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The monthly means of north component X of geomagnetic field from 16 observatories during 1984–1988 were analyzed using the Sompi spectral analysis technique Most of these observatories are located in China. The analysis of the semiannual variations indicates that the latitude has no apparent effect on the X component. This clearly implies that the source field mode of semiannual variations cannot simply be described by using the p 1 0 mode. Using the p 1 0 mode to estimate the inductive scale lengthC in the semiannual period, the value ofC at each observatory would be biased significantly. The purpose of this study is to find which kind of modes is optimal for estimating the values ofC corresponding to the semiannual variations. The results show that a composite mode, involving five terms P n 0 (n = 1,, 5), might be a reasonable and acceptable one  相似文献   

We have collected 432 vertical component records from 45 stations of new CENC (China Earthquake Network Center) in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. These records were used to calculate Q0 (Q at 1Hz) and η values of Lg coda from each station by the stack spectral ratio (SSR) method. Then the tomography method was applied to obtaining lateral variation of Q0 and η values in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. The result indicates that Q0 value varies between 150 and 600 in the studied areas. Yunnan, southwest Sichuan, and northwest Myanmar show the lowest Q0 value (Q0〈240) and the crust of these regions is characterized by complicated crack and strong hydrothermal activity. The highest Q0 value (Qo〉510) exists in the border of southern Mongolia, Alxa and Ordos block. The η value varies between 0.45 and 0.75 in Chinese mainland and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

The effects of the dayside and dusk plumes of the plasmasphere during the ring current recovery phase on the disturbance level of the ground geomagnetic field horizontal component have been considered. It has been indicated that the geomagnetic field horizontal component changes specifically and synchronously in the region corresponding to the plasmaspheric dayside plume. Outside the plume the time variations in the geomagnetic field horizontal component pronouncedly differs. A spectral analysis of disturbances in the geomagnetic field horizontal components in the range of geomagnetic pulsations indicated that the intensity in the range of Pc4 pulsations increases at magnetic stations located on field lines corresponding to the dayside and dusk plumes of the plasmasphere. These pulsations detected in the dynamic spectrum of the geomagnetic field horizontal components in the dayside plume region of the plasmasphere, probably reflect the resonance oscillations of magnetic field lines in the region of field-aligned currents at comparatively low altitudes. We assume that this is caused by the instability of field-aligned currents originating as a result of the interaction between the ring current energetic ions and electromagnetic waves in the region with a relatively dense background plasma of the dayside plume.  相似文献   

金刚  李钟杰 《湖泊科学》1999,11(1):52-56
极大螺旋藻藻体SOD聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳呈现4条同工酶带,H2O2明显抑制该酶活性,KCN对酶活性无影响,确认为Fe-SOD。经硫酸铵分部盐析,离子交换柱层析及凝胶过滤,纯化到电泳单斑点均一程度。纯化的Fe-SOD分子量为39.3KD,亚基分子量为20KD,金属元素分析表明,每个亚基含0.55个Fe原子。该酶在紫外区最大吸收峰值为275.8nm,该酶氨基酸组成与蓝,绿藻和高等植物的Fe-SOD相  相似文献   

A simple model for reconstructing the paleomagnetic field intensity with 10Be production rate was used for the first time in Loess 10Be studies of Luochuan profile. Using the LGM (Last Glacial Maxmium) method, the climatic effects and geomagnetic modulation effects on loess 10Be was separated and in turn the 80 ka geomagnetic excursion sequence reconstructed, of which the globally remarkable geomagnetic excursion events such as the Laschamp (42 ka), Mono Lake (32 ka) during the Last Glacial period were revealed and the paleo-geomagnetic intensity curve from Loess 10Be over the past 80 ka was quantitatively reconstructed. The reconstructed paleo-intensity fits well with the paleo-intensity curves (SINT200 and NAPIS75), which indicates the significance of global criterion of the 10Be paleo-intensity curve and the future direction of loess 10Be tracing studies. Results show the irregular variability of the East Asian monsoon precipitation in Loess Plateau is the main cause that has resulted in the ambiguity of the geomagnetic modulation of the 10Be record in the loess, and the intrinsic source component of the loess 10Be and inherited fraction of magnetic susceptibility (SUS) are characterized by the “quasi-homogeneous distribution” manner. Supported by the Key Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-118), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos: 40531003, 40121303, 40523002) and State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology in the Institute of Earth Environment of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. SKLLQG0712)  相似文献   

The hourly averaged Polar Cap (PC) index was used as the input parameter for the ring current index Dst variation forecasting. The PC index is known to describe well the principal features of the interplanetary magnetic field as well as the total energy input to the magnetosphere. This allowed us to design a neural network that was able to forecast the Dst variations 1 h ahead. 1995 PC and Dst data sets were used for training and testing and 1997 data sets were used for validation. From 15 moderate and strong geomagnetic storms observed during 1997, 10 were successfully forecasted. In 3 cases the observed minimum Dst value was less than the predicted value, and only in 3 cases the neural network was not able to reproduce the features of the geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

785 traces of vertical components from shallow earthquakes recorded by 10 CDSN (Chinese Digital Seismographic Network) stations and 5 GSN (Global Seismographic Network) stations were collected to study the attenuation characteristics ofL g coda in the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions. The records were processed first using the stack spectral ratio method to obtain the average values ofQ 0 (Q at 1Hz) and η, the frequency dependence, ofL g coda in the ellipses corresponding to the paths. The back-projection technique was then employed to obtain the tomographic maps ofQ 0 and η values, and the distribution of their errors. Results indicate that in the studied areaQ 0 varies between 200 and 500. The lowest value ofQ 0 exists in the Yun-nan-Tibetan region, while the highest value ofQ 0 occurs in the southern edge of Siberian platform. η varies between 0.3 and 0.8. For most part of the studied area η varies inversely withQ 0.  相似文献   

开展一系列的等幅循环应力的K0固结饱和黏土的循环三轴拉伸试验,结果表明动剪切模量G不仅与循环剪应变γcy有关,还与累积应变γp有关。为了进一步研究其影响,开展逐级加载的循环三轴拉伸试验。结果表明,随着累积应变的增加,初始动剪切模量Gmax逐渐下降。在某一围压下以Gmax作为归一化参数,建立G/Gmax-γcy关系,验证在其他围压下具有较好的适用性。累积应变、围压对阻尼比影响不大,可以认为阻尼比随振动剪应变有唯一对应关系。根据一组循环三轴拉伸试验下建立的动剪切模量和阻尼比关系,可以应用到其他应力组合的循环三轴拉伸试验。  相似文献   

A study of the geomagnetic storm of July 13–14, 1982, and its ionospheric response is presented using the low-latitude magnetic index, Dst, and interpreted using solar wind interplanetary data: proton number density, solar wind flow speed, interplanetary magnetic field southward component B Z , and solar wind dynamic pressure. The F2 region structure response to the geomagnetic storm was studied using foF2 data obtained during the storm from a network of various ionosonde stations. Our results appear to show simultaneous abrupt depletion of foF2 that occurred at all latitudes in both the East Asian and African/European longitudinal zone during the period: 18:00–19:00 UT on July 13 and is as result of an abrupt increase in the dynamic pressure between 16:00 and 17:00 UT. The dynamic pressure increased from 3.21 to 28.07 nPa within an hour. The aforementioned abrupt depletion of foF2 simultaneously resulted in an intense negative storm with peak depletion of foF2 at about 19:00 at all the stations in the East Asian longitudinal zone. In the African/European longitudinal zone, this simultaneous abrupt depletion of foF2 resulted in intense negative storm that occurred simultaneously at the low latitude stations with peak depletion at about 20:00 UT on July 13, while the resulting negative storm at the mid latitude stations recorded peak depletion of foF2 simultaneously at about 2:00 UT on July 14. The present results indicate that most of the stations in the three longitudinal zones showed some level of simultaneity in the depletion of foF2 between 18:00 UT on July 13 and 2:00 UT on July 14. The depletion of foF2 during the main phase of the storm was especially strongly dependent on the solar wind dynamic pressure.  相似文献   

许亚吉  杨晶琼  秦敏 《中国地震》2020,36(1):105-114
选取云南地震台网记录的地震波形资料,通过基于遗传算法的Atkinson方法分别计算云南3个区域的介质品质因子Q_0值。根据云南地区地震波衰减的区域性差异,通过震级偏差统计分析了47个台站的单台M_L震级偏差情况。结果显示:云南属于低Q_0值地区,区域性差异明显。位于云南西部区域1的Q_0值相对较高,为251. 3;东部的区域3的Q_0值次之,为216. 9;中部的区域2的Q_0值最低,为102. 6。Q_0值越小的地区,S波衰减程度越大,单台震级偏小于台网平均震级的台站也就越多。同一地区的台站在测定相同区域内的地震时,虽然地震波非弹性衰减程度相近,但由于受到各台站场地不同增益作用的影响,其单台震级偏差情况有所不同。  相似文献   

Among the youngest lava flows of the Pinacate volcanic field, Sonora, Mexico, is a large outpouring of tholeiite, the Ives flow. This tube-fed pahoehoe flow contrasts sharply with other Pinacate lavas in its great volume, alkali-poor composition and morphologic features, which include novel small structures named “spatter tubes.” Despite its K-poor character, young age, and the presence of excess 40Ar, we determined a 40Ar/39Ar age on samples of this flow at 13 ± 3 ka. Such an age determination is made possible via careful monitoring of the mass discrimination of the mass spectrometer and by stacking results from multiple incremental-heating experiments into a single, composite isochron. This age is among the youngest ever to be determined with such precision by the 40Ar/39Ar method on a K-poor tholeiite.  相似文献   

A temporal and spatial change of codaQ –1 associated with the occurrence of the North Palm Springs earthquake of July 8, 1986 was studied by using 242 small local earthquakes in the vicinity of the mainshock. We found that the codaQ –1 of earthquakes which occurred before the mainshock was significantly higher than that of the aftershocks in the mainshock area while the codaQ –1 for the surrounding area remained almost constant throughout 1986. CodaQ –1 was determined separately for the lapse time windows of 10 to 20 sec. and 15 to 40 sec. for the period from 1981 to 1987. The result for the time window 10 to 20 sec. showed a peak in codaQ –1 before the time of mainshock at all frequencies. The peak appeared earlier at lower frequencies. There was no significant change in codaQ –1 for the time window 15 to 40 sec., probably because the change was restricted to a small area.  相似文献   

利用1999~2015年流动GNSS观测资料及处理结果,分析了九寨沟M_S7.0地震前区域水平形变场及其变化,得到以下认识:(1)九寨沟M_S7.0地震震源区在汶川8.0级地震之前为右旋剪切形变,汶川地震之后为左旋剪切形变;(2)2011年以来震源区左旋剪切形变持续较弱,较大的左旋剪切形变位于其西南;(3)震源区最大剪切应变、最大主应变、最小主应变均较弱;(4)九寨沟地震的发生与汶川地震的发生与否有一定的关系方面,龙门山断裂带的活动处在闭锁时段时则有所抑制或推迟九寨沟地震的发生,汶川地震后龙门山断裂带一定程度的解锁则有助于九寨沟地震的发生或促使发震时刻有所提前;(5)距震中近70km的SCSP站出现了7.1mm的南向同震位移,其他连续站未发现同震位移。  相似文献   

Along both sides of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fracture Zone in eastern China, a series of mantle source gas pools constitute a massive-scale tectonic accumulation zone in NNE direction, with the mantle geochemical characteristics of high concentrations of C02 and He, high3He/4He-40Ar/36Ar ratio system and high δ13Coo2 ratios (the main frequency, -3.4%— 4.6%), showing no difference from the tectonic framework of the area. In the area, the tectonic environment is a rift formed as a result of diapiric mantle injection and crust thinning to form graben-type basins and lithospheric fractures. The mantle-derived volcanic rocks and inclusions are well-developed and a high geothermal zone (mantlesource) exists in the area. The characteristics of the three components (solid, liquid and gas) of mantle, concentrated all over the same tectonic space zone, show that the rift system is of a good tectonic environment or passage for mantle degassing and gas migration. The main types of the gas pools are volcano, fault-block, anticline, buried hill and so on, but most of them are combination traps closely related with fracture. For the mantle source gas pools, rift is an optimum tectonic region, and nearby lithospheric fracture, mantle source volcanic rocks or basement uplifts are a favourable structural location when reservoir-caprock association develops.  相似文献   

南极中山站与北极地磁活动相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用南极中山站和新奥尔松(NAL)等5个北极站2000年9月到2003年3月共719天的地磁观测数据,以20 min间隔内地磁北向水平分量的互相关系数大于0.9为判据,对南北极地磁活动相关的发生率进行了统计,并与T89地磁模型得到的中山站共轭位置的分布进行了比较. 结果表明,南北极地磁活动相关的发生率与台站位置、季节、地方时和地磁活动性有着密切的关系. 在北极的5个台站中朗伊尔站(LYR)与中山站地磁相关的时间最多(占17%);在两分季发生相关的情况比冬季和夏季多;在傍晚发生相关的情况最多,中午发生相关的情况最少;地磁活动较强时,相关的情况比地磁宁静时更多一些.  相似文献   

为揭示岩溶湿地表层水体二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的时空分布规律及其扩散通量,以我国最大的岩溶湿地贵州威宁草海为研究对象,分别于2019年7月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)通过网格布点法,系统采集草海表层湿地水体,测定水样理化指标和离子组成,利用PHREEQCI软件计算水体pCO2,并基于Cole提出的气体扩散模型估算水-气界面二氧化碳(CO2)的扩散通量.结果表明:草海湿地表层水体丰水期pCO2的变化范围为0.44~645.65μatm,平均值为(55.94±124.73)μatm;枯水期变化范围为35.48~707.95μatm,平均值为(310.46±173.54)μatm;丰水期水体整体pCO2低于枯水期,空间上两期水体均呈现东部区域及河流入湖口处pCO2较高,而中西部区域pCO2欠饱和的特征.水-气界面CO2的扩散通量在丰水期变化范围为-43.27~27.16 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-34.49±12.93)mmol/(m2·d),枯水期变化范围为-33.36~28.15 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-8.02±15.85)mmol/(m2·d),与其他岩溶湖库相比,水生植物丰富的草海在两个极端水文期CO2扩散通量相对较低,总体表现为大气CO2的汇.  相似文献   

青藏高原上分布着大量的大陆性冰川,其对区域及全球气候变化响应极其敏感.工业革命以来,随着全球升温速率加快(特别是北半球),青藏高原部分地区的冰川在近百年显著退缩.冰前湖沉积物是最直接的冰川变化记录载体之一,但其沉积速率如何响应冰川及气候变化,能否反演冰川进退过程却知之甚少.本文依据210pb和137 Cs限定藏南冰前湖...  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川省九寨沟县发生MS7.0地震,成都地震基准台距此次地震震中约255km,震前该台地磁谐波振幅比出现趋势性异常。对成都台GM4磁通门磁力仪秒数据进行谐波振幅比计算,结果显示,谐波振幅比在九寨沟MS7.0地震前表现出下降—转折—恢复上升的异常变化形态,地震发生在异常恢复期,同时,异常表现出由长周期向短周期迁移、SN向与EW向变化不同步的特征,芦山MS7.0地震前成都台地磁谐波振幅比亦呈现了相似的异常变化特征。  相似文献   

A new approach, combining 15NH4+ isotope dilution and continuous-flow techniques, provided estimates of “actual” and “net” NH4+ flux and sediment NH4+ demand (SAD) at the sediment-water interface (SWI) of sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX). The sites included a hypoxic site (C6), two sites with intermediate oxygen levels (B7 and F5), and a normoxic site (CT). Control cores without isotope addition and other cores from the same site treated with 15NH4+ labeled overflowing water differentiated between net and actual regeneration flux and actual vs. potential uptake flux of NH4+. Experiments were conducted in 2008 before (July) and after (September) two successive hurricanes (Gustav and Ike) and in January and August, 2009. Actual regeneration was significantly higher than net flux at most sites. Net flux did not differ significantly in most sites/dates, but the actual regeneration, and the actual and potential uptake, showed temporal and spatial variation; the flux at the hypoxic site was more active than non-hypoxic sites. SAD, the difference between potential and actual NH4+ uptake flux, was higher at the hypoxic site than at non-hypoxic sites before and after the hurricanes in 2008 and during the hypoxia season in 2009. SAD related negatively to bottom water DO values. Conclusions: (1) net flux often underestimated actual regeneration, (2) hurricane activity decreased N dynamics, and (3) microbial N limitation status at the hypoxic site related to NH4+ removal processes that were independent of oxygen (e.g., anaerobic heterotrophic uptake or anammox). These results indicate a rather consistent NH4+ demand at the SWI during the hypoxic season and suggest that reduced nitrogen may limit microbial dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

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