcentrated flows the highest. The optimal r >0.05/r <0.01 value is related to some range of the index P m/D ss. When the P m/D ss index falls in this range, the optimum combination of relative coarse with fine sediments in the suspended load appears, and thus results in the peak values of sediment concentration.  相似文献   

The sorption of AuCl4 ,AuCl2 and Au(S2O3)3- on δ-MnO2 was investigated at pH2–11.6, 0.01 mol/L and 0.1 mol/L NaNO3 solutions. At pH 4 in two electrolyte strength solutions, Au sorption densities on δ-MnO2 are 0.18–0.21 and 0.28μmoL/m2 for AuCl4 and Au(S2O3)2 3-, respectively, and the Au surface coverage is approximate to or lower than 1%. This adsorption of the two Au complexes decreases as the solution pH increases, which conforms to the sorption regularity of the anion on δ-MnO2. The Au sorption decreases in the sequence of Au(S2O3)2 3- >AuCl4 >AuC12 . The intrinsic equilibrium constants (logK int) of the three Au complexes are 1.17–2.7, much higher than those of Cu and Cd. The hydrolysis products of AuCl4 - are preferentially adsorbed by δ-MnO2 and the inner-sphere Au-surface complexes are formed on the surface. Project supported by the National Studying-abroad Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49573200) and the Australian Mining Industry.  相似文献   

This paper, addresses the problem of novelty detection in the case that the observed data is a mixture of a known ‘background’ process contaminated with an unknown other process, which generates the outliers, or novel observations. The framework we describe here is quite general, employing univariate classification with incomplete information, based on knowledge of the distribution (the probability density function, pdf) of the data generated by the ‘background’ process. The relative proportion of this ‘background’ component (the priorbackground’ probability), the pdf and the prior probabilities of all other components are all assumed unknown. The main contribution is a new classification scheme that identifies the maximum proportion of observed data following the known ‘background’ distribution. The method exploits the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to estimate the proportions, and afterwards data are Bayes optimally separated. Results, demonstrated with synthetic data, show that this approach can produce more reliable results than a standard novelty detection scheme. The classification algorithm is then applied to the problem of identifying outliers in the SIC2004 data set, in order to detect the radioactive release simulated in the ‘joker’ data set. We propose this method as a reliable means of novelty detection in the emergency situation which can also be used to identify outliers prior to the application of a more general automatic mapping algorithm.
Davide D’AlimonteEmail:
Dan Cornford (Corresponding author)Email:

Small-scale (scales of ∼0.5–256 km) electric fields in the polar cap ionosphere are studied on the basis of measurements of the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) low-altitude satellite with a polar orbit. Nineteen DE-2 passes through the high-latitude ionosphere from the morning side to the evening side are considered when the IMF z component was southward. A rather extensive polar cap, which could be identified using the ɛ-t spectrograms of precipitating particles with auroral energies, was formed during the analyzed events. It is shown that the logarithmic diagrams (LDs), constructed using the discrete wavelet transform of electric fields in the polar cap, are power law (μ ∼ s α). Here, μ is the variance of the detail coefficients of the signal discrete wavelet transform, s is the wavelet scale, and index α characterizes the LD slope. The probability density functions PE, s) of the electric field fluctuations δE observed on different scales s are non-Gaussian and have intensified wings. When the probability density functions are renormalized, that is constructed of δE/s γ, where γ is the scaling exponent, they lie near a single curve, which indicates that the studied fields are statistically self-similar. In spite of the fact that the amplitude of electric fluctuations in the polar cap is much smaller than in the auroral zone, the quantitative characteristics of field scaling in the two regions are similar. Two possible causes of the observed turbulent structure of the electric field in the polar cap are considered: (1) the structure is transferred from the solar wind, which is known to have turbulent properties, and (2) the structure is generated by convection velocity shears in the region of open magnetic field lines. The detected dependence of the characteristic distribution of turbulent electric fields over the polar cap region on IMF B y and the correlation of the rms amplitudes of δE fluctuations with IMF B z and the solar wind transfer function (B y 2 + B z 2)1/2sin(θ/2), where θ is the angle between the geomagnetic field and IMF reconnecting on the dayside magnetopause when IMF B z < 0, together with the absence of dependence on the IMF variability are arguments for the second mechanism.  相似文献   

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