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Clifford M. Guy 《GeoJournal》1998,45(4):255-264
This paper reviews current methods used in classifying retail outlets and areas devoted to retailing, in the geographical and town planning literature. For retail outlets, classifications based upon types of goods sold, and types of shopping trip, are discussed. This is followed by an analysis of modern large store development which reflects property developers' and retailers' concerns. Areas devoted to retail uses are subdivided into unplanned ‘retail areas’ and planned ‘shopping centres’. Traditional classifications based upon central place theory are reviewed for both of these types, and found wanting in the light of recent changes in retail development practice and consumer behaviour. Classifications based upon physical development characteristics and type of shopping trip are recommended. Finally, classifications of urban retail location are examined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Landscape metrics are important when studying landscape structure and function. This study investigated the sensitivity of two core sets of landscape metrics to different land use classification systems by analyzing two typical landscapes at a small watershed scale and a county scale on the Loess Plateau, China. The results showed that (1) eight landscape metrics, selected using Spearman’s correlation coefficient method and principle component analysis, adequately reflected the major landscape properties at both scales. (2) Land use classification had a significant influence on most of the selected landscape metrics, affecting their magnitude and the way in which they changed with increasing classification details; four general patterns were exhibited, i.e., increasing; decreasing; increasing and then decreasing; and relatively constant at the small watershed scale, while for the county scale, they were increasing; decreasing; increasing and then decreasing; and remaining relatively constant after initially increasing. (3) The general response patterns of most of the selected landscape metrics to the changing land use classification were similar among different years at both scales, which implied that the age of the data source used to generate the land use maps since 1982 had little effect on the landscape metrics, and that the underlying landscape pattern described by the metrics had not notably changed.  相似文献   

农畜产品虚拟水研究的背景、方法及意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
虚拟水是近年出现在水资源管理领域的新概念,随着全球贸易的增加,虚拟水已成为影响区域水资源管理的重要因素。分析了虚拟水概念出现的经济背景,总结介绍了与农作物和畜产品相关的虚拟水含量的计算方法,以及国际上虚拟水贸易的基本情况,揭示了虚拟水在提高水资源效率、制定水资源战略的作用,以及对社会经济、水资源管理等方面的重要影响。  相似文献   




Chung  Chen-Kun 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(3):1051-1089
Natural Hazards - In the present study, a recently developed novel approach (Bender et al. in J Hydrol 514:123–130, 2014) has been further extended to investigate the changes in the joint...  相似文献   

In this study, the physicochemical parameters (Conductivity, pH, Cl?, HCO 3 ? , PO 4 3? , SO 4 2? , NO 3 ? , NO 2 ? , F?, TH, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, and DS) were determined for 41 samples collected from fourteen places in Algeria. The temperature of the thermal water samples at collection sites varied from 26°C to 86°C. pH values varied from 6.5 to 8.5 (i.e., from slightly acidic to moderately alkaline); 90.24% of the samples exhibited relatively high salinity (DS?=?550–5,500 mg L?1). Total hardness measurements indicated these waters to be moderately hard. Forty-six percent of the samples are Na–Cl in character. The ratios Na+/Ca2+, Na+/Mg2+, and (Na+ + K+)/(Ca2+ + Mg2+) were high in 90.24% of the samples. This indicates the ion exchange process is important, which indicates that most of the Algerian thermal waters had developed over a long period at a depth sufficient to react with the rock. Statistical analyses of the physicochemical data gave positive correlation values, thereby enabling good interpretation of the results and revealing the composition of ions present in the thermal waters, as well as some information about their origin. The therapeutic properties associated with thermal waters encourage people at spas to drink the water they bathe in. Therefore, we examined the drinkability of these thermal waters. World Health Organization (WHO 1993) standards were used to evaluate the thermal water quality for drinking. With respect to hardness, the samples were classified as moderately hard (58.54% of the samples), very hard (36.58% of the samples), and soft (4.88% of the samples). The drinkability study shows that only 16 samples of the investigated waters were drinkable and thus could be consumed without special precaution.  相似文献   

遥感作为目前快速实现全球或大区域对地观测的最佳方法,在“一带一路”沿线地区地表信息获取方面具有重要的作用。总结了遥感技术在伊朗北部土地利用分类与制图的流程和方法,在土地利用分类体系、遥感分类方法和成果制图3个方面进行了研究。通过土地利用信息遥感分类标志,建立非接触的土地利用信息分类工作方法,保证了良好的工作精度。进行了伊朗北部地区土地利用信息的遥感制图,获取了该地区土地利用状况,为我国矿业企业与地质调查部门开展“一带一路”区域合作提供了技术支撑和决策依据,为开展境外土地利用信息的提取与制图工作提供了案例。  相似文献   

沉积盆地类型划分及其相关问题讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沉积盆地类型划分是盆地及其相关领域研究的重要基础。已有的盆地分类方案较多,各有侧重和所长,但对陆内盆地的划分和研究较为薄弱。沉积盆地是一个典型的复杂巨系统,对其分类是一个复杂的系统工程。盆地分类的原则和结果应体现此系统的整体性、层次性、关联性、典型性(代表性)和可对比性(预测性)。盆地类型划分的依据主要包括盆地发育鼎盛时期所处的大地构造位置、地壳-岩石圈类型、沉降机制和动力环境、盆地结构构造特征与基底性质、沉积环境及充填特征等。导致盆地沉降的动力主要源自地球深部,可分为热力、应力、重力及其复合4种。小行星等天体撞击地球所形成的盆地属特殊类型,将其划归重力成因盆地大类。还有一种值得注意的地貌成因盆地,其形成与内动力地质作用联系不密切,主要由地表负向地形存在而导致沉积物充填和水体汇聚。这类盆地在不同大地构造环境中均有发育,但其地球动力学意义和沉积矿产赋存条件等均与内动力成因的盆地差别颇大。故将其作为新的盆地和成因类型单独列出。根据上述沉积盆地分类的原则和基础,以全球板块构造动力环境、大陆内部动力活动的独立性、主动性和盆地沉降成因的主动力为主线,综合和归纳前人分类方案和盆地研究成果,将盆地发育的区域构造动力环境分为6大类(大洋和大陆板块内部,离散型、消减型、碰撞型、转换型大陆(板块)边缘),增加了天体撞击的特殊型和后期改造的复合型2大类与之并列;将前6大类构造动力环境中发育的沉积盆地分为44(亚)类,按构造动力环境、盆地主要构造力学性质(即应力)两大系统,分别进行了划分和归类。对本盆地分类方案中新的类型、或内涵有变、或需说明的部分盆地及术语,进行了进一步讨论或说明。这些盆地如后陆盆地、侧陆盆地、转换-补偿盆地、拉裂盆地、地貌成因盆地、(天体)撞击盆地、中间地块盆地、陆内前陆盆地、改造(型)盆地等。本盆地分类方案是对不同地区相同或相近构造环境所发育盆地类型的理性归纳和综合,相对较为系统全面。但在地史上和现世界中,因地质条件的差异或发展进程的不同,其中某类盆地可能在具相同构造环境的某地并未出现,或发育特征并不典型。任一个全球沉积盆地分类方案,从问世之日起就处于检验、争议和修补之中,周而复始,日臻完善。  相似文献   

Relationships between magmatic differentiation, volcanological evolution and occurrence of some trace elements have been pointed out by a petrographic and volcanological study of the Quaternary magmatic products of the Northern Latium alkali-potassic volcanoes (Sabatini, Vico, Vulsini).Several hundred analyses of U, Th, Be, Zr, Rb, Sr have been carried out. The above elements are contained in exceptional quantity in the examined alkaline rocks. The distribution pattern of these elements helps for a better understanding of some types of differentiation and, above all, allows to identify the processes related to the uplift and outflow of magmas which are undetectable with the usual petrochemical methods.In particular, the trace elements considered allow us to distinguish a deepseated magma evolution from superficial differentiations related to the volcanic conditions. Moreover, a loss of alkalies from the upper levels of the magmatic chambers has been ascertained which determines peculiar deformations in the normal petrogenetic trends.-- (: Sabatini, Vico, Vulsini). , . .
Zusammenfassung Das petrographische und vulkanologische Studium der quartären Vulkanite der Mediterranen Sippe des nördlichen Latiums (die Vulkane Sabatini, Vico und Vulsini) haben uns die Gelegenheit gegeben, die Verhältnisse zwischen Magmenentwicklung, vulkanologischer Evolution und Verteilung einiger Spurenelemente zu bestätigen.Zu diesem Zweck sind Hunderte von Analysen von U, Th, Be, Zr, Sr, Rb — Elemente welche in ungemein großen Mengen in den untersuchten alkalischen Gesteinen enthalten sind — vorgenommen worden. Das Studium der Verteilung dieser Elemente hat ein gründliches Verstehen einiger Differentiationstypen erlaubt, und vor allem den Ablauf des Prozesses des Magmen-Aufstiegs und Abflusses gezeigt, welcher nicht mittels der normalen petrochemischen Untersuchungen ersichtlich ist.Besonders die in Betracht gezogenen Spurenelemente erlauben die Unterscheidung der magmatischen Evolution in den tiefen Lagen von den oberflächlicheren Differentiationen, welche an das vulkanische Geschehen gebunden sind.In dieser Hinsicht ist ein wichtiges Schlußergebnis die Bestätigung des Alkaliverlustes seitens der oberflächlichen Sektoren der Magmaherde, ein Verlust welcher eigenartige Deformationen von den normalen petrogenetischen Linien gezeigt hat.

Résumé L'étude pétrographique et volcanologique des manifestations magmatiques quaternaires de la province alcalin-potassique du Latium septentrional (Volcans Sabatini, Vico et Vulsini) nous a permis de vérifier les rapports entre la différenciation magmatique, l'évolution volcanologique et la distribution de quelques éléments en traces.Dans ce but on a exécuté plusieurs centaines d'analyses de U, Th, Be, Zn, Rb, Sr, éléments qui sont présents en quantité exceptionellement élevé dans les roches alcalines examinées.L'étude de la distribution de ces éléments a permis une compréhension plus approfondie de certains types de differenciation et surtout, elle a indiqué l'existence de processus liés à la remontée et effusion des magmas, qui ne sont pas relevables par les examens pétrochimiques normaux.En particulier les éléments en traces considérés permettent de distinguer l'évolution magmatique de milieu profond des différenciations superficielles liées aux situations volcaniques.A ce propos une conclusion importante a été la constatation de la perte d'alcali par les portions plus superficielles des réservoirs magmatiques; une perte qui a déterminé des déformations particulières qui les éloignent des lignes pétrogénétiques normales.

Authors are indepded to Dr. S.Smcana and to Dr. G.Falchi for the analyses performance.  相似文献   

Rapid urban expansion due to large scale land use/cover change, particularly in developing countries becomes a matter of concern since urbanization drives environmental change at multiple scales. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has been experienced break-neck urban growth in the last few decades that resulted many adverse impacts on the environment. This paper was an attempt to document spatio-temporal pattern of land use/cover changes, and to quantify the landscape structures in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh. Using multi-temporal remotely sensed data with GIS, dynamics of land use/cover changes was evaluated and a transition matrix was computed to understand the rate and pattern of land use/cover change. Derived land use statistics subsequently integrated with landscape metrics to determine the impact of land use change on landscape fragmentation. Significant changes in land use/cover were noticed in Dhaka over the study period, 1975–2005. Rapid urbanization was manifested by a large reduction of agricultural land since urban built-up area increased from 5,500?ha in 1975 to 20,549?ha in 2005. At the same time, cultivated land decreased from 12,040 to 6,236?ha in the same period. Likewise, wetland and vegetation cover reduced to about 6,027 and 2,812?ha, respectively. Consequently, sharp changes in landscape pattern and composition were observed. The landscape became highly fragmented as a result of rapid increase in the built-up areas. The analysis revealed that mean patch size decreased while the number of patches increased. Landscape diversity declined, urban dominance amplified, and the overall landscape mosaics became more continuous, homogenous and clumped. In order to devise sustainable land use planning and to determine future landscape changes for sound resource management strategies, the present study is expected to have significant implications in rapidly urbanizing cities of the world in delivering baseline information about long term land use change and its impact on landscape structure.  相似文献   

国土整治生态修复中的农业景观生物多样性保护策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生态文明建设成为国家发展战略,国土整治修复需要更多生态科学和技术的支撑.农业景观生物多样性是重要的自然资源,为人类可持续发展提供了重要的生态系统服务,并提供了应对气候变化等风险的途径.本文分析了我国农业景观生物多样性保护及其对国土整治生态修复的重要性,国土整治生态修复中农业景观生物多样性保护面临的挑战,并总结了欧盟...  相似文献   

上海市农用地分等及其形成机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
农用地等别的形成与地貌类型、光热气候、土壤类型、农田基础设施状况以及土地利用水平和效益水平有着密切联系,它们是形成农用地等别的自在因素,同时也是今后改善农用地质量首要考虑的因素.研究发现,上海市农用地自然质量基础较好,等别水平较高,等别集中度很高;利用水平差异显著,相比自然质量,等别趋向分散;而经济等等别则又趋向集中,差异化不显著.上海市农用地分等形成了自然质量、利用水平和经济效益等多方面的土地质量评价结果,这些是今后农用地质量管理的重要基础依据.本文系统总结了上海市农用地分等结果的特点,探寻了其形成机理,对今后上海市农用地分等成果的应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

抚顺发电厂地面沉降成因分析及其灰色理论预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在论述研究区环境地质条件的基础上,对区内地面沉降的成因进行了分析,并基于区内地面沉降监测点实际观测数据建立了灰色DGM模型,然后以此模型对研究区未来三年的地面沉降进行了预测,预测结果表明:在未来三年内,区内大部分主要建筑物基础地面最大沉降量将超出或接近允许值,而基础沉降差在允许值范围内.  相似文献   

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has operational applications in crop mapping and monitoring in many countries due to the distinct backscatter signature at various stages of crop growth. Polarimetric analysis of SAR data from different satellites was used for information extraction from different types of scatters in imaged terrain. The scattering processes were analyzed through the received scatter matrix derived from the target decomposition of SAR data. Three decomposition techniques, namely Freeman–Durden, Cloude–Pottier and Touzi decomposition of the ALOS PALSAR-1 data, were used in this study to extract land use/cover information with a specific emphasis on agriculture. The decomposed output parameters from these techniques were classified with supervised classifier of support vector machine (SVM) using region of interest (ROI) selected land use/cover classes. An accuracy assessment for the classified output was carried out using the ROI. The Ramgarh village in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan with the predominance of agricultural land, sand dunes and settlements was chosen as the study area. Freeman–Durden decomposition resulted in the highest overall accuracy of about 85% in the land use/cover classification among the three decomposition techniques adopted in the study. It was also observed that the accuracy of land use/cover mapping derived from Cloude–Pottier and Touzi decompositions improved with the use of eigenvalues in the SVM classification. Higher accuracies in the classification of agriculture land were noted with all the three decomposition techniques. The four parameters of Cloude–Pottier (H, A, α, β) and Touzi (α s, Φ s, ψ, τ) decompositions improved the classification accuracy for all the classes due to eigenvalues. The overall classification accuracy was above 88% for both the decomposition techniques with four parameters. The soil moisture values for agriculture land and sand dunes were validated through soil moisture maps generated using Oh 1992 and 2004 models.  相似文献   

The mechanism of interaction between land use change and landscape pattern is pivotal in research concerning global environmental change. Quantitative evaluation of land use change that has resulted from excessive land development and its impact on landscape pattern are important for sustainable utilization of local land resources. The study area was the Manas River watershed, a typical watershed in an arid area. The present study evaluated the influence of long-term land use change on the landscape pattern; the findings are valuable for economic development and environmental protection. The processes for land use change and changes in landscape pattern were reconstructed and analyzed for data in topographic maps dated 1962 and in remote sensing images taken in 1976, 1989, 1999 and 2008 using mathematical models and landscape metrics. The results indicate significant changes in land use over the past 50 years, with increases in the areas of cultivated land and construction land, and a significant decrease in unused land and woodland areas; grassland and water resources first increased and then tended to decrease over this time. The comprehensive index of land use change is 0.55, indicating an unbalanced, one-way transition in the study area. Landscape fragmentation and diversity increased and landscape dominance decreased; in other words, differences between landscapes decreased. The changes resulted in a significant tendency toward diversity and fragmentation of the landscape. Therefore, large-scale intensive agricultural development can reduce the negative influence of land use change on the landscape pattern.  相似文献   

Lixin  Yi  Yanxiang  Jiang  Yajie  Zheng  Lixin  Dong  Jing  Kang  Jie  Yuan  Yongpeng  Yang 《Natural Hazards》2022,114(1):733-749
Natural Hazards - Land subsidence caused by excessive groundwater extraction is a manmade geological hazard caused during the development of many cities. It is fundamental for the management...  相似文献   




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