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回顾与展望:中国大地构造学   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
任纪舜  郝杰等 《地质论评》2002,48(2):113-124
中国大地构造学的发展可分为5个阶段:1926年前,以外国人为主的研究时期;1926-1949年,开创和奠基时期;1949-1966年,大发展和百家争鸣时期;1966-1976年,“文化大革命”10年浩劫时期;1976年至今,板块构造盛行时期,主要成就有:多年的调查研究已为大地构造研究准备了丰富的资料;中国造山旋回和构造阶段划分已取得基本共识;已经查明中国的主要地质构造单元;基本确定了中国的主要断裂系统和主要缝合带;初步查明中国深部构造轮廓;青藏高原研究及一些重要问题研究已获重要进展;笔者认为百家争鸣和从中国实际出发的创造性思维是中国大地构造发展的必要条件,而单纯跟踪模仿则是最大的弊端。中国大地构造学正在地球系统科学认识的指导下,向着共同发展和融合的道路前进,大地构造理论创新体系正在酝酿形成中。为了对中国至亚洲大地构造的认识有一个质的飞跃,需要:①大地质科学多学科高水平结合加计算机仿真实验方法;②从全球构造出发,把微观、宏观、宇观的研究结合起来;③中国和亚洲的实际出发,深入研究,力求突破;④建立经典研究地区和野外实验基地;⑤实现东亚大地构造研究的大跨越,建立东亚地质创新体系。  相似文献   

大地构造成矿学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大地构造成矿学简称成矿学(Metallogeny),是一门由大地构造学同矿床学杂交所产生的边缘科学。由于在找矿中获得卓见成效的运用,故发展迅速。它是现代地球科学中一门很有实用意义和发展前途的新兴科学。依照1979年陈国达[1982]所下的定义,它是从大地构造学的角度来研究矿床的形成机理和在地壳中的时空分布规律,即是  相似文献   

现代大地构造学:进展概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴福元  张兴洲 《世界地质》1994,13(1):1-11,34
现代大地构造学:进展概况吴福元,张兴洲,张世红(地球科学系)大地构造学,地质学中涉及地球科学许多根本性问题的综合性学科,近20~30年有了长足进展,主要表现在研究领域不断扩展,研究技术手段不断更新、日趋完善,研究的成果越加丰厚,新发现、新理论层出不穷...  相似文献   

成煤大地构造学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将大地构造学和煤地质学相结合,提出了一门新的边缘学科-成煤大地构造学。首先对它的定义,范围,方法,手段和特色作了详细阐述,把全球构造聚煤区分为域,带,盆三级。然后以中国为例,对成煤大地构造问题进行了讨论,主要是聚煤盆地和含煤建造分类,古构造对聚煤作用的制约和成煤大地构造与聚煤盆地的时空演化,海域构造聚煤带,深部构造对中,新生代煤盆地的控制作用,成煤构造地球化学,与成煤构造环境有关若干问题如灾变论,  相似文献   

综合大地构造学研究取得新成果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

构造地球化学研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造地球化学的研究内容已涵盖大地构造、区域构造、矿田(床)构造,以至微构造等领域,研究方法结合了构造地质、地球化学、实验模拟等,实际应用范围已涉及找矿勘探、工程地质、环境地质、灾害防治、地震预报等方面。  相似文献   

江苏大地构造研究与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
潘明宝 《地质学刊》1998,22(A12):12-16
回顾了江苏大地构造研究历史,概述了江苏大地构造位置,分区,性质,根据各地质单元地质特征,初步探讨了江苏大地构造演化过程,指出了江苏大地构造研究尚存在的问题和今后进行方向。  相似文献   

<正>由中国地质大学(北京)万天丰教授撰写的、高等教育出版社和Springer共同出版的《The Tectonics of China—Data,Maps and Evolu-tion》(《中国大地构造学:数据、图件与演化》)已经于2011年5月在国内外同步发行。这是我国地质学界有史以来涉及全国地质构造问题的、被国外出版社出版发行的第四本外文专著。该书以板块构造理论为主要指导思想,综合了近40年来著者所积  相似文献   




A general review of the regional tectonics of China. Comments pertain to the major platform shield areas and adjacent geosynclines as developed during the Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic. Several paleotectonic maps summarizing the more important structural fabrics and their relationships are included. — L.W. LeRoy  相似文献   

河北东北部兴隆煤田区逆冲构造的特征及其区域构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴隆煤田及邻区的逆冲构造系基底卷入变形的厚皮逆冲构造,并具有典型的断坪-断坡式几何学结构。断层上盘逆冲方向指向NNW,沿着主干逆冲断层发生的倾向位移量约为13.1km,逆冲断层及相关褶皱变形所造成的局部表层地壳缩短率约32.3%。对兴隆逆冲构造的几何学结构、运动学性质及其地层效应的分析表明,在中家胡同到黄土粱近东西向一线以南的区域.寻找到因逆冲断层作用导致的隐伏煤田的可能性是极小的。主干逆冲断层上、下盘地层大面积陡立乃至倒转的特征,更容易用断展褶皱,尤其是三角形剪切断展褶皱模型做出合理解释。该逆冲构造主要逆冲断层的上、下盘盖层岩系不整合于基底结晶变质岩系之上,地层序列发育完整而且可以一一对应,不存在沿着相对软弱层发育的大规模逆冲断层之断坪,因此,将该逆冲构造作为区域上承德逆冲构造的根带是不合适的。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1189-1206
The continental crust of China is a mosaic of cratonic blocks and orogenic belts, containing small cratons and terranes with various tectonic settings. They have diverse origins and complex histories of amalgamation, and often suffered repeated reworking after multiple episodes of amalgamation. In the last three decades, extensive geological, geochemical and geophysical investigations have been carried out on these cratonic blocks and intervening orogenic belts, producing an abundant amount of new data and competing interpretations. This provides important insights into understanding the formation and evolution of the Chinese continents. The papers assembled in this volume present a timely and comprehensive overview on major advancements and controversial issues related to the formation and evolution of continental crust in China. Complex tectonic histories were experienced not only by the large-scale cratonic blocks and orogenic belts, but also by small-scale terranes and orogens between and inside these blocks. Nevertheless, our understanding of lithotectonic units and geological processes has been greatly advanced by recent studies of zirconology and geochemistry for various rock types from major petrotectonic units in China. It has been further advanced from integrated interpretations of geochemical and petrological data for petrogenesis of magmatic rocks. An overview of these observations and interpretations provides new insights into understanding the continental plate tectonics and the chemical geodynamics of subduction zones.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the latest advances in research on the terrane tectonics of China.The terranes of China distributed around various plates may be divided into four terrane belts of different ages and sizes.i.e.,the East China,Northwest China,Southwest China and Qilling-Dabie terrane belts.Among them,the East China belt may be subdivided into three composite terrane groups;each terrane proup is composed of several terranes that were formed roughly at the same time and have distince geologic histories.The accretion of China‘s terranes involver three types;the collision type,the flake-thrusting type,and the docking type.The results of the lates study in the five widening fields and some advances in the methods of research on the terrane tectonics in China are presented in the present paper.  相似文献   

对开展全球变化区域适应研究的几点看法   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:20  
经过1999--2003年的集成研究,IGBP实现了其研究方向的调整与新研究框架的构建,目前,IGB.PII已开始进人实施阶段。新的IGBP体现了过去10年中国际学术界在全球变化研究上所形成的共识,在许多方面与第一阶段的IGBP存在明显的不同(IGBP,2001,2002;Brasses,2003;Gash等,2003),其中最突出的表现在以下几方面。  相似文献   

在河西走廊北侧、 北山南缘新发现属于不同断裂系统的两条晚第四纪活动断裂,分别称之为旧井-板滩断裂和俄博庙断裂.其中,旧井-板滩断裂长约28 km,距玉门市约55 km,由4条分支断裂组成,呈复杂的"Y"字形分布.总体走向北东40°~50°,倾向北西,倾角60°~70°,控制了西侧两个晚新生代盆地的发育.俄博庙断裂长约1...  相似文献   

杨德明 《地质通报》2000,19(1):72-76
模型方法是一种科学研究方法。遥感图像是地壳表层的图像模型 ,是建立地质成因模型的理想原型。郯庐断裂带中段沭河断裂带与五莲—青岛构造带在山东东部斜接 ,二者在遥感图像上组成一个倒“入”字图形。“入”字图形的结构、笔画顺序和倒置形态 ,表征了两大构造带的时空特征 ,揭示了该区构造组成和演化规律 ,是这一地区区域地质构造遥感图像地质成因模型。  相似文献   

During the Neogene, the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Baja California Peninsula followed four stages: (1) during the early Miocene (22 Ma), the initiation of transform motion between Pacific and North American plates, caused a rapid subsidence in the Continental Borderland Province and in some adjacent areas.This subsidence coincided in time with with a global rise in sea level. At this time, the eastern and southern parts of the peninsula did not show any evidence of subsidence. (2) During the middle Miocene (12 Ma), normal and strike slip faulting migrated eastward, causing subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf of California, where the oldest Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks were deposited. The areas in central Baja California Sur and the central part of the Gulf itself received abundant volcanic deposits related to continental extension. (3) During the late Miocene (8 Ma), the western margin of the Peninsula changed to a slightly compressive regime, while the northern part of the Gulf contained a marine basin with upper bathyal environments. The central area of the Gulf continued receiving abundant volcanic deposits, while the Los Cabos block received marine sedimentation, correlatable with sedimentary units reported from the continental margins in Nayarit, Jalisco and Michoacán. (4) Beginning in the early Pliocene (5 Ma), the present configuration of the Gulf of California developed through right-lateral strike slip and extension in the Gulf itself. Since Pliocene times, the Gulf presents widespread marine sedimentation with deep basins reaching lower bathyal depths.  相似文献   

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