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A multidisciplinary analysis of intraplate volcanic complexes interbedded with shallow and deeper marine sediments of a Late Miocene carbonate platform (Iblean Plateau, Sicily) has allowed a detailed paleo-environmental reconstruction. Our approach includes sedimentology, physical volcanology, stratigraphy, geochemistry/mineralogy, paleontology and 40Ar/39Ar dating. Four volcanic complexes are distinguished from each other. Two comprise an eastern shallow water platform (diatreme field and Carlentini complex) and two a western deeper water environment representing a seamount belt on the carbonate ramp (Valle Guffari seamount and Mineo complex). The late Miocene volcanism was not time-equivalent: episodic eruptions took place from the Late Tortonian (ca. 9.38 Ma at Mt. Carrubba) to Early Messinian (ca. 6.46 Ma at Valle Guffari). Explosive volcanism of the diatreme field may be related geodynamically to the period of periodic sea-level oscillations at the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Marine diatomites preserved in the crater areas of two diatremes are the only remnants of Early Messinian diatomites in the eastern Iblean Mountains.  相似文献   

The Itajaí Basin located in the southern border of the Luís Alves Microplate is considered as a peripheral foreland basin related to the Dom Feliciano Belt. It presents an excellent record of the Ediacaran period, and its upper parts display the best Brazilian example of Precambrian turbiditic deposits. The basal succession of Itajaí Group is represented by sandstones and conglomerates (Baú Formation) deposited in alluvial and deltaic-fan systems. The marine upper sequences correspond to the Ribeir?o Carvalho (channelized and non-channelized proximal silty-argillaceous rhythmic turbidites), Ribeir?o Neisse (arkosic sandstones and siltites), and Ribeir?o do Bode (distal silty turbidites) formations. The Apiúna Formation felsic volcanic rocks crosscut the sedimentary succession. The Cambrian Subida leucosyenogranite represents the last felsic magmatic activity to affect the Itajaí Basin. The Brusque Group and the Florianópolis Batholith are proposed as source areas for the sediments of the upper sequence. For the lower continental units the source areas are the Santa Catarina, S?o Miguel and Camboriú complexes. The lack of any oceanic crust in the Itajaí Basin suggests that the marine units were deposited in a restricted, internal sea. The sedimentation started around 600?Ma and ended before 560?Ma as indicated by the emplacement of rhyolitic domes. The Itajaí Basin is temporally and tectonically correlated with the Camaqu? Basin in Rio Grande do Sul and the Arroyo del Soldado/Piriápolis Basin in Uruguay. It also has several tectono-sedimentary characteristics in common with the African-equivalent Nama Basin.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This correction stands to support the updating of the original article for changing the name Glauciene Justino Ferreira to Glauciene Justino Ferreira da Silva. The author group...  相似文献   

The occurrence of Pb–Zn deposits of Jalta district (northern Tunisia) as open space fillings and cements and breccia in the contact zones between Triassic dolostones and Miocene conglomerates along or near major faults provides evidence of the relationship between the mineralization and tectonic processes. Pb isotopes in galena from the deposits yielded average 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.821, 15.676 and 38.837, respectively, implying a well-mixed multi-source upper crustal reservoir of metals. Magmatism and compressional tectonism during the Alpine orogeny favored Pb–Zn mineralization in the Jalta district. The enrichment in Pb, Zn, Cd and Co of the Triassic carbonates and enrichments in Pb, Zn and Cd in Triassic clayey shales is associated with hydrothermal alteration around faults. Alunite in the deposit has δ34S values (−2.5 to −1.5‰ VCDT), which could have been formed at and above the water table in a kind of steam-heated environment, where fluids containing H2S mixed with fluids containing K and Al. The H2S could have been produced by TSR of sulfates at high temperature at depth and then leaked upward through deep-seated faults, whereas the K and Al could have been acid-leached from Miocene volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

The results of three-dimensional numerical simulations of the gas dynamics of the atmosphere of a “hot Jupiter” exoplanet during the passage of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the central star are presented. These computations assumed the parameters for the stellar wind and the CME to be typical of the solar values. The characteristic variations of the flow pattern are considered for quasi-closed and closed (but appreciably distorted by the gravitational influence of the star) gaseous envelopes of the exoplanet. It is shown that a typical CME is sufficient to tear off the outer part of an asymmetric envelope that is located beyond the Roche lobe and carry it away from the exoplanet. This leads to a substantial increase in the mass-loss rate from the exoplanet envelope during the passage of CMEs. The mass-loss rate grows by about a factor of 11 for a closed envelope, and by about a factor of 14 for a quasi-closed envelope. Possible evolutionary consequences of the loss of part of the atmosphere during the passage of CMEs are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Vegetation indices have been widely used for monitoring the spatiotemporal variables of vegetation and characterizing droughts, primarily in semiarid regions. Drought is a...  相似文献   

The Atuel depocenter of the Neuquén basin originated as an Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic rift system, later inverted during the Andean contractional deformation. In order to study the extensional architecture and the kinematic evolution of this depocenter, we collected a large amount of field and sub-surface data, consisting of slip data from outcrop-scale normal faults, thickness and facies distribution within the synrift deposits, and structural data from angular and progressive unconformities. The Atuel depocenter has a NNW trend, showing a bimodal distribution of NNW and WNW major faults (first and second order faults). On the other hand, from kinematic indicators measured on outcrop-scale faults (third and fourth order faults), we found a mean NE internal extension direction, which is oblique to the general trend of the sub-basin. Taking these particular characteristics into account, we interpreted the Atuel depocenter as an oblique rift system. We evaluated two mechanisms in order to explain the development of this transtensional system: 1) reactivation of upper-crustal NNW-oriented Paleozoic shear zones, and 2) oblique stretching of a previous NNW-oriented lithospheric weakness zone.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The high seismicity and tectonic activity of the study area located in a near-fault region in Gölyaka, Düzce, results in a bedrock geometry highly complex in the sense...  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(1-3):45-55
Field studies on the Neogene successions in south of İzmir reveal that subsequent Neogene continental basins were developed in the region. Initially a vast lake basin was formed during the Early–Middle Miocene period. The lacustrine sediments underwent an approximately N–S shortening deformation to the end of Middle Miocene. A small portion of the basin fill was later trapped within the N–S-trending, fault-bounded graben basin, the Çubukludağ graben, opened during the Late Miocene. Oblique-slip normal faults with minor sinistral displacement are formed possibly under N–S extensional regime, and controlled the sediment deposition. Following this the region suffered a phase of denudation which produced a regionwide erosional surface suggesting that the extension interrupted to the end of Late Miocene–Early Pliocene period. After this event the E–W-trending major grabens and horsts of western Anatolia began to form. The graben bounding faults cut across the Upper Miocene–Pliocene lacustrine sediments and fragmented the erosional surface. The Çubukludağ graben began to work as a cross graben between the E–W grabens, since that period.  相似文献   


Field studies on the Neogene successions in south of ?zmir reveal that subsequent Neogene continental basins were developed in the region. Initially a vast lake basin was formed during the early-Middle Miocene period. The lacustrine sediments underwent an approximately N-S shortening deformation to the end of Middle Miocene. A small portion of the basin fill was later trapped within the N-S-trending, fault-bounded graben basin, the Çubukluda? graben, opened during the Late Miocene. Oblique-slip normal faults with minor sinistral displacement are formed possibly under N–S extensional regime, and controlled the sediment deposition. Following this the region suffered a phase of denudation which produced a regionwide erosional surface suggesting that the extension interrupted to the end of Late Miocene–Early Pliocene period. After this event the E–W-trending major grabens and horsts of western Anatolia began to form. The graben bounding faults cut across the Upper Miocene–Pliocene lacustrine sediments and fragmented the erosional surface. The Çubukluda? graben began to work as a cross garden between the E–W grabens, since that period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Siliciclastic red beds formed by stream action in the Parkent–Nurekata intermontane basin of the Tien Shan Mountains, E Uzbekistan. The sedimentary rocks were cross-sectioned in the field and subject to heavy mineral, clay mineral and thin section analyses in the laboratory. In addition to these conventional methods, a survey into the variation of the magnetic susceptibility was conducted. During the Paleogene, calcareous rocks (unit A) developed in a subtidal through supratidal environment of deposition. Subsequently, tectonic disturbances tilted the Paleogene carbonate rocks and triggered the formation of an unconformity during the Oligocene. The Miocene to Pliocene red beds have the hallmarks of a delta-like wedge actively prograding over near-shore marine deposits. Two progradational stages (units B and C) were substituted for by a more regressive event (unit D). During deposition and burial the siliciclastics were percolated by strongly alkaline pore fluids under semi-arid climatic conditions. The joint action of rapid uplift in the hinterland and the afore-mentioned hydrological processes were instrumental for heavy minerals such as epidote and staurolite to survive and some peculiar phyllosilicates such as smectite and palygorskite to precipitate. Debris from metamorphic and igneous rocks were delivered from the rising hinterland. The petrographic and magnetic records of red beds are a mirror image of the unroofing of a magmatic edifice in the provenance area between 11 and 3 Ma.  相似文献   

We present a new 2D finite difference code, Samovar, for high-resolution numerical modeling of complex geodynamic processes. Examples are collision of lithospheric plates (including mountain building and subduction) and lithosphere extension (including formation of sedimentary basins, regions of extended crust, and rift zones). The code models deformation of the lithosphere with viscoelastoplastic rheology, including erosion/sedimentation processes and formation of shear zones in areas of high stresses. It also models steady-state and transient conductive and advective thermal processes including partial melting and magma transport in the lithosphere. The thermal and mechanical parts of the code are tested for a series of physical problems with analytical solutions. We apply the code to geodynamic modeling by examining numerically the processes of lithosphere extension and basin formation. The results are directly applicable to the Basin and Range province, western USA, and demonstrate the roles of crust–mantle coupling, preexisting weakness zones, and erosion rate on the evolutionary trends of extending continental regions. Modeling of basin evolution indicates a critical role of syn-rift sedimentation on the basin depth and a governing role of Peierls deformation in cold lithospheric mantle. While the former may increase basin depth by 50%, the latter limits the depth of rift basins by preventing faulting in the subcrustal lithosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a sedimentary and structural analysis that together with maps, sections and new Ar/Ar data enable to describe the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Mauléon hyper-extended rift basin exposed in the W-Pyrenees. Hyper-extension processes that ultimately resulted in exhuming mantle rocks are the result of the subsequent development of two diachronous detachment systems related to two evolutional stages of rifting. An initial Late Aptian Early Albian crustal thinning phase is first recorded by the development of a crustal necking zone controlled by the north-vergent Southern Mauléon Detachment system. During a subsequent exhumation phase, active faulting migrates to the north with the emplacement of the Northern Mauléon detachment system that exhumed north section thinned continental crust and mantle rocks. This diachronous crustal thinning and exhumation processes are also recorded by the diachronous deposition of syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts above the two supra-detachment sub-basins. Syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts record the progressive exhumation of footwall rocks along detachment systems. Tectonic migration from the southern to the northern Mauléon Detachment system is recorded by the coeval deposition of “sag” deposits above the necking zone basin and of syn-tectonic tracts above exhumed rocks north section. Located on a hanging-wall situation related to the Mauléon hyper-extension structures, the Arzacq Basin also records a major crustal thinning phase as shown by its subsidence evolution so as by deep seismic images. The absence of major top-basement structures and its overall sag morphology suggest that crustal thinning processes occurred by decoupled extension of lower crustal levels contrasting with the Southern Mauléon Detachment system. Reconciling observations from the Mauléon and Arzacq Basins, we finally propose in this paper that they were the result of one and the same asymmetric crustal thinning and exhumation processes, where extension is accommodated into the upper crust in the Mauléon Basin (lower plate basin) and relayed in ductile lower crust below the Arzacq Basin (upper plate basin).  相似文献   

Karst topography is a landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually limestone and evaporites. Karstification in the Sivas basin (Turkey) has sculpted a beautiful landscape with a distinctive beauty and appeal for both local inhabitants and visitors. Dolines are very special geological landscape features found in karst regions, and the Sivas basin has several giant dolines amongst its thousands of smaller dolines. The basin constitutes a distinctive karst architecture with a system of collapse and/or dolines and caves. Anyone who walks along the shores of a lake resulting from the collapse, in this gypsum terrain, will be amazed with the lake and rocks that surround them. In this paper, dolines in the gypsum terrain are evaluated and discussed according to their value as a “Geological Heritage”. Three main characteristics of dolines, namely their scientific, aesthetic and ecosystem importance are considered and discussed. Dolines and karstified areas as representative examples of landform types possess the three attributes for them to be considered as a Geological Heritage in that they demonstrate the effect of erosion on the landform, geomorphic processes that are still active and a range of features characteristic of the rock unit involved.  相似文献   

There is a growing consideration globally of a right to the city in urban policies, strategies and legislation. The mention of this concept in the UN’s New Urban Agenda vision statement, in relation to human rights, both acknowledges and encourages this trend. It is also a result of lobbying and contestation. In the Anglo-American scholarly literature, there has been caution as to whether Henri Lefebvre intended a legal and institutionalized meaning for his ‘right to the city’. This paper reviews these debates and from that perspective examines Lefebvre’s positions on law, rights and the right to the city. It locates this within his wider political strategy and in particular the three-pronged strategy he put forward in The Urban Revolution to address the urban question—political foregrounding of the urban, promotion of self-management, and introduction of the right to the city into a transformed contractual system. By contextualizing and reviewing Everyday Life in the Modern World (published immediately before Right to the City), the paper examines Lefebvre’s thinking on rights formation, within ‘opening’, or the process of inducing change. The paper engages with meanings Lefebvre provides for rights in his concept of the right to the city, including his later conception of a contract of citizenship. The paper suggests that engagement with a fluid role of law and rights, in combination with Lefebvre’s other strategies, is important in opening the pathway he charts for the realization of this right, whether through local or global initiatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that the crystallization of miarolitic pegmatites at K?nigshain started at about 700°C, in melts containing up to 30 mass% water. Such high water concentration at low pressures (1–3 kbar) is only possible if the melts are peralkaline. Such peralkaline melts are highly corrosive, and reacted with the wall rock—here the granite host—forming the graphic granite zone, in part via a magmatic–metasomatic reaction. With cooling, the water concentration in some melt fractions increased up to 50 mass% H2O. The melt-dominated system ends below 600°C and passes into a fluid-dominated system, the beginning of which is characterized by strong pressure fluctuations, caused by the change of OH and CO3 2− in the melt, to molecular water and CO2. We note two generations of smoky quartz, one crystallized above the β–α-transition of quartz (≈573°C), and one below, both of which contain melt inclusions. This indicates that some melt fraction remains during at least the higher-temperature portion of the growth of minerals into the miarolitic cavity, contradicting the view that minerals growing into a pegmatite chamber only do so from aqueous fluids. We show that the K?nigshain miarolitic pegmatites are part of the broad spectrum of pegmatite types, and the processes active at K?nigshain are representative of processes found in most granitic pegmatites, and are thus instructive in the understanding of pegmatite formation in general, and constraining the composition and characteristics of pegmatite-forming melts. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The secondary fractures associated with a major pseudotachylyte-bearing fault vein in the sheared aplitic granitoid of the Proterozoic Gavilgarh–Tan Shear Zone in central India are mapped at the outcrop scale. The fracture maps help to identify at least three different types of co-seismic ruptures, e.g., X–X′, T1 and T2, which characterize sinistral-sense shearing of rocks, confined between two sinistral strike-slip faults slipping at seismic rate. From the asymmetric distribution of tensile fractures around the sinistral-sense fault vein, the direction of seismic rupture propagation is predicted to have occurred from west-southwest to east-northeast, during an ancient (Ordovician?) earthquake. Calculations of approximate co-seismic displacement on the faults and seismic moment (M 0) of the earthquake are attempted, following the methods proposed by earlier workers. These estimates broadly agree to the findings from other studied fault zones (e.g., Gole Larghe Fault zone, Italian Alps). This study supports the proposition by some researchers that important seismological information can be extracted from tectonic pseudotachylytes of all ages, provided they are not reworked by subsequent tectonic activity.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1978-1990
The Miocene to Present Mazarrón basin provides a window on the metallogenic role of an evolving magmatic series. High-K calc–alkaline magmas gave rise to an important cluster of Pb–Zn–Ag–Cu vein and stockwork deposits emplaced in dacitic to rhyodacitic domes, part of a complex volcanic–metallogenic province (Au, Hg, Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag, Sn) stretching for ~150 km along the Mediterranean coast of SE Spain. By Pliocene time the former magmatic series had been replaced by intraplate alkaline basaltic volcanism, thus becoming the southern branch of the Western/Central Europe alkaline province. In terms of base metal sulphide deposits, this European province is barren, although it triggered widespread, CO2-rich geothermal activity. Modern geothermal activity at El Saladillo (Mazarrón) resulted in the deposition of carbonate sinter deposits and formation of microbial mats. Proximal facies consist of millimetric to centimetric multicoloured layers of microbial mats, including yellow-orange thin bands of calcified bacteria and mineral growths of aragonite and calcite; green layers of live thermophilic Lyngbya-type cyanobacteria; black, degraded organic matter; and pyrite as the sole sulphide phase. Except for arsenic (37–63 μg g?1), all of the studied trace elements (Ag, Ba, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, Se, and Sn) appear in remarkably low concentrations in the geothermal sinters. This is consistent with compositional data for the El Saladillo waters, with no significant metal concentrations. We present the first conceptual model (Miocene to Present) for the ore-forming processes, magmatism, CO2 degasification, and geothermal activity for this realm. We argue that the time- and space-limited character of this volcanism (small, scattered outcrops), the deep magma emplacement level, the metal sulphide behaviour in alkaline basaltic magmatic chambers, and the dry character of these magmas prevented any metallogenic interaction between the chambers and the much shallower meteoric waters that drove the El Saladillo geothermal system and others of the same kind in Spain and elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

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