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The development of cavernous weathering features such as tafoni remains poorly understood. In particular, the roles played by internal moisture and case hardening remain unclear. In this study, Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) has been used to map moisture distribution within inner walls of tafoni developed in sandstone, and an Equotip device used to measure rock surface hardness as a proxy measure of the degree of weathering and case hardening. Seven large tafoni in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park (South Africa), varying in size and degree of development have been monitored. A dynamic relationship between surface hardness, degree of weathering and internal moisture regimes has been found. We propose a new conceptual model which illustrates the complex interaction between case hardening and internal moisture and suggests a new direction for cavernous weathering research. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cavernous features commonly develop in sandstone, but their development over time remains enigmatic. It has been suggested that moisture movements within the rock mass play a key role in the location, development and dynamics of cavernous features. In this research the role of internal moisture movement is tested through monitoring moisture and surface deterioration dynamics in April 2008 and April 2009 within two large cavernous features (mega‐tafoni) in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa (GGHNP). Data are presented from surveys of internal moisture (using electrical resistivity tomography, ERT), surface moisture (using a Protimeter) and deterioration (using surface hardness as recorded with an Equotip as a proxy for surface deterioration) across five 2.45 m long transects. In addition a high resolution temperature record is presented to assess the influence of micro‐climates within the caverns. The results indicate consistency in the gross spatial pattern of moisture flow within the rock mass over a one year period, but significant changes in mean moisture contents and in the fine detail of moisture patterning. Some noticeably weakened areas had developed within the central parts of the cavernous features, often linked to wetter subsurface conditions, supporting the theory that ‘core softening’ is a main driver of cavernous feature formation. However, in some areas surface hardening is also found to be associated with wetter subsurface conditions, supporting the theory that ‘case hardening’ is a main driver of cavernous feature formation. In addition, the presence of well‐established biofilms suggests an even more complex interaction between moisture, surface development and biological activity. A model is presented therefore which integrates this paradox by proposing a non‐linear relationship between moisture dynamics, facilitation of biofilm formation, and deterioration within cavernous features. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In September 2001, an extensive active-seismic investigation (Serapis experiment) was carried out in the Gulfs of Naples and Pozzuoli, with the aim of investigating and reconstructing the shallow crustal structure of the Campi Flegrei caldera, and possibly identifying its feeding system at depth. The present study provides a joint analysis of the very shallow seismic reflection data and tomographic images based on the Serapis dataset. This is achieved by reflection seismic sections obtained by the 3D data gathering and through refined P-velocity images of the shallowest layer of Pozzuoli Gulf (z < 1,000 m). From the refined Vp model, the overall picture of the velocity distribution confirms the presence of a complex arc-shaped anomaly that borders the bay offshore. The deeper part of the anomaly (beneath 700 m, with Vp > 3,500 m/s) correlates with units made up of agglomerate tuffs and interbedded lava, which form the southern edge of the caldera, which was probably formed following the two large ignimbritic eruptions that marked the evolutionary history of the area under study. The upper part of the anomaly that tends to split into two parallel arcs is correlated with dikes, volcanic mounds and hydrothermal alteration zones noted in previous shallow reflection seismic analyses. The depth of the transition between the upper and lower parts of the anomaly is characterized by an abrupt Vp increase on the one-dimensional (1D) profiles extracted from the 3D tomographic model and by the presence of a strong reflector located at about 0.6/0.7 s Two Way Time (TWT) on Common Mid Point gathers. The move-out velocity analysis and stack of the P–P and P–S reflections at the layer bottom allowed to estimate relatively high Vp/Vs values (3.7 ± 0.9). This hypothesis has been tested by a theoretical rock physical modeling of the Vp/Vs ratio as a function of porosity suggesting that the shallow layer is likely formed by incoherent, water saturated, volcanic and marine sediments that filled Pozzuoli Bay during the post-caldera activity.  相似文献   

Shallow shear wave velocities beneath a rock site are characterized using the refraction microtremor (ReMi) technique developed by Louie [Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 100 m depth from ReMi arrays. Bull Seism Soc Am 2001; 91: 347–64]. Ground motion from a passing train enabled capture of energy propagating parallel to the recording array. This allowed evaluation of the variation of the minimum phase-velocity of the dispersion curve envelope and better estimation of the true minimum velocity beneath the site. We use a new method to image and evaluate the dispersion curve envelope via power–slowness profiles through the slowness–frequency plots introduced by Louie [Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 100 m depth from ReMi arrays. Bull Seism Soc Am 2001; 91: 347–64]. Data illustrated the frequency dependency of dispersion curve uncertainties, with greater uncertainty occurring at low frequencies. These uncertainties map directly into uncertainty of the inverted velocity–depth profile. Above 100 m depth velocities are well constrained with 10% variability. Variability is greatly reduced when the energy propagation is along the geophone array. Greater velocity variation is observed below 100 m depth.  相似文献   

1 Introduction in China, with an area of 4400 km2 and a drainage area With the advancement of global change study, peo- of nearly 29,660 km2[2]. Occurring at a “climatic triple ple are paying more and more attention to the conti- junction” among the East Asian monsoon, Indian nental environment (in which we reside), its evolution Monsoon and the Westerly Jet Stream, it lies in the and its future tendency. As a component of the global transitional belt of the east monsoonal humid areas sys…  相似文献   

The remote sensing observational study for infrared radiation of rocks was proceeded during the loading on rocks until failure. The major instruments used in experiments were transient spectrum apparatus, intelligent spectrum apparatus, infrared radiation thermometer, infrared spectrum radiometer, and infrared thermal imaging system. The experiments for 26 kinds of rocks were made. The studies show that infrared radiation temperature of rocks increases along with increasing of stress. The amplitude of infrared radiation spectrum of rocks also increases along with increasing of stress. The observational results of infrared thermal imaging of rocks are consistent with infrared radiation temperature. Before formation of major faults for some rocks, the belt-shape thermal imaging of temperature anomaly displaies in position of future major faults. This study has led the new technology of remote sensing into rock mechanics and tend to establish a new field in rock mechanics — remote sensing rock mechanics (or remote sensing rock physics). The application of remote sensing rock mechanics in prediction of earthquake and rock burst, and in measurement of stress field in rock mass is expected. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 645–652, 1992. Jin-Shen HAO, Ji-Han LI, Xiao-Hong LIU, Yi-Qiao ZHI, Jin-Kai ZHANG, Yong-Hong Lü, Yi LIU, Yun-Shen YU, He ZHANG, Quan-Quan JI, Xiao-Fan ZHU and Ning CHEN took part in this work. This subject is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (91006). Work of Institute of Geophysics, SSB (93A0009).  相似文献   

南海北部深水盆地浅水流的地球物理特性及识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
浅水流(Shallow Water Flow,SWF)是深水环境海底浅部地层中超压的砂体流动,是对深水钻井最具破坏力的一种地质灾害,严重制约深水油气开发.为有效预测和防治浅水流,需要对浅水流地球物理特性进行研究,并在研究区内加以识别.本文借鉴国外主要深水盆地对浅水流问题的研究经验,对南海北部深水盆地潜在浅水流区域采取以属性判定、超压分析为主,振幅识别为辅的方法进行预测.精细层序地层学解释发现,南海北部深水盆地存在上新世以来的古珠江深水水道沉积体系和第四纪水道,这些水道砂体疏松未固结、孔隙度大、有效应力低、几乎表现出流体特性.基于遗传算法的混合反演方法发现,研究区存在典型的AVO响应,横波速度极低,低频特征明显,振幅强度弱,连续性较好,存在极性反转,高泊松比和高纵横波速度比.研究结果表明,南海北部陆坡具备浅水流发生的潜在条件,深水水道发育区为潜在的浅水流危险区,浅水流具有独特的地震响应特征,泊松比高达0.49,纵横波速度比约为3.5~9或更高,SWF层位对地震属性的敏感度VP/VS>AVO响应>泊松比.  相似文献   

Isoseismals of seismic intensity distributions are represented by earthquake source size, faulting mode, and rupture velocity of fault propagation. Unilateral faulting forms egg—shaped isoseimals, while bilateral faulting forms elliptical ones. It is found that the ratio of major to minor axes of isoseismals is sensitive to rupture velocity. Rupture velocity, faulting mode, and fault trend have been determined from the seismic intensity maps of the 1964 Niigata and the 1983 Japan Sea earthquakes in China by matching theoretical isoseismals. Rupture velocities thus estimated are mostly 70% to 90% of shear wave velocity. The difference would be considered as follows: short—waves which determine the seismic intensity are strongly dependent on the rupture of small—scale fault heterogeneities and on the jerky—onsets and abrupt terminations of local rupture propagations. On the other hand, rupture velocity from long—waves represents an average rupture propagation along the whole fault length. Faulting mode and fault trend estimated from seismic intensity maps match with each earthquake faulting independently determined. This suggests that the present method would be applicable to some historical earthquakes with known seismic intensity distribution to obtain detailed information on the faulting process.  相似文献   

In this work we analyse the applicability of amplitude grid maps to the routine of geological surveys by means of GPR (ground penetrating radar). Although amplitude grid maps have been commonly used in archaeological surveys, their use in geological prospecting (including the detection of voids and determination of the internal geometry of sedimentary bodies) is not widespread. The direct analysis of GPR-profiles permits the analysis of geometrical features and other qualitative aspects that can be related to changes in EM properties. Aspects such as changes in the density of the banded disposition in radargrams, loss of reflector definition or higher scattering in particular zones of the profiles can give useful, though non-quantitative, information. The GPR wave-amplitude is a qualitative measurement of magnetic properties that can be processed as a semi-quantitative layout. The main differences observed in changing wave amplitude are related to the surveyed materials and their geometry. These changes produce variations in the relative wave amplitude or vertical wave-phase changes related to differences in the propagation velocity, the attenuation factor, the reflectivity and the geometry of the materials. Maps based on the lateral correlation between profiles (C-scans) or the lateral correlation of wave amplitudes along the same profile (as a tomography or Am-scans) permit the analysis of these changes. Variations in amplitude grid maps or Am-scans are related to (i) geometrical changes of surveyed materials, (ii) changes in the dielectric constant, and (iii) changes in the potential penetration depth (higher attenuation in particular zones of a profile) than can be correlated to the type, state or clay content of subsoil materials. Direct analysis of exposures helps to constrain interpretation using the geometrical features in radargrams resulting from the geological structure. In the same way, analysis of geometrical features in radargrams, together with time-slices of C-scans, can be used to determine the areal distribution of changes in the subsoil and approach the changes in EM properties. An example with parallel profiles and different devices, constrained by means a broadband multifrequency EM survey is shown.  相似文献   

张斌  朱涛  周建国 《地震学报》2017,39(4):478-494
在两组人工样品自由表面以中心点为基准对称布设3条辐射状测线,对样品实施单轴应力加载和卸载后,利用电阻率层析成像方法构建了相应的视电阻率相对变化图像,并计算和绘制了表征裂隙产生和发展速率的视电阻率各向异性系数λ*以及表征裂隙产生和发展方位的各向异性主轴方位角α随应力和深度的变化曲线.结果表明:所有测线所对应的RRC图像均随着应力的变化呈现出相同的变化趋势,即在加载阶段,随着应力的增加,视电阻率相对变化图像中电阻率降低区域逐渐收缩,而电阻率升高区域逐渐扩张,在卸载阶段,随着应力的减小,电阻率降低区域继续收缩,电阻率升高区域继续扩张;样品中的高阻体对其所在部位及附近区域的电阻率增幅有较大影响,而对横越高阻体测线的视电阻率相对变化图像的趋势性变化无影响;对于原始电性为各向异性的样品,随着应力的增加,其各向异性程度降低;裂隙主要在岩样的浅部产生和发展,而在较深部位的裂隙产生和发展的速率相对较低.上述结果有助于解释和理解地震、火山活动和大型地质构造运动引起的视电阻率及其各向异性的变化特征,电阻率层析成像方法可能成为目前地震电阻率观测方法的有益补充.   相似文献   

The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand is characterised by extensive volcanism and by high rates of magma production. Associated with this volcanism are numerous high-temperature (> 250 °C) geothermal systems through which the natural heat output of 4200 ± 500 MW is channelled. Outside the geothermal fields the heat flow is negligible. The average heat flux from the central 6000 km2 of the TVZ, which contains most of the geothermal fields, is 700 mW/m3. This heat flux appears to be more concentrated along the eastern margin of the TVZ.Schlumberger resistivity measurements (AB/2 of 500 m and 1000 m) have identified 17 distinct geothermal fields with natural heat outputs greater than 20 MW. An additional six, low-heat-output geothermal fields also occur, and may represent formerly more active systems now in decline. Two extinct fields have also been identified. The average spacing between fields is 10–15 km. The distribution of geothermal fields does not appear to be directly associated with individual volcanic features except for the geothermal system that occurs within Lake Taupo and which occupies the vent of the 1800 yr.B.P. Taupo eruption. The positions of the geothermal fields do not appear to have varied for at least the last 200,000 years. These data are consistent with a model of large-scale convection occurring throughout the TVZ, in which the geothermal fields represent the upper portion of the rising, high-temperature, convective plumes. The majority of the recharge to the convection system is provided by the downward movement of cold meteoric water between the fields which suppresses the heat flow in these regions.Gravity measurements indicate that to a depth of about 2.5 km the upper layers of the TVZ consist of low-density pyroclastic infill. A seismic refraction interface with velocity change from 3.2 km/s to 5.5 km/s occurs at a similar depth. The cross-sectional area of the convection plumes (identified electrically) appears to increase at depths of 1–2 km, consistent with a decrease in permeability at the depth at which the velocity and density increase.The seismicity is dominated by swarm activity which accounts for about half of all earthquakes and is highly variable in both space and time. The small number of seismic events (and swarms) that have well determined depths show a cut off of seismicity at depths of 7–9 km. The depth of the transition from brittle to ductile behaviour of the rocks is identified with the transition from a regime where heat is transported by (hydrothermal) convection and pore pressures are near-hydrostatic to a regime where heat transport is dominantly conductive and pore pressures are lithostatic. Within the convective region, temperatures are moderated by the circulation of water so that the depth of the transition from convective to conductive heat transfer can be linked to the bottom of the seismogenic zone. Rocks must become ductile within about 1 km of the bottom of the overlying convective zone.Seismic refraction studies suggest that the crust beneath the TVZ is highly thinned with a seismic velocity of about 7.5 km/ s, typical of the upper mantle, occurring at depth of 15 km. Seismological studies indicate the upper mantle is highly attenuating beneath the TVZ. Conductive heat transfer between the bottom of the convective system, at about 8 km, and the base of the material with crustal velocities, at 15 km, is not able to provide all the heat that is discharged at the surface. Repeated intrusion from the mantle may provide the additional heat transport required.  相似文献   

The central focus of this work is to study the processes acting well below the surface of a moving rock or debris avalanche during travel over stationary substrate material. Small‐scale physical models at a linear scale of 1:104 used coal as avalanche analogue material and different granular material simulating sedimentary substrates varying in frictional resistance, thickness and relative basal boundary roughness, as well as inerodible, non‐deformable runout path conditions. Substrate materials with the least frictional resistance showed the greatest response to granular flow overriding, becoming entirely mobilized beneath and ahead of the moving mass and producing the longest runout observed with a unique deposit profile shape. With a smooth substrate basal contact, failure occurred along this plane and avalanche and substrate became coupled during runout. With a rough base, however, temporary force chains of grain contacts in the substrate prevailed longer, imparted their resistance to motion/shear into the granular flow, and the flow rear section consequently halted earlier than when moving over substrates with a weak base. Reducing substrate thickness diminished the effect of basal contact roughness on granular flow runout and deposit length. Inerodible, non‐deformable substrate conditions caused changes in granular flow behaviour from essentially en masse sliding on low‐friction surfaces to increasing granular agitation over rougher paths. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large-scale fields of soil moisture are forced by atmospheric precipitation and radiative forcing. When these forcing factors are themselves influenced by surface and soil moisture processes, the result is a nonlinear land-atmosphere system with inherent feedback mechanisms that may strongly modulate variability in climate. Given such feedbacks, simple randomness in the forcing factors may be manifested as a complex statistical signature in the surface hydrology. In this paper, we investigate the impacts of non-Gaussian and colored-noise on the probability distribution of soil moisture resulting from the statistical-dynamical land-atmosphere interaction model of Rodriguez-Iturbe et al. (1991). Persistence of hydroclimatologic anomalies as characterized by the correlation time scale of soil moisture is discussed.  相似文献   

Large-scale fields of soil moisture are forced by atmospheric precipitation and radiative forcing. When these forcing factors are themselves influenced by surface and soil moisture processes, the result is a nonlinear land-atmosphere system with inherent feedback mechanisms that may strongly modulate variability in climate. Given such feedbacks, simple randomness in the forcing factors may be manifested as a complex statistical signature in the surface hydrology. In this paper, we investigate the impacts of non-Gaussian and colored-noise on the probability distribution of soil moisture resulting from the statistical-dynamical land-atmosphere interaction model of Rodriguez-Iturbe et al. (1991). Persistence of hydroclimatologic anomalies as characterized by the correlation time scale of soil moisture is discussed.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Ortho-phosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, paniculate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Orthophosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, particulate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release.  相似文献   

A primitive equation model is used to study the sensitivity of baroclinic wave life cycles to the initial latitude-height distribution of humidity. Diabatic heating is parametrized only as a consequence of condensation in regions of large-scale ascent. Experiments are performed in which the initial relative humidity is a simple function of model level, and in some cases latitude bands are specified which are initially relatively dry. It is found that the presence of moisture can either increase or decrease the peak eddy kinetic energy of the developing wave, depending on the initial moisture distribution. A relative abundance of moisture at mid-latitudes tends to weaken the wave, while a relative abundance at low latitudes tends to strengthen it. This sensitivity exists because competing processes are at work. These processes are described in terms of energy box diagnostics. The most realistic case lies on the cusp of this sensitivity. Further physical parametrizations are then added, including surface fluxes and upright moist convection. These have the effect of increasing wave amplitude, but the sensitivity to initial conditions of relative humidity remains. Finally, control and doubled CO2 life cycles are performed, with initial conditions taken from the time-mean zonal-mean output of equilibrium GCM experiments. The attenuation of the wave resulting from reduced baroclinicity is more pronounced than any effect due to changes in initial moisture.  相似文献   

(陈锦标,沈萍,郑治真)Applicationofdigitalimageprocessingtothedeterminationofspatialdistributionofearthquakes¥Jin-BiaoCHEN;PingSHENandZ...  相似文献   

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